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利用杀配子染色体创造普通小麦-大赖草异易位系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
某些山羊草染色体在普通小麦遗传背景中可引起小麦染色体发生断裂、重接从而产生染色体结构变异, 利用这一机制, 用抗赤霉病普通小麦-大赖草Lr2和Lr7染色体二体附加系与普通小麦-柱穗山羊草的2C杀配子染色体二体附加系杂交, 再用中国春回交, 采用染色体C分带技术从BC1中初筛出染色体结构发生变异的植株, 再通过染色体C分带和基因组荧光原位杂交技术, 并结合花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ的染色体配对分析, 对其自交后代作细致的细胞学分析, 选育出3个普通小麦-大赖草纯合易位系T1DS-Lr7L(98002, NAU633), T4AL·4AS-Lr7S(98004, NAU634)和T1BL-Lr2S (98048, NAU635), 以及一批尚待鉴定的含小麦与大赖草染色体易位植株. 对杀配子染色体在诱导小麦与外源染色体间易位的可行性和效率, 以及异易位系的利用价值进行了讨论.  相似文献   

簇毛麦染色体组特异性RAPD标记的筛选、定位和应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以普通小麦中国春、中国春-簇毛麦二体附加系以及不同来源的簇毛麦为材料,用100个10碱基随机引物进行RAPD扩增。引物OPF02能在不同来源的簇毛麦及所有中国春-簇毛麦二体附加系中扩增出一条长约750bp的片段OPF02 750。普通小麦和硬粒小麦不能扩增出该片段。因此,OPF02 750为分布于簇毛麦所有染色体上的一个簇毛麦染色体组特异片段。用引物OPF02对普通小麦-簇毛麦双二倍体、硬粒小麦-簇毛麦双二倍体以及几个普通小麦的簇毛麦二体代换系、二体附加系进行检测,发现NAU302已经丢失了其所附加的簇毛麦3V染色体。  相似文献   

构建人工合成六倍体小麦是利用小麦近缘材料优异基因的很有效的方法。但是目前在人工合成异源六倍小麦的过程中对微卫星位点的影响研究尚不完善。本研究直接比较了亲本四倍体小麦PS5与4个不同粗山羊草进行远缘杂交并经染色体自然加倍后获得4个人工合成六倍体小麦前后,位于普通小麦A/B染色体组不同染色体臂上的104对引物的变化。结果表明,104对微卫星引物的扩增产物在4个合成六倍体小麦中具有与普通小麦相同的带型;但在22对引物的扩增产物上存在差异,其中Am4与其它3个六倍体小麦Am1,Am2,Am3在15对引物扩增的条带存在差异;另外发现有45对特异与AB染色体的引物能够在粗山羊草中扩增出产物,其中特异于B染色体组的引物47.54%的可以在粗山羊草中扩增出产物,而A染色体组的引物占38.24%。因此,基于普通小麦开发的微卫星引物可以用于合成六倍体小麦的研究,而Am4材料与其它3个合成二倍体小麦的差异尚需进一步研究,另外我们推测普通小麦的B染色体组与A染色体组相比与粗山羊草存在较近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

报道小麦×Elymusrectisetus属间杂种BC2F236个衍生系,通过染色体原位杂交和RAPD分析,检测Elymusrectisetus染色体及其特异染色体DNA标记。原位杂交结果表明,36个衍生系中大多数系含1对异源Erectisetus染色体,少数系含3条以上Ereclisetus染色体;RAPD结果表明,有13个随机引物(OPBA-08、OPB-14OPEA-09、OPF-05、OPF-09、OPJ-05、OPK-03、OPN-12、OPP-20、OPS-12、OPT-20、OPZ-09、OPZ-11)能够在这36个衍生系中分别扩增出普通小麦所没有的Erectisetus特异的染色体DNA片段。其中Erectisetus特异染色体DNA片段OPF-05480bp、OPF-09650bp和OPZ-11350bp只能够在“1048”系统的全部8个株系中扩增出;OPN-12350bp只能够在“1057”系统的全部6个株系中扩增出;OPB-14900bp和OPM-05420bp只能够在“1034”、“1026”2个系统的全部22个株系和“1057”-5-3株系中扩增出。直接获得了3个类型不同的异附加系,省去常规通过测配和附加系两两杂交F1PMCMI细胞学鉴定来确证异附加系之间的异同。由此说明染色体原位杂交和RAPD分析有机结合是鉴定异附加系(异代换系)快速有效的方法,且方法简单、易行.  相似文献   

普通小麦-纤毛鹅观草染色体异附加系的分子标记鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔令娜  李巧  王海燕  曹爱忠  陈佩度  王秀娥 《遗传》2008,30(10):1356-1362
随机选取定位于小麦和大麦7个部分同源群上的135对EST、27对STS和253对SSR引物对24个可能的普通小麦-纤毛鹅观草二体异附加系的基因组DNA进行扩增。结果表明, 55对引物在亲本普通小麦中国春、Inayama Komugi、纤毛鹅观草和Inayama Komugi-纤毛鹅观草双二倍体间有多态性扩增, 其中31对引物可以在异附加系中扩增到纤毛鹅观草特异条带。根据PCR扩增结果, 异附加系07K02、07K06、07K39、07K201、07K202、07K255和07K256所添加的纤毛鹅观草染色体归属小麦第1部分同源群; 07K07、07K08、07K09、07K11、07K14和07K17所添加的纤毛鹅观草染色体归属小麦第2部分同源群; 07K15、07K16、07K21和07K47所添加的纤毛鹅观草染色体归属小麦第6部分同源群。  相似文献   

簇毛麦基因组特异性PCR标记的建立和应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以普通小麦中国春、簇毛麦、中国春-簇毛麦二体附加系和代换系为材料进行RAPD分析,筛选出一个簇毛麦基因组特异性RAPD片段OPFO2757,该片段分布于簇毛麦所有染色体上。在对OPFO2757进行克隆、测序的基础上,设计一对PCR引物,建立了簇毛麦基因组特异性PCR标记。用这对PCR引物对不同普通小麦品种、不同硬粒小麦品种、不同居群的簇毛麦、中国春-簇毛麦二体附加系、中国春-簇毛麦二体代换系、普通小麦-簇毛麦双二倍体、硬粒小麦-簇毛麦双二倍体等材料进行扩增,凡具有簇毛麦染色体的材料都能扩增出一条长为677bp的DNA片段,而不具簇毛麦染色体的材料包括大麦、黑麦、长穗偃麦草、中间偃麦草等不能扩增出该片段。所以,该特异性PCR标记可用于快速跟踪检测小麦背景中的簇毛麦染色体。  相似文献   

筛选利用小麦微卫星标记追踪簇毛麦各条染色体   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
张伟  高安礼  周波  陈佩度 《遗传学报》2006,33(3):236-243
选用定位于普通小麦7个部分同源群上的276对微卫星引物对普通小麦中同春和簇毛麦的基因组DNA进行扩增分析,有148对引物可在两个物种间检测到多态性。利用上述显示多态性的引物进一步对7个中国春-簇毛麦二体附加系进行扩增分析,筛选出分别可用来追踪簇毛麦1V至7V染色体的引物wmc49(1BS)、wmc25(2BS)、gdm36(3DS)、gdml45(4AL)、wmc233(5DS)、wmc256(6AL)和gwm344(7BL)。此外还发现6DS上的微卫星引物gwm469可以用来追踪簇毛麦的2V染色体;2DS上的微卫星引物gdm107可用来追踪簇毛麦的6V染色体。进一步用涉及不同簇毛麦和小麦背景的小麦一簇毛麦染色体附加系、代换系和易位系进行扩增分析,这些微卫星标记也可用来鉴定簇毛麦的各条染色体。因此,这然簇毛麦染色体特异的微卫星标记可用来追踪普通小麦背景中的簇毛麦染色体。  相似文献   

中间偃麦草麦、小麦和小麦-中间偃麦草2Ai-2附加系Z1、Z2、X6,代换系ZD28等进行RAPD分析,从320个RAPD引物中,鉴定出2Ai-2染色体特异的2个RAPD标记OPO05650和OPMO414000。利用这2个特异OPO05和OPM04,PCR扩增普通小麦CS(ABD)及其近缘植物中间偃麦草(E1E2St)、拟鹅冠草(St),长穗偃麦草(E)、簇毛麦(V)、黑麦(R)、大麦(H)粗山羊草(D)等基因组DNA。结果表明,OPO05650和OPO41400均是2Ai-2染色体上St基因组区域的特异标记。将上棕2个特异片段分离回收、克隆、测序,根据测序结果重新设计、合成特异引物,成功地转换RAPD标记为SCAR(sequence characterizked amplifed region)标记SC-05和SC-M4。利用SCAR标记对不同材料进行分析的结果表明,凡含有2Ai-2染色体的抗黄矮病材料及拟鹅冠草均产生一条扩增带,不含2Ai-2染色体的材料,包括小麦、长穗麦草、簇毛麦、黑麦、在麦、粗山羊草以有含有其他他中间偃麦草染色休的附加系,均没有扩增产物,说明上棕2个SCAR标记是中间偃麦草2Ai-2染色体的特异性PCR标记,且是2Ai-2染色体上St基因组区域的特异性标记。克隆与鉴定中间偃麦草的2个SCAR扩增片段TiSCO5和TiSCM4。结果表明,克隆的中间偃麦草TiSCO5和TiSCM4特异片段,分别是St基因组特异性的寡拷贝序列有多拷贝重复序列,为St基因组遗传研究的新探针。  相似文献   

通过对中国春-长穗偃麦草(E.elongata 2n=14EE)二体附加系与中国春-柱穗山羊草(Ae.cylindrica 2n=28CCDD)2C二体附加系(杀配子染色体)杂交F1减数分裂的观察,看到F1单价体数超过理论数值,后期出现大量的染色体段片,认为这种异常现象与杀配子染色体的作用有关。对76株中国春-长穗偃麦草5E二体附加系与中国春-柱穗山羊草2C二体附加系杂交、回交一代进行染色体C-分带鉴定,初步认定株系21-5-14、21-5-37、21-5-67、21-5-71为中国春染色体与偃麦草5E染色体易位。经染色体组原位杂交(GISH)进一步确定21-5-14为T5ES.4AS易位系,21-5-37为T5E.2BS易位系,21-5-67为T5E.3AS易位系,21-5-71为T5ES.5BS易位系。易位频率为5.3%。株系21-5-27、21-5-18、21-5-18、21-5-72、21-5-4、21-5-71经染色体C-分带鉴定,分别为6B、4B、5B、4A、4B、2A缺失系。杀配子染色体引起缺失频率为6.5%。证明利用杀配子染色体诱导染色体易位和缺失的频率较高。杀配子染色体引起中国春B组染色体畸变大于A、D组,与Endo观察结果相似。  相似文献   

研究应用基因组原位杂交、染色体C-分带和RAPD技术,对八倍体小黑麦×普通小麦杂种F2经电离辐射处理后的高代材料98-60进行了检测。基因组原位杂交结果表明,该材料为小麦-黑麦异代换系。进一步通过C-分带分析表明,该品系为5R代换系,并且还包含有5AS/6AS小麦种内的染色体易位。通过RAPD分析,在该品系中找到了来源于八倍体小黑麦亲本"新麦73"的黑麦染色体特异扩增产物OPA-01350和与两个亲本不同的特异重组产物OPF-14800、OPF-14920,进一步验证了基因组原位杂交和C-分带的鉴定结果。  相似文献   

用Langdon二体代换系统建立小麦染色体RAPD标记   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
以一套Langdon硬粒小麦二体代换系及其亲本Langdon、中国春和中国春双端体为材料,研究适于硬粒小麦和普通小麦的理想RAPD分析条件,进行小麦A、B和D染色体组各个染色体的RAPD分析。结果表明,AmpliTaqStoffelfragment比TaqDNAPolymerase优越。所用12个随机引物中,7个引物扩增出的13个特异产物,可确定在硬粒小麦LangdonA、B染色体组和中国春D染色体组中的10个个别染色体上。4个标记进一步定位在相应的4个染色体臂上。结果还表明,用Langdon二体代换系统、中国春双端体为材料,容易得到重复性高、特异性强的RAPD标记。  相似文献   

Introgression from allohexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L., AABBDD) to allotetraploid jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica Host, CCDD) can take place in areas where the two species grow in sympatry and hybridize. Wheat and Ae. cylindrica share the D genome, issued from the common diploid ancestor Aegilops tauschii Coss. It has been proposed that the A and B genome of bread wheat are secure places to insert transgenes to avoid their introgression into Ae. cylindrica because during meiosis in pentaploid hybrids, A and B genome chromosomes form univalents and tend to be eliminated whereas recombination takes place only in D genome chromosomes. Wheat random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fragments, detected in intergeneric hybrids and introgressed to the first backcross generation with Ae. cylindrica as the recurrent parent and having a euploid Ae. cylindrica chromosome number or one supernumerary chromosome, were assigned to wheat chromosomes using Chinese Spring nulli-tetrasomic wheat lines. Introgressed fragments were not limited to the D genome of wheat, but specific fragments of A and B genomes were also present in the BC1. Their presence indicates that DNA from any of the wheat genomes can introgress into Ae. cylindrica. Successfully located RAPD fragments were then converted into highly specific and easy-to-use sequence characterised amplified regions (SCARs) through sequencing and primer design. Subsequently these markers were used to characterise introgression of wheat DNA into a BC1S1 family. Implications for risk assessment of genetically modified wheat are discussed.  相似文献   

Diploid Thinopyrum elongatum, a wild relative of wheat, contains many agronomically desirable traits and has potential for increasing genetic variability and introducing desirable characters in this crop. Few molecular markers are available for rapid screening of T. elongatum genome segments in the wheat genetic background. We used 36 RAPD primers and 33 ISSR primers to screen for polymorphisms in the common wheat variety Chinese Spring and in T. elongatum. Two RAPD markers and one ISSR marker, designated OPF03(1407), LW10(1487) and UBC841(701), were identified and were specific for the T. elongatum E genome. Three pairs of primers flanking these specific sequences were designed to produce SCAR markers. All three SCAR markers were T. elongatum E genome-specific. Two of these SCAR markers, SCAR(807) and SCAR(577), were present in all seven T. elongatum chromosomes, while SCAR(839) was specific for T. elongatum chromosomes 2E and 3E. These newly developed SCAR markers should be useful for detecting alien genome chromatin or chromosome segments in the genetic background of common wheat.  相似文献   

Maan[1] and Endo[2] et al. first reported that some chromosomes from Ae. longgissima, Ae. sharonensis and Ae. triuncialis showed preferential transmission when introduced into wheat background. The mechanism for this phenomenon rests with the fact that contrary to the normal fertility of gametes with these chromosomes, chromosome structural aberrations occur seriously in the gametes without these chromosomes, causing less compatibility in selective fertilization and resulting in semi-sterilit…  相似文献   

Deletion-based physical mapping of barley chromosome 7H   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Chromosomal mutations in barley (Hordeum vulgare, 2n=2x=14, HH) chromosome 7H added to the common wheat (Triticum aestivum, 2n=6x=42, AABBDD) cultivar Chinese Spring were induced genetically by the gametocidal activity of certain alien chromosomes derived from wild species of the genus Aegilops. The rearranged barley chromosomes were characterized by C-banding, FISH and GISH. Twenty two deletion or translocation chromosomes in a hemizygous condition were selected for deletion mapping of 17 AFLP and 28 STS markers that are specific to 7H. Of the 22 breakpoints in chromosome 7H, seven involved the short arm (7HS), 12 the long arm (7HL) and three were in the centromeric region. The seven 7HS breakpoints separated all four 7HS-specific AFLP markers and split the 21 STS markers into six groups. One breakpoint occurred between two STS markers formerly occupying the same position in the genetic map. All seven 7HS breakpoints were separated from each other by either the AFLP or STS markers. The 12 breakpoints in 7HL divided the 13 7HL-specific AFLP markers into seven groups, and the seven STS markers into three groups. On the other hand, the 12 breakpoints in 7HL were divided into six groups by the AFLP markers and into two groups by the STS markers. This deletion-based map was in accordance with previously published genetic and physical maps using the same STS markers. The breakpoints, AFLP markers and STS markers were arrayed in a consistent order. Received: 5 February 2001 / Accepted: 19 February 2001  相似文献   

The use of random amplified polymorphic DNA markers in wheat   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
Summary An evaluation was made of the use of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) as a genetic marker system in wheat. Reproducible amplification products were obtained from varietal, homozygous single chromosome recombinant line and wheat/alien addition line genomic DNA with selected primers and rigorously optimized reaction conditions. Factors influencing the RAPD patterns are DNA concentration, Mg2+ concentration, polymerase concentration and denaturing temperature. In wheat, the non-homoeologous, non-dose responsive and dominant behaviour of RAPD products devalues their use as genetic markers for the construction of linkage maps, and the high probability that the amplified fragments derive from repetitive DNA limits their use as a source of conventional RFLP probes. However, RAPD markers will most certainly find many applications in the analysis of genotypes where single chromosomes or chromosome segments are to be manipulated.  相似文献   

 RFLP, RAPD, STS and DDRT-PCR techniques were applied to find molecular markers linked to Pm13, an Aegilops longissima gene conferring resistance to powdery mildew in wheat. The experimental strategy was based on the differential comparison of DNAs from common wheat and from common wheat/Ae. longissima recombinant lines carrying short segments of the 3S l S chromosome arm containing the Pm13 gene. Sixteen RFLP clones that detect loci previously located in the short arms of group-3 wheat chromosomes were screened for their ability to hybridise to Ae. longissima restriction fragments derived from the 3S l S segments introgressed into the recombinant lines. Eight RFLP clones and one STS marker detected 3S l S-specific fragments whose location relative to the wheat-alien chromatin breakage point of the recombinant lines was determined. Four amplification products were identified through the screening of about 200 RAPD primers. Their polymorphism was associated with the introgression of the alien DNA. One of the differential fragments was derived from the 3S l S DNA segment, while the remaining three corresponded to the replaced 3DS DNA. Further analyses carried out using 40 combinations of DDRT-PCR primers detected an additional reproducible polymorphism associated with the presence of 3S l S DNA. In view of their possible utilisation in Pm13 marker-assisted selection, differentially amplified RAPD and DDRT-PCR fragments were cloned, transformed into RFLP markers and converted into STS markers. Received: 23 March 1998 / Accepted: 5 August 1998  相似文献   

当柱穗山羊草(Aegilops cylindrica Host.)2C染色体单体添加到普通小麦品种中国春和以中国春为背景的派生系时,减数分裂时,不含2C染色体的配子会发生染色体结构变异。为了制备一套黑麦1R染色体缺失系以用于定位黑麦1R染色体上的控制重要农艺性状的基因,把一条2C染色体导人到小黑麦1R二体附加系(21″ 1R″)中,然后让这些个体(21″ 1R″ 2C′,2n=45)自交,以便产生1R染色体结构变异体。实验共检测了345粒F,种子,83粒种子带有结构变异的黑麦1R染色体(24.1%)。通过C分带和原位杂交检测,对来自于23株F2的46个F3植株所带有的异常1R染色体进行了归类:其中1RL端体为39.1%,1RL等臂染色体为2.2%,1RL易位系为32.6%。1RS端体为4.3%,1RS等臂染色体为4.3%,切点在长臂上的缺失体为2.2%。在6.5%的植株中同时含有2种类型的1R染色体结构变异。其余8.7%带有异常1R染色体的个体因为没有原位杂交结果而无法判断是属于哪种类型。已获得的1R结构变异株将有可能进一步发展成为一套可用于定位黑麦1R染色体上重要功能基因的遗传材料。另外,还探讨了综合应用细胞学和分子标记方法鉴定易位染色体中小麦染色体片段的尝试,并对所获结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

N Asakura  C Nakamura  I Ohtsuka 《Génome》1997,40(2):201-210
Alien cytoplasms cause a wide range of phenotypic alterations in the nucleus-cytoplasm (NC) hybrids in the Triticeae. Nuclear genomes of timopheevii wheat (Triticum timopheevii and Triticum araraticum) are fully compatible with the cytoplasm of Aegilops squarrosa, while those of a majority of emmer or durum wheat cultivars and more than half the wild emmer wheats are incompatible, and a maternal 1D chromosome is required to restore seed viability and male fertility in the NC hybrids. A euploid NC hybrid of Triticum durum cv. Langdon with Ae. squarrosa cytoplasm produced by introgressing the NC compatibility (Ncc) gene from T. timopheevii was used to identify random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers linked to it. After a survey of 200 random decamer primers, four markers were selected, all of which were completely linked in 64 individuals of a SB8 mapping population. One marker was derived from a single locus, while three others were from interspersed repetitive sequences. Also, the hybrid chromosomes and those of the parental T. durum had identical C-banding patterns. RAPD-PCR analysis of 65 accessions from wild and cultivated tetraploid wheat species showed the exclusive presence of the markers in timopheevii wheat. In conclusion, the chromosomal region flanking Ncc of T. timopheevii is highly conserved in the genome of this group of tetraploid wheats.  相似文献   

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