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通过施肥措施对鳄嘴花[Clinacanthus nutans(Burm. f.) Lindau]生物量分配的影响研究得到,鳄嘴花各构件生物量与各构件生物量的分配比例并不总是一致。N肥处理组根茎叶以及总生物量均较K低。P肥则为处理4根茎叶以及总生物量较大。而K肥根茎生物量较大的均为处理5,叶和总生物量较大的则为处理4。有机肥的施肥效果对鳄嘴花各构件生物量的促进效果均较差。施肥配比中,各个施肥配比对根、茎生物量的增加效果均较差。叶和总生物量中,则为N1∶P1∶K1效果较好。总体来看,合理施肥对鳄嘴花生物量的增加有促进作用,对生物量的分配产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

风箱果有性繁殖研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对风箱果(Physocarpus amurensis)适宜的采种时期、不同母树种子的成熟差异和幼苗的生长特征进行了研究。结果表明,风箱果种子的最适采种期在7月末,种子成熟后有休眠特性;方差分析表明,不同植株间种子的发芽率和千粒重都达到极显著水平(p<0.01),并且发芽率与种子重量呈正相关,其相关程度最佳的为幂函数,确定系数是75.75%(p<0.01);风箱果幼苗类型为子叶出土型,幼苗生物量对根的投资最大,其次是叶,茎的最少,在这3部分生物量投资中,对根和叶的投资比较稳定(其变异系数分别为6.8%和11.03%),对茎的生物量投资具有较大的变异(其变异系数为21.81%)。基径是衡量风箱果幼苗空间大小的重要数量指标。风箱果构件生物量(根生物量、茎生物量、叶生物量及总生物量)各组分均随基径的增加,呈线性函数形式增长,这表明随着植株的空间扩展,各构件有着相同的物质生产与积累规律。  相似文献   

不同生境下入侵植物胜红蓟种群构件生物量分配特性   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
周兵  闫小红  肖宜安  王宁  旷志强 《生态学报》2015,35(8):2602-2608
为探究入侵植物胜红蓟在种群构件水平上的生长特性,以更好地了解其整体的生存策略和入侵性,通过测定胜红蓟各构件的生物量、各构件生物量相关性、繁殖构件/营养构件比和根冠比,对Ⅰ房前屋后、Ⅱ菜园地、Ⅲ桔园和Ⅳ路边4种不同生境下的胜红蓟种群构件的生物量分配进行了分析研究。结果表明:不同生境下胜红蓟种群各构件的生物量既存在差异,又存在相同的趋势,即:茎生物量叶生物量根生物量花果生物量;生境Ⅱ胜红蓟总生物量、茎、叶和花果生物量均最大,生境Ⅳ的均最小,两者之间均存在显著差异(P0.05);不同生境中胜红蓟种群的根、茎、叶、花果生物量分配与其各构件生物量大小顺序并不一致,前者各生境间的差异小于后者各生境间的差异;4种生境下繁殖构件与营养构件生物量比大小顺序依次为ⅣⅢⅡⅠ,其值分别为0.069、0.061、0.050和0.042,根冠比大小顺序依次为ⅢⅠⅣⅡ,其值分别为0.211、0.179、0.154和0.090;胜红蓟植株株高与各构件及各构件之间存在极显著正相关(P0.01),株高与各构件的相关性中,株高与茎生物量的相关性最强,相关系数为0.525,各构件的相关性中,茎生物量与叶和花果生物量的相关性较强,其相关系数均大于0.900。胜红蓟种群在不同生境下各构件的生物量、繁殖构件/营养构件比和根冠比表现出的差异显示了其较强的表型可塑性和对异质环境的适应性,可能增强了其入侵性。不同生境下胜红蓟种群各构件生物量相同的趋势及生物量分配比间相对较小的差异显示了胜红蓟种群构件生物量分配模式的相对稳定性。胜红蓟种群各构件间的极显著相关性显示了其整体性的生存策略。  相似文献   

外来入侵植物小飞蓬种群构件生物量结构特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
小飞蓬是我国分布最广的外来入侵物种之一,通过样方调查,从构件水平研究了小飞蓬各构件的结构特征及其生物量间的关系模型,并进行了定量分析。结果表明小飞蓬各构件生物量间的关系表现为茎>叶>根>花;各构件生物量在个体生物量中所占比率也表现为茎>叶>根>花;小飞蓬根、茎、叶生物量与植株高度及各构件生物量间均呈正相关关系。  相似文献   

斑叶兰自然种群生物量生殖分配研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
(1.井冈山学院生命科学学院,江西吉安343009;2.西南大学生命科学学院,重庆400715)斑叶兰开花前各构件的生物量在总生物量中所占比例具有明显差异,且在生境间具显著差异。在柳杉林中,茎构件所占比例显著高于其它构件的比例;其它生境中正常叶的比例显著高于同生境下其它构件的比例。花期,斑叶兰茎和叶构件所占比例最大,其中仅在灌丛中正常叶构件分配比例略大于其茎构件的,但二者差异不显著;生殖构件中,花瓣所占比例最大;除花托叶(p=0.002)外,其余生殖构件的分配比例在生境之间的差异均不显著;合蕊柱在各群落生境中的分配比例差异极小,几乎是恒定的。斑叶兰的生物量生殖分配表现出随分布群落演替阶段的提高而下降的趋势,即竹林>人工柳杉林>灌丛>混交林;其生殖分配在20·35%~28.90%之间,而以干重计算则为21.09%~31.80%之间,明显高于其它一些多年生植物的(0%~20%),而表现出一年生植物的生殖分配特性。  相似文献   

四种菊科植物开花期构件生物量及表型可塑性比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对粤东地区菊科2种入侵植物三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)、加拿大蓬(Conyza canadensis)以及2种本土植物宽叶鼠曲草(Gnaphalium adnatum)、夜香牛(Vernonia cinerea)3种生境下的构件生物量、生物量分配及变异趋势进行了研究,对株高与各构件之间的关系建立了定量化描述模型,以揭示4种菊科植物在不同小生境中各构件的变异大小及生殖分配策略;对4种植物繁殖与营养构件之间的关系进行相关性、回归分析和生长趋势分析,以确定入侵种是否存在较高的表型可塑性。结果表明:三叶鬼针草在贫瘠、干燥的生境中,茎生物量分配显著增大,叶和花序生物量分配有减小的趋势;加拿大蓬在肥沃、潮湿的生境中其茎、叶、花序及总生物量显著大于其他2个生境(P0.01);宽叶鼠曲草和夜香牛在肥力较差、干燥的环境中,根生物量分配增大,茎和花序生物量分配有减小的趋势;三叶鬼针草、加拿大蓬和夜香牛各构件生物量的变异系数宽叶鼠曲草;相关性检验和生长趋势分析显示,三叶鬼针草、加拿大蓬和夜香牛繁殖与营养构件之间为异速生长。因此,三叶鬼针草、加拿大蓬和夜香牛具有较高的表型可塑性,以增强对多样环境的耐受性和适应性。  相似文献   

以雌雄异株攀援草本植物葎草为材料,通过每10 d测量1次,连续6次,测定幼苗期葎草种群的密度和高度、个体构件性状和生物量分配等参数,分析种群自疏过程中种群密度与个体构件性状及生物量分配的关系,研究葎草种群的自疏规律。结果表明:幼苗期葎草种群存在显著的自疏现象,种群密度60 d内下降了71%;幼苗期葎草由直立生长向横向生长时,种群密度和株高显著降低;自疏过程中存留植株的茎性状有显著变化,变化大小为节间长主茎长茎直径,节间长增加,叶性状变化大小为叶面积叶柄长叶厚叶宽叶长总叶数保留叶片数,根性状变化大小为总根长根体积根数根长最大根长;自疏过程中存留植株的构件生物量、单株生物量显著增加,而单位面积累积生物量呈阶段性下降;留存植株的地上生物量分配比相对稳定(P0.05),根茎比和叶茎比有极显著变化(P0.01);叶、茎、叶柄生物量与根生物量和地上生物量之间均呈极显著的异速关系(P0.01),茎随地上生物量增长呈等速生长,而叶、叶柄和根随地上生物量增长呈异速生长,地上生物量与叶、茎、叶柄及根生物量极显著相关(P0.01);茎生物量与密度的异速关系遵循最终产量恒定法则,叶、叶柄和根生物量并不满足-3/2或-4/3或-1自疏法则;地上和单株总生物量与密度极显著相关(P0.01),存留单株的地上生物量和总生物量与密度的异速关系遵循最终产量恒定法则。  相似文献   

齐淑艳  徐文铎  文言 《应用生态学报》2006,17(12):2283-2286
牛膝菊原产南美洲,为沈阳地区爆发式入侵种.本文从构件水平研究了牛膝菊种群各构件生物量结构特征和各构件生物量间的关系模型,并进行了定量分析.结果表明,牛膝菊种群各构件生物量之间关系为茎>叶>花序>根.各构件生物量在个体生物量中所占比率表现为茎>叶>根>花序.牛膝菊种群茎生物量和叶生物量与植株高度、根生物量、花序生物量之间都呈显著的正相关关系,均可用幂函数模型较好地表达.  相似文献   

大狼把草是广泛分布于我国的外来入侵植物之一,通过样方调查,从构件水平定量分析了大狼把草种群各构件的结构特征及其生物量间的关系模型,并探讨了其与入侵性的关系。结果表明:大狼把草种群各构件生物量之间的关系为茎>花序>根>叶。各构件生物量所占比率表现为茎>花序>叶>根。大狼把草种群各构件生物量之间及各构件生物量与植株高度之间都呈显著正相关关系,均可用幂函数模型较好地表达。大狼把草种群各构件较强的表型可塑性及其在生殖器官中较高的生物量投资分配特性,极大地提高了其入侵能力。  相似文献   

为了探讨自交植物黄花大苞姜(Caulokaempferia coenobialis)对石壁附生这一特殊生境的生态适应,对其不同物候期和不同生境的生殖分配进行了对比研究。结果表明,在生殖生长过程中,黄花大苞姜种群用于营养生长的生物量分配占有绝对优势,而用于生殖的生物量分配比例较小(<13%)。在黄花大苞姜各构件的生物量分配中,根茎和叶的比重较大(24.22%~43.25%)。在光线较弱生境中的种群,为了提高资源获取能力,黄花大苞姜分配到叶的比重明显高于光线较强的种群,而分配给根茎的比例却明显低于光线较强的种群。随着物候期的推移,黄花大苞姜生殖分配的比例不断增加,到果期达到最大值。不同种群间和年度间黄花大苞姜分配给生殖构件的比例没有显著差异,推测其生殖分配可能受遗传因素控制。个体大小与根茎生物量呈极显著线性函数同速生长,而与生殖分配在云天海种群没有表现出相关性,在上坪和天堂顶种群表现为同速生长关系,但决定系数小于40%。因此,黄花大苞姜能有效调节其在不同生境的生物量分配以适应石壁附生的特殊生境,在光线较弱的种群提高叶的生物量分配并降低根茎的生物量分配以提高资源的获取能力。整体上投资到营养构件的生物量占比高达87%以上,生殖构件在居群间和年度间均保持稳定。这种繁殖策略,一方面较高的营养构件投资可以获得更多的资源,另一方面稳定的生殖投资可以保证种群的延续,各构件相互协调以更好适应石壁这一资源匮乏的生境。  相似文献   

Intrapopulational variation in biomass allocation to male vs. female function was quantified for the hermaphroditic plant Ipomopsis aggregata in terms applicable to sex allocation models. The proportions of flower biomass put into the corolla and calyx averaged 0.59 and 0.20 and were relatively constant across plants. The proportions in the stamens and pistil averaged 0.13 and 0.08, with considerable variation among plants. Phenotypic gender at the time of flowering ranged from 0.34 to 0.77 female. Pistil dry weight was correlated with stigma exsertion. Stamen weight was correlated with corolla width, which influences male pollination success, and was also correlated with anther position and pollen production. Female reproductive success as estimated by seeds per flower showed no detectable relationship with initial allocation of biomass at the time of flowering, but decreased in accelerating fashion with the proportion of final biomass including seeds that was allocated to male function.  相似文献   

Nisar M  Ghafoor A  Khan MR 《Genetika》2011,47(1):25-31
A total of 286 genotypes were collected from 39 countries of the world and were evaluated to determine the phenotypic diversity for 17 quantitative traits. Higher degree of coefficient of variation were recorded for grain yield(-5) (52.46%), biomass(-5) (45.73%), fresh pod width(-10) (47.24%), dry pod weight(-1) (40.33%), plant height(-1) (35.25%), harvest index (32.70%) and number of branches(-5). Cluster-II clearly reflected that late genotypes were having lightest pods weight, shortest pod width, and pod length; low grain yield, biomass and harvest index. While genotypes in Cluster-III were in contrast to Cluster-II having heaviest pods weight, longest pods width and length, highest grain yield, biomass and harvest index. Higher PC(-1) values have been determined for days to flower initiation which consequently were contributing weighed positive to days to pods picking, days to flower completion, days to dry pod appearance, days to plant harvesting while negatively contributed to yield producing traits, indicating that late flowering pea germplasm emphasizes more on the vegetative growth and was low yielding. However, higher PC(-2) values have been obtained for number of branches(-5), grain yield and biomass while lower values for days to flowering, days to pods picking, days to flower completion, days to dry pod appearance and days to plant harvesting confirming the fact that early genotypes were high yielding.  相似文献   

黄瓜核心种质遗传多样性的苗期和初花期形态标记分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对92份黄瓜核心种质进行苗期和初花期形态学标记分析,以评价供试核心种质资源的遗传多样性水平。结果表明:供试黄瓜核心种质的苗期和初花期性状存在明显的遗传变异,不同种质间各性状的平均变异系数为31.0%,其中第一雌花节位的变异系数最大,为59.4%;始花期最小,为14.2%。聚类分析表明,在Pearson相关系数为6.5时,把92份黄瓜核心种质划分为3大类群;Pearson相关系数为3.5时,把92份黄瓜核心种质划分为8个类群。本研究结果丰富了黄瓜种质资源的评价体系,为今后优异基因资源的挖掘与利用提供了科学参考。  相似文献   

A total of 286 genotypes were collected from 39 countries of the world and were evaluated to determine the phenotypic diversity for 17 quantitative traits. Higher degree of coefficient of variation were recorded for grain yield−5 (52.46%), biomass−5 (45.73%), fresh pod width-10 (47.24%), dry pod weight−10 (40.33%), plant height−1 (35.25%), harvest index (32.70%) and number of branches−5. Cluster-II clearly reflected that late genotypes were having lightest pods weight, shortest pod width, and pod length; low grain yield, biomass and harvest index. Width, and pod length; low grain yield, biomass and harvest index. While genotypes in Cluster-III were in contrast to Cluster-II having heaviest pods weight, longest pods width and length, highest grain yield, biomass and harvest index. Higher PC−1 values have been determined for days to flower initiation which consequently were contributing weighed positive to days to pods picking, days to flower completion, days to dry pod appearance, days to plant harvesting while negatively contributed to yield producing traits, indicating that late flowering pea germplasm emphasizes more on the vegetative growth and was low yielding. However, higher PC−2 values have been obtained for number of branches−5, grain yield and biomass while lower values for days to flowering, days to pods picking, days to flower completion, days to dry pod appearance and days to plant harvesting confirming the fact that early genotypes were high yielding.  相似文献   

二型花柱植株金荞麦繁殖特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
开花物候及繁殖分配是植物适应环境的重要因素。对金荞麦开花物候、繁殖分配及策略进行了研究。结果如下:金荞麦的花果期为每年的8—11月,9月集中开花,其集中开花模式有助于吸引昆虫传粉,提高繁殖成功率;金荞麦单花开花持续时间为1—2 d,种群花期均为85d。L型花序花期为15—26d,S型花序花期为14—27d,两者没有显著差异;L型单花序开花数为26—131朵,S型单花序开花数为36—147朵,两者没有显著差异。L型和S型花序开花动态呈现单峰曲线,在花序开花后第11天L型和S型都达到最大值,分别为7.30%和7.20%,且两种花型具有较高的开花同步性,这有助于其繁殖适应性的提高。同一个花型中,雌蕊长、雄蕊长之间存在极显著负相关,但雌雄总长不存在显著差异,表明雌蕊长、雄蕊长可能存在权衡关系;金荞麦的繁殖器官和营养器官生物量在L型和S型间不存在显著差异,但其花生物量与植株生物量表现出极显著正相关关系。金荞麦L型花生物量分配极显著大于S型,而总生物量不存在显著差异,说明金荞麦植株的营养生长与有性繁殖间存在权衡关系。  相似文献   

本研究分析了岷江源区卡卡山典型高山灌丛植物陇蜀杜鹃不同发育阶段(花芽期和开花期)及不同海拔(3600 m低海拔和3800 m高海拔)下功能小枝和叶片性状的差异,以及空间异质性对花芽期和开花期小枝功能性状相关性及其权衡作用的影响。结果表明: 低海拔同一生长期陇蜀杜鹃小枝长度显著大于高海拔,高海拔开花期小枝的花数量和花质量显著高于低海拔。同一海拔花芽期的小枝质量、叶片数量、总叶质量、总叶面积和总叶柄质量均显著大于开花期,单叶质量和单叶柄质量均显著小于开花期。与花芽期相比,开花期叶生物量占比减少了13%,而小枝质量占比显著增加。小枝的生物量权衡表明,花芽期性状倾向于小枝质量,开花期倾向于总叶质量;花芽期的叶偏好分配于单叶质量,低海拔和高海拔开花期叶片分别偏好分配到单叶柄质量和单叶质量。低海拔开花期小枝质量与总叶面积、总叶质量均为异速生长,单叶柄质量和单叶面积为异速生长。海拔和发育阶段共同影响了陇蜀杜鹃功能小枝和叶片的性状。  相似文献   

Aims Foliar herbivory and water stress may affect floral traits attractive to pollinators. Plant genotypes may differ in their responses to the interplay between these factors, and evolution of phenotypic plasticity could be expected, particularly in heterogeneous environments. We aimed at evaluating the effects of simulated herbivory and experimental drought on floral traits attractive to pollinators in genetic families of the annual tarweed Madia sativa, which inhabits heterogeneous environments in terms of water availability, herbivore abundance and pollinator abundance.Methods In a greenhouse experiment with 15 inbred lines from a M. sativa population located in central Chile (Mediterranean-type climate), we measured the effects of apical bud damage and reduced water availability on: number of ray florets per flower head, length of ray florets, flower head diameter, number of open flower heads per plant, flowering plant height and flowering time.Important findings Apical damage and water shortage reduced phenotypic expression of floral traits attractive to pollinators via additive and non-additive effects. Plants in low water showed decreased height and had fewer and shorter ray florets, and fewer and smaller flower heads. Damaged plants showed delayed flowering, were less tall, and showed shorter ray florets and smaller flower heads. The number of ray florets was reduced by damage only in the low water treatment. Plant height, flowering time and number of flower heads showed among-family variation. These traits also showed genetic variation for plasticity to water availability. Ray floret length, flower head size and time to flowering showed genetic variation for plastic responses to apical damage. Plasticity in flowering time may allow M. sativa to adjust to the increased aridity foreseen for its habitat. Because genetic variation for plastic responses was detected, conditions are given for evolutionary responses to selective forces acting on plastic traits. We suggest that the evolution of adaptive floral plasticity in M. sativa in this ecological scenario (heterogeneous environments) would result from selective forces that include not only pollinators but also resource availability and herbivore damage.  相似文献   

Because of the modular structure of pearl millet (an annual grass crop, Poaceae), different tillers of a plant share the same genotype but are subjected to different environmental conditions during their maturation. This allows investigation of the effects of tiller flowering phenology on allocation to resource-producing photosynthetic biomass, sexual functions, and thus tiller gender. All tillers of plants of two families collected from individual maternal plants (represented by 33 and 31 plants each) were analyzed. In both families, allocation to aboveground vegetative biomass decreased as flowering was delayed. On average, late-flowering tillers were 65% smaller than the first ones to flower. The proportion of biomass allocated to reproduction significantly increased with the flowering rank of the tillers, suggesting that translocations of assimilates occurred between early- and late-flowering tillers. In both families, late-flowering tillers produced significantly fewer pollen grains per stamen than early-flowering ones, and female reproductive allocation (expressed as seed mass per tiller) was also affected by flowering phenology. Tillers became increasingly female as flowering phenology progressed. This gender variation is possibly adaptive because pollination efficiency is maximized by plant height. Natural selection may favor a shift toward femaleness to maximize reproductive fitness in small, late-developing tillers.  相似文献   

Floral display (the size, number, and arrangement of open flowers) influences pollinator visitation to animal-pollinated plants and should be an important determinant of reproductive success. We examined variation in the size and number of open flowers in wild daffodils (Narcissus). Our analysis of published data on 45 taxa showed that flower number varied negatively with flower diameter among Narcissus species, which supports the widespread assumption that there is a trade-off between these traits. In contrast, field measurements indicated a positive relation between flower number and diameter within two populations of Narcissus dubius, and no relation was evident after we controlled for variation in bulb size. The discrepancy between inter- and intraspecific patterns may have occurred because variable resource levels obscure trade-offs when variation in flower size is low (e.g., within species). Size-related increases in floral tube length were half as great as corresponding increases in flower diameter, a result that is consistent with stronger stabilizing selection on tube length. Staggered flowering within N. dubius inflorescences limited the mean number of open flowers to <66% of total flower number, and slow expansion by later opening flowers resulted in significant differences in flower size throughout flowering. Although pollinators preferred large flowers, experimental reductions in flower diameter did not affect seed production. Our results illustrate how the relative importance of the factors influencing floral display can vary among levels of biological organization. Interspecific variation in flower size and number appeared to be constrained by allocation trade-offs, but intraspecific variation in both traits was more greatly influenced by plant resource status. Within plants, the size and number of open flowers reflected the relative age of individual flowers and floral longevity.  相似文献   

Elevated UV-B radiation (12.2 kJ m–2 d–1) as against the ambient level of 10 kJ m–2 d–1 affected flowering, productivity and biomass partitioning of green gram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cv. KM-2]. UV-B stress delayed flowering initiation and achievement of 50 % flowering, reduced flower retention by 25 %, potential yield by 18 % and all yield attributes such as pod number (25 %), pod mass (41 %), seed number (32 %) and seed mass (45 %). Harvest index and shelling percentage were also reduced by 31 and 7 %, respectively. Application of triadimefon (20 mg dm–3) to unstressed plants accelerated flowering and enhanced flower retention (21 %), potential yield (15 %) and yield attributes (7 to 44 %). The partitioning of biomass between plant parts also showed improvement over the control plants. In UV-B-stressed plants, triadimefon treatment compensated the inhibitions to varying extents.  相似文献   

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