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马茜  冯建孟 《生态科学》2017,36(4):81-88
植物多样性的地理分布格局的研究有利于人们更好地了解研究区域内植物多样性保护的热点区域及其形成机制。云南地区的唇形科植物资源在我国占较大比重, 因此, 研究云南唇形科植物多样性的地理分布格局具有重要意义。以大尺度的唇形科植物物种分布信息为基础, 结合地理信息系统和数理统计分析方法, 探讨云南地区唇形科植物的物种组成、分布宽度、区系地理成分及其多样性的地理格局。研究结果表明, 云南地区拥有唇形科植物67 属430 种。比较重要的属主要包括香茶菜属(Rabdosia)、鼠尾草属(Salvia)和黄芩属(Scutellaria)等。在种水平, 77%的物种分布范围少于20 个县域, 其中181种唇形科植物只分布于滇西北地区。在属水平, 唇形科植物区系地理成分复杂, 具有鲜明的温带性, 热带性区系成分也有一定比例。云南地区从南到北, 唇形科植物的物种丰富度随纬度呈单调递增分布趋势(P < 0.01), 在滇西北地区达到最大值。云南地区唇形科植物多样性从南到北呈递增趋势, 可能与区系地理起源有关, 滇西北地区物种丰富可能与生境异质性有关。  相似文献   

云南地区种子植物多样性分布格局和多样性分化特点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用大尺度的植物分布信息结合地理信息系统和数理统计分析,探讨了云南种子植物多样性的地理分布格局和多样性分化特点。结果表明,从科到属和种,植物多样性和区系分化强度的数据集离散程度均呈递增趋势。相对属和种而言,科的多样性的空间分异和高值区域并不明显,这可能与科、属、种所代表的不同地质历史时期有关;南部地区属和种的多样性明显高于除滇西北以外的大部分地区。种的多样性分布中心主要集中在滇西北地区、云南南部地区、哀牢山、无量山地区和昆明地区,这可能与生境异质性和热量条件有关。相对科而言,属的区系分化强度的空间分异更为明显,并与物种多样性的分布格局比较接近,暗示着植物多样性与区系分化之间的密切联系。相对科而言,属的区系分化中心高值区域更为明显。总体上,云南地区植物多样性的分布格局及其分化可能与其生境、热量条件和地质历史有关。  相似文献   

利用大尺度的植物区系分布信息,探讨了滇西北地区中国–喜马拉雅分布成分的区系组成及其分布格局。结果表明,从科到属,该区系成分的比重增加了18%左右,意味着滇西北地区可能是该区系成分的重要分化中心之一。对主要植物类群的组成分析表明,滇西北地区可能是该区系成分在科、属水平上的重要分布和起源中心。在属水平上,该区系成分所占比重随着纬度和海拔高差的增加均呈递增趋势,这可能与纬度梯度上地壳的差异性抬升所致的区系分化强度的纬度分异有关。从南到北,该区系成分中年轻的多型属所占比重呈增加趋势,而古老的少(单)型属所占比重则呈递减趋势。这可能与纬度梯度上地层的差异性抬升和第四纪冰川的影响有关。  相似文献   

滇西北地区是全球25个生物多样性保护热点地区之一, 是验证生物多样性理论的理想场所。为探索取样尺度效应对植物物种多样性纬度分布格局的影响, 我们探讨了不同取样尺度下滇西北地区种子植物物种多样性的纬度分布格局及其影响因子。我们利用野外考察数据和文献资料建立了群落尺度下的源数据集和区域尺度(县域尺度)下的源数据集, 共建立、收集了68个植物群落样方和26个县域的种子植物物种丰富度; 采用二元相关性和多元逐步回归分析植物物种多样性纬度分布格局与气候、地理因子间的关系。结果表明, 从南到北, 物种多样性在群落尺度下呈单调递减格局, 在区域尺度下反而呈线性递增趋势; 在群落尺度下受到热量因子的显著影响, 在区域尺度下主要受单位面积海拔高差的影响。这一结果在一定程度上表明了取样的尺度效应对物种多样性纬度分布格局的显著影响。了解滇西北地区植物多样性的热点区域, 应该基于不同取样尺度下的分析, 以消除或减少植物多样性保护的盲点。在今后的相关研究中, 应关注不同的取样尺度下多样性的纬度分布格局可能的表现形式及其内在机制, 这或许可以减少或消除相关研究中的争议或不一致。  相似文献   

青藏高原拥有丰富的种子植物, 但对该地区特有植物的区系特征以及多样性还鲜有报道。本文通过植物志(书)以及在线数据库, 整理了只分布于青藏高原地区的种子植物名录及其地理分布, 分析了它们的科属特征、区系成分以及多样性空间分布格局。结果表明: 青藏高原共有特有种子植物3,764种, 隶属113科519属, 多数为草本植物(76.3%); 包含100种以上的科有菊科、毛茛科、列当科等15个, 属有马先蒿属(Pedicularis)、杜鹃花属(Rhododendron)、紫堇属(Corydalis)等7个; 从属的区系成分来看, 温带成分占主导(67.5%)。青藏高原特有植物多样性格局呈现从高原东南部向西北部逐渐递减的趋势, 其中东喜马拉雅-横断山脉的物种多样性非常丰富, 而且多数物种分布在高原的中海拔地带。理解青藏高原特有物种的特征及多样性格局对探讨高原植物区系的演化历史和物种保护有重要启示。  相似文献   

中国外来入侵植物区系组成的大尺度格局及其气候解释   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
外来入侵物种的空间分布格局及其影响因子的研究是外来物种管理和控制的基础。本研究利用文献数据和气候资料,探讨了中国外来人侵植物(属)区系组成的大尺度格局及其与气候因子之间的联系。从植物区系的总体构成来看,热带区系成分所占比重较大,其次为温带成分和世界分布成分,说明研究区域内外来人侵植物主要起源于热带地区,其次为温带地区。从空间格局来看,从南到北,热带区系成分所占比重呈递减趋势,而温带区系成分所占比重则呈递增趋势。这说明,在南部区域,外来入侵植物更多的来自于热带地区,但在北部区域,来自于温带地区的外来入侵植物可能占据主导地位。热量水平显著影响外来入侵植物的空间格局,随着热量水平的提高,热带区系比重呈递增趋势,而温带区系成分所占比重则呈递减趋势,这可能与不同区系成分植物的生态特性有关。  相似文献   

九岭幕阜山植物区系中的特有属的多样性及其保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
九岭、幕阜山植物区系拥有中国种子植物特有属37个(含42种),是华东地区植物物种多样性(尤其是特有物种多样性)中心之一。本文调查研究了九岭、幕阜山种子植物的生物多样性现状,在数量分析的基础上,论述了本区中国种子植物特有属的区系多样性、地理分布格局及其生态特征,探讨了本区与江西其它山体中种子植物特有属的联系,并对生物多样性的保护和持续利用提出了具体对策.  相似文献   

植物区系平衡点及其生物地理意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解植物区系平衡点及其牛物地理意义对于理解植物区系的起源、分化以及生物多样性空间格局的形成等方面均具有重要意义.本研究利用野外考察数据、相关的研究案例以及不同地区的种子植物物种名录,探讨了区系平衡点的海拔高度与纬度的关系及其生物地理意义.以药山自然保护区为例的区系平衡点计算结果表明,该区域的区系平衡点海拔在2050m左右;各区域区系平衡点海拔随着纬度的升高呈单调下降格局;各研究区域区系平衡点的年平均温度具有高度的一致性,在12.96±O.28℃左右,表明区系平衡点的出现反映了一定的热量意义,在该温度以下,植物区系成分以热带、亚热带成分为主,而在该温度以上,占主导地位的则足温带区系成分;根据区系平衡点海拔与纬度的关系,我国东部地区植被南北分界线的理论分界线在36°N左右;根据区系平衡点年均温以及我国东部地区等温线的地理分布,我国东部地区植被的南北分界线在34~35°N之间,位于秦岭北坡,这与过去相关研究比较一致.  相似文献   

高黎贡山北段种子植物种类十分丰富, 共记载野生种子植物172 科, 778 属, 2 514 种及302 变种( 亚种) , 是植物多样性最为丰富的地区之一。区系成分分析表明: 1) 本区种子植物区系的性质具有鲜明的温带性, 并深受热带植物区系的影响, 区系地理成分复杂、联系广泛; 2) 现代种子植物区系是在古南大陆热带亚洲植物区系的基础上, 由古南大陆成分及古北大陆成分在漫长的地质历史过程中融合发展而来, 许多源于印度- 马来、北温带( 特别是东亚) 的成分在此都产生了较为丰富的特有类群, 它们共同演变成今天的植物区系外貌; 3) 种子植物区系具有明显的水平和垂直替代现象, 间断现象也较为显著, 主要表现为滇西北- 滇东南间断分布或在此线西南侧连续分布; 4 ) 种子植物区系的特有现象十分丰富, 物种分化强烈, 新老兼备, 而以新生的进化成分为主, 由此表明高黎贡山北段在保存古老成分的同时, 又分化出许多新生成分, 它是一个孕育新特有现象的重要舞台。  相似文献   

高黎贡山北段种子植物区系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高黎贡山北段种子植物种类十分丰富,共记载野生种子植物172科,778属,2514种及302变种(亚种),是植物多样性最为丰富的地区之一。区系成分分析表明:1)本区种子植物区系的性质具有鲜明的温带性,并深受热带植物区系的影响,区系地理成分复杂、联系广泛;2)现代种子植物区系是在古南大陆热带亚洲植物区系的基础上,由古南大陆成分及古北大陆成分在漫长的地质历史过程中融合发展而来,许多源于印度-马来、北温带(特别是东亚)的成分在此都产生了较为丰富的特有类群,它们共同演变成今天的植物区系外貌;3)种子植物区系具有明显的水平和垂直替代现象,间断现象也较为显著,主要表现为滇西北-滇东南间断分布或在此线西南侧连续分布;4)种子植物区系的特有现象十分丰富,物种分化强烈,新老兼备,而以新生的进化成分为主,由此表明高黎贡山北段在保存古老成分的同时,又分化出许多新生成分,它是一个孕育新特有现象的重要舞台。  相似文献   

广西十万大山蕨类植物区系特征及垂直分布的数量研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
十万大山植物区系位于北回归线以南,蕨类植物非常丰富,现已发现52仲、113属、264种。区系地理成分复杂多样,属可以划分11种类型(变型),可种可以划分为14种类型(变型)。本区系具有明显的热带亲缘,热带分布属占81.42%,热带分布种占66.77%。亚洲热带分布及其变型占有较大的比例,表明本区系与亚洲热带植物区系特别是中南半岛区系有密切的亲缘关系。区系地理成分有明显的垂直分布规律,聚类分析的结果  相似文献   

湖北恩施地区蕨类植物区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蕨类植物是森林植被中草本层的重要组成部分,对森林的生长发育有重大影响。本研究在搜集文献、野外调查和采集标本的基础上,对湖北恩施地区蕨类植物区系成分及特点进行研究。结果显示:(1)恩施地区蕨类植物共有39科96属380种,其中中国特有种106种;该地区蕨类植物起源古老,物种分化水平较高,优势科属明显、物种丰富、组成多样,是蕨类植物物种多样性的典型代表地区之一。(2)该地区稀子蕨属、荚果蕨属、黔蕨属和骨牌蕨属种类齐全、分布广泛,是这些属的分化和分布中心。(3)该地区蕨类植物生活类型齐全,以土生为主(占81.36%)。(4)恩施地区在中国蕨类植物地理区系中占有重要地位,该地区蕨类植物科属以泛热带区系成分相对较多,总体偏热带区系成分;物种以温带亚洲、东亚和中国特有分布型为主(占60.79%),具有显著的亚热带性质。(5)恩施蕨类植物区系与其他地区联系广泛,过渡性比较明显,尤其与四川地区联系紧密。  相似文献   

Synopsis We surveyed fish communities and corresponding environmental conditions at three broadly similar coastal sites of eastern Andros Island, The Bahamas over a summer–winter–summer sequence to assess the relationship between detailed environmental features and fish species patterns. Environmental variables included covers of various benthic flora components, benthic flora diversity, floral canopy height, micro-crustacean diversity and density, water temperature, extent of destructive land-use and extent of invasion by human-introduced exotic terrestrial plants. Correspondence analysis (CA) indicated that spatial (site) differences in environmental characteristics were greater than temporal (seasonal) differences. Detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA) was used to assess the strength of relationships between the environmental characteristics and the distribution patterns of 25 fish species. Environmental features deemed to be most important in influencing fish species patterns included benthic flora canopy height, extent of invasion by exotic terrestrial plants, cover of Batophora oerstedii, cover of Thalassia testudinum, turf cover, water temperature, micro-crustacean diversity, and micro-crustacean density. Based upon similarities in distribution patterns, fish species formed four clusters which, ultimately, reflected similarities in species’ feeding habits and preferences for habitats that likely maximize foraging success. We conclude that fish distribution patterns are related to environmental characteristics, and that anthropogenic coastal activity, by influencing coastal benthic characteristics, may influence the distribution and abundances of fish species in coastal habitats.  相似文献   

The paper seeks to define patterns in the distribution of Australian saltmarsh plants over a continental scale, and test for associations with environmental variables. The distribution of 93 species of Australian saltmarsh plants was documented from the records of the Australian Virtual Herbarium and published reports. The Interim Bioregionalisation of Australia provided a spatial unit for the analysis of patterns of diversity. Saltmarsh diversity was shown to be strongly correlated with latitude and temperature. Multivariate routines including cluster analysis demonstrated consistent geographic patterns in species assemblages. The primary distinction was found to be a north‐south divide dissecting the continent at the latitude of 23° south, separating a species‐rich southern flora from a species‐poor northern flora. Subsequent dissimilarities were defined between coastlines of contrasting orientation. Mean minimum temperature was found to explain nearly 80% of variability in saltmarsh species diversity between bioregions, with diversity inversely related to temperature.  相似文献   

Olivero  Adele M.  Hix  David M. 《Plant Ecology》1998,139(2):177-187
The species composition and diversity of the ground flora (vascular plants less than one meter in height excluding tree seedlings) were compared between sixteen mesic northeast-facing and sixteen dry southwest-facing middle slopes in southeastern Ohio. On each aspect, eight of the plots were located in second-growth forest stands (70 to 90 years in age) and eight of the plots were located in old-growth forest stands (greater than 150 years in age) in order to determine how the ground flora on opposing slopes varies with time since major disturbance. Physiographic and A horizon characteristics were measured to select comparable plots. Multi-response permutation procedures (MRPP) detected significant differences in the ground-flora species composition of second-growth and old-growth plots on both northeast-facing and southwest-facing slopes. In addition, the ground-flora species composition of northeast-facing plots differed significantly from that of southwest-facing plots. Northeast-facing plots were significantly higher in species richness and Hill's diversity (N1) than southwest-facing plots. Northeast-facing second-growth plots were also significantly higher in species richness and Hill's diversity than northeast-facing old-growth plots. No significant differences in these measures were found between southwest-facing second-growth and old-growth forests plots. Twenty-one species were identified as potential indicators of age, based on their distribution across the plots. Certain species with similar ecological characteristics were found to have similar patterns of occurrence. Further research is needed to determine the extent to which differences in the ground flora of second-growth old-growth reflect the sensitivity of individual species to past disturbance.  相似文献   

The Canary Islands are an Atlantic volcanic archipelago with a rich flora of ~570 endemic species. The endemics represent ~40% of the native flora of the islands, and ~20% of the endemics are in the E (endangered) category of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. A review of allozyme variation in 69 endemic species belonging to 18 genera and eight families is presented. The average species-level genetic diversity (H(T)) at allozyme loci is 0.186, which is twice as high as the mean reported for endemics of Pacific archipelagos. Possible factors contributing to this higher diversity are discussed, but the reasons remain obscure. An average of 28% of the allozyme diversity within species resides among populations, indicating a high level of interpopulational differentiation. Studies of reproductive biology indicate that many of the endemic species are outcrossers. The high total diversity within species, the relatively high differentiation among populations, and the outcrossing breeding systems have implications for species conservation. Decreased population sizes in outcrossing species would promote biparental inbreeding and increase inbreeding depression. The relatively high proportion of allozyme diversity among populations indicates that the most effective strategy for preserving genetic variation in species is to conserve as many populations as possible. The genetic diversity in many Canary Island endemics is endangered by: (1) overgrazing by introduced animals, such as barbary sheep, goats, mouflons, rabbits, and sheep; (2) interspecific hybridization following habitat disturbance or planting of endemics along roadsides or in public gardens; (3) competition with alien plant species; and (4) decline of population size because of urban development and farming.  相似文献   

We analyze the relationship between palm species diversity and diversity of palm use in two areas (Amazonian Ecuador; Yucatan Peninsula) of equivalent size but with contrasting characteristics in palm species diversity and morphology, and in the phylogenetic composition of palm flora. The areas also differ in their cultural and socioeconomic contexts. Palm use diversity is significantly higher in the Ecuadorian Amazon than in the Yucatan Peninsula and the lower species diversity of palms in the Yucatan Peninsula is not matched by a more intensive use of the fewer species found there. The taxonomic composition of the palm flora is a poor predictor of extent of use and morphological characteristics of palm species affect usefulness only in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The Yucatecans’ more limited reliance on forest products might explain the observed patterns. Ornamental palm use is an indicator of a general change in plant use patterns associated with tourism and macro-economic development in the Yucatan Peninsula. We find a positive relationship between ecosystem plant diversity and plant use diversity, but socioeconomic factors such as market integration strongly influence the use of local biodiversity. Palms represent a diverse and important natural resource that deserves further investigation to secure its sustainable management and conservation in the two studied sites, regardless of their degree of market integration.  相似文献   

Aim The plant diversity of one location on the Guiana Shield, Kaieteur National Park in Guyana, is used to examine the various hypothesized origins of the flora and to evaluate which may best explain the current plant distributions. Location Kaieteur National Park is located on eastern edge of the Potaro Plateau in central Guyana, South America. The species examined have distributions that vary from local to global. Methods The distribution patterns of the families, genera and species known from Kaieteur are examined using generalized distribution patterns. Results Data on distribution patterns, elevation and habitat were gathered from 131 flowering plant families, 517 genera and 1227 species. These plants represent all taxa that are currently known to occur in the area of the original Kaieteur National Park. Families tend to have cosmopolitan or pantropical distribution, genera are mostly neotropical and at the species level, most species are restricted to the Guiana Shield (c. 40%), northern South America (69%) or neotropical (96%) in distribution, each level inclusive of the previous. Conclusions The flora at the study site in Kaieteur National Park has its strongest affinity with the Guiana Shield; 42.1% of the species have a distribution that corresponds with the Shield or is more restricted within the Shield. There is a distinct flora on the Guiana Shield and its affinities lie with the flora of northern South American and beyond that, the neotropics. The flora is not closely affiliated with the floras of the Brazilian Shield, the Amazon, the Andes, the eastern coastal forests of Brazil, southern South America, or Africa as has been previous suggested.  相似文献   

Aim The Southern African orchid flora is taxonomically well known, but the biogeographical and diversity patterns have not yet been analysed. In particular, we want to establish whether (a) it is, like the Southern African flora in general, more diverse than would be expected from its latitude and area; (b) it is an African flora, or whether it contains palaeoendemic relicts of a Gondwanan orchid flora; (c) the diversity and endemism in the orchid flora is concentrated in particular biomes and habitat types; and (d) the patterns of endemism in the flora can be accounted for by current environmental parameters, or whether we need to invoke historical explanations. Location Southern Africa. Methods We used the recent floristic account of the Southern African orchids, in conjunction with a data base of over 14,642 herbarium records, to assign the species and subspecies of Southern African orchids to biomes, habitats, and clades. We explored the relationship between the number and endemism of entities (species, subspecies and varieties) and the biomes and habitats. We compared the richness of this flora with that of 31 other regions from all continents and latitudes, to establish whether the Southern African orchid flora is richer or poorer than expected. We assigned the Southern African orchid species to 16 monophyletic clades and mapped the global distribution of these clades to establish the continental affinities of the flora. Main conclusions The Southern African orchid flora is not any more diverse than could be expected from its latitude or area, while the two tropical African floras included were less diverse than expected. Latitude is an excellent predictor of regional orchid species richness; this might indicate that available habitat is more important for orchid diversity than gross area available, since latitude is probably correlated with the extent of suitable habitat. The Southern African orchid flora is clearly an African flora, since all clades are also found in tropical Africa, while many of them are absent from the Americas or Asia. Conversely, while most African orchid clades are also found in Southern Africa, both the Americas and Asia contain many clades absent from Africa. The distribution of orchid entities among the biomes in Southern Africa is very uneven, with two of the seven biomes totally devoid of orchids. Habitats and biomes that have no equivalent in tropical Africa are high in endemism, and habitats and biomes which are also well developed in tropical Africa are low in endemism. Endemism appears largely explained in terms of modern habitats. However, two patterns (the high endemism in the Succulent Karoo and the lack of endemism in the southern Cape among epiphytic orchids) may also be explained in terms of Quaternary climatic changes.  相似文献   

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