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用聚丙烯酰胺梯度凝胶电泳比较分析了单倍体、二倍体、三倍体和复合四倍体4类不同倍性鲫鱼以及单倍体和二倍体鲤鱼在胚胎发育时期4种同工酶(EST,LDH,MDH,SOD)酶谱。结果表明,单倍体鲫鱼和单倍体鲤鱼胚胎与各自的二倍体胚胎相比,同工酶酶谱看不出差异;天然三倍体银鲫胚胎的MDH和SOD同工酶酶谱与二倍体鲫相似,但EST和LDH同工酶比二倍体增多了酶带,有的酶带如EST5和EST6还可在鲤鱼胚胎中找到相应的表达产物,提供了天然雌核发育三倍体银鲫杂交起源的证据;复合四倍体由于含有鲤鱼的一个外来基因组,其胚胎的基因表达有些与杂种类似,在所分析的4种同工酶酶谱中,都可观察到来自鲤鱼基因的影响。此外,在由源于不同复合四倍体个体的卵子发育形成的胚胎间,还观察到同工酶基因表达的异质性。  相似文献   

复合四倍体异育银鲫个体间遗传异质性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱蓝菲  廖飒 《动物学研究》1993,14(4):355-359
用聚丙烯酰胺梯度凝胶电泳,分析比较了4个不同的银鲫雌核发育系,红鲤和复合四倍体异育银鲫鳍的5种不同的同工酶及蛋白表型的差异,表明复合四倍体异育银鲫表型上的差异主要是来自银鲫种内的遗传差异(不同的雌核发育系)。来源于同一个银鲫雌核发育系的复合四倍体异育银鲫,个体间的EST同工酶出现差异,并与父体红鲤的EST同工酶的多态性相关,因此,复合四倍体异育银鲫个体间的异质性也包含了来自父本的遗传影响。在所检测  相似文献   

两个雌核发育白鲢群体同工酶分析及遗传标记的确定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
取源于武汉两个不同渔场两尾白鲢的卵子,经紫外照射遗传物质失活的鲤鱼精子刺激雌核发育和热休克诱导第二极体保留的基因组操作技术,获得了两个不同的人工雌核发育白鲢群体。采用聚丙烯酰胺垂直板电泳技术,分析了这两个不同人工雌核发育白鲢群体(分别称为Hy-G1和Hy-G2)内不同个体的肝脏、肌肉组织以及红细胞中乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)、酯酶(EST)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)等几种同工酶的表达谱式,并与普通繁殖的同龄白鲢进行了比较。结果表明,各个雌核发育白鲢群体内不同个体间的酶谱表现出很大程度的一致性,具较高的纯合度,而两个不同雌核发育群体Hy-G1和Hy-G2之间表现有明显差异。特别是肝脏和肌肉组织迁移率较快的酯酶谱带等以其稳定的差异,建议作为区分这两个人工雌核发育白鲢群体的生化遗传标记。    相似文献   

不同倍性鱼的血细胞和精子DNA含量比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我们以前的研究表明, 以红鲫 (2n=100) 为母本及湘江野鲤 (2n=100) 为父本的杂交后代的F1-F2 为二倍体 (2n= 100)。在二倍体 F2 个体中, 存在能分别产生二倍体卵子和二倍体精子的雌、雄个体, 二倍体卵子和二倍体精子结合, 形成了两性可育的四倍体鱼 (F3)。目前四倍体鲫鲤已连续繁殖了 12 代 (F3-F14), 形成了一个遗传性状稳定的四倍体鱼群体 (4n= 200) (Liu et al.,2001; 孙远东等, 2003)。雌性四倍体鲫鲤产生的二倍体卵子经紫外线照射的散鳞镜鲤精子激活后,无须染色体加倍处理, 可发育为全雌性二倍体雌核发育后代 (G1) (2n=10…  相似文献   

鲫鱼的人工和天然雌核发育   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
用照射处理的草鱼或华南鲤的精液授精的鲫鱼卵为单倍体雌核发育;所有单倍体胚胎都是畸形,并在孵化前死亡。如果用照射精液授精的鲫鱼卵在18—19℃的水中放置2分钟,然后在0—3℃的冰水中放置20分钟,再放回室温水中孵化,可以从每百颗受精卵中得到4.5—11.9(平均8.34)尾成活的二倍体仔鱼。根据38尾银鲫(其中33尾捕自黑龙江省方正县双凤水库)的细胞学和胚胎学检查,证实它们是雌核发育繁殖的。    相似文献   

Based on the presence of three types of eggs with different diameters 0.13, 0.17 and 0.2 cm, we made two crosses: F2 (♀) × diploid red crucian carp (♂), and F2 (♀) × F10 tetraploid (♂). The ploidy levels of the progeny of the two crosses were examined by chromosome counting and DNA content measurement by flow cytometer. In the offspring of the former cross, tetraploids, trip-loids, and diploid were obtained. In the progeny of the latter cross, tetraploids and triploids were observed. The production of the different ploidy level fish in the progeny of the two crosses provided a further evidence that F2 might generate triploid, diploid and haploid eggs. The presence of the male tetraploid found in F2 (♀) × diploid red crucian carp (♂) suggested that the genotype of XXXY probably existed in the tetraploid progeny. The gonadal structures of the tetraploids and triploids indicated that both female and male tetraploids were fertile and the triploids were sterile. We concluded that the formations of different ploidy level eggs from F2 were contributed by endoreduplication and fusion of germ cells.  相似文献   

This study investigated the gynogenetic cytobiological behavior of the third gynogenetic generation (G3), which was generated from the diploid eggs produced by the second gynogenetic generation (G2)of red crucian carp × common carp, and determined the chromosomal numbers of G3, G2×scatter scale carp and G2×allotetraploid hybrids of red crucian carp × common carp. The results showed that the diploid eggs of G2 with 100 chromosomes, activated by UV-irradiated sperm from scatter scale carp and without the treatment for doubling the chromosomes, could develop into G3 with 100 chromosomes.Similar to the first and second gynogenetic generations (G1 and G2), G3 was also diploid (2n=100) and presented the hybrid traits. The triploids (3n=150) and tetraploids (4n=200) were produced by crossing G2 with scatter scale carp, and crossing G2 with allotetraploids, respectively. The extrusion of the second polar body in the eggs of G2 ruled out the possibility that the retention of the second polar body led to the formation of the diploid eggs. In addition, we discussed the mechanism of the formation of the diploid eggs generated by G2. The establishment of the diploid gynogenesis clonal line (G1, G2 and G3) provided the evidence that the diploid eggs were able to develop into a new diploid hybrid clonal line by gynogenesis. By producing the diploid eggs as a unique reproductive way, the diploid gynogenetic progeny of allotetrapioid hybrids of red crucian carp × common carp had important significances in both biological evolution and production application.  相似文献   

鲤鲫人工多倍体谱系中同工酶和蛋白的基因表达   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对红鲤、红鲫、镜鲤、鲤鲫杂种二倍体一代,二代,鲤鲫杂种三倍体,鲤鲫复合三倍体,鲤鲫杂种四倍体一代,二代的同工酶及蛋白电泳谱型和扫描数据分析表明,在鲤鲫人工多倍体谱系中,亲代的等位基因在杂交子代中共有四种表达模式;(1)两亲本基因在子代中共同表达,即共显表达;(2)父本的基因表达受到部分或完全的抑制,即母本的基因优先得到表达;(3)母本的基因表达受到抑制,父本的基因得到表达;(4)双亲本的基因表达均受到一定程度的抑制或都不表达。其中第一种表达模式是主要的模式。根据以上基因在杂交子代中的表达特点,可用同工酶和蛋白电泳图谱将鲤鲫人工多倍体谱系的各种生物型逐一加以区分。  相似文献   

以鲫鱼和金鱼为材料,用葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶(G6PD)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)和苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)同工酶体系作为基因标志,从检测同工酶的多重组合形式来研究基因的加倍与演化。对彩鲫与金鱼G6PD和LDH同工酶的分析结果表明,它们均具有与四倍体鱼类相应的谱带。因而说明了金鱼的G6PD和LDH同工酶基因座位的加倍与染色体的多倍性有关,为金鱼是四倍体的假说提供了证据。而对MDH同工酶的分析却得到了与二倍体鱼类相同的谱带数。这可能与加倍基因发生突变而不表达有关。  相似文献   

Guo X  Liu S  Zhang C  Liu Y 《Genetica》2004,121(3):295-301
The mitochondrial cyt b genes in the allotetraploid and triploid crucian carp as well as triploid common carp were isolated and completely sequenced. Their DNA sequences were compared with those derived from the cyt b genes of the red crucian carp, Japanese crucian carp, and common carp with MEGA 1.0 software. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the sister relationships between allotetraploid and diploid red crucian carp, between the triploid crucian carp and diploid Japanese crucian carp, and between triploid common carp and diploid common carp. Our results indicated the cyt b genes in the allotetraploid, triploid crucian carp, and triploid common carp were maternally inherited. Through maternal inheritance, the cyt b gene in the F11 tetraploid displayed extremely high similarity to that in the female parent red crucian carp after 11 generations (from F1 to F11 hybrids). Since the establishment of the new tetraploid stocks has great significance in analyzing evolutionary theory of vertebrate and in improving aquaculture industry, analysis of the cyt b gene and the elucidation of the variation of the cyt b gene DNA in different cyprinids prove that cyt b is a useful genetic marker to monitor the variations in the progeny of the crosses.  相似文献   

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