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中华鳖肝金属硫蛋白的分离、纯化及鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金属硫蛋白metallothionein,MT)是一类低分子量、富含半胱氨酸的金属结合蛋白。MT几乎广泛分布于所有生物,包括哺乳动物、两栖动物、鱼、植物、真菌和蓝细菌,不同生物金属硫蛋白理化特性和其氨基酸序列及中心片段的比较研究,对研究MT的结构和生物功能及生物的分子进化提供重要依据。哺乳动物MT研究较多,爬行动物鳖MT的研究尚属空白,本文报道鳖肝的金属硫蛋白,中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)分别经皮下注射ZnSO4,CuSO4和CdCl2溶液诱导后,取乙醇沉淀的肝脏无细胞提取液再经SephadexG-50、DEAE-SepharoseCL-6B及SephadexG-25凝胶过滤和离子交换柱层析分离,自鳖肝脏中分别获得Zn-MT、Cu-MT和Cd-MT,未经诱导的鳖肝脏中无MT,质谱和HPLC分析其分子量约为6300dalton。根据氨基酸组成分析。鳖肝脏MT含61个氨基酸残基,其中MT的典型氨基酸Cys含量占17%。Lys,Glu和Asp含量较高,而芳香族氨基酸和组氨酸含量极低,从紫外光谱特性分析,Zn-MT、Cu-MT、Cd-MT紫外吸收肩分别在220nm、270nm和250nm。表明确为鳖肝脏MT。从氨基酸残基数和分子量看,鳖肝脏MT与哺乳动物MT类似;而从氨基酸组成和结合金属离子的量看,又与低等生物蚯蚓酵母菌的MT类似。鳖MT的特性介于哺乳动物MT与低等生物MT之间,体现了鳖这种生物进化的特点。  相似文献   

Toll样受体(Toll-like receptors,TLR)(或Toll)通过与各种病原相关分子模式(pathogen associated molecular patterns,PAMP)的识别和特异结合,广泛参与各种天然免疫应答,目前已在线虫类、软体动物、节肢动物、棘皮动物及低等脊索类的后口动物等多种无脊椎动物中发现大量的TLR及同源蛋白.TLR在进化中高度保守,其功能随着动物进化中免疫机能的复杂化而多样化.这些研究成果将会不断加深对无脊椎动物天然免疫系统的起源、进化路线及其信号转导机制的认识.  相似文献   

动物胚胎发育讲座(二):文昌鱼的胚胎发生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张天荫 《生物学通报》1994,29(8):25-27,40
动物胚胎发育讲座(二)──文昌鱼的胚胎发生张天荫(山东大学生物学系济南250100)从无脊椎动物进化到脊椎动物的过程中,文昌鱼具有重要的位置,其成体结构和胚胎发生与无脊椎动物(如棘皮动物)有许多相似之处:如表皮为单层上皮,其外有角质层,结缔组织不发达...  相似文献   

1998年期刊目录索引选(动物部分)(三)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1无脊椎动物遗传(染色体、同功酶)、形态、分类、寄生虫学等盘旋线虫属一新种———细尾盘旋线虫(线虫纲:垫刃目:纽带科)刘维志赵洪海段玉玺动物分类学报1998,23(3):225~228膜壳绦虫属二新种(绦虫纲:圆叶目:膜壳科)林宇光李海云洪凌仙动物分...  相似文献   

金属硫蛋白(metallothionein,MT)是一类低分子量、富含半胱氨酸的金属结合蛋白.MT几乎广泛分布于所有生物,包括哺乳动物、两栖动物、鱼、植物、真菌和蓝细菌.不同生物金属硫蛋白理化特性和其氨基酸序列及中心片段的比较研究,对研究MT的结构和生物功能及生物的分子进化提供重要依据.哺乳动物MT研究较多,爬行动物鳖MT的研究尚属空白,本文报道鳖肝的金属硫蛋白.中华鳖 (Pelodiscus sinensis) 分别经皮下注射ZnSO4、CuSO4和CdCl2 溶液诱导后,取乙醇沉淀的肝脏无细胞提取液再经Sephadex G-50、DEAE-SepharoseCL-6B 及SephadexG-25凝胶过滤和离子交换柱层析分离,自鳖肝脏中分别获得Zn-MT、Cu-MT和Cd-MT,未经诱导的鳖肝脏中无MT.质谱和HPLC分析其分子量约为6 300 dalton.根据氨基酸组成分析,鳖肝脏MT含61个氨基酸残基,其中MT的典型氨基酸Cys含量占17%.Lys、Glu和Asp含量较高,而芳香族氨基酸和组氨酸含量极低.从紫外光谱特性分析,Zn-MT、Cu-MT、Cd-MT紫外吸收肩分别在220 nm、270 nm和250 nm.表明确为鳖肝脏MT.从氨基酸残基数和分子量看,鳖肝脏MT与哺乳动物MT类似;而从氨基酸组成和结合金属离子的量看,又与低等生物蚯蚓及酵母菌的MT类似.鳖MT的特性介于哺乳动物MT与低等生物MT之间,体现了鳖这种生物进化的特点.  相似文献   

邱占祥 《化石》1998,(2):3-6
虎剑齿虎及其进化邱占祥虎在动物分类学上属哺乳动物纲有胎盘亚纲肉食目猫科。现生的猫科动物,按照体形和叫声可以大致地划分为两类:即小型的“喵”叫的猫类,和大型的“吼”叫的虎类(包括狮、虎、豹等)。所有这些猫科动物,不管它们在体形大小和皮毛花色上有多大的差...  相似文献   

基因倍增和脊椎动物起源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
有机体基因复制导致基因复杂性增加及其和脊椎动物起源的关系已经成为进化生物学研究的热点。20世纪70年代由Ohno提出后经Holland等修正的原始脊索动物经两轮基因组复制产生脊椎动物的假设目前已被广泛接受。脊椎动物起源和进化过程中发生过两轮基因组复制的主要证据有三点:(1)据估计脊椎动物基因组内编码基因数目大约相当于果蝇、海鞘等无脊椎动物的4倍;原口动物如果蝇和后口动物如头索动物文昌鱼的基因组大都只有单拷贝的基因,而脊椎动物的基因组则通常有4个同属于一个家族的基因。(2)无脊椎动物如节肢动物、海胆和头索动物文昌鱼都只有一个Hox基因簇,而脊椎动物除鱼类外,有7个具有Hox基因簇,其余都具有4个Hox基因簇。(3)基因作图证明,不但在鱼类和哺乳动物染色体广大片段上基因顺序相似,而且有证据显示哺乳动物基因组不同染色体之间存在相似性。据认为第一次基因倍增发生在脊椎动物与头索动物分开之后,第二次基因倍增发生在有颌类脊椎动物和无颌类脊椎动物分开以后。但是,基因是逐个发生倍增,还是通过基因组内某些DNA片段抑或整个基因组的加倍而实现的,目前还颇有争议。  相似文献   

哺乳动物进化过程中体重增大的原因浅析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
作者认为,哺乳动物进化过程中体型增大有4个方面的原因,即:(1)较大的种类在与利用相同资源的较小种类的竞争中具有优势;(2)为了避免激烈的种间竞争,一些种类专门利用某些只适合于体型较大者利用的资源;(3)某些食草动物依靠增大体型来增强对付天敌的能力;(4)捕食者—猎物之间的协同进化导致两者体型增大。这些机制反映了竞争作用,捕食作用以及资源利用的特化对哺乳动物进化过程的影响。文章还分析了贝格曼定律不能说明恒温动物体型增大机制的原因,并用化石证据对贝格曼定律的种种误解给予阐释。此外,对体型特大化的哺乳动物在第四纪冰期灭绝的原因给出了一个纯生态学意义的解释。  相似文献   

脊椎动物是脊索动物门中的一个亚门,它构造进步、种类繁多(化石的和现生的),各大类间的进化关系比较清楚,且最后进化出我们人类自己,因而被人们所重视,并乐于了解它们的进化历程。脊索动物无疑是从无脊椎动物进化来的。但到底哪一类无脊椎动物是脊索动物的祖先?各说不一,几乎各大类无脊椎动物均被考虑过,终无定论。目前比较占优势的一种说法认为棘  相似文献   

彭以莉 《化石》1996,(4):27-29
古生代的海洋无脊椎动物彭以莉编译在研究古生代海洋无脊椎动物群落发生的变化时,我们不一定要把注意力放在无脊椎动物的每一个门上。而是要考察此时期内海洋无脊椎动物整个群落的进化过程,特别是考察进化过程中的主要特征和主要变化。为此,我们先来研究一下现存海洋生...  相似文献   

Mice with null mutations for metallothionein genes MT-1 and MT-2 were used to study the role that metallothionein plays in protecting cellular targets in vivo from oxidative stress. Wild-type (MT(+/+)) and MT-null (MT(-/-)) mice were treated with either saline or zinc and exposed to two types of oxidative stress: gamma-irradiation or 2-nitropropane. There was no alteration in the antioxidant defense system (superoxide dismutase, catalase, or glutathione peroxidase and glutathione levels) to compensate for the lack of the metallothionein in the MT(-/-) mice. The amount of oxidative damage to liver DNA, lipids, and proteins were similar for the MT(-/-) and MT(+/+) mice even though the levels of metallothionein in the livers of the saline- or zinc-pretreated MT(+/+) mice were 5- to 100-fold greater than found in the MT(-/-) mice. To determine if metallothionein can protect mice from the lethal effects of ionizing radiation, the mean survivals of MT(-/-) and MT(+/+) mice exposed to whole body gamma-irradiation were measured and found to be similar. However, the mean survival increased significantly after zinc pretreatment for both the MT(-/-) and MT(+/+) mice. These results demonstrate that tissue levels of metallothionein do not protect mice in vivo against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Human metallothionein genes: structure of the functional locus at 16q13   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The functional human metallothionein (MT) genes are located on chromosome 16q13. We have physically mapped the functional human MT locus by isolation and restriction digest mapping of cloned DNA. The mapped region contains all sequences on chromosome 16 that hybridize to metallothionein gene probes and comprises 14 tightly linked MT genes, 6 of which have not been previously described. This analysis defines the genetic limits of metallothionein functional diversity in the human genome.  相似文献   

We have examined potent peroxynitrite ion (ONOO-) generator 3-morpholinosydnonimine (SIN-1)-induced neurotoxicity in control wild-type (control(wt)) mice, metallothionein double knockout (MT(dko)) mice, metallothionein-transgenic (MT(trans)) mice, and in cultured human dopaminergic (SK-N-SH) neurons to determine the neuroprotective potential of metallothionein against ONOO(-)-induced neurodegeneration in Parkinson disease (PD). SIN-1-induced lipid peroxidation, reactive oxygen species synthesis, caspase-3 activation, and apoptosis were attenuated by metallothionein gene overexpression and augmented by metallothionein gene down-regulation. A progressive nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurodegeneration in weaver mutant (wv/wv) mice was associated with enhanced nitrite ion synthesis, metallothionein down-regulation, and significantly reduced dopamine synthesis and 18F-DOPA uptake as determined by high-resolution micropositron emission tomography neuroimaging. The striatal (18)F-DOPA uptake was significantly higher in MT(trans) mice than in MT(dko) and alpha-synuclein knockout (alpha-Syn(ko)) mice. These observations provide further evidence that nitric oxide synthase activation and ONOO- synthesis may be involved in the etiopathogenesis of PD, and that metallothionein gene induction may provide neuroprotection.  相似文献   

The sequence of six amino acid residues -Ser-Cys-Cys-Ser-Cys-Cys- is present in all mammalian metallothionein sequences and has been highly conserved during evolution, although the metallothioneins have divergent primary sequences. To determine whether two serines in the sequence play a crucial role in metalbinding of metallothioneins, a mutant metallothionein with these two serines replaced by leucines was obtained using anEscherichia coli expression system. The expressed protein was analyzed for its chemical and spectroscopic properties. It was confirmed that the mutant metallothionein (MT) bound cadmium through a metal-thiolate complex and that there was no strong difference between the mutant and the wild-type MTs in retaining the metal-binding cluster. However, the metal-binding cluster of the mutant metallothionein was more unstable than that of the wild-type metallothionein. The two conservative serines could play a role in the stability of metal-binding ligands.  相似文献   

The regulation of metallothionein (MT) gene expression in a cadmium resistant CHO cell line which overproduces MT was examined in this study. Our results show that MT mRNA levels reach a maximum 24-30 h after a primary zinc exposure and, subsequently, MT mRNA concentrations decline. This decrease in MT mRNA levels can be correlated with the accumulation of metallothionein and decreased rates of zinc and cadmium uptake.  相似文献   

蓝藻的类金属硫蛋白及其研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
单细胞蓝藻中的类金属硫蛋白已经得到分离纯化,并在蛋白质水平上与标准的哺乳动物金属硫蛋白做了对比性分析,发现二者氨基酸组成和序列差异很大,前者只形成一个结构域,但二级结构和金属结合性质具有一定的相似性,是进化上功能趋同的表现.同时克隆并分析了它的基因ORF结构,研究了金属诱导和逆向转录抑制对于蛋白质表达的调控及类似于哺乳动物金属硫蛋白基因具有的放大和重排现象机理,提出了近期研究的重点和方向.  相似文献   

Bismuth complexes are widely used as anti-ulcer drugs and can significantly reduce the side effects of platinum anti-cancer drugs. Bismuth is known to induce the synthesis of metallothionein (MT) in the kidney, but there are few chemical studies on the interactions of bismuth complexes with metallothionein. Here we show that Bi(3+) binds strongly to metallothionein with a stoichiometry bismuth:MT = 7:1 (Bi(7)MT) and can readily displace Zn(2+) and Cd(2+). Bismuth is still bound to the protein even in strongly acidic solutions (pH 1). Reactions of bismuth citrate with MT are faster than those of [Bi(EDTA)](-), and both exhibit biphasic kinetics. (1)H NMR data show that Zn(2+) is displaced faster than Cd(2+), and that both Zn(2+) and Cd(2+) in the beta-domain (three metal cluster) of MT are displaced by Bi(3+) much faster than from the alpha-domain (four metal cluster). The extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectrum of Bi(7)MT is very similar to that for the glutathione and N-acetyl-L-cysteine complexes [Bi(GS)(3)] and [Bi(NAC)(3)] with an inner coordination sphere of three sulfur atoms and average Bi-S distances of 2.55 A. Some sites appear to contain additional short Bi-O bonds of 2.2 A and longer Bi-S bonds of 3.1 A. The Bi(3+) sites in Bi(7)MT are therefore highly distorted in comparison with those of Zn(2+) and Cd(2+).  相似文献   

To determine the relationship between cellular uptake of cadmium and content of metallothionein, we measured uptake of 109Cd in cells that differed in content of metallothionein (MT). MT cells were derived from NIH/3T3 cells by transfection with a plasmid containing the genome of bovine papilloma virus and the mouse metallothionein-I gene, driven by the promotor for the glucose-regulated protein of 78 kDa. Control cells were similarly transfected with bovine papilloma virus-based plasmids with the gene for metallothionein inverted and thus separated from the promoter (TM), or deleted, along with the promoter (BPA). The number of copies of bovine papilloma virus-based plasmids was similar in MT, TM, and BPA cells, approximately 100 per cell. MT cells were more than 10 times more resistant to the lethal effect of cadmium than were the control cells. Synthesis of metallothionein was 15-fold greater in the MT cells than in the TM or BPA cells. The uptake of 109Cd by the cells enriched in metallothionein was 4-fold less than by the control cells. These data suggest that an increased content of metallothionein may protect some cells from the toxic effects of cadmium, in part, by diminishing uptake of the metal.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, hepatocytes were used to study the expression of metallothionein (MT) genes in response to steroid hormone treatment. The expression pattern was compared to that of an immortal cell line (RTH-149). MT mRNA accumulated in both cell cultures after exposure to zinc while 17 beta-oestradiol had no effect in either system. Treatment with cortisol and corticosterone resulted in a 2-fold increase of metallothionein mRNA levels in the primary cultures but had no effect in the RTH-149 cell culture. Primary cultures that were exposed to zinc or cortisol showed a high temporal correlation (r = 0.974) between MT mRNA and MT protein levels. The basal level expression was 3-4-fold higher in primary cultures than in RTH-149 cells. The present study demonstrates the inducibility of rainbow trout MT genes in response to glucocorticoids. It further indicates that primary cultures are to be preferred to immortal cell lines when investigating the inducibility of MT mRNA.  相似文献   

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