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利用乙醇沉淀法提取蔓茎堇菜Viola diffusa和柔毛堇菜V.principis多糖并分别进行抑菌及抗氧化试验。结果表明,蔓茎堇菜和柔毛堇菜多糖提取率分别为7.0%和8.3%。不同倍数体积无水乙醇沉淀提取的多糖抑菌和抗氧化能力不同。抑菌效果显示,蔓茎堇菜多糖对大肠杆菌和枯草芽孢杆菌的抑菌圈分别可达8.46mm和8.59mm,柔毛堇菜对大肠杆菌和枯草芽孢杆菌的抑菌圈均可达9.13mm,但两种堇菜多糖对黑曲霉和啤酒酵母未呈现抑制活性;抗氧化研究发现,蔓茎堇菜多糖抗氧化活性为243.64U·mL^-1,柔毛堇菜多糖抗氧化活性为411.78U·mL^-1。由此可见,无论是抑菌还是抗氧化活性方面,柔毛堇菜极显著优于蔓茎堇菜(P<0.01)。蔓茎堇菜和柔毛堇菜多糖都具有一定的抑菌抗氧化活性,均可作为食药两用植物资源进行开发利用。  相似文献   

灰叶堇菜(Viola delavayi Franch.)属堇菜科(Violaceae)堇菜属(Viola L.)植物,全草入药,治肺炎,根治虚弱、头晕、风湿关节炎、小儿疳积、跌打损伤,主要分布在云南昆明等地.随着人们的物质生活越来越丰富,膳食文化开始注重绿色食品,强调回归自然,中医和膳食工作者开始注意食疗法的挖掘和研究.灰叶堇菜具有食疗的价值,在云南的一些地区将它作为膳食.灰叶堇菜的营养成分的分析未见报道.本文对灰叶堇菜的营养成分进行了测定,以期为该种的开发利用提供科学依据.  相似文献   

河北堇菜属植物的进一步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文着重运用聚类分析的方法,对河北地区堇菜属植物进行研究,确定本属中组和亚组的划分界限,并通过对形态学特征和地理分布式样的分析,确认蒙古堇菜(V. mongolica Franch.)和北京堇菜(V.pekinensis(Regel) W.Beck.)实属同一个种,北京堇菜不应作为独立的种存在。通过将美丽堇菜组(Sect.Melanium Ging.)与其它类群进行比较,发现差异很大,超出了组和组间的相似性范围,因而支持Juzepczuk(1949)将它提升为亚属的分类处理。  相似文献   

记述了云南产堇菜属3新种,鸡足山堇菜,淡黄堇菜,宾川堇菜。  相似文献   

对中国堇菜属美丽堇菜亚属植物进行了系统学修订,确认中国堇菜属美丽堇菜亚属植物共有6种,列出分种检索表,对《中国植物志》51卷中未记载的3种进行了详细的描述,并对塔城堇菜、深紫堇菜及隐距堇菜进行了绘图。  相似文献   

报道了广东省3种新分布堇菜属植物,分别为犁头叶堇菜Viola magnifica Ching J.Wanget X.D.Wang、白花戟叶堇菜Viola betonicifolia Sm.var.albescens(Nakai)F.Maek.et T.Hashim.和假如意草Viola pseudo-arcuata C.C.Chang。  相似文献   

对堇菜科堇菜属Viola的两个种进行了组合。认为过去在东南亚植物文献上记载的Viola curvistylis实为我国云南、海南等地产的云南堇菜V.yunnanensis,前者为后者的异名;而我国文献上记载的光叶堇菜V.hossei实为东南亚分布的V.sumatrana,前者为后者的异名。文中引用的标本全部存放于邱园(Kew)标本馆。  相似文献   

城市绿化建设蓬勃发展,近年来发展野生花卉已成为备受关注的内容。堇菜属(Viola L.)植物分布广泛,如对其就地引种,再加以人工驯化栽培,将其应用到城市绿化,不仅丰富了城市景观效果,还可带来可观的经济价值及社会效益。本文对堇菜属植物的生物学特性、资源现状、引种栽培以及堇菜属植物在园林园艺的应用等方面进行了简要的综述。提出目前对中国堇菜的引种驯化研究工作的重要性,对于堇菜属植物更需要加强其新品种的选育工作,更新在园林园艺上的应用方式,加快其推广应用进程。  相似文献   

苏雪  侯云云  高婷  王亚莉  孙坤 《植物研究》2018,38(2):189-194
块茎堇菜是青藏高原及其邻近地区的一种特有两型闭花植物,目前其分类地位存在诸多争议。据此,本文对块茎堇菜及其近缘类群鳞茎堇菜的主要数字化标本以及同域分布的几个自然种群的叶片形态变异特征进行了分析。结果显示,所有参试数字化标本被分为两个明显不同的集群,一个集群符合块茎堇菜的叶片形态,另一集群则符合鳞茎堇菜;同样,同域分布的6个自然种群也分为两个集群。此外,叶片形态变异分析还显示叶片先端和叶基部形态参数ΔW、AL、BL和LWR在块茎堇菜/鳞茎堇菜同一类群不同种群间或种群内变异幅度较小且较为稳定,然而它们在不同类群间差异却极为显著(P<0.01)。因此,块茎堇菜和鳞茎堇菜理应作为两个不同的类群处理,这也表明叶片形态特征完全可以作为鳞茎堇菜和块茎堇菜的重要分类学依据。  相似文献   

孙坤 《植物研究》1994,14(3):236-236
本文发表了堇菜属球果堇菜一新变种,即光果球果堇菜Viola collina Bess.var.glabricarpa K.Sun.  相似文献   

将《中国植物志》中未收录的我国堇菜属2种Viola hupeiana W.Beck.和Violapulla W.Beck.分别处理为Violaverecunda A.Gray和Violalucens W.Beck.的异名。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among and within the subsections of the genus Viola are still far from resolved. We present the first organismal phylogeny of predominantly western European species of subsection Rostratae based on the plastid trnS-trnG intron and intergenic spacer and the nuclear low-copy gene chalcone synthase (CHS) sequences. CHS is a key enzyme in the synthesis of flavonoids, which are important for flower pigmentation. Genes encoding for CHS are members of a multigene family. In Viola, 3 different CHS copies are present. CHS gene lineages obtained confirmed earlier hypotheses about reticulate relationships between species of Viola subsection Rostratae based on karyotype data. Comparison of the CHS gene lineage tree and the plastid species phylogeny of Viola reconstructed in this study indicates that the different CHS copies present in Viola are the products of both recent and more ancient duplications.  相似文献   

国产堇菜属植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙坤  王漪 《植物研究》1994,14(1):81-87
本文应用光学显微镜及扫描电镜对国产32种堇菜属植物的花粉形态进行了观察,结果表明,在光学显微镜下,除V.tricolorL.外,堇菜属植物的花粉形态比校一致,对本属的分类意义不大。在扫描电镜下的花粉外壁纹饰亦表明本属是一个较为自然的类群。但国产四亚属之间的花粉在外壁纹饰,颗粒的多少和有无,穿孔的多少和有无等方面存在着较明显的差异,而在亚属内则分化校小。支持了Juzepchuk(1949)和王庆瑞(1991)的分类处理。  相似文献   

大花三色堇性喜冷凉、忌酷热。该研究以大花三色堇3个自交系08H 、HAR 和 E01为材料,分别测定了40℃高温处理4、8和12 h 时不同基因型大花三色堇幼苗的生理指标,以及不同浓度(0.1、1、2 mmol?L-1)水杨酸预处理对热胁迫下大花三色堇幼苗耐热性的影响。结果表明:在高温胁迫下大花三色堇电解质外渗量增加,随着处理时间的延长,电解质外渗更多,可溶性糖含量先增加后降低,POD 酶活性先提高后降低;与其他2个自交系相比,HAR 表现出较好的耐热性,其可溶性糖含量、POD 酶活性的增加均较高,而电解质外渗率偏低;与对照相比,3种浓度 SA 预处理均显著降低了大花三色堇幼苗的电解质外渗率,增加了幼苗体内可溶性糖含量,提高了大花三色堇的幼苗体内脯氨酸含量和 POD 酶活性;其中1 mmol?L-1的 SA 预处理对高温胁迫下大花三色堇幼苗体内可溶性糖的含量增加最高,最大程度减缓幼苗体内的电解质外渗量,08H 和 HAR 的脯氨酸含量和 POD 酶活性达到最大值。而对 E01而言,0.1 mmol?L-1的水杨酸预处理的脯氨酸含量和 POD 酶活性最高。该研究结果探讨了高温胁迫下不同基因型大花三色堇幼苗的生理表现,以及外施水杨酸对增强大花三色堇幼苗耐热性的效果,为大花三色堇抗热栽培提供重要的基础资料。  相似文献   

A new species of Viola L., Viola yildirimlii M. Dinç & Y. Bağcı sp. nov. from South Anatolia is described and illustrated. It is found on the rocky slopes of Aladağ National Park, in the county of Adana, south Turkey, at an elevation of 1800 m. It belongs to Viola , subsect. Viola , and is similar to the Turkish endemics Viola isaurica Contandr. & Quézel and V. kizildaghensis M. Dinç & Ş. Yıldırımlı. Diagnostic morphologic characters for a detailed discrimination from two similar taxa and other Turkish Eflagellatae species are discussed.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 141 , 477–482.  相似文献   

The sequences of chloroplast trnL trnF (20 species), psbA trnH(17 species), rpL16 (17 species) and ITS(one species) regions of the genus Viola were analyzed for phylogenetic relationships in the genus with the maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian inference (BI) analyses. Hybanthus enneaspermus, Scyphellandra pierrei and Rinorea bengalensis were used as outgroups. Additional sequences corresponding to the same DNA regions for the other taxa in Viola were downloaded from GenBank. The phylogenetic tree indicated that subgenViola is not monophyletic. Moreover, some intrageneric relationships in Viola were clarified. Combining sequences with morphological characters and chromosome number, the inference of morphological evolution in Viola was put forward. It was inferred that: 1) erect stems might well be more primitive than stolons and rosettes; 2) long fimbriate margin in stipules and stipules with 1/2-3/4 adnate part might represent distinctive evolutionary trends of sectTrigonocarpae and of sectAdnatae respectively; 3) species with stigmatic beaks might have been derived from ancestors without beaks; simple structure stigmas transformed into complex structure stigmas, and then transformed back to simple stucture patterns.  相似文献   

The genus Viola is represented by four related species in Brazil belonging to section Leptidium, one of the most primitive sections in the genus. Floral biology and pollination by bees were studied in Viola cerasifolia and V. subdimidiata in high-altitude areas in south-eastern Brazil. Flowers are zygomorphic and spurred. The five stamens are arranged in a cuff around the ovary, and pollen is released by means of apical connective projections, which form a cone surrounding the base of the style. The connective projections of the inferior stamens are elongated and curved to form a hook-shaped structure. Nectar-secreting tissue can occur in the basal connective appendages of the inferior stamens, which project into the spur. Flowers of V. subdimidiata secreted a mean volume of 0.14 micro l nectar over a 24-h period; approx. 40 % of flowers did not secrete any nectar. The main pollinators of these Viola species are female bees belonging to the genus Anthrenoides (Andrenidae), which search mainly for pollen. These bees seem to be oligolectic and obtain large amounts of pollen from Viola by vibrating the flowers or by moving the hook repeatedly back and forth. Males of Anthrenoides patrol Viola clusters and also feed on nectar, acting as secondary pollinators. The basic floral structure in the genus Viola fits that of 'nectar flowers'. The uncommon hook-shaped projections, scanty nectar production, and behaviour of pollinators suggest that V. cerasifolia and V. subdimidiata are shifting their reward for pollinators from nectar to pollen. Based on floral morphology, this shift may be widespread in Viola sect. Leptidium.  相似文献   

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