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为了较系统地了解基因芯片在地下水污染研究中的应用进展,调研了基因芯片技术及其在地下水污染研究中应用的有关文献,简述了基因芯片原理、分类及实施流程,总结了系统发育寡核苷酸芯片和功能基因芯片在地下水污染研究中的最新应用进展,探讨了基因芯片检测性能、数据分析和应用等方面存在的问题和措施,在基因芯片性能改进和应用方面提出了进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

为了较系统地了解基因芯片在地下水污染研究中的应用进展,调研了基因芯片技术及其在地下水污染研究中应用的有关文献,简述了基因芯片原理、分类及实施流程,总结了系统发育寡核苷酸芯片和功能基因芯片在地下水污染研究中的最新应用进展,探讨了基因芯片检测性能、数据分析和应用等方面存在的问题和措施,在基因芯片性能改进和应用方面提出了进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

超临界二氧化碳的四个应用方向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了超临界CO2的四个主要应用方向,即萃取、细胞破壁和微粒制造、反应溶剂以及SCCO2洗涤,着重总结了在烟草工业上的应用。对国内外的应用现状和应用前景给予了评述,并给出CO2温度、压力、密度的关系式。  相似文献   

董大鹏  金政  赵凯 《生物技术》2022,(6):787-795
碳纳米管具有良好的表面修饰性、机械性和电学特性,在电化学生物传感器材料领域应用广泛,在病原微生物检测、环境保护、农业以及食品等行业具有广阔的应用前景。该文综述了碳纳米管在生物检测技术中的应用进展,以病毒检测为主分析了碳纳米管在检测技术方面的应用进展和优缺点,展望了碳纳米管在生物检测领域的应用发展趋势。  相似文献   

硅烷偶联剂的研究与应用   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
硅烷偶联剂是应用最广的一类偶联剂。本文阐述了其结构特征、偶联机理与使用技术,着重综述了硅烷偶联剂的应用范围与具体应用效果,最后展望了硅烷偶联剂的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文通过论述生物技术在园林绿化领域应用发展,并着生对生物技术在园林植物育种方面的应用知识进行了阐明,对生物技术在园林植物上应用的现状做了简要介绍和应用中应注意的事项。  相似文献   

水生植物在污水处理和水质改善中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贺锋  吴振斌 《植物学报》2003,20(6):641-647
介绍了水生植物在污水治理中的应用。通过与其他方法的比较,说明了水生植物净化法有其独特的优点。分别阐述了低等植物藻类及高等水生植物净化污水的应用类型、方式,应用范围及净化机理,还对高等水生植物的选取标准作了描述。指出了该方法使用的可行性,并对其应用前景作出了展望。  相似文献   

巴氏芽孢杆菌矿化作用机理及应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了具有诱导碳酸钙矿化功能的巴氏芽孢杆菌及其矿化核心酶脲酶的结构与功能,较为系统地综述了巴氏芽孢杆菌矿化作用的生物机制,简要介绍了国内外多领域关于巴氏芽孢杆菌矿化应用的研究现状及典型应用案例,并探讨了相应微生物矿化技术在特定环境下的应用前景及在未来应用中可能存在的不足之处,相关分析论述对进一步推进微生物矿化技术的应用具有较为重要的意义.  相似文献   

通过对南京城市公园、广场、道路、居民区、单位附属绿地等绿地地被植物种类及其应用的调查,表明地被植物在南京城市绿地的应用已得到重视,已用地被植物种类较为丰富,目前应用地被植物178种,隶属62科125属;分析了南京市应用地被植物存在的问题,提出了在南京城市绿地进一步科学应用地被植物的建议.  相似文献   

李丹丹  杨军  宋玉玲  朱桦  于晶  郭水良 《广西植物》2021,41(10):1719-1729
苔藓植物是环境污染的重要指示生物,目前,国内开展的主要是应用苔藓植物进行大气污染的监测,事实上国外已有较多应用苔藓植物进行水体质量监测的工作。该文首先统计分析了国际上应用苔藓植物进行水环境质量监测研究文献,然后从苔藓植物监测的水体污染物类型、监测用苔藓植物种类、苔藓植物材料存活状态对监测效果的影响、影响苔藓植物富集水体重金属元素的环境因素、应用苔藓植物进行水体污染监测的主动与被动方法、样品预处理方法和水体质量监测的应用案例等方面,系统介绍了国际上应用苔藓植物进行水体污染监测的研究和应用概况,提出了今后应用苔藓植物监测水体污染研究值得关注的领域。  相似文献   

Macaques can efficiently use several tools, but their capacity to discriminate the relevant physical features of a tool and the social factors contributing to their acquisition are still poorly explored. In a series of studies, we investigated macaques' ability to generalize the use of a stick as a tool to new objects having different physical features (study 1), or to new contexts, requiring them to adapt the previously learned motor strategy (study 2). We then assessed whether the observation of a skilled model might facilitate tool-use learning by naive observer monkeys (study 3). Results of study 1 and study 2 showed that monkeys trained to use a tool generalize this ability to tools of different shape and length, and learn to adapt their motor strategy to a new task. Study 3 demonstrated that observing a skilled model increases the observers' manipulations of a stick, thus facilitating the individual discovery of the relevant properties of this object as a tool. These findings support the view that in macaques, the motor system can be modified through tool use and that it has a limited capacity to adjust the learnt motor skills to a new context. Social factors, although important to facilitate the interaction with tools, are not crucial for tool-use learning.  相似文献   

IMpRH server: an RH mapping server available on the Web   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
SUMMARY: The INRA-Minnesota Porcine Radiation Hybrid (IMpRH) Server provides both a mapping tool (IMpRH mapping tool) and a database (IMpRH database) of officially submitted results. The mapping tool permits the mapping of a new marker relatively to markers previously mapped on the IMpRH panel. The IMpRH database is the official database for submission of new results and queries. The database not only permits the sharing of public data but also semi-private and private data.  相似文献   

Tissue microarrays have become an essential tool in translational pathology. They are used to confirm results from other experimental platforms, such as expression microarrays, as well as a primary tool to explore the expression profile of proteins by immunohistochemical analysis. Tissue microarrays are routinely used molecular epidemiology, drug development and determining the diagnostic, prognostic and predictive value of new biomarkers. By applying traditional protein based assays, as well as novel assays to the platform, tissue microarrays have gained a new utility as a proteomic tool for both basic science as well as clinical investigation. This article will explore the new approaches that are being applied to tissue microarrays to, characterize the human proteome, and new technologies that allow tissue microarrays to function as a protein array. The U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged  相似文献   

A new method for adjusting the tool rake and flank angles by changing the position of the tools was used to explore the behaviour of wear using MD simulation. In this paper, a new improved tool was used and found to have lower wear compared to conventional tools. Simulations under the same cutting conditions were carried out using a tool swinging to six different rake angles of six different adjustment angles. Further analysis of the influence of different adjustment angles on the wear behaviour of the tool by cutting force, friction coefficient, temperature, radial distribution function and wear rate was conducted. The highest normal force was observed with the tool swung to ?15°, and the tangential force did not produce any significant changes. The friction coefficients were also not observed as a linear change with the increasing angle of adjustment. At the same time, the particularities and differences at ?15° were illustrated, from the most intuitive tool flank wear images. Finally, the causes of this phenomenon were further explained in terms of temperature and radial distribution function and the correctness of this phenomenon was proved, which is different from previous researches.  相似文献   

为了解决生物科学方面的研究人员在使用生物研究软件工具中存在的“不知道、选不出、难学习和用不起”等问题,同时也为了能为生物类院校的师生提供教学辅助,利用网格技术在高性能服务器上,建立了一款服务于生物研究和教学的网上生物科研服务平台(Biological study service platform,BSP)。该平台包含“工具大全、工具论坛和web工作台”等三部分,拟分别从“找,学,用”三个方面彻底解决生物研究人员在使用生物研究软件工具中存在的问题,同时也为生物类的教师和学生提供了教与学平台。访问地址如下:。此外,该研究小组还将不断地更新和改进该平台,开发更多的自主应用软件,更好地服务生物科研工作。  相似文献   

Homo faber was once proposed as a label for humans specifically to highlight their unique propensity for tool use. However, new observations on complex tool use by the chimpanzees of Loango National Park, Gabon, expand our knowledge about tool-using abilities in Pan troglodytes. Chimpanzees in Loango, when using tools to extract honey from three types of bee nests, were observed to regularly use three- to five-element tool sets. In other words, different types of tools were used sequentially to access a single food source. Such tool sets included multi-function tools that present typical wear for two distinct uses. In addition, chimpanzees exploited underground bee nests and used ground-perforating tools to locate nest chambers that were not visible from the ground surface. These new observations concur with others from Central African chimpanzees to highlight the importance of honey extraction in arguments favoring the emergence of complex tool use in hominoids, including different tool types, expanded tool sets, multifunction tools, and the exploitation of underground resources. This last technique requires sophisticated cognitive abilities concerning unseen objects. A sequential analysis reveals a higher level of complexity in honey extraction than previously proposed for nut cracking or hunting tools, and compares with some technologies attributed to early hominins from the Early and Middle Stone Age. A better understanding of similarities in human and chimpanzee tool use will allow for a greater understanding of tool-using skills that are uniquely human.  相似文献   

The Australian weed risk assessment has been promoted as a simple and effective screening tool that can help prevent the entry of weeds and invasive plants into new areas. On average, the Australian model identifies major-invaders more accurately than it does non-invaders (90% vs. 70% accuracy). While this difference in performance emphasizes protection, the overall accuracy of the model will be determined by its performance with non-invaders because the frequency of invasive species among new plant introductions is relatively low. In this study, we develop a new weed risk assessment model for the entire United States that increases non-invader accuracy. The new screening tool uses two elements of risk, establishment/spread potential and impact potential, in a logistic regression model to evaluate the invasive/weedy potential of a species. We selected 204 non-invaders, minor-invaders, and major-invaders to develop and validate the new model, and compare its performance to the Australian model using the same set of species. Performing better than the Australian model, our new model accurately identified 94.1% of major-invaders and 97.1% of non-invaders, without committing any false positives or false negatives. The new secondary screening tool we developed reduced the number of species requiring secondary evaluation from 22 to 12%. We expect that the new weed risk assessment model should significantly enhance the United State’s timeliness and accuracy in regulating potential weeds.  相似文献   

Two forms of tool use by wild Sumatran orangutans are reported from the Agusan Monitoring Station, a new research site in Indonesia. One form, a branch "hook" used in locomotion, has not been reported previously in wild orangutans. The second form, a leaf "pad" used to protect the hands and feet from thorns while feeding, shares similarities in form and function with a tool type used by orangutans at Ketambe, a nearby research site. Both instances of tool use occurred in areas of disturbance, and appear to be spontaneous inventions under novel conditions, although habitual use of the tool in other ecological contexts is plausible. A summary of the distribution of tool use types in wild orangutans is presented.  相似文献   

TRF-CUT, an ARB-implemented tool, was developed to predict in silico the terminal restriction fragments of aligned small-subunit rRNA gene or functional gene sequences. Application of this new tool to perform directed terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of pmoA products obtained from a forest soil revealed that novel cluster I methanotrophic bacteria were dominant.  相似文献   

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