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云南景洪地区蝉鸣特点的分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
蒋锦昌 《昆虫学报》1985,(3):257-265
本文对云南景洪地区三种蝉:A.周氏尖瓣蝉Acutivalva chotti Yao,B.大狭瓣蝉Aola bindusara Distant,C.中华舌瓣蝉Linguvalva sinensis Chou et Yao的鸣声特点,及其晨鸣进行了分析。 蝉A和蝉B的鸣声都是由主峰频率为6.3 kHz的单次声群(SSG)和连续声群(CSG)组成的节律声。但是蝉A鸣声的节律平均周期、SSG中单次声的个数和CSG中调幅脉冲列的重复频率等都明显地与蝉B有区别。蝉C的鸣声是由重复频率约120Hz的调幅脉冲列组成的连续声,其主峰频率为5kHz。 蝉B的傍晚鸣声与午间鸣声相比较,其CSG中调幅脉冲列的重复频率和主峰频率等都是相同的,仅仅是节律的平均周期延长1.7秒,1/3倍频谱中低于1,000Hz的各个频率幅值明显下降。 这三种蝉晨间群鸣由前奏、高潮声和尾声组成。高潮声开始于6点(28±2)分,尾声终止于6点(43±2)分,是以24小时为周期的生物钟现象。 这些结果可能为蝉科分类和蝉的声通讯研究提供某些参考。  相似文献   

本文给出了鸣鸣蝉调音肌(TMc)的结构及其与发声膜(SM)的连接关系,揭示了TMc的调音功能。 TMc的前、后支分别与SM前缘底面的外、内侧连接,有助于牵拉SM,其纵轴与SM的膜面约成120°角。理论上估计,TMc对SM的向下垂直拉力和沿膜面的向前水平拉力可能分别约为总拉力的87%和50%。 TMc具有重要的调音功能。不仅影响每侧SM产生的2个脉冲列(PT)的脉冲幅值,每个PT中第1和2脉冲幅值平均约下降3—10dB;而且影响SM发声过程的均一性。同时,对鸣声谱中第二陪音的峰值频率的幅值有明显的影响,其13600—13900Hz、15015—15100Hz和16756—17090Hz的幅值分别平均下降约5.9、8.4和16.3dB。  相似文献   

黑蝉(C.atrata Fabricius.)鸣声的方向性和第三气门的功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑蝉鸣声的波形结构无明显的方向性.单音节的重复周期和调幅脉冲列的间隔(I_1和I_2)分别为9.787±0.813ms、2.286±0.093ms和1.874±0.063ms.幅值特性有明显的方向性.主峰频率(MPF=5.47±0.11kHz)的幅值,头向和背向分别比尾向下降5.9dB和3.9dB,侧向和腹向分别增高1.1dB和2.3dB.两侧第三气门受阻后鸣声的波形结构和音色都产生明显变化.I_1和I_2分别为0.912±0.156ms和1.099±0.113ms,约为正常值的40—59%.有三个谱带,MPF为5775Hz,两侧谱带的峰值频率为4575Hz和7025Hz,分别下降1.5dB和3.4dB.  相似文献   

本文由1741个叫声的分析,给出了蟋蟀的鸣声特征和黑蝉叫声的影响.雄蟋招引声的每个单次叫声(SC)平均含有7.6个节拍,每个含有2个脉冲列组,每组含有4个主要的调幅脉冲列.每个SC的声长、间隔和平均重复周期(?)及节拍速(?)分别为1.285-1.325s,0.755—0.746s和2.078s及每秒7.6个节拍.鸣声谱的主峰频率(MPF)和MPF下降20db的带宽分别为5223±79Hz和(4498±82)—(5656±68)Hz.正在歌唱的蟋蟀鸣声基本上不受黑蝉自鸣声的影响,但黑蝉的前置自鸣声对蟋蟀鸣声波形有一定的影响.黑蝉的惊叫声不仅对蟋蟀鸣声波形有明显影响,而且时间特性有一定影响,即(?)约缩短一半,(?)的变差明显扩大.但对频率特性都无影响.  相似文献   

蚱蝉(Cryptotympana atrata Fabricius)发声器结构:发声膜与鸣声   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蚱蝉单发声膜发出的click声波形由高幅值和低幅脉冲列(pulse train,PT)组成.高幅值PT含脉冲越多,主峰频率(main peak frequency,MPF)就越高.本文进一步阐明:1、高幅值PT多含有11个脉冲,当含有1,2,3个时,脉冲个数与MPF成准线性关系 超过三个为非线性关系.2、双发声膜发声的频带主要在2700Hz-6700Hz之间.数个click声组成的波形中,低幅值PT功率谱包络波近似于标准高斯型,MPF约为4900Hz;不同高幅值PT内含主脉冲的频率不同是MPF变化的主要因素.3、蚱蝉鸣声功率谱主要有三个子谱区A,B,及C,对应的频带依次约为2700Hz—3700Hz,3700Hz-5700Hz,及5700Hz—6700Hz.  相似文献   

本文由1741个叫声的分析,给出了蟋蟀的鸣声特征和黑蝉叫声的影响.雄蟋招引声的每个单次叫声(SC)平均含有7.6个节拍,每个含有2个脉冲列组,每组含有4个主要的调幅脉冲列.每个SC的声长、间隔和平均重复周期(?)及节拍速(?)分别为1.285-1.325s,0.755—0.746s和2.078s及每秒7.6个节拍.鸣声谱的主峰频率(MPF)和MPF下降20db的带宽分别为5223±79Hz和(4498±82)—(5656±68)Hz.正在歌唱的蟋蟀鸣声基本上不受黑蝉自鸣声的影响,但黑蝉的前置自鸣声对蟋蟀鸣声波形有一定的影响.黑蝉的惊叫声不仅对蟋蟀鸣声波形有明显影响,而且时间特性有一定影响,即(?)约缩短一半,(?)的变差明显扩大.但对频率特性都无影响.  相似文献   

王爱真  吴君  王稳  魏青 《四川动物》2022,(2):162-167
城镇化提高了环境噪音水平,一般认为高水平的噪音对城市鸟类鸣声的传播会带来不利影响。城市鸟类可以通过提高最低频率、增加鸣唱长度和缩短鸣唱的起始音素长度等不同的响应模式调节其鸣唱特征以实现鸣唱的有效传播。本研究采用Avisoft SASLab Pro比较了西宁市3个不同噪音水平下,金翅雀Chloris sinica的鸣唱特征(最高频率、最低频率、频宽、主峰频率、鸣唱时间和起始音素时间)的差异,以探索鸟类对梯度噪音水平的响应模式。结果表明,随着噪音水平的升高,鸣唱的最低频率和最高频率呈现出高-低-高的变化模式,鸣唱时间和起始音素时间呈现出短-长-短的变化模式;高、低噪音组内不同地点的鸣唱主峰频率差异显著(P<0.05)。结合鸣唱地点的植被特征,推测金翅雀在提高鸣唱频率避免被噪音掩蔽和降低频率以利于在林间传播之间可能存在一个权衡,鸣唱频率和鸣唱长度可能存在一定的关联,而主峰频率对噪音外的其他环境因子更敏感。  相似文献   

为了掌握对虾游动发声规律及其信息的利用可能,文章以南美白对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)为对象研究了不同游动行为的发声信号特征。首先,在实验室黑暗条件下利用短时光源刺激南美白对虾,采集两种规格(小:4—6 cm;大:10—11 cm)对虾的快速游动发声信号,并分析得出:小规格对虾的主峰值频率约为250 Hz,并有次主峰频率约425 Hz;大规格对虾有约70 Hz主峰频率与约15 Hz的次主峰频率。其次,确定了游动行为中甩尾弹射的发声信号及其特征,其中心频率及频带范围均与快速游动发声信号的特征有明显差别。最后,对比养殖现场环境的水下声音信息发现:快速游动发声与背景噪声频域特征类似,部分信号被覆盖;对虾弹射发声信号可以清晰辨别,虽与实验室相比该信号的能量集中频率、频率主峰及次主峰频率更低且频率范围要更小,但其频谱及时频的信号特点与实验室信号有一定的关联性(持续时间均约为0.01s、能量的频率分布均集中于2—3 kHz)。因此,对虾在游动中的弹射发声信号可作为养殖中监测对虾行为的生物声学信息,有助于以声学信号监测对虾行为异常和判断生长状况的应用开发。  相似文献   

黑蚱蝉(Cryptotympana atrata Fabricius)鸣声的波谱特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文研究了双气囊黑蚱蝉的Click声、自鸣声和群鸣声.其鸣声波形兼有调幅与鸣声主频变化特征.1.Click声主峰频率分布在2.64—5.73KHz之间.2.自鸣声主峰频率在3.6—6KHz之间,比Click声的分布宽度略窄.3.群鸣声的主峰频率分布在4—7KHz范围内.  相似文献   

蚱蝉自鸣声的音色分为单音色、双音色.及三音色等.本文进一步阐明每种音色的变化及高幅值脉冲对主音色能量的影响.蚱蝉自鸣声音色的变化主要是指频谱主音色频率(MTF)的显著改变、蚱蝉单色自鸣声的MTF主要在4.1—5.8kHz的频带内变化,双音色自鸣声的主次音色频率有相互颠倒现象,MTF主要在3.6—5.4kHz之间,三音色自鸣声的MTF虽然在3.5—4.5kHz比较窄的频带内,但三个音色峰的能量十分接近显示了三种音色成分.同只蚱蝉自鸣声,在不同的鸣声段具有近似相等的最大幅值,但高幅值脉冲个数的多少不同,相应主音色能量的大小与这些脉冲个数的多少对应.  相似文献   

The cicada Okanagana rimosa (Say) has an acoustic communication system with three types of loud timbal sounds: (i) A calling song lasting several seconds to about 1 min which consists of a sequence of chirps at a repetition rate of 83 chirps per second. Each chirp of about 6 ms duration contains 4-5 pulses. The sound level of the calling song is 87-90 dB SPL at a distance of 15 cm. (ii) An amplitude modulated courtship song with increasing amplitude and repetition rate of chirps and pulses. (iii) A protest squawk with irregular chirp and pulse structure. The spectra of all three types are similar and show main energy peaks at 8-10 kHz. Only males sing, and calling song production is influenced by the songs of other males, resulting in an almost continuous sound in dense populations. In such populations, the calling songs overlap and the temporal structure of individual songs is obscured within the habitat. The calling song of the broadly sympatric, closely related species O. canadensis (Provander) is similar in frequency content, but distinct in the temporal pattern (24 chirps per second, 24 ms chirp duration, eight pulses per chirp) which is likely important for species separation in sympatric populations. The hearing threshold of the auditory nerve is similar for females and males of O. rimosa and most sensitive at 4-5 kHz. Experiments in the field show that female phonotaxis of O. rimosa depends on parameters of the calling song. Most females are attracted to calling song models with a 9 kHz carrier frequency (peak frequency of the calling song), but not to models with a 5 kHz carrier frequency (minimum hearing threshold). Phonotaxis depends on temporal parameters of the conspecific song, especially chirp repetition rate. Calling song production is influenced by environmental factors, and likelihood to sing increases with temperature and brightness of the sky. Correspondingly, females perform phonotaxis most often during sunny conditions with temperatures above 22 degrees C. Non-mated and mated females are attracted by the acoustic signals, and the percentage of mated females performing phonotaxis increases during the season.  相似文献   

Nezara viridula (L.) (Pentatomidae: Heteroptera) from Brazil, Florida, Italy and Slovenia, communicate by vibratory songs associated with long‐range calling and close‐range courting, rivalry and repelling. Each song is composed of spectrally and temporally different units. Spectrally different pulses of duration less than 300 ms are present in the male calling song. The female calling song is characterized by pulse trains composed of pulses shorter than 150 ms and pulse trains composed of a longer (> 700 ms) and shorter (< 250 ms) pulse. Shorter and longer pulses have different spectral characteristics. The male and female courtship songs are characterized by fusion of shorter (< 150 ms) pulses into a pulse train usually followed by a shorter (< 200 ms) postpulse in the case of the male courtship song. The female repelling song is a several seconds long vibration of irregular temporal structure. The short (< 400 ms) male rival song pulses are frequency modulated. The dominant frequency peaks of the songs investigated lie between 70 and 130 Hz. The dominant frequency and the microstructure of song spectra show no population specificity. The average duration varies more in calling than in courtship songs. The repetition time varies extensively in songs of different populations. Normal communication followed by copulation was observed between mates from Slovenia and Brazil and between mates from Florida and Italy. The potential role of different temporal and spectral parameters for species recognition and mate location is discussed in view of the expected distortion of the characteristic signal structure during transmission through plants.  相似文献   

Analyses of acoustic variation between and within populations can help to clarify the evolution and diversification of cicada calling songs. In this study, we analyzed the acoustic variation in the calling song of Mogannia formosana within Taiwan and between Taiwan and Green Island to assess the effects of geographic locations. Furthermore, chorusing males in the Green Island population were recorded and collected from the same habitat site during the same time period to investigate the relationship between individual body size and the acoustic features of calling songs. Among populations of M. formosana, we found that most of the acoustic variation in M. formosana calling songs was associated with frequency parameters, in which six frequency parameters changed significantly with latitude on the island of Taiwan. In contrast, temporal parameters, which were associated with principal components corresponding to less acoustic variation than that of the first principal component, were also found to be significant among populations but did not show consistent trends of difference with latitude. However, the geographically isolated Green Island population exhibited the lowest number of short echemes in segment B, which is the diagnostic structure employed to separate M. formosana from other M. species. This finding suggests that the temporal pattern of segment B in the calling songs of M. formosana might be important for both population differentiation and interspecific recognition. In a chorus of the Green Island population, the sound frequency of the last short echeme was found to be significantly correlated with individual body size. The possible role played by sexual selection in shaping sound frequency as a result of its reliable association with body size was discussed. We suggest that, in comparison with temporal elements, the frequency elements of segment B in calling songs of M. formosana in chorus can serve as a more reliable indicator of body size for female mate choice.  相似文献   

Females of the parasitoid fly Emblemasoma auditrix find their host cicada (Okanagana rimosa) by its acoustic signals. In laboratory experiments, fly phonotaxis had a mean threshold of about 66 dB SPL when tested with the cicada calling song. Flies exhibited a frequency dependent phonotaxis when testing to song models with different carrier frequencies (pulses of 6 ms duration and a repetition rate of 80 pulses s(-1)). However, the phonotactic threshold was rather broadly tuned in the range from 5 kHz to 11 kHz. Phonotaxis was also dependent on the temporal parameters of the song models: repetition rates of 60 pulses s(-1) and 80 pulses s and pulse durations of 5-7 ms resulted in the highest percentages of phonotaxis performing animals coupled with the lowest threshold values. Thus, parasitoid phonotaxis is adapted especially to the temporal parameters of the calling song of the host. Choice experiments revealed a preference of a song model with 9 kHz carrier frequency (peak energy of the host song) compared with 5 kHz carrier frequency (electrophysiologically determined best hearing frequency). However, this preference changed with the relative sound pressure level of both signals. When presented simultaneously, E. auditrix preferred 5-kHz signals, if they were 5 dB SPL louder than the 9-kHz signal.  相似文献   

本文报道同一蚱蝉自鸣声主要含三种音色,即单音色、双音色及三音色,它们均由不重迭的子频带构成。与音色相应的自鸣声模式均由脉冲列(pulse train, PT)组成,每个PT内含主脉冲的频率恰好与子频带对应。在时域和频域上,蚱蝉自鸣声具有编码特征。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic noise produced by human activities affects acoustic communication in animals living in urban habitats. We recorded the calling songs of the cicada Cryptotympana takasagona in the Kaohsiung metropolitan areas of southern Taiwan to investigate possible acoustic adaptations to anthropogenic noise. C. takasagona did not call more in noise gaps. Acoustic features (peak frequency, quartile 25%, quartile 50%, and quartile 75%) of calling songs significantly increased with ambient noise levels. C. takasagona shifted the energy distribution of calling songs to higher frequencies in the presence of higher noise levels. We suggest that the acoustic adaptation by which song frequencies increase with levels of anthropogenic noise in C. takasagona may result from a size-dependent calling strategy in which small-sized males call more in noise conditions or large-sized males adjust their song frequency by changing their abdominal cavities.  相似文献   

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