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水稻粒形性状的遗传及相关基因定位与克隆研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gao ZQ  Zhan XD  Liang YS  Cheng SH  Cao LY 《遗传》2011,33(4):314-321
作物育种的首要目标是提高产量。水稻粒形是与水稻产量性状直接相关,与品质性状存在着密切关系的数量性状,其评价指标主要是粒长、粒宽、粒厚、长/宽和长/厚。近年来,水稻粒形的数量遗传研究取得了重要进展,并成功定位克隆了一批控制水稻粒形的基因。文章综述了水稻粒形的经典遗传研究、QTL定位、粒形基因的克隆和功能分析以及在水稻超高产育种中的利用。  相似文献   

<正>中科院发现控制水稻粒形和稻米品质的重要基因中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所傅向东研究员领导的团队在水稻品质和产量协同遗传改良的研究中取得重要进展,从优质杂交水稻不育系泰丰A中成功分离并克隆了一个控制水稻粒形和提升稻米品质的重要基因GW7。这一基因能通过改变细胞分裂模式,让稻米变得更为细长,有效地减少垩白率和垩白面积,从而提高稻米  相似文献   

<正>研究发现控制水稻粒形和稻米品质的重要基因近日,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所傅向东研究员领导的团队从优质杂交水稻不育系泰丰A中成功分离并克隆了一个控制水稻粒形和提升稻米品质的重要基因GW7。这一基因能通过改变细胞分裂模式,让稻米变得更为细长,有效地减少垩白率和垩白面积,从而提高稻米在外观、口感等方面的  相似文献   

水稻产量和稻米品质的提高是水稻研究的中心问题。水稻产量主要取决于单株穗数、每穗粒数和粒重;粒重作为一个非常重要的产量性状,由粒长、粒宽和粒厚所决定。影响粒重和粒形的基因多为数量性状基因,精细定位并克隆到的较少。本研究中,我们克隆到一个影响粒形的基因SL,超表达(SL-OE)转基因植株表现出粒长增加、粒宽减小、叶宽减小的表型;同时,SL-RNAi的转基因植株呈现出粒长缩短、叶宽增加的表型。颖壳表面细胞在超表达转基因植株中伸长,而在RNAi转基因植株中缩短。叶片横向细胞数目在转基因植株中发生变化,推测乩基因可能与细胞分裂相关。SL-OE转基因植株中G嗽因被明显上调,说明盟基因可能通过调节GW2的表达对水稻粒宽造成影响。另外,观基因影响稻米的品质。  相似文献   

水稻(Oryza sativa L.)是保障我国粮食安全和农业可持续发展的主粮作物,江苏是我国重要的水稻种植区。经过40多年的发展,江苏水稻产量和品质性状研究都取得了重要进展。稻米品质性状组成复杂,涉及生产、加工、销售和消费多方面。本文对江苏省水稻几个主要品质性状的遗传研究历程进行了概括,重点对水稻外观品质、蒸煮食味品质和营养品质的遗传调控研究进行了总结。文章介绍了稻米品质性状的经典遗传规律和分子遗传特点,综述了各个品质性状遗传调控相关的重要功能基因。相关研究成果凸显了江苏水稻品质遗传改良基础研究在国内外的重要地位。特别指出,随着水稻功能基因组学的发展和品质性状遗传调控网络的明晰,未来针对特定或复合品质性状的分子设计育种是江苏水稻品质遗传改良研究中要重点推进的方向。  相似文献   

水稻产量性状遗传机理及分子标记辅助高产育种   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
水稻产量性状遗传机理及分子标记辅助高产育种庄杰云郑康乐(中国水稻研究所,杭州310006)水稻等农作物的很多重要农艺性状,如产量性状、品质性状、对病虫害的抗性水平和对不良环境因子的耐性,一般是为多个基因所控制的数量性状。经典的遗传分析方法只能把控制数...  相似文献   

改善稻米品质是水稻遗传改良及基础研究的重要目标。破解控制稻米重要品质性状形成的调控机制,对稻米品质改良和品种选育具有十分重要的意义。近十多年来,稻米品质功能基因组研究成果为其遗传改良提供了丰富的功能基因、有效的功能性分子标记及良好的改良策略。但是,稻米品质本身由多个性状构成,且各品质性状间、品质与产量性状间、品质与环境间均互相影响,极大地限制了稻米品质的遗传改良。因此,文中提出了未来水稻品质性状基础研究及遗传改良的六个关键科学问题。  相似文献   

水稻产量相关QTL研究现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
产量是最为复杂的数量性状,对它的遗传机理了解甚微。近15年来,许多学者利用随机分离群体定位了许多影响水稻产量及其组分的QTL,即以QTL定位的方法对产量潜力进行遗传剖析。试验证明上位性效应对产量及其组分性状遗传变异起着重要作用,但目前大多数QTL研究仍侧重于发掘和克隆单个主效QTL,然而对单一基因/QTL的深入了解还不足以诠释复杂性状遗传基础的全貌,还没有为育种家提供足够的可应用于分子标记辅助育种的遗传信息并用于提高水稻产量。笔者认为今后的数量性状研究尚需加强复杂性状QTL遗传网络的发掘,在改良水稻品种性状的同时发展并完善QTL研究。  相似文献   

水稻生育期的遗传力与气象条件相互关系的研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温度和日长条件是影响水稻生育期遗传力的主要因子。 水稻的主要经济性状属数量性状遗传,受多基因控制,其中有的性状如株高、生育期等兼有质量性状性质。许多遗传育种工作者对这些经济性状的遗传规律曾作过详细的研究,但  相似文献   

粒重、每穗粒数和每株穗数是决定水稻产量的三大要素,也是水稻育种改良的重点.这些性状都是遗传复杂的数量性状.近十年来,水稻数量性状遗传学领域取得了突破性的进展,成功克隆了一批控制水稻产量性状的数量性状位点(QTL).本文将简要介绍产量性状相关QTL的功能与作用机制.这些研究成果不仅有助于揭示产量性状形成的遗传基础,也将有力推动水稻分子设计育种的进程.  相似文献   

粳稻穗角与稻米品质的相关性及稻米品质遗传分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
测定了粳稻直立穗品种丙8979与弯曲穗品种C堡杂交组合的P1、P2及其重组自交系349个株系的穗角和10个稻米品质性状, 分析了穗角与稻米品质性状之间的相关性, 并运用主基因+多基因混合遗传模型, 对稻米品质10个性状进行了遗传分析。结果表明,穗角与糙米率、整精米率、垩白粒率、垩白度、糊化温度、胶稠度和直链淀粉含量均无显著相关; 与精米率呈显著正相关(r=0.124*); 与粒长和长宽比均呈极显著正相关(相关系数分别为0.470**和0.241**)。糙米率、精米率和直链淀粉含量均受2对主基因+多基因控制, 2对主基因具有累加作用和加性×加性的上位性作用; 整精米率、粒长、长宽比和胶稠度受2对加性-上位性主基因+多基因控制;垩白粒率、垩白度和糊化温度均受3对加性-上位性主基因+多基因控制。糙米率、精米率、整精米率、垩白粒率、垩白度和糊化温度6个品质性状以主基因遗传为主,粒长、长宽比、胶稠度和直链淀粉含量4个性状以多基因遗传为主。  相似文献   

Grain yield is one of the most important and complex trait for genetic improvement in crops; it is known to be controlled by a number of genes known as quantitative trait loci(QTLs). In the past decade, many yield-contributing QTLs have been identified in crops.However, it remains unclear whether those QTLs confer the same yield performance in different genetic backgrounds. Here, we performed CRISPR/Cas_9-mediated QTL editing in five widely-cultivated rice varieties and revealed that the same QTL can have diverse, even opposing, effects on grain yield in different genetic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Grain size is a key yield component of cereal crops and a major quality attribute. It is determined by a genotype’s genetic potential and its capacity to fill the grains. This study aims to dissect the genetic architecture of grain size in sorghum. An integrated genome‐wide association study (GWAS) was conducted using a diversity panel (n = 837) and a BC‐NAM population (n = 1421). To isolate genetic effects associated with genetic potential of grain size, rather than the genotype’s capacity to fill the grains, a treatment of removing half of the panicle was imposed during flowering. Extensive and highly heritable variation in grain size was observed in both populations in 5 field trials, and 81 grain size QTL were identified in subsequent GWAS. These QTL were enriched for orthologues of known grain size genes in rice and maize, and had significant overlap with SNPs associated with grain size in rice and maize, supporting common genetic control of this trait among cereals. Grain size genes with opposite effect on grain number were less likely to overlap with the grain size QTL from this study, indicating the treatment facilitated identification of genetic regions related to the genetic potential of grain size. These results enhance understanding of the genetic architecture of grain size in cereal, and pave the way for exploration of underlying molecular mechanisms and manipulation of this trait in breeding practices.  相似文献   

A Genetic Framework for Grain Size and Shape Variation in Wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Grain morphology in wheat (Triticum aestivum) has been selected and manipulated even in very early agrarian societies and remains a major breeding target. We undertook a large-scale quantitative analysis to determine the genetic basis of the phenotypic diversity in wheat grain morphology. A high-throughput method was used to capture grain size and shape variation in multiple mapping populations, elite varieties, and a broad collection of ancestral wheat species. This analysis reveals that grain size and shape are largely independent traits in both primitive wheat and in modern varieties. This phenotypic structure was retained across the mapping populations studied, suggesting that these traits are under the control of a limited number of discrete genetic components. We identified the underlying genes as quantitative trait loci that are distinct for grain size and shape and are largely shared between the different mapping populations. Moreover, our results show a significant reduction of phenotypic variation in grain shape in the modern germplasm pool compared with the ancestral wheat species, probably as a result of a relatively recent bottleneck. Therefore, this study provides the genetic underpinnings of an emerging phenotypic model where wheat domestication has transformed a long thin primitive grain to a wider and shorter modern grain.  相似文献   

水稻粒长QTL定位与主效基因的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究利用短粒普通野生稻矮杆突变体和长粒栽培稻品种KJ01组配杂交组合F_1,构建分离群体F_2;并对该群体粒长进行性状遗传分析,利用平均分布于水稻的12条染色体上的132对多态分子标记对该群体进行QTL定位及主效QTLs遗传分析,为进一步克隆新的主效粒长基因奠定基础,并为水稻粒形育种提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)所构建的水稻杂交组合分离群体F_2的粒长性状为多基因控制的数量性状。(2)对543株F_2分离群体进行QTL连锁分析,构建了控制水稻粒长的连锁遗传图谱,总长为1 713.94 cM,共检测出24个QTLs,只有3个表现为加性遗传效应,其余位点均表现为遗传负效应。(3)检测到的3个主效QTLs分别位于3号染色体的分子标记PSM379~RID24455、RID24455~RM15689和RM571~RM16238之间,且三者对表型的贡献率分别为54.85%、31.02%和7.62%。(4)在标记PSM379~RID24455之间已克隆到的粒长基因为该研究新发现的主效QTL位点。  相似文献   

The demand for high quality rice represents a major issue in rice production. The primary components of rice grain quality include appearance, eating, cooking, physico-chemical, milling and nutritional qualities. Most of these traits are complex and controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTLs), so the genetic characterization of these traits is more difficult than that of traits controlled by a single gene. The detection and genetic identification of QTLs can provide insights into the genetic mechanisms underlying quality traits. Chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) are effective tools used in mapping QTLs. In this study, we constructed 154 CSSLs from backcross progeny (BC3F2) derived from a cross between 'Koshihikari' (an Oryza sativa L. Ssp. Japonica variety) as the recurrent parent and 'Nona Bokra' (an O. Sativa L. Ssp. Indica variety) as the donor parent. In this process, we carried out marker-assisted selection by using 102 cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence and simple sequence repeat markers covering most of the rice genome. Finally, this set of CSSLs was used to identify QTLs for rice quality traits. Ten QTLs for rice appearance quality traits were detected and eight QTLs concerned physico-chemical traits. These results supply the foundation for further genetic studies and breeding for the improvement of grain quality.  相似文献   

稻米外观品质性状遗传与分子定位研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻米外观品质主要是指稻米的粒形、垩白、透明度和籽粒色泽等,它不仅直接影响到人们的喜好,还与其他品质性状诸如蒸煮食用、加工等密切相关。因此,外观品质对稻米的商品价值有着十分重要的影响。本文从经典遗传与现代分子生物学两个方面对稻米主要外观品质的遗传研究进展进行了较全面的综述,包括粒长、粒宽、长宽比、粒厚、垩白、透明度和籽粒色泽等。综合近年来的遗传研究结果发现,大多数稻米外观品质性状都是由数量基因控制的。利用分子标记技术已将控制外观品质的QTL(qualitative trait locus)定位在不同的染色体上,为下一步的稻米外观品质改良提供了有利条件。  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.), the major staple food crop of the world, faces a severe threat from widespread drought. The development of drought-tolerant rice varieties is considered a feasible option to counteract drought stress. The screening of rice germplasm under drought and its characterization at the morphological, genetic, and molecular levels revealed the existence of genetic variation for drought tolerance within the rice gene pool. The improvements made in managed drought screening and selection for grain yield under drought have significantly contributed to progress in drought breeding programs. The availability of rice genome sequence information, genome-wide molecular markers, and low-cost genotyping platforms now makes it possible to routinely apply marker-assisted breeding approaches to improve grain yield under drought. Grain yield QTLs with a large and consistent effect under drought have been indentified and successfully pyramided in popular rice mega-varieties. Various rice functional genomics resources, databases, tools, and recent advances in “-omics” are facilitating the characterization of genes and pathways involved in drought tolerance, providing the basis for candidate gene identification and allele mining. The transgenic approach is successful in generating drought tolerance in rice under controlled conditions, but field-level testing is necessary. Genomics-assisted drought breeding approaches hold great promise, but a well-planned integration with standardized phenotyping is highly essential to exploit their full potential.  相似文献   

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