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The effects of vision development and light intensity on schooling behaviour during growth in juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis were investigated using both behavioural and histological approaches. The schooling behaviour of three age groups [25, 40 and 55 days post hatching (dph)] of juvenile T. orinetalis were examined under various light intensities. Subsequently, schooling variables, such as the nearest neighbour distance (D(NN) ) and the separation swimming index (I(SS) ), were also measured under different light intensities. Furthermore, retinal indices of light adaptation in juvenile fish at each experimental light intensity and visual acuities in six stages (25-55 dph) of juveniles were examined histologically. During growth, the light intensity thresholds of I(SS) decreased from 5 to 0·05 lx, and D(NN) under light conditions (>300 lx) also decreased from 9·2 times the standard length (L(S) ) to 1·2 times L(S) . The thresholds of light intensities for the light adaptation of retinas in juveniles (25-55 dph) similarly decreased from 5 to 0·05 lx with growth. In addition, the visual acuities of juveniles developed from 0·04 to 0·17 with decreasing D(NN) . These data clearly indicate that the characteristics of schooling behaviour strongly correspond to the degree of vision development. Juvenile T. orinetalis also appear to be more dependent on cone rather than rod cells under low light intensity conditions, resulting in a relatively high light intensity threshold for schooling. These results suggest that juveniles can adapt to darker conditions during growth by developing improved visual capabilities.  相似文献   

Light intensity and schooling behaviour in larval gulf menhaden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Schooling behaviour was examined in larval gulf menhaden Brevoortia patronus under decreasing and increasing light intensities and related to movements of retinal photoreceptors and pigment. Nearest neighbour angles and nearest neighbour distances between fish were inversely related to light intensity and were independent of the direction of intensity change. Swimming speeds of individual fish were directly related to light intensity when intensity was decreased but did not increase when intensity was raised. The changes in nearest neighbour angles and distances more closely paralleled movements of retinal pigment cells than cone cell migration, suggesting that rod photoreceptors play a greater role than cones in determining the threshold light intensity for schooling. A general model is developed relating the threshold light intensity for schooling to eye diameter for a number of different species and the implications of this relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

The spectral sensitivity of the fish and the suitable light wavelength range for survival and growth performance of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna (PBT) were investigated. The spectral sensitivity peak of PBT under photopic condition was observed between 449 and 503 nm, which corresponded to their natural habitat. The fish were reared in tanks irradiated continuously with 4 kinds of light emitting diodes (LEDs). The maximum wavelength of LEDs used for the rearing experiment were 460 nm (blue), 520 nm (green), 630 nm (red), and 450–680 nm (white). There was no notable difference in survival rate among fish in the four LED groups. However, the growth of juvenile PBT was lesser under red light compared to the green and white light wavelengths. These results suggest that PBT juveniles have low sensitivity to red light because the fish are rarely exposed to the red light wavelengths under natural ocean conditions. Thus, low sensitivity to red light negatively influenced the feeding behavior and growth of PBT juveniles.  相似文献   

研究了光照强度(0、1000、2000和3000 lx)对两种养殖方式(添加复方中草药制剂饲料和泼洒微生物制剂)下刺参幼参生长和消化酶活性的影响.结果表明: 光照强度对刺参幼参的相对体质量增长率(WGR)和特定生长率(SGR)影响显著(P<0.05),其趋势为2000 lx > 1000 lx > 3000 lx > 0 lx;相同光照强度下,复方中草药组刺参幼参WGR和SGR均显著高于微生物制剂组.光照强度对刺参幼参消化酶活性也有显著影响,淀粉酶和脂肪酶活性均为2000 lx > 1000 lx > 3000 lx > 0 lx,蛋白酶活性为1000 lx > 2000 lx > 0 lx > 3000 lx; 相同光照强度下,两种酶活性多为复方中草药组高于微生物制剂组.  相似文献   

The habitat and movements of a Pacific bluefin tuna were investigated by reanalyzing archival tag data with sea surface temperature data. During its trans-Pacific migration to the eastern Pacific, the fish took a direct path and primarily utilized waters, in the Subarctic Frontal Zone (SFZ). Mean ambient temperature during the trans-Pacific migration was 14.5 ± 2.9 (°C ± SD), which is significantly colder than the waters typically inhabited by bluefin tuna in their primary feeding grounds in the western and eastern Pacific (17.6 ± 2.1). The fish moved rapidly through the colder water, and the heat produced during swimming and the thermoconservation ability of bluefin tuna likely enabled it to migrate through the cold waters of the SFZ.  相似文献   

Pacific bluefin tuna are active teleost fish with a large capacity for heat conservation and endothermy. They have a high metabolism, and hence the myocardium must be capable of sustaining elevated levels of cardiac output over a wide range of temperatures. To examine the way that the myocardial cells of bluefin tuna respond to their unique cardiac physiology, we have studied the ultrastructure of the internal membrane system and mitochondria of atrial and ventricular myocytes by light and electron microscopy. Our results reveal that cardiomyocytes of juvenile bluefin tuna posses a relatively high content of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), together with a large volume of mitochondria within the two (compact and spongy) ventricular compartments and in the atrial myocardium. The mitochondrial structure and distribution in bluefin tuna myocardium follow specific metabolic zonation resulting in a higher volume and lower cristae density in the compact ventricular layer than in atrium and spongy layer. The presence of junctional SR profiles and an extensive network of free SR within cells may ensure a rapid delivery of Ca(2+) to the myofibrils. This, in conjunction with transarcolemmal Ca(2+) entry, might contribute to a faster excitation-contraction-relaxation cycle and thus enhance cardiac performance, cardiac output, and the maintenance of excitability at low temperatures. We propose that the mitochondrial configuration together with the developed SR ultrastructure of bluefin tunas myocardium are important evolutionary steps for the maintenance of high heart rates and endothermy in this teleost fish.  相似文献   

RNA/DNA ratio is a useful and reliable indicator of the nutritional status of fish larvae and juveniles. In order to assess the nutritional status of field-caught larval Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis (Temminck et Schlegel), starvation experiments of hatchery-reared larvae were conducted and changes in the RNA/DNA ratio of fed and starved larvae were analyzed. Starvation experiments were conducted every 3 days after first feeding. The survival rate of Pacific bluefin tuna larvae ranged 10-50% after 1 day of starved conditions and growth retardation was observed immediately. These results suggest that Pacific bluefin tuna larvae have a very low tolerance to starvation. The RNA/DNA ratios of fed larvae were approximately 2.0-4.0. On the other hand, the value of starved larvae significantly decreased to 1.0-3.0. The nutritional status of 3 cohorts of field-caught tuna larvae collected in the northwestern Pacific Ocean was examined based on the value of the RNA/DNA ratio of the 1 day starved larvae. 4.35-25.77% of the cohorts were regarded as the “starving condition”, which was negatively correlated to the ambient prey densities. These findings suggest that the nutritional condition of larval Pacific bluefin tuna was influenced by the ambient prey density, and starvation itself and starvation-induced predation could greatly contribute to mortality in the larval period of Pacific bluefin tuna.  相似文献   

Bluefin tuna are endothermic and have higher temperatures, heart rates, and cardiac outputs than tropical tuna. We hypothesized that the increased cardiovascular capacity to deliver oxygen in bluefin may be associated with the evolution of higher metabolic rates. This study measured the oxygen consumption of juvenile Pacific bluefin Thunnus orientalis and yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares swimming in a swim-tunnel respirometer at 20 degrees C. Oxygen consumption (Mo2) of bluefin (7.1-9.4 kg) ranged from 235+/-38 mg kg(-1) h(-1) at 0.85 body length (BL) s(-1) to 498+/-55 mg kg(-1) h(-1) at 1.80 BL s(-1). Minimal metabolic rates of swimming bluefin were 222+/-24 mg O(2) kg(-1) h(-1) at speeds of 0.75 to 1.0 BL s(-1). Mo2 of T. albacares (3.7-7.4 kg) ranged from 164+/-18 mg kg(-1) h(-1) at 0.65 BL s(-1) to 405+/-105 mg kg(-1) h(-1) at 1.8 BL s(-1). Bluefin tuna had higher metabolic rates than yellowfin tuna at all swimming speeds tested. At a given speed, bluefin had higher metabolic rates and swam with higher tailbeat frequencies and shorter stride lengths than yellowfin. The higher M dot o2 recorded in Pacific bluefin tuna is consistent with the elevated cardiac performance and enhanced capacity for excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac myocytes of these fish. These physiological traits may underlie thermal-niche expansion of bluefin tuna relative to tropical tuna species.  相似文献   

The cDNA sequences of vitellogenin receptor proteins (VgR(+) and VgR(-)), containing or lacking the O-linked sugar domain, were determined in Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.). VgR(-) gene expression in the ovary was compared in captive-reared and wild Atlantic bluefin tuna during the reproductive cycle. Gonad samples from adult fish were sampled from 2008 to 2010 from stocks reared in captivity at different commercial fattening operations in the Mediterranean Sea and from wild individuals caught either by traditional tuna traps during their migration towards the spawning grounds in the Mediterranean Sea or by the long-line artisanal fishery. In addition, juvenile male and female Atlantic bluefin tuna were sampled from a farming facility, to obtain baseline information and pre-adulthood amounts of VgR(-). The total length of VgR(+) cDNA was 4006 nucleotides (nt) and that of VgR(-) was 3946 nt. Relative amounts of VgR(-) were greater in juvenile females and in those adults having only previtellogenic oocytes (119 ± 55 and 146 ± 26 folds more than juvenile males, respectively). Amounts of VgR(-) were less in individuals with yolked oocytes (ripening stage, May-June) and increased after spawning in July (92 ± 20 and 113 ± 13 folds more than juvenile males in ripening and post-spawning fish, respectively). These data suggest that regulation of VgR(-) is not under oestrogen control. During the ripening period, greater VgR(-) gene expression was observed in wild fish than in fish reared in captivity, possibly because of (a) differences in water temperature exposure and/or energy storage, and/or (b) an inadequate diet in reared Atlantic bluefin tuna.  相似文献   

为了探讨水流对鱼类趋光性的影响, 利用自制的循环水槽装置, 以草鱼(Ctenpharyngodon idellus)幼鱼为研究对象, 研究其在光照度为300 lx, 不同流速工况(0、0.1和0.2 m/s)下的趋光性行为, 同时设黑暗静水工况为对照组。结果表明: (1) 0.2 m/s的流速可完全激发草鱼幼鱼的趋流性, 使其游泳方向多数与顶流方向呈± 20°。(2)根据草鱼幼鱼在不同流速工况下随光照度衰减在水槽内的分布情况, 计算得其在3种流速工况下的光强期望值分别为: 52.45, 34.62和37.86 lx。(3)当照度为300 lx时, 静水工况下的实验鱼在水槽中呈现“两头高, 中间低”的分布情况, 并未表现出对某一光强范围的偏好行为; 在小于感应值的低流速下, 草鱼幼鱼的分布情况总体趋势与静水工况类似, 但在远离光源处的分布较多, 多呈“逆流后退”行为; 当流速值超过感应流速时, 在趋流性的作用下, 鱼类在尾部的聚集情况明显下降, 同时在水槽中的分布更加均匀, 其原有光环境的作用减弱。研究初步证明了略大于感应值的小流速所引发的草鱼趋流性即可对其光环境响应行为产生影响。  相似文献   

Artificial light at night (ALAN) can disrupt biological rhythms of fish and other vertebrates by changing the light information of the nocturnal environment. Disrupted biorhythms can impair the immune system of vertebrates as it has been shown for conditions with continuous illumination or long-day photoperiod in many vertebrates, including fish. Nonetheless, this has not been shown so far for typical ALAN scenarios with high light intensities during day and low light intensities at night. Therefore, in this study, proxies for the innate immune system and oxidative stress as well as body indices of Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis were measured under a wide range of intensities of nocturnal illumination. The authors found no changes in parameters of the innate immune system and no significant changes in proxies for oxidative stress after 2-week exposures to nocturnal illuminance ranging from 0.01 lx to 1 lx in one experiment or from 1 lx to 100 lx in a second experiment. A decrease in the hepato-somatic index at the highest tested light intensity of 100 lx compared to the dark control was the only significant difference in all parameters among treatments. After 2 weeks of exposure, ALAN does not seem to seriously challenge the innate immune system and seems to cause less oxidative stress than expected. The results of this study contradict the findings from other studies applying continuous illumination or long-day photoperiod and highlight the importance of further research in this field. Because ALAN represents a sustained modulation of the environment that may have cumulative effects over time, long-term studies are required for a better understanding of how ALAN modulates the health of fish.  相似文献   

Suspected historic changes in juvenile southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii growth rates were investigated using otolith increment width data. Four hundred and ninety otoliths were selected from fish estimated to be between 1 and 41 years-old. The distance between the first five annuli were measured on the otoliths, giving estimates of otolith growth for age classes 1+ to 4+ years for fish spawned from the early 1960s to mid 1990s. The data showed that growth rates of juveniles (age 1+ and 2+ years) started to increase at around 1979–1980, and that growth continued to increase throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. Lee's phenomenon was not observed in the data. Correlation tests did not reveal clear relationships between annual otolith growth and regional environmental variables such as sea surface temperature or Southern Oscillation Index. The increase in otolith growth, however, was consistent with juvenile growth estimates obtained from other sources, and correlated with large-scale trends in population size and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Light intensity significantly affects insect flight behaviour. Mating of butterflies is significantly associated with flight frequency. However, no research has elucidated the effects of light intensity on butterfly flight. Thus, a clear understanding of the effects of light intensity on flight has significant theoretical implications for the cultivation and utilization of butterflies. We observed the flight behaviour of adult Tirumala limniace (Cramer) exposed to light intensities from 243 to 2240 lx and measured the frequency of flight, take-off rhythm, thoracic temperature excess (△T) when perching and flying, and the tendency for thoracic temperature to increase. Results showed that high-intensity light significantly increased flight activity, and males were more active than females under similar light intensities; strong light (1280–2240 lx) resulted in female and male butterflies taking flight earlier compared with weak light (243–864 lx); and a similar pattern was observed for flight duration, with flights by males being significantly longer than those by females at 864–2240 lx; △T of adults flying in strong light was significantly higher than in weak light, whereas the thoracic temperature of perching adults was similar to the air temperature. Compared with other light intensities, the equilibrium thoracic temperature of adults exposed to 2240 lx was higher, and the time to reach it was shorter; in addition, the △T and rate of thoracic temperature increase were higher and achieved more quickly, respectively. Thus, of the 243–2240 lx range, 2240 lx was the most optimal light intensity for adult T. limniace flight and captive rearing.  相似文献   

In order to infer phylogenetic relationships between tuna species of the genus Thunnus, partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b and ATPase genes were determined in all eight species. Supplemental restriction analysis on the nuclear rRNA gene was also carried out. Pacific northern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus orientalis) was found to have mtDNA distinct from that of the Atlantic subspecies (T. t. thynnus) but very similar to that from the species albacore (T. alaluga). In contrast, no differentiation in nuclear genome was observed between the Atlantic and Pacific northern bluefin tunas. The Atlantic northern bluefin and southern bluefin tunas possessed mtDNA sequences very similar to species of yellowfin tuna group and not so similar to albacore and bigeye tunas which were morphologically assigned to the bluefin tuna group. The molecular data indicate that (1) mtDNA from albacore has been incorporated into the Pacific population of northern bluefin tuna and has extensively displaced the original mtDNA, and (2) albacore is the earliest offshoot, followed by bigeye tuna in this genus, which is inconsistent with the phylogenetic relationships between these tuna species inferred from morphology. Correspondence to: S. Chow  相似文献   

The phototactic behaviour of surface- and cave-dwelling Atlantic mollies Poecilia mexicana was examined. Surface-dwelling Atlantic mollies, as well as light- and dark-reared cave fish showed photophilic behaviour under all light intensities used (620, 50 and 3 lx).  相似文献   

The diets of 1219 southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii, from inshore (shelf) and offshore (oceanic) waters off eastern Tasmania were examined between 1992 and 1994. Immature fish (< 155 cm fork length) made up 88% of those examined. In all, 92 prey taxa were identified. Inshore, the main prey were fish (Trachurus declivis and Emmelichthys nitidus) and juvenile squid (Nototodarus gouldi). Offshore, the diversity was greater, reflecting the diversity of micronekton in these waters. Interestingly, macrozooplankton prey (e.g. Phronima sedentaria) were prevalent in tuna > 150 cm. The offshore tuna, when in subantarctic waters, ate relatively more squid than when in the East Australia Current. In the latter, fish and crustacea were more important, although there were variations between years. No relationship was found between either prey type or size with size of tuna. Feeding was significantly higher in the morning than at other times of the day. The mean weight of prey was significantly higher in inshore-caught tuna than in those caught offshore. We estimated that the mean daily ration of southern bluefin tuna off eastern Tasmania was 0.97% of wet body weight day−1. However, the daily ration of inshore-caught tuna was ∼ 3 times higher (2.7%) than for tuna caught offshore (0.8%) indicating that feeding conditions on the shelf were better than those offshore. Our results indicate that the inshore waters of eastern Tasmania are an important feeding area for, at least, immature southern bluefin tuna. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Tunas are capable of exceptionally high maximum metabolic rates; such capability requires rapid delivery of oxygen and metabolic substrate to the tissues. This requirement is met, in part, by exceptionally high maximum cardiac outputs, opening the possibility that myocardial Ca(2+) delivery is enhanced in myocytes from tuna compared with those from other fish. In this study, we investigated the electrophysiological properties of the cardiac L-type Ca(2+) channel current (I(Ca)) to test the hypothesis that Ca(2+) influx would be large and have faster kinetics in cardiomyocytes from Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) than in those from its sister taxon, the Pacific mackerel (Scombe japonicus). In accordance with this hypothesis, I(Ca) in atrial myocytes from bluefin tuna had significantly greater peak current amplitudes and faster fast inactivation kinetics (-4.4 +/- 0.2 pA/pF and 25.9 +/- 1.6 ms, respectively) than those from mackerel (-2.7 +/- 0.5 pA/pF and 32.3 +/- 3.8 ms, respectively). Steady-state activation, inactivation, and recovery from inactivation were also faster in atrial myocytes from tuna than from mackerel. In ventricular myocytes, current amplitude and activation and inactivation rates were similar in both species but elevated compared with those of other teleosts. These results indicate enhanced I(Ca) in atrial myocytes from bluefin tuna compared with Pacific mackerel; this enhanced I(Ca) may be associated with elevated cardiac performance, because I(Ca) delivers the majority of Ca(2+) involved in excitation-contraction coupling in most fish hearts. Similarly, I(Ca) is enhanced in the ventricle of both species compared with other teleosts and may play a role in the robust cardiac performance of fishes of the family Scombridae.  相似文献   

We formulated a full lifecycle bioenergetic model for bluefin tuna relying on the principles of Dynamic Energy Budget theory. Traditional bioenergetic models in fish research deduce energy input and utilization from observed growth and reproduction. In contrast, our model predicts growth and reproduction from food availability and temperature in the environment. We calibrated the model to emulate physiological characteristics of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis, hereafter PBT), a species which has received considerable scientific attention due to its high economic value. Computer simulations suggest that (i) the main cause of different growth rates between cultivated and wild PBT is the difference in average body temperature of approximately 6.5°C, (ii) a well-fed PBT individual can spawn an average number of 9 batches per spawning season, (iii) food abundance experienced by wild PBT is rather constant and sufficiently high to provide energy for yearly reproductive cycle, (iv) energy in reserve is exceptionally small, causing the weight-length relationship of cultivated and wild PBT to be practically indistinguishable and suggesting that these fish are poorly equipped to deal with starvation, (v) accelerated growth rate of PBT larvae is connected to morphological changes prior to metamorphosis, while (vi) deceleration of growth rate in the early juvenile stage is related to efficiency of internal heat production. Based on these results, we discuss a number of physiological and ecological traits of PBT, including the reasons for high Feed Conversion Ratio recorded in bluefin tuna aquaculture.  相似文献   

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