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玛纳斯河流域扇缘带不同植被类型下土壤物理性质   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9  
对生长在玛纳斯河流域扇缘带上的柽柳、盐穗木、白刺、猪毛菜4种植被类型下的土壤物理性质进行了研究.结果表明:在水平方向上,1m剖面内柽柳土壤pH值、全盐含量、土壤容重最小,分别为8.75、0.97g/kg和1.42g/cm3;土壤有机质、含水率、总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度均最大,分别为9.04 g/kg、16.67%、45.57%和36.18%,表明柽柳能够显著降低土壤盐分,改善土壤结构.沿垂直剖面,4种植被类型在表层0-20 cm土壤盐分均达到最高,出现盐分“表聚”现象而形成“盐霜”;随着土层深度增加,含水率和土壤容重均呈显著性升高,土壤有机质、田间持水量、总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度和非毛管孔隙度均呈显著性降低(P<0.05).相关性分析显示,土壤有机质是引起其他土壤物理性质变化的主要原因.相比空裸地,4种植被覆盖类型1 m剖面内土壤有机质、总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度均呈显著性提高,土壤容重显著性降低,有机质分别提高了162.94%、82.94%、85.59%和27.94%,总孔隙度分别提高了44.90%、20.83%、36.06%和15.80%,毛管孔隙度分别提高了58.27%、30.71%、43.48%和25.72%,土壤容重分别降低了18.86%、10.86%、17.14%和7.43%,表明干旱荒漠区盐碱土上生长的不同盐生植物能够显著改善土壤质量.  相似文献   

The presence of a halophytic and sub-halophytic flora in grasslands reclaimed from the sea several centuries ago on the west Atlantic coast in France appears very unusual and the reasons for its survival are still uncertain. Our objective is to document its distribution pattern and to investigate whether its persistence is related to abiotic conditions and/or management practices. Vegetation surveys were carried out in seven different sites with 26 relevés on grazed sites (15 on slopes and 10 on flats) and 11 on mown sites (six on slopes and five on flats).This flora shows some important similarity with the vegetation of recent polders and can be classified into groups of species differing by their degree of salt tolerance but also their response to management mode. It was found that halophytes are only present on very saline soils, in a situation where the level of competition with more competitive species is reduced. The sub-halophytes also required low competition on lower soil salinity. In old polders, these two groups only occurred on grazed slopes and declined or even disappeared in the absence of grazing. In exclosures, the community became strongly dominated by competitive species and the soil salinity decreased on the slopes. The maintenance of sub-halophytes in old polders seems to be mainly conditioned by competition limitation whereas halophytes showed also a strong dependency to soil salt level, two requirements, which are met on continuously grazed slopes. Grazing maintains inter-specific competition at a low level while trampling increases soil compaction. Soil compaction modifies water and salt circulation, which could explain the high level of soil conductivity observed on grazed slopes.  相似文献   

一年生盐生植物耐盐机制研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
盐生植物是一类能够在盐土上完成生活史的天然植物, 在与盐土协同演化过程中形成了一系列适应盐生环境的特殊生存策略。其中一年生盐生植物因其生活史短、方便培养和观察、易于基因转化和后代繁殖, 已成为耐盐机制研究的主要对象。一年生盐生植物面临多变的生境胁迫, 具有更大的生存风险, 所以具有不同于多年生盐生植物的更稳妥的适应机制, 主要体现在种子的高盐休眠、复水速萌、形态和萌发的多态性、存在持久种子库及调节资源分配等方面。种子萌发后的生长、发育和繁殖等生活史的各阶段都要经受严峻的盐生胁迫环境。通常所说的耐盐机理是指成株对盐分的调控, 按照植物种类不同而分为稀盐、泌盐和拒盐3种耐盐形式。该文在对国内外相关文献进行分析归纳的基础上, 首先介绍了一年生盐生植物的常见类型, 然后分别从种子特征、形态结构、生理生化和生态习性等方面综述了一年生盐生植物的耐盐机制。  相似文献   

Question: The vegetation in a polder after partial tidal restoration does not resemble the targeted salt‐marsh vegetation. Is this difference in vegetation due to lack of dispersal or unsuitable abiotic conditions? What could be done for a better restoration of the site? Location: Northwestern France. Methods: Seeds were trapped at the single inlet of the polder with a 200‐μ m mesh net to estimate inputs of seeds from the bay. In parallel, seed dispersal was studied in the polder by placing Astroturf® seed traps on the surface of the sediment at three different elevations in three distinct areas. Abiotic conditions such as flooding frequency, water table level and soil salinity were monitored. Results: All but one species from the adjacent salt marshes were trapped at the inlet. Not all of these species were on the seed traps inside the polder. Seed dispersal was not homogeneous in the polder and seed trap content mostly discriminated in function of their elevation. Salinity and water logging at the bottom of the slope were very high compared to tolerance of most halophytes but decreased rapidly higher up the slope. Conclusions: The development of salt marsh target species is highly restricted by limited hydrochory inside the polder but also by unfavourable soil conditions induced by the actual hydrological regime. Halophytes are excluded at the bottom of the slope by abiotic conditions and out‐competed by sub‐halophytes higher up. In order to restore salt marsh vegetation inside the polder, a larger opening should be induced in order to increase the flooded surface, and diminish water logging and flooding frequencies.  相似文献   

围封是退化草原生态系统恢复的有效措施之一,已在中国北方草原地区实施多年并取得良好的效果。由于不同退化草原生态系统具有完全不同的植被和土壤条件,围封对不同退化草原植物群落和土壤的恢复是否具有一致的影响,目前仍不清楚。对内蒙古地区轻度、中度和重度退化荒漠草原分别设置6年围封后,对植物群落特征和土壤理化性质进行了调查和测定。研究结果发现,围封显著提高了3种退化荒漠草原短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)和无芒隐子草(Cleistogenes songorica)种群以及群落的高度、盖度和地上生物量(P<0.05),表明围封从多组织层次使退化草原植物群落得到有效的恢复。围封总体提高了轻度和中度退化荒漠草原植物多样性,但降低重度退化荒漠草原的植物多样性。重度退化荒漠草原在围封后群落高度、盖度和地上生物量恢复效率显著高于轻度和中度退化的(P<0.05),表明围封对重度退化荒漠草原植被恢复更加有效。除轻度退化外,围封显著降低中度和重度退化荒漠草原土壤全碳、全氮、全磷、有效氮和速效磷含量(P<0.05),但对3种退化荒漠草原的土壤水分含量无显著影响,表明围封对不同退化荒漠草原土壤的影响具有滞后性。研究为荒漠草原围封成效评估提供理论指导和退化荒漠草原生态系统科学合理实施围封政策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

孔雀河下游断流河道的环境特征及物种间关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于孔雀河下游断流河道的环境因子和植被样地数据,采用聚类与CCA排序法,分析了生境的退化特征以及物种间的相互关系,结果表明:1)断流河道退化生境分为绿洲-荒漠过渡类型、轻度荒漠化类型和盐土荒漠化类型。绿洲-荒漠过渡类型地下水位低、盐分含量相对较低,植被盖度相对较高,土壤维持着原砂质壤土,为潜在退化型;轻度荒漠化类型地下水位、土壤质地与含盐量与前者基本相同,土壤未明显退化,但植被盖度低于10%,植物种类与个体数目都较低,属于轻度退化型;盐土荒漠化类型地下水位高、盐分含量高,土壤机械组成中砂粒比重较大、无建群种幸存,属于重度退化型。2)绿洲-荒漠过渡类型总体联结性为显著正联结,正负联结比小于1,生态系统表现为建群种维系物种关系的不稳定状态;轻度荒漠化类型总体联结性为不显著负联结,正负联结比小于1,表现出生态系统进入退化演替的阶段;盐土荒漠化类型总体联结性为显著正联结,正负联结比大于1,表现出重度退化群落的种间平衡状态,物种间以达到稳定共存,其中,真盐生植物对这种平衡的维持起着重要的作用。3)CCA排序表明,绿洲-荒漠过渡类型形成以胡杨为中心的种间正联结,幸存于盐分适中、水分养分相对较高的生境;轻度荒漠化类型,形成以多枝柽柳与刚毛柽柳相互依存的不显著负联结,幸存于土壤养分、水分相对较低的生境;盐土荒漠化类型形成以盐爪爪、盐节木、盐穗木等真盐生植物维系的显著正联结,幸存于土壤贫瘠、地下水位浅、盐分含量高、沙化严重的生境。  相似文献   

盐胁迫下3种滨海盐生植物的根系生长和分布   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
弋良朋  王祖伟 《生态学报》2011,31(5):1195-1202
我国广大滨海地区的盐土上发育着大量的盐生植物,这些植物的根系对维持土壤稳定性,减小风蚀和水蚀具有重要作用。在水培条件下,针对碱蓬、盐角草和盐地碱蓬3种滨海盐生植物,研究它们在不同盐浓度条件下根系分布的差异。结果表明:一定浓度的盐分可以促进3种盐生植物生长,但较高浓度的盐抑制其生长,特别是对根系生长的抑制作用更大。在同样盐浓度下,盐地碱蓬的生长最快,生物量也最大。在盐分浓度较低时,3种盐生植物的主根长和总根长都有所增加,与对照相比,盐角草增加的幅度较大,但高浓度的盐会抑制根系总长度的增加,其中盐角草较碱蓬和盐地碱蓬抑制的程度轻。盐分对3种植物的根系平均直径没有显著的影响,但有减小的趋势。在水培条件下,碱蓬和盐角草的根系上、中、下部分布的较均匀,而盐地碱蓬的根系中部比上部和下部有显著的增加,盐分对每种植物的根系的分布没有显著的影响。从根系的分布特征可以推断:盐角草比碱蓬和盐地碱蓬具有较强的抗盐性和耐瘠薄能力;碱蓬的耐盐能力较其它两种植物差,盐角草的耐盐性最强。根据3种滨海盐生植物的根系生长和分布特征,证明这3种植物的根系分属于2种功能型,碱蓬是浅根系功能型,盐角草和盐地碱蓬是深根系功能型。根系分布的参数表明3种滨海盐生植物中盐地碱蓬是用来加强土壤稳定性最好的植物。  相似文献   

盐生植物根冠区土壤盐分变化的初步研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
对植物根冠区土壤盐分和盐分组成的变化规律的研究表明,盐生草本植物根际土盐分有降低趋势,27个采样点中仅有7个样点根际土盐分是增加的;盐生灌木根冠区土壤盐分的变化与植株生长状况有关,幼龄树和生长旺盛的灌木根冠区盐分变化不明显,根际土盐分甚至略有下降,随着生长势的衰弱,根际土、冠下土和边缘土均表现出土壤盐分的增加,增加最明显的地带为树冠边缘。根冠区有逐渐形成“盐分岛”的趋势。盐生灌木具有生物积盐作用。稀盐盐生植物和泌盐盐生植物根冠区Na^+/K^+比均呈降低趋势,53个采样点中仅有14个采样点的根际土Na^+/K^+比高于背景土,在31个冠下土采样点中仅有10个采样点的冠下土Na^+/K^+比提高,但柽柳、白刺生长衰弱后边缘土Na^+/K^+比有回升趋势;拒盐盐生植物芦苇根际土Na^+/K^+比则有增加趋势,4个采样点中有3个采样点根际土Na^+/K^+比提高,SO4^-2/Cl^-比的变化在稀盐盐生植物、泌盐盐生植物和拒盐盐生植物间存在差异,稀盐盐生草本植物16个采样点中有10个样点根际土SO4^-2/Cl^-比增加,但稀盐盐生灌木根际土、冠下土SO4^-2/Cl^-比降低,边缘土增加;SO4^-2/Cl^-比在泌盐盐生植物根际土、冠下土和边缘土中均呈明显的降低趋势,20个根际土采样点中仅3个采样点SO4^-2/Cl^-比提高,13个冠下土采样点中只有1个采样点SO4^-2/Cl^-比提高,边缘土SO4^-2/Cl^-比在3个采样点中全部降低;拒盐盐生植物芦苇根际土SO4^-2/Cl^-比变化不明显。  相似文献   

The influence of biotic factors on the distribution and establishment of halophytes is being considered in this review. Physicochemical factors, such as salinity and flooding, often are considered to be the determining factors controlling the establishment and zonational patterns of species in salt marsh and salt desert environments. Sharp boundaries commonly are found between halophyte communities even though there is a gradual change in the physicochemical environment, which indicates that biotic interactions may play a significant role in deterining the distribution pattern of species and the composition of zonal communities. Competition is hypothesized to play a key role in determining both the upper and lower limits of species distribution along a salinity gradient. Field and laboratory experiments indicate that the upper limits of distribution of halophytes into less saline or nonsaline habitats is often determined by competition. There appears to be a reciprocal relationship between the level of salt tolerance of species and their ability to compete with glycophytes in less saline habitats. Halophytes are not competitive in nonsaline habitats, but their competitive ability increases sharply in saline habitats. Allelopathic effects have been reported in salt desert habitats, but have not been reported along salinity gradients in salt marshes. Some species of halophytes that are salt accumulators have the ability to change soil chemistry. Chemical inhibition of intolerant species occurs when high concentrations of sodium are concentrated in the surface soils of salt desert plant communities that are dominated by salt-accumulating species. Establishment of less salt-tolerant species is inhibited in the vicinity of these salt-accumulating species. Herbivory is reported to cause both an increase and a decrease in plant diversity in salt marsh habitats. Heavy grazing is reported to eliminate sensitive species and produce a dense cover of graminoids in high marsh coastal habitats. However, in other marshes, grazing produced bare patches that allowed annuals and other low marsh species to invade upper marsh zonal communities. A retrogression in plant succession may occur in salt marshes and salt deserts because of heavy grazing. Intermediate levels of grazing by sheep, cattle, and horses could produce communities with the highest species richness and heterogeneity. Grazing by geese produced bare areas that had soils with higher salinity and lower soil moisture than vegetated areas, allowing only the more salt-tolerant species to persist. Removal of geese from areas by use of inclosures caused an increase in species richness in subarctic salt marshes. Invertebrate herbivores could also inhibit the survival of seeds and the ability of plants to establish in marshes. Parasites could play a significant role in determining the species composition of zonal communities, because uninfected rarer species are able to establish in the gaps produced by the death of parasitized species.  相似文献   

Galvánek  D.  Dítě  D.  Eliáš  P.  Dítě  Z. 《Plant Ecology》2020,221(12):1177-1186

Several methods of tillage are among the practices most destructive to inland saline grasslands, and can result in their complete deterioration. Despite the high frequency of habitat destruction by these means, the recovery of the saline vegetation and regeneration abilities of halophytes are still not sufficiently known. The reaction of inland saline grasslands to disk tillage was studied on the Jatov site located in the Pannonian bioregion of Central Europe. Changes in species composition were tested using ordination methods (DCA, CCA). Although the species composition recovered to a certain extent after the 4 years following the disturbance, the original zonation of halophytic vegetation was disturbed and did not recover. Disturbance primarily suppressed perennial halophytes and promoted the occurrence of species with a ruderal strategy. Testing of halophyte reaction to tillage showed the contracting responses of various halophytic species. The species Atriplex littoralis, Plantago maritima and Matricaria recutita reacted positively to tillage due to the reduced competition. The species Artemisia santonicum subsp. patens and Dichodon viscidum were suppressed by tillage in initial stages, but later recovered their populations. Only A. santonicum subsp. patens was able to return to the abundance seen before the disturbance. The only halophytic species which was unable to recover was a shallow-rooted grass Puccinellia distans. Our study showed that a Pannonian alkali steppe is able to recover quite quickly after tillage, if the soil disturbance is shallow and subsequent management takes place. Some halophytes may even profit for a short time from tillage, but the original species composition cannot be restored in the short term.


Question: The vegetation of high mountain regions in Himalaya remains poorly assessed despite the expected vulnerability of these ecosystems to global change drivers. What are the main vegetation types in East Ladakh and which environmental factors influence the species composition and growth forms distribution? Location: The south‐westernmost extension of the Tibetan Plateau, an arid mountainous area, in East Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir State, India. Methods: Species composition was recorded for 369 plots (each 100 m2). Plots, sampled from 4180 m a.s.l. (bottom of the Indus Valley) up to 6060 m a.s.l. (close to the snowline), covered a wide range of environmental conditions. Results: TWINSPAN clusters discriminated eight ecologically interpretable vegetation types, corresponding to the main habitats in the area: animal resting places, salt marshes, semi‐deserts and steppes, shrublands, alpine screes and boulder fields, alpine grasslands, water bodies and subnival zone. The most important environmental factors influencing the species composition were altitude, soil moisture and salinity. Screes and alpine grasslands were found to be the most species‐rich. The species were ranged into 20 growth forms with regard to life‐form and clonality, with growth forms showing different changes in proportion among vegetation types and along the different environmental gradients. Conclusion: The study summarizes the main vegetation types of East Ladakh in terms of species and growth form compositions. The results can have a heuristic value for designing future monitoring schemes and assess the effects of global change in these diverse, but poorly studied, regions.  相似文献   

选取东祁连山不同退化程度的高寒草地为研究对象,调查研究其植物种类、植被盖度、高度、地上生物量等植物指标以及土壤好气性自生固氮菌和嫌气性自生固氮菌数量,在此基础上,采用real-time PCR的方法扩增nifH基因,测定不同退化程度草地土壤中固氮菌相对于土壤总细菌的量,以探讨草地退化过程中植被及土壤固氮菌群的变化规律,结果发现:随着退化程度的加深,草地植物种类逐渐减少,并且优势植物发生变化,毒杂草逐渐增多,植被的高度、盖度、地上生物量都逐渐降低。对土壤固氮菌的研究则表明,土壤好气性自生固氮菌和嫌气性自生固氮菌的数量在不同退化草地随草地退化程度的加重而减少,在同一退化程度草地土壤则是随土层深度加深而下降。对土壤固氮菌nifH基因扩增的结果也表明随着退化加剧,土壤固氮菌相对于土壤总细菌的比例在降低,进一步说明草地退化过程中土壤固氮菌不仅是数量上的下降,更是群落结构层面的变化。对植被特性和土壤固氮菌含量的相关分析表明,植被特性和土壤中固氮菌含量呈显著相关。研究从土壤固氮菌群的角度研究了草地退化的过程,说明了二者具有协同性,研究和治理草地退化必须重视土壤功能菌群尤其是固氮菌群的作用。  相似文献   

This study is focused on determining the response behaviour of five saline plant communities to two environmental variables: flooding and salinity. Also, total soil organic carbon, diversity, plant cover and vegetation height were measured. Once this behaviour is known, the impacts of future climate scenarios may be approached. Since some of these variables could be altered by climate change, the future vegetation dynamics might indicate the trending of change, so plant communities can be used as bioindicators. The investigation was carried out in some small coastal wetlands located in a semiarid Mediterranean region. Low values of diversity were found in these plant communities due to a great effect of flooding, followed by salinity. ‘Reed beds’ are bioindicators of flooding and environmental disturbance. ‘Saline rushes’ are also flooding bioindicators and efficient accumulators of organic matter. ‘Mediterranean halophilous scrubs’ are bioindicators of seasonal flooding and changes to salinity. ‘Mediterranean halo-nitrophilous scrubs’ might be considered as bioindicators of low flooding and low salinity in anthropic environment while ‘Mediterranean salt steppes’ bioindicate driest conditions. At present, Mediterranean halophilous scrubs are the most widely extended community, which could be interpreted as a consequence of a changing and sharply seasonal climate. Our research suggests that future climate change scenarios involving flooding increases would support the proliferation of the lowest diversity and thus lower ecological value plant communities (i.e. reed beds). Conversely, a future scenario of decreasing flooding would benefit the most diverse and valuable conservation community actually priortized by European Habitats Directive (Mediterranean salt steppes, Limonietalia).  相似文献   

The effects of different restoration measures and management variants on the vegetation development of newly created calcareous grasslands were studied in southern Germany from 1993 to 2002. In 1993, fresh seed-containing hay from a nature reserve with ancient calcareous grasslands was transferred onto ex-arable fields with and without topsoil removal. Nine years after start of the restoration, the standing crop was lower and the cover of bare soil was higher on topsoil-removal sites than on sites without soil removal. Topsoil removal had a positive effect on the proportion of target species (class Festuco-Brometea), because the number and cover of productive meadow species (class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea) were reduced. Persistence of hay-transfer species and the number of newly colonizing target species were highest on topsoil-removal sites. On plots with and without soil removal, species richness and the number of target species increased quickly after hay transfer and were always higher on hay-transfer plots than on plots that had not received hay in 1993. In 2002, differences induced by hay transfer were still much more pronounced than differences between management regimes. Management by mowing, however, led to higher species richness, a greater number of target species and a lower number of ruderals in comparison to no management on restoration fields without soil removal. A detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) indicated that vegetation composition of the hay-transfer plots of the restoration fields still differed from the vegetation of ancient grasslands in the nature reserve. Vegetation of an ex-arable field in the nature reserve (last ploughed in 1959) showed an intermediate successional stage. In general our results indicate that the transfer of autochthonous hay is an efficient method for the restoration of species-rich vegetation, which allows not only quick establishment but also long-term persistence of target species.  相似文献   

不同人为干扰下纳帕海湖滨湿地植被及土壤退化特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
唐明艳  杨永兴 《生态学报》2013,33(20):6681-6693
以滇西北高原纳帕海湖滨退化湿地为研究对象,对比分析了人为隔断水源补给、牛羊过度放牧和家猪拱地三种人为干扰下湿地植被和土壤退化特征。结果表明:三种干扰方式下,纳帕海湖滨湿地植物群落类型多样性、物种丰富度、物种数、Shannon-Wiener指数、沼生植物重要值以及土壤有机质、全氮、速效氮、含水率、毛管孔隙度变化规律为:人为隔断水源补给>牛羊过度放牧>家猪拱地,而土壤容重和全钾含量变化规律完全相反。Pearson相关性分析表明,不同人为干扰下相同土壤指标之间相关性质和相关强度不同;CCA分析表明植物群落种类组成和分布与土壤含水率和全磷含量显著相关。以原生湿地样点为对照,人为隔断水源补给、牛羊过度放牧和家猪拱地样带土壤退化指数分别为-7.40%、-14.53%、-45.01%。认为纳帕海湖滨湿地退化是三种干扰协同作用结果,但作用程度不同,其顺序为家猪拱地>牛羊过度放牧>人为隔断水源补给。  相似文献   

Salt tolerance of halophytes corresponds with the habitat requirement of the species. It is an important factor during the germination phase and it can determine successful establishment. This paper presents the effects of alternating temperature–light regimes (4/8°C, 10/20°C, 20/32°C; 12 h dark: 12 h light) and different salinity levels (0, 200, 400, 600 mmol l21 NaCl) on seed germination of five halophytes, Halimione pedunculata, Bupleurum tenuissimum, Aster tripolium, Triglochin maritimum and Armeria maritima. The five species differ with respect to family and life‐form and spatially correspond to a decreasing salt gradient (i.e. distance from salt water, with H. pedunculata being the most tolerant and A. maritima being the least). Armeria maritima, A. tripolium and T. maritimum seeds were additionally subjected to a cold stratification experiment. The results showed that Halimione pedunculata, an annual therophyte of year‐round heavily saline habitats, was dormant under all experimental conditions. Bupleurum tenuissimum, a species typical to sites of varying salinity prone to leaching during spring and autumn rainfall, germinated best under cold and warm temperatures, but only under non‐saline conditions. Aster tripolium and T. maritimum, close neighbours in salt marshes, showed very similar germination behaviour: seeds of both species tolerated high levels of salinity and germinated best in summer temperatures during periods of highest soil salinity, and germination was significantly promoted by cold. Armeria maritima, a species usually found on the marginal fringes of saline habitats, germinated only under low salt levels and maximum germination was under cold (spring) and warm (autumn) temperatures, with no significant effect of cold stratification.  相似文献   

We used the Braun-Blanquet method to study the vegetation of coastal wetlands in South Korea. Three habitat types were found, i.e., salt marshes, salt swamps, and sand dunes. These plant communities were classified as: 1) two groups (five associations each) in the salt marshes that comprised either annual herbaceous halophytes (ClassThero-Salicornietea), or biennial/perennial herbaceous species (ClassAsteretea tripolii); 2) one group in the salt swamps consisting of five hydrophilous halo-tolerant associations (ClassPhragmitetea); and 3) three groups in the sand dunes, including one association of annual herbaceous halophytes (ClassSalsoletea komarovii), seven associations of herbaceous perennial halophytes (ClassGlehnietea littoralis), and one association of shrub perennial halophytes (ClassVrticetea rotundifoliae). These three habitat types accounted for the majority of the six main classifications of coastal vegetation distributed in South Korea.  相似文献   

Seed rain is a crucial element in vegetation regeneration, but has been rarely studied in high altitude regions, particularly degraded Kobresia meadow. Weed infestation is a distinctive feature of pasture degradation in Kobresia meadows on the Tibetan plateau, the ecological mechanism of which is closely related with vegetation’s seed rain. In this paper we assess the effect of vegetation degradation on seed rain and consider its implication for restoration of degraded Kobresia meadows in the headwater area of Yellow river, through analysis of seed species composition, number of seeds landing per m2 of soil surface, and their relationship with above ground vegetation. Vegetation degradation had an impact on the species composition and numbers of seeds in seed rain and their relationship with above-ground vegetation. Within the un-degraded meadow, which provided a closed vegetation cover, 35 % of the seed rain was of sedge and gramineae species. However, within the degraded meadows, as the extent of degradation increased, so the total number of seeds m?2 increased, with those derived from sedge and gramineae species forming a declining proportion of the total. Degradation of Kobresia meadow on the Tibetan plateau is exacerbated by the seed input of weed species (such as Oxytropis ochrocephala, Carum carvi, Aconitum pendulum, Pedicularis kansuensis in this study). Therefore, a major priority for the restoration of such degraded meadows should be the elimination of these weeds from the above ground vegetation by human intervention.  相似文献   

A study was carried out at Loburu delta, Lake Bogoria National Reserve, Kenya, on the effect of different levels of soil salinity and moisture on plant species distribution, production, reproductive strategy and litter decomposition. The soils are coarse and vary significantly in levels of salinity and moisture. The highest salinity was greater than 3.0 S/m, ECe. Soil moisture was significantly higher in the more saline than non‐saline or low salinity soils because of ground seepage. Sixteen plant species were collected but only Sporobolus spicatus and Cyperus laevigatus were determined to be true halophytes. Biomass and above‐ground production were significantly higher in the high and medium saline soils than the non‐saline or hyper‐saline soils (>3.0 S/m, Ece). Precipitation promoted various aspects of production in both halophytes at various levels of salinity. Soil salinity did not influence biomass allocation to reproductive structures but precipitation enhanced allocation to stolons in Sporobolus spicatus. The dead plant mass was significantly higher than biomass at all salinities, which indicated low grazing pressure at the site. Litter decomposition was only marginally reduced by high soil salinity. It was concluded that low moisture limits biomass and production on the non‐saline soils and salinity is responsible for low production in the hyper‐saline soils.  相似文献   

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