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长江中下游地区的短尾蝮分类地位的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王湘君  赵尔宓 《四川动物》2007,26(2):250-254
长江中下游地区的短尾蝮的鼻间鳞形状与斑纹和短尾蝮(Cloydius brevicaudus)和日本蝮(G.blomhoffii)相似,鳞片变化范围也有很大重合。尽管不少学者对此进行过研究,至于它们的分类地位尚有争议。作者对中国产蝮亚科(Crotalinae)亚洲蝮属(Gloydius)短尾蝮(Gbrevicaudus)、乌苏里蝮(G.ussuriensis)和长江中下游短尾蝮共3个居群9个个体测定了825bp线粒体ND4基因序列,并从GeneBank下载了日本产日本蝮(Gblomhoffii)2个个体的ND4基因序列,以原矛头蝮属(Protobothrops)的菜花原矛头蝮(P.jerdonii)序列为外群,以亚洲蝮属的高原蝮(G.strauchii)序列为姐妹群,用MEGA3.1软件构建最大简约分子系统树。结果显示,长江中下游地区的短尾蝮与东北地区的短尾蝮聚集,而乌苏里蝮与日本蝮聚集,支持长江中下游地区的短尾蝮不是日本蝮的结论。还对其体长和鳞片(背鳞、腹鳞和尾下鳞)数据做了统计学分析,并和东北短尾蝮的数据比较。运用75%法则,两者所有数据的差异系数均小于1.28,认为长江中下游地区的短尾蝮是东北地区短尾蝮的南方居群,而不是其亚种。  相似文献   

正图为六盘山蝮(Gloydius liupanensis)的雌性成体照片,体长约548 mm,尾长约60 mm,头部窄长而不明显,呈三角形,吻端较圆,吻棱不显,尾短。背部呈土棕色,具黑色波状横斑;黑褐色。背腹相交鳞片白色,构成体侧一条白线。通体被覆鳞片,背鳞表面呈网络状。六盘山蝮(Gloydius liupanensis)隶属于爬行纲有鳞目蝰科亚洲蝮属,  相似文献   

王湘君  赵尔宓 《四川动物》2008,27(2):172-177
华北地区的短尾蝮的鼻间鳞形状和斑纹与东北地区短尾蝮Gloydius brevicaudus和日本蝮G. blomhoffii相似,鳞片变化范围也有很大重合.尽管不少学者对此进行过研究,但它们的分类地位尚有争议.作者对中国产蝮亚科Crotalinae亚洲蝮属Gloydius乌苏里蝮G. ussuriensis、东北地区短尾蝮G. brevicaudus、长江中下游地区短尾蝮和华北地区短尾蝮共4个居群12个个体测定了约660 bp线粒体ND4基因序列,并从GenBank下载了日本产日本蝮3个个体的ND4基因序列,以尖吻蝮属Deinagkistrodon的尖吻蝮D. acutus和白头蝰属Azemiops的白头蝰A. feae序列为外群,用最大简约法构建分子系统进化树.结果 显示,亚洲蝮属的岩栖蝮G. saxatilis、中介蝮G. intereidius和高原蝮G. strauchii与日本蝮、乌苏里蝮和短尾蝮聚成姐妹群;乌苏里蝮与日本蝮聚集, 3个地区的短尾蝮聚集,且3个地区的短尾蝮不成单系,支持华北地区的短尾蝮不是日本蝮的结论.作者认为,华北地区的短尾蝮是短尾蝮的一个居群,而不是其亚种;短尾蝮暂不分亚种.  相似文献   

我国学者一度认为中国北方不同地区的"中介蝮"(Gloydius intermedius)是一个单一物种,但中国东北、西北、华北地区不同的"中介蝮"彼此的形态和生活习性都有明显差异。为了探究这种差异的内在原因,本研究在中国境内进行了较大范围野外调查采样,并检视了相关标本,通过形态学和分子系统发育分析,并结合地理分布资料,对中国北方的体中段背鳞23行的一些亚洲蝮属蛇类进行了比较研究。结果表明,中国不同地区的"中介蝮"彼此形态差异显著,具分类鉴别意义,达到亚种划分标准,进而将这些蝮蛇与西伯利亚蝮不同亚种间的形态特征和模式产地信息进行了比对,发现这些蝮蛇符合西伯利亚蝮(G.halys)种下几个亚种的鉴定标准:主产区位于东北及内蒙古东部者应为G.h.halys(西伯利亚蝮指名亚种);主产区位于华北地区者应为G.h.stejnegeri;主产区位于西北地区者应为G.h.cognatus。分子研究结果揭示,我国西伯利亚蝮不同亚种在系统发育树中不构成单系群,且彼此间线粒体基因遗传距离达到或高出该复合种中其他已知独立种间的距离。故建议将G.h.stejnegeri和G.h.cognatus从西伯利亚蝮种下独立分出,称华北蝮(G.stejnegeri)和阿拉善蝮(G.cognatus)。单倍型网络分析亦建议将G.h.caraganus提升为种级。本研究亦证实了蛇岛蝮(G.shedaoensis)在辽东半岛陆地山区的分布,从而恢复蛇岛蝮千山亚种(G.sh.qianshanensis)的有效性,主张在下一步工作中对其进行新模指订和再描述工作。在上述结果基础上,对我国境内上述几种蝮蛇的地理分布资料进行了系统地整理和补充。  相似文献   

<正>2014年7月24日,于浙江省台州市仙居县(28°37′N,120°36′E,海拔339 m)发现1号雄性活体蛇类标本,经查阅文献和鉴定,确认为角原矛头蝮(Protobothrops cornutus),系华东地区及浙江省蛇类属、种的地理新分布,也是我国发现角原矛头蝮仅有的第5个分布点。本次采集的角原矛头蝮标本全长615.0 mm,头长26.0 mm,体长484.0 mm,尾长105.0 mm。头呈三角形,头颈部区分明显,上颌1对管牙,鼻眼间有颊窝,颊窝由3片大鳞围成,其中1枚为第2上唇鳞。上唇鳞10枚,鼻鳞与第1上唇鳞分离。下唇鳞14枚。舌前段2/3为黑色,后  相似文献   

山东半岛北部沿岸岛屿蝮属一新种(爬行纲,有鳞目,蝰科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对山东半岛沿岸岛屿上的13号蝮蛇标本(7♂♂,6♀♀)外部形态的详细观察,并与同属其他各种比较,均有不同,应为亚洲蝮属1新种.新种的鉴别特征:1)中段背鳞23行;2)腹鳞+尾下鳞187~198,平均191行;3)体棕褐色,背部有两行粗大、周围暗棕色而中心色浅、外侧开放的圆斑,左右圆斑彼此交错或并列;4)眶后有一较宽黑色眉纹,其下缘略呈波状且镶有一条明显的白色细纹.  相似文献   

蝮亚科蛇线粒体细胞色素b基因序列分析及其系统发育   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
对中国产蝮亚科(Crotaline)亚洲蝮属(Gloydius)6种蛇(其中短属蝮取自两个不同地区)[短尾蝮Gloydius brevicaudus (Stejneger).黑眉蝮Gloydius saxatilis(Emelianov),蛇岛蝮Gloydius shedaoensis(Zhao),雪山蝮Gloydius strauchii(Bedriaga),高原蝮Gloydius strauchii monticola monticlal (Werner),乌苏里蝮Gloydius ussurriensis(Emelianov)]与竹叶青属竹叶青蛇Trimeresurus stejnegeri Schmidt共7种蛇8个个体测定了789bp或744bp线粒体细胞色素b基因序列,用MEGA1.02软件分析了其碱基组成及变异情况,以游蛇科链蛇属半棱鳞链蛇Dinodon semicarinatus序列为外群,用PAUP4.0b2软件构建最简约分子系统树,结果显示,竹叶青蛇在全部受试物种中处于原始地位,分布于东北地区的蛇岛蝮,乌苏里蝮,黑眉蝮与浙江与陕西产的短尾蝮所组成的分枝与横断山区的高原蝮,雪山蝮聚集形居的分枝组成姐妹群,支持分布于中国境内的亚洲蝮属蛇种的两个起源及分化地的假说,同时探讨了蝮蛇的分类地位问题。  相似文献   

中国亚洲蝮属分类研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭鹏  张服基 《四川动物》1998,17(4):166-169
1概述亚洲蝮属(Gloydius)在分类上隶属于蝰科(Viperidae)、蝮亚科(Crotalinae)。该亚科蛇以具短而高的上颌骨和管状毒牙而别于其他类群。现有14属约250余种(亚种),主要分布于美洲,亚洲、欧洲也有分布。依据外部形态特征,蝮亚...  相似文献   

正高原蝮类群隶属于亚洲蝮属Gloydius Hoge and Romano-Hoge,1981,分布海拔较高,数量较少,基础生物学资料较少。我国学者曾对高原蝮G. strauchii、雪山蝮G. monticola、若尔盖蝮G. angusticeps的卵胎生繁殖进行过报道(赵尔宓,2006;杨典成,黄松,2014;张勇等,2020)。本文对高原蝮类群中的红斑高山蝮卵胎生繁殖进行报道,补充其基础生物学资料。  相似文献   

对蝮亚科(蛇岛蝮Gloydius shedaoensis Zhao、黑眉蝮Gloydius saxatilis Emelianov、乌苏里蝮Gloydius ussurriensis Emelianov、竹叶青Trimeresurus stejnegeri Schmidt 和分别来自不同地区的尖吻蝮Deinagkistrodon acutus Guenther、短尾蝮Gloydius brevicaudus Stejneger各两条)6种蛇共8个个体测定、分析了约370bp线粒体12S rRNA基因序列,以游蛇科链蛇属半棱鳞链蛇Dinodon semicarinatus 序列为外群构建分子系统树.分子数据结果支持尖吻蝮形态学的属级分类地位;提示蛇岛蝮位于黑眉蝮的蛇岛亚种分类地位,同时探讨了蛇岛蝮的起源问题;并提示短尾蝮和乌苏里蝮同位于种级分类地位.  相似文献   

We describe a new species of the pseudoxyrhophiine snake genus Thamnosophis from a dry forest of the karstic massif Tsingy de Bemaraha in central western Madagascar. Thamnosophis mavotenda sp. n. is characterised by 19 dorsal scale rows, 188 ventrals, 110 subcaudals, and by colouration (e.g. yellow head sides). Morphological and molecular phylogenetic data indicate that the species is most closely related to the recently described Thamnosophis martae from the far north of the island which inhabits dry karstic forest and subhumid lowland rainforest. This species pair represents a well-supported example of a sister-group relationship in snakes between northern Madagascar and the Tsingy de Bemaraha plateau, and corroborates preliminary observations in other reptile species. We discuss this finding in the light of recent hypotheses on the biogeographic zonation of Madagascar.  相似文献   

The pseudoxyrhophiine snake genus Liopholidophis Mocquard, 1904 (family Lamprophiidae) is endemic to Madagascar and according to its present definition comprises six medium-sized, terrestrial and diurnal snake species, most of which are characterised by an unusual and extreme sexual dimorphism in tail length. We performed molecular phylogenetic analyses using nucleotide sequences of three mitochondrial genes (16S rRNA, cytochrome b and cytochrome oxidase I) and one nuclear gene (c-mos) for all described and two additional species newly described herein. The two new species are very small sized (total length: 234–312.5 mm), have comparatively short tails and a reduced number of dorsal scale rows (15 at midbody), the lowest value among all non-scolecophidian snakes of Madagascar. Both species are secretive or rare, and they have a reddish belly in life that fades in preservative. In terms of colouration and morphology, they are most similar to each other and furthermore to Liopholidophis rhadinaea. Together with this species and L. dimorphus, they form a well-supported clade. Liopholidophis baderi sp. nov. from central eastern Madagascar is characterised by 149–158 ventrals and 71–77 subcaudals, whereas the similar L. oligolepis sp. nov. from the northeast has even fewer ventrals (137) and subcaudals (54). The phylogenetic tree suggests that the tail length dimorphism in the genus Liopholidophis has evolved in a complex pattern including at least one reversal. The phylogenetic position of the two new dwarf species indicates that both the absence of extreme sexual dimorphism in tail length and their body size reduction are derived and probably correlated features. Also the close phylogenetic relationships between the long-tailed L. sexlineatus and the similar but relatively short-tailed L. varius demonstrate that dimorphism in tail length can be strongly mitigated in short evolutionary time periods.  相似文献   

本文报道靶蛾直鞘蛾组分布于中国的5个种和1个亚种,其中有2个新种,1个新亚种和2个中国新纪录种;秦岭直鞘蛾分布于陕西(佛坪岳坝,凤县,周至厚轸子),艾直鞘蛾分布四川(巴塘),陕西(澄城,宁陕),青海(民和),内蒙古(赤峰)和黑龙江(黑河,哈尔滨),国外分布于欧洲,直鞘蛾新纪录于陕西(杨陵),国外分布欧洲,无纹直鞘蛾(新种)分布青海(湟源)上鞘蛾新纪录于黑龙江(五大连池),国外分布欧洲,黑河直鞘蛾(  相似文献   

Teneral Glossina morsitans centralis Machado, G.austeni Newstead, G.palpalis palpalis Robineau-Desvoidy, G.p.gambiensis Vanderplank, G.fuscipes fuscipes Newstead, G.tachinoides Westwood and G.brevipalpis Newstead, from laboratory-bred colonies, were fed at the same time on the flanks of ten goats infected with Trypanosoma congolense Broden isolated in Tanzania or in Nigeria. The seven tsetse species were infected over the range 0.3-49.2%. Survival of both T.congolense isolates was best in G.m.centralis, poorest in G.austeni and the four palpalis group tsetse, with G.brevipalpis intermediate. It is suggested that there are differences in the gut of different laboratory-bred cultures of Glossina Westwood species and subspecies such that T.congolense parasites can survive better in the gut of some than in others and undergo cyclical development to metacyclics in the hypopharynx.  相似文献   

We report the first recorded capture of a blue-banded sea snake(Laticauda laticaudata Linnaeus, 1758, Jobeuntti Kun Badabam in Korean) in South Korea based on one male specimen collected from Marado-ri, Seogwiposi, Jeju-do on 20 October 2016. The morphological features of the lateral nostrils, the much wider ventrals than adjacent dorsals, the horizontally undivided rostral, the two prefrontals, and the uniform black bands on the body indicate that the specimen is L. laticaudata. An analysis of the partial mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequence indicated that the specimen fits well into the known L. laticaudata phylogenetic group, which confirms that the sea krait is L. laticaudata. Including this report, five species of sea snakes(L. laticaudata, L. semifasciata, Hydrophis platurus, H. cyanocinctus, and H. melanocephalus) have now been reported in Korean waters.  相似文献   

We review the distribution, morphology and taxonomic status of Eryx elegans, E. jaculus, E. miliaris, E. tataricus and E. johnii in Iran and examine four metric and 10 meristic characters of 94 specimens from different parts of the country. There are significant morphological differences between Eryx tataricus, E. jaculus and E. elegans, mainly in snout vent length, tail length, and number of ventrals, subcaudals and dorsal scales. Eryx jayakari and E. johnii can easily be distinguished based on their morphological traits and limited distribution in Iran. The occurrence of E. miliaris in Iran was not confirmed. The Iranian populations of Eryx jaculus are assigned to the subspecies E. j. turcicus. E. jaculus specimens from southwestern Iran had higher ventral scales than other populations, so evaluating their taxonomic status needs genetic studies in the future. A distribution map and a revised key to the genus Eryx in Iran are presented.  相似文献   

通过野外调查和随机取样法,对仅产于陕西勉县的中国特有濒危植物秦岭石蝴蝶( Petrocosmea qinlingensis W. T. Wang)群落的维管植物组成、垂直结构和分布区类型及其种群特征和土壤化学性质进行了调查和分析;在此基础上,初步探讨了该种类的濒危原因。调查结果显示:秦岭石蝴蝶为喜阴植物,仅分布于山体海拔约640 m的区域,种群面积仅约42 m2;土壤为黄棕壤,呈中性(pH 6.50),土壤中有机质含量较高,全氮、全磷和全钾含量较低,有效铁、有效镁、有效钠和有效钙含量则较高;秦岭石蝴蝶种群中个体数量约1000株,多生长于覆有土壤或苔藓的岩石上,也有部分成年个体生长在裸露且瘠薄的岩石上。秦岭石蝴蝶群落中共有维管植物28种,隶属于23科28属;其中,蕨类植物3科4属4种,裸子植物1科1属1种,被子植物19科23属23种,优势科和优势属不明显。秦岭石蝴蝶群落垂直结构明显,可分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层,其中,乔木层优势种为杜仲( Eucommia ulmoides Oliver),灌木层优势种为华西小石积( Osteomeles schwerinae Schneid.),草本层优势种为裂叶荨麻( Urtica lobatifolia S. S. Ying)。该群落维管植物科的分布型以热带分布型科为主,其中泛热带分布型科占明显优势;属的分布型以温带分布型属为主,其中北温带分布型属占优势;中国特有分布的科和属均很少;总体上看,该群落具有暖温带向亚热带过渡的特点。在秦岭石蝴蝶种群的不同样方中,成年个体和幼苗数量均有一定差异,成年个体占14.6%~37.5%,幼苗占61.3%~80.0%,幼苗数量明显高于成年个体;各样方的单株叶片数为7~9,冠幅为6.0~7.2 cm,大多数样方的单株结实量小于4,表明在同一个种群的不同生境中秦岭石蝴蝶的分布和生长状况有明显差异。根据调查结果,推测种群规模较小、分布范围狭窄以及人为干扰可能是造成秦岭石蝴蝶濒危的主要原因,而人为干扰是其中的重要原因。  相似文献   

中国鹿花菌属志略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国外许多学者对鹿花菌属 Gyromitra Fr.的一系列研究导致该属传统的概念、范围发生了很大的变动。本文在接受了 Harmaja 将 Discina 和 Neogyromitra 合并在Gyromitra 名下的观点的基础上,报道了近年来作者在我国鹿花菌属研究中所确认的8个种。其中乳白鹿花菌 Gyromitra lactea 和新疆鹿花菌G.xinjiangensis 为新种,含糊鹿花菌G.ambigua、帚状鹿花菌 G.fastigiata 和亮鹿花菌 G.splendida 为我国首次报道。我国文献中所记载的鹿花菌 G.esculenta 在我国是否存在,尚需进一步调查。  相似文献   

中国缓步动物门一新亚种及两新纪录种记述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
报道了我国缓步动物门1新亚种Diphascon(Adropion)scoticum qinlingensis subsp.nov.和中国2新纪录Rictersius coronifer ( Richters, 1903) (Eutardigrada, Macrobiotidae)和 Diphascon scoticum Murray, 1905 (Eutardigrada, Hypsibiidae).新亚种主要以爪的主枝基部极度收缩区别于世界其他产地的标本(指名亚种).新亚种和新纪录均采自秦岭山区.  相似文献   

Feeding ecology of any species can help us to understand its natural history, ecological requirements and approaches involved in searching for food. Feeding ecology and sexual dimorphism in the horned viper, Cerastes cerastes gasperetti collected from the Al-Thumama area, central region of Saudi Arabia was described. The gut content of Cerastes c. gasperetti mainly consisted of rodents (70%) in addition to arthropods (15%) and lizards (10%). Least sexual size dimorphism was noticed in the species in terms of total length. Significant difference was noticed between males and females in terms of two correlation points vent tail length (VT) and total length (TL) with the males attaining a larger size (P < 0.05). The mean number of the dorsal body scales, ventrals and subcaudals for the females was 102, 156 and 33 scales respectively which were significantly different from respective ones in males 95, 160 and 38 scales. There are many aspects of the feeding of this snake that remain unknown and further studies are clearly needed.  相似文献   

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