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大珠母贝3个养殖种群的遗传多样性初步分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
大珠母贝(Pinctada maxima Jameson),俗称白蝶贝,是最大型的一种养殖海水珍珠的贝类,最大个体壳高达30cm以上,体重大于5k,是生产大型海水优质珍珠最理想的珠母贝。根据贝壳内表面外周珍珠质颜色的差异,可以分为金唇(Gold-lip,G)贝、银唇(Silver-lip,S)贝和黄唇(Yellow-lip,Y)贝等。  相似文献   

5种常见珍珠贝的系统发育和遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用RAPD标记分析了珠母贝属常见的马氏珠母贝、大珠母贝、珠母贝、解氏珠母贝以及珍珠贝属常见企鹅珍珠贝的系统发育,同时分析了马氏珠母贝和大珠母贝不同地理种群的遗传多样性,并以邻接法(neighbor-joining,NJ)构建了种间及种群间的系统分支图.结果表明:(1)在珍珠贝5种9个种群中,大珠母贝的4个种群最早聚在一起分别成为2个姊妹群,这2个姊妹群聚合为1个单元群后,又与珠母贝聚在一起,然后才与马氏珠母贝姊妹群聚合成的单元群聚合,再与解氏珠母贝聚合,最后才与企鹅珍珠贝聚合;(2)珠母贝属4种珍珠贝进化程度由低到高的等级顺序为解氏珠母贝-马氏珠母贝-珠母贝-大珠母贝;解氏珠母贝是最晚形成的种类;(3)比较5种珍珠贝野生种群的Nei's多样性和Shannon多样性值为:马氏珠母贝(0.411 1和0.593 3)>珠母贝(0.397 1和0.578 4)>企鹅珠母贝(0.383 1和0.549 3)>大珠母贝(0.338 8和0.499 9)>解氏珠母贝(0.301 6和0.445 2);(4)无论是马氏珠母贝,还是大珠母贝,野生种群的遗传多样性值均大于养殖种群.  相似文献   

丁小雷  何毛贤  邓凤姣  张锡元 《遗传》2004,26(3):319-324
测定了双壳纲不同科、属、种及种内共11个个体的核糖体RNA 18S-ITS1序列。结果表明,该序列在种间存在很高的多态性,长度从558bp到784bp不等,碱基差异百分比在10.7%~61.7%之间,ITS1序列同源性很低,有片段的插入与缺失。种间18S部分序列碱基差异百分比在0.9%~23.7%之间,变化主要是碱基的转换。用邻接法(NJ)构建了8个种的18S部分序列(约240bp)的系统发育树,与传统形态学分类结果相符。马氏珠母贝(Pinctada martrtensi)4个不同地域个体间的序列差异百分比在0.6%~1.9%之间。分析指出:18S基因可以作为双壳纲动物高阶元系统发育的分子标记;ITS1序列种间变化很大,可以应用于该纲物种的分类及鉴别.在亲缘关系相近种及种内变异相对较小,但核苷酸变异位点信息量丰富,可用于属内种间、亚种和群体间的遗传多样性研究。  相似文献   

应用nrDNA ITS和ETS序列探讨了樟科Lauraceae黄肉楠属Actinodaphne的系统演化关系。对得到的3个序列矩阵(ITS、ETS和ITS/ETS),采用MP(maximum parsimony),ML(maximum likelihood)和Bayesian33分析方法进行了系统发育分析。结果显示,本文选的黄肉楠属Actinodaphne物种与所选的月棒族中的外类群靠近并混和在一起,进一步证实了本属为一个复系类群。结合对传统的形态学性状的重新认识,认为花序类型特征可能是重新界定黄肉楠属的最重要的性状,具有相同化序类型的物种可能具有相同的起源。然而,由于取样数量相对较少以及对矩阵的中.独分析存在一定的差异,还需更详细的研究来验证本文对黄肉楠属系统演化关系的假设,并进一步更精确地重建本属的系统发育关系。  相似文献   

分析了老芒麦和垂穗披碱草rDNA-ITS序列,为这两个种的鉴别提供分子指纹图谱,为系统发育提供分子生物学依据。结果表明,22份材料的ITS、ITS1、5.8S、ITS2序列长度均相同,依次为604bp、222bp、164bp、218bp,GC含量依次为62.25%~63.08%,62.16%~63.06%,59.76%,64.22%~65.60%。除5.8S外,碱基位点都有不同程度的变化,一些变异位点有明显的种性变异规律,可作为老芒麦和垂穗披碱草种质DNA指纹特异鉴别位点。7个ITS序列的同源性98.7%~99.8%,遗传分歧0.2~1.3,具有保守性,为非近期分化类群。系统发育分析表明不同来源地的同种材料,差异主要表现在DNA变化快慢及碱基替换数,但相同的种归为一类,进一步反映了种内的遗传稳定性。  相似文献   

RAPD分析与ITS序列分析在拟茎点霉分类鉴定上的应用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
采用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术和核糖体RNA基因(rDNA)转录间隔区(ITS)序列分析对22种拟茎点霉共34个菌株进行了系统发育研究,RAPD分析构建的UPGMA聚类图所反映的种间,种内关系与形态学分类结果基本一致。可以清楚地将分自7科寄主植物上的不同的种分别区分开来,但分自同科或同属寄主植物上的不同的种并不具有相近的亲缘关系,ITS序列分析结果不支持将Phomopsis mangiferae Ahmad和P.cytosporella Penz.et Sacc.合并为同一个种的观点,同时还.mangiferae与P.sidii de Camara的亲缘关系非常近,可能是异名同物;而为害木棉叶的拟茎点霉与杨梅枝枯病菌,P.myricaeY.J.Huang et P.K.Chi之间的碱基差异亦属于种下不同菌株间的正常差别范围,很可能就是同一个种,对相同的供试菌株两技术所反映的亲缘关系趋势相同,表明两技术用于拟茎点霉的亲缘关系分析和种类鉴定均是可行的。  相似文献   

测定了双壳纲不同科、属、种及种内共11个个体的核糖体RNA 18S-ITS1序列。结果表明,该序列在种间存在很高的多态性,长度从558bp到784bp不等,碱基差异百分比在10.7%~61.7%之间,ITS1序列同源性很低,有片段的插入与缺失。种间18S部分序列碱基差异百分比在0.9%~23.7%之间,变化主要是碱基的转换。用邻接法(NJ)构建了8个种的18S部分序列(约240bp)的系统发育树,与传统形态学分类结果相符。马氏珠母贝(Pinctada martensi)4个不同地域个体间的序列差异百分比在0.6%~1.9%之间。分析指出:18S基因可以作为双壳纲动物高阶元系统发育的分子标记;ITS1序列种间变化很大,可以应用于该纲物种的分类及鉴别,在亲缘关系相近种及种内变异相对较小,但核苷酸变异位点信息量丰富,可用于属内种间、亚种和群体间的遗传多样性研究。  相似文献   

合浦珠母贝和长耳珠母贝的生化遗传变异   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
用淀粉凝胶电泳测定了养殖合浦珠母贝以及野生合浦珠母贝和长耳珠母贝的8—13个蛋白和同工酶座位的遗传变异。合浦珠母贝每个座位观察到的平均等位基因数为2.63,而长耳珠母贝为2.15。它们多型座位(P≤0.99)的比例则分别为0.750和0.692。由野生贝经人工育苗繁育出来的养殖合浦珠母贝的平均杂合度比野生合浦珠母贝的高近一倍(0.223和0.113),而野生合浦珠母贝和野生长耳珠母贝的平均杂合度水平相近(0.113和0.157)。两个合浦珠母贝群体相比较遗传相似度(Ⅰ)和遗传距(D)为0.992和0.008,野生合浦珠母贝和野生长耳珠母贝相比较为0.252和1.379。 两个种的三个群体样本中都有杂合子缺失现象,这可能是由自然选择和Wahlund效应所引起的。  相似文献   

基于ITS与trnL—F序列探讨槭树科的系统发育   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
报道了槭树科41种(其中槭属39种0植物的trnL-F和ITS序列(其中部分种的ITS序列为重新测定),以期通过分子手段对槭树科内部尤其是复杂的槭属的系统发育关系进行重建。以无患子科和七叶树科为外类群,基于对57个种单独的ITS序列(包括从GenBank下载的16种的序列),41种trnL-F序列及41种两序列的联合数据,分析采用最大简约法(Maximum Parsimony Method)和邻接法(Neighbor-Joining Method)对槭树科的系统发育进行了分析。结果显示,整个槭树科为一单系类群;金钱槭位于槭树科的基部;但由于云南金钱槭(Dipteronia dyerana)聚在槭属内部,认为金钱槭属和槭属均可能是非单系类群;槭属内组间关系的支持率普遍较低,但多数组的组内关系得到了较好的支持。将两个片段结合比单独的ITS或trnL-F分析能更好地解决槭属内部的系统关系,其中sect,Palmata和sect.Micrcarpa,sect,Platanoidea,sect,Lithocarpa和sect.Macrophylla,sect,Integrifolia.Trifoliata和sect Pentaphylla,以及sect.Acer,sect.Goniocarpa和sect.Saccharina(sensu Ogata)的组间亲缘关系得到了一定的支持,但对其中部分组的划分可能应做进一步调整。重新评价了徐廷志系统中对sect.Rubra和sect.Saccharodendron的处理。  相似文献   

测定了簇毛黄耆亚属(Pogonophace)4组8种和外类群Caragana roborovskyi的ITS序列,从GenBank中调出相关12属47种的ITS序列,组成数据距阵,应用PAUP程序中的最大简约法构建了系统发育树状图。扁荚组(Sect.Sesbanella)与亚属其余类群在系统树上处于不同的分支,亲缘关系较远这个亚属不是一个单系类群;膨果组(Sect.Bibracteola)。背扁组(Sect.Phyllolobium)和袋果组(Sect.Trichostylus)作为一个单系类群能得到ITS序列的支持,但与分组以及膨果组下系的划分都得不到ITS序列分析的支持。  相似文献   

Analysis of ITS 1 and ITS 2 sequences in the pearl oysters Pinctada albina, Pinctada chemnitzi, Pinctada fucata, Pinctada fucata martensii, Pinctada imbricata, Pinctada margaritifera, Pinctada maxima, Pinctada nigra and Pinctada radiata was carried out. Homogeneity test of substitution patterns suggests that GC contents are highest in P. margaritifera and P. maxima and chromosomal rearrangements occurred in P. chemnitzi. These observations indicate that P. margaritifera and P. maxima are primitive species and P. chemnitzi is a recent species. Phylogenetic analysis shows that the pearl oysters studied constitute three clades with P. margaritifera and P. maxima forming the basal clade, congruent with results revealed by the substitution pattern test. The second clade consists of P. fucata, P. fucata martensii and P. imbricata. Low genetic distances among these taxa indicate that they may be conspecific. The remaining species make up the third clade and low genetic divergence between P. albina and P. nigra suggests that they may represent the same species. The ITS 1 sequence of P. radiata in GenBank is almost identical to that of P. chemnitzi determined in the present study and we suspect that the specimen used for the P. radiata sequence was misidentified.  相似文献   

Pteriid oysters (Pinctada maxima, Pinctada margaritifera, Pinctada albina, Pteria penguin), rock oysters (Saccostrea glomerata, Saccostrea cuccullata, Saccostrea echinata) and representatives of other taxa (Malleidae, Isognomonidae, Pinnidae, Mytilidae, Spondylidae, Arcidae) from the wild, and 4670 hatchery-reared P. maxima, from northern and Western Australia, were examined for parasites and diseases. Rickettsiales-like inclusions and metacestodes of Tylocephalum occurred in most species. Intranuclear virus-like inclusions occurred in 1/415 wild P. maxima, 1/1254 S. cuccullata, 3/58 Isognomon isognomum, 1/80 Pinna bicolor and 1/45 Pinna deltodes. Perkinsus was histologically observed in 1/4670 P. maxima spat, 2/469 P. albina, 1/933 S. glomerata, 16/20 Malleus meridianus, 12/58 I. isognomum, 1/45 P. deltodes, 5/12 Spondylus sp., 1/16 Septifer bilocularis and 3/6 Barbatia helblingii. One of 1254 S. cuccullata was heavily systematically infected with Perkinsus merozoites, meronts and schizonts, and was patently diseased. Other potentially serious pathogens included Haplosporidium sp. in 6/4670 P. maxima spat, Marteilia sydneyi from 1/933 S. glomerata, and Marteilia sp. (probably M. lengehi) (1/1254) and Haplosporidium sp. (125/1254) from S. cuccullata. The latter were associated with epizootics on offshore islands, with heaviest prevalence (45%) in oysters with empty gonad follicles. Marteilioides sp. infected the oocytes of 9/10 female S. echinata from Darwin Harbour. Details of geographical distribution and pathology are given, and the health of the bivalves examined is discussed.  相似文献   

Mass mortalities of the Japanese pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii have widely occurred in western Japan since 1994. The causes of these mass mortalities are at present not thoroughly understood. In this study, we investigated oyster survival in relation to some environmental factors such as water temperature, concentration of chlorophyll a and density or composition of phytoplankton. The examined mass mortality occurred from September to December 1998, and the color on the adductor muscle of the oysters was red-brown, suggesting an infectious disease. Oysters that became moribund during the experiment lost weight, while the weight of unaffected oysters increased. The cell density of Nitzschia spp., an inedible algae for the oyster, in Uchiumi Bay increased before and during the mass mortality event. From the results of our study, we hypothesize that P. fucata martensii was weakened by starvation because of the dominance of inedible food and then contracted an infectious disease that resulted in mortality.  相似文献   

In a previous study we determined that administration of recombinant feline interferon-omega (rFeIFN-omega) could protect Japanese pearl oysters Pinctada fucata martensii from akoya-virus infection. Our results suggested that rFeIFN-omega enhanced the potential of agranulocytes to phagocytize necrotic cells and to produce collagen fibers that repair the lesions caused by the akoya-virus. In the present study, using an indirect immunofluorescence technique with an anti-rFeIFN-omega rabbit serum, we examined whether hemocytes bear receptors that bind rFeIFN-omega. rFeIFN-omega receptors were present on agranulocytes and bound rFeIFN-omega, and appeared as green fluorescent spots in the cytoplasm under a fluorescent microscope. Around 56% of agranulocytes in Japanese pearl oysters bore the rFeIFN-omega receptors.  相似文献   

Choi YH  Chang YJ 《Cryobiology》2003,46(2):190-193
This paper examines the effects of cooling rate, developmental stage, and the addition of sugar on the cryopreservation of the larvae of the pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata martensii. The survival rates of frozen-thawed trochophores was 43.1% at a cooling rate of 1.0 degrees C/min. The survival rate of frozen-thawed larvae increased with developmental stage, except for umbo stage larvae, and the late D-shaped larvae showed a survival rate as high as 91%. The addition of sugar (0.2M glucose or sucrose) improved the survival rate of larvae. These results indicate that the preferred cooling rate, developmental stage, and sugar for the cryopreservation of pearl oyster larvae are 1 degrees C/min, late D-shaped larvae and 0.2M glucose or sucrose.  相似文献   

Guenther J  De Nys R 《Biofouling》2006,22(3-4):163-171
A field experiment documented the development of fouling communities on two shell regions, the lip and hinge, of the pearl oyster species Pinctada fucata, Pteria penguin and Pteria chinensis. Fouling communities on the three species were not distinct throughout the experiment. However, when each species was analysed separately, fouling communities on the lip and hinge of P. penguin and P. chinensis were significantly different during the whole sampling period and after 12 weeks, respectively, whereas no significant differences could be detected for P. fucata. There was no significant difference in total fouling cover between shell regions of P. fucata and P. chinensis after 16 weeks; however, the hinge of P. penguin was significantly more fouled than the lip. The most common fouling species (the hydroid Obelia bidentata, the bryozoan Parasmittina parsevalii, the bivalve Saccostrea glomerata and the ascidian Didemnum sp.) showed species-specific fouling patterns with differential fouling between shell regions for each species. The role of the periostracum in determining the community development of fouling species was investigated by measuring the presence and structure of the periostracum at the lip and hinge of the three pearl oyster species. The periostracum was mainly present at the lip of the pearl oysters, while the periostracum at the hinge was absent and the underlying prismatic layer eroded. The periostracum of P. fucata lacked regular features, whereas the periostracum of P. penguin and P. chinensis consisted of a regular strand-like structure with mean amplitudes of 0.84 microm and 0.65 microm, respectively. Although the nature and distribution of fouling species on the pearl oysters was related to the presence of the periostracum, the periostracum does not offer a fouling-resistant surface for these pearl oyster species.  相似文献   

本实验利用RACE技术克隆获得了马氏珠母贝HSP70 (Pm-HSP70)基因,并对其基因和氨基酸序列结构特征进行了生物信息学分析,同时采用荧光定量PCR技术分析了该基因在不同组织的表达模式及不同温度下的时序表达模式。序列分析表明,Pm-HSP70 cDNA序列全长为2 215 bp,其中开放式阅读框1 899 bp,5'UTR 107 bp,3'UTR 209 bp,编码632个氨基酸,理论蛋白分子量为69.44 kD,理论等电点为5.61。该蛋白具有HSP70家族典型的结构域HSP70,以及ATP结合位点、细胞质特征性保守序列和3个HSP70家族标签。多序列比对结果表明Pm-HSP70与菲律宾蛤仔HSP70同源性最高,为80%;系统进化分析发现,Pm-HSP70与菲律宾蛤仔等贝类HSP70聚为一支。组织表达定量分析结果显示,Pm-HSP70在马氏珠母贝多个组织中均有表达,在肝胰腺中表达量最高,其次是性腺;对不同温度下鳃组织中Pm-HSP70的时序表达分析发现,在处理后各时间点高温组(32℃)基因表达水平最高,且均显著高于对照组(22℃)和低温组(17℃)。以上结果表明Pm-HSP70可能参与马氏珠母贝的高温胁迫响应。该研究为进一步探索Pm-HSP70在马氏珠母贝温度适应性中的作用提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

己糖激酶(hexokinase, HK)是糖酵解过程中的首个限速酶。本实验利用RACE技术克隆获得了马氏珠母贝HK (Pm-HK)基因,并对其基因和氨基酸序列结构特征进行了生物信息学分析,同时采用荧光定量PCR技术分析了该基因在不同组织的表达模式及不同温度下的时序表达模式。序列分析表明,Pm-HK cDNA序列全长为2 403 bp,其中开放式阅读框1 548 bp,5'UTR 74 bp,3'UTR 781 bp,共编码515个氨基酸,分子量为57.67 kD,理论等电点为6.08。结构域分析发现Pm-HK具有两个完整的保守功能域Hexokinase_1、Hexokinase_2,以及两个Glucose-6-Phosphate结合位点、三个Glucose结合位点,两个ATP结合位点。多序列比对结果表明Pm-HK与太平洋牡蛎HK同源性最高,为81%;系统进化分析发现,Pm-HK与太平洋牡蛎等贝类HK聚为一支。组织表达定量分析结果显示,Pm-HK在马氏珠母贝肝胰腺中显著高表达;对不同温度下鳃组织中Pm-HK的时序表达分析发现,在处理12 h后各时间点低温组(12℃) Pm-HK基因表达水平最高,且均显著高于中低温组(17℃)、对照组(22℃)和高温组(32℃)。以上结果表明Pm-HK可能参与马氏珠母贝的低温胁迫响应。该研究为进一步探索Pm-HK在马氏珠母贝在温度适应性中的作用提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

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