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云南省抚仙湖和杞麓湖流域土地利用变化对水质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘阳  吴钢  高正文 《生态学杂志》2008,27(3):447-453
基于遥感技术和相关性分析方法对云南省2个典型高原湖泊抚仙湖和杞麓湖流域土地利用与湖泊水质关系进行了研究.结果表明:1989-2005年2个流域森林(灌丛)和建筑用地大量增长,荒地和农田有所减少,杞麓湖的污染程度比抚仙湖严重,2个湖泊的水质都呈下降趋势;湖滨200 m左右的缓冲带变化明显,且比流域其它土地利用变化对水质影响更大;城镇化和密集的农业耕作产生的面源污染是影响湖泊水质状况持续下降的重要因素,2个湖泊流域的土地利用结构不同也导致二者之间水质的差异.  相似文献   

太原市土壤中汞污染及成因研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
由于在城市的生产和生活等活动中长期排放含Hg的废弃物,致使城市土壤中的Hg含量越来越多,城市土壤的Hg污染越来越重,它所产生的危害已经引起人们的关注。本文通过对太原市不同地点的土壤中Hg含量进行监测,阐明了太原市土壤中Hg元素的含量、分布特征及其形成的原因,从而为太原市土壤Hg污染防治提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The final paper of the Symposium (delivered by Professor Raven) reviewed the rôle of nitrogen in the development of terrestrial life, and gave a timely reminder of the context of the current debate on the effects of anthropogenic N; current man-made perturbations of the N cycle are approaching the scale of catastrophic perturbations caused by major meteorite impacts.
Faced with such a stark evaluation of the current position one is forced to consider how the scientific community is reacting to the challenge of understanding and predicting the effects of man's activities.  相似文献   

浑河河水及其沿岸地下水污染特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
崔健  都基众  王晓光 《生态学报》2014,34(7):1860-1869
选择沈阳地区重要河流浑河及其沿岸地下水进行定量分析,研究并探讨了包括无机物和有机物在内的水质综合污染特征。结果表明,浑河河水中氨氮、硝氮、亚硝氮和酚超过了地表水环境质量标准,最大超标倍数分别为15.8、1.5、82.4和1.8倍,检测出的11种卤代烃、氯苯和六六六等有机物均未超标。浑河沿岸地下水中氨氮、硝氮、亚硝氮、化学需氧量、酚和铅超过地下水质量标准,超标率分别为31.6%、10.5%、26.3%、36.8%、47.4%和26.8%,检测出的4种卤代烃和六六六等有机物均未超标。河水及其沿岸地下水中的污染物,尤其是有机污染物种类和浓度高值基本出现在城西的谟家—大祝断面之间。浑河水质主要受城市工业废水、居民生活污水排放的影响,沿岸地下水的污染来源包括工业生产或农村居民生活造成的地表污染物垂直入渗式的点源污染、浑河水侧向渗透补给式的线源污染以及农药化肥使用产生的面源污染,而有机污染物主要通过点源污染地下水。浑河各区段的使用功能、包气带岩性及沿岸水源地开采井布局等因素都为受污染的河水对沿岸几百米范围内的浅层地下水的补给提供了条件,造成浅层地下水的污染,对当地生态系统及人类健康构成潜在威胁。  相似文献   

The widespread distribution of bryophytes and the tolerance of many species to certain contaminants has led to their use for monitoring purposes. Early this century, changes in the distribution of mosses in urban habitats indicated deteriorating air quality; alterations in species composition in rivers has reflected changing water quality. The main focus in the past 10 to 20 years has been on measuring levels of contaminants in both terrestrial and aquatic bryophytes. Concentrations of metals, organic chemicals, radionuclides and derivatives of acidic gases have been widely reported in species from contaminated and background areas. More rarely, physiological and biochemical parameters are monitored. This paper describes the approaches which have been used and results obtained from monitoring bryophytes in urban and industrial habitats. Data are reviewed from a range of countries illustrating the increasing interest in low cost methods for monitoring contamination.  相似文献   

Luoma suggested 25 years ago that tolerant populations could be used to detect adverse ecological effects of pollution. Despite the apparent attractiveness of the idea, there have been few successful examples of its use and a number of failures. Pollution-tolerant populations are limited almost entirely to areas that are grossly contaminated with one or a small number of substances and have flora and fauna that are severely impoverished. Tolerance does provide strong evidence of impact by a particular contaminant but is of limited value as a monitoring tool. Instances of evolved tolerance do, however, have a valuable role to play in environmental risk assessment. They provide model systems for understanding the impact of pollutants on the physiology and performance of individuals and in consequence how they produce effects at the population and community level, in the way that metal tolerance in plants has been used as a model system for the study of evolution. Pollution-induced community tolerance has more promise than population tolerance as a tool for monitoring the effects of pollution, and already has a much longer list of successful applications despite its shorter history.  相似文献   

焦雯珺  闵庆文  成升魁  袁正  李静  戴忱 《生态学报》2011,31(19):5599-5606
传统生态足迹理论虽然在可持续发展评价等方面得到了广泛的应用,但却仍然无法全面衡量人类活动对生态系统造成的各种影响。其无法全面评估人类活动的根源在于,土地功能排他性假设限制了其对利用生态系统非生物生产性产品和服务的人类活动的衡量。为了摆脱传统生态足迹理论的局限性,建议承认土地功能多样性的客观事实,将生态足迹构建于多种生态系统服务功能之上。针对传统生态足迹对定义中废弃物吸纳的考虑不足,提出了基于污染物吸纳功能的生态足迹,即污染足迹。污染足迹不是对传统生态足迹中能源足迹的简单置换,而是能够囊括人类活动产生的大部分污染物,并可以根据不同的污染物类别或类型进一步细化的足迹类型。构建了太湖流域有机物、氮和磷污染足迹模型,并利用该模型对流域上游湖州市的水污染压力进行了综合评估。结果表明:(1)2007年湖州市污染足迹为39948.73 hm2,东部平原地区污染足迹较大,西部丘陵地区污染足迹相对较小;(2)湖州市人类活动排放的氮磷污染物对水域空间的生态占用已经远远超过了有机污染物;(3)2007年湖州市污染承载力为20896.00 hm2,污染赤字为19052.73 hm2,人类排污活动俨然超出了当地水域的承载能力;(4)2007年湖州市污染压力指数为1.91,当地水环境总体上处于轻度接近中度污染压力;(5)湖州市水污染压力较大的地区,区域内人类活动的维持建立在区域水环境质量恶化或污染物向下游输移的基础之上。  相似文献   

The longevity of two populations of the planktonic copepod Acartia clausi in the Saronicos Gulf was estimated. One group lived in a heavily polluted area, the other group in a relatively clean area. Three annual generations were studied. A comparison was also made between fed and unfed animals. A temperature of 14°C appeared to be the most favourable for the survival of Acartia; however, the optimum survival temperature depended also upon the generation to which the Acartia belonged. The acclimatization temperature has a strong influence on survival. Acartia in its natural environment thrives best and has maximum longevity at colder temperatures. The pollution-adapted Acartia population survived longer under laboratory-controlled conditions than the population living in a non-polluted area.  相似文献   

利用水生治污植物治理水污染已经运用于实际生活之中,如藻类和高等植物.水生治污植物不仅可去除N、P营养物,还可以吸附金属离子,对于吸收有机物也起到了一定作用.虽然对于植物的育种有着越来越深的研究,但是对于水生治污植物,以更高效率吸收污染物为定向目的的育种方法和研究屈指可数,分析了水生治污育种新领域产生的客观条件和近期任务.  相似文献   

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