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本文记述的介形类化石采自塔里木盆地北部柯坪地区大湾沟剖面坎岭组,共计8属14种。其中包括2新种和3未定种。Thrallella.Octonaria,Predarwinula三属为本介形类组合最为重要且最具特色的分子。据此推测,坎岭组时代为晚奥陶世中期(Caradocian)。  相似文献   

广西南丹罗富等地下、中泥盆统介形类化石   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
一前言本文描述的标本采自南丹罗富剖面益兰组、塘丁组和塘乡组,少量采自南宁五象岭和崇左那艺的罗富组,计12属2亚属19种,包括1新属(Bisulcoentomozoe)7新种8未定种。在上述19种中,有12种属于足虫介超科(Entomozoacea),根据它们的地层分布特征,初步划分为2带和1组合,自下而上分别是:largiglobosa组合,tuberculata带和longisulcata带。表1中的praeerecta-suberecta组合和suberecta-subcircularis组合是在《广西及邻近地区中泥盆世晚  相似文献   

1982年夏,钱义元、方一亭、夏广胜、张俊明和笔者观察安徽南部奥陶、志留纪地层剖面时,在宁国胡乐新岭上奥陶统新岭组和石台丁香及泾县北贡上奥陶统五峰组采得的一些笔石,和1974年穆恩之等在宁国上荆山村新岭组采得的Diceratograptus cf.mirus Mu,现在此一起予以报道。同时,本文介绍了上奥陶统围笔石的分布及其在地层对比中的作用,讨论了围笔石属的定义;又根据重新厘定的定义,对该属所包括的种进行了系统整理。  相似文献   

广东三水盆地晚白垩世的介形类动物群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据24口钻井及4条地表剖面372个样品的采集和分析,三水盆地晚白垩世的介形类动物群含介形类化石28属81种,本文描述其中24属62种,包括1新种.此介形类动物群在数量上以女星介科和玻璃介科最繁盛,次为背足介科、湖花介科和类女星介科,依其横向分布及纵向变化规律,划分为Talicypridea和Porpocypris两个动物群及Talicypridea amoena带、Porpocypris globra带和Porpocypris sphaeroidalis带等3个化石带.依据介形类化石三水组可与南雄群对比,时代属晚白垩世早--中期.大塱山组与上湖组坪岭段对比,时代应属晚白垩世晚期.  相似文献   

作者系统地研究了海南乐东洪帽剖面鹿母湾组孢粉化石,共计26属60种,其中苔藓类植物孢子1属3种,蕨类植物孢子18属30种,裸子植物花粉7属27种,组成以Cicatricosisporites-Schizaeois porites-Ephedripites-Exe-sipollenites为特征的孢粉组合.依据组合中主要分子和重要分子地质时限的讨论以及与相关孢粉组合进行比较,将洪帽剖面鹿母湾组的地质时代归为Aptian期-早Albian期.  相似文献   

本文报道了新疆昆仑山黄羊岭—木孜塔格地区下二叠统黄羊岭群的分布、层序划分及对比;首次对黄羊岭群所含?类进行了研究和描述。共描述早三叠世?类15属26种,其中4个新种,1个新亚种,2个未定种。 黄羊岭群下亚群和华南的栖霞组大致可以对比,黄羊岭群上亚群和华南茅口组大致可以对比。黄羊岭群的早二叠世?类,属典型的特提斯海暖水?类,生物地理分区上属特提斯大区的华夏-特提斯区。  相似文献   

该文记述海南岛西部东方县鹅顶组和南龙组中的?类10属49种;研究表明,东方县昌化江西岸牛笛岭—江边村剖面鹅顶组的 Parafusulina qruperaensis-Parfusulina langdaiensis-Mesellina ovalis?类动物群属栖霞期中—中晚期Misellina claudiae顶峰时—Shenglla simplex延限时沉积;南龙组中上部的Parafusulina bosei-Parafusulina spp.?类动物群属茅口期早期 Cancellina-Neoschwagerina simplex时沉积;鹅顶组的Parafuslina gruperaensis-Parafusulina langdaiensis-Misellina ovalis?类动物群具有早二叠世栖霞期华夏-特提斯区的基本特征。  相似文献   

一、前言1984、1985年笔者与陈挺恩等两次对江苏句容仑山以及江宁汤山地区奥陶系剖面进行观察和研究.在仑山附近奥陶系剖面的红花园组、大湾组、牯牛潭组和宝塔组中,采到数量较多的鹦鹉螺化石.除红花园组化石制片尚有困难,暂时未着手研究;大湾组、牯牛潭组、宝塔组的化石,经研究共有13属、36种.其中1新属,ll新种,1比较种,2未定种.江苏句容县仑山,江宁县汤山附近的奥陶系研究较早.德国学者 Richthofen  相似文献   

四川东部华蓥山地区志留系兰多维列统白云庵组上段产有较丰富的珊瑚动物群.本文鉴定并描述三百梯剖面和老李子垭剖面中的珊瑚化石14属15种,其中床板珊瑚7属8种(含2个未定种);日射珊瑚1属1种;皱纹珊瑚6属6种(含2个未定种).基于前人工作的基础及本文研究的材料,认为白云庵组与滇东北志留系兰多维列统嘶风崖组层位大致相当,时...  相似文献   

系统研究了四川东北部广元市旺苍县罐子坝剖面长兴组和大隆组的牙形刺动物群,鉴定2属21个种(包括2个相似种,1个亲缘种和1个未定种)。划分出4个牙形刺带,从下至上依次为Clarkina orientalis带,C.wangi带,C.changxingensis-C.deflecta带和C.meishanensis带。以C.wangi的首现层面为标志比较精确地确定了该剖面长兴阶的底界,并将该剖面牙形刺序列与浙江长兴煤山经典剖面进行了较为精确的对比。  相似文献   

安徽大别山粒毛盘菌初探   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
陈辉  叶明  谭炜 《生物学杂志》2008,25(1):26-27,8
大别山区森林植物极其丰富多样,区内气候温暖湿润,为粒毛盘菌等腐生真菌生长提供了丰富的基物和适宜的气候条件.对该地区粒毛盘菌等相关类群资源进行了研究,报道了粒毛盘菌属7个分类单元,包括Lachnum ciliare,L. nudipes,L.pudibundum,L.ptgmnaeum,L.subpygmaeum,L.sichuanense和L.virgineum,利用物种描述式表明了种的主要特征,并对其中部分种进行了形态学方面的讨论.  相似文献   

Taxonomy is a traditional subject, but it still receives attention and has become a topic of much discussion in recent years. Many of these discussions have raised concerns about the future of taxonomy, especially with regard to the workforce responsible for the discovery of new species in the context of declining biodiversity. Previous discussions were based on the taxonomic data of plants and animals, but the status of fungal taxonomy has not been mentioned. Fungi have one of the highest levels of biodiversity among all living organisms, second only to insects. The discussion of the future of taxonomy without the inclusion of fungal data is incomplete. Here, we present the results of analyses based on all new fungal taxa published since 1753. Fungal taxonomy is an ever‐growing area of study with increasing numbers of new taxa being described and growing numbers of fungal taxonomists. Compared with plants and most animal groups, there has been a much sharper increase in the rate at which new fungal taxa are being described. Furthermore, the number of taxonomists studying fungi has increased at a faster speed than those studying plants or animals. This indicates that fungal taxonomy is a prosperous subject and a dynamic area for scientific studies, and that it deserves much more attention and support. The study of fungal taxonomy will deepen our understanding of the biodiversity of our planet.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method for the purification of malic enzyme (EC from pigeon liver is described. Malic enzyme in the crude tissue extract was partially purified by heat treatment, ammonium sulfate fractionation, and DEAE-cellulose chromatography. Final purification was achieved by affinity chromatography on immobilized N6-(6-aminohexyl)-adenosine 2′,5′-bisphosphate. Apparently homogeneous enzyme was obtained in 2 days with 54% yield.  相似文献   

云南海口早寒武世褐藻化石新知   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
徐兆良 《Acta Botanica Sinica》2001,43(10):1072-1076
主要报道了产自云南海口耳材村早寒武世筇竹寺组玉案山段澄江生物群中的褐藻化石-拟点叶藻(Punctariopsis latifolia gen.et sp.nov.)简单拟点叶藻(Punctariopsis simplex gen.etsp.nov.)和古德带藻(Vendotaenia cf.antiqua Gnilovskaya)3种。这些化石丰富了澄江生物群物种的多样性,为研究该群生物爆发性演化提供了新的证据。同时通过对现生褐藻和褐藻化石形态学的比较研究,表明化石属和现代属在系统演化上可能有较密切的亲缘关系,并进一步证明了澄江生物群在云南海口地区发生于一个潮间带和亚潮带的海水环境。  相似文献   

龙凤山藻在澄江早寒武世生物群中的发现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
徐兆良 《Acta Botanica Sinica》2002,44(10):1250-1254
主要报道了产自云南昆明海口耳材村早寒武世筇竹寺组玉案山段澄江生物群中可能为漂浮生长的宏观藻类化石-心型龙凤山藻(新种)(Longfengshania cordata sp.nov.)和中华豆芽藻(新属、新种)(lantulaformis sinensis gen.et sp.nov)。这些化石的发现进一步显示了澄江生物群种物多样性,为揭示该生物群爆发性演化提供了新的证据。通过对龙凤山藻属亲缘关系的深入比较研究,进一步证明该类化石应归属宏观藻类以及它们遗传上的稳定性、演化上的保守性和环境上的适应性。  相似文献   

主要报道了产自云南昆明海口耳材村早寒武世筇竹寺组玉案山段澄江生物群中可能为自由漂浮生长的宏观藻类化石--心型龙凤山藻(新种)(Longfengshania cordata sp. nov.)和中华豆芽藻(新属、新种)(Plantulaformis sinensis gen. et sp. nov.).这些化石的发现进一步显示了澄江生物群物种多样性,为揭示该生物群爆发性演化提供了新的证据.通过对龙凤山藻属亲缘关系的深入比较研究,进一步证明该类化石应归属宏观藻类以及它们遗传上的稳定性、演化上的保守性和环境上的适应性.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the new phaeophycean fossils in the Early Cambrian from Chengjiang Biota at Ercai Village of Haikou, Kunming, Yunnan, Southwest China. Three new taxa, Punctariopsis latifolia gen. et sp. nov., P.simplex gen. et sp. nov. and Vendotaenia cf. antiqua Gnilovskaya are described here in detail. These new findings show that the Chengjiang Biota is high in species diversity of fossil algae and might offer new evidence for a better understanding of the Cambrian explosive biological evolution. The fossil genus described here is found to have a close relationship with the living Punctaria based on similar morphology. The results suggest that the Chengjiang Biota in Haikou area of Kunming was living in an intertidal and subtidal seawater environment.  相似文献   

Submitochondrial particles isolated from Tetrahymena pyriformis contain essentially the same redox carriers as those present in parental mitochondria: at pH 7.2 and 22 °C there are two b-type pigments with half-reduction potentials of −0.04 and −0.17 V, a c-type cytochrome with a half reduction potential of 0.215 V, and a two-component cytochrome a2 with Em7.2 of 0.245 and 0.345 V.

EPR spectra of the aerobic submitochondrial particles in the absence of substrate show the presence of low spin ferric hemes with g values at 3.4 and 3.0, a high spin ferric heme with g = 6, and a g = 2.0 signal characteristic of oxidized copper. In the reduced submitochondrial particles signals of various iron-sulfur centers are observed.

Cytochrome c553 is lost from mitochondria during preparation of the submitochondrial particles. The partially purified cytochrome c553 is a negatively charged protein at neutral pH with an Em7.2 of 0.25 V which binds to the cytochrome c-depleted Tetrahymena mitochondria in the amount of 0.5 nmol/mg protein with a KD of 0.8 · 10−6 M. Reduced cytochrome c553 serves as an efficient substrate in the reaction with its own oxidase. The EPR spectrum of the partially purified cytochrome c553 shows the presence of a low spin ferric heme with the dominant resonance signal at g = 3.28.

A pigment with an absorption maximum at 560 nm can be solubilized from the Tetrahymena cells with butanol. This pigments has a molecular weight of approx. 18 000, and Em7.2 of −0.17 V and exhibits a high spin ferric heme signal at g = 6.  相似文献   

依据福建龙岩坑柄煤矿童子岩组保存完好的化石材料,建立中二叠世(阳新统)蛇尾纲一新种--Aganaster?fujianensis sp.nov。,并根据蛇尾纲与腕足类,双壳类等共生化石组合的埋葬特征,认为古代蛇尾纲具有与现生蛇尾纲相似的集群而居的生活习性。  相似文献   

Inhibitors of the thiol proteinase, papain (EC, were shown to be present in 11 species of 10 genera of plants. The inhibitor activity was nondialyzable, and precipitated by ammonium sulfate. Tissue cultures from a number of plant genera consisting of rapidly dividing cells contained latent papain inhibitor that could be activated upon heating. Four isoinhibitors of plant thiol proteinases from seeds of the legume Vigna unguiculata subsp. cyclindrica were purified to apparent homogeneity by acrylamide gel electrophoresis with or without sodium dodecyl sulfate. The inhibitors were present in very small amounts compared to the trypsin inhibitors and the degree of purification of the homogeneous isoinhibitors on the assumption that all were present initially in equal amounts was 15,000- to 60,000-fold. The isoinhibitors did not inhibit pepsin, bromelain, and the serine proteinases, trypsin, chymotrypsin, and subtilisin. They were specific for papain, chymopapain, and ficin but their inhibition of the proteinase, esterase, and amidase activities of the three enzymes differed.  相似文献   

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