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软紫草二型花柱植株结实特性的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯建菊  谭敦炎 《西北植物学报》2006,26(12):2587-2591
对软紫草二型花柱植株结实特性的观察结果表明:3个样地中长花柱植株的分枝数、每株花数及结实率均高于短花柱植株;在S1和S2中,长花柱植株的单株种子产量、结籽率和种子千粒重均高于短花柱植株;S3中长花柱植株的单株种子产量和结籽率高于短花柱植株,而种子千粒重却低于短花柱植株。统计分析显示,软紫草2种花型植株的结实特性在各样地中存在不同程度的差异,而同一花型植株的结实特性在不同样地间多表现出差异显著,说明软紫草的结实特性受花型和生境的双重影响,且生境比花型对其结实特性的影响更大。  相似文献   

紫薇品种表型多样性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对111个紫薇品种的17个表型分类性状多样性进行了研究。结果表明,紫薇品种具有丰富的表型多样性,平均遗传多样性指数为0.707。总体上是数量性状形态多样性指数大于质量性状,其中花色、瓣爪色2个质量性状和花径、着花数、花序长、花序宽、种子千粒重5个数量性状变异明显,其多样性指数分别大于1.2和1.4。不同紫薇品种群表型性状多样性差异明显,多样性指数由高到低依次为:红薇品种群(H'=0.838)、堇薇品种群(H'=0.823)、银薇品种群(H'=0.696)、矮生品种群(H'=0.604)、复色品种群(H'=0.573)。通过主成分分析,上述2个质量性状和5个数量性状主成分的贡献率为67.70%,包括花序长、花序宽、着花数、花色数、花色、种子千粒重、瓣爪色、叶色、小枝四棱、花香、花径等11个形态性状指标,代表了紫薇品种表型分类性状的综合特征。基于表型形态性状,111个紫薇品种可聚类为5大类群,其遗传聚类与花色及株型关系密切,4个以花色为主要分类性状的品种群总体演化趋势是:堇薇品种群→红薇品种群→银薇品种群→复色品种群。  相似文献   

濒危植物七子花的生殖构件特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
对濒危植物七子花(Heptacodium miconioides)的花枝构成及不同类型花序的结实状况进行了研究。结果显示:(1)在黄经洞(种群B),花枝的营养生长旺盛,单枝的花序数和花数多,平均为23.5个和278朵;在狮子岩坑(种群A).开多轮花的花序比例高.但花枝的花序数较少,单枝的开花数最少。(2)七子花的结实率很低.可育胚珠的平均结实率均在40%左右,且结实率与花序的开花数量呈显著的负相关关系。(3)花序类型对种子重量也有一定的影响,其中种群A的Ⅰ型花序所结果实的种子最大,但这些种子的胚也未发育完全。因此,七子花成为濒危物种的关键并不是结实的数量,而是结实的质量。  相似文献   

He-Ne激光照射糙米种胚对水稻当代生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
He-Ne激光处理水稻去壳种子可以促进分蘖,提高成秧率和成穗率,增加有效穗数和每穗总粒数、千粒重及单株产量。但结实率降低、生育期延长。株高、穗长虽略有增加,但不明显。  相似文献   

淫羊藿种子产量与生境的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以四川省南充市金城山的淫羊藿为研究对象,对小檗科淫羊藿产果数量,种子生产和种子质量与生境的关系进行了研究。研究表明:不同生境的淫羊藿植株高度和花序长度不同,单株结果率也不同,单果产种量差异较小,出种量一般在1~8粒之间,但每个生境单果主要出种量不同。对千粒重和不同果枝结果率单因素方差分析表明,不同生境的淫羊藿种子千粒重有显著差异,不同生境的淫羊藿植株的主次果枝结果率也有显著差异。不同生境中的淫羊藿果实的虫食率也不同。淫羊藿种子的低种子数,小粒种子,而不同生境的结实率虽有差异,但是总体偏低,是导致淫羊藿种子难以收集的主要内因,也导致种群受干扰后不易恢复。  相似文献   

入侵植物银胶菊对不同氮、磷水平的繁殖适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过模拟野外生境,研究了入侵植物银胶菊(Parthenium hysterophorus L.)在不同氮、磷养分水平下的繁殖特征,探讨其对土壤养分增加的繁殖适应性及繁殖能力。结果表明:在一定范围内,随氮水平的增加,银胶菊分枝数、头状花序数、繁殖器官的生物量及其比例、结实率等显著增加;对于磷养分来说,仅株高和种子千粒重明显增加,其余参数未见明显增加。银胶菊主要通过提高种子产量适应氮养分丰富的生境,而通过提高种子质量才能适应磷养分丰富的生境。土壤氮、磷养分的增加,提高了其繁殖能力,使其具有根据环境养分调节繁殖特性的能力,实现对不同养分资源生境的入侵。  相似文献   

外来杂草薇甘菊在不同群落中的种子生产特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
对3个群落花甘菊种群种子生产的3个特征即花序特征、种子产量和种子干粒重进行了分析。结果表明:不同种群中小花数、结实率、种子产量和种子干粒重存在显著差异,小花数变异范围为93281.6-154698.0朵/0.25m^2;平均结实率为25.75%一34.58%;平均种子产量的变异范围为23673.40—52616.71粒/0.25m^2;干粒重为0.0880—0.10208。在以有性生殖为主的种群和以无性生殖为主的种群中,前者的种子较大。结合薇甘菊种群对环境的适应对结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

濒危植物金花茶开花物候和生殖构件特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对桂林雁山迁地保护的金花茶(Camellia nitidissima)开花物候和生殖构件特征进行了研究.结果表明:(1)单花开放过程可分为蕾松、初开、盛开、落花4个阶段,单花寿命约2~8 d;(2)个体花期长,始花时间变异大,单株花期平均为37 d,始花时间可相差2个多月,种群始花时间为1月上旬,3月上旬达到开花高峰期,花期持续近3个月;(3)生殖构件的数量与个体径级和树冠层次有一定关系,地径大于6 cm的个体,其单株花数、生殖枝数、生殖枝比率显著高于地径小于4 cm和4~6 cm个体,而每生殖枝花数则无显著差异;不同树冠层次之间,平均生殖枝数和生殖枝比率,以中、下层显著高于上层,而每生殖枝花数以上层最高,花数在不同冠层之间无显著差异;(4)花芽期败育率为16.33%,花期败育率为63.05%,果期败育率为44.09%,败育率在不同径级个体和不同冠层之间有一定差异;败育率高,结实率低,种子产量少,是金花茶濒危的一个主要原因;(5)开花数目与花期长度呈正相关,个体始花时间与花期长度、座果率之间存在显著的负相关关系.  相似文献   

采用增补和滤除掉部分自然UV-B辐射的模拟试验,研究了增强和近环境UV-B辐射对高寒草甸一年生牧草窄叶野豌豆生长和繁殖的影响.结果表明:增补UV-B辐射处理后,窄叶野豌豆的株高、生物量、分配向果实的生物量、总花数和种子百粒重均显著下降,花期延迟,开花集中度和繁殖成功率有所提高,而种子产量无显著变化.相对于减弱UV-B辐射处理,近环境UV-B辐射使窄叶野豌豆的株高先降后升,分配向果实的生物量减少,花期、花数和种子产量无显著变化,种子百粒重减小.增强和近环境UV-B辐射对窄叶野豌豆的生长和繁殖有一定的抑制作用,且增强UV-B辐射的影响更大.  相似文献   

入侵种薇甘菊防治措施及策略评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
薇甘菊Mikania micrantha H.B.K.是入侵中国南部地区的一种危害极大的外来入侵种。防治薇甘菊的措施和策略,应根据薇甘菊的物种特性及所能支配的防除资源,综合考虑、统筹安排。薇甘菊能快速生长覆盖其他植物,其残株断枝易成为独立生长的新个体、种子量巨大且极易扩散,喜入侵次生植被。物理清除适用于小面积,对大面积出现的薇甘菊不应采用。化学防除主要用于应急,但未能改变适于薇甘菊生长的生境,薇甘菊仍可能在数年后再次为害。田野菟丝子Cuscuta campestris控制薇甘菊适用于大面积危害区域,当只以控制而不以根除自然群落的薇甘菊为目标时效果很好。群落改造能一劳永逸地解除薇甘菊的危害,但只适用于宜林地,且成本较高。天敌控制和植物化感防治都尚在探索阶段。未来还应发掘有效天敌,研发综合防治措施,揭示宏观分布规律。薇甘菊防治的正确策略是:对于已形成区域性危害的薇甘菊,根除已经不可能,应采取持久战而非速决战,防止薇甘菊入侵新区域是防治的重中之重,必须优先治理轻度入侵地和能向周边区域甚至是遥远区域扩散的传播源,建立防治示范区或样地。  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the effects of plant density on cleistogamous (CL) and chasmogamous (CH) flowering phenology and seed production in a natural Impatiens capensis population, by censusing individually marked plants at experimentally reduced and natural densities. CL flowering was earlier at natural density. This plastic density response may have resulted from a stress-related threshold for CL flowering; slower growing plants at natural density flowered earlier. Although apparently triggered by slow early growth, early CL flowering also involved an additional cost for later growth rate. In contrast, CH flowering was unrelated to relative growth rate, but apparently required a size threshold. Experimental density reduction resulted in earlier CH flowering and a dramatic increase in the percentage of plants producing CH flowers. Individual CL and CH flowering duration and flower production were greater at reduced density. These density-dependent effects caused differences between treatments in the shape and location of population flowering phenology curves. Moreover, the percentage of CH seeds produced per individual was much higher at reduced density. At natural density total seed production per plant was lower and more hierarchical than at lower density, suggesting that dominance and suppression shape jewelweed fitness distributions.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the reproductive biology of male-sterile and hermaphroditic plants in a gynodioecious population of Iris douglasiana Herb. (Iridaceae) was conducted at the University of California's Marine Laboratory at Bodega Bay, California, between 1976–1979. Each year of the study, there were 11.1% male-sterile plants in the population, some of which began blooming at the same time as the earliest blooming hermaphrodites. Male-sterile flowers made up between 7–21% of the flowers produced during the male-sterile flowering period. Male-sterile flowers had smaller sepals and petals than hermaphrodites, there were fewer of them per square meter, and they had fewer pollinated stigmas than did hermaphroditic flowers. In a test to determine pollinator preference, intact hermaphroditic flowers tended to have more pollinated stigmas than did hermaphrodites with their stamens removed or those flowers with shortened sepals made to resemble the smaller male-sterile flowers. Floral phenology and nectar-flow patterns were similar in both types of flowers as were the kinds of amino acids and sugar rewards in the nectar. Male-sterile flowers, however, produced much less nectar per flower. There were no significant differences in the number of ovules per flower or the number of seeds produced per capsule between the two flower types, but the loss of seeds through larval predation was much greater in capsules from hermaphroditic flowers. Early flowering and setting of seed by plants with male-sterile flowers could give them a reproductive advantage over plants with hermaphroditic flowers which experience higher levels of larval predation later in the growing season.  相似文献   

Summary As in many plant species, Lomatium salmoniflorum (Umbelliferae) individuals produce many flowers, only a subset of which produce mature seeds that escape seed parasitism and enter the seed bank. The interrelationships between the timing and number of flowers produced, sex expression, seed set, and seed parasitism were studied for their direct and indirect effects on the numbers and masses of viable seeds produced by individual plants. In a sample population of 369 plants that produced 161 386 flowers, 76% of the plants produced some hermaphroditic flowers. The percentage of hermaphroditic flowers increased significantly with the total number of flowers produced by a plant. Seed set was 65–90% in plants producing >600 flowers, but was highly variable in plants producing fewer flowers. Hand-pollinated plants showed the same pattern of seed set, suggesting that variable seed set in small plants may result from insufficient resources for seed development. The majority of schizocarps was produced by only 12% of the plants. Parasites killed 24.5% of the seeds prior to dispersal. Another 14.5% of the seeds lacked endosperm. Hence, the initial 161 386 flowers, which included 25874 hermaphroditic flowers each capable of producing two seeds, produced 42 468 seeds of which an estimated 25906 entered the seed bank as undamaged seeds with fully developed endosperm. Path analysis indicated that the number of hermaphroditic flowers on a plant and the percentage of seeds attacked by seed parasites had the greatest direct effects on the number of viable seeds entering the seed bank. The date at which a plant began flowering and the percentage of flowers setting seed had smaller or only indirect effects on viable seed production. Mean seed mass for plants was not significantly related to any of the factors that affected seed number, but little of the variance in seed mass occurred among plants. Masses of intact seeds in the population ranged 9-fold in both 1987 and 1988. Thirty-five percent of the variance was among seeds within umbels, 46% was among umbels within plants, and only 19% was among plants. The large variation among umbels within plants resulted from a seasonal pattern in which seeds from umbels produced late in the spring had lower mean seed masses than seeds from umbels produced early in the spring. Overall, the results indicate that both direct and indirect interactions between number of flowers, the date of initiation of flowering, seed set, and seed parasitism affect the number of viable seeds entering the seed bank. These interactions strongly bias viable seed output to a small minority of plants that produce many seeds with a wide range of masses over the growing season.  相似文献   

卢立娜  贺晓  李青丰  易津  何金军 《生态学报》2015,35(6):1706-1712
运用人工授粉、补充无机营养、去叶处理以及疏花处理研究了华北驼绒藜自然种群花粉和资源有效性对结实的影响,并进一步探讨了该植物的选择性败育现象和繁殖对策。结果表明:花粉来源而不是花粉数量对华北驼绒藜结实存在显著影响;同枝授粉结籽率和结实率均低于自然授粉,异株授粉则显著高于同枝授粉和自然授粉;异株授粉种子千粒重显著高于自然授粉和同株异枝授粉,极显著高于同枝授粉。华北驼绒藜结实存在资源限制,补充施肥提高了单枝开花数和结籽率。随摘除叶片数量的增加,结籽率明显降低,摘除叶片处理与对照之间均形成显著差异,摘除1/2叶、3/4叶以及去全叶处理使种子千粒重显著低于对照。人工疏花实验表明华北驼绒藜存在选择性败育现象。华北驼绒藜可根据花粉和资源的可利用性来调整性分配、授粉方式和结实以获得最大适合度,具有复杂的繁殖对策,表现出较好的环境适应性。  相似文献   

Kilkenny FF  Galloway LF 《Oecologia》2008,155(2):247-255
Plant populations often exist in spatially heterogeneous environments. Light level can directly affect plant reproductive success through resource availability or by altering pollinator behavior. It can also indirectly influence reproductive success by determining floral display size which may in turn influence pollinator attraction. We evaluated direct and indirect effects of light availability and measured phenotypic selection on phenological traits that may enhance pollen receipt in the insect-pollinated herb Campanulastrum americanum. In a natural population, plants in the sun had larger displays and received 7 times more visits than plants in the shade. Using experimental arrays to separate the direct effects of irradiance on insects from their response to display size, we found more visits to plants in the sun than in the shade, but no association between number of visits each flower received and display size. Plants in the sun were not pollen limited but pollen-augmented shade flowers produced 50% more seeds than open-pollinated flowers. Phenological traits, which may influence pollen receipt, were not under direct selection in the sun. However, earlier initiation and a longer duration of flowering were favored in the shade, which may enhance visitation in this pollen-limited habitat.  相似文献   

HERBERT  S. J. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(1):65-73
Components of seed yield of cv. Ultra (Lupinus albus L.) andcv. Unicrop (L. angustifolius L.) were measured when grown atthree densities. The low density (10 plants m–2) Unicropyield (34 g seed per plant) was 1.8 times that of Ultra as ithad more branches, pods and seeds per pod. Ultra seeds (310mg per seed) were heavier than Unicrop seeds (180 mg). The branchingpattern of Ultra was less dependent on plant density, henceat 93 plants m–2 it gave a higher per plant yield (7.4vs 6.4 g) than Unicrop at lower densities (83 plants m–2).Density had most influence on pod formation and only small effectson seeds per pod and seed weight. Yield components on the main-steminflorescence were influenced less by density than componentson branch inflorescences. Later formed, higher order generationsof inflorescences were most affected by increased inter- andintra-plant competition. Pod numbers on the main-stem were similarfor both species. Pods formed at higher flower nodes in Unicrop,but the lower flower nodes were less fertile than those in Ultra.Node position of flowers had no influence on seed set in main-stemUnicrop pods, but pods from higher nodes in Ultra formed fewerseeds. Seed weights in Unicrop were similar among main-stemnodes but in Ultra seed weights tended to increase at highernodes. Lupinus spp, lupins, seed yield, planting density  相似文献   

In field experiments carried out at Hyderabad, India with early and mediumduration cultivars of Cajanus cajan sown at the normal time, in July, removal of all flowers and young pods for up to 5 wk had little or no effect on final yield. The flowering period of the deflowered plants was extended and their senescence delayed. The plants compensated for the loss of earlier-formed flowers by setting pods from later-formed flowers; there was relatively little effect of the deflowering treatments on the number of seeds per pod or weight per seed. The plants were also able to compensate for the repeated removal of all flowers and young pods from alternate nodes by setting more pods at the other nodes.
The removal of flowers from pigeonpeas grown as a winter crop resulted in yield reductions roughly proportional to the length of the deflowering period, probably because maturation of these plants was delayed and occurred under increasingly unfavourable conditions as the weather became hotter.  相似文献   

The reproductive ability related to the population size of the endangered and endemic species Primula merrilliana Schltr.was investigated.In 26 populations observed,only four contain more than 500 flowering individuals,whereas most of them(53.8%) consist of less than 100 flowering individuals.Though the ratio of pin and thrum plants keeps its balance at 1:1 for all populations,the frequency of pin and thrum flowers was significantly biased in most small populations.Population size strongly affected reproductive success; plants in small populations produced significantly fewer flowers and fruits per plant and fewer seeds per fruit,and therefore fewer seeds per plant.The floral density was another important factor that influenced the reproductive success of P.merrilliana,because four main reproductive success parameters (fruits per plant,seeds per fruit,seeds per plant,and the proportion of flowers setting fruit) were all positively correlated with floral density.The size of plants and the number of leaves per plant (measure of habitat quality) were not influenced by the variation of population size,suggesting that the reduced fecundity in small populations may not be a consequence of lower habitat quality,inbreeding depression and pollen limitation as a result of less attractiveness in small populations are therefore likely explanations for these patterns.  相似文献   

Sercu  Bram K.  Moeneclaey  Iris  Goeminne  Birgit  Bonte  Dries  Baeten  Lander 《Plant Ecology》2021,222(6):749-760

Temperate forest understorey plants are subjected to a strong seasonality in their optimal growing conditions. In winter and early spring, low temperatures are suboptimal for plant growth while light becomes limited later in spring season. We can thus expect that differences in plant phenology in relation to spatiotemporal environmental variation will lead to differences in reproductive output, and hence selection. We specifically studied whether early flowering, a paradoxical pattern that is observed in many plant species, is an adaptive strategy, and whether selection for early flowering was confounded with selection for flower duration or was attributable to environmental variables. We used Geum urbanum as a study species to investigate the effect of relevant environmental factors on the species’ flowering phenology and the consequences for plant reproductive output. We monitored the phenology of four to six plants in each of ten locations in a temperate deciduous forest (Belgium). We first quantified variation in flowering time within individuals and related this temporal variation to individual flower reproductive output. Then, we studied inter-individual variation here-in and linked this to reproduction at the plant level, hence studying the selection differential. We found that flowering within individual plants of Geum urbanum was spread over a long period from June to October. Reproductive output of individual flowers, measured as total seed mass per flower, declined during the season. We found no indication for selection for early flowering but rather for longer flower duration. Larger plants had an earlier flowering onset and a higher seed mass, which suggests that these factors covary and are condition dependent. None of the studied environmental variables could explain plant size, although soil pH and to a lesser extent light availability had a positive direct effect on seed mass per plant. Finally, we suggest that the high intra-individual variation in flowering time, which might be a risk spreading strategy of the plant in the presence of seed predation, limits the potential for selection on flowering phenology.


The chasmogamous/cleistogamous (CH/CL) breeding system has evolved independently many times, but its ecological role has been studied in few species. In Triodanis perfoliata, we studied the natural phenology of flowering and seed set, how successful CH flowers were at setting seed, whether seed from CH and CL flowers differed in germination behavior, and whether plants derived from these two seed types differed in vigor. Most notably, we found that the later the CH flowers were produced, the fewer seed they successfully matured. In general the two seed types did not show differences in germination behavior, but for some maternal parents the two seed types differed. For these, the CL seed germinated less readily. Finally, there was some indication that plants from CL seed were not as vigorous as those from CH seed.  相似文献   

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