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种子的萌发或休眠均取决于萌发时种子内所建立起来的Pfr含量和Pfr/(Pr+Pfr)比值。种子内的Pfr水平受到诸多因素的影响。光中性种子在成熟时已存在适合萌发的Pfr水平;需光种子在不同程度地接受白光或红光照射后,方可达到适宜的Pfr水平;忌光种子萌发要求的Pfr水平较低,因此萌发需要较长时间的黑暗。种子的感光性不是绝对的,母株的生长条件、种子本身的成熟度、贮藏状况、光质、光流量、光周期、萌发温度、O2供应及某些化合物的处理等都可使种子的感光性发生改变。  相似文献   

光对种子休眠与萌发的影响(上)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
无论需光、忌光还是非感光性种子,其萌发或休眠,取决于萌发时种子内所建立起来的Pfr水平。种子内的Pfr水平受到诸多因素的影响。非感光种子在成熟时已存在适合萌发的Pfr水平;需光种子在不同程度地接受白光或红光照射后,方可达到适宜的Pfr水平;忌光种子萌发要求的Pfr水平较低,因此萌发需要较长时间黑暗。既使休眠的感光种子,萌发时对光暗的需求也不是绝对的,萌发温度、O2供应及某些化合物的处理等都可使种子  相似文献   

自50年代Borth wick等人报告莴苣(Grandrapids)种子萌发要求特定光谱和光敏素的作用机理以来,种子的需光性研究受到广泛的重视。已经确认光对种子萌发的效应是通过光敏素对红光和远红光的两种可逆转形式的 Pr 和Pfr 来实现的。尽管 Pfr 如何激活种子萌发的生理过程迄今还很少了解,但人们认为光敏素在种子光萌发中的作用是有其特定的生态学意义,尤其许多喜光先锋树种和杂草的细小种子  相似文献   

光对种子萌发的影响机理研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
种子萌发是植物成功实现天然更新的关键环节, 需要适宜的温度、水分或光照条件。对于需光性种子, 光照是决定其萌发与否或萌发率高低的主要因素。光对植物种子萌发的影响不仅是一个复杂的生理过程, 也是受到调控的信号传递和基因表达过程。该文系统总结了影响种子萌发的光照属性、光与水/热耦合作用和种子的光属性(光敏色素)与种子萌发的关系, 明确了光调控种子萌发的生态意义; 重点综述了种子内光敏色素调控种子萌发的生理反应模式和光敏色素的光信号转导途径。试图为全面评估光对种子萌发的影响和将来开展更深入的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

条叶百合种子萌发的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
研究了不同光、温对条叶百合(Lilium callosum)种子萌发的影响。研究结果表明:(1)避光条件下温度对栽培4年生条叶百合种子萌发影响最大,其种子萌发最适宜温度为25℃, 4~5天开始萌动, 1~2周萌发完全。随着温度的升高或降低其种子萌发率下降。但在5℃时萌发率又有大幅升高, 35℃种子萌发完全受到抑制。(2)同一果序不同位置果实的种子萌发以最下部果实为好,中间果实次之,上部最差。(3)同一果实内中部种子萌发最好,下部种子次之,上部种子最差,上、中、下三部分种子萌发率与其千粒重呈正相关。(4)在相同实验条件下,野生条叶百合与栽培4年生条叶百合种子萌发率一致,但萌发完全时间比栽培条叶百合多14天。(5)贮藏一年后条叶百合种子萌发率没有下降。  相似文献   

光对种子休眠与萌发的影响(下)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
光对种子休眠与萌发的影响(下)赵笃乐(北京农业大学农学系100094)(续1995年第30卷第7期第25页)1.4温度对种子感光性的影响种子感光性常受温度的影响。例如需光的莴苣(GroundRapids)品种的种子在10~20℃温度范围内,可以在黑暗...  相似文献   

光照和温度对滇丁香种子萌发的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了不同光照和温度条件对滇丁香(Luculia pinciana)种子萌发的影响。结果表明,滇丁香种子是需光种子,有明显的光休眠现象;种子在光下萌发的最适温度范围为20~25℃,8~10d开始萌发,2~3周萌发完全,萌发率可达97%,温度的升高或降低均会降低种子萌发率。在15~30℃,用250mg/L GA3处理24h能代替光照解除光休眠。  相似文献   

于洋  曹敏  盛才余  唐勇 《生态学报》2007,27(9):3556-3564
绒毛番龙眼(Pometia tomentosa)、琴叶风吹楠(Horsfieldia pandurifolia)、箭毒木(Antiaris toxicaria)和思茅木姜子(Litseapierrei var. szemois)是西双版纳热带季节雨林乔木层的优势树种,也属于珍稀濒危物种。实验研究了4个树种的种子在经过不同脱水水平、人工遮荫条件下的不同光照水平以及热带季节雨林之林下和林窗的萌发特性。结果显示:脱水对于种子萌发特征具有显著影响,绒毛番龙眼和琴叶风吹楠经48h的连续脱水后丧失了萌发能力;箭毒木和思茅木姜子具较强的脱水耐性,经96h的连续脱水后仍具有较高的种子含水量,且种子萌发率分别为15%和33%。干旱季散布的种子比雨季散布的种子具有更强的脱水耐性。遮荫及森林种子萌发试验中,除绒毛番龙眼外,其它3个树种的种子萌发率以及平均萌发周期在不同光水平或生境下差异显著。琴叶风吹楠和思茅木姜子在30%的光照以及林窗中心的萌发率要显著低于低光处理(10%和3.5%光照)和林下,而箭毒木在30%和10%光水平以及林窗中心获得较高萌发率。雨季传播的具有干燥敏感性的种子,可以减少种子由于干燥而引起的死亡。试验结果可以为4种珍稀濒危植物的保护和人工繁育提供一定理论依据。  相似文献   

种子萌发受种源和环境条件(如光照和温度条件等)的影响。种子萌发决定红松(Pinus koraiensis)的天然更新能力, 因此也是恢复地带性顶极群落阔叶红松林的关键。该研究以我国3个主要种源地(辽宁清原、吉林长白山和黑龙江伊春)当年的红松种子为对象, 监测自然光、温(不同季节、林窗和林下)和控制光、温(3个光照强度: 200、20和0 μmol·m-2·s-1, 记为L200、L20和L0; 2个温度: 25和15 ℃)条件下红松种子的萌发特征。结果表明, 自然越冬后, 春季(5月)所有种源种子均未萌发, 夏季(7月)和秋季(9月)各种源种子萌发率(GP)均较低(1.8%-33.7%), 但夏季林窗内各种源种子GP均显著高于林下。对林下各季节未萌发的种子, 带回室内给予适宜的光温条件(L200、25/15 ℃)后发现: 春季和夏季种子均能大量萌发(32%-77%), 而秋季种子GP极低(<2%)。25 ℃下, 3个种源地种子GP和萌发指数(GV)均呈现在L200条件下显著高于L20和L0处理。15 ℃条件下, 清原种子GP和GV对光照的响应与25 ℃条件下相一致, 长白山和伊春种子GP和GV分别在L0和L20处理下最高。所有光照强度下, 3个种源地种子GP和GV均为25 ℃处理显著高于15 ℃处理。可见, 适宜的温度是红松种子萌发的必要先决条件, 长白山和伊春红松种子可能需要更高的积温解除休眠; 适宜温度下(25 ℃), 红松种子表现出萌发需光性; 红松种子萌发对光、温的响应存在种源特异性, 长白山和伊春红松种子在相对低温下萌发需光性弱或消失。林下光、温条件不适宜红松种子萌发是造成红松林天然更新慢或更新差的重要原因。  相似文献   

影响杏黄兜兰种子萌发的因素   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
通过在不同条件下杏黄兜兰 (Paphiopedilumarmeniacum)种子萌发的观察 ,对影响其萌发的诸因子报道如下 :1)果实的生长期与种子的萌发率有关。实验表明种子采自生长期为 6 0d的果实 ,发芽率为 3 5 % ,采自 12 0d的果实 ,发芽率为 4 0 % ,采自 180d的果实 ,发芽率为 18 3%。 2 )培养基也会影响到种子的萌发 ,种子在 1 5MS内培养 ,萌发率明显高于培养于MS ,RE和改良HyponexNo 1内的种子。 3)培养基 (1 5MS)掺入添加物也会影响到种子的萌发率 ,如掺入 10 %椰子水会促使种子的萌发率达到很高的水平 ,掺入马铃薯泥 (5 0g L)或胰化胨 (2g L) ,种子的萌发率会达到较高的水平 ,而掺入香蕉泥则会对种子的萌发率产生负面影响 ,掺入活性炭 (2g L)会促使种子萌发和幼苗发育。 4 )与固态培养基相比 ,种子在液体悬浮培养基内的萌发速度更快 ,幼苗更为整齐划一。  相似文献   

Both red light (10 minutes) and 35°C treatment (60 minutes) stimulate the germination of seeds of Rumex obtusifolius otherwise maintained in darkness at 25°C. Fluence response curves were determined for the effect of red light to stimulate germination of seeds with and without 35°C treatment. The endogenous far-red absorbing form (Pfr) level in the seeds was determined using short saturating fluences of wavelengths of light which maintain different proportions of phytochrome as Pfr at equilibrium. In the seed batches investigated, the endogenous Pfr level was found to be 4% or less of the total phytochrome. High dark germination after 35°C treatment does not result from an increase in sensitivity of the whole population to Pfr. Calculated fluence response curves for germination which best fit the experimental data suggest that seeds germinate in darkness after 35°C treatment because of a nonphytochrome-related process (overriding factor).  相似文献   

种子休眠与破眠机理研究进展   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:29  
李蓉  叶勇 《西北植物学报》2005,25(11):2350-2355
种子休眠机理主要围绕透性、抑制剂作用和光敏素转化等方面的研究而建立。种皮的阻碍作用可能是由于种皮的物理或化学特性引起.可导致对水、光、气体或溶质的透性改变。抑制剂作用机理是抑制物质可抵消促进细胞分裂和生长发育的激素的作用。光敏素转化机理来源于与休眠有关的生物活性化学物质的合成、活化或破坏受光诱导的观点,由于发现了光敏素蓝色蛋白的活化型(Pfr)和钝化型(Pr)而得到强有力的支持,种子光休眠取决于光敏素蓝色蛋白的活化型(Pfr)含量和Pfr/(Pr+Pfr)比值。目前,打破休眠的方法一般有机械破皮法、激素处理法、分子生物学技术法、物理处理法(如激光、烟、热等处理技术)、CO2处理法等。激素的平衡由抑制剂占优势向促进物占优势的变化是打破休眠的决定因素。研究破眠机理的分子生物学技术有多种,包括ABA突变体的利用、分子标记、转基因技术、用反义RAN阻止基因的表达、cDNA克隆技术等。用激光照射种子,把适宜的光射入细胞,可增加细胞生物能,促进种子发育,从而可能打破休眠。热处理的机理是由于加热可以增加种皮的透气性。CO2之所以能提高某些物种的萌发率,在于其影响了种子内部乙烯的敏感性。  相似文献   

Model for variable light sensitivity in imbibed dark-dormant seeds   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The level of light-induced germination of the seed of common purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) and curly dock (Rumex crispus L.) changes with dark incubation time prior to brief, low energy, red light treatment. The rate at which phytochrome—far red-absorbing form (Pfr) acts in the light-induced population of seeds was measured by quantitating per cent reversals of the red light effect with saturating far red light exposures at successive times after the red light exposure. A linear positive correlation was found between this rate and the final germination level. These results are compatible with a model involving changing levels, during dark incubation, of a component with which Pfr interacts. In this model, germination is initiated after attainment of a certain level of interaction between Pfr and this component. These findings also support the view that the Pfr to Pr decay rate constant and total phytochrome level are stable during dark incubation.  相似文献   

Seeds of the wild type (WT) and of the phyA and phyB mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana were exposed to single red light (R)/far-red light (FR) pulses predicted to establish a series of calculated phytochrome photoequilibria (Pfr/P). WT and phyB seeds showed biphasic responses to Pfr/P. The first phase, i.e. the very-low-fluence response (VLFR), occurred below Pfr/P = 10-1%. The second phase, i.e. the low-fluence response, occurred above Pfr/P = 3%. The VLFR was similarly induced by either a FR pulse saturating photoconversion or a subsaturating R pulse predicted to establish the same Pfr/P. The VLFR was absent in phyA seeds, which showed a strong low-fluence response. In the field, even brief exposures to the very low fluences of canopy shade light (R/FR ratio < 0.05) promoted germination above dark controls in WT and phyB seeds but not in the phyA mutant. Seeds of the phyA mutant germinated normally under canopies providing higher R/FR ratios or under deep canopy shade light supplemented with R from light-emitting diodes. We propose that phytochrome A mediates VLFR of A. thaliana seeds.  相似文献   

Changes in Endogenous Cytokinins of Lettuce Seed during Germination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using the soybean callus bioassay it has been shown that dormant lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids) contain large amounts of water soluble cytokinins and small amounts of butanol soluble ones. When the seeds are irradiated with red light, or imbibed with 5 mg/1 gibberellic acid in the dark, the total cytokinin content of the seeds decreases, the level of water soluble cytokinins decreases, and the level of the butanol soluble cytokinins increases. Far-red light does not reverse this effect completely although cytokinin activity in the butanol extracts decreases following such irradiation. It is proposed that the interconversion of cytokinins initiated by red light, or gibberellic acid in the dark, is one of the primary events leading to radicle elongation in light-sensitive lettuce seed.  相似文献   

Temperature and kinetic studies were performed to examine the mechanism by which prechilling stimulates phytochrome-dependent seed germination in lettuce, Lactuca sativa, L. cv. Grand Rapids. Imbibed seeds were given a short far red irradiation and one day of dark incubation at 20 C to establish very low levels of the far red-absorbing form of phytochrome—(Pfr). Germination was greatly stimulated by subsequent prechilling treatments when they were followed by a second short far red irradiation. Prechilling therefore increased germination sensitivity to the low, normally inhibitory Pfr levels established by far red irradiation. This sensitivity increased with lowered prechilling temperature to a maximum near 4 C. It was linearly dependent upon duration of prechilling at 4 C up to a near maximal response at 10 hours, and it decayed in a converse manner when seeds were returned to 20 C after 10 hours at 4 C. Prechilling also increased germination responses to subsequent periods of high levels of Pfr which were initiated by red and terminated by far red irradiations. High Pfr periods adequate to promote the germination of unchilled seeds produced sharp inflections at 18 C in the dependence of germination on prechilling temperature. Rates of phytochrome potentiation of germination were not affected by prechilling. The response to prechilling fit a mechanism involving homeoviscous adaptation of membrane lipids to temperature.  相似文献   

Seeds irradiated with red light and then re-dried will respondto this light treatment on subsequent rehydration in the dark.If such high-Pfr seeds are irradiated in the dry state withfar-red light immediately before rehydration the percentagegermination is significantly reduced in the case of Plantagomajor and Sinapis arvensis but increased in Bromus steriliswhere Pfr inhibits germination. This effect of far-red lightcan be reversed by red light despite the fact that red lightalone has no effect on dry seed. This is due to the interconversionof Pfr and the red light absorbing phytochrome intermediatecomplex meta-Fa. If there is a delay between far-red irradiationand rehydration of Sinapis seeds, the inhibitory effect of thefar-red irradiation becomes progressively less the longer thedelay. This reduction in effectiveness of far-red is interpretedin terms of a dark reversal of meta-Fa to Pfr with a half-lifeof about 4–6 h. The reappearance of Pfr is either veryslow or docs not occur in dehydrated Plantago seeds, as far-redtight given 96 h prior to hydration is just as inhibitory asfar-red light given immediately before hydration. Meta-Fa doesappear to revert to Pfr in darkness in Bromus seeds, but onlyvery slowly. The rapid increase in effectiveness of red irradiationduring rehydration of high-Pfr Plantago seeds suggests that,in this species, the pre-treatment used in preparation of high-Pfrseeds may increase the receptivity or amount of the Pfr reactionpartner. Key words: Phytochrome intermediates, Seeds, Germination  相似文献   

Freshly-harvested and dried seeds of Bromus sterilis L. withrespectively 52-54% and less than 10% moisture contents, differedmarkedly in their rates of germination and in their responsesto light. Dried seeds attained full germination in darknessat 15 ?C by 4 d from sowing and were inhibited by the formationof Pfr. In contrast, freshly-harvested seeds required 3-4 weeksto attain maximum germination and were promoted by Pfr. Themodified photoresponse of the seeds was induced only when theseeds were dried in an alternating temperature regime. The resultsare discussed in relation to the importance of desiccation asthe trigger for the transition from the developmental to thegerminative and growth phases of seed maturation of Bromus steriliswhich is well-documented in seeds of other species. Key words: Bromus sterilis, desiccation, light  相似文献   

Seeds of paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) were induced to germinate by prechilling at 3 C or by red light. The light requirement was mediated by phytochrome and the action of phytochrome during prechilling was investigated. Red irradiation (R) prior to prechilling markedly enhanced the effectiveness of the prechilling treatment in inducing subsequent germination at 18 C. Reversal of this enhancement by far-red irradiation (FR) was more effective when FR was supplied after a 1-week prechill treatment than after a 2-week treatment. The R enhancement effect exhibited a sharp drop as prechilling temperature was increased from 5 to 7 C. This decline is consistent with a membrane phase transition at about 7 C where Pfr action is diminished by a loss in sensitivity of its receptor sites. Although phytochrome action was observed during prechilling treatments, the seeds failed to germinate at prechilling temperatures. Therefore, it was concluded that while potentiation of germination by Pfr occurred during prechilling, some other reaction(s) leading to radicle protrusion requires higher temperatures. In one seed source loss of germination potential was observed with protracted storage at 3 C. This was prevented by R supplied during the prechilling treatment. Taken collectively the data suggest that action of phytochrome during prechilling is accentuated in these seeds by two factors: (a) an increase in the sensitivity (or number) of Pfr receptor sites; and (b) preservation of Pfr by deferment of thermal reversion.  相似文献   

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