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我国野生动物濒危程度不断加剧,有233种脊椎动物面临灭绝,约44%的野生动物呈数量下降趋势,非国家重点保护野生动物种群下降趋势明显。摘编自《中国生物多样性保护战略与行动计划》(2011-2030年)  相似文献   

1988年11月8日第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第四次会议通过第一章总则第一条为保护、拯救珍贵、濒危野生动物,保护、发展和合理利用野生动物资源,维护生态平衡,制定本法。第二条在中华人民共和国境内从事野生动物的保护、驯养繁殖、开发利用活动,必须遵守本法。本法规定保护的野生动物,是指珍贵、濒危的陆生、水生野生动物和有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物。本法各条款所提野生动物,均系指前款规定的受保护的野生动物。珍贵、濒危的水生野生动物以外的其他水生野生动物的保护,适用渔业法的规定。第三条野生动物资源…  相似文献   

中国濒危兽类保护基因组学和宏基因组学研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
揭示濒危兽类的演化历史、濒危机制及适应性演化策略,是保护生物学关注的重大科学问题。近十几年来,高通量测序技术的不断发展以及多学科交叉融合,为揭示濒危物种的演化历史、遗传结构、适应性演化及其与肠道微生物的协同演化的分子机制提供了重要的技术支撑,由此产生了保护基因组学和保护宏基因组学两个分支学科,为野生动物尤其是濒危动物的保护生物学研究提供了新的方向与思路。本文综述了我国在保护基因组学和保护宏基因组学领域取得的重要进展,并展望未来的发展趋势,以期进一步推动我国濒危兽类保护生物学的发展。  相似文献   

对我国特产濒危物种海南坡鹿的兴衰和原因进行了分析,提出了保护野生动物应注意的问题。文中列举了调查研究中获得的宝贵数据,对物种保护及环境保护的宣传教育有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

<正>保护生物多样性刻不容缓据估计,中国有10.9%的高等植物处于濒危或受威胁状态,其中,裸子植物、兰科植物等高达40%以上。野生动物濒危程度不断加剧,有233种脊椎动物面临灭绝,约44%的野生动物呈数量下降趋势,非国家重点保护野生动物种群下降趋势明显。因此,开展生物多样性保护刻不容缓。  相似文献   

野生动物的价值与生态服务功能   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25  
蒋志刚 《生态学报》2001,21(11):1909-1917
野生动物是生态系统中活跃的、引入注目的组成部分。野生动物作为生物多样性的一部分,具有内禀价值和利用价值。同时,野生动物的价值也取决于人们的视角,即人们自身的利益。野生动物服务功能的实现离不开自然生态系统。在人类文明的早期,人类利用野生动物果腹御寒。那时,人们利用的是野生动物的直接价值。现代,野生动物的直接价值下降,野生动物的间接价值,如生态价值、文化价值却在上升。野生动物能够提供巨大的生态系统服务功能。1996年,美国人与野生动物直接有关的消费达1012亿美元,相当于中国国民总产值的10%以上。在东部和南部非洲,野生动物观光也是一项重要的产业。这种生态服务功能带动了第三产业的发展,直接推动了地区性的国民经济发展。有效的野生动物资源管理离不开控制野生动物的数量。以野生动物产业的收入养野生动物是美国野生动物保护的角色。中国的野生动物正处于利用过度期。中国野生动物提供的服务功能比美国的野生动物少得多。近年来,开展了野生动物战利品狩猎。中国对野生动物战利品狩猎的种类制定了限额,实行了严格的管理措施,以保证战利品狩猎不会影响种群的增长。事实证明有限额的战利品狩猎能促进野生动物的饿保护。当前,我国的野生动物管理应将保护野生动物的栖息生境和扩增濒危野生动物的种群为主要目的,我国的多数野生动物一旦种群数量恢复,脱离濒危状态,那些野生动物的生态系统服务功能将会对我国的国民经济产生巨大的推动作用。  相似文献   

三江源国家公园是我国首批建立的面积最大的国家公园,也是青藏高原第一个国家公园,对青藏高原乃至我国加快构建以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系具有里程碑式意义。三江源国家公园野生动物多样性水平高且濒危物种占比大,其中兽类和鸟类受威胁比例分别为32.26%和19.90%;具有丰富的国家重点保护物种及青藏高原特有珍稀物种,包括46.77%的中国或青藏高原特有兽类和7.65%的中国特有鸟类,其生物多样性具有全国乃至全球意义的保护价值。本文简要回顾全球野生动物保护研究重要进展和取得的成果,分析三江源野生动物濒危成因,提出了加强三江源国家公园野生动物动态监测、创新栖息地保护技术、建立野生动物迁移廊道及避难所、开展草畜平衡管理、疫源疫病控制、人兽冲突研究和建立野生动物基因资源库等多项野生动物保护和管理对策,为实现三江源国家公园生态环境严格保护、人与自然和谐共生、区域可持续发展战略提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

周学红  马建章  张伟 《四川动物》2007,26(4):859-861
野生动物资源是中医药业的主要物质基础之一。目前,生物多样性急剧下降,物种灭绝速度加快,许多药用野生动物濒临灭绝,严重阻碍了中医药业的可持续发展。在许多野生动物野外种群难以恢复或恢复速度很慢、寻找中医药动物原材料的替代品短期内难以实现的情况下,开辟中医药原材料来源渠道是促进中医药业可持续发展的主要措施之一。在正确认识野生动物保护与利用的关系的前提下,妥善、高效利用人工驯养繁殖、库存野生动物产品,遵循经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的原则,优先保障重点领域、重点产业的需要,并发挥市场配置资源的积极作用,充分实现有限资源的合理配置,以促进野生动物资源保护与中医药业可持续发展的良性循环。  相似文献   

药用生物资源是我国中医药发展的物质基础,对保障人民健康和民族繁衍有着不可忽视的作用。但无序开发导致了一些中药物种濒危,中药资源生物多样性受到破坏。《吕氏春秋&#183;义赏》说:“竭泽而渔,岂不获得,而明年无鱼;焚薮而田,岂不获得,而明年无兽”。中国在总量上是资源大国,而人均占有量远落后于西方发达国家。  相似文献   

姜广顺  李京芝 《兽类学报》2021,41(5):604-613
目前全球物种正以前所未有的速度灭绝,对野生动物栖息地开展有效的评估与科学的保护是阻止濒危物种走向灭绝,保持其可持续生存与发展的重要前提和手段。本文针对我国的食肉类、有蹄类、灵长类、小型兽类、海洋兽类5个类别的濒危兽类,综述了其栖息地评估与保护研究进展的现状和成果,对相关学术成果进行了归纳与分析,以期为栖息地的科学保护与管理梳理出系统、可供借鉴的研究方法和技术手段,并对其理论和技术的挑战进行了展望,提出了我国濒危兽类栖息地评估和保护研究应走向整体化、定量化、智能化,以及多学科交叉融合应用的“精准化”发展方向,为国家生态建设工程的有效实施提供重要技术支撑。  相似文献   

This paper reports the first population ecology study of the endangered Magnolia sargentiana Rehder & Wilson (Magnoliaceae). Magnolia sargentiana is a protected species in China, but little is known about its present status in the field. In 2007 and 2008, we surveyed the population and conservation status ofM. sargentiana in the Provincial Mamize Nature Reserve and the National Meigu Dafengding Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, southwestern China. Natural regeneration is poor because of unfavorable environmental conditions and anthropogenic disturbances. Flower buds and bark ofM. sargentiana are used in traditional Chinese medicine and their collection by local people over the period 1983-1994 has led to marked population declines. The collection of flower buds and bark is now banned, but hewing branches for firewood and grazing continues to have a negative impact on the recovery of M. sargentiana populations. To protect the species, we require a ban on hewing branches, closure of primary forests to reduce the impact of humans and ungulates, better education of local people, and increased awareness of wildlife conservation.  相似文献   

The first population ecology study of the endangered Magnolia sargentiana Rehder & Wilson (Magnoliaceae) is reported in the paper. It is a protected species in China but little is known about its present status in the field. In 2007 and 2008 we surveyed the population and conservation status of M. sargentiana in the Provincial Mamize Nature Reserve and the National Meigu Dafengding Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, southwestern China. Natural regeneration is poor because of unfavorable environmental conditions and anthropogenic disturbances. Flower buds and bark of M. sargentiana are used in traditional Chinese medicine and their collection by local people from 1983 to 1994 has led to dramatic population declines. The collection of flower buds and bark is now banned, but hewing branches for firewood and grazing continues to have a negative impact on the recovery of M. sargentiana populations. To protect the species we require a ban on hewing branches, closure of primary forest to reduce humans and ungulates, better education of local people, and increased awareness of wildlife conservation.  相似文献   

The present work provides an overview of the global use of reptiles in traditional folk medicine and the implications for conservation. The results demonstrate that at least 165 reptile species belonging to 104 genera and 30 families are used in traditional folk medicine around the world. Some species are used as sources of drugs for modern medical science. Of the reptiles recorded, 53% are included on lists of endangered species, demonstrating the importance of understanding such medicinal uses in the context of reptile conservation as well as the need for considering socio-cultural factors when establishing management plans directed towards the sustainable use of these reptiles.  相似文献   

A wide array of wildlife species, including many animals, are used in traditional medicines across many medicinal systems, including in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Due to over-exploitation and habitat loss, the populations of many animals commonly used in TCM have declined and are unable to meet market demand. A number of measures have been taken to try to reduce the impact that this large and growing market for TCM may have on wild animal species. Consumer preferences and behavior are known to play an important role in the consumption and protection of wild animals used in traditional medicine, and thus are likely to be an important factor in the success of many of these mechanisms—particularly given the significant percentage of TCMs that are over-the-counter products (access to which is not mediated by practitioners). In this study we conducted questionnaires and designed stated preference experiments embodying different simulation scenarios using a random sample of the population in Beijing to elicit individuals’ knowledge, perceptions and preferences toward wild or farmed animal materials and their substitutes used in traditional Chinese medicine. We found that respondents had a stated preference for wild materials over farm-raised and other alternatives because they believe that the effectiveness of wild-sourced materials is more credible than that of other sources. However, we also found that, although respondents used TCM products, they had a poor understanding of the function or composition of either traditional Chinese medicines or proprietary Chinese medicines (PCM), and paid little attention to the composition of products when making purchasing decisions. Furthermore, awareness of the need for species protection, or “conservation consciousness” was found to play an important role in willingness to accept substitutions for wild animal materials, while traditional animal medicinal materials (TAMs) derived from well-known endangered species, such as bear bile and tiger bone, show relatively higher substitutability. These results suggest that there is still hope for conservation measures which seek to promote a transition to farmed animal, plant and synthetic ingredients and provide clear directions for future social marketing, education and engagement efforts.  相似文献   

Wei  Fuwen  Wu  Qi  Hu  Yibo  Huang  Guangping  Nie  Yonggang  Yan  Li 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2019,62(2):168-178
Multifaceted approaches are required to monitor wildlife populations and improve conservation efforts. In the last decade,increasing evidence suggests that metagenomic analysis offers valuable perspectives and tools for identifying microbial communities and functions. It has become clear that gut microbiome plays a critical role in health, nutrition, and physiology of wildlife, including numerous endangered animals in the wild and in captivity. In this review, we first introduce the human microbiome and metagenomics, highlighting the importance of microbiome for host fitness. Then, for the first time, we propose the concept of conservation metagenomics, an emerging subdiscipline of conservation biology, which aims to understand the roles of the microbiota in evolution and conservation of endangered animals. We define what conservation metagenomics is along with current approaches, main scientific issues and significant implications in the study of host evolution, physiology,nutrition, ecology and conservation. We also discuss future research directions of conservation metagenomics. Although there is still a long way to go, conservation metagenomics has already shown a significant potential for improving the conservation and management of wildlife.  相似文献   

The current species extinction crisis is being exacerbated by an increased rate of emergence of epizootic disease. Human‐induced factors including habitat degradation, loss of biodiversity and wildlife population reductions resulting in reduced genetic variation are accelerating disease emergence. Novel, efficient and effective approaches are required to combat these epizootic events. Here, we present the case for the application of human precision medicine approaches to wildlife medicine in order to enhance species conservation efforts. We consider how the precision medicine revolution, coupled with the advances made in genomics, may provide a powerful and feasible approach to identifying and treating wildlife diseases in a targeted, effective and streamlined manner. A number of case studies of threatened species are presented which demonstrate the applicability of precision medicine to wildlife conservation, including sea turtles, amphibians and Tasmanian devils. These examples show how species conservation could be improved by using precision medicine techniques to determine novel treatments and management strategies for the specific medical conditions hampering efforts to restore population levels. Additionally, a precision medicine approach to wildlife health has in turn the potential to provide deeper insights into human health and the possibility of stemming and alleviating the impacts of zoonotic diseases. The integration of the currently emerging Precision Medicine Initiative with the concepts of EcoHealth (aiming for sustainable health of people, animals and ecosystems through transdisciplinary action research) and One Health (recognizing the intimate connection of humans, animal and ecosystem health and addressing a wide range of risks at the animal–human–ecosystem interface through a coordinated, collaborative, interdisciplinary approach) has great potential to deliver a deeper and broader interdisciplinary‐based understanding of both wildlife and human diseases.  相似文献   

CATRINA M. MARTIN 《Ibis》1995,137(S1):S198-S203
The Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, is one of the most significant pieces of conservation legislation ever passed in the United States. The passage of this act spawned the creation of the Endangered Species Program of the US. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Under the Act, the USFWS has responsibility for implementing many provisions of the Act: listings, consultations, enforcement of prohibitions and recovery planning. Recovering threatened and endangered species, as well as other declining species yet to be listed, is accomplished through many of the activities that occur under the auspices of the Act, not only through the formal recovery planning process. The Act is fundamentally an instrument for ecosystem conservation, although this aspect of the Act is often over-looked. Planning and implementing an ecosystem approach to conservation activities is a priority for the USFWS, not only for threatened and endangered species but for all wildlife. The recent emphasis on regional habitat conservation planning and the development of regional and multi-species recovery plans are indicative of the priority placed on sound ecosystem conservation planning. All of these processes are implemented with the participation of the potentially affected communities and state wildlife management agencies through a public review process. State conservation agencies are part of the process through a special grant programme.  相似文献   

中药不良反应是当今人们关注的热点问题之一,我国目前对如何正确应对中药不良反应没有制定一种切实可行的措施。中药不良反应的发生直接关系着中药安全性的评价,对中医药的生存和发展事关重大。概括论述了不良反应的原因及对策。  相似文献   

Studies of complete genomes are leading to a new understanding of the biology of mammals and providing ongoing insights into the fundamental aspects of the organization and evolution of biological systems. Comparison of primate genomes can identify aspects of their organization, regulation and function that appeared during the primate radiation, but without comparison to more evolutionarily distant mammals and other vertebrates, highly conserved aspects of genome architecture will not be accurately identified nor will the lineage-specific changes be identified as such. Many species of primates face risks of extinction; yet the knowledge of their genomes will provide a deeper understanding of primate adaptations, human origins, and provide the framework for discoveries anticipated to improve human medicine. The great apes, the closest relatives of the human species, are among the most vulnerable and most important for human medical studies. However, apes are not the only species whose genomic information will enrich humankind. Comparative genomic studies of endangered species can benefit conservation efforts on their behalf. Increased knowledge of genome makeup and variation in endangered species finds conservation application in population evaluation monitoring and management, understanding phylozoogeography, can enhance wildlife health management, identify risk factors for genetic disorders, and provide insights into demographic management of small populations in the wild and in captivity.  相似文献   

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