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欧亚水獭(Lutra lutra)是淡水生态系统保护的旗舰物种, 目前三江源或为其在中国仅存的连片栖息地之一。然而, 该区域欧亚水獭基础生态学信息尚属空白, 已开展的工作也多依赖于红外相机而可靠性有待评估。本文基于2018-2020年间在青海玉树通过视频监控系统和红外相机收集到的数据, 在分析区内水獭活动节律的同时, 对红外相机监测的有效性和准确性进行了评估。结果表明, 在玉树, 欧亚水獭在每日17时至次日9时活动频率较高, 每年12月至次年6月间拍摄频率较高; 繁殖期或随每年10月个体交配而开始, 至次年6月幼崽独立而终止。红外相机约可捕获69.18%的水獭出现事件, 且拍摄率随事件持续时间的延长而提高; 通过红外相机可以准确地描述出水獭活动节律, 仅有约半数红外相机影像可以准确还原事件主题(56.28%)和多只个体参与的事件中的个体数量(49.35%)。因此, 在使用红外相机对欧亚水獭进行行为学研究时应对这一情况进行充分考虑。  相似文献   
行为时间分配是动物对资源获取和风险防御的权衡,受到诸多因素影响。本研究采用目标动物观察法记录了可可西里冬季(交配季)雄性藏羚的行为表现,并将行为分为觅食、警戒、卧息、移动和“其他”5种类型。首先,本文通过对比青藏铁路运营前后两个交配季(2003-2004年建设期和2017-2018年运行期)之间雄性藏羚的行为时间分配差异,探讨青藏铁路的出现对雄性藏羚行为的影响。随后,基于2017-2018年交配季雄性藏羚的行为数据,分析了年龄对其行为时间分配的影响。结果表明:与建设期相比,雄性藏羚的觅食和“其他”行为时间比例明显增加,而警戒和卧息的行为时间比例显著降低,这说明铁路稳定运营后对雄性藏羚的影响降低。交配群中成年雄性藏羚的警戒、移动,以及“其他”行为中的繁殖行为的时间比例显著高于亚成体,而觅食和卧息行为时间比例显著低于亚成体, 这与交配群中不同年龄雄性个体所处的地位等级有关。成年雄性藏羚在交配群中占据主导地位,拥有更多配偶资源,增加警戒和移动,减少觅食和卧息有助于其维持交配群的稳定。  相似文献   
The Qinghai?Tibet Railway (QTR) crosses the migration routes of the Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsonii) in the Sanjiangyuan National Park (SNP) and the female antelopes have to cross the QTR by wildlife passages to continue their migrations. In this study, a remote monitoring camera was set up near the Wubei Bridge to record the utilization of the bridge by migratory antelopes. Based on the monitoring data of the returning migration period from July to September 2019 and the calving migration period from April to June 2020, the results showed that: Tibetan antelopes crossed the Wubei Bridge mainly in the daytime and mostly in the morning. The peaks during the calving migration and the returning migration were in 09: 00?12: 59 and 11: 00?11: 59 respectively. Compared with the returning migration period, female antelopes gathered into smaller groups during the calving migration period, which was related to the sequence of roads to be crossed and the lower predation risk of calves in larger groups. We found individuals in larger groups spent less time crossing the Wubei Bridge. Larger groups could accelerate crossing speed and then reduce the average crossing time of individuals. However, there was no significant difference in the average crossing time of individuals between the two migratory periods, indicating that the presence of calves had little effect on the speed and time of antelope groups. In conclusion, there was a significant difference in the group size of Tibetan antelope between the returning and calving migration periods and the group size affected the average crossing time of individuals. We also detected a temporal pattern in the use of wildlife passage by Tibetan antelope.  相似文献   
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