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景观内部地下水-土壤-植物-大气界面的水分传输和不同景观界面间的水力联系是干旱区生态水文学研究的理论基础, 对提高认识不同景观格局水文连通性具有重要意义。鉴于干旱区水分循环的复杂性, 稳定同位素(δ2H、δ18O)在干旱区生态系统水分传输研究中广泛应用。综述了稳定同位素在干旱区植物/土壤-大气界面水分转换、植物根系-土壤界面水力联系与根系吸水过程和土壤水-地下水相互作用方面的研究。提出未来研究发展方向: 加强对干旱区非稳态条件蒸散发同位素量化; 优化不同生境植物根系吸水的同位素模型; 基于区域地下水-土壤-植被长时间序列同位素观测, 阐明干旱区不同景观界面间的水力连通性机制。  相似文献   

近年来,植物根系吸水机理在细胞、组织和整体水平上的研究进展非常迅速,对阐明植物抗旱机制及其高效利用有限水资源途径的探讨具有重要意义.本文主要对植物根的复合结构和根系在土壤中的分布、根系中水流性质等方面的最新研究状况进行了概述,特别详细地论述了水通道蛋白的表达及功能与根系中水分运动的关系、以及根系输水的调节和根系吸水过程中的信号传导方面的研究动态,并且评价了根的复合运输模型和根系吸水的数学模型等,最后就其可能生理意义及其应用前景作了评述.  相似文献   

植物根系吸水机理的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
近年来,植物根系吸水机理在细胞、组织和整体水平上的研究进展非常迅速,对阐明植物抗旱机制及其高效利用有限水资源途径的探讨具有重要意义。本文主要对植物根的复合结构和根系在土壤中的分布、根系中水流性质等方面的最新研究状况进行了概述,特别详细地论述了水通道蛋白的表达及功能与根系中水分运动的关系、以及根系输水的调节和根系吸水过程中的信号传导方面的研究动态,并且评价了根的复合运输模型和根系吸水的数学模型等,最后就其可能生理意义及其应用前景作了评述。  相似文献   

河岸带生态系统植被与土壤对水文变化的响应研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河岸带的植被与土壤是生态系统重要组成部分,对于维持河岸带的生态健康、生态系统服务与可持续性具有至关重要的作用。水文变化是河岸带生态系统的首要干扰因子,系统总结了水文变化对河岸带植被的特征以及植被形态、群落分布、繁殖、生存策略的影响,并阐述了河岸带水文和植被对土壤氮磷迁移转化的影响机制。根系作为土壤与植物地上部分之间物质、能量流动与信号传导的关键纽带,目前对根系的研究还较欠缺,需要加强水文变化对河岸带湿地植物根系形态、结构、功能特征的影响机理研究,以及湿地植物对水文变化的适应机制和耐受阈值方面的探究。在微观方面,应加强水文变化与植被等多因素耦合对土壤氮磷迁移转化过程的机理研究。河流形态和土壤的多样性决定着河岸带水文作用特征的复杂性,今后需注重河岸带个性特征与水文响应的关系研究。河岸带是横向的水陆生态过渡带和河流上下游的纵向生态廊道,亟需综合考虑和模拟流域土壤、植被与水文、人类活动之间的耦合关系,预测未来气候与社会经济情境下的河岸带生态系统演变规律,为河岸带生态系统的生态调节、生物多样性保护与生态恢复等提供理论依据与技术支撑。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌与植物共生对植物水分关系的影响及机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自1885年Frank首次提到菌根(mykorhiza)概念以来,大量的试验证实了丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)与植物根系之间形成具有一定结构和功能的共生体,促进植物生长并提高干旱耐受能力,在干旱生态系统中发挥重要的作用。该研究多集中在对宿主植物生理生态的影响及其机制方面,然而菌根共生对宿主植物水分吸收和信号产生、传递的影响研究少而分散,缺少系统总结。综述了最近四十多年丛枝菌根真菌与植物共生体对宿主植物干旱适应性影响研究进展,讨论了菌根共生对植物根冠通讯的影响及机理。干旱胁迫下AMF与植物共生,通过影响宿主植物一系列生理生态过程,提高宿主植物横向根压和纵向蒸腾拉力。经典的Ohm吸水模型是该方向最有代表性的研究成果,该模型揭示了菌根共生的根外菌丝具有不同于根细胞的细胞结构和水分运输性能,这为宿主植物提供一种特殊的快速吸水方式,可提高植物对土壤水分的吸收和运输能力。研究表明,AMF会影响宿主植物根冠通讯过程,如诱发信号级联反应,诱导根系尽早感知水分胁迫并产生非水力根源信号,提高宿主对干旱的耐受性。讨论了AMF在根冠通讯分子机制研究方面存在的问题及可能的解决途径,展望了AMF在干旱农业生产中的应用潜力。  相似文献   

植被-大气相互作用中的气孔导度及其尺度转换   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
气孔导度是衡量植物和大气间水分、能量及CO2平衡和循环的重要指标,探讨气孔导度在叶片、冠层及区域尺度间的尺度转换及累积效应,对更好地认识植被与大气间的水热运移过程,合理评价植被在陆面过程中的地位和作用具有重要意义.本文着重从叶片尺度气孔导度模拟、气孔导度在冠层尺度的累积表现、冠层到区域尺度转换研究及气孔导度累积效应在陆面过程模型中的作用等4个层次总结了近期国内外研究状况,指出其中存在的异质性等问题,并就今后应加强多尺度间的同步观测提出了展望.  相似文献   

湿地生态水文模型研究综述   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
吴燕锋  章光新 《生态学报》2018,38(7):2588-2598
变化环境下湿地生态水文格局及过程发生了深刻变化,已对流域、区域乃至我国水安全和生态安全构成威胁。湿地生态水文模型是揭示湿地生态格局与生态过程的水文学机制的有效工具和重要手段。介绍了湿地生态水文模型的概念、内涵、构建方法及分类,回顾了湿地生态水文模型的国内外发展历程,论述了目前湿地生态水文模型研究应用的重点领域:湿地生态水文调控与生态补水、流域湿地生态恢复重建与水资源综合管控和气候变化下湿地生态水文变化评估与应对策略。针对目前研究中存在的问题及薄弱环节,提出未来研究的发展趋势和亟需加强研究的重点方向。  相似文献   

森林植被对坡面土壤水蚀作用的动力学机理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张颖  牛健植  谢宝元  余新晓  朱建刚  李维 《生态学报》2008,28(10):5084-5094
水力侵蚀是目前世界上分布最广、危害也是最为普遍的一种土壤侵蚀类型。坡面土壤侵蚀主要是由雨滴击溅、坡面径流引起,而森林植被作为陆地上最重要的生态系统以其林冠层、林木茎杆、林地上富集的枯枝落叶层、根系层以及发育疏松而深厚的土壤层截持和蓄储大气降水,发挥着其特有的水文生态功能,从多个角度影响降雨和坡面流的水力特性,在防治土壤侵蚀方面有其不可缺少的意义,然而目前对森林植被防治坡面土壤水蚀机理系统的研究还较少。系统的总结了森林植被各个垂直层次对坡面水蚀作用的动力学机理以及不同学者在此领域所做出的研究成果及此项研究的研究现状,并从以下几个方面指出了林地坡面水蚀作用动力学机理研究中尚存在的问题及发展方向:林冠对降雨重新分配出现林冠截持和干流等现象,降雨雨滴的大小、分布、降落速度和动能等性质发生变化,林冠层通过改变雨滴特性来影响坡面流水力特性,进而改变坡面流对坡面的侵蚀机理;森林植被茎干对径流的分散阻止作用,增大地表径流的阻力系数,茎干绕流现象对坡面土壤侵蚀的作用有正反两方面,林木在一定种植密度内,会使得泥沙起动流速减小,增加坡面侵蚀,因此应合理选择林木的种植密度才能起到减少坡面水蚀的作用;坡面流在枯落物层中流动并穿过枯落物层后下渗进入土壤的过程,类似于水流在多孔介质中的流动,枯落物的物理性质如分解程度、空隙度等的变化,引起水流流动的状态变化复杂,有必要应用渗流理论来深入研究以搞清其流动机理;根系层的存在能逐步改善土壤的内在特性,稳定表土层结构、提高土壤入渗性能使其抗侵蚀能力加强,植物根系层对坡面水蚀作用的研究是一个崭新的领域,需从土力学和植物根系影响土壤力学性质的角度研究土壤的抗侵蚀能力。  相似文献   

湿地水文生态学模型的理论与方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
定量模拟生态模式与水文机制间的关系是当前生态学、水文学和湿地科学的一个热点研究领域。本文介绍了湿地水文生态学的概念、多学科理论体系以及跨学科特征,概括了湿地水文生态模型构建原理与方法,及国内外研究进展和特点。分析了湿地水文生态模型存在的尺度冲突、模型变量选择与模型不确定性,缺少有效校验方法等主要问题。指出湿地水文生态模型未来发展中与新兴交叉学科和地学信息技术耦合的特征由当前数学模型为主逐步过渡到物理模型的趋势。本文还以内陆平原淡水湿地为例,构建了以生境湿度特征为核心的湿地水文生态概念模型,同时设计了一个在集水区尺度上基于RS和GIS方法的湿地水文生态模型范式,以便于增加对此类模型的理解和认识。  相似文献   

植物叶片水稳定同位素研究进展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
罗伦  余武生  万诗敏  周平 《生态学报》2013,33(4):1031-1041
植物叶片水稳定同位素变化可以直接沟通植物叶片内部与外界的物质和能量联系,并能够反映植物生长周围的气候与生态信息.另外,植物叶片水作为参与水循环的一个重要环节,了解叶片水稳定同位素组成有助于揭示其在局地水体稳定同位素循环中的分配与贡献.概述了国内外叶片水稳定同位素研究现况;介绍了叶片水稳定氢、氧同位素在植物体中的分馏过程及形式(热力学平衡分馏、动力学分馏以及生化分馏)以及影响叶片水稳定同位素组成的气象和生态因子;阐述了叶片水稳定同位素修正的Craig-Gordon稳态模型、string-of-lakes模型、Péclet效应的稳态模型、非稳态效应的模型、Péclet效应的非稳态模型以及二维模型的构建与完善过程;最后讨论了植物叶片水稳定同位素研究存在的问题,并从叶片水稳定同位素与气象、生态因子的关系,叶片水蒸腾线的斜率和截距及过量氘的意义,模型适用性的验证以及叶片水稳定同位素在水文循环的应用等方面展望了研究方向.  相似文献   

To determine the role of adventitious roots in supplying water to Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) Sweet (Convolvulaceae), we examined the effects of water deficit on water uptake and the growth patterns of leaves and shoots. After stopping the water supply from the primary root or adventitious roots, the water-uptake rate of the other root system increased steeply within 90–100 min to a level of 90% of the pretreatment water-uptake rate of the whole plant. Thus, the primary and adventitious roots can compensate for a decrease in the water-uptake rate of the whole plant caused by dehydration. The continuous growth of leaves and shoots after dehydration suggests that an increase in the water-uptake rate by either root system can support plant growth, although the growth rates of immature leaves in plants with no water supply from the primary or adventitious roots were lower than in controls. We conclude that the water supply from adventitious roots contributes to the survival and growth of plants, and will be important for vegetative propagation.  相似文献   

B. R. Ruess  B. M. Eller 《Planta》1985,166(1):57-66
The combination of a chamber for CO2 gas exchange with a potometric measuring arrangement allowed concomitant investigations into CO2 gas exchange, transpiration and water uptake by the roots of whole plants of Senecio medley-woodii, a species which exhibits Crassulacean acid metabolism. The water-uptake rate showed the same daily pattern as malate concentration and osmotic potential. The accumulation of organic acids resulting from nocturnal CO2 fixation enhanced the water-uptake rate from dusk to dawn. During the day the water-uptake rates decreased with decreasing organic-acid concentration. With gradually increasing water stress, CO2 dark fixation of S. medley-woodii was increased as long as water could be taken up by the roots. It was also shown that a reestablished water supply after drought caused a similar increase which in both cases ameliorated the water uptake in order to conserve a positive water balance for as long as possible. This water-uptake pattern shows that Crassulacean acid metabolism is not only a water-saving adaptation but also enhances water uptake and is directly correlated with the amelioration of the plant water status.Abbreviation CAM Crassulacean acid metabolism  相似文献   

吸收和传导水分一直被视为植物根系最主要的功能之一,而人们对根系在某些情况下还可以向土壤释放水分的事实及其对植物生长和生态系统功能的影响了解得还很不充分,尽管这样的证据由来已久。土壤-根系统水分再分配(Hydraulic redistribution, HR)是近20年间被发现和证实的,指水分从土壤中较湿的部分经由植物的根系传导而运动到土壤中较干的部分,通常发生在蒸腾减弱的夜间,可以沿水势梯度下降的方向而在不同土层间向上向下或侧向运动。HR研究揭示了土壤-植物-大气连续体中有时会存在土壤-根-土壤的水流小通路,细化了土壤-根系统中水分储存和运输的时空动态和机制。土壤水分状况的连续监测、根木质部液流测量、稳定性同位素技术的使用构成了HR实验研究的三大手段。当土壤中深层水分充足的时候,HR可以提高根系吸收和传导水分的效率,有利于植物充分利用资源,延长了浅层土壤的水分可利用期,有利于维持植物组织的生理活性和水流传导;旱季后降水来临的时候,HR可以将一部分降水转移到深层土壤,增加了可利用性水分的总量。对于干旱半干旱的沙地和草原、季节性干旱的森林等类型,HR过程可能对生态系统水分循环产生重要影响。有必要在国内针对这些生态系统展开深入的实验研究,同时探索将HR过程适当结合到生态系统模型和水文模型中,从而更准确地研究和预测群落内植物水分关系和生态系统水分动态。此外,结合农林设计、植被恢复、生态需水量估算和农业节水等方面进行的HR研究也值得深入探索。  相似文献   

In recent years, research interest in plant water uptake strategies has rapidly increased in many disciplines, such as hydrology, plant ecology and ecophysiology. Quantitative modelling approaches to estimate plant water uptake and spatiotemporal dynamics have significantly advanced through different disciplines across scales. Despite this progress, major limitations, for example, predicting plant water uptake under drought or drought impact at large scales, remain. These are less attributed to limitations in process understanding, but rather to a lack of implementation of cross-disciplinary insights into plant water uptake model structure. The main goal of this review is to highlight how the four dominant model approaches, that is, Feddes approach, hydrodynamic approach, optimality and statistical approaches, can be and have been used to create interdisciplinary hybrid models enabling a holistic system understanding that, among other things, embeds plant water uptake plasticity into a broader conceptual view of soil–plant feedbacks of water, nutrient and carbon cycling, or reflects observed drought responses of plant–soil feedbacks and their dynamics under, that is, drought. Specifically, we provide examples of how integration of Bayesian and hydrodynamic approaches might overcome challenges in interpreting plant water uptake related to different travel and residence times of different plant water sources or trade-offs between root system optimization to forage for water and nutrients during different seasons and phenological stages.  相似文献   

Regulation of root water uptake under abiotic stress conditions   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A common effect of several abiotic stresses is to cause tissue dehydration. Such dehydration is caused by the imbalance between root water uptake and leaf transpiration. Under some specific stress conditions, regulation of root water uptake is more crucial to overcome stress injury than regulation of leaf transpiration. This review first describes present knowledge about how water is taken up by roots and then discusses how specific stress situations such as drought, salinity, low temperature, and flooding modify root water uptake. The rate of root water uptake of a given plant is the result of its root hydraulic characteristics, which are ultimately regulated by aquaporin activity and, to some extent, by suberin deposition. Present knowledge about the effects of different stresses on these features is also summarized. Finally, current findings regarding how molecular signals such as the plant hormones abscisic acid, ethylene, and salicylic acid, and how reactive oxygen species may modulate the final response of root water uptake under stress conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Root distribution and growth measured in the field were incorporated into a water uptake model for the CAM succulent Agave deserti and its nurse plant Hilaria rigida, a common desert bunchgrass. Agave deserti responds to the infrequent rainfalls of the Sonoran Desert by extending its existing established roots and by producing new roots. Most of such root growth was completed within one month after soil rewetting, total root length of A. deserti increasing by 84% for a seedling and by 58% for a mediumsized plant in the summer. Root growth in the winter with its lower soil temperatures was approximately half as much as in the summer. For a 15-year period, predicted annual root growth of A. deserti varied more than 18-fold because of annual variations in rainfall amount and pattern as well as seasonal variation in soil temperature. Predicted annual water uptake varied 47-fold over the same period. The nurse plant, which is crucial for establishment of A. deserti seedlings, reduced seedling water uptake by 38% during an average rainfall year. Lowering the location of the root system of a medium-sized A. deserti by 0.24 m reduced its simulated annual water uptake by about 25%, reflecting the importance of shallow roots for this desert succulent. Lowering the root system of a medium-sized H. rigida by 0.28 m increased the simulated annual water uptake of an associated A. deserti seedling by 17%, further indicating the influence of root overlap on competition for water.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizas and water relations of trees: a review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Lehto T  Zwiazek JJ 《Mycorrhiza》2011,21(2):71-90
There is plenty of evidence for improved nutrient acquisition by ectomycorrhizas in trees; however, their role in water uptake is much less clear. In addition to experiments showing improved performance during drought by mycorrhizal plants, there are several studies showing reduced root hydraulic conductivity and reduced water uptake in mycorrhizal roots. The clearest direct mechanism for increased water uptake is the increased extension growth and absorbing surface area, particularly in fungal species with external mycelium of the long-distance exploration type. Some studies have found increased aquaporin function and, consequently, increased root hydraulic conductivity in ectomycorrhizal plants while other studies showed no effect of ectomycorrhizal associations on root water flow properties. The aquaporin function of the fungal hyphae is also likely to be important for the uptake of water by the ectomycorrhizal plant, but more work needs to be done in this area. The best-known indirect mechanism for mycorrhizal effects on water relations is improved nutrient status of the host. Others include altered carbohydrate assimilation via stomatal function, possibly mediated by changes in growth regulator balance; increased sink strength in mycorrhizal roots; antioxidant metabolism; and changes in osmotic adjustment. None of these possibilities has been sufficiently explored. The mycorrhizal structure may also reduce water movement because of different fine root architecture (thickness), cell wall hydrophobicity or the larger number of membranes that water has to cross on the way from the soil to the xylem. In future studies, pot experiments comparing mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants will still be useful in studying well-defined physiological details. However, the quantitative importance of ectomycorrhizas for tree water uptake and water relations can only be assessed by field studies using innovative approaches. Hydraulic redistribution can support nutrient uptake during prolonged dry periods. In large trees with deep root systems, it may turn out that the most important function of mycorrhizas during drought is to facilitate nutrient acquisition.  相似文献   

为了阐明根区交替控制灌溉(CRDAI)条件下玉米根系吸水规律,通过田间试验,在沟灌垄植模式下采用根区交替控制灌溉研究玉米根区不同点位(沟位、坡位和垄位)的根长密度(RLD)及根系吸水动态。研究表明,根区土壤水分的干湿交替引起玉米RLD的空间动态变化,在垄位两侧不对称分布,并存在层间差异;土壤水分和RLD是根区交替控制灌溉下根系吸水速率的主要限制因素。在同一土层,根系吸水贡献率以垄位最大,沟位最低;玉米营养生长阶段,10—30 cm土层的根系吸水速率最大;玉米生殖生长阶段,20—70 cm为根系吸水速率最大的土层,根系吸水贡献率为43.21%—55.48%。研究阐明了交替控制灌溉下根系吸水与土壤水分、RLD间相互作用的动态规律,对控制灌溉下水分调控机理研究具有理论意义。  相似文献   

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