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珍珠菜属三种植物的核型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对国产三种珍珠菜属 (Lysimachia)植物进行了核型研究 ,其中点腺过路黄 (LysimachiahemsleyanaMaxim .)染色体核型 2n =2 2 =2m +4sm +8st+8t,聚花过路黄 (L .congestifloraHesmsl.)核型 2n =2 4=2m +2sm +1 0st+1 0t及山萝过路黄 (L .melampyroidesR .Knuth)染色体数目 2n =2 2 ,核型 2n =2 2 =4m +6sm +4st+8t,为首次报道。本文还分析了黄连花亚属 (subgen.Lysimachia) 2组 8种植物的核型 ,结果表明黄连花组(sect.Lysimachia)核型类型 1A ,过路黄组 (sect.Nummularia)核型类型 3A或 3B。  相似文献   

獐牙菜亚族(subtribe Swertiinae)是龙胆科(Gentianaceae)中分类处理较困难的一个亚族。为探讨该亚族各属之间和属内的系统关系,选取了该亚族86种及变种,采用ML和BI方法对样本的叶绿体基因mat K和rbc L片段进行分析,构建了该亚族的系统发育树,用马尔科夫蒙特卡洛算法(MCMC)的分子序列贝叶斯分析推算了该亚族的关键演化时间点。结果显示:①龙胆亚族和獐牙菜亚族各自为单系,且互为姐妹类群;②獐牙菜属、假龙胆属、肋柱花属和喉毛花属均不是单系群,各属的种在系统发育树上互有交叉,特别是獐牙菜属的多个种分别聚到不同的支上,与其它属是并系关系;③獐牙菜亚族49个种在约4 Ma开始形成;④分子数据支持何廷农分类系统对于獐牙菜亚属和多枝亚属的属间划分,部分支持多枝亚属下多枝组和宽丝组的划分;⑤异型花属、獐牙菜属、假龙胆属、喉毛花和肋柱花属的属间分类以及獐牙菜属肉根亚属密花组的系统位置仍需进一步讨论。  相似文献   

报道了陕西省种子植物区系2新记录属[茜草科(Rubiaceae)的虎刺属(Damnacanthus Gaertn.f.),桔梗科(Campanulaceae)的刺萼参属(Echinocodon Hong)],3新记录种[四川虎刺(Damnacanthus officinarum Huang),刺萼参(Echinocodon lobophyllus Hong)及报春花科(Primulaceae)的异花珍珠菜Lysimachia crispidens(Hance)Hemsl.]。  相似文献   

首次报道了15种杜鹃属(Rhododendron)植物、1种杜香属(Ledum)植物和Cassiope fastigiata的内转录间隔区(ITS) (包括5.8S)序列.加上从GenBank下载的13种杜鹃属植物和Bajiaria racemosa的ITS序列,以C. fastigiata和B. racemosa为外类群,用最大简约法对杜鹃属的亚属和组间的系统关系进行了分析.结果表明: 1)杜鹃属是一个单系类群,叶状苞亚属为杜鹃属的基部类群; 2)杜香属确应归并到杜鹃属中,且与有鳞杜鹃亚属有较近的亲缘关系; 3)有鳞杜鹃亚属和杜香构成一个单系分支,该分支是其余无鳞杜鹃花的姐妹群; 4)由无鳞杜鹃花组成的一个分支的内部支持率较低,其中常绿杜鹃亚属和映山红亚属均为内部支持率很高的单系类群,而羊踯躅亚属和马银花亚属均为多系类群; 5)在马银花亚属中,长蕊杜鹃组和马银花组均分别得到强烈支持,马银花组与异蕊杜鹃亚属可能构成姐妹群关系,异蕊杜鹃亚属和马银花组组成的一个分支可能与映山红亚属构成姐妹群关系.  相似文献   

基于ITS序列探讨杜鹃属的亚属和组间系统关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
首次报道了 15种杜鹃属 (Rhododendron)植物、1种杜香属 (Ledum)植物和Cassiopefastigiata的内转录间隔区(ITS) (包括 5 .8S)序列。加上从GenBank下载的 13种杜鹃属植物和Bajiariaracemosa的ITS序列 ,以C .fastigiata和B .racemosa为外类群 ,用最大简约法对杜鹃属的亚属和组间的系统关系进行了分析。结果表明 :1)杜鹃属是一个单系类群 ,叶状苞亚属为杜鹃属的基部类群 ;2 )杜香属确应归并到杜鹃属中 ,且与有鳞杜鹃亚属有较近的亲缘关系 ;3)有鳞杜鹃亚属和杜香构成一个单系分支 ,该分支是其余无鳞杜鹃花的姐妹群 ;4 )由无鳞杜鹃花组成的一个分支的内部支持率较低 ,其中常绿杜鹃亚属和映山红亚属均为内部支持率很高的单系类群 ,而羊踯躅亚属和马银花亚属均为多系类群 ;5 )在马银花亚属中 ,长蕊杜鹃组和马银花组均分别得到强烈支持 ,马银花组与异蕊杜鹃亚属可能构成姐妹群关系 ,异蕊杜鹃亚属和马银花组组成的一个分支可能与映山红亚属构成姐妹群关系。  相似文献   

本文对鸢尾属Iris 22个种(基本上包括了各个亚属的代表)及其近缘属植物射干属Belamcanda的 射干 B.chinensis(L.)DC.进行了根茎的异黄酮类成分的比较分析研究。结果表明,鸢尾属植物和射干 中普遍具有异黄酮类成分,这是它们的特征性成分之一。根据化学成分的特征,鸢尾属可以分为两大类 群:只含异黄酮甙元的类群和既含异黄酮甙又含甙元的类群。从化学成分的分布特征来看,无附属物亚 属subgen.Limniris只含异黄酮甙元,是一个比较自然的类群。鸡冠状附属物亚属subgen.Crossiris,除小 花鸢尾 I.speculatrix Hance外,是一个较自然的类群。野鸢尾亚属subgen.Pardanthopsis和射干属的成分 非常相似,有着密切的亲缘关系,是鸢尾属中原始的类群。从化学成分特征来看,野鸢尾亚属与琴瓣鸢 尾亚属subgen.Xyridion、鸡冠状附属物亚属、须毛状附属物亚属subgen.Iris都有着一定的联系。根据化 学成分、孢粉学、细胞学等特征,认为:华夏鸢尾I.cathayensis Migo和长白鸢尾I.mandshurica Maxim.为无附属物亚属与须毛状附属物亚属两亚属之间的过渡类型。小花鸢尾是无附属物亚属向鸡冠状附属物亚属过渡的中间类型。扁竹兰I.confusa Sealy和扇形鸢尾I.wattii Baker可能是同一个种。  相似文献   

两种珍珠菜属植物染色体数目及核型的观察   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
狼尾花(Lysimachia barystachys Bunge)和腺药珍珠菜(L. stenosepala Hemsl.)是珍珠菜属(Lysimachia)的两种植物。该属植物全世界约有180种,我国有120种左右。截止目前,本属植物中已作过染色体计数的种类不多,尤其在国内有文献报道的更是屈指可数,仅见庄灿旸等关于滨海珍珠菜(L. mauritiana Lam.)的报道。因  相似文献   

根据ITS序列证据重建防己科蝙蝠葛族的系统发育   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
研究了国产防己科蝙蝠葛族tirb.Menispermeae9属20种和外类群青牛胆族trib.Tinosporeae 2属3种植物完整的ITS(包括5.8S rDNA)序列。trib.Menispermeae的ITS长527~601 bp,排序后长667bp。当gap处理为missing时具281个有信息位点。PAUP软件分析结果表明:①trib.Menispermeae是一个单系类群,该分支得到hootstrap l00%的支持;②确定了存疑种Pachygone valida的系统学位置,该种是Coc—culus属的成员;③Sinomenium和Menispermum两属有很近的系统学关系,组成族内稳定的一支,它们的ITS序列同源性极高,ITS1比族内其它属长41~73bp;④Stephania和Cyclea也是系统发育关系很近的两个类群。前者具两个主要分支,其IIS1、ITS2的G+C含量差异较大,在种类组成上,该两大支与传统上Stephania属内处理的2个亚属——千金藤亚属subgen.Stephania和山乌龟亚属subgen.Tuberiphania基本一致;Cyclea属内种间的ITS序列差异小,同源性极高。  相似文献   

珍珠菜属植物种皮微形态特征及其系统学意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对11种珍珠菜属植物种皮微形态特征进行了研究。根据种皮微形态特征,可以明显的划分为两种类型,即黑腺珍珠菜型和金爪儿型。珍珠菜亚属的7种植物均属于黑腺珍珠菜型,黄连花亚属的4种植物均属于金爪儿型。种皮微形态特征支持以雄蕊群的构造为主要依据的属下分类系统,在亚属级水平具有重要的分类学意义。  相似文献   

中国羊蹄甲属新分类群   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陈德昭   《广西植物》1988,(1):43-51
<正> 在《中国植物志》第39卷中,作者对羊蹄甲属采用了广义的概念,属以下分为3个亚属:羊蹄甲亚属subgen.Bauhinia,厚盘亚属subgen.Lasiobema Korth,显托亚属subgen.Phanera(Lour.)Wunderlin,Larsen et Larsen.在编写过程中,发现一些新分类群,现报道如下:  相似文献   

Both nuclear ribosomal ITS and chloroplast trnL-F sequences were acquired for 57 species (accessions) of Lysimachia and its close relatives, and were analyzed together with sequences retrieved from databases. The results of phylogenetic analyses based on these data (separately or combined) show that Lysimachia is paraphyletic, with the monotypic genus Glaux nested deeply inside. Previous suggestions that Anagallis and Trientalis could be ingroups of Lysimachia were not corroborated by our results. The molecular phylogenies do not support the current infrageneric divisions of Lysimachia. Subgenus Lysimachia contains at least five independent lineages. The Hawaii endemic subgenus Lysimachiopsis was shown to group with subgenera Palladia and Heterostylandra, instead of subgenus Idiophyton as previously suggested. The two North American representatives of Lysimachia, subgenus Seleucia and section Verticillatae of subgenus Lysimachia are group together as the most basal clade of the genus. Parallel and independent evolutions were inferred for morphological characters that were previously used as diagnostic criteria. Molecular phylogenies do not offer clear inferences on the overall historical biogeography of Lysimachia, but Southeast Asia origins of several clades, including the Hawaiian endemic clade and the Iberian Lysimachia ephemerum are strongly supported.  相似文献   

Tetrastigma (Miq.) Planch. (Vitaceae) is a genus with ca. 100 species showing great morphological diversity. Previous molecular phylogenetic studies suggested that traditional classification systems are not consistent with the molecular phylogeny, and Tetrastigma is undergoing further systematic investigation. We traced the evolutionary trends of 20 morphological characters within a robust phylogenetic framework. Our results revealed that many morphological characters show either multiple transitions or few state changes, however, some characters show distinct variation. The two subgenera in Tetrastigma (subgen. Tetrastigma and subgen. Palmicirrata) based on unbranched/bifurcate versus digitately branched tendrils are not supported because subgen. Tetrastigma is paraphyletic. However, the unbranched versus bifurcate/digitately branched tendril is of taxonomic utility to characterize some of the major clades. Inflorescences in Tetrastigma appear axillary, but are leaf‐opposed on a compressed axillary shoot. We found most of the species in Tetrastigma retained the ancestral compound dichasial inflorescence, except those of clade IV that have derived pseudo‐umbellate inflorescences. Other characters including habit, leaf organization, and berry shape provide additional morphological support for the major clades. Our morphological analysis and recent molecular study suggest each of the five major clades within Tetrastigma be treated as distinct taxonomic sections (five sections in the genus).  相似文献   

基于nrDNAITS序列数据的兰属系统发育关系的初步分析(英)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现存的兰属分类系统是基于宏观形态学性状、尤其是花粉块的数目以及唇瓣与蕊柱的愈合程度而建立的。兰属因此而划分为 3个亚属 :兰亚属 (subgenusCymbidium) ,大花亚属 (subgenusCyperorchis)和建兰亚属 (subgenusJensoa)。本文运用PCR扩增和直接测序的方法分析兰属 (Cymbidium) 2 7种、3个栽培品种以及 3个外类群的核DNAITS区段序列。通过最简约性分析产生的ITS系统发育树表明 ,兰属的 3个亚属均可能为不自然的类群。大花亚属表现为一复系群 ,兰亚属的冬凤兰 (C .dayanum )隐藏于其中 ;建兰亚属为一并系群 ,它的成员之一兔耳兰(C .lancifolium)偏离出去而成为兰属一最基部的分支 ;兰亚属为一复系群 ,它分为几支而分别与另两个亚属组合在一起。由于兰属ITS序列位点变异率较低 ,最简约性分析产生的几支主要分支均得不到Bootstrap分析的高度支持 ,各亚属内组之间的关系也不明确。研究兰属的系统发育关系还需要新的数据。  相似文献   

现存的兰属分类系统是基于宏观形态学性状、尤其是花粉块的数目以及唇瓣与蕊柱的愈合程度而建立的.兰属因此而划分为3个亚属:兰亚属 (subgenus Cymbidium),大花亚属(subgenus Cyperorchis) 和建兰亚属 (subgenus Jensoa).本文运用PCR扩增和直接测序的方法分析兰属 (Cymbidium) 27种、3个栽培品种以及3个外类群的核DNA ITS 区段序列.通过最简约性分析产生的ITS系统发育树表明,兰属的3个亚属均可能为不自然的类群.大花亚属表现为一复系群,兰亚属的冬凤兰 (C.dayanum) 隐藏于其中;建兰亚属为一并系群,它的成员之一兔耳兰 (C.lancifolium) 偏离出去而成为兰属一最基部的分支;兰亚属为一复系群,它分为几支而分别与另两个亚属组合在一起.由于兰属ITS序列位点变异率较低,最简约性分析产生的几支主要分支均得不到Bootstrap分析的高度支持,各亚属内组之间的关系也不明确.研究兰属的系统发育关系还需要新的数据.  相似文献   

Fifty-nine genotypes representing six genera of the True Citrus Fruit Trees Group (Aurantioideae, Rutaceae) were analyzed using AFLP technique to study their taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships. Fifteen primer combinations (out of 64 screened) were selected based on the polymorphism and quality of the bands produced by the primer and used in the present study. A total of 312 bands were obtained, of which 305 (97.8%) were polymorphic. The UPGMA tree of all genotypes was constructed based on the AFLP data using PAUP* beta version 4.0b8 software. Our AFLP molecular tree clearly confirms that the True Citrus Fruit Trees Group is monophyletic and supports the division of the group into genera mainly based on morphological characters, except that the genus Fortunella was nested within the genus Citrus cluster (as a monophyletic sub-branch). The subdivision of the genus Citrus into subgen. Papeda and subgen. Eucitrus as suggested by W. T. Swingle based on morphological characters and the point of view that C. medica, C. grandis and C. reticulata are the three basic species of the subgen. Eucitrus were also supported by our molecular data. In addition, contrary to the expectation based on morphological data, however, our molecular data demonstrated that C. ichangensis is more closely related to C. junos of the subgen. Eucitrus than to the C. hystrix of the subgen. Papeda. Furthermore, our study provided the first evidence that C. mangshanensis is basal to all the loose-skin citrus types. Finally, the taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships among the six genera and the important genotypes of the genus Citrus were dis-cussed in detail.  相似文献   

5种珍珠菜属植物的核型分析   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
对 5种珍珠菜属 (LysimachiaL .)植物的核型进行了研究 ,其中巴东过路黄 2n =2x =2 4 =6m 4sm 6st 8t、光叶巴东过路黄 2n =2x =2 4 =6m 4sm 6st 8t、临时救 2n =2x =2 4=2m 4sm 4st 14t的核型属首次报道。过路黄 2n =2x =2 4 =2m 4sm 6st 12t和星宿菜2n =2x =2 4 =2 0m 4sm与前人报道的一致。本文还对该属已报道的 17种植物的核型资料进行了总结和比较分析 ,对珍珠菜属植物的核型进化方向作了初步推测。另外对一存疑过路黄(2n =2x =2 4 =2m 6sm 4st 12t)与其近缘种的核型进行了比较研究。  相似文献   

利用叶绿体DNA trnL-F序列初步探讨菊科风毛菊属的系统发育   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
风毛菊属Saussurea DC.是菊科物种分化十分剧烈和分类处理十分困难的一个属。该属的单系起源性质、属下分类系统以及一些独特形态物种的系统位置尚不清楚,有待进一步验证。本文测定了代表该属5个亚属37种植物43个样品和川木香属Dolomiaea DC.的1种样品的叶绿体DNA trnL-F序列,并调取菜蓟族Cardueae Cass.与风毛菊属具有一定亲缘关系的13属的该序列,一起进行了分支分析,重点验证该属的属下形态分类系统以及形态特殊、青藏高原地区特有的雪兔子亚属subgen. Eriocoryne  相似文献   

It has been suggested that rbcL and matK are the core barcodes in plants, but they are not powerful enough to distinguish between closely related plant groups. Additional barcodes need to be evaluated to improve the level of discrimination between plant species. Because of their well-studied taxonomy and extreme diversity, we used Chinese Lysimachia (Myrsinaceae) species to test the performance of core barcodes (rbcL and matK) and two additional candidate barcodes (trnH-psbA and the nuclear ribosomal ITS); 97 accessions from four subgenus representing 34 putative Lysimachia species were included in this study. And many closely related species pairs in subgen. Lysimachia were covered to detect their discriminatory power. The inefficiency of rbcL and matK alone or combined in closely related plant groups was validated in this study. TrnH-psbA combined with rbcL + matK did not yet perform well in Lysimachia groups. In contrast, ITS, alone or combined with rbcL and/or matK, revealed high resolving ability in Lysimachia. We support ITS as a supplementary barcode on the basis of core barcode rbcL and matK. Besides, this study also illustrates several mistakes or underlying evolutionary events in Lysimachia detected by DNA barcoding.  相似文献   

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