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对中国大熊猫保护研究中心219只圈养大熊猫的体重进行分析,发现圈养大熊猫初生幼仔的体重为(0.16±0.04)kg,其与母兽的体重相关性不显著;幼仔期平均体重为(13.74±10.64)kg;亚成体期平均体重为(78.30±27.05)kg;成年个体平均体重为(112.25±12.04)kg;老年个体平均体重为(100.75±15.79)kg。初生幼仔体重雌、雄间无显著差异(P0.05);幼仔、亚成体、成年及老年个体的大熊猫,雌性个体体重均小于雄性个体(P0.05)。雌、雄大熊猫幼仔生长曲线均接近幂函数(Power),雌性亚成体大熊猫体重增长曲线接近三次方(Cubic)函数,雄性亚成体大熊猫体重增长曲线则呈S型;无论雌性和雄性,幼仔和亚成体期间均保持线性增长(P0.05)。成年大熊猫体重的年度和季节间无显著差异(P0.05),但进入成年后期时体重会下降。进入老年期后,雄性大熊猫的体重在后期有显著性下降(P0.001)。本研究补充完善了大熊猫整个生活史的体重增长规律,为大熊猫迁地保护中饲养管理措施的制定提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

丽斑麻蜥秋季种群结构的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在500×3米的样地内,捕到丽斑麻蜥97尾,密度为0.065尾/米~2;可分为:幼体组体长32.32(25—40)毫米,体重0.93(0.6—1.6)克;亚成体组体长44,29(42—48)毫米,体重2.42(1.8—3.3)克;成体组体长56.40(51—63)毫米,体重5.07(4.2—6.6)克;三个年龄组。性比为1:1.69,雄多于雌。种群中幼体数量最多,其次为成体,亚成体的个体最少。  相似文献   

【目的】分析5只亚成体大熊猫肠道真菌的多样性。【方法】采用基于ITS基因的RFLP(Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism)方法,对肠道真菌总DNA进行ITS-RFLP分析,构建ITS克隆文库,然后用HhaI、HaeIII进行酶切指纹图谱分析,测序并绘制系统进化树。【结果】研究表明,5只亚成体大熊猫肠道真菌主要由Ascomycota(平均占46.24%)、Basidiomycota(平均占15.79%)2个门和一些未分类(平均占29.14%)、未培养(平均占8.83%)的真菌。其中,Ascomycota主要以Saccharomycetes(平均占63.74%)和Dothideomycetes(平均占35.91%)2个纲为主;Basidiomycota主要以Tremellomycetes(平均占65.80%)和Microbotryomycetes(平均占33.15%)2个纲为主。而这4个纲分别则主要以Candida、Debaryomyces;Pleosporales、Myriangium;Cystofilobasidium、Trichosporon;Leucosporidium、Leucosporidiella八个菌属为主,各样品中所占比例不等。【结论】亚成体大熊猫肠道内存在一定比例的真菌菌群,且ITS-RFLP技术能够很好地对其多样性进行分析。真菌的发现扩大了我们对大熊猫肠道微生物结构的了解,同时也有助于我们进一步研究真菌能否帮助大熊猫消化高纤维素食物。  相似文献   

黄羊消化道形态和结构的特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
研究了51副黄羊消化道的形态结构特征。腮腺(g)占体重(kg)的比率为1.035,整个胃组织重占体重的比率为2.74%~2.89% , 瘤胃最大,占整个胃组织重量的72%~76%,其次是网胃(9%~10%)、皱胃(8%~10%)和瓣胃(5%~6%),除瘤胃与体重呈线性正相关外,其它3个分胃与体重呈线性负相关,瘤胃表面扩张系数(SEF)值为8.52,瘤胃粘膜乳突密度为89,整个肠道长度是体长的17.8倍,肠重占体重的比率为4.96%,从消化道的形态结构特征分析,黄羊属于混饲者。  相似文献   

内蒙古达赉湖地区蒙原羚生境适宜度评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘丙万  顾丽  张博  秦立鑫  包黎明 《生态学杂志》2012,31(10):2568-2572
2008年在内蒙古达赉湖地区蒙原羚(Procapra gutturosa)生境考察基础上,以植被类型、植被盖度、坡度、距水源距离、距放牧点距离、距居民点距离、距道路距离为生境适宜性评价因子,利用3S技术和模糊赋值对蒙原羚生境适宜度进行评价。结果表明:在不考虑人为干扰时,蒙原羚的最适宜生境面积占总面积的17.7%,次适宜生境面积占总面积的36.9%,不适宜生境面积占总面积的45.4%;考虑人为干扰时蒙原羚的最适宜生境面积占总面积的13.0%,次适宜生境面积占总面积的28.3%,不适宜生境面积占总面积的58.7%;研究地区蒙原羚实际生境和潜在生境相比,不适宜生境面积增加了29.2%,表明人为干扰是内蒙古达赉湖地区蒙原羚适宜生境急剧减少的主要原因。  相似文献   

内蒙古达赉湖地区蒙原羚冬季采食生境选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蒙原羚是欧亚大陆温带草原生态系统中的特有物种和数量最多的有蹄类动物。2010年11月—2011年1月,在内蒙古达赉湖地区开展了蒙原羚冬季采食生境选择研究。结果表明:蒙原羚冬季选择利用雪深<6cm,地上生物量>50g.m-2,距围栏1000~2000m,植被高度>20cm,植被盖度>40%,隐蔽条件(可视距离)3000~4000m,到居民点距离>2000m,距家畜>2000m,坡度<20°,中上坡位,针茅(Stipa spp.)和羊草(Aneurolepidium chinnenses)等植被类型的生境采食;生境因子综合影响蒙原羚的冬季采食生境选择,依照贡献值的大小依次为到围栏距离、地上生物量、雪深和隐蔽条件。逐步判别分析表明,由这4个变量构成的判别方程在对蒙原羚采食样方进行区分时,正确判别率为82.1%。因此,建立合理的围栏管理制度、提高可利用食物量等是蒙原羚保护的关键。  相似文献   

2007年11月、12月和2008年3月,在内蒙古达赉湖地区,采用扫描取样法对雌雄蒙原羚繁殖期及其前后昼间行为时间分配进行了研究。 研究表明:(1)繁殖期前、繁殖期和繁殖期后,雌性蒙原羚采食时间,占昼间活动时间的比例分别为(44.9±3.8)%、(43.5±4.0)% 和 (46.2±3.1)%;卧息时间,占昼间活动时间的比例分别 为(32.3±4.8)%、(29.2±2.9)% 和 (28.0±4.8)%;雌性蒙原羚在繁殖期及其前后采食、移动和卧息的行为时间分配差异不显著(P>0.05),站立、繁殖、“其他”行为时间分配差异性显著(P<0.05)。(2)繁殖期前、繁殖期和繁殖期后, 雄性蒙原羚采食时间,占昼间活动时间的比例分别为 (52.6±3.8)%、(17.5±2.8)% 和 (29.8±4.8)%;卧息时间,占昼间活动时间的比例分别为 (13.4±6.4)%、(24.2±4.1)% 和 (44.2±4.7)%。雄性蒙原羚在繁殖期及其前后采食、卧息、站立、移动、繁殖、“其他”时间分配均有显著差异(P<0.05)。动物采食卧息的行为时间分配反映动物的能量平衡策略。雌性蒙原羚的时间分配表明,雌性蒙原羚的能量平衡策略在繁殖期前、繁殖期和繁殖期后没有发生显著变化,均为能量摄入最优化策略,尽可能多的时间分配在采食上;雄性蒙原羚的时间分配表明,在繁殖期前,其能量平衡策略为能量摄入最优化策略,尽可能多的时间分配在采食上;雄性蒙原羚繁殖期及繁殖期后其能量平衡策略转变为能量支出优化策略,尽可能少的支出能量,尽可能多的时间分配在卧息上。  相似文献   

夏季丽斑麻蜥种群结构的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭砺 《动物学杂志》1993,28(4):50-51
本文分析了丽班麻蜥1989—1990年两年夏季不包括当年幼体的种群结构的资料。共捕获麻蜥197尾。种群密度为672尾/公顷。性比为1:1.05,雄性多于雌性。将体长、体重作指标,参照对性腺的观察,把种群分为亚成体组,体长39.20±5.31mm,体重2.93±0.70g;成体组,体长52.91±3.21mm,体重5.40±0.74g。成体多于亚成体。  相似文献   

对7只斑尾榛鸡(Tetrastes sewerzowi)成体的消化系统进行了解剖、测量。消化管总长(161±21)cm,其中小肠、盲肠分别约占消化管总长的40.2%±3.2%和44.9%±2.4%。嗉囊容量约(42±9)ml。相对于其他体重接近的松鸡科鸟类,斑尾榛鸡的盲肠与小肠之比较大,可能与适应消化高纤维的食物有关。  相似文献   

对一只成年雌性四川梅花鹿内脏系统作了初步的观察和研究,其气管长440 mm;食道呈漏斗状,具伸缩性,粗细不等;胃属于反刍胃,包括瘤胃、网胃、瓣胃、皱胃,容积分别占全部胃室的80%、6%、6.5%、7.5%;肠道全长是体长的12.79倍,小肠较发达,全长11 661.36 mm,占肠道总长的58.8%,具有较发达的盲肠;卵巢较小,子宫属于双角子宫.  相似文献   

In the current work, the quantification of different poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)–potassium phosphate/sodium citrate aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) phase-forming components was investigated by using conductivity and refractive index measurements. For this purpose, refractive index and conductivity calibration curves were obtained for ATPS at different pH values in the presence of different bovine serum albumin (BSA) concentrations. Whereas BSA had no effect on the conductivity, it had a considerable effect on the refractive index. Finally, a convenient dilution of the samples prior to the ATPS constituent determination is needed to ensure no significant influence from BSA.  相似文献   

This article presents measurement methods used to determine the human exposure to electromagnetic fields radiated from operating base stations. In Korea, when evaluating the human exposure to electromagnetic fields from operating base stations, the measurement procedure is different between the following cases: in situ measurement and electromagnetic environment measurement. When performing an in situ measurement, compliance with human exposure limits is determined by the spatially averaged field value obtained within the space occupied by humans at one arbitrary position, but when performing an electromagnetic environment measurement, it is determined by the maximum value at the highest field position selected from several places.  相似文献   

Culture conductivity and on-line NADH fluorescence were used to measure cellular growth in plant cell suspension cultures ofPodophyllum hexandrum. An inverse correlation between dry cell weight and medium conductivity was observed during shake flask cultivation. A linear relationship between dry cell weight and culture NADH fluorescence was obtained during the exponential phase of batch cultivation in a bioreactor under the pH stat (pH 6) conditions. It was observed that conductivity measurement were suitable for biomass characterisation under highly dynamic uncontrolled shake flask cultivation conditions. However, if the acid/alkali feeding is done for pH control the conductivity measurement could not be applied. On the other hand the NADH fluorescence measurement allowed online-in situ biomass monitoring of rather heterogenous plant cell suspension cultures in bioreactor even under the most desirable pH stat conditions.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from simulations investigating the effect of sample size, number of within-subject repeats and relative degree of measurement error on the power and accuracy of test for fluctuating asymmetry (FA). These data confirm that sampling variation of population-level FA-estimates is large and that high sample size is required to obtain reasonably high power when testing for FA or comparing FA levels between populations. The results also clearly show that increasing the number of within-subject repeats can dramatically increase accuracy and power when measurement error is relatively high.  相似文献   

花鼠外部形态及部分内脏器官的测量和分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
对捕捉的花鼠进行了外部形态和内脏器官的测量和分析,结果表明:外部形态和内脏器官的变异系数较大,各器官之间存在着显著的相关关系;不同年龄组间外部形态和内脏器官的大小存在着显著差异,同年龄组不同性别间差异不显著。  相似文献   

Summary A new method of in vivo pH determination in the xylem of broad-leaved trees using ion-sensitive field effect transistors is developed and its suitability for use is studied. In the first few hours after the sensor had been implanted in the xylem signals could be detected which were generated in response to mechanical damage; particularly strong signal changes are detectable in Populus balsamifera L., Tilia cordata Mill, and Aesculus hippocastanum L. The pH values of the xylem sap extracted from branches corresponded to the values measured by the in vivo method only at certain times. Due to sensor drift the measuring accuracy of long-term experiments lasting up to 3 weeks is restricted. The in vivo measurement of pH in the xylem of poplar branches revealed the ability of the living xylem to buffer the pH of the sap to its own characteristic value.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. O. L. Lange to his 65th birthday  相似文献   

目前的乳酸片球菌素(Pediocin)效价测定方法误差大、耗时较长。为了减少测定误差并缩短测定时间,研究并优化了乳酸片球菌素(Pediocin)效价测定中的几个关键因素,得到较优的实验条件:发酵液加热时间30min、菌体吸附2h、解吸附3h、指示菌加入量为400μL(30mL固体检测培养基中含菌2.1×10^8个)、试样pH为2.0时,测定的Pediocin效价误差较小;试样处理时间由12h缩短为约5h。  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of a proteinaceous cysteine proteinase inhibitor from the fruit of avocado (avocado cystatin) is presented. The protein consists of 100 amino acid residues and has a molecular mass of 11,300 Da. Comparison of this sequence with sequences of plant cysteine proteinase inhibitors (phytocystatins), including oryzacystatins I and II from rice seeds, cowpea cystatin, and corn cystatin, showed that the avocado cystatin molecule has 60% and 54% residues identical with the two forms of the rice seed proteins, oryzacystatins I and II, respectively, and 64% and 63% with the cowpea and corn proteins, respectively. The totally conserved sequence, Gln-Val-Val-Ala-Gly, among several of the animal cystatins as well as phytocystatins, is at positions 47-51 in the avocado cystatin molecule.  相似文献   

In this paper, the efficiency of the carbonic anhydrase (CA) enzyme in accelerating the hydration of CO2 is evaluated using a measurement system which consists of a vessel in which a gaseous flow of mixtures of nitrogen and CO2 is bubbled into water or water solutions containing a known quantity of CA enzyme. The pH value of the solution and the CO2 concentration at the measurement system gas exhaust are continuously monitored. The measured CO2 level allows for assessing the quantity of CO2, which, subtracted from the gaseous phase, is dissolved into the liquid phase and/or hydrated to bicarbonate. The measurement procedure consists of inducing a transient and observing and modelling the different kinetics involved in the steady-state recovery with and without CA. The main contribution of this work is exploiting dynamical system theory and chemical kinetics modelling for interpreting measurement results for characterising the activity of CA enzymes. The data for model fitting are obtained from a standard bioreactor, in principle equal to standard two-phase bioreactors described in the literature, in which two different techniques can be used to move the process itself away from the steady-state, inducing transients.  相似文献   

Measuring the fine-scale heterogeneity of stones and other substrates is a challenge for benthic ecologists. I describe a method for measuring the roughness of stones that is based on the ratio of two surface area measurements: one that follows substrate contours and one based on a similar-sized modified spheroid. This roughness index is easily measured, assesses the entire surface of stones, and enables the measurement of replicate stones. Roughness measurements of 14 rock types demonstrated that values obtained were consistent with perceived roughness and porosity. Application of the roughness index to a published data set produced a curvilinear relationship between stone roughness and the biomass of algae in roughness-associated crevices.  相似文献   

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