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广西木论国家级自然保护区位于我国滇黔桂植物区和华南植物区的交错地带,是古北极与古热带两大植物区系交接过渡的中心地带,在我国生物多样性保护区域中占据不可替代的地位。为摸清广西木论国家级自然保护区植物物种多样性,该文基于历史文献整理、野外调查、标本采集和鉴定以及数据统计分析,对该保护区维管束植物物种多样性组成及其特点进行了研究。结果表明:(1)该区共有维管束植物1 735种,包括石松类和蕨类植物218种、种子植物1 517种,具有较丰富的维管束植物多样性组成以及较复杂的植物区系成分。(2)该区共有中国特有植物486种、广西特有植物56种、岩溶特有植物262种,具有显著的植物特有性。(3)该区共有国家重点保护野生植物68种、广西重点保护野生植物153种、我国极小种群野生植物4种、受威胁植物108种、列入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)附录植物144种,具有较高程度的植物珍稀濒危性。综上表明,该区是我国重要的岩溶植物基因库,具有极其重要的保护价值。该研究结果为自然保护区的建设和管理、植物保护和利用以及其他科研工作的开展提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

Biodiversity research increasingly relies on distribution networks for dealing with large-scale primary data.Up-to-date information on biodiversity is critical for the proper management and conservation of any area. The first step towards conservation should be to compile an authoritative species inventory or checklist. Catalogue of Life:Higher Plants in China (CNPC) is an ongoing biodiversity informatics project with the aim to integrate existing higher plants inventory data, and provide access via an internet based web service to public user and the scientific com-munity. The CNPC, for the first time, provides integrated and authoritative taxonomic information on higher plant species found in China, and this database will be permanent, free and continously updated. Presently, a total of 34377 species have been included in the database. Among of them, 16 620 species are only found in China. Taxa are classified into 432 families and 3 941 genera. The CNPC will be an important source for scientists working on Chinese flora, and will play an important role in helping to achieve the targets set under the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation in the future.  相似文献   

江西九岭山脉种子植物区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
九岭山脉植物区系发生历史悠久,对研究我国早期种子植物演化、动植物迁徙、物种分布格局均具有重要作用。为探讨九岭山脉种子植物区系成因和濒危保护植物的保护利用,该文通过野外调查、标本采集和鉴定,结合经典植物地理学方法,对该山脉种子植物区系进行了研究。结果表明:(1)九岭山脉共有野生种子植物211科956属2928种,占江西种子植物1064属4028种的比例分别为89.8%和72.69%。(2)该植物区系的热带成分科占该地区种子植物总科数(不含世界分布科)的81.35%,但缺乏典型热带成分科,区系中的热带性属和温带性属数量接近,显示该植物区系由热带性质向温带性质过渡,这与九岭山脉地处重要的气候和生态交错地带有一定关联。(3)该地区共分布中国特有植物6科33属41种,特有属主要为古特有属,体现了该植物区系起源的古老性,推断该山脉在第四纪冰期环境较为稳定,为众多植物提供了“避难所”。(4)该地区的种子植物中有30科63属109种为国家重点保护植物,其中,国家I级保护植物15种,极危植物3种、濒危植物11种、易危植物20种。该山脉中的九岭山、官山和大围山已有相应的自然保护区发挥生态保护作用,而其余的山地则未建立有效保护,应对相关濒危植物所在区域加以监管,可采取就地保护或迁地保护等措施,建立相关的种质资源库,确保濒危保护植物的可持续利用。  相似文献   

Numerous aquatic species are threatened with extinction from habitat elimination or modification. One particularly imperilled group is the freshwater gastropod family Pleuroceridae. Pleurocerids reach their greatest diversity in the southeastern United States, and many species are currently considered extinct, endangered or threatened. One issue hindering efforts to implement conservation management plans for imperilled pleurocerid species is that the taxonomy is in an abysmal state. The taxonomy of pleurocerids is currently based on late 19th- and early 20th-century studies, which used a typological or morphospecies concept. Most biologists today doubt the validity of many of the currently recognized species; however, this does not stop them from assigning conservation ranks in an attempt to determine which species are imperilled or currently stable. We conducted a phylogenetic analysis of the pleurocerid genus Lithasia using morphological and mitochondrial DNA sequence (mtDNA) data in an attempt to delimit species boundaries and test previous taxonomic schemes. We found that the current taxonomy of Lithasia does not reflect species diversity adequately within the genus, with two new undescribed species being discovered. The conservation status ranks of the new, undescribed species are imperilled and would have been overlooked had we relied on the conventional taxonomy. Additionally, the undescribed species' conservation ranks that were previously apparently secure became vulnerable due to being inappropriately assigned as members of formerly widely distributed species instead of the imperilled status they warrant and vice versa, as some taxa that were considered imperilled are now thought to be modestly stable. Our study suggests that conservation ranks should be considered suspect at best in taxonomically poorly known groups until the taxa are reviewed using modern systematic methods.  相似文献   

Biodiversity research increasingly relies on distribution networks for dealing with large-scale primary data. Up-to-date information on biodiversity is critical for the proper management and conservation of any area. The first step towards conservation should be to compile an authoritative species inventory or checklist. Catalogue of Life: Higher Plants in China (CNPC) is an ongoing biodiversity informatics project with the aim to integrate existing higher plants inventory data, and provide access via an internet based web service to public user and the scientific community. The CNPC, for the first time, provides integrated and authoritative taxonomic information on higher plant species found in China, and this database will be permanent, free and continously updated. Presently, a total of 34377 species have been included in the database. Among of them, 16620 species are only found in China. Taxa are classified into 432 families and 3941 genera. The CNPC will be an important source for scientists working on Chinese flora, and will play an important role in helping to achieve the targets set under the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation in the future.  相似文献   

DNA barcode is a new tool for taxon recognition and classification of biological organisms based on sequence of a fragment of mitochondrial gene, cytochrome c oxidase I (COI). In view of the growing importance of the fish DNA barcoding for species identification, molecular taxonomy and fish diversity conservation, we developed a Fish Barcode Information System (FBIS) for Indian fishes, which will serve as a regional DNA barcode archival and analysis system. The database presently contains 2334 sequence records of COI gene for 472 aquatic species belonging to 39 orders and 136 families, collected from available published data sources. Additionally, it contains information on phenotype, distribution and IUCN Red List status of fishes. The web version of FBIS was designed using MySQL, Perl and PHP under Linux operating platform to (a) store and manage the acquisition (b) analyze and explore DNA barcode records (c) identify species and estimate genetic divergence. FBIS has also been integrated with appropriate tools for retrieving and viewing information about the database statistics and taxonomy. It is expected that FBIS would be useful as a potent information system in fish molecular taxonomy, phylogeny and genomics. AVAILABILITY: The database is available for free at http://mail.nbfgr.res.in/fbis/  相似文献   

Biodiversity research increasingly relies on distribution networks for dealing with large-scale primary data.Up-to-date information on biodiversity is critical for the proper management and conservation of any area.The first step towards conservation should be to compile an authoritative species inventory or checklist.Catalogue of Life:Higher Plants in China(CNPC) is an ongoing biodiversity informatics project with the aim to integrate existing higher plants inventory data,and provide access via an internet based web service to public user and the scientific community.The CNPC,for the first time,provides integrated and authoritative taxonomic information on higher plant species found in China,and this database will be permanent,free and continously updated.Presently,a total of 34 377 species have been included in the database.Among of them,16 620 species are only found in China.Taxa are classified into 432 families and 3 941 genera.The CNPC will be an important source for scientists working on Chinese flora,and will play an important role in helping to achieve the targets set under the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation in the future.  相似文献   

对陕西汉中典型天坑生物多样性进行调查,并在系统收集天坑周边生物多样性研究成果与资料的基础上,对该区维管植物多样性区系进行初步研究。结果表明,汉中天坑群区域有被子植物940种,裸子植物20种,蕨类植物73种。该区植物区系以温带成分为主,兼具热带成分,展示了明显的由暖温带向亚热带过渡的特点,且区系具有一定的古老性。天坑群已发现30种珍稀濒危植物,是现存珍稀濒危植物的“避难所”。该研究对探究天坑群地区生态资源可持续发展利用、天坑生物多样性的保育以及恢复重建等方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the composition, distribution, ecology, and conservation status of the Atlantic elements of the Swiss flora. About 195 Atlantic and 80 Mediterranean–Atlantic vascular plant species of the European flora have been used as the basis for our analysis. The complete list of 3,143 taxa has been used as the reference for the Swiss flora. The distributions of the species are illustrated in coincidence maps based on the computer database of the Data Centre of the Swiss Flora in Geneva, Switzerland. Our study demonstrates clearly that the Atlantic flora of Europe requires a new biogeographical appraisal. The Swiss flora comprises 66 Atlantic and Mediterranean–Atlantic taxa, which are taxonomically and ecologically highly diverse. Switzerland contains 44% of all European Sub-Atlantic plants. This confirms the Sub-Atlantic geographical position of Switzerland. Only one Eu-Atlantic species growing in Switzerland, Vicia orobus, can be classified as native with certainty. This species is critically endangered and merits the highest conservation priority. Although a very alpine country, Switzerland has a relatively large number of Mediterranean–Atlantic species. The Atlantic and Mediterranean–Atlantic plants are a very threatened group in Switzerland, with wetland plants the most imperilled ecological group. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Despite early menageries being the source of much useful biological information on anatomy and taxonomy, it is only more recently that the potential for research in zoos has been recongnized. Collections of captive animals are unique and irreplaceable resources for conservation; but without research in zoological parks, progress in conservation science would diminish. There is a flow of information from zoo researchers to field scientists that assists in providing new insights into species biology. Reciprocally, data collected in the field enhance efforts in captive breeding. This paper summarizes the new research initiatives undertaken in zoos, e.g., in the fields of reproductive and genetic technologies, and highlights their significance for conservation and management of threatened species. It is evident that zoo research has a vital role in linking in situ and ex situ conservation. This role needs to be expanded and developed to meet the challenge posed by expanding human and declining wildlife populations and ecosystems.  相似文献   

In order to understand the particular challenges that medicinal plant conservation and management raise at the global level, it is necessary to address issues pertaining their distribution and the environments where they grow. When reviewing medicinal plant studies from eight countries in four regions we found that a high proportion of the reported medicinal plants had wide distributions across countries and continents. Most plants are found wild (40.5%) or naturalized (33.9%), while only 3.3% are cultivated. Since many species are distributed in wild conditions, cultivated and naturalized in several continents, conservation and management interventions would be best served through collaboration between host countries.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that Italy is among the lichenologically best known areas worldwide, a national red list of lichens is still lacking. The aim of this work was to provide a red list of the epiphytic lichens of Italy which could facilitate the inclusion of lichens in national conservation plans. The evaluation of the species against International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) criteria was based on data from multiple sources which represent the best available information on the epiphytic lichens of Italy. The species were assigned to the IUCN categories mainly using criteria D and B. A total of 368 species were evaluated: for 23 species, information is missing from more than 50 years and they were listed as regionally extinct, 64 as critically endangered, 75 as endangered, 74 as vulnerable, 58 as near threatened, 20 as least concern and 54 species as data deficient. Our results indicate that more than one-fourth of the epiphytic lichens of Italy are likely to be threatened, so that further research and effort are needed to include lichens in the main national conservation plans. Our results also highlight the lack of information that still hampers the rigorous evaluation of Italian lichens against IUCN criteria.  相似文献   

South West Western Australia has a rich endemic flora of global significance. The threats facing this floral diversity are increasing in type, severity and scale, demonstrated by the rising numbers of species threatened with extinction. In particular, the root-rot pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi is causing widespread destruction, threatening the survival of many of the region’s unique plants. In situ conservation of wild plants is considered the most essential component of a flora conservation program, but the ability to conserve some species adequately is often unachievable in the short term and urgent management intervention is required to prevent extinction. We present data on the status and management of wild populations of four threatened species from the region, including an ex situ program, and describe our efforts to bridge the gap between these two components. Such inter situ conservation recovery work enables monitoring of biological attributes, research into reproductive biology and collection of genetic material for further ex situ conservation, and provides the source of material for future restoration of wild populations.  相似文献   

The present knowledge of flora of Siberia is quite insufficient, which is a considerable obstacle to the detection of its biodiversity for conserving the gene pool. Planning conservation measures should be focused not only on species, but also on intraspecific taxa and their phylogenetic uniqueness. In the absence of genetic data, available morphological and geographical methods should be used, so that, when it is impossible to establish the actual origin and relationship of taxa, the existing morphological diverstity is at least represented, as far as it is known to be based on genetic diversity. Phenetic maps can be of much use in the study of intraspecific morphological diversity. The estimation of geographic variability and morphological diversity, as well as the evaluation of territories, can be based on such maps. To represent adequately the biodiversity existing within poorly studied, presumably hybrid plant groups, until actual origin and relationship are known, they should probably be forcedly and provisionally considered as a special type of hybrid complexes, representing the unclear present day taxonomic situation. Such complexes could include populations and individuals with morphological characters of two or more different species, until the systematic position of such populations and individuals is further explored. Until the actual taxonomic status and relationship of the components are established, they could be regarded as subspecies permitted by the Code, or as certain recorded morphological deviations from the type, without assigning any taxonomic status to them--depending on the available data on variability and distribution. In the future, the resulting provisional information on morphological diversity would help to concentrate the efforts of biologists, in possession of the newest methods, on the most important objects, and serve as the scientific base for effective measures aimed at the conservation and management of the vast gene pool of the Siberian flora.  相似文献   

There are thousands of protected forest areas existing on earth, yet the deforestation rate continues unabated both inside and outside the protected areas especially in the tropical forests. It identifies the less effectiveness of the current conservation strategies, which is normally oriented around the forest area cover rather than the quality of the protected areas. This calls for realistic and effective management strategies for forests. Based on the drawbacks the present study aims at identifying conservation priority sites within the protected areas (Reserved Forests) of Shervarayan hills, Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. The remnant forest patches having less effective management/protection is identified and analysed for its qualitative contribution to the ecosystem. Quadrats of 20 × 20 m were laid in different vegetation based on the percentage of forest cover and assess the species diversity pertaining the richness, Endemism and Red list categories. Thematic layers (maps) such as vegetation type, floristic species richness, floristic endemism, and red list flora are created and categorized according to their weightage classes and overlaid in GIS domain to demarcate the Conservation Priority Zones (CPZ). The CPZ are classified according to the priority status i.e., high, moderate and low based on the contributing species richness, levels of endemism and concentration of Red listed plants.  相似文献   

The flora of New Caledonia encompasses more than 3000 plant species and an endemism of almost 80%. New Caledonia is even considered as one of the 34 ‘hot spots’ for biodiversity. Considering the current global loss of biodiversity and the fact that several drugs and pesticides become obsolete, there is an urgent need to increase sampling and research on new natural products. In this context, here, we reviewed the chemical knowledge available on New Caledonian native flora from economical perspectives. We expect that a better knowledge of the economic potential of plant chemistry will encourage the plantation of native plants for the development of a sustainable economy which will participate in the conservation of biodiversity. This review is divided into three parts, and the third part which is presented here summarizes the scientific literature related to the chemistry of endemic santalales, caryophyllales, and asterids. We show that the high rate of endemism is correlated with the originality of phytochemicals encountered in New Caledonian plants. A total of 176 original natural compounds have been identified from these plants, whereas many species have not been investigated so far. We also discuss the economic potential of plants and molecules with consideration of their medicinal and industrial perspectives. This review finally highlights several groups, such as Sapotaceae, that are unexplored in New Caledonia despite the high chemical interest in them. These plants are considered to have priority in future chemical investigations.  相似文献   

The delimitation of species is an essential pursuit of biology, and proper taxonomies are crucial for the assessment and conservation management of organismal diversity. However, delimiting species can be hindered by a number of factors including highly conserved morphologies (e.g., cryptic species), differences in criteria of species concepts, lineages being in the early stages of the speciation or divergence process, and discordance between gene topologies (e.g., mitonuclear discordance). Here we use a taxonomically confounded species complex of toads in Central America that exhibits extensive mitonuclear discordance to test delimitation hypotheses. Our investigation integrates mitochondrial sequences, nuclear SNPs, morphology, and macroecological data to determine which taxonomy best explains the divergence and evolutionary relationships among these toads. We found that a three species taxonomy following the distributions of the nuclear SNP haplotypes offers the best explanation of the species in this complex based off of the integrated data types. Due to the taxonomic instability of this group, we also discuss conservation concerns in the face of improper taxonomic delimitation. Our study provides an empirical and integrative hypothesis testing framework to assess species delimitation hypotheses in the face of cryptic morphology and mitonuclear discordance and highlights the importance that a stable taxonomy has over conservation‐related actions.  相似文献   

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