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辽河保护区河岸农田撂荒恢复初期植物物种特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用样线法对辽河保护区河岸农田撂荒恢复3年后的植物群落进行调查,研究其物种特征及生物多样性影响因子。结果表明:8个样点共采集到51种植物,以草本植物为主,共49种,占总物种数的96%;51种植物隶属于21科46属,其中菊科和禾本科物种数最多,单属科、单种科和单种属在植物物种组成中占比例较大,高频度且高盖度出现的物种少;小飞蓬和茵陈蒿为撂荒恢复初期植物群落的先锋物种,出现的频度最高;草本植物的水分生态型以中生植物占优势;生活型以1年生植物为主,且杂草在草本植物中占有较大的比例,表明河岸农田撂荒恢复初期物种组成主要受到人类活动的影响,而河流对物种的影响在早期表现不明显;物种多样性自上游向下游呈降低趋势,环境影响因子分析表明Simpson指数、Shannon指数和Pielou均匀度指数与海拔和距河口距离呈显著正相关,与距交汇处距离和河道蜿蜒度呈显著负相关,而Patrick丰富度指数与两岸堤距呈显著负相关,与其他因子无显著相关性。  相似文献   

开展野生动物种群分布数量和生境适宜性评价研究是制定物种科学保护决策的基础和关键。以东北马鹿(Cervus canadensis xanthopygus)为研究对象,于2015—2020年在黑龙江省老爷岭南部穆棱林区,采用大样方调查方法收集马鹿在雪地留下的足迹信息分析马鹿种群数量;通过相机监测、足迹链跟踪和大样方调查3种方法综合收集马鹿活动点信息,利用最大熵(MaxEnt)建模分析马鹿生境适宜性。马鹿种群分布数量研究结果表明,穆棱林区马鹿种群密度为(0.0645±0.009)只/km~2,种群数量为47—61只,主要分布在研究地区南部的和平、龙爪沟和共和林场。生境分析结果表明:人为干扰因子中,居民区对MaxEnt模型的贡献率为44%,马鹿主要在距居民区距离约5 km和10—15 km的区域活动,在偏僻的林间小道和乡村道路马鹿生境适宜性较高,其对模型贡献率分别为16.8%和10.2%;植被因子中,在距常绿针叶林和针阔混交林距离4 km范围内,随距离增加马鹿生境适宜性逐渐降低。生境适宜性分析结果表明,研究地区马鹿适宜生境和次适宜生境面积为87.09 km~2,仅占研究区域的10.39%,主要...  相似文献   

欧亚水獭(Lutra lutra)是淡水生态系统保护的旗舰物种, 目前三江源或为其在中国仅存的连片栖息地之一。然而, 该区域欧亚水獭基础生态学信息尚属空白, 已开展的工作也多依赖于红外相机而可靠性有待评估。本文基于2018-2020年间在青海玉树通过视频监控系统和红外相机收集到的数据, 在分析区内水獭活动节律的同时, 对红外相机监测的有效性和准确性进行了评估。结果表明, 在玉树, 欧亚水獭在每日17时至次日9时活动频率较高, 每年12月至次年6月间拍摄频率较高; 繁殖期或随每年10月个体交配而开始, 至次年6月幼崽独立而终止。红外相机约可捕获69.18%的水獭出现事件, 且拍摄率随事件持续时间的延长而提高; 通过红外相机可以准确地描述出水獭活动节律, 仅有约半数红外相机影像可以准确还原事件主题(56.28%)和多只个体参与的事件中的个体数量(49.35%)。因此, 在使用红外相机对欧亚水獭进行行为学研究时应对这一情况进行充分考虑。  相似文献   

白枕鹤(Grus vipio)为国家II级重点保护野生动物, 被IUCN列为易危(VU)物种。白枕鹤西部种群繁殖于中蒙俄交界处的达乌尔地区, 数量呈下降趋势。我们于2017-2018年在蒙古国东部给白枕鹤西部种群的50只个体佩戴了GPS-GSM跟踪设备。截至2019年5月, 获得春季和秋季迁徙路径各48条。分析结果显示: 春季91.67%和秋季72.91%的跟踪个体在滦河上游(河北省沽源-内蒙古正蓝旗-多伦区域)停歇, 春季停留时间36.16 ± 15.00天、秋季20.26 ± 11.08天, 分别占春季和秋季迁徙时间的75%和67%, 确定了这一区域是西部种群迁徙途中最重要的停歇地。迁徙路线栖息地选择模型结果显示, 白枕鹤常在距离湖泊较近(< 210 km)、海拔1,200-1,500 m, 且坡度小(< 1°)的区域停歇。而滦河上游和整条迁徙路线停歇位点比较的模型结果显示, 滦河上游停歇地的海拔1,200-1,500 m与整条迁徙路线栖息地选择模型的结果一致; 此外这个区域离河流更近(< 70 km), 不仅有湿地和水体的栖息环境, 还有草地和农田可供觅食和栖息。保护空缺分析发现滦河上游现有四处保护地, 但在保护地内的迁徙停歇点不超过总位点的1.63%。综上, 我们建议将滦河上游整体纳入保护地体系进行管理, 为这一受胁物种及其栖息地管理和保护提供可靠保障。  相似文献   

作为入侵物种,北美水貂(Neovison vison)在欧洲引起了一系列生态问题,侵占了欧亚水獭(Lutra lutra)的生态空间,其入侵性对当地生物多样性和生态系统构成了严重威胁。水貂引入我国东北地区已有70多年的历史,然而国内对其野外种群却鲜有研究。掌握水貂种群的入侵范围、入侵影响因素以及与本地具有相似生态位的欧亚水獭之间的竞争关系,对水貂的入侵管理和东北地区的生物多样性保护具有重要意义。本研究利用实地调查和文献资料获取的分布信息,通过集合模型识别水貂和水獭的潜在分布区,评估水貂对水獭在地理空间上的入侵风险,并通过主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)评估其生态位重叠和影响因素。结果表明:(1)我国东北地区水貂的潜在分布区面积为61,944.57 km2,水獭的潜在分布区面积为83,590.94 km2,两者重叠区域面积为50,544.21 km2,占水獭潜在分布区面积的60.47%;(2)从各省分布情况来看,黑龙江省水獭受水貂入侵的风险最高,潜在分布区重叠的比例达到78.9...  相似文献   

水獭是水生生态系统重要的指示种和旗舰种, 由于强烈的人为干扰, 中国的水獭种群数量大幅下降, 部分区域已局部灭绝。然而目前国内对水獭的调查和研究非常有限, 本底不清的状况已经严重影响到水獭的野外保育工作。本文以东北地区的欧亚水獭指名亚种(Lutra lutra lutra)为研究对象, 基于2016-2020年的调查数据, 使用组合建模的方法评估了水獭的潜在分布区; 利用地理信息系统和系统保护规划软件分析了水獭的保护优先区并计算了各省级行政区内水獭潜在分布区和保护优先区面临的人类压力; 结合国家级自然保护区的空间布局分析了水獭的保护现状, 并以内蒙古森工集团、大兴安岭林业集团、伊春森工集团三大国有林区为例分析了重点国有林区在水獭保护中的作用。结果表明: (1)水獭潜在分布区和保护优先区面积分别为104,515.04 km2和45,448.99 km2, 其中大兴安岭的水獭保护优先区集中连片, 并与小兴安岭的保护优先区相连, 栖息地之间没有明显地理隔离, 是维持东北地区水獭种群稳定的重中之重; (2)水獭面临的人类压力大小依次为: 辽宁 > 吉林 > 黑龙江 > 内蒙古; (3)研究区内110个国家级自然保护区中有63个包含水獭潜在分布区, 覆盖面积为12,168.93 km2, 仅占水獭潜在分布区面积的11.64%, 其中32个国家级自然保护区包含水獭保护优先区, 占水獭保护优先区面积的10.88%; (4)三大国有林区涵盖了71.18%的水獭潜在分布区和79.26%的保护优先区(面积分别为74,390.89 km2和36,022.22 km2)。由此可见, 尽管水獭潜在分布区中国家级自然保护区占比较低, 但是在天然林全面禁伐的背景下, 重点国有林区可能在未来东北地区的生物多样性保护中发挥更大作用, 因此我们建议将重点国有林区中具有重要保护价值的区域逐步纳入以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系中, 以实现生物多样性的系统性和完整性保护。最后, 本文结合研究结果和实地调研提出以下保护建议: (1)加强对河流污染物的管理; (2)控制渔民捕鱼强度; (3)开展全面的水獭专项调查并建立长期的监测体系; (4)加大对水獭的科研投入; (5)加强宣传力度, 提升公众保护意识。  相似文献   

河岸带是河流与陆地生态系统的交错带, 孕育了丰富的生物多样性。河流的冲刷与地势的作用使得河岸带往往形成弯道, 弯道内外两侧水流速度、泥沙性质与植物繁殖体聚集程度不同, 影响到植物生长与种群动态, 可能导致河岸带弯道凸岸、凹岸两侧植物空间分布格局和种群结构存在较大差异。该研究以中国特有、狭域分布的海南杜鹃(Rhododendron hainanense)为例, 揭示溪流弯道对其两侧海南杜鹃种群空间分布格局与种群动态的影响。在海南岛3个国家级自然保护区内各设置2个河岸弯道样带, 用方差/平均值法对弯道凸岸、凹岸两侧海南杜鹃的空间分布格局和种群动态进行对比研究。结果显示: (1)海南杜鹃弯道凸岸的种群结构呈增长型, 凹岸基本呈衰退型; (2)凸岸一侧上下游的海南杜鹃种群基本呈增长型, 凹岸一侧上下游的海南杜鹃则出现断龄现象; (3)距离弯顶位置或河岸越远, 各龄级海南杜鹃种群个体数量基本呈下降趋势; (4)在2 m × 2 m尺度下, 弯道凸岸及其下游的海南杜鹃主要呈聚集分布, 上游近似随机分布, 凹岸及其上下游则均呈随机分布。海南杜鹃分布的山区河岸带水流较快、坡度较大, 可能是导致弯道凹岸个体较少、种群结构呈衰退型的主要原因。因此, 河岸弯道内外两侧可能存在个体生长与群体差异, 在开展河岸带植物种群动态与物种保育研究中需给予重视。  相似文献   

河岸带是河流与陆地生态系统的交错带, 孕育了丰富的生物多样性。河流的冲刷与地势的作用使得河岸带往往形成弯道, 弯道内外两侧水流速度、泥沙性质与植物繁殖体聚集程度不同, 影响到植物生长与种群动态, 可能导致河岸带弯道凸岸、凹岸两侧植物空间分布格局和种群结构存在较大差异。该研究以中国特有、狭域分布的海南杜鹃(Rhododendron hainanense)为例, 揭示溪流弯道对其两侧海南杜鹃种群空间分布格局与种群动态的影响。在海南岛3个国家级自然保护区内各设置2个河岸弯道样带, 用方差/平均值法对弯道凸岸、凹岸两侧海南杜鹃的空间分布格局和种群动态进行对比研究。结果显示: (1)海南杜鹃弯道凸岸的种群结构呈增长型, 凹岸基本呈衰退型; (2)凸岸一侧上下游的海南杜鹃种群基本呈增长型, 凹岸一侧上下游的海南杜鹃则出现断龄现象; (3)距离弯顶位置或河岸越远, 各龄级海南杜鹃种群个体数量基本呈下降趋势; (4)在2m×2m尺度下, 弯道凸岸及其下游的海南杜鹃主要呈聚集分布, 上游近似随机分布, 凹岸及其上下游则均呈随机分布。海南杜鹃分布的山区河岸带水流较快、坡度较大, 可能是导致弯道凹岸个体较少、种群结构呈衰退型的主要原因。因此, 河岸弯道内外两侧可能存在个体生长与群体差异, 在开展河岸带植物种群动态与物种保育研究中需给予重视。  相似文献   

河岸带是河流与陆地生态系统的交错带, 孕育了丰富的生物多样性。河流的冲刷与地势的作用使得河岸带往往形成弯道, 弯道内外两侧水流速度、泥沙性质与植物繁殖体聚集程度不同, 影响到植物生长与种群动态, 可能导致河岸带弯道凸岸、凹岸两侧植物空间分布格局和种群结构存在较大差异。该研究以中国特有、狭域分布的海南杜鹃(Rhododendron hainanense)为例, 揭示溪流弯道对其两侧海南杜鹃种群空间分布格局与种群动态的影响。在海南岛3个国家级自然保护区内各设置2个河岸弯道样带, 用方差/平均值法对弯道凸岸、凹岸两侧海南杜鹃的空间分布格局和种群动态进行对比研究。结果显示: (1)海南杜鹃弯道凸岸的种群结构呈增长型, 凹岸基本呈衰退型; (2)凸岸一侧上下游的海南杜鹃种群基本呈增长型, 凹岸一侧上下游的海南杜鹃则出现断龄现象; (3)距离弯顶位置或河岸越远, 各龄级海南杜鹃种群个体数量基本呈下降趋势; (4)在2 m × 2 m尺度下, 弯道凸岸及其下游的海南杜鹃主要呈聚集分布, 上游近似随机分布, 凹岸及其上下游则均呈随机分布。海南杜鹃分布的山区河岸带水流较快、坡度较大, 可能是导致弯道凹岸个体较少、种群结构呈衰退型的主要原因。因此, 河岸弯道内外两侧可能存在个体生长与群体差异, 在开展河岸带植物种群动态与物种保育研究中需给予重视。  相似文献   

水獭作为我国珍稀濒危的兽类之一,长期以来未得到研究者与保护生物学者的足够重视。2016年9月至2017年3月,我们通过半结构性访谈、样线、红外相机以及分子生物学等手段,对珠海近海10座岛屿的水獭现状进行了快速调查,以期为今后该地区的水獭保护工作提供本底数据和科学支持。调查结果显示,面积较大的近海岛屿曾经都有水獭分布,但种群数量已严重下降,在一些岛屿上可能已经消失。我们在横琴岛仍发现欧亚水獭(Lutra lutra)残存的种群,为华南地区的水獭保护带来了希望;但横琴岛的经济开发正对其栖息地产生威胁。笔者建议尽快将横琴岛的水獭活动区域划为保护地,避免其受到开发建设的影响,同时尽快开展我国其他地区的水獭现状调查,以制定我国水獭的保护策略。  相似文献   

The increase in Eurasian otter Lutra lutra populations in their natural range and recolonization processes are recently observed in several European countries. We address the process of otter recolonization and habitat utilization in Central Poland over 14 years. Field surveys in 1998 and 2007 documented increase in occurrence of the species. The frequency of positive sites denoted 15 % in 1993, 38 % in 1998, and 89 % in 2007. Otter occurrence at study sites was positively affected by river width while negatively affected by presence of buildings at the site and river regulation. During the most intensive colonization process in the 1990s, the habitat preferences of the otter did not change. However, the sites inhabited by otters after 1998 were characterized by lower river width and tree cover and were more often located on regulated river sections, suggesting change in habitat tolerance during expansion. The otter abundance in transformed habitats is a result of increasing population numbers and the necessity to inhabit suboptimal sections of watercourses. Thus, it seems that presence–absence data for otter populations cannot be considered a reliable indicator of habitat quality, being depended of the population density.  相似文献   

Across much of North America, river otter (Lontra canadensis) populations were extirpated or greatly reduced by the early 20th century. More recently, reintroductions have resulted in restored populations and the recommencement of managed trapping. Perhaps the best example of these river otter reintroductions occurred in Missouri, regarded as one of the most successful carnivore recovery programs in history. However, abundance estimates for river otter populations are difficult to obtain and often contentious when used to underpin management activities. We assessed the value of latrine site monitoring as a mechanism for quantifying river otter abundance. Analyses of fecal DNA to identify individual animals may result in an improved population estimate and have been used for a variety of mammal species. We optimized laboratory protocols, redesigned existing microsatellite primers, and calculated genotyping error rates to enhance genotyping success for a large quantity of river otter scat samples. We also developed a method for molecular sexing. We then extracted DNA from 1,421 scat samples and anal sac secretions (anal jelly) collected during latrine site counts along 22–34-km stretches representing 8–77% of 8 rivers in southern Missouri in 2009. Error rates were low for the redesigned microsatellites. We obtained genotypes at 7–10 microsatellite loci for 24% of samples, observing highest success for anal jelly samples (71%) and lowest for fresh samples (collected within 1 day of defecation). We identified 63 otters (41 M, 22 F) in the 8 rivers, ranging from 2 to 14 otters per river. Analyses using program CAPWIRE resulted in population estimates similar to the minimum genotyping estimate. Density estimates averaged 0.24 otters/km. We used linear regression to develop and contrast models predicting population size based on latrine site and scat count indices, which are easily collected in the field. Population size was best predicted by a combination of scats per latrine and latrines per kilometer. Our results provide methodological approaches to guide wildlife managers seeking to initiate similar river otter fecal genotyping studies, as well as to estimate and monitor river otter population sizes. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

张璐  范朋飞 《兽类学报》2020,40(1):71-80
顶级捕食者在生态系统中发挥着重要作用,受到研究者们的广泛关注。水獭作为很多淡水生态系统的顶级捕食者,在我国却长期处于被忽视的状态。我国分布有3种水獭--欧亚水獭、亚洲小爪水獭和江獭,曾经遍布我国中东部和东北地区,包括珠江口地区。但在20世纪,3种水獭均经历了大规模的种群下降,甚至区域性灭绝。在全球13种水獭中,已有3种(海獭、北美水獭和欧亚水獭)通过种群复壮和重引入实现了种群重建,这为其它水獭物种的种群重建提供了重要参考和建议。同国内其它地区类似,珠江口地区的水獭种群在20世纪后期大量减少,目前只在少数几个地点还有确切的欧亚水獭分布记录,亚洲小爪水獭和江獭已无近期记录。在珠江口重建水獭种群具有重要的生态意义和社会价值。本文对重建珠江口水獭种群的相关问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

We studied the habitat preferences of Eurasian river otters (Lutra lutra) using the distribution patterns of the numbers of spraints and sprainting spots of otters, as well as related environmental variables (habitat zone, river management, bank type, vegetation coverage, width, depth, etc.) in two streams. The numbers of otter spraints and sprainting spots were sampled monthly in two streams on Geoje Island, Republic of Korea, from January to December 2004. Additional environmental variables were measured at the sampling sites. A self-organizing map (SOM), which is an unsupervised artificial neural network, was used to characterize the habitat preferences of otters. In our results, the SOM classified three different groups of study sites based on their habitat conditions, and the habitat differences were effectively visualized on the trained SOM map. Otters showed spatial and temporal dynamics in the numbers of spraints and sprainting spots, and revealed habitat preferences for shallow, narrow areas of streams and edges of water that were not far from reservoirs but covered with trees and shrubs. Additionally, otters preferred an environment in which weirs reduced the drift of water and gathered fishes and had a natural type of stream bank; these findings are relevant for river management. Otters adapted to places close to roads, residential areas, and agricultural areas with some tolerance of human interference.  相似文献   

Diet composition of otters (Lutra lutra) was investigated in 2001 by spraints analysis (N=1323) on five rivers of southern Italy, with the aim of assessing the influence of fish availability, elevation and discharge on the consumption of food resources alternative to fish. Data were expressed as per cent frequency of occurrence (%FO) and per cent volume (%V). The study confirmed the great feeding adaptability of the otter that, in rivers partially interconnected and flowing on a small area, showed a strong fish eating habit in some rivers (Sinni and Mercure-Lao) and a diet mainly constituted by alternative resources in other ones (amphibians in the rivers Cogliandrino and Frido, crustaceans in the River Battendiero). Fish consumption for the five rivers was significantly correlated with fish biomass and with mean summer discharge, while it was inversely correlated with the mean altitude of the five rivers. The lack of a clear seasonality in the consumption of food sources alternative to fish together with the correlation between fish use and fish biomass for each river indicated fish availability as the main factor affecting otter relying to non-fish preys. Otter diet seemed influenced by the characteristics of river habitats (altitude, discharge and consequently fish biomass) more than by summer drought, typical of Mediterranean regions. The %FO and the %V allowed to drawn a similar picture of otter diet. Nonetheless the %V was useful for better illustrating diet variation among the different rivers and we argue that it could be useful in habitats where the otter feeds on preys with different proportions of indigestible remains.  相似文献   

Prey preferences and dietary differences between sex and age categories of Eurasian otters were studied in coastal Norwegian habitats Relative to their trapping frequency potential prey species with hard, spiny exoskeletons (crabs and sea urchins) or otherwise tough, spiny integuments (Labridae) were much less frequently found in spraints than fish species with soft integuments Spines did not protect fish with otherwise soft integuments from otter predation The number of non-fish taxa per otter stomach did not vary significantly between otter age categories despite presumed differences in hunting abilities (small cubs large cubs and subadults, adults) Relative frequency of occurrence of crabs and sea urchins was < 5% in the stomachs in each of these otter categories Anadromous, katadromous and freshwater fish species were infrequently eaten The coastal otter population during the study period probably had access to an adequate, and preferred, supply of marine fish prey
At the otter population level no prey size selection was conclusively demonstrated within the range of fish sizes sampled However, fish sizes eaten differed significantly between otter sex and age categories The fish sizes per stomach were on average larger in males than in females, regardless of age Adult males tended to eat the largest fishes Among the self provisioning age categories (subadult and adult otters) fish lengths differed significantly between otter males and females, but not between the otter age categories, and did not covary significantly with otter body length Fish eaten by females with old placental scars (potential mothers of fisheating cubs) were significantly smaller than those eaten by small cubs, provisioned by their mothers  相似文献   

We estimated density and abundance of the threatened southwest Alaska distinct population segment of northern sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) in two management units. We conducted aerial surveys in Bristol Bay and South Alaska Peninsula management units in 2016, and modeled sea otter density and abundance with Bayesian hierarchical distance sampling models and spatial environmental covariates (depth, distance to shore, depth × distance to shore). Spatial environmental covariates substantially impacted sea otter group density in both management units, but effects sizes differed between the two management units. Abundance (9,733 otters, 95% CrI 6,412–17,819) and density (0.82 otters/km2, 95% CrI 0.54–1.49) estimates for Bristol Bay indicated a moderate population size. In contrast, abundance (546 otters, 95% CrI 322–879) and density (0.06 otters/km2, 95% CrI 0.03–0.09) estimates indicated a relatively low population size in South Alaska Peninsula. Overall, our results highlight the importance of accounting for the detection process in monitoring at-risk species to reduce the uncertainty associated with making conclusions about population declines.  相似文献   

Monitoring the demographics and genetics of reintroduced populations is critical to evaluating reintroduction success, but species ecology and the landscapes that they inhabit often present challenges for accurate assessments. If suitable habitats are restricted to hierarchical dendritic networks, such as river systems, animal movements are typically constrained and may violate assumptions of methods commonly used to estimate demographic parameters. Using genetic detection data collected via fecal sampling at latrines, we demonstrate applicability of the spatial capture–recapture (SCR) network distance function for estimating the size and density of a recently reintroduced North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) population in the Upper Rio Grande River dendritic network in the southwestern United States, and we also evaluated the genetic outcomes of using a small founder group (n = 33 otters) for reintroduction. Estimated population density was 0.23–0.28 otter/km, or 1 otter/3.57–4.35 km, with weak evidence of density increasing with northerly latitude (β = 0.33). Estimated population size was 83–104 total otters in 359 km of riverine dendritic network, which corresponded to average annual exponential population growth of 1.12–1.15/year since reintroduction. Growth was ≥40% lower than most reintroduced river otter populations and strong evidence of a founder effect existed 8–10 years post‐reintroduction, including 13–21% genetic diversity loss, 84%–87% genetic effective population size decline, and rapid divergence from the source population (F ST accumulation = 0.06/generation). Consequently, genetic restoration via translocation of additional otters from other populations may be necessary to mitigate deleterious genetic effects in this small, isolated population. Combined with non‐invasive genetic sampling, the SCR network distance approach is likely widely applicable to demogenetic assessments of both reintroduced and established populations of multiple mustelid species that inhabit aquatic dendritic networks, many of which are regionally or globally imperiled and may warrant reintroduction or augmentation efforts.  相似文献   

In Pennsylvania the production of game and other fish species is a $1.6 billion industry, and loss from depredation can take a serious toll on fish stocks and associated revenues. Following a reintroduction project and natural expansion of native populations, river otters (Lontra canadensis) are now widely distributed throughout Pennsylvania. To determine occurrence and extent of depredation by river otters, we conducted telephone or mail surveys with 156 (80%) of Pennsylvania’s 196 fish-rearing facilities. River otters were reported in the vicinity of 50 (32%) facilities, of which 23 (46%) reported river otter visitation. Of the facilities that reported river otter visitation, most (87%) reported losing <5% of fish stock to otters and 91% reported an annual economic loss of <$500 from river otter depredation. Binary logistic regression determined that greater amounts of tree cover (%), facilities that reared >100,000 fish annually, and private facilities were more likely to experience visitation by river otters. Our results demonstrate that the existence of river otter populations in Pennsylvania does not appear to be a significant economic threat to fish-rearing facilities and physical and landscape characteristics of the facilities are important in determining the likelihood of river otter visitation.  相似文献   

Diets of the otter Lutra lutra and the American mink Mustela vison were studied by scat analysis on five woodland rivers and streams in eastern Poland. Fish constituted 51% of food biomass consumed by otters in spring‐summer and 40% in autumn‐winter, with common fish (perch Perca fluviatilis, pike Esox lucius, and roach Rutilus rutilus) being captured most frequently by the otters. Amphibians (mainly Rana temporaria, which also dominated in the living community) made up 34% of otters’ food biomass in spring‐summer and 58% in autumn‐winter. American mink relied on three prey groups: fish (40% in spring‐summer, and 10% in autumn‐winter), frogs (32% and 51%, respectively), and small mammals (21% and 36%). Out of available Micromammalia, mink strongly selected the root vole Microtus oeconomus. The cold season diet of both otter and mink depended on river size. On small rivers with forested valleys, otters and mink fed nearly exclusively on amphibians (72–90% of food biomass). With size of a river increasing and riverside habitat becoming more open (sedge and reed marshes instead of forests), otters shifted to catching predominantly fish (up to 76% in diet) and mink to preying on small mammals (up to 65% in diet).
Review of literature on otter and mink in Eurasia showed that their diets did not change with latitude (as indicators of climate severity and duration of water freezing) but they depended on habitats. In otter diet, the mean share of fish declined from 94% (SE 1.7) on sea shores, to 71% (SE 2.9) on lakes and fish ponds, to 64% (SE 2.8) on rivers and streams. The roles of amphibians and crustaceans increased in the same gradient (from 0 to 15%, and from 3 to 7%, respectively). On inland waters, the abundance of crayfish was the essential factor differentiating otters’ diet composition. In Eurasia, the staple food types of American mink on rivers and streams were fish (on average, 27% in diet, SE 3.9), mammals (30%, SE 5.0), and amphibians (17%, SE 4.8), whereas on lakes and ponds mink fed predominantly on birds (on average, 33% in diet, SE 10.1) and fish (28%, SE 9.5). In the Palaearctic region, over a wide gradient of habitats, otters appeared strongly specialised on prey taken from water, whereas American mink was a typical generalist capable of utilising several prey groups originating from both water and land.  相似文献   

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