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通过农杆菌介导将番茄铁转运蛋白基因导入八棱海棠   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
用农杆菌介导法,成功地将番茄铁转运蛋白基因导入了苹果砧木八棱海棠.获得了19个卡那霉素抗性株系,其中有11个株系经PCR鉴定为阳性.Southern杂交结果显示:有9个转基因株系基因组中整合了完整的目的基因.选择其中含有单拷贝和3个拷贝目的基因的各一个株系进行水培试验,结果表明整合了单拷贝目的基因的转基因株系表现出较强的抗缺铁胁迫能力,5周后其植株的鲜重比对照高21%~34%.  相似文献   

利用转基因标记NPTⅡ快速、规模化纯合转基因番茄   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用卡那霉素喷施方法对带有NPTⅡ标记基因和双价外源基因(烟草渗调蛋白基因AP24和菜豆几丁质酶基因Chi)的转基因番茄的3个世代在温室或田间环境进行规模化筛选,成功获得8个单拷贝转基因纯合植株。含有单个拷贝NPTⅡ标记基因的转基因株系后代,对卡那霉素的抗感分离符合3∶1的孟德尔分离比例,T2代中一些株系表现为对卡那霉素全抗,表明这些株系的外源基因已经纯合,这一结果在T3代中进一步得到证实。但对于含有两个拷贝外源基因的转基因株系,外源基因的遗传则比较复杂。同时,结合Km喷施和多重PCR技术对外源基因的异常遗传进行了初步分析。用PCR分析进一步证实了该方法的准确性,该方法是对转基因番茄进行大规模、快速遗传分析的理想方法。  相似文献   

利用卡那霉素喷施方法对带有NPTⅡ标记基因和双价外源基因(烟草渗调蛋白基因AP24和菜豆几丁质酶基因Chi)的转基因番茄的3个世代在温室或田间环境进行规模化筛选,成功获得8个单拷贝转基因纯合植株。含有单个拷贝NPTⅡ标记基因的转基因株系后代,对卡那霉素的抗感分离符合3:1的孟德尔分离比例,T2代中一些株系表现为对卡那霉素全抗,表明这些株系的外源基因已经纯合,这一结果在T3代中进一步得到证实。但对于含有两个拷贝外源基因的转基因株系,外源基因的遗传则比较复杂。同时,结合Km喷施和多重PCR技术对外源基因的异常遗传进行了初步分析。用PCR分析进一步证实了该方法的准确性,该方法是对转基因番茄进行大规模、快速遗传分析的理想方法。  相似文献   

无选择标记和载体骨干序列的Xa21转基因水稻的获得   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用双右边界T-DNA载体通过根癌农杆菌介导法将水稻白叶枯病广谱抗性基因Xa21导入杂交稻重要恢复系C418中。T0代共获得27个独立转基因株系,通过田间抗性鉴定与PCR分析,有17个株系的Xa21基因分子鉴定为阳性,且对白叶枯病原菌P6生理小种具有抗性。通过对17个株系的后代植株进行田间抗性鉴定,分子标记辅助选择及Southern杂交分析,结果显示4个株系的T1代植株中能分离出无潮霉素标记基因的Xa21转基因植株。无选择标记Xa21转基因株系的获得率为15%。PCR检测还表明,这些无选择标记的Xa21转基因植株不带有载体骨架序列。通过对转基因后代进一步的抗性鉴定与PCR辅助选择,获得了无选择标记和载体骨架序列的转基因Xa21纯合的抗白叶枯病水稻。  相似文献   

转新型双抗虫基因棉花的遗传分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
首次用含合成的BtCrylAc活性杀虫蛋白嵌合基因及慈菇蛋白酶抑制剂B(API-B)基因表达框的双抗虫基因植物表达载体,通过土壤根癌杆菌介导转化棉花品种冀合321,获得一批抗虫的转化再生棉花植株。利用叶片涂抹卡那霉素、叶片离体养虫和PCR扩增等检测方法对6个不同转双抗虫基因株系的抗虫性进行遗传分析。结果显示,转化株系自交的T1抗虫性状遗传较为复杂;农杆菌介导获得的转基因抗虫棉在早期世代不易选到纯合系,但是随着对抗虫性状进行单向选择,到T4和T5就能获得抗虫纯合系。利用抗虫性稳定的转化后代材料和转化受体进行田间杂交,发现F2抗虫性分离完全符合一对或两对显性基因的分离规律,并证明了DR248和DR193两个材料为外源基因双拷贝插入。转化株系的Southern杂交也证明了上述结果。  相似文献   

转cry1Ab基因抗虫水稻的田间试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐微  林拥军 《遗传》2007,29(8):1008-1012
采用农杆菌介导的遗传转化技术, 将Bt基因cry1Ab导入三系恢复系明恢63获得了一批抗虫性及农艺性状较好的转基因纯合株系。研究中, 进一步检测了这些纯合株系的拷贝数、Bt蛋白含量、抗虫性及主要农艺性状。结果显示: 5个转基因纯合株系均为单拷贝; 纯合株系T1Ab-10及其杂种的Bt蛋白含量最高; 人工接虫和自然感虫试验中, T1Ab-10对二化螟、三化螟和稻纵卷叶螟均表现高度抗性; 喷药试验中, 阳性植株与阴性植株、对照植株的主要农艺性状均没有显著差异。这说明转cry1Ab基因纯合株系T1Ab-10具商品化潜力, 可作基因聚合材料。  相似文献   

表达γ-亚麻酸的无筛选标记转基因大豆的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对所获得的9株无筛选标记基因的T1代莆豆8008转基因大豆的T2代进行了分析。PCR和Southern杂交检测表明标记基因已不存在于转基因株系中,同时目的基因以纯合或者杂合状态存在于部分株系中,除草剂抗性分析也表明这些转基因株系已不再具有抗除草剂的能力。Northern杂交检测表明Δ6-脂肪酸脱氢酶基因在转基因株系中可以转录。GC分析表明其中6个转基因植株富含GLA。  相似文献   

目的:以携带水稻矮缩病毒(RDV)运动蛋白缺陷型(MP-)基因的转基因玉米种子T0为试验材料,通过分子分析、抗病鉴定及农艺性状筛选得到转基因纯合株系。方法:首先对转化种子进行潮霉素抗性筛选,其后对各代转基因材料进行PCR检测、农艺性状调查和抗病鉴定。结果:从645粒T0转化种子得到抗潮霉素植株246株,即T1转基因植株。T1、T2、T3、T4代材料的PCR检测阳性率分别为56.9%、83.9%、94.6%和99.8%,证明RDVMP-基因已被导入玉米自交系中,且目的基因可以稳定遗传到转基因植株及其后代。田间人工接种抗病鉴定结果表明,经过连续筛选,转基因后代植株(系)的抗病性不断提高,T1、T2、T3和T4代中的高抗病材料分别占总材料数的8.9%、31.5%、70.7%和100%;所选纯合系连续2年的发病率均为0,抗病性比相应对照株系提高4级。农艺性状调查结果表明,转基因株系的株高比对照株系高15.0~33.4cm,穗位高提高13.4~20.2cm,;穗长增加2.0~3.8cm,穗粒数增加10.2~22.8粒。结论:根据分子检测、田间抗病鉴定及农艺性状鉴定结果,选育到96C0502、96C0507和96C0513等抗矮花叶病转基因玉米纯合株系。  相似文献   

转双价水解酶基因番茄植株对枯萎病抗性的提高   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导,首次将莱豆几丁质酶和烟草β-1,3-葡聚糖酶双价水解酶基因导入番茄品种A53(Lycopersicon esculentum cv.A53)中,获得批量转基因再生植株。对外源基因的PCR和Southern杂交结果表明,外源基因已经整合到番茄基因组中,其拷贝数1-8个不等。Northern杂交和卡那霉素喷施表明目的基因和标记基因均已得到表达,抗病性鉴定初步表明转基因植株对枯萎病的抗性显著提高。  相似文献   

通过研究棉花黄萎病病原菌诱导侵染对转基因抗病棉花生理性状的影响,旨在为提高转基因抗病棉花抗病性提供理论依据。Byd、28p两品种棉花为供试材料,应用花粉管通道法将几丁质酶与β-1,3-葡聚糖双价抗病基因导入棉花株系中,多年筛选获得不同抗性水平的棉花株系;棉种经棉花黄萎病病菌侵染后,苗期测定棉株内的生理生化变化。结果显示,转基因抗病棉株体内的酶活性已达对照水平,而感病及耐病棉株内的酶活性均有不同程度的变化。所测定的棉株内的酶活性及脯氨酸含量的变化与棉株的抗病性相关。  相似文献   

L Ke  R Liu  B Chu  X Yu  J Sun  B Jones  G Pan  X Cheng  H Wang  S Zhu  Y Sun 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e39974
Cotton plants engineered for resistance to the herbicides, glyphosate or glufosinate have made a considerable impact on the production of the crop worldwide. In this work, embryogenic cell cultures derived from Gossypium hirsutum L. cv Coker 312 hypocotyl callus were transformed via Agrobacterium tumefaciens with the rice cytochrome P450 gene, CYP81A6 (bel). In rice, bel has been shown to confer resistance to both bentazon and sulfanylurea herbicides. Transformed cells were selected on a liquid medium supplemented alternately or simultaneously with kanamycin (50mg/L) and bentazon (4.2 μmol). A total of 17 transgenic cotton lines were recovered, based on the initial resistance to bentazon and on PCR detection of the bel transgene. Bel integration into the cotton genome was confirmed by Southern blot and expression of the transgene was verified by RT-PCR. In greenhouse and experimental plot trials, herbicide (bentazon) tolerance of up to 1250 mg/L was demonstrated in the transgenic plants. Transgenic lines with a single copy of the bel gene showed normal Mendelian inheritance of the characteristic. Importantly, resistance to bentazon was shown to be stably incorporated in the T1, T2 and T3 generations of self-fertilised descendents and in plants outcrossed to another upland cotton cultivar. Engineering resistance to bentazon in cotton through the heterologous expression of bel opens the possibility of incorporating this trait into elite cultivars, a strategy that would give growers a more flexible alternative to weed management in cotton crops.  相似文献   

Wu J  Luo X  Wang Z  Tian Y  Liang A  Sun Y 《Biotechnology letters》2008,30(3):547-554
A synthetic scorpion Hector Insect Toxin (AaHIT) gene, under the control of a CaMV35S promoter, was cloned into cotton via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Southern blot analyses indicated that integration of the transgene varied from one to more than three estimated copies per genome; seven homozygous transgenic lines with one copy of the T-DNA insert were then selected by PCR and Southern blot analysis. AaHIT expression was from 0.02 to 0.43% of total soluble protein determined by western blot. These homozygous transgenic lines killed larvae of cotton bollworm (Heliothis armigera) by 44–98%. The AaHIT gene could used therefore an alternative to Bt toxin and proteinase inhibitor genes for producing transgenic cotton crops with effective control of bollworm.  相似文献   

Summary A translational fusion between the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and neomycin phosphotransferase (NPTH) genes was used to optimize parameters influencing Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Thompson Seedless. The corresponding bifunctional protein produced from this EGFP/NPTH fusion gene allowed for a single promoter to drive expression of both green fluorescence and kanamycin resistance, thus conserving promoter resources and climinating potential promoter-promoter interactions. The fusion gene, driven by either a double cauliflower mosaic virus 35S (CaMV 35S) promoter or a double cassava vein mosaic virus (CsVMV) promoter, was immobilized into Agrobacterium strain EHA 105. Somatic embryos capable of direct secondary embryogenesis were used as target tissues to recover transgenic plants. Simultaneous visualization of GFP fluorescence and kanamycin selection of transgenic cells, tissues, somatic embryos, and plants were achieved. GFP expression and recovery of embryogenic culture lines were used as indicators to optimize transformation parameters. Preculturing of somatic embryos for 7 d on fresh medium prior to transformation minimized Agrobacterium-induced tissue browning/necrosis. Alternatively, browning/necrosis was reduced by adding 1 gl−1 of the antioxidant dithiothreitol (DTT) to post co-cultivation wash media. While combining preculture with antioxidant treatments did not result in a synergistic improvement in response, either treatment resulted in recovery of more stable embryogenic lines than did the control. A 48h co-cultivation period combined with 75 mgl−1 kanamycin in selection medium was optimal. DNA analysis confirmed stable integration of transgenes into the grape genome: 63% had single gene insertions, 27% had two inserts, and 7 and 3% had three and four inserts, respectively. Utilizing optimized procedures, over 1400 stable independent transgenic embryogenic culture lines were obtained, of which 795 developed into whole plants. Transgenic grapevines have exhibited normal vegetative morphology and stable transgene expression for over 5 yr.  相似文献   

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., var. Coker 312) hypocotyl explants were transformed with three strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, LBA4404, EHA101 and C58, each harboring the recombinant binary vector pBI121 containing the chi gene insert and neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII) gene, as selectable marker. Inoculated tissue sections were placed onto cotton co-cultivation medium. Transformed calli were selected on MS medium containing 50 mg l−1 kanamycin and 200 mg l−1 cepotaxime. Putative calli were subsequently regenerated into cotton plantlets expressing both the kanamycin resistance gene and βglucuronidase (gus) as a reporter gene. Polymerase chain reaction was used to confirm the integration of chi and nptII transgenes in the T1 plants genome. Integration of chi gene into the genome of putative transgenic was further confirmed by Southern blot analysis. ‘Western’ immunoblot analysis of leaves isolated from T0 transformants and progeny plants (T1) revealed the presence of an immunoreactive band with MW of approximately 31 kDa in transgenic cotton lines using anti-chitinase-I polyclonal anti-serum. Untransformed control and one transgenic line did not show such an immunoreactive band. Chitinase specific activity in leaf tissues of transgenic lines was several folds greater than that of untransformed cotton. Crude leaf extracts from transgenic lines showed in vitro inhibitory activity against Verticillium dahliae.Transgenic plants currently growing in a greenhouse and will be bioassayed for improved resistance against V. dahlia the causal against of verticilliosis in cotton.  相似文献   

分离出菠菜甜菜碱醛脱氢酶基因(SoBADH)构建成由CaMV35S驱动的双元植物表达载体pBSB, 农杆菌菌株LBA4404携带该载体转化棉花, 获得转基因棉花植株。65株转基因植株经过PCR筛选、Southern blotting分析证明有45株为成功的转化株, 外源基因已经被整合到棉花的染色体组中, 并以单拷贝插入居多。对部分株系的SoBADH基因的表达进行分析表明均有较高的mRNA和蛋白的表达。经测定这些株系中的甜菜碱脱氢酶活性显著提高, 达到0.66~1.70 nmol/min/mg水平。同时这些转基因株系在盐胁迫下比对照长势强, 株高和地上部分的鲜重显著高于非转基因对照; 在低温胁迫下, 这些转基因株系表现出显著的抗冻性能。结果表明菠菜甜菜碱醛脱氢酶能够在异源植物棉花中过量表达, 并具有较高的酶活性, 转基因棉花可作为抗逆育种的种质材料。  相似文献   

农杆菌介导籼稻优良恢复系bar基因的遗传转化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用农杆菌介导转化体系,成功地将含有CaMv35s启动子启动的bar基因导入籼稻幼胚来源的愈伤组织,获得籼稻优良恢复系T461、R402和752三个品种(系)共47个抗除草剂Basta的转基因株系,Southem分析结果表明,转基因植株基因组中检测到bar基因的整合,转基因植株自交后代Basta除草剂抗性鉴定表现出分离,且大多数为1-2个整合位点的孟德尔方式遗传。结果表明,根癌农杆菌介导法可以有效且可靠地转化籼稻。  相似文献   

Southern hybridisation was performed on ninety-six transgenic petunias that had been selected for resistance to kanamycin. Just over half of the plants contained intact copies of the T-DNA. The most common rearrangements (at least 24 plants out of 96) were simple deleted derivatives that had lost one or both ends of the T-DNA. T-DNAs lacking the left border occurred at a frequency of 20%, and estimates of the frequency of T-DNAs lacking the right border were at least this high. Three plants contained grossly rearranged T-DNAs, of which all expressed the kanamycin resistance gene but only one transmitted the gene to progeny. Two plants lacked T-DNA homology altogether and did not express kanamycin resistance in their leaves or their progeny. Circumstantial evidence suggests that plants containing a chimaeric kanamycin resistance gene driven by the ocs promoter do not root efficiently in the presence of kanamycin. There was no correlation between intactness of the T-DNA and Mendelian inheritance of the kanamycin-resistance phenotype. However, a disproportionate number of plants showing non-Mendelian inheritance had a high copy number of their T-DNA.  相似文献   

Accurate and timely detection of transgene copy number in sugarcane is currently hampered by the requirement to use Southern blotting, needing relatively large amounts of genomic DNA and, therefore, the continued growth and maintenance of bulky plants in containment glasshouses. In addition, the sugarcane genome is both polyploid and aneuploid, complicating the identification of appropriate genes for use as references in the development of a high-throughput method. Using bioinformatic techniques followed by in vitro testing, two genes that appear to occur once per base genome of sugarcane were identified. Using these genes as reference genes, a high-throughput assay employing RT-qPCR was developed and tested using a group of sugarcane plants that contained unknown numbers of copies of the nptII gene encoding kanamycin resistance. Using this assay, transgene copy numbers from 3 to more than 50 were identified. In comparison, Southern blotting accurately identified the number of transgene copies for one line and by inference for another, but was not able to provide an accurate estimation for transgenic lines containing numerous copies of the nptII gene. Using the reference genes identified in this study, a high-throughput assay for the determination of transgene copy number was developed and tested for sugarcane. This method requires much less input DNA, can be performed much earlier in the production of transgenic sugarcane plants and allows much more efficient assessment of numerous potentially transgenic lines than Southern blotting.  相似文献   

将棉花生长素结合蛋白基因cDNA与CaMV35S启动子和NOS终止子融合,构建了一个新的表达载体pGABP1-121,采用农杆菌介导法转化烟草,经过分化、筛选和再生,得到了具有卡那霉素抗性的植株。抗性植株经PCR及Southern杂交检测,证明外源目的基因已经整合到烟草基因组中。扫描电镜观察发现转基因烟草与对照相比叶细胞增大,结果表明,棉花生长素结合蛋白基因的表达影响了烟草叶细胞的发育。  相似文献   

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