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湖泊湿地生态服务监测指标与监测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖泊湿地生态系统为人类提供了维持生存发展的多种生态系统服务,是社会经济可持续发展的重要基础。然而,全国范围内的湖泊湿地资源被大量开发利用,极大地削弱了湖泊湿地提供生态系统服务的能力,人类自身福祉也受到严重威胁。开展湖泊湿地生态系统服务动态监测能减少生态系统服务重复计算、推动生态系统服务管理实践。本文在分析湖泊湿地生态系统服务监测必要性的基础上,探讨了湖泊湿地生态系统服务监测指标选取的原则和思路,并初步构建了适宜于我国湖泊湿地生态系统服务动态评估、权衡分析和生态生产函数构建的最终服务和生态特征监测指标体系。最终服务是与人类效益有直接关联的生态功能量,生态特征指标是产生生态系统最终服务的关键指标,主要包括生态结构、生态过程和生态功能指标。供给服务和文化服务一般是最终服务,而调节服务既可以是中间服务(生态功能)又可以是最终服务,支持服务是中间服务(生态过程)。针对调节服务和文化服务评估的困难性及调节服务的重复计算问题,本研究提出通过宏观监测(3S技术监测)和典型湖泊湿地定位监测相结合的多尺度湖泊湿地生态系统服务监测方法,构建湿地监测项目开展生态系统最终服务和生态特征指标数据监测。本研究对构建生态生产函数、开展湖泊湿地生态系统服务动态评估和权衡分析具有重要意义,是生态系统服务从认知走向管理实践的重要基础。  相似文献   

近年来随着人类活动的加剧,湿地生态系统的结构和功能都受到强烈干扰和破坏,研究遭受干扰后的湿地生态系统结构的演化过程,对湿地生态系统的保护、管理、恢复都有重要意义。本文根据复杂网络相关理论和生态系统特征构建湿地生态系统的网络模型,同时基于生物的谢尔福德耐受性和生态系统的自我调节能力,提出了一种考虑过载和欠载状态的湿地生态网络结构的演化模型。从初始负载、负载容量、负载冗余范围和负载重分配四个方面对遭受攻击的生态网络结构的演化过程进行刻画,同时利用鲁棒性指标揭示物种遭受干扰消亡后对湿地生态系统鲁棒性的影响。针对Teacapan湿地生态系统数值仿真,发现不同营养级的关键物种消亡对生态系统结构和鲁棒性的影响程度不同。初级生产者中的关键物种(红树林的碎屑和水中物质)消亡会导致Teacapan湿地生态网络结构迅速崩溃,生态系统鲁棒性指标迅速下降为0;而消费者中的关键物种消亡对生态网络结构波动和系统鲁棒性的影响较小,生态系统能够在一定时间内达到二次平衡,此时湿地生态系统仍具有一定的抵抗外界干扰的能力。这一结果体现了红树林中的碎屑作为支撑食物链的主要食物来源对湿地生态系统的重要性,为湿地生态系统的动植物...  相似文献   

基于3S技术的图们江流域湿地生态安全评价与预警研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
图们江是我国重要的国际性河流之一,随着我国经济的迅速崛起,图们江地区进入到多国合作联合开发阶段,该区环境也因此受到了不同程度的干扰和破坏,对该区域进行湿地生态安全评价与预警研究,可为图们江流域生态环境的可持续发展提供依据。以图们江流域湿地生态安全为出发点,基于PSR模型构建了适合该区域生态环境的生态安全评价指标体系,在3S技术支持下,通过解译1976年、1990年、2000年、2010年4个年份的TM/MSS影像,获取了这4个时期的景观格局指标数据,并运用层次分析法确定指标权重;在使用逻辑斯蒂增长曲线模型对各个指标进行单指标评价的基础上,使用综合评价法对各个时期的图们江流域湿地生态安全进行评价,最终得到1976年、1990年生态安全值分别为0.650、0.620,湿地生态系统比较安全,2000年、2010年生态安全值分别为0.536、0.454,湿地生态系统处于预警状态,应及时对该区域湿地生态系统进行保护。基于灰色预测模型构建湿地生态安全预测模型,经检验,模型精度较高,可以进行图们江流域湿地生态安全的预测研究。做出了图们江流域未来40a的湿地生态安全预测,分别为0.3903、0.3345、0.2866、0.2456,湿地生态系统处于中度预警状态,并有向重度预警发展的趋势,生态安全面临的威胁越来越严重,急需对本区域湿地生态系统进行保护与管理。  相似文献   

湿地生态系统健康评价指标体系Ⅰ.理论   总被引:84,自引:10,他引:74  
崔保山  杨志峰 《生态学报》2002,22(7):1005-1011
湿地生态系统健康是一个新的研究领域。主要从湿地生态系统指标的概念出发,阐述了选择生态系统指标的基本理论,分析了湿地生态特征指标体系,湿地功能整合性指标体系和湿地社会政治环境指标体系所包含的基本内涵,特别强调了生态系统结构和内在功能是生态特征的主要表现。功能整合性是湿地生态系统健康的外在表现,同时,社会政治环境因素中,政策法规,总体规划,政策保障,公众参与程度,代际周期的社会公平性,个人接受能力,团体接受能力等是影响湿地生态系统健康的重要因素。  相似文献   

基于PSR模型的凌河口湿地生态系统健康评价与预警研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
徐浩田  周林飞  成遣 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8264-8274
凌河口湿地自然保护区是辽河流域主要的湿地保护区域。选取1995年、2000年、2005年、2009年和2014年TM影像作为研究的数据源,在3S技术平台支撑下构建了凌河口湿地空间信息数据库,获取了5个时期的景观格局指数。运用PSR数学模型,从压力、状态、响应3个方面选取10个评价指数,构建了凌河口湿地生态系统健康评价指标体系;采用AHP方法确定各项指标权重指数,应用逻辑斯蒂增长模型(Logistic growth model)对各个单项指标进行单因子评价,最后用计算CEI的综合评价法对5个时期湿地的生态健康情况进行综合评价。结果表明:1995年、2000年生态系统健康指数为0.642、0.617,凌河口湿地生态系统状态为比较健康;2005年、2009年和2014年生态健康指数为0.524、0.436和0.405,凌河口湿地生态系统处于亚健康的状态,应及时采取措施对该研究区进行生态系统保护。最后通过选取基于灰色系统理论的预测模型,构建凌河口湿地生态健康预测模型GM(1,1),对模型进行精度检验,发现灰色绝对关联度、后验差比值和小误差概率的精度检验等级均为一级,预测模型精度较为理想,因此采用GM(1,1)模型对凌河口湿地进行生态系统健康预测研究。预测结果表明:未来20年的湿地生态健康值分别为:0.357、0.321、0.291、0.267,研究区处于一般病态,并有向病态发展的趋势,生态健康面临愈来愈严重的威胁,对湿地进行保护和管理刻不容缓。  相似文献   

湖滨湿地生态系统稳定性评价   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
王玲玲  曾光明  黄国和  苏小康  徐敏 《生态学报》2005,25(12):3406-3410
根据生态系统稳定性的产生原因,将稳定性划分为系统整体稳定性和系统结构稳定性。从系统的稳定性出发,以生态系统的整体稳定性和结构稳定性两个方面为对象,对湖滨湿地生态恢复所产生的生态效益进行了研究。针对系统整体稳定性,给出了生物多样性指数、自然保护区比重和自然灾害等级3个评价指标,并介绍了相应的指标量化方法。与此同时结合能值理论,准确地分析了湖滨湿地生态系统的结构稳定性,为评价湖滨湿地生态恢复的生态效益评价提供了客观的标尺。  相似文献   

哈尼梯田湿地生态系统健康评价指标体系构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
舒远琴  宋维峰  马建刚 《生态学报》2021,41(23):9292-9304
为了获得梯田湿地生态系统健康评价的指标体系,以云南红河哈尼梯田湿地为例,基于对该湿地维持机制的分析,构建了包括生态特征、功能整合、社会与政治3个方面共20个指标的健康评价指标体系以及各个指标的健康阈值分级表。同时,利用AHP层次分析法确定了各指标的权重,运用综合评价法对梯田湿地生态系统的健康状态进行评价。本研究构建的评价指标体系解决了哈尼梯田湿地生态系统缺乏健康评价指标体系和支持理论的问题,为评价该类型湿地生态系统的健康状态提供指导方法,能够依据其评价结果为后续湿地健康质量的提升及湿地的可持续利用发展提出改进策略。  相似文献   

邱梦琪  韩美  焦晨泰  宋爽  刘焱序 《生态学报》2023,(21):9096-9105
黄河口拥有中国暖温带面积最广阔、自然属性最显著、结构最完整的滨海湿地生态系统,因处在河-海-陆交汇的复杂界面,湿地生态系统十分脆弱。满足生态需水是维持湿地生态系统健康的基础和关键,但以往估算缺乏系统综合性视角且存在时间尺度较粗的问题。从维持湿地面积、保护生物多样性及稳定生态系统功能和过程3个目标出发,构建了包含5项指标的湿地生态需水指标体系,对湿地3个等级、3个时段生态需水进行了估算,并据此判断了2000年至2019年黄河口湿地在极端丰水年及枯水年生态需水的满足状况,结果表明:黄河口湿地全年的最小、适宜、最大生态需水量分别为13.33×108 m3、22.33×108 m3、35.31×108 m3;4—6月、7—10月、11—3月的适宜生态需水量分别为6.76×108 m3、10.10×108 m3、5.47×108 m3;...  相似文献   

滨海红树林湿地生态系统健康的诊断方法和评价指标   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
健康的红树林湿地生态系统是指系统组分之间及系统整体维持动态的平衡,在适度的自然与人为干扰下,红树林生态系统服务功能发挥正常。本文筛选并评述了包括指示物种法、结构功能指标法、生态系统失调综合症诊断法、生态系统健康风险评估法、生态脆弱性和稳定性评价、生态功能评价法等6种可用于红树林湿地生态系统健康的诊断方法,分析了各自的应用前景。以压力-状态-响应模型为主线,构建了红树林湿地生态系统健康评价指标体系。在未来研究中,需进一步加强指标的筛选、评价标准与权重的确定,将生态系统健康水平与其生态服务功能相关联,开展具体案例分析。  相似文献   

白洋淀湿地生态系统最终服务价值评估   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
白洋淀湿地是华北平原最大的淡水湿地,为不同尺度的受益者提供了多项生态系统服务。开展白洋淀湿地生态系统最终服务(final ecosystem services)价值评估能用直观的经济数据揭示白洋淀湿地生态系统对不同尺度受益者的直接贡献,为白洋淀湿地生态保护创建生态补偿等经济驱动机制。基于白洋淀湿地生态特征和受益者分析,确定了白洋淀湿地生态系统最终服务价值评估指标体系,并以2011年可利用数据为基础,综合运用市场价值法、替代成本法、个体旅行费用模型法和支付卡式条件价值法评估了白洋淀湿地提供给人类的经济价值。评估结果表明:2011年白洋淀湿地生态系统服务总价值为35.55×10~8元,其中调蓄洪水和休闲娱乐是白洋淀提供的主导服务。对所评估的8项生态系统最终服务按价值量排序,依次为调蓄洪水休闲娱乐淡水产品原材料生产非使用价值水资源供给释氧固碳。评估结果比较全面地反映了白洋淀湿地对受益者的直接贡献,不仅能提高管理部门和受益者的湿地保护认知,也为管理部门确定白洋淀湿地生态补偿标准提供了重要数据基础。同时,评估指标的确定为区分白洋淀湿地生态系统中间服务和最终服务,构建白洋淀湿地生态系统服务监测指标体系,开展白洋淀湿地生态系统最终服务动态评价、权衡分析及驱动因子研究提供了重要方向,有助于湿地生态系统服务研究由静态评估向湿地生态系统服务的优化管理方向发展。  相似文献   

Wetlands provide a range of ecosystem services such as drought resistance, flood resistance, nutrient deposition, biodiversity, etc. This study presents a new multi-criteria, ecosystems service value-driven method to drive the optimal placement of restored wetlands in terms of maximizing selected ecosystem services which a wetland can provide or affect. We aim to answer two questions: 1) which of the ecosystem services indicators defines the placement of wetlands today? 2) Based on the ecosystem services indicator assessment, what are the recommendations for future selection of catchments for potential wetland reconstruction (i.e. restoration)?Five key ecosystem services indicators produced or affected by wetlands in Denmark were mapped (recreational potential, biodiversity, nitrogen mitigation potential, inverse land rent, and flash-flood risk). These services were compared to current placements of wetlands. Furthermore, scenario testing and hotspot analysis were combined to provide future recommendations for optimal placements of wetlands. The scenarios investigated were Climate Adaptation and Protection of Aquatic Environment, Land-Based Economy, and Rich Nature. Based on these scenarios, the most suitable areas for wetland reconstruction were mapped, taking both the scenarios and attached weightings of ecosystem services indicators into account.According to statistical results current reconstructed wetlands are situated in catchments with lower biodiversity, higher nitrogen mitigation potential, higher land rent (i.e. agricultural intensive areas), and to some extent higher flash flood risk compared to the median of catchments with wetlands. Hence, recreation potential, high biodiversity, and low land rent has not been prioritized. 35 out of the 3023 catchments investigated were identified with an especially high suitability when optimizing all scenarios. This coincides with a high suitability around peri-urban and urban areas and near natural areas, hence capturing both supply and demand services. Of the 35 identified catchments with potentially high suitability, only 2 actually hold a presently reconstructed wetland. This indicates a prior placement with almost no consideration of maximizing ecosystem services benefits.We recommend a systematic approach, such as the ecosystem service value-driven method demonstrated in the present case study, to target more services and improve the overall benefit from wetlands. This approach seeks to inform decision makers of synergies in the landscape, which is likely to transcend future policy implementations.  相似文献   

Reliable ecological indicators of wetland integrity are necessary for assessing recovery of restored wetlands; yet, little consensus currently exists on which indicators are most appropriate. We employed indicators derived from simple, standard measures of ecosystem function selected on the basis of ecological succession theory developed by [Science 164 (1969) 262; Bioscience 35 (1985) 419], which suggests that respiration:biomass ratios should increase in disturbed systems due to the diversion of energy from growth to maintenance. This hypothesis holds potential for the development of a simple ecological indicator and therefore was tested among prairie wetlands restored after drainage disturbance. No difference was observed in respiration:biomass ratios in restored wetlands and reference wetlands designated as controls. Plankton respiration or biomass may be poor indicators of disturbance because plankton responds quickly to re-establishment of a wetland hydrology regime and/or because different plankton species may have redundant function. We suggest employing more revealing assessment techniques that employ simultaneous examination of ecosystem structure and function to better characterize subtle or lingering effects of wetland disturbance after restoration.  相似文献   

湿地生态系统健康评价指标体系 Ⅱ.方法与案例   总被引:70,自引:8,他引:62  
崔保山  杨志峰 《生态学报》2002,22(8):1231-1239
湿地生态系统健康是一个非常复杂的问题,不同的湿地类型。衡量指标和标准也不尽相同,以三江平原挠力河域湿地作为案例研究,分析的湿地主要为闭合流域内的沼泽湿地和河缘湿地,以此为基础,确定三大类指标,即湿地生态特征指标,功能整合性指标和社会环境指标。在三大类指标内,又分别分出各自的具有可操作性的亚指标,因为健康是一个模糊概念,因此,根据模糊综合评判原理和方法,在对挠力河流域进行湿地分区的基础上,对各区的湿地进行了评价与比较排序,然后通过红绿灯信号系统对各区健康进行了预警。  相似文献   

Despite the growing awareness of the important ecological functions and values provided by coastal and estuarine wetlands, wetland degradation continues worldwide due to increasing anthropogenic disturbances. Chongming Dongtan wetlands, adjacent to Shanghai, the largest city and industrial and trading port in China in rapid urban expansion and socioeconomic development are currently threatened with biodiversity reduction, wetland loss, contamination, and invasion of exotic plant. Sustainable protection and management of Dongtan Nature Reserve necessitate research to develop diagnostic tools and indicators for a comprehensive and objective assessment of wetland ecosystem health condition. Based on the pressure-state-response framework and ecological and environmental surveys at the Dongtan wetlands, an indicator system was established for evaluating the coastal wetlands ecosystem health, using indicators detected from satellite imagery and current field surveys. Through the establishment of health assessment units and spatial quantification of the indicators, the spatial clustering analysis, integrated with remote sensing and geographic information system technique was applied to make an accurate diagnosis of ecosystem health for Chongming Dongtan wetlands and highlight the areas in subhealthy and unhealthy condition and urgent need of conservation and management. The results from this research indicated that the ecosystem health condition at the Dongtan wetlands showed spatial variation, to a certain extent, corresponding to the distributions of elevation and land cover types. More than 75 % of the total study area was at a relatively healthy level, with 34.19 km2 for the very healthy zone and 41.08 km2 for the healthy zone, while the subhealthy and unhealthy zones covered 18.23 and 4.76 km2, respectively. This study demonstrated the potential for this integrated approach to give objective and effective evaluation of ecosystem health for the dynamic coastal and estuarine wetlands and provide up-to-date information to assist with early warning for ecological security and management decisions for Chongming Dongtan Nature Reserve.  相似文献   

图们江下游湿地生态系统健康评价   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
朱卫红  郭艳丽  孙鹏  苗承玉  曹光兰 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6609-6618
湿地是世界上具有独特结构与功能的生态系统,图们江流域湿地生态系统的健康对该区乃至东北亚地区综合生态系统网络的建设具有重要意义。选择图们江流域下游为研究区,基于压力-状态-响应(PSR)模型,在压力系统、状态系统、响应系统三个层面选取30个指标构建了图们江下游湿地生态系统健康评价指标体系,运用层次分析法和多级模糊综合评判法对研究区湿地生态健康状况进行综合评价,其结果为0.5878,处于亚健康状态。其中,压力系统的健康指数为0.5292,响应系统的健康指数为0.6866,状态系统的健康指数为0.5116,各等级隶属度S=(16.83%, 25.37%, 16.76%, 16.97%,24.07%)。主要表现在研究区域湿地的补水水质差,导致湿地水质污染加重,富营养化现象严重;并且由于人为因素,湿地大面积退化,景观破碎化加剧,功能逐渐丧失,生产力水平下降;急需对本区域湿地进行保护与管理。  相似文献   

We studied wetland development in a chronosequence of created wetlands in a reclaimed landscape in east Texas seasonally for 1 year. The purpose of the study was to identify features (i.e., indicators) that best reflected changes in wetland ecosystem state through time and could serve as indicators of “maturity” for bond-release. Features considered included surface water nutrients, soil nutrients, soil redox potential, vegetative biomass and diversity, and benthic invertebrate biomass and diversity. Our sampling focused on nine wetlands representing three different-age classes (n = 3 for each) as a surrogate for time. All wetland sites were created with the same homogenized mine spoil and had similar hydrology and climate. Age-specific changes in all parameters were observed, except for surface water nutrients. The oldest wetlands (i.e., “mature”) exhibited highest soil concentrations of N, C, K, P, and Ca. Soil redox potential was significantly lower in the mature wetlands, in addition to within-wetland (lowest in deepest sampling zones) and intra-annual variability (i.e., lowest during the summer). Mature created wetlands supported the highest vegetative biomass and species richness and highest densities of invertebrates; however, taxa richness was similar across all age groups. Of all parameters we measured, vegetation metrics were among the simplest and most cost-effective measures used to track the early development of mitigated wetlands. This study provides the basis from which to track the development of these reclaimed ecosystems in a more rigorous and easily replicated manner. With further validation, select use of these parameter sets in east Texas and other similar landscapes could aid both in determining compliance for regulatory purposes as well as tracking success of ecological mitigation.  相似文献   

湿地在生态保护和社会发展中占据重要地位,科学合理评估湿地生态系统价值,是湿地保护与合理开发、确保湿地资源可持续性利用的基础。如何科学有效、标准化地评估湿地生态系统生产总值(GEP)并使之纳入国民经济体系核算是科学界和政府部门关注的焦点。本研究构建了湿地生态系统生产总值核算框架体系,并以福州市为研究案例,以多源数据为基础,从功能量与价值量层面,开展了福州市湿地GEP核算研究。结果表明: 2015年,福州市湿地生态系统GEP为2392.33亿元,主要源于湿地的生态调节服务价值(1578.69亿元,占总价值的66.0%),约是产品供给服务价值和精神文化服务价值的2.2和15.6倍。湿地生态调节服务中,以水流动调节服务价值和气候调节服务价值最高,两者占生态调节服务价值的82.9%。福州市湿地单位面积生态调节价值为134.78万元·hm-2,高于全国水平。福州市各区县中,闽清县湿地生态系统价值量最大,为888.31亿元,占福州市湿地生态系统产品供给和生态调节总价值量的40.1%。福州市滨海湿地的生态调节服务价值最大,约分别是河流湿地和人工湿地类型的2.5倍。福州市湿地生态系统GEP核算是“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念城市尺度的重要践行,为指导地方政府科学管理湿地生态系统提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

Wetlands exist in complex ecological conditions that are changeable in time and space in terms of function and structural diversity. In recent decades, wetlands have been exposed to a wide range of threats. Assessment of these threats is essential to develop an understanding of the state of a wetland ecosystem and to develop a suitable management strategy. This paper discusses wetland vulnerability in terms of analysis of human and environmental systems from application of the driver-pressure-state-impact-response (DPSIR) framework. This assessment presented a systematic methodology for assessment of wetland vulnerability in a social-ecological approach applying broad-scale ecosystem services and vulnerability functions. The method combined the hydro-geomorphic approach with estimations of vulnerability indicators and DPSIR analysis. The aim of this paper was to assess vulnerability of wetland ecosystem services and to characterize the threat indicators according to importance, severity, and probability of occurrence. Quantitative and qualitative methods were applied to characterize values for these three indicators. The Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method was used to prioritize threats and impacts of the wetland on the basis of experts’ opinions. The proposed methodology was applied to the Choghakhor international wetland landscape in south-western Iran. Vulnerability assessment revealed that water requirement of the lowland and the water transfer system were the most important factors threatening the wetland. Agricultural activities, settlements and urban areas, drought, tourism, population growth, and mining activities in the upland were the next most important priorities, in that order. Hydrological balance was determined as the most vulnerable function and was considered as the most important function in the Choghakhor wetland. The DPSIR model was used to determine a management strategy to reduce vulnerability of ecosystem services in response to drivers, pressures, states and impacts indicated by modelling.  相似文献   

我国湿地生态状况评价研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从湿地生态状况评价定义、国际重要湿地和全国重点湿地生态状况和主要评价方法等方面研究综述了我国湿地生态状况评价。对全国1413处湿地生态状况的研究显示,国际重要湿地生态状况总体较好,重点湿地生态状况较差,生态状况差有341处,占24.85%,并系统分析了各类湿地生态状况评价的方法、内容和结果。认为湿地生态状况评价是满足湿地保护管理需求的一项基本技术研究工作,开展湿地生态状况评价可以从不同空间、时间尺度反映湿地生态变化趋势,满足湿地生态系统保护修复的管理要求,并揭示各生态因子的内在关系,是提高湿地的保护、管理和合理开发的重要技术手段。最后分析了当前湿地生态状况评价所面临的难点,并提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

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