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本文记述了采集自我国辽宁省北票市中生界下白垩统义县组地层的草蛉科篱草蛉亚科原草蛉属一新种,短脉原草蛉。该属此前仅在丹麦和加拿大的新生界地层中发现2种,新种与该属的其它种具有显著差异,如前翅基部第一支r1-rs横脉位于Rs起始处与Rs第一支脉分出处之间,R1在翅端前结束。本文简要对比了原草蛉属与篱草蛉亚科其它属的特征差异,并对新种的归属及其与该属其它种的特征差异进行了讨论。  相似文献   

记述中国陕西中三叠统铜川组二叠蝎蛉科Permochoristidae Tillyard,1918 2新属及2新种:陕西蝎蛉属Shaanxichorista gen.nov.,何家坊陕西蝎蛉S.hejiafangensis sp.nov.和化石蝎蛉属Choristites gen.nov.,马廷生化石蝎蛉C.matinsoni sp.nov.,前一新属以其翅呈近三角形;Sc很长,伸达R端部,带3支脉;Rs与MA各自带2支;Rs MA主干明显短于MA;MP带5支,很早与Sc R MA汇合,之后与之分离,又与CuA汇合,形成一支合并脉M CuA;Pt不明显等特征与中蝎蛉属Mesochorista、秦蝎蛉属Qinochorista区别.后一新属以其翅呈近卵形;Sc、Rs很长,伸达R端部;Sc带6支脉;Rs与MA各自带2支;MA柄稍短于Rs MA主干;MA基部弯曲;MP带5支,基部弯曲,直接与CuA汇合,形成R MP CuA;Pt不明显等特征的脉序结构可与中蝎蛉属Mesocho-rista、里阿斯蝎蛉属Liassochorista明显区别.新属、种系陕西昆虫群(属中三叠世陕西生物群、也是陕西动物群的一个化石门类)铜川昆虫组合的新成员.时代相当于欧洲拉丁尼期(或阶)(Ladinian Stage).  相似文献   

<正> 叶色草岭Chrysopa phyllochroma Wesmael是冀中平原主要蛉种之一。叶色草蛉和丽草蛉形态相似。共同的特征是头部斑纹9个,头顶、触角下、颊和唇基两侧各一对,触角间1个;触角第一节绿色,第二节黑色。叶色草蛉与丽草蛉的体色和体长均差不多,仅从体形大小和色泽上尚难以区分。 叶色草蛉前翅前缘横脉列绿色,只近亚前缘脉一端黑色;丽草蛉前翅前缘横脉列黑色,是两者主要鉴别特征。  相似文献   

丛褐蛉属与齐褐蛉属(脉翅目:褐蛉科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
褐蛉科Hemerobiidae与草蛉科Chrysopidae的形状和习性相似,也是蚜虫、介壳虫等害虫的有效天敌。褐蛉的体形较小,多为黄褐色,翅上常有褐斑;前翅前缘横脉列的端部分岔而容易和草蛉区分,从褐蛉(Wesmaelius)和齐褐蛉(Kimminsia)是非常近缘的两个属,后翅径分脉(R_s)的第一分支与中脉(M)的分支在同一水平线上,两个分岔齐头并列,这个特点很固定是区别于褐蛉(Hemerobius)、益蛉  相似文献   

本文对化石直脉蝎蛉科(Orthophlebiidae)的分属做了再分类,仍保留该科内的 2个属:直脉蝎蛉属 Orthophlebia和原直脉蝎蛉属Protorthophlebia,解体中蝎蛉属Mesopanorpa。中蝎蛉属被解体后,其包含所有的种,如Rs1主干带3支或3支以上支脉,归入直脉蝎蛉属;如Rs1仅带2支支脉,归入原直脉蝎蛉属;原中蝎蛉属以Rs主干两倍长于MA主干作为属的分类根据,但这一属征常常导致分类上的混乱,故本文不作为属或亚属的分类根据。上述保留的2个属,再以Rs分支先于、后于或等于MA的特征,即Rs主干短于、长于或等于MA主干作为亚属的分类根据。以此,在直脉蝎蛉属Orthophlebia和原直脉蝎蛉属Protorthophlebia之下各自设立3个亚属(Hong et Zhang, 2004)。在已建立的6个亚属中,Orthophlebia(Brachyphlebia)Hong et Zhang, 2004和Protorthophlebia(Mecynophlebia)Hong et Zhang,2004分别修改为Orthophlebia(Orthophlebia)Westwood, 1845和Protorthophlebia(Protorthophlebia)Tillyard,1933的新异名。中生代直脉蝎蛉中脉的前支(MA)并非在古生代之后就完全消失。根据对中生代不同时期、不同层位、不同地区直脉蝎蛉和本目其他科在内化石标本的观察,中脉及其前、后支脉(MA、MP)仍然继续存在与发展。基于这种事实,本文认为直脉蝎蛉科脉序命名中沿用已久的Rs后支(Rs3 4)应为中脉的前支(MA),原来沿用的中脉(M)为中脉的后支(MP)。这样,有助于我们对长翅目中脉及其前、后(MA、MP)支脉的准确辨认,尤其是对MA脉在地史上变革、发展,以及与Rs脉的演化关系的认识可能有所裨益。  相似文献   

记述新直脉蝎蛉科1新属1新种Neorthophlebopsis qishuiheensis gen.et sp.nov.,并以其Sc很长,Rs与M分支同一水平,Rs1 2分支在Pt之前,M与CuA汇合,臀区3支粗壮横脉,呈一字斜形排列等特征与已知属相区别.新属种系铜川昆虫组合的新成员,属陕西昆虫群.化石标本采自陕西铜川中三叠统铜川组下段上部灰绿色泥页岩.铜川组的时代相当欧洲拉丁尼期(Ladinian Stage).  相似文献   

基于三枚晚白垩世Cenomanian期早期缅甸琥珀化石标本,记述了脉翅目双翅螳蛉科Dipteromantispidae一新属新种:卓德曲双翅螳蛉Kurtodipteromantispa zhuodei gen.etsp.nov.。新种与格氏棒翅螳蛉Halteriomantispa grimaldii Liu et al., 2016相似,但以下特征区别于后者:1)前翅无色斑; 2)前翅ScP端部在scp-ra横脉处具明显弯折,不平滑; 3)前翅RP至少具1末端分叉的分支; 4)雌外生殖器肛上板与第9背板融合,第9生殖基节近半圆形,末端无近三角形突起。此外,描述并讨论了新属雌外生殖器的形态结构。  相似文献   

幻草蛉新种及属和亚科的中国新记录(脉翅目:草蛉科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
草蛉科(Chrysopidae)是脉翅目中一大类群,已知约一百个属和亚属,近一千五百种,广布于世界各大动物区。除化石外,现存的属种分为三个亚科:网蛉亚科(Apochry-sinae)有11属20余种,我国只1属2种;草蛉亚科(Chrysopinae)包括了绝大多数的属种,我国已记载百余种,不少种类需要重新核对,许多新的种以及属尚未报导,所以只整理了一个初步的名录已附在《草蛉的保护和利用》一书的后边,仅有13属89种;另一个幻草蛉亚科(Nothochrysinae)我国过去尚没有代表的属种,本文所描述的一个新种也正是此亚科的中国新记录。  相似文献   

粉蛉记(一)曲粉蛉属Coniocompsa Enderlein 1905(脉翅目:粉蛉科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨集昆 《昆虫学报》1964,(2):283-286
曲粉蛉属(Coniocompsa)是脉翅目(Neuroptera)粉蛉科(Coniopterygidae)中的一个属,因下颚的外颚叶分三节,前翅中脉(M)干有两根脉鬃,后翅M有一半以上与第一肘脉(Cu_1)密接,以及腹部具成对的腹囊而属于囊粉蛉亚科(Aleuropteryginae);并由于径分脉(Rs)正常,前后翅M均单一等而独立为曲粉蛉族(Coniocompsini)。本族内目前只此一属。  相似文献   

记述了草蛉科Chrysopidae叉草蛉属Dichochrysa 3新种.1窄带叉草蛉,新种Dichochrysa angustivittata sp.nov.正模♂,江西上饶,1978-05-30,杨集昆采(存中国农业大学昆虫标本室).新种与Dichochrysa kiangsuensis(Navas,1934)相似,但后者颜面无斑,胸背两侧黄褐色,前翅所有的横脉黑褐色,雄性外生殖器也与新种有较大差异.2脊背叉草蛉,新种Dichochrysa carinata sp.nov.正模♂,陕西宁陕火地塘,1 580 m,1998-07-14,袁德成采(存中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本室).新种与其相似种Dichochrysa prasina(Burmeister,1839)的差别:后者触角之间具中斑,颊斑小;胸背淡绿色,具浅褐色斑点;径横脉、Rs脉的基部及分支脉的部分或全部以及阶脉都为黑色;雄性外生殖器与新种较为相似,但在殖弧叶两侧端部的宽窄、殖弧梁的形状等方面有明显区别.3芒康叉草蛉,新种Dichochrysa mangkangensis sp.nov.正模♂,西藏芒康盐井,1976-06-05,韩寅恒采(存中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本室).新种与Dichochrysa yuxianensis(Bian et Li,1992)相似,但后者颜面有2对角下斑,颚唇须黑褐色,前胸背板绿色;伪阳茎、内突和殖下片也与新种有较大差异.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeny of the green lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract  The first quantitative analysis of phylogenetic relationships of green lacewings (Chrysopidae) is presented based on DNA sequence data. A single nuclear and two mitochondrial genes are used in the analysis: carbomoylphosphate synthase (CPS) domain of carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase-aspartate transcarbamoylase-dihydroorotase (CAD) (i.e. rudimentary locus), large subunit ribosomal gene (16S) and cytochrome oxidase I (COI). This study represents the first use of the CAD gene to investigate phylogenetic relationships of the lacewings. DNA sequences for 33 chrysopid species from 18 genera, representing all subfamilies and tribes, were compared with outgroups sampled from families Hemerobiidae, Osmylidae and Polystoechotidae. Parsimony analyses of the combined data set recovered all of the previously established subfamilial and tribal groups as monophyletic clades (although relatively weakly supported) except Apochrysinae sensu lato . The enigmatic Nothancyla verreauxi Navás has historically been difficult to place in a subfamily group based on morphological characteristics; molecular data presented herein do not adequately resolve this problem.  相似文献   

Z. Růžička 《BioControl》1997,42(1-2):107-112
Paper previously exposed for short periods to first instar larvae ofChrysopa oculata Say (Neur.: Chrysopidae) deters conspecific females from ovipositing. The deterrent effect was not reduced by keeping the substrates at temperatures of up to 140°C for one hour. The oviposition-deterring pheromone is volatile. If contaminated substrates were kept in the open air for 3–4 weeks they no longer deterred females from ovipositing. However, the deterrent effect did not decrease significantly when the substrates were kept for 20 weeks in small Petri dishes. Clean paper substrates enclosed for one day above glass previously walked over by larvae also deterred females from ovipositing.  相似文献   

Quantitative surveys of the chrysopid fauna from southwestern Europe, namely the Iberian and Italian peninsulas, France south of 46° N, and the west-Mediterranean Islands, were analysed. A total of 56 species of Chrysopidae were reported, of which three species were abundant. These, Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens, 1836) sensu lato, Dichochrysa prasina (Burmeister, 1839) and D. flavifrons (Brauer, 1850), comprised a large percentage of the specimens. For the rarer species, comments are made on their distributions, the enhanced geographic range of exotic ones, and on levels of endemism and stenotopy.  相似文献   

Adult female green lacewings, Chrysopa quadripunctata Burmeister, were attracted to traps baited with 45% isopropanol in an unsprayed apple orchard in Missouri, USA. No lacewings were attracted to the unbaited traps. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report on a semiochemical that attracts lacewings of this species.  相似文献   

The green lacewing Chrysoperla carnea is a complex of cryptic species whose differentiation has been so far based upon morphology, ecophysiology, behaviour and preliminary mitochondrial DNA data using cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit II. In this work we extended the DNA data by screening nucleotide sequences of COII, cytochrome oxidase I, cytochrome b and the large ribosomal subunit of the mtDNA. These new data suggest that C. carnea s.s. is a well-supported, separate taxon, but that other taxa of the complex are not consistently differentiated by the current DNA data.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Für die Eiproduktion ben?tigtChrysopa carnea Nahrung im ausgewachsenen Stadium. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden verschiedene Nahrungssubstanzen ausprobiert (Tab. 1). Die Resultase zeigen eine ziemlich unterschiedliche Wirkung. Die Eiproduktion gint zurück, wenn nur eine künstliche Nahrung (Tab. 2) geboten wurde, w?hrend Blütennahrung die Eizahl stark erh?hte. Die st?rkste Eiproduktion wurde mit künstlicher Nahrung und Blüten erzielt. Für verschiedenen Pollen konnte jedoch eine verschiedene Wirkung nachgewiesten werden.   相似文献   

Twelve species of lacewings: Chrysopa altaica, Ch. commata, Ch. perplexa, Ch. phyllochroma, Ch. dasyptera, Ch. carnea, Ch. formosa, Ch. intima, Ch. perla, Ch. prasina, Ch. septempunctata, and Nineta inpunctata were found in cereal agroecosystems of the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia. The dominant species were Ch. carnea and Ch. phyllochroma. The biological characteristics, seasonal dynamics of the abundance of lacewings in the agrocenoses of winter rye, spring wheat, and oats are given. The abundance of larval and adult lacewings in the spring wheat agrocenosis was not affected by the level of chemicalization (upon condition of the rational use of insecticides), tillage variant, and predecessor crop. In the years when the density of lacewings was low, no differences in their population were found between the agrocenoses of wheat (after fallow), winter rye, oats, vetch-oats, canola, barley, and barley with melilot. In the years characterized by relatively high abundance of lacewings, they occurred more frequently in the crop rotations with wheat after fallow and with oats. These plants were settled by cereal aphids to the greatest extent. In all the years studied, the density of lacewings on alfalfa was 2–2.8 times as great as that on wheat after fallow.  相似文献   

The Australasian and Oriental green lacewing subgenus Ankylopteryx (Sencera) Navás (Chrysopinae: Ankylopterygini) is examined and its diversity and placement among other members of the tribe Ankylopterygini is discussed. After study of specimens spanning the full distribution and anatomical range of variation for the subgenus, all prior putative species, resulting in the sole valid species are newly synonymized, Ankylopteryx (Sencera) anomala (Brauer). Accordingly, the following new synonymies are established: Sencera scioneura Navás, syn. n., Sencera feae Navás, syn. n., and Sencera exquisita Nakahara, syn. n. [all under the name Ankylopteryx (Sencera) anomala]. A lectotype is newly designated for Ankylopteryx (Sencera) anomala so as to stabilize the application of the name. To support our hypotheses, the wing and general body coloration as well as the male genitalia are reviewed. We elaborate on the possibility of Ankylopteryx (Sencera) anomala being nothing more than an autapomorphic species of Ankylopteryx Brauer, as it was originally described. The species is not sufficiently distinct to warrant recognition as a separate subgenus within the group, and most certainly not as its own genus as has been advocated by past authors. Nonetheless, we do not for now go so far as to synonymize the subgenus until a more extensive phylogenetic analysis is undertaken with multiple representative species from across Ankylopteryx and other ankylopterygine genera. Lastly, we comment on the biology of Ankylopteryx (Sencera) anomala in terms of the attraction of males to methyl eugenol and on the widespread practice of splitting within Chrysopidae.  相似文献   

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