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气候变暖对昆虫影响研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
陈瑜  马春森 《生态学报》2010,30(8):2159-2172
"全球气候变化"已成为国内外最受关注的环境问题。气候变化中以温度升高为特征的气候变暖对变温动物昆虫自身及其所在的生物群落产生直接或间接影响。从研究内容与研究方法2个方面综述了气候变暖对昆虫影响研究的国内外进展。气候变暖导致昆虫发生期提前,地理分布向更高纬度和海拔地区扩散,低温适生种种群密度下降,高温适生种种群密度增加。气候变暖改变寄主植物—害虫—天敌的物候同步性和昆虫原有种间互作关系,影响植食性昆虫的寄主植物范围和取食为害程度。长期的气候变暖带来的强烈的选择性压力引起某些昆虫种群的基因组发生变异。以日均温升高、日最高气温升高和昼夜温差变化等为主要特征气候变暖对昆虫发育、繁殖及存活等生态学指标产生重要影响。研究方法上主要是利用野外直接观察法、回归预测模型、有效积温模型、CLIMEX和GIS等生态风险评估软件、生物化石比较技术、人工气候下生态试验、检测标记基因频率变化等方法来研究气候变暖对昆虫的影响。最后简要评述了已有研究的不足并指出未来的研究方向:(1)气候变暖情景下开展昆虫种间互作研究并拓展研究对象;(2)高温下昆虫适应性研究;(3)建立完善人工模拟气候下的实验方法;(4)构建昆虫有效生态机理模型。  相似文献   

麦蚜是体型小、生活周期短的变温动物,对环境温度尤其是高温的变化十分敏感。气候变暖导致的温度升高是影响麦蚜最直接和最重要的因子。本文综述了国内外有关气候变暖对麦蚜影响的野外观测、预测模型及模拟试验的研究进展。气候变暖将导致麦蚜的主要分布和为害区向高纬度地区转移;气候变暖增加了生长季的有效积温,导致麦蚜始见期、迁飞期、盛虫期等物候发生期提前;温度升高提高了麦蚜的越冬存活率,使温带地区春夏季种群数量增加;处于不同营养级的物种对温度变化的敏感性不尽相同,气候变暖可能影响麦类作物-麦蚜-天敌昆虫多营养级系统的种间互作。麦蚜的耐热性较差,气候变暖导致的高温幅度增加、持续时间延长、夜间最低温升高、极端高温幅度和频率增加等典型特征对其有深刻影响。高温的幅度、持续时间对麦蚜的存活和繁殖有显著的抑制作用;夜间变暖导致麦蚜存活线性下降,进一步恶化了日间高温对蚜虫的不利影响;极端高温事件的幅度和频率影响麦蚜的种群增长参数,不同种类麦蚜对极端高温事件的非对称响应改变了麦蚜种间的相对适合度、时间和空间上的群落结构和物种间的相对优势度。麦蚜可通过爬行和跌落等行为来缓解气候变暖造成的高温胁迫,在研究气候变暖对麦蚜影响的同时,应充分考虑麦蚜对气候变暖的适应和缓冲能力。如何人工模拟气候变暖趋势下温度的变化模式,精巧设计试验反映气候变暖主要特征,开展接近自然界变化的温度模式对麦蚜的影响和麦蚜对环境改变的适应性响应研究,将是未来该领域的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

张鹤  林进添 《环境昆虫学报》2015,37(6):1280-1286
过去的100年全球地表平均温度显著上升,全球气候变暖对生物的影响引起世界范围内的广泛关注。和其他生物一样,昆虫也受到了气候变暖的影响,如繁殖发育速度增快、遗传变异、种群多样性降低、分布区扩大、种群爆发、外来入侵、种群灭绝等等。全球变暖引起的昆虫响应对农林业以及人类健康存在潜在风险,因此本文主要从物候、分布区、生长发育及繁殖、形态、行为与生理、分子水平这些方面综述全球气候变暖背景下昆虫如何响应,并讨论了目前研究动态和未来的研究方向,意在为气候变化条件下昆虫科学管理策略(如种群监控、模型预测、风险评估、遗传多样性、抗性遗传等)提供指导意义。  相似文献   

植物和传粉者之间的相互作用,构成了错综复杂的传粉网络。近20年来,以全球变暖为主要特征的气候变化对开花植物、传粉昆虫和植物-传粉者相互作用的影响已成为研究热点。这些研究有助于更好地预测气候变暖对传粉网络乃至整个生态系统功能的影响。本文综述了气候变暖对开花植物个体的繁殖过程(物候、花吸引、报酬特征)和传粉昆虫活动及其相互作用产生的影响,以及在群落水平上对植物-传粉者网络产生的影响。气候变暖影响开花植物的花报酬(花蜜量、花粉的数量与质量)以及繁殖成功;温度升高对传粉昆虫的影响主要包括决定花粉流的传粉行为和传粉成功率。因此,气候变暖背景下植物、传粉者及其相互作用的改变会导致传粉网络结构发生变化,而传粉网络通过缓冲机制减少植物-传粉者间的错配而产生的负面效应,以维持自身稳定性。总体上,目前对气候变暖背景下植物-传粉者网络的研究较为薄弱,今后的研究应进一步关注以下问题:(1)气候变暖影响植物与传粉者物候匹配程度的原因、机制以及影响因素;(2)进一步探究不同生态系统中植物-传粉者的相互作用;(3)从群落水平或生态系统水平对植物-传粉者相互作用网络开展长期性研究。  相似文献   

全球平均温度升高导致极端高温事件发生幅度、频率和持续时间增加,对生物和生态系统造成显著影响.以往气候变暖与昆虫种群关系的研究多关注平均温度的变化,常导致过高地估计了温度升高对昆虫的正面作用,而忽视了自然界存在的极端高温的不利影响.本文综述了气候变化下极端高温对昆虫种群地理分布、种群统计参数和种群增长、行为及种间关系等影响的研究进展.极端温度通过限定昆虫的适宜温度阈限和耐受温度范围决定其在不同纬度、海拔和景观地区的分布.极端高温通过即时和后续效应抑制昆虫的发育、存活、繁殖等核心生命参数,进而改变了昆虫种群统计参数和种群增长.极端高温可通过影响昆虫的体温调节、取食及扩散等行为改变其发育、繁殖等核心生命参数.昆虫对极端高温的反应具有物种特异性,不同种类昆虫对气候变化的响应不同,导致相对优势度、群落结构、食物链等种间关系发生变化,进而影响生态系统的功能.目前关于极端高温对昆虫种群影响的研究多关注发生在夏季的热浪天气和日间极端高温.气候变化导致温度的升高在季节间具有非对称性,发生在春、秋、冬季节相对的极端高温对昆虫种群未来发展的影响将是未来该领域研究的重点.  相似文献   

姚凤銮  尤民生 《昆虫知识》2012,49(3):563-572
全球气候变化是近来人类关注的焦点问题,其最显著的特征是气候变暖。因为昆虫具有生活周期短、繁殖率高等特点,所以,气候变暖对昆虫的发育、繁殖和存活会产生强烈的直接影响。气候变暖促使一些昆虫提前春天的物候现象,向高纬度或高海拔地区迁移。然而,昆虫在自然界并非孤立地存在,它们与寄主植物和自然天敌相互联系、相互作用,并在长期的进化过程中逐渐适应特定区域的气候条件。因此,全球气候变暖对"植物-害虫-天敌"的种间关系必然产生直接或间接的影响,导致不同昆虫之间以及昆虫与其相关营养层的物种之间的相互关系在气候变化下呈现出时间上的异步性和空间上的错位,从而影响植物的适应性和抗虫性、害虫的发生规律和危害程度以及天敌的种群消长和控害效能。昆虫除了可以通过休眠或滞育的方式在时间上避开高温的影响外,还可以通过迁飞或移动的方式在空间上避开高温的影响,在这种迁移和扩散不同步的情况下可能使害虫食性和取食植物的害虫及其天敌的种类发生变化,从而改变生物群落的组成与结构,影响生态系统的服务和功能。  相似文献   

全球气候变化是近来人类关注的焦点问题,其最显著的特征是气候变暖.因为昆虫具有生活周期短、繁殖率高等特点,所以,气候变暖对昆虫的发育、繁殖和存活会产生强烈的直接影响.气候变暖促使一些昆虫提前春天的物候现象,向高纬度或高海拔地区迁移.然而,昆虫在自然界并非孤立地存在,它们与寄主植物和自然天敌相互联系、相互作用,并在长期的进化过程中逐渐适应特定区域的气候条件.因此,全球气候变暖对“植物-害虫-天敌”的种间关系必然产生直接或间接的影响,导致不同昆虫之间以及昆虫与其相关营养层的物种之间的相互关系在气候变化下呈现出时间上的异步性和空间上的错位,从而影响植物的适应性和抗虫性、害虫的发生规律和危害程度以及天敌的种群消长和控害效能.昆虫除了可以通过休眠或滞育的方式在时间上避开高温的影响外,还可以通过迁飞或移动的方式在空间上避开高温的影响,在这种迁移和扩散不同步的情况下可能使害虫食性和取食植物的害虫及其天敌的种类发生变化,从而改变生物群落的组成与结构,影响生态系统的服务和功能.  相似文献   

全球气候变暖影响植物-传粉者网络的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖宜安  张斯斯  闫小红  董鸣 《生态学报》2015,35(12):3871-3880
植物与传粉者间相互作用,构成了复杂的传粉网络。目前,以气候变化为主要特征的全球变暖对植物-传粉者网络的影响备受关注,概述了近年来这方面研究的几个主要热点问题及其进展,和相关研究方法。并在此基础上,提出了气温持续上升背景下,植物-传粉者网络未来的研究趋势。当前研究的主要热点问题有:(1)气候变暖使植物、传粉者的物候发生变化,并通过影响植物的开花时间和传粉者活动时间,导致两者在物候时间上的不同步。(2)气候变暖导致植物、传粉者的群落结构变化,促使其地理分布向更高纬度和更高海拔扩散,这可能潜在的导致两者空间分布的不匹配。(3)植物和传粉者通过增加或减少其丰富度来响应气候变暖,可能导致传粉网络结构特征发生变化。(4)面对气候变暖导致植物和传粉者间物候和地理分布错配所引发的互作改变、甚至解体,传粉网络可通过自身网络结构及快速进化来缓冲和适应。在今后研究中,以下几个问题值得探讨:1)气候变暖对植物-传粉者网络影响的大时空尺度变异模式。2)多因素协同作用对植物-传粉者网络的影响特征。3)全球气候变暖对植物、传粉者物候匹配性影响的机理。  相似文献   

研究人工林径向生长与气候变化的关系对全球气候变暖背景下人工林合理经营有着重要的意义。该文对在辽东山区广泛栽培的黄花落叶松(Larix olgensis)和日本落叶松(Larix kaempferi)人工林, 运用树木年轮气候学方法建立了辽宁草河口和湾甸子林场落叶松人工林年表, 分析了落叶松径向生长对气候变化的响应以及气候条件、树种、立地条件和林分因子(林龄、密度、蓄积量等)的相对影响程度。结果发现在影响年轮-气候关系的因素中, 气象因子的潜在蒸发散(PET)的影响力最大; 林龄、密度和蓄积量同时也具有重要的影响作用。中龄落叶松人工林径向生长主要与气温呈正相关关系, 成熟落叶松人工林径向生长主要与气温呈负相关关系; 而其他因素, 如树种、立地条件等的影响作用不大。这表明在气候变暖背景下随着林龄增加, 林分会逐渐受到气温升高导致的水分亏缺的限制, 导致明显的生长下降趋势, 因而气候变暖对成熟落叶松人工林威胁更为严重, 所以要注重对成熟林的优先保护, 同时可以预测, 随着东北地区今后气候进一步变暖, 可能将逐步影响到林龄更小的林分的生长, 因此需要进一步研究如何在落叶松人工林经营中采取科学的措施来更好地应对未来气候变化。  相似文献   

研究人工林径向生长与气候变化的关系对全球气候变暖背景下人工林合理经营有着重要的意义。该文对在辽东山区广泛栽培的黄花落叶松(Larix olgensis)和日本落叶松(Larix kaempferi)人工林,运用树木年轮气候学方法建立了辽宁草河口和湾甸子林场落叶松人工林年表,分析了落叶松径向生长对气候变化的响应以及气候条件、树种、立地条件和林分因子(林龄、密度、蓄积量等)的相对影响程度。结果发现在影响年轮-气候关系的因素中,气象因子的潜在蒸发散(PET)的影响力最大;林龄、密度和蓄积量同时也具有重要的影响作用。中龄落叶松人工林径向生长主要与气温呈正相关关系,成熟落叶松人工林径向生长主要与气温呈负相关关系;而其他因素,如树种、立地条件等的影响作用不大。这表明在气候变暖背景下随着林龄增加,林分会逐渐受到气温升高导致的水分亏缺的限制,导致明显的生长下降趋势,因而气候变暖对成熟落叶松人工林威胁更为严重,所以要注重对成熟林的优先保护,同时可以预测,随着东北地区今后气候进一步变暖,可能将逐步影响到林龄更小的林分的生长,因此需要进一步研究如何在落叶松人工林经营中采取科学的措施来更好地应对未来气候变化。  相似文献   

This review examines the direct effects of climate change on insect herbivores. Temperature is identified as the dominant abiotic factor directly affecting herbivorous insects. There is little evidence of any direct effects of CO2 or UVB. Direct impacts of precipitation have been largely neglected in current research on climate change. Temperature directly affects development, survival, range and abundance. Species with a large geographical range will tend to be less affected. The main effect of temperature in temperate regions is to influence winter survival; at more northerly latitudes, higher temperatures extend the summer season, increasing the available thermal budget for growth and reproduction. Photoperiod is the dominant cue for the seasonal synchrony of temperate insects, but their thermal requirements may differ at different times of year. Interactions between photoperiod and temperature determine phenology; the two factors do not necessarily operate in tandem. Insect herbivores show a number of distinct life‐history strategies to exploit plants with different growth forms and strategies, which will be differentially affected by climate warming. There are still many challenges facing biologists in predicting and monitoring the impacts of climate change. Future research needs to consider insect herbivore phenotypic and genotypic flexibility, their responses to global change parameters operating in concert, and awareness that some patterns may only become apparent in the longer term.  相似文献   

Recent Pan-Arctic shrub expansion has been interpreted as a response to a warmer climate. However, herbivores can also influence the abundance of shrubs in arctic ecosystems. We addressed these alternative explanations by following the changes in plant community composition during the last 10 years in permanent plots inside and outside exclosures with different mesh sizes that exclude either only reindeer or all mammalian herbivores including voles and lemmings. The exclosures were replicated at three forest and tundra sites at four different locations along a climatic gradient (oceanic to continental) in northern Fennoscandia. Since the last 10 years have been exceptionally warm, we could study how warming has influenced the vegetation in different grazing treatments. Our results show that the abundance of the dominant shrub, Betula nana , has increased during the last decade, but that the increase was more pronounced when herbivores were excluded. Reindeer have the largest effect on shrubs in tundra, while voles and lemmings have a larger effect in the forest. The positive relationship between annual mean temperature and shrub growth in the absence of herbivores and the lack of relationships in grazed controls is another indication that shrub abundance is controlled by an interaction between herbivores and climate. In addition to their effects on taller shrubs (>0.3 m), reindeer reduced the abundance of lichens, whereas microtine rodents reduced the abundance of dwarf shrubs (<0.3 m) and mosses. In contrast to short-term responses, competitive interactions between dwarf shrubs and lichens were evident in the long term. These results show that herbivores have to be considered in order to understand how a changing climate will influence tundra ecosystems.  相似文献   

Current predictions on species responses to climate change strongly rely on projecting altered environmental conditions on species distributions. However, it is increasingly acknowledged that climate change also influences species interactions. We review and synthesize literature information on biotic interactions and use it to argue that the abundance of species and the direction of selection during climate change vary depending on how their trophic interactions become disrupted. Plant abundance can be controlled by aboveground and belowground multitrophic level interactions with herbivores, pathogens, symbionts and their enemies. We discuss how these interactions may alter during climate change and the resulting species range shifts. We suggest conceptual analogies between species responses to climate warming and exotic species introduced in new ranges. There are also important differences: the herbivores, pathogens and mutualistic symbionts of range-expanding species and their enemies may co-migrate, and the continuous gene flow under climate warming can make adaptation in the expansion zone of range expanders different from that of cross-continental exotic species. We conclude that under climate change, results of altered species interactions may vary, ranging from species becoming rare to disproportionately abundant. Taking these possibilities into account will provide a new perspective on predicting species distribution under climate change.  相似文献   

Habitat connectivity is a key factor influencing species range dynamics. Rapid warming in the Arctic is leading to widespread heterogeneous shrub expansion, but impacts of these habitat changes on range dynamics for large herbivores are not well understood. We use the climate–shrub–moose system of northern Alaska as a case study to examine how shrub habitat will respond to predicted future warming, and how these changes may impact habitat connectivity and the distribution of moose (Alces alces). We used a 19 year moose location dataset, a 568 km transect of field shrub sampling, and forecasted warming scenarios with regional downscaling to map current and projected shrub habitat for moose on the North Slope of Alaska. The tall‐shrub habitat for moose exhibited a dendritic spatial configuration correlated with river corridor networks and mean July temperature. Warming scenarios predict that moose habitat will more than double by 2099. Forecasted warming is predicted to increase the spatial cohesion of the habitat network that diminishes effects of fragmentation, which improves overall habitat quality and likely expands the range of moose. These findings demonstrate how climate change may increase habitat connectivity and alter the distributions of shrub herbivores in the Arctic, including creation of novel communities and ecosystems.  相似文献   

Climate warming is known to have effects on population dynamics through variations in survival, fecundity and density. However, the impacts of climate change on population composition are still poorly documented. Morphotypes are powerful markers to track changes in population composition. In the common lizard, Lacerta vivipara , individuals display two types of dorsal patterns: reticulated (R individuals) and linear (L individuals). We examined how local warming affected intrapopulation frequencies of these morphotypes across 11 years. We observed changes in morph frequency of dorsal patterns across years, paralleling the rise of spring temperatures. The proportion of R individuals increased with June temperatures in juveniles, yearlings, and adult males and females. Three mechanisms could explain these changes: phenotypic plasticity, microevolution and/or dispersal between populations. We investigated the ontogenetic determinism, fitness and recruitment rates associated with dorsal morphotypes. Dorsal pattern ontogeny showed temperature dependence but this relationship was not associated with the warming trend during this study. We found variation by morphotype in survival and clutch size, but these factors did not explain R frequency increases. Among all the parameters considered in this study, only a decrease of immigration, which was more pronounced in the L morphotype, could explain the change in population composition. To our knowledge, this provides the first evidence of the impact of climate warming on population composition due to its effects on immigration.  相似文献   

全球变暖与陆地生态系统研究中的野外增温装置   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
由于化石燃料燃烧和森林砍伐等人类活动引起的地球大气层中温室气体(主要是二氧化碳)的富集已导致全球平均温度在20世纪升高了0.6 ℃,并将在本世纪继续上升1.4~5.8 ℃。这种地质历史上前所未有的全球变暖将对陆地植物和生态系统产生深远影响,并通过全球碳循环的改变反馈于全球气候变化。作为全球变化生态学的主要研究方法之一,生态系统增温实验能够为生态模型提供参数估计和模型验证。然而由于在世界各地使用的增温装置不同,使得各个生态系统之间的结果比较和整合难以实施,增加了模型预测的不确定性。该文通过比较几种常见的野外增温装置在模拟全球变暖情形时的优缺点,指出利用不同增温装置进行全球变暖研究中应注意的一些问题;同时探讨了全球变暖控制实验研究中的一些关键性的科学问题。  相似文献   

Ecosystems are simultaneously affected by biodiversity loss and climate change, but we know little about how these factors interact. We predicted that climate warming and CO (2) -enrichment should strengthen trophic cascades by reducing the relative efficiency of predation-resistant herbivores, if herbivore consumption rate trades off with predation resistance. This weakens the insurance effect of herbivore diversity. We tested this prediction using experimental ocean warming and acidification in seagrass mesocosms. Meta-analyses of published experiments first indicated that consumption rate trades off with predation resistance. The experiment then showed that three common herbivores together controlled macroalgae and facilitated seagrass dominance, regardless of climate change. When the predation-vulnerable herbivore was excluded in normal conditions, the two resistant herbivores maintained top-down control. Under warming, however, increased algal growth outstripped control by herbivores and the system became algal-dominated. Consequently, climate change can reduce the relative efficiency of resistant herbivores and weaken the insurance effect of biodiversity.  相似文献   

全球正经历以变暖为主要特征的气候变化,由此带来的干旱将对农业生态系统造成重要影响。本文综述了干旱胁迫下寄主植物对植食性昆虫及其天敌影响的国内外最新研究进展。在干旱胁迫下,寄主植物物理性状、营养状况和次生代谢物质等均发生变化,这些变化导致植食性昆虫的生存环境和营养物质的获取等方面发生改变,从而影响了害虫生长发育和种群动态。干旱胁迫还导致寄主物候变化与昆虫发生不同步,使害虫缺乏食物。另外干旱也会引起植食性害虫天敌的种群发生变化,从而对植食性昆虫种群数量产生间接的影响。  相似文献   

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