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用刺激隐核虫(Cryptocaryon irritans)的幼虫对卵形鲳NFDA8(Trachinotus ovatus)进行腹腔注射和体表感染,然后每隔一周用阻动试验(Immobilization assay)检测免疫鱼的抗血清和皮肤培养液对刺激隐核虫幼虫的阻动效价,在第14周中,分别用亚致死剂量和致死剂量的刺激隐核虫幼虫对免疫鱼攻毒以检测所产生的免疫保护力.实验结果显示:两种免疫方法都能让卵形鲳鲹的血清和皮肤生成阻动刺激隐核虫幼虫的特异性抗体,并能使被免疫鱼获得明显的免疫保护,但是体表感染免疫组的血清和皮肤培养液的阻动效价都要比腹腔注射免疫组高,所获得的免疫保护力也更强.同时还发现,免疫鱼血清和皮肤培养液中的抗体存在明显的差异:两者的最初生成时间、达到峰值的时间、变化规律以及阻动效价等都不一致.因此,我们推测鱼类的系统免疫应答和皮肤黏膜免疫应答有可能是相互独立的,或者是不同步的.鱼类的体液免疫应答,特别是黏膜免疫应答对抵御刺激隐核虫的感染起了重要的作用,采用刺激隐核虫虫体疫苗可能成为预防海水鱼类白点病的一种选择.  相似文献   

卵形鲳鲹对刺激隐核虫的免疫应答和免疫保护研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用刺激隐核虫(Cryptocaryon irritans)的幼虫对卵形鲳鲹(Trachinotus ovatus)进行腹腔注射和体表感染,然后每隔1周用阻动试验(Immobilization assay)检测免疫鱼的抗血清和皮肤培养液对激刺隐核虫幼虫的阻动效价,在第14周,分别用亚致死剂量和致死剂量的刺激隐核虫幼虫对免疫鱼攻毒以检测所产生的免疫保护力。实验结果显示:两种免疫方法都能让卵形鲳鲹的血清和皮肤生成阻动刺激隐核虫幼虫的特异性抗体,并能使被免疫鱼获得明显的免疫保护,但是体表感染免疫组的血清和皮肤培养液的阻动效价都要比腹腔注射免疫组高,所获得的免疫保护力也更强。同时还发现,免疫鱼血清和皮肤培养液中的抗体存在明显的差异:两者的最初生成时间、达到峰值的时间、变化规律以及阻动效价等都不一致。因此,我们推测鱼类的系统免疫应答和皮肤粘膜免疫应答有可能是相互独立的,或者是不同步的。鱼类的体液免疫应答,特别是粘膜免疫应答对抵御刺激隐核虫的感染起了重要的作用,采用刺激隐核虫虫体疫苗可能成为预防海水鱼类白点病的一种选择。  相似文献   

刺激隐核虫感染对褐菖鲉的胁迫及鱼体的免疫应答   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探明刺激隐核虫感染对褐菖鲉生理机能的影响,研究分别用2500、5000、7500和10000幼虫/鱼的刺激隐核虫感染褐菖鲉,并分别检测感染后24h、48h、72h和96h各时间点血清中皮质醇(COR)、血糖(GLU)、总蛋白(TP)含量;肝脏中丙二醛(MDA)和维生素C(VC)含量,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活力;鳃和皮肤中溶菌酶(LZM)活力。结果显示,随着感染浓度的增加,血液中COR和GLU含量均出现不同程度的升高,其中2500、5000和7500幼虫/鱼组COR含量的最高值均出现在感染后第3天;而TP含量总体呈现逐步下降的趋势,尤其当感染浓度达到5000幼虫/鱼后,TP含量的下降程度明显增加;肝脏中MDA含量呈先降后升的变化趋势,其中24h、48h和72h各点MDA含量的最大值均出现在10000幼虫/鱼组,最小值则集中出现于在2500和5000幼虫/鱼组;而VC含量则与MDA含量的趋势相反;SOD和CAT活力均出现不同程度的升高;鳃和皮肤LZM活力总体呈先上升后回落的变化趋势。综上可知,刺激隐核虫感染会对鱼体造成氧化胁迫和脂质过氧化反应,其严重程度与感染的虫细胞浓度相关。低浓度感染组的鱼所受胁迫较轻,在滋养体脱落后仍具有一定的自我修复能力;而高浓度感染组鱼免疫因子的释放受到抑制或出现紊乱,即便在虫体脱落后,其体质也很难恢复。  相似文献   

目的评价PorA、PorB和Class4对流感裂解疫苗的免疫增强作用,从中挑选出最有效的流感黏膜佐剂,为发展流感黏膜疫苗提供理论基础。方法流感三价裂解抗原按比例与PorA、PorB和Class4非共价结合,滴鼻免疫Balb/c小鼠3次,采取间接ELISA检测血清特异性IgG抗体及抗体亚型,检测鼻咽、肺、小肠和阴道冲洗液中IgA效价,采用血凝抑制试验检测血清中HAI效价。结果PorB重组蛋白佐剂组较无佐剂的流感裂解抗原组在提高小鼠早期免疫应答的同时诱导较强的系统免疫应答和黏膜免疫应答;PorA组也有黏膜佐剂的功能,但和无佐剂的流感裂解抗原组相比,差异无统计学意义。结论在蛋白体的三分子中,以PorB为佐剂的流感黏膜疫苗不仅提高了抗原的系统免疫应答,而且诱导了较强的小鼠呼吸道、生殖道的局部黏膜免疫应答,为流感黏膜疫苗的研制奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

银鲫口服嗜水气单胞菌疫苗的免疫和免疫组化研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
室内恒温条件下(水温24±1℃)分别用微胶囊疫苗与全细胞疫苗口灌免疫银鲫,口灌免疫后每周取血和前、中、后肠肠黏膜,间接ELISA检测其抗体效价。结果发现:微胶囊疫苗组鱼血清抗体效价较高,峰值为1∶80,且维持时间较长;各肠段的黏膜抗体中,后肠黏膜抗体效价最高,微胶囊疫苗组峰值达1∶320,前肠的肠黏膜抗体效价也有一定的水平为1∶40;肠道免疫组化试验也得到相似结果:在不同时间对前、中、后肠切片进行免疫组化染色,从光镜下观察到肠黏膜外层和黏膜下层都有阳性着色,以包裹全菌苗为最多,未包裹菌苗较少。同时进行两组疫苗的池塘网箱免疫试验,结果表明:微胶囊疫苗组与全细胞疫苗组的相对百分成活率分别为61.1%和50%,微胶囊疫苗组略高于全细胞疫苗组;口服免疫后两组鱼血清中均能产生较高的抗体效价,在30d左右抗体效价最高达1∶512,能维持较长时间约8—10个月,但两者差异不显著。  相似文献   

嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌脂多糖对斑点叉尾免疫保护作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌(Stenotrophomonas maltophilia)是近年来引起斑点叉尾高致死性、传染性疾病的主要病原之一。为了研究嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌脂多糖对斑点叉尾的免疫保护作用,实验选用了400尾健康斑点叉尾,随机分成Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ四个组,每组用鱼100尾,每组下设两个重复,每个重复用鱼50尾,以腹腔注射的方式分别向Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ四个组的斑点叉尾注射嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌脂多糖、无花果多糖加脂多糖、全菌灭活苗和生理盐水,在试验第0、第28天时分别进行首次免疫和加强免疫,试验期间每隔7d,对试验鱼的血液白细胞杀菌活性、补体C3含量、IgM含量和血清凝集效价滴度进行测定;试验第49天时进行活菌攻毒。结果表明,首免后,接种脂多糖、无花果多糖加脂多糖的试验鱼血清凝集效价滴度明显升高,白细胞杀菌活性、补体C3含量、IgM含量也明显增加;加强免疫后,脂多糖、无花果多糖加脂多糖的试验鱼血清凝集效价滴度峰值分别为1∶256和1∶512,白细胞杀菌活性峰值分别为0.565和0.511,补体C3含量峰值分别0.194和0.180mg/mL,IgM含量峰值分别1.415和1.464mg/mL,免疫保护率分别为70.0%和65%。嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌脂多糖和脂多糖+无花果多糖受免鱼的上述指标均显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)地高于生理盐水注射组,这两者的免疫保护效果优越于全细胞灭菌苗。  相似文献   

为研制抗血吸虫疫苗提供实验依据,探讨了抗血吸虫SjGST-32核酸疫苗与蛋白疫苗联合免疫的免疫增强效应及免疫应答特征。将日本血吸虫DNA疫苗VR1012-SjGST-32与重组蛋白疫苗rSjGST-32分别在第0、2和4周免疫小鼠,在第6周攻击感染日本血吸虫尾蚴,攻击感染45 d后剖杀小鼠,计算减虫率、检卵率以及检测肝脏病理变化,观察免疫保护效果;检测小鼠血清中特异性IgG抗体滴度,T细胞增殖反应和抗原特异性CD4+IFN-γ+、CD4+IL-4+和CD4+IL-10+的数量,探讨免疫应答特征。结果显示,DNA初免-蛋白加强的联合免疫组的保护作用优于单独免疫组,显著提高了减虫率(42.3%)和减卵率(59.6%),并且能够显著减轻血吸虫虫卵对肝脏的病理损害;进一步发现,DNA疫苗和蛋白疫苗联合应用增强了机体T淋巴细胞增殖反应、抗体IgG滴度以及抗原特异性CD4+IFN-γ+的产生。这些研究为新型血吸虫疫苗的优化设计和合理应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

水温与草鱼免疫应答关系的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
通过在不同水温条件下,用CFRV疫苗免疫后的草鱼血清中和抗体效价和免疫保护力的变化探讨水温与草鱼免疫应答的关系。结果表明:(1)水温在10℃以下,草鱼的免疫应答受到抑制,它对CFRV疫苗的免疫临界温度是10℃;(2)在免疫临界温度之上,草鱼的免疫应答随温度的升高而增强,超过草鱼的适宜生长温度(32℃以上),其应答反应反而有下降的趋势;(3)免疫诱导期的水温是决定草鱼免疫应答发生与否和免疫应答强弱的  相似文献   

结核分枝杆菌主要是通过呼吸道传播,而机体的呼吸道黏膜免疫又是抵御从黏膜途径入侵的外来物质的第一道防线。因此,诱导有效的黏膜免疫应答对结核分枝杆菌感染的预防和治疗性疫苗的研制具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

中华鳖对T3菌苗抗原的免疫应答   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过T3菌苗免疫中华鳖后的血清间接凝集抗体效价 (IAT)与免疫保护率 (PRP)的变化探讨了中华鳖的免疫应答规律。中华鳖对T3菌苗能产生较强的应答反应 ,免疫的二龄鳖PRP可达 82 6± 15 2 (19) % ,IAT达 1978 1± 716 4(19)。它对T3菌苗的免疫效应期为 3天 ,第 2 0天时免疫应答处于高峰 ,IAT与PRP分别为 176 8 0± 44 7 6 (4)与 91 7± 14 4(4) % ,持续 10天左右开始下降 ,到第 3个月左右基本上回复到免疫开始时水平。结论为 :中华鳖的免疫应答反应基本介于鱼类与鸟类之间 ,但较偏向于鸟类。  相似文献   

The protective immunity of grouper (Epinephelus coioides) against Cryptocaryon irritans was determined after immunisation by surface exposure or intraperitoneal injection. Specific antibody titres of immunised fish serum and skin culture supernatant were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immobilisation assays. Specific antibody can be detected in some immunised fish at Week 1 and in all immunised fish at Week 2, and the peaks were between Weeks 4-6. Specific antibody was still evident in the serum and skin of immunised fish at Week 8, and provided good protection against challenge with C. irritans. These findings indicated that humoral and skin mucosal immunity play important roles in fish against C. irritans infection.  相似文献   

Two immunization trials were conducted to evaluate host protection of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus against Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich). Immunizations were done with live theronts or sonicated trophonts by bath immersion and intraperitoneal (IP) injection. The immunized fish were challenged with theronts 21 days post-immunization in trial I and 180 days post-immunization in trial II. The serum anti-Ich antibody and cumulative mortalities of tilapia were determined after theront challenge. Serum anti-Ich antibody was significantly higher (P<0.05) in tilapia immunized with live theronts by immersion or IP injection or with sonicated trophonts administered by IP injection than tilapia immunized with sonicated trophonts by immersion, with bovine serum albumin by IP injection, or non-immunized controls. Host protection was acquired in fish immunized with live theronts by immersion or IP injection. Tilapia immunized with sonicated trophonts by IP injection were partially protected with a 57-77% survival in both trials. At 180 days post-immunization, serum antibody titers had declined in immunized fish yet they were still able to survive challenge. The protection appears not to be solely depending on serum antibody response against Ich.  相似文献   

Hatanaka A  Umeda N  Hirazawa N 《Parasitology》2008,135(9):1043-1052
A surface agglutination/immobilization antigen was purified from the novel agglutination/immobilization serotype (serotype G37) of the ciliated protozoan Cryptocaryon irritans, a parasite of seawater fishes. Serum from fish immunized with C. irritans theronts had agglutination/immobilization activity against theronts in vitro. However, fish and rabbit antisera raised against serotype G32 (reported previously) caused little agglutination/immobilization of serotype G37 theronts. Immunological analysis indicated that the 37 kDa theront surface membrane protein may be the agglutination/immobilization antigen of this serotype. The full-length 37 kDa antigen cDNA contained 1171 base pairs, encoding a 331-amino acid protein with hydrophobic N- and C-termini, which are characteristically found in proteins containing a C-terminal glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. In addition, the genetically characterized nucleotide sequences of the first internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA of these 2 serotypes were compared. The internal transcribed spacer rDNA sequence of serotype G32 was identical to that of isolates from Pingtung, Taiwan, and from the USA. On the other hand, the sequences of serotype G37 were not identical to those of any C. irritans isolate.  相似文献   

As an alternative to treating with chemicals, immunization using Ichthyophthirius multifiliis as a vaccine has been studied in fishes that were often affected with white spot diseases also to understand the possible changes to the tissue caused by the vaccine. The focus of this study was the analysis of the influence of immunization via intraperitoneal injection (i.p.) and via immersion bath (im.b.) on the histopathology of R. quelen after being challenged with live theronts of I. multifiliis distributed in: control (non‐immunized and non‐challenged); non‐immunized and challenged with 12,000 theronts/fish; non‐immunized and challenged with 22,000 theronts/fish; immunized and challenged with 12,000 theronts/fish; immunized and challenged with 22,000 theronts/fish. Water quality was measured in each assay, with 300 fingerlings distributed among 15 tanks with 20 fish in each of three replicates. Six days after challenge, samples for histopathological and parasitological analyses were collected. In both i.p. and im.b. fish the prevalence of I. multifillis in the gills was higher in the non‐immunized fish (33.33% and 27.77%, respectively). Melanomacrophages were present in 53% of the samples of i.p. non‐immunized fish. Fish im.b. immunized and challenged showed more atrophied areas in the hepatocytes. Higher numbers of melanomacrophages in the i.p. non‐immunized fish kidneys were observed compared to control. The results showed no difference in the gill lesions of either immunized or non‐immunized fish compared to control. Histological alterations in the organs of silver catfish were considered light, except in the liver that presented significant atrophy and hypertrophy of hepatocytes after immunization via i.p.  相似文献   

A medium for the in vitro culture of Cryptocaryon irritans, which is an obligatorily parasitic ciliate of marine teleosts and causes 'white spot disease', was developed. The medium consisted of a layer of cultured fish cells (FHM), with an agarose gel layer covering the cell layer. The agarose gel contained 0.22% agarose, 10% fetal calf serum, 100 I.U. ml(-1) Penicillin G potassium and 100 microg ml(-1) streptomycin sulphate. Theronts of C. irritans transformed to trophonts and grew to 180 microm in mean length in the medium, although they gradually decreased in number. When trophonts fully developed in medium were transferred into seawater 4 d after inoculation, approximately 70% of them transformed to encysted tomonts and released theronts. When fish were challenged with theronts obtained from in vitro-raised parasites, approximately 40% of the theronts were recovered from fish, indicating comparative infectivity of in vitro-raised theronts to those of in vivo-raised theronts. This is the first report that C. irritans fully developed in vitro and its entire life cycle was completed without a host fish.  相似文献   

There is limited information available on the immune protection of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus × blue catfish I. furcatus (CB) hybrid against the fish parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich). The objective of this study was to compare serum antibody response and host protection between channel catfish and CB hybrid catfish using a cohabitation model. Channel catfish and CB hybrid catfish were immunized with live theronts by immersion or by IP injection at the dose of 10,000–20,000 theronts per fish in two trials. The fish were then challenged with theronts to compare serum antibody response and protection against the parasite between channel catfish and CB hybrid catfish. The immunized channel catfish and CB hybrid catfish showed a significantly higher (p < 0.05) serum anti-Ich antibody (titer > 1120) compared to non-immunized controls (titer = 0). After being challenged with live theronts, the immunized channel catfish and CB hybrid catfish had none or a low number of the parasites (<50 trophonts per fish) and showed a significantly higher (p < 0.05) survival (90–100%) than non-immunized controls (0%). Overall results indicated that there was no statistical (p > 0.05) difference on serum anti-Ich antibody, parasite infection and fish survival between immunized channel catfish and CB hybrid catfish.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792 fingerlings were vaccinated by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection using live theronts of the skin parasitic ciliate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet, 1876 at 2 temperatures (12 and 20 degrees C), and protection against challenge infections was subsequently evaluated by bath exposure to live theronts. Vaccination conferred a relative protection (evaluated as the decrease in the number of established theronts) at 12 degrees C and almost complete immunity at 20 degrees C. Significantly increased immobilisation titers (using plasma immobilisation of live theronts) were found in immunised fish at Week 2 and 4 post-vaccination. Lysozyme activity of plasma from vaccinated fish increased from Week 1 to 4. Both immobilisation titers and lysozyme activity were significantly higher at 20 degrees C. This study demonstrated that live theronts are good candidates for an antigen source for development of effective vaccines against white spot disease in this fish host, and further indicated that the protection of rainbow trout against I. multifiliis infection is highly temperature dependent and may be associated with both adaptive and innate response mechanisms.  相似文献   

The parasitic ciliate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis infecting skin, fins and gills of fish induces a protective immune response in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) surviving the infection and a similar protection can be conferred by i.p. injection of live theronts. A combined molecular and immunohistochemical approach has been used in this work for pinpointing cellular and humoral immune factors in gill tissue involved in the response and indicating interactions between the systemic and local responses. Fish were immunized by intra-peritoneal injection of live I. multifiliis theronts, control fish were injected with PBS and subgroups were treated with the immuno-suppressant hydrocortisone before fish were challenged with live theronts. Significant up-regulations of genes encoding IgM, IgT, C3, SAA, IL-8, IL-22 and IFN-γ were induced by immunization and challenge. Hydrocortisone treatment had a significant down-regulating effect on genes incoding IgT, IgM, CD4, CD8, IFN-γ, IL-8 and IL-22 in all groups. Immunohistochemistry, using monoclonal antibodies to detect cellular markers, demonstrated active involvement of CD8, MHC II, IgT and IgM positive cells in gill tissue. Putative T-cells (CD8 positive cells) were detected in the intraepithelial lymphoid tissue located at the base of gill filaments and in hyperplastic gill tissue but following infection a clear efflux of these cells was detected. MHC II positive cells were distributed across the gill filaments and accumulated in hyperplastic tissue but hydrocortisone treatment affected their density negatively in both immunized and non-immunized fish. IgT positive cells were present in the epithelial lining of the gill lamellae (suggesting a primary role of this protein in the mucosal defence against the ciliate) whereas IgM positive cells were found only in gill arterioles and the lamellar capillaries. The present work indicates an intensive activity and specialized function of immune cells (B-cells, T-cells and macrophages) and humoral elements such as immunoglobulins IgT and IgM which are orchestrated by cytokines in gill tissue reacting against I. multifiliis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether immunization of Mozambique tilapia with different Cryptocaryon irritans i-antigen serotypes elicited cross-protection against challenge infection by both serotypes. Fish were directly exposed to live theronts of isolate W1 or isolate K1, that express different surface i-antigens. There was no significant difference in the number of trophonts infecting the fish between the two isolates, W1 and K1, following primary exposure. Serum from immunized fish exposed to live theronts showed higher immobilization titres and ELISA values against homologous isolates than to heterologous isolates after the primary exposure. However, mucus antibody did not immobilize theronts although the ELISA results clearly indicated that mucus antibodies recognizing C. irritans were generated. In a study with Western blot analyses, serum antibodies recognized only an antigen of the corresponding serotype and no proteins common to both serotypes were identified. Sequence analyses of 754 bases of rDNA nucleotide sequence including complete nuclear ribosomal ITS-1–5.8S rDNA–ITS-2 region were conducted and found to be identical for W1- and K1-isolates. These findings confirmed that both isolates were members of the species, C. irritans, and that rDNA analysis would not distinguish the two isolates. In conclusion, despite the fact that the immobilization assays and ELISA detected two serotypes in vitro, challenge assays provided evidence for only one type of C. irritans.  相似文献   

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