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根据树冠形状、针叶形状、脱落性小枝在侧枝上的排列与着生方式、针叶在脱落性小枝上的排列与着生方式、生长期叶色、秋冬叶色、干色、生长特性和是否结球果等9类定性指标以及脱落性小枝长度和宽度、针叶长度、叶夹角角度和脱落性小枝上每厘米的叶片数等5个定量指标,对27个落羽杉属(Taxodium Rich. )树种(包括种类、栽培变种及杂种)外部形态特征的变异状况进行了观察和比较,在此基础上进行了聚类分析,并根据外部形态特征编制了供试27个树种的检索表.研究结果表明,不同杂种的外部形态特征既综合了亲本的形态特征,也表现出一定程度的变异,其中,9类定性指标中,秋冬叶色和生长特性等指标变异较大,针叶形状及脱落性小枝在侧枝上的排列与着生方式等指标变异较小.27个树种的5个定量指标差异均极显著(P<0.01),脱落性小枝长度为4.68~11.19 cm、宽度为0.59~2.38 cm;针叶长度为0.84~1.84 cm;叶夹角的角度为24.1°~52.9°;脱落性小枝上每厘米的叶片数为6.3~16.0片.通过聚类分析可将27个树种分成5组:落羽杉[T. distichum (L. ) Rich. ]、墨西哥落羽杉(T. mucronatum Tenore)和中山杉9分别各自独立成组,池杉(T. ascendens Brongn. )、池杉栽培变种'Nutans'、中山杉91、中山杉102和中山杉401聚为一组;落羽杉栽培变种'Pendens'和'Fastigiata'、中山杉1、中山杉24、中山杉27、中山杉46、中山杉86、中山杉118、中山杉136、中山杉140、中山杉146、中山杉149、中山杉302、中山杉405、中山杉406、中山杉407、中山杉501、中山杉502以及中山杉503聚为一组.研究结果显示,基于外部形态变异的聚类分析结果能在一定程度上反映落羽杉属种类、栽培变种及杂种间的亲缘关系.  相似文献   

杉木人工林生物量及其分配的动态变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据5个年龄(6、16、23、32和50年生)共15块1000 m2样地的调查资料,利用15株不同年龄和径阶的杉木样木数据,建立以胸径(D)为单变量的生物量回归方程.采用样木回归分析法(乔木层)和样方收获法(灌木层、草本层、地上凋落物)获取不同林龄杉木人工林的生物量,并分析了其组成、分配特征及不同林龄生物量的变化趋势.结果表明:林分总生物量除16 ~23年生因间伐略有下降外均随林龄而增加,6、16、23、32和50年生杉木人工林生物量分别为62.73、172.51、141.65、192.30、247.32 Mg·hm-2,其中活体植物占95.76% ~98.39%;层次分配方面乔木层占绝对优势,为89.77% ~96.55%,其随林龄的变化与总生物量一致,其次为地上凋落物,占1.61% ~4.24%,灌木层和草本层生物量较小,分别占0.01% ~4.26%和0.27% ~4.07%,分别以6和23年生最大;乔木层器官分配以干所占比例最高,占54.89% ~75.97%,根占11.91% ~ 12.66%,均随林龄而增加,枝、叶分别占11.86%~15.19%和4.80%~13.17%,均随林龄而下降;灌木层器官分配除50年生杉木人工林枝相对生物量小于叶,23和50年生杉木人工林根相对生物量大干枝外,其大小顺序为枝>根>叶;草本层分配以6和23年生杉木人工林地上相对生物量最大,其他林龄相反;杉木人工林乔木层各器官、各层次及总生物量具有良好的优化增长模型,其32年生人工林总生物量与其他森林类型相比,处于中上等,是一个光合效率高、固碳潜力大的速生丰产优良造林树种.  相似文献   

本文报道寄生在裸子植物上的三个小煤炱科新种。它们是(1)杉科上的杉木附丝壳Appendiculella cunninghamiae Y.X.Hu et B.Song,杉科是小煤炱科寄主的世界新记录;(2)罗汉松科上的竹柏生小煤炱Meliola podocarpicola Y.X.Hu et B.Song;(3)买麻藤科上的买麻藤生小煤炱Meliola gneticola Y.X.Hu。其形态特征有拉丁文和汉文描述,并附有形态图。模式标本存放在广东省微生物研究所。  相似文献   

杉木光皮桦混交林效益的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对桂西北杉木光皮桦混交林和杉木纯林的对比研究表明,35年生杉桦混交林的立木蓄积量为441.087m  相似文献   

鸭梨及其变异类型的RAPD分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸭梨为梨属白梨系统优良资源,生产中其变异类型较多。本文首次对鸭梨及其9个鸭梨变异类型进行RAPD分析,并初步筛选出3个多态性引物即S28、S32、S176。研究发现:芽变品种垂枝鸭梨增加了1条特异带(S32-600)。在芽变品种魏县巨鸭梨、甜鸭梨、垂枝鸭梨的扩增产物中均少1条特异带(S28-400)。魏县巨鸭梨扩增产物中缺少2条特异性条带(S176-900和S176-1150)和阎庄自花结实鸭梨缺少1条特异性条带(S176-1150)。可见魏县巨鸭梨、甜鸭梨、垂枝鸭梨与阎庄自花与其他类型能区分开。  相似文献   

杉木人工林种子雨组成和季节动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杉木人工林已成为亚热带森林的重要组成部分,它具有可持续的自然更新能力,是决定杉木林群落演替方向和维持杉木林大面积存在的基础.本文以杉阔混交林和杉木纯林为研究对象,分析其种子雨的物种组成、数量大小和季节动态,以及林分优势物种种子雨数量特征和季节变化,揭示种源条件是否是制约杉木人工林天然更新的主要因素.结果表明:杉阔混交林和杉木纯林分别收集到13科18属21种和12科16属19种的种子.混交林和纯林的所有物种种子雨强度分别为3797和3300粒·m-2.乔木物种种子数量在种子雨中占绝对优势,混交林占89.1%,纯林占86.2%,其中杉木种子数量最多,其完整种子雨强度分别为825和345粒·m-2.两林分种子雨各类型种子所占比例均为完整种子>干瘪或腐烂种子>被取食种子.两林分种子雨均具有明显的季节动态,均在秋季到达高峰,且在落种高峰期种子雨以完整种子为主.无论是杉阔混交林还是杉木纯林都有充足的种源,种源(种子雨)条件不是制约杉木林天然更新的主要因素.  相似文献   

半夏种内居群形态变异的模糊聚类分析   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
在同一栽培条件下,对主要引自长江中下游地区的15个半夏〔Pineliaternata(Thunb.)Breit.〕居群的16个主要形态性状进行模糊聚类分析,在置信水平λ=0.6764时,将15个居群划分成4个类型:(1)双珠芽类型:主要形态特征为叶柄上均具双珠芽,但叶型和块茎形状变异较小;(2)普通类型:主要形态特征为叶柄上均只着生单珠芽,但叶型和块茎形状变异较大;(3)长茎类型:主要形态特征为叶柄上具单珠芽,但着生位置较低,块茎呈矩圆形;(4)复合类型:主要形态特征为叶柄上具单珠芽,但居群内常有双珠芽个体出现。  相似文献   

锦鸡儿属花粉形态及其分类意义   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
在光学显微镜和扫锚电镜下对锦鸡儿属31种2变种植物花粉形态进行了观察。根据外壁表面纹饰,可分:类型I,表面具小穿孔;类型II, 具网状纹饰。 在类型II中据网眼大小和网脊宽度特征又分为两个亚类型。 根据花粉体积大小,可分4个类型。本属植物花粉形态较为一致,表明是一个自然类群。组、 系的花粉形态特征与一般形态变异不一定相对应,即形态上有明显区别的种类,在花粉形态上未必有很大区别,仅一些种类及矮锦鸡儿系 Ser. Pygmaeae的花粉形态相近。 本属花粉形态在种下等级的变异, 特别是青藏高原分布的种类的变异较为明显,例如 C.bicolor,C. jubata,C. erinacea 与各自的近缘种类。花粉形态为分类处理提供了参考。本属植物花粉形态是从表面具小穿孔向具网状纹饰演化,对应于羽状叶类群向掌状叶类群演化。  相似文献   

杉木不同无性系过氧化物酶同工酶的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕洪飞  陈建华  周春红  沈煜   《广西植物》1995,15(4):363-367
本文对杉木(Cunninghamialanceloata(Lamb.)Hook.)不同无性系及其不同株龄的叶和不同发育时期的雄球花进行了过氧化物酶同工酶检测。结果表明:杉木414号无性系叶和雄球花的过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱与其它无性系都具明显差异;同-无性系叶与雄球花的过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱存在显著差异;不同发育时期的雄球花的过氧化物酶同工酶存在顺序表达。作者认为:过氧化物酶同工酶作为种内分类的鉴定性状较为合适,而科、属、种的分类依据则应更侧重于形态特征。根据杉木414号无性系的过氧化物酶同工酶的特异性及其短叶、叶端钝圆和多雄花等特点,可以把它定为杉科杉属杉木物种的一个变型:多雄花杉木。  相似文献   

本文以垂枝樱花为研究材料,对其开花物候期,形态指标,观赏特性等进行了初步的观察与研究。研究结果表明垂枝樱花在句容地区的花期为3月下旬至4月上旬,花期持续天数为14天;单株不同部位枝条开花顺序不同,同一枝上不同位置花蕾开放先后不同,单花的开花持续期与花期的积温有一定的关系;不同垂枝樱花品种间在形态指标上存在差异;垂枝樱花的观赏特性集中于观花、观叶和观形。此项研究为进一步开发垂枝樱花观赏价值及应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

以银柴胡茎段为外植体,经消毒获得无菌再生材料后,筛选发根农杆菌介导毛状根诱导产生的最适条件。结果显示:最适的无菌消毒方法为:70%酒精浸5 s,0.1%升汞消毒3 min,获得了银柴胡离体培养材料;以发根农杆菌A4菌株介导的银柴胡毛状根诱导过程中,与叶片和不带腋芽茎段相比,带腋芽茎段为最适转化外植体,用OD600=0.8的菌液侵染茎段15 min,共培养3 d,800 mg/L头孢噻肟钠除菌,其诱导率及诱导密度最高,分别为100%和4.7,为最适诱导条件。研究结果说明在适合条件下,银柴胡带腋芽茎段适于诱导毛状根。  相似文献   

外源钙、磷、氮对铝胁迫下杉木幼苗生长影响的调控研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
为缓解Al胁迫对杉木人工林更新的影响,本文采用水培模拟Al胁迫,引入Ca、P、NH4+-N、NO3--N营养调控因子,探讨Al胁迫对杉木幼苗根茎生长的影响.结果表明,增加Ca或P浓度,能促进根、茎的正常生长发育,根系的形态特征明显变化,降低组织内MDA含量和POD活性.增加NH4+-N浓度只能促进茎的生长,对根系发育影响不明显.增加NO3--N浓度对根茎生长均无明显的规律性影响.增加NH4+-N和NO3--N浓度,能抑制MDA含量增加,并在一定范围内降低POD活性,但效果不及Ca或P明显.经回归方程拟合,得出本试验条件下营养因子有效缓解Al胁迫的阈值是:Ca/Al≥2.8,P/Al≥4.4,NH4+-N/Al≥4.5(摩尔比).  相似文献   

以天然更新常绿阔叶林、老龄杉木[ Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.]林(代表一代杉木林)、二代杉木萌芽天然更新林和二代杉木人工林作为杉木林生态系统转换模式的系列样地,研究了不同季节(3月、6月、9月和12月)4个样地0~20和20 ~ 40 cm土层土壤中酚类物质(包括总酚、复合态酚和水溶性酚)含量的变化规律.结果表明:各样地土壤总酚含量最高(278.40 ~3 012.98 μg·g-1),复合态酚含量次之(20.67~ 430.54 μg·g-1),水溶性酚含量最低(0.36~6.01 μg·g-1).各样地问不同土层中总酚、复合态酚和水溶性酚含量均值的高低变化不一致,但总体上顺着森林生态系统转换的方向(天然常绿阔叶林→一代杉木人工林→二代杉木人工林),0~20和20~ 40 cm土层中总酚和复合态酚含量以及O~20 cm土层中水溶性酚含量均值均呈现逐渐增加的趋势,而20~40 cm土层中水溶性酚含量均值则无明显变化规律.各样地0~20 cm土层中各种酚类物质含量总体上高于20~40 cm土层,表明随土层加深,总酚、复合态酚和水溶性酚含量呈现逐渐降低的趋势.各种酚类物质含量具有明显的季节变化规律,总酚和复合态酚含量总体上呈现出3月和9月较高、6月和12月较低的变化趋势,水溶性酚含量总体上呈现出随着季节变化(3月至12月)逐渐降低的趋势,不同季节间土壤中各类酚类物质含量的差异均达到了极显著水平.研究结果显示:随杉木人工林栽植代数的增加,土壤中会积累一定量酚类物质,但其中水溶性酚含量远低于使植物中毒的水平(50 μg·g-1),造成杉木中毒的可能性较小.  相似文献   

Luanta-fir (Cunninghamia konishii), an endemic to Taiwan, is an outcrossing, long-lived conifer. Populations of C. konishii are generally fragmented due to a once high intensity of timber exploitation. C. konishii and Cunninghamia lanceolata are two sibling taxa constituting derivative-progenitor species relationship. The amount of genetic variations within and between 11 and 10 populations of C. konishii and C. lanceolata, respectively, were assessed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers in this report. Three AFLP primer pairs generated a total of 357 and 226 markers for C. konishii and C. lanceolata samples, of which 56.1 and 65.3% are polymorphic, respectively. Analysis of molecular variance indicates a 4.78% variation between C. konishii and C. lanceolata. A relatively high value of genetic variation (24.60%) was apportioned between the populations of C. konishii. In contrast, a lower divergence value (12.21%) between populations was found for C. lanceolata. The population with the highest genetic diversity was found in Nantou County, which concurred with the results of many other tree species investigated in Taiwan. The estimates of the number of migrants between populations (Nm), obtained from population pair-wise PhiST, suggest that gene flow in C. konishii is efficient in some adjacent populations but is restricted in the rest. Individual UPGMA tree, generated based on AFLP markers, suggests six evolutionary lineages for C. konishii. All evolutionary lineages of C. konishii were derived from C. lanceolata. In conclusion, the migration patterns of Cunninghamia from mainland China may have been established following multiple sources, migrant-pools, long-distance dispersal events, and via different directions.  相似文献   

杉木败育种子及其涩粒物质的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杉木种子的涩粒(败育种子)约占种子数的30—70%,涩粒率高是杉木种子发芽率低的根本原因之一。试验表明,立地条件、授粉方式、胚胎发育、光照、涩粒物质及母株的遗传性等都与涩粒的形成有着密切关系。涩粒物质的成分很复杂,其中含萜类物质。还含有多种矿质元素。通过采取多种综合措施,可以有效地提高种子的质量,较大幅度地降低涩粒率。  相似文献   

Foliar δ^13C values, an indicator of long-term intercellular carbon dioxide concentration and, thus, of long-term water use efficiency (WUE) in plants, were measured for Pinus massoniana Lamb., P. elliottii Engelm., Cunninghamia laceolata (Lamb.) Hook., and Schima superba Gardn. et Champ. in a restored forest ecosystem in the Jiazhu River Basin. Seasonal variation and the relationship between the foliar δ^13C values of the four species and environmental factors (monthly total precipitation, monthly average air temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, and monthly total solar radiation and evaporation) were investigated. The monthly δ^13C values and WUE of the four species increased with increasing precipitation, air temperature, solar radiation, and evaporation, whereas δ^13C values of the four species decreased with increasing relative humidity and atmospheric pressure. Despite significant differences in δ^13C seasonal means for the four species, our results demonstrate a significant convergence in the responses of δ^13C values and WUE to seasonal variations in environmental factors among the species investigated and that the δ^13C signature for each species gives a strong indication of environmental variables.  相似文献   

Since its introduction in 1971, the four-and-a-half clearing technique has been widely applied to the study of ovule and female gametophyte development in flowering plants as an alternative to the more arduous paraffin section methods. The technique has undergone several modifications that have broadened its application in studies of Angiosperm embryology. To date, however, the technique has not been successfully applied to embryological features of Gymnosperms. Dark coloration caused by naturally occurring substances and by-products of fixation render the clearing fluid ineffective, and special pretreatment methods used to remove dark substances in Angiosperm ovules have little or no effect on Gymnosperm material. In the technique reported here, paraffin sections of ovules and young seeds of Cunninghamia lanceolata 80-120 μm thick are cleared in benzyl benzoate-412 clearing fluid and examined with phase contrast optics. Observations of the mature female gametophyte in these cleared preparations are compared with those obtained from 10 μm sections, stained with safranin and fast green, and examined with bright-field optics. Although contrast and definition are more pronounced in stained sections than in cleared ones, the differences would not alter one's interpretation of characteristic structural features. The thick, cleared section offers an advantage over the thin, stained one in that many structural entities are contained within a single section rather than spread through several serial sections. The time required for clearing thick sections is much shorter than that required for making permanent stained preparations.  相似文献   

Juenger T  Purugganan M  Mackay TF 《Genetics》2000,156(3):1379-1392
A central question in biology is how genes control the expression of quantitative variation. We used statistical methods to estimate genetic variation in eight Arabidopsis thaliana floral characters (fresh flower mass, petal length, petal width, sepal length, sepal width, long stamen length, short stamen length, and pistil length) in a cosmopolitan sample of 15 ecotypes. In addition, we used genome-wide quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping to evaluate the genetic basis of variation in these same traits in the Landsberg erecta x Columbia recombinant inbred line population. There was significant genetic variation for all traits in both the sample of naturally occurring ecotypes and in the Ler x Col recombinant inbred line population. In addition, broad-sense genetic correlations among the traits were positive and high. A composite interval mapping (CIM) analysis detected 18 significant QTL affecting at least one floral character. Eleven QTL were associated with several floral traits, supporting either pleiotropy or tight linkage as major determinants of flower morphological integration. We propose several candidate genes that may underlie these QTL on the basis of positional information and functional arguments. Genome-wide QTL mapping is a promising tool for the discovery of candidate genes controlling morphological development, the detection of novel phenotypic effects for known genes, and in generating a more complete understanding of the genetic basis of floral development.  相似文献   

M E Zwick  J L Salstrom  C H Langley 《Genetics》1999,152(4):1605-1614
Genetic variation in nondisjunction frequency among X chromosomes from two Drosophila melanogaster natural populations is examined in a sensitized assay. A high level of genetic variation is observed (a range of 0.006-0.241). Two naturally occurring variants at the nod locus, a chromokinesin required for proper achiasmate chromosome segregation, are significantly associated with an increased frequency of nondisjunction. Both of these polymorphisms are found at intermediate frequency in widely distributed natural populations. To account for these observations, we propose a general model incorporating unique opportunities for meiotic drive during female meiosis. The oötid competition model can account for both high mean rates of female-specific nondisjunction in Drosophila and humans as well as the standing genetic variation in this critical fitness character in natural populations.  相似文献   

Cunninghamia asiatica (Krassilov) comb. nov. was an early Cretaceous plant which was widely distributed over North and North-East China and Siberia. It was previously identified as Elatocladus manchurica (Yak.) or Elatides asiatica (Yak.). Present paper combines them into Cunninghamia mainly based on the similarities of the morphological and epidermal characteristics between the fossil species and living Cunninghmia (table 1 and 2), and dates the history of Cunninghamia back to Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

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