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素色扎姆天牛Zamium incultum Pascoe是近年来进口非洲木材检疫中截获频次较高的一种害虫。为快速、准确地鉴定这种天牛,本文利用形态学方法对近十年来截获的天牛标本进行研究,并运用DNA条码技术对鉴定结果进行了验证。结合相关资料,描述了扎姆天牛属Zamium的特征,给出了扎姆天牛属常见3个种Z.incultum、Z.bimaculatum和Z.prociduum的鉴别特征;列出了椎天牛亚科的3个常见属即扎姆天牛属、断眼天牛属和梗天牛属的检索表;讨论了素色扎姆天牛对我国的入侵风险。  相似文献   

【目的】并蛎蚧属盾蚧科并蛎蚧属,该虫食性杂,危害植物种类多,极易随水果、苗木、景观花卉植物等寄主传播入境。并蛎蚧分布于美国、日本和我国台湾省,在我国大陆地区尚未见该虫的发生报道。2016年5月山西口岸从来自台北的水果释迦上截获了并蛎蚧,为我国大陆首次截获。【方法】通过显微形态特征的观察和测量进行种类鉴定,并研究并蛎蚧的生物学、生态学相关资料,对其进行风险评估。【结果】并蛎蚧与近似种的主要区别:中臀叶与第二臀叶愈合中间有腺刺,有第三对臀叶,中臀叶有向内延伸的硬化区。通过风险评估认为,来自我国台湾、日本的并蛎蚧入侵我国大陆的风险较大。并蛎蚧在大陆亚热带地区的定殖和扩散风险很大。【结论】我国大陆地区的气候条件、植物种类可为并蛎蚧的定殖提供可能的适生条件,各口岸应对进境的并蛎蚧寄主植物加强检验检疫。  相似文献   

警惕外来害虫暗梗天牛入侵为害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李建庆  姚志刚  梅增霞 《昆虫知识》2006,43(3):426-428,F0004
暗梗天牛Arhopalus tristis(F.)是一种重要的林业害虫,我国目前尚无分布,但已被我国口岸截获多次,必须对该虫的入侵保持警惕。该虫在新西兰危害严重,主要寄主是辐射松等松树,喜入侵火灾危害后的树木;还传播真菌病害,致使木材变色,降低木材质量。对暗梗天牛的形态特征、分布、寄主、危害特点、生物学特性及预防对策等作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

金丝花天牛Leptura aurosericans Fairmaire,1895广泛分布在中国南方与东南亚地区,而金绒花天牛Leptura auratopilosa(Matsushita,1931)仅分布于台湾岛。最近10年,国内在金绒花天牛与金丝花天牛的鉴定及分布记录方面出现了一些不一致的报道。为了澄清这些问题,在核对模式标本及检视系列标本(包括许多正在自然交配的成对标本)的基础上,重新描述了这两个种的形态特征,给出了这两个种的鉴别特征并提供了彩色照片,认为金绒花天牛是台湾特有种,目前在大陆尚未发现。  相似文献   

我国坡天牛属五种幼虫记录(鞘翅目:天牛科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱庭玉 《昆虫学报》1992,35(2):222-226
坡天牛属Pterolophia属于沟胫天牛亚科Lamiinae,坡天牛族Pteropliini,幼虫为常见的钻蛀性害虫,为害多种植物。现将斜尾坡天牛Pt.brevegibbosa Pic、南方坡天牛Pt.discalis Gressitt、玉米坡天牛Pt.cervina Gressitt红角坡天牛Pt.rubricornisGrassitt和桑地天牛Pt.annulata Gressitt幼虫形态记录如次。 玉米坡天牛幼虫国内已经记载(李忠诚,1982),本文仍列其主要特征,以资比较。  相似文献   

林明光  林娟娟 《昆虫知识》1992,29(6):349-351
<正> 刺角沟额天牛Hoplocerambyx spinicornis(Newman)是多次在海口口岸从马来西亚进口的梢原木中截获的1种我国尚未发现有分布的危险性林木害虫。在印度它被列为“最危险的森林害虫”。与我毗邻各国大多有此虫分布,日本在进口原木中也将该虫传入本土。为此,各口岸动植物检疫所对从东洋区进口的木材应重视该虫的检疫。我们从1985~1990年对该虫的成、幼虫形态特征、寄主植物、为害情况等进行了研究,并用检疫中截获的初龄幼虫  相似文献   

蒲富基 《昆虫学报》1992,35(2):217-221
膜花天牛属(Necydalis)以往隶属于花天牛亚科Lepturinae,70年代以来,日本、苏联某些天牛分类专家主张膜花天牛族Necydalini从花天牛亚科独立出来,提升为亚科级,即Necydalinae,鉴于我们对该族缺乏成虫翅脉及幼虫的研究,因此本文仍将该族归入花天牛亚科。该族在我国包括两个属,即膜花天牛属及蜂花天牛属(Ulochaetes),  相似文献   

【目的】为了加强对检疫口岸截获木材中的断眼天牛种类进行准确、快速的鉴定,克服单纯依赖于形态学方法为主的局限性,我们研发了断眼天牛属DNA条码试剂盒检测技术。【方法】本研究基于线粒体COⅠ基因(线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ),采用加拿大条码中心开发的昆虫及植物DNA提取方法,对基因序列分析,获得碱基位点规律。【结果】断眼天牛属中的9个常截获种类取得了标记性碱基位点。【结论】检疫中常截获的断眼天牛属中的9个种通过标记性碱基位点得到区分;研发了断眼天牛属DNA条码试剂盒检测技术,为进出境口岸的检疫工作提供一种新的鉴定手段。  相似文献   

光肩星天牛种组研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴蔚文  陈斌 《昆虫知识》2003,40(1):19-24
评述了我国光肩星天牛种组种类的外部形态和外生殖器主要鉴别特征、寄主、地理分布、起源及其演化。光肩星天牛主要分布在山西吕粱山、太行山以东的广大平原地区 ,寄主广泛 ,主要有榆、复叶槭、杨、柳、五角枫等。黄斑星天牛主要分布在秦岭以北 ,山西吕粱山、太行山以西的陕甘宁地区 ,向东已扩展到河南、河北 ;主要危害杨树 ,也为害柳、榆。四川星天牛主要分布于秦岭以南的云、贵、川地区 ,主要危害柳树 ;在这里至今还没有发现光肩星天牛和黄斑星天牛。  相似文献   

描述了台湾天牛新种林氏直脊天牛,给出了成虫整体彩色照片和外生殖器照片,并提供了生态照片.正模标本保存在台湾国立自然科学博物馆,副模标本分批保存在中国科学院动物研究所及数个私人收藏馆.  相似文献   

江门海关从冈比亚进境的刺猬紫檀木原木中检出活体长蠹科昆虫。通过显微形态特征的观察和测量,对该虫进行了物种鉴定。经形态特征鉴定,该虫为小楔双棘长蠹。该虫的形态特征与近似种的主要区别:斜面毛被稀疏、不太明显,近缝角处竖立短直;缝侧齿基部不粗糙;斜面侧上缘有3对胝状的痕迹显现。该虫在我国尚无分布记录,为国内口岸首次截获。该虫一般随着原木、木制品及木质包装进行远距离传播,一旦传入我国,将对我国的农林安全造成巨大威胁,各口岸须加强对进境原木、木制品及木质包装的检验检疫。  相似文献   

Sequence divergence of mitochondrial COII was analyzed in 50 specimens belonging to five subspecies of Polyura eudamippus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) collected from southern China. There were nine haplotypes in the 405 bp of partial COII sequence. Distribution of the five subspecies was primarily consistent with the spatial distribution of haplotypes. The K st statistic showed genetic differentiation among these subspecies, except between the pair of P. e. kuangtungensis and P. e. formosana, which were separated by the Taiwan Strait. This is consistent with the 10,000-year history of the Taiwan Strait, not long enough for detectable differentiation. The present distribution pattern of COII haplotypes of P. eudamippus should be shaped by the alteration of Pleistocene glaciations, and Yunnan might be the refugium of P. eudamippus in the ice age, judging from the abundant haplotypes remaining. There were two routes for P. eudamippus in the postglacial expansion, one northward to Sichuan, Chongqing, and Hubei and another eastward to the southeastern coast of mainland China and Taiwan Island. Because the haplotype of butterflies on Hainan Island (P. e. whiteheadi) was completely different from that of mainland China, it was estimated that butterflies on Hainan Island might be from the Indo-China Peninsula rather than from mainland China.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships within the genus Cardiandra based on plastid DNA sequences. The phylogenetic tree showed that Cardiandra populations from the Ryukyu Islands (Japan) and Taiwan were monophyletic (Ryukyu–Taiwan clade), whereas taxa from China and mainland Japan were sisters to this clade. The divergence time between the Ryukyu–Taiwan clade and the other species was estimated to be 0.082 MYA, i.e., the late Pleistocene. The infrageneric and/or infraspecific differentiation of Cardiandra is estimated to have depended largely on allopatric differentiation caused by the presence or division of the past landbridge of the Ryukyu Islands, which connected mainland Japan to the Asian Continent during the Quaternary.  相似文献   

The taxonomic problem of the cyprinid species of genus Spinibarbus, occurring in southern China and northern Vietnam, was resolved on the basis of molecular and morphological analyses. Spinibarbus caldwelli and Spinibarbus hollandi have a smooth posterior edge of the last unbranched dorsal fin ray among species in the genus. Spinibarbus caldwelli is currently regarded as a junior synonym of S. hollandi because of ambiguities in diagnostic characters. In this article, 11 mtDNA cytochrome b sequences of Spinibarbus specimens were analyzed together with Barbodes gonionotus and Puntius conchonius as outgroups. Our results showed that specimens identified as S. hollandi from Taiwan were different from those from the Asian mainland at a high level of genetic divergence (0.097–0.112), which is higher than that between the two valid species, S. sinensis and S. yunnanensis (0.089), and suggested that Taiwan specimens should be considered as a different species from the Asian mainland one. In a molecular phylogenetic analysis, the sister-group relationship between Taiwan specimens and the Asian mainland specimens was supported strongly by a high confidence level (100% in bootstrap value). Further analysis of morphological characters showed that overlap of diagnostic characters is much weaker than previously suggested. Taiwan specimens had 8 branched rays in the dorsal fin, whereas those from the mainland had almost 9–10. The molecular and morphological differences suggest S. caldwelli to be valid. The molecular divergence shows the genetic speciation of S. hollandi and S. caldwelli might have occurred 5.6–4.9 million years ago; the former could be a relict species in Taiwan, and the latter dispersed in the Asian mainland.  相似文献   

中国大陆天麻属一新分布种——细天麻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了中国大陆兰科(Orchidaceae)天麻属(Gastrodia)1新记录种——细天麻(Gastrodia gracilis Bl.)。标本采自云南省开远市碑格乡,生于海拔约2 500m的常绿阔叶林下,群落郁闭度较大,林下湿润。标本主要形态学特征为总状花序长约6cm,花排列稀疏,管状,下垂,浅棕色,花被筒顶端5裂,苞片宿存,地下茎小。该种此前记录产于中国台湾及日本。该发现在中国大陆尚属首次,加强了中国云南植物区系与中国台湾以及日本植物区系的联系。  相似文献   

An allelopathic interaction of a pasture-forest intercropping system was evaluated by field and greenhouse experiments and by laboratory assays. A study site was situated in the farm of Hoshe Forestry Experiment Station at Nantou County, Taiwan. After deforestation of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata), a split plot design of 8 treatments was set up: open ground without planting as control, planted with kikuyu grass, planted with kikuyu grass andAlnus formosana, planted with kikuyu grass andZelkova formosana, planted with kikuyu grass andCinnamomum camphora, planted withA. formosana, planted withZ. formosana, and planted withC. camphora. Field measurements showed that weeds grew luxuriantly six months after treatment in plots which had not been planted with kikuyu grass. However, the growth of weeds was significantly retarded but that of woody plants was not affected when the plots were planted with kikuyu grass. As compared with the tap water control, the aqueous leachate of kikuyu grass stimulated the seedling growth ofC. camphora andA. formosana, but the extract stimulated the growth ofC. camphora and inhibited that ofA. formosana. In contrast, the aqueous extracts of three hardwood plants exhibited variable inhibition on the root initiation of kikuyu grass, and the extract ofZ. formosana revealed the highest phytotoxic effect. The aforementioned extracts and leachates were bioassayed against seed germination and radicle growth of four test plants, namely annual rye grass, perennial rye gras, tall fescue, and Chinese cabbage and against seedling growth ofMiscanthus floridulus. The extract ofZ. formosana revealed the highest phytotoxic effect on the test species while that of kikuyu grass showed the least effect. By means of paper chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography, phytotoxic phenolics were identified and the amount of phytotoxins present was highest in the extract ofZ. formosana but was lowest in that of kikuyu grass. The degree of phytotoxicity and amount of phytotoxins was in good correlation, indicating that a selective allelopathic effect was involved. The findings suggest that allelopathy may contribute benefits in the intercropping system to reduce the need for herbicides and to lessen the labour cost for weed control.Paper No. 346 of the Scientific Journal Series of the Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. This study was supported in part by grants of Academia Sinica, Taipei, and Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan of the Republic of China.  相似文献   

Amentotaxus, a genus of the Taxaceae, represents an ancient lineage that has long existed in Eurasia. All Amentotaxus species experienced frequent population expansion and contraction over periodical glaciations in Tertiary and Quaternary. Among them, Amentotaxus argotaenia complex consists of three morphologically alike species, A. argotaenia, Amentotaxus yunnanensis, and Amentotaxus formosana. This complex is distributed in the subtropical region of mainland China and Taiwan where many Pleistocene refugia have been documented. In this study, genetic diversity and population structuring within and between species were investigated based on the inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) fingerprinting. Mean genetic diversity within populations was estimated in three ways: (1) the percentage of polymorphic loci out of all loci (P) (2) Neis unbiased expected heterozygosity (He), and (3) Shannons index of phenotypic diversity. For a total of 310 individuals of 15 populations sampled from the three species, low levels of ISSR genetic variation within populations were detected, with P=4.66–16.58%, He=0.0176–0.0645 and Hpop=0.0263–0.0939, agreeing with their seriously threatened status. AMOVA analyses revealed that the differences between species only accounted for 27.38% of the total variation, whereas differences among populations and within populations were 57.70 and 14.92%, respectively, indicating substantial isolation between the patch-like populations. A neighbor-joining tree identified a close affinity between A. yunnanensis and A. formosana. Genetic drift due to small population size, plus limited current gene flow, resulted in significant genetic structuring. Low levels of intrapopulational genetic variation and considerable interpopulational divergence were also attributable to demographic bottlenecks during and/or after the Pleistocene glaciations.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Pieris (Ericaceae) were investigated based on the rbcL and matK genes along with five spacer sequences of chloroplast DNA to address questions regarding the phylogeography of the genus in association with insular plants on the Ryukyu Islands. The most parsimonious trees indicated that P. floribunda from eastern North America is a sister taxon to the remaining taxa examined, and suggested that the East Asian taxa examined are monophyletic. A morphologically cohesive group, section Pieris, was revealed to be paraphyletic. Within the East Asian clade, insular endemics from the Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan, and mainland Japan formed a sister group to P. formosa from the Himalayas and southern China. Our data suggest that the insular endemics of the Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan arose via allopatric divergence as a result of a paleogeographical land configuration of a landbridge during the early–middle Pleistocene in the Quaternary Period.  相似文献   

Ten specimens of a new freshwater goby, Rhinogobius longyanensis were collected from the small tributary of the Julongjiang Basin, Fujian Province, southeastern China. The new species can be distinguished from all congeneric species by following unique combination of features: second dorsal fin rays I, 8; anal fin rays I, 7–8; pectoral fin rays modally 17; longitudinal scale series 30–32; predorsal scales 6–8; vertebral count 10 + 17 = 27; three parallel, deep brown oblique stripes crossing on cheek; branchiostegal membrane with 24–28 orange red spots in male; body with 5–6 deep brown blotches; pectoral fin base with a blackish brown bar. A diagnostic key to all nominal species with high vertebral counts from mainland Southeast Asia, China, Taiwan, and Japan is also provided.  相似文献   

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