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太湖平原西北部全新世以来植被与环境变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
太湖平原西北部卜弋桥Zk01孔上部8m地层孢粉资料显示该地区自全新世以来植被与气候主要经历了三个阶段:1)11000—9500cal.aB.P.,地带性植被为壳斗科为主的亚热带常绿落叶针阔混交林。森林成分以栎属(Quercus)、青冈属(Cyclobalanopsis)、栗属(Castanea)、栲属(Castanopsis)/石栎属(Lithocarpus)和松属(Pinus)为主,同时混生有少量的枫香属(Liquidambar)、冬青属(Ilex)、水青冈属(Fagus)、桦属(Betula)、榆属(Ulmus)等乔灌木。本阶段孢粉浓度较高,气候较温暖湿润,为早全新世升温期;2)9500—3900cal.aB.P.,植被演替为中亚热带性质的常绿阔叶林。此阶段特别是8000cal.aB.P.以来,植被以青冈属为主的常绿分子获得大发展为特点。当时森林繁茂,气候暖湿且较为稳定,对应于中全新世大暖期(适宜期);3)3900cal.aB.P.以来,森林植被表现为次生性质的亚热带针阔混交林。青冈属、栎属骤减,松属、禾本科(Poaceae)及水龙骨科(Polypodiaceae)含量明显增升。本阶段孢粉浓度减为最低,据研究区周边的孢粉资料推测此时期气候温凉湿润。本阶段晚期森林植被受到人类的干扰,与人类活动密切相关的农作物如禾本科(35—45μm)、十字花科和菊科等花粉类型含量持续增多,表明研究区自全新世晚期以来出现了明显的人类活动的迹象。Zk01钻孔点位处古河道,磁化率和粒度证据揭示了研究点沉积环境全新世早期为河流相,水动力较强,中期水动力条件显著增强,晚期减弱。最后,结合孢粉资料和沉积环境简述了植被变化与沉积环境之间的关联。  相似文献   

气候变化对中国东北主要森林类型的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
程肖侠  延晓冬 《生态学报》2008,28(2):534-543
应用林窗模型-FAREAST,模拟未来气候变化对中国东北主要类型森林演替动态的影响.根据大气环流模型ECHAM5-OM和HadCM3预测的气候变化资料,模拟选择了目前气候情景、增暖情景、增暖且降水变化情景3种气候情景.结果表明:维持目前气候不变,东北森林树种组成和森林生物量基本维持动态平衡.气候增暖不利于东北主要森林类型生长,主要针叶树种比例下降,阔叶树比例增加;温带针阔混交林垂直分布带有上移的趋势;增暖幅度越大,变化越明显.气候增暖基础上考虑降水变化,东北森林水平分布带有北移的趋势,降水对低海拔温带针阔混交林影响不大.  相似文献   

晚更新世以来浙江余姚地区植被变化及人类活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浙江余姚河姆渡镇7 m钻孔的孢粉记录提供了晚更新世以来的植被变化及其反映的气候变化和人类活动的历史.在全新世海侵之前,研究区发育常绿落叶阔叶混交林.全新世早中期,海侵发生,植被由亚热带针阔叶混交林发展为常绿落叶阔叶混交林,碳屑和禾本科(≥35/μm)花粉的增高说明,可能在河姆渡文化之前,研究区已经有人类活动.7 cal.kyr BP之后,高含量的禾本科(≥35 μm)花粉表明钻孔点的临近地区有水稻种植.亚热带与温带乔木花粉的比值(sub/tem)显示,在8 cal.kyr BP之前的海侵期间,浙江余姚地区气候最温暖湿润;7.5-5.86cal.kyr BP期间,温度低于海侵期但是仍然属于全新世暖期,温度高于现在;5.86 cal.kyr BP之后,温度下降;4cal.kyr BP之后温度进一步下降,接近现在.  相似文献   

甘肃小陇山林区全新世中期以来古植被演替的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用花粉孢子分析和^14C测定年代的方法,来研究小陇山林区植被的历史演根据小陇山林区不同地点3个剖面的孢粉资料和^14C数据,首次推断该区自全新世中期以来,古植被和古气候经历了3个演替阶段;距今7500-5000年,为以栎类为主的落叶阔叶林和局部为针阔混交林,气候温度湿润;距今5000-2500年,为以栎类为主的针阔混交林,气候温和略干;2500年至今,早期为栎林和针阔昆交林,晚期是以栎类占优势的  相似文献   

本研究通过浙江南部地区高山湿地望东垟的61个孢粉样品分析结果,结合四个AMS14C年代数据构建的年代框架,初步揭示了该区域中晚全新世以来的植被演变历史与气候变化。研究表明,该区域7.4-2.1ka B.P.气候暖湿,温暖湿润的气候塑造了当时常绿阔叶针叶混交林的地带性植被,森林覆盖率高,并持续了五千多年。2.1-1.8ka B.P.为该区域气候由暖转型到冷的过渡阶段,草本植物扩张明显。1.8ka B.P.至现今,该区域气候凉偏湿,地带性植被以常绿针叶林、落叶阔叶林、草本及蕨类植物为主。显然,自7.4ka B.P.以来,该区域植被覆盖度与生态环境的变化以气候变化为主导。但是,有证据表明1.1ka B.P.以来该区域明显有了人类活动的记录,气候变化与人类活动共同塑造了该区域的植被与生态环境。  相似文献   

末次冰盛期以来,地球系统经历了一次从冷到暖完整的气候旋回,是过去全球变化研究的一个重要时段。本文基于陇中黄土高原会宁硝沟剖面河湖相-水下黄土沉积序列的高分辨率地层孢粉记录,探讨该区末次冰盛期以来的植被演替及其气候响应模式,旨在为黄土高原生态环境建设的战略部署提供科学依据,且对进一步探讨区域气候演化机制、预测未来气候环境变化趋势具有重要意义。硝沟剖面的孢粉记录揭示,末次冰盛期以来该区的植被演替过程为:荒漠草原(寒冷的盛冰期)→针叶疏林/森林草原(逐渐增温的冰消期)→针阔叶混交林为主的森林草原→针阔叶混交林(温暖的盛间冰期)→针叶疏林草原→干草原/荒漠草原;相应的气候变化模式为:冷干→较温湿→较暖湿→暖湿→温凉偏干→较冷干。总体来看,末次冰盛期以来,研究区植被对气候环境变化的响应非常敏感,随着气候的冷暖干湿变化,森林/疏林草原带自东南-西北发生多次进退;区域顶极植物群落为中全新世气候最适宜期发育的针阔叶混交林,研究区早中全新世较长时期都有较大面积的针阔叶混交林发育;晚全新世植被退化为干草原/荒漠草原,一方面可能是气候持续变干的自然响应,另一方面可能也与此时强烈的人类活动对自然森林/草原植被的破坏导致的恶性循环有关。  相似文献   

腾格里沙漠晚更新世孢粉植物群与气候环境演变   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
根据腾格里沙漠断头梁人工开挖剖面距今约42000~23000aBP(晚更新世)的孢粉分析结果,可将该期植被和气候演化划分为5个阶段(组合带):阶段Ⅰ,约42000~38000aBP,此段孢粉组合特征显示出,在现今为戈壁荒漠的山地丘陵上,当时发育着针阔混交林,在古湖边缘上发育着杨柳林和草原,气候较温暖湿润;阶段Ⅱ,约38000~31000aBP,气候温暖湿润,地带性植被为以温带、暖温带阔叶林为主的针阔混交林,湖畔河边发育着草甸植被;阶段Ⅲ,约31000~30000aBP,为针叶林和寒温性高山柳丛大发展时期,气候寒温,为一冷期;阶段Ⅳ,约30000~28000aBP,为冷期过后的升温期,也是湖面扩大期,孢粉组合中藻类含量高,为草甸和沼泽植被;阶段Ⅴ,28000~23000aBP,孢粉组合显示出丘陵山地上发育温带柏和桦为主的针阔混交林,平原上生长着草原植被,湖畔、河边有柳林分布,气候较温暖湿润,但较阶段Ⅰ略干。此剖面孢粉组合所反映的气候变化特征与古里雅及格陵兰冰芯δ18O所记录的同期气候变化特征具有良好的可比性。  相似文献   

长白山针阔混交林不同演替阶段的昆虫多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
贾玉珍  赵秀海  孟庆繁 《昆虫学报》2009,52(11):1236-1243
昆虫多样性变化对生态系统健康有重要的指示作用, 为研究昆虫群落变化与生境演替之间的关系, 本研究采用网捕、灯诱和诱捕法系统调查了长白山针阔混交林不同演替阶段(次生白桦林、次生针阔混交林、原始阔叶红松林)昆虫群落的组成和多样性, 分析了昆虫在森林演替过程中的规律及与植被群落之间的关系。系统调查共采集昆虫标本8 183头, 隶属于14个目699种, 其中鳞翅目和鞘翅目是主要优势类群。次生针阔混交林昆虫的个体数量最多, 原始阔叶红松林中物种数最多。不同演替阶段昆虫群落的物种数和个体数差异不显著, 但次生针阔混交林、原始阔叶红松林的Fisher’s α指数显著高于次生白桦林。目水平上的昆虫多样性未表现出显著性差异. 昆虫多样性在森林演替过程中和草本植物多样性的变化趋势相同;由于食性和生境选择的不同, 森林演替过程中鳞翅目昆虫多样性逐渐升高, 而鞘翅目多样性逐渐降低。  相似文献   

青藏高原30个点湖泊的孢粉记录综合研究显示: 在进入全新世之前(12 ka BP以前),除最东南部外,高原从东到西均发育为荒漠草原植被.全新世早期(12.0-9.0 ka BP)高原东南部(104°-98° E)为落叶阔叶林/针阔叶混交林; 中部(98°-92° E)为草甸或灌丛草甸,再向西至80° E左右为草原植被; 全新世中期(9.0-3.2 ka BP)高原由东向西古植被依次发育为针阔混交林和硬叶阔叶林(104°-98° E)→针阔混交林(98°-94° E)→灌丛草甸(94°-92° E)→草原(92°-80° E);全新世晚期(3.2 ka BP以后)由东向西古植被依次为硬叶阔叶林→针阔混交林→草甸→草原→荒漠.  相似文献   

气候变化对中国大兴安岭森林演替动态的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
程肖侠  延晓冬 《生态学杂志》2007,26(8):1277-1284
应用森林生长演替动态模型-FAREAST,在气候变化背景下对大兴安岭漠河林区森林的演替动态进行了模拟。模拟选择了目前气候情景、增暖情景、温度和降水都增加情景3种气候情景,并考虑了气候变化引起的火干扰变化对森林演替的影响。结果表明:维持目前气候不变,兴安落叶松(Larix gmelini)将继续作为绝对优势树种,樟子松(Pinussylvestris var.mongolica)、桦树(Betula)、杨树(Populus)伴生其中;气候发生变化,东北森林带将有北移的趋势,大兴安岭将可能以温带针阔混交林为主,森林群落中出现红松(P.koraiensis)、蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)、椴树(Tilia)等树种;火干扰影响森林生物量及森林的物种组成和结构。  相似文献   

The early Cenozoic was characterized by a very warm climate especially during the Early Eocene. To understand climatic changes in eastern Asia, we reconstructed the Early Eocene vegetation and climate based on palynological data of a borehole from Wutu coal mine, East China and evaluated the climatic differences between eastern Asia and Central Europe. The Wutu palynological assemblages indicated a warm temperate vegetation succession comprising mixed needle- and broad-leaved forests. Three periods of vegetation succession over time were recognized. The changes of palynomorph relative abundance indicated that period 1 was warm and humid, period 2 was relatively warmer and wetter, and period 3 was cooler and drier again. The climatic parameters estimated by the coexistence approach (CA) suggested that the Early Eocene climate in Wutu was warmer and wetter. Mean annual temperature (MAT) was approximately 16°C and mean annual precipitation (MAP) was 800–1400 mm. Comparison of the Early Eocene climatic parameters of Wutu with those of 39 other fossil floras of different age in East China, reveals that 1) the climate became gradually cooler during the last 65 million years, with MAT dropping by 9.3°C. This cooling trend coincided with the ocean temperature changes but with weaker amplitude; 2) the Early Eocene climate was cooler in East China than in Central Europe; 3) the cooling trend in East China (MAT dropped by 6.9°C) was gentler than in Central Europe (MAT dropped by 13°C) during the last 45 million years.  相似文献   

Palynological analyses in combination with radiocarbon dating on a Holocene borehole from the Lake Nanyi, Anhui Province, East China demonstrate a well-documented local vegetation evolution since 9000 cal BP, which is the first record of Holocene climate change and human impact in this region. Since 9000 cal BP a mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest dominated by Cyclobalanopsis and Quercus developed in this area, indicating a warm climate condition with enhanced insolation. A mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest was fully developed between 6600–4500 cal BP, which corresponds to the Holocene Climate Optimum with the strong influence of East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). After 3000 cal BP the broad-leaved forest decreased rapidly, while land herbs and ferns increased. It seems that the climate condition in East China was similar to the present after Holocene Climate Optimum. Pollen results show a potential interface between environment changes and human activities. Pollen diagram demonstrates that human impacts on the natural vegetation remained weak at the early stage but significantly enhanced upwards. The distinctive fluctuations of the pollen contents among AP (trees and shrubs), and the possible agriculture indicators might infer the potential human behaviors for environment changes. Due to the enlargement of organized farming and increase in population, natural forest was eventually replaced by farmland since 3000 cal BP. This study would increase our knowledge of Holocene vegetation transition related to the monsoon dynamics on a long timescale in East China and provide an environmental background for more detailed studies on cultural developments in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River region.  相似文献   

根据孢粉分析论青藏高原西部和北部全新世环境变化   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过对青藏高原西部班公湖钻孔和北部中昆仑山3个湖相剖面的孢粉研究,揭示青藏高原西部和北部地区全新世1万年期间植被的演替和气候变化,西部在全新世早期9900-7800yr.B.P.植被由荒漠转为草原,气候好转;中期7800-3500yr.B.P.,草原发展,气候较适宜,以7200-6300yr.B.P.为高温湿期,5500yr.B.P.和3500yr.B.P.出现干旱,晚期从3500yr.B.P.至今植被为荒漠,气候干旱,其中700yr.B.P.气候恶化。北部地区全新世时期为荒漠植被,当气候温湿时,蒿和禾本科,莎草科成份增加,藜科减少,气候干旱时则相反,北部全新世的气候分期和干湿波动与西部相近,两地在晚期气候朝干旱化发展。  相似文献   

Two14C-dated pollen profiles from mires in the steppe belt of southern Russia are presented. On the basis of these and data from earlier investigations, the Holocene forest history of the southern part of Russia and Ukraine is reconstructed. The steppe belt is very sensitive to climatic oscillations and, in particular, to changes in evapotranspiration. The most favourable climate occurred between 6000 and 4500 B.P. (6800–5200 cal. B.P.), when forest attained its maximum extent in the steppe belt. The period 4500–3500 B.P. (5200–3800 cal. B.P.) was characterised by drier climate with the most arid phase occurring between 4200–3700 B.P. (4700–4000 cal. B.P.). During arid phases, the area under forest and also peat accumulation rates declined. Subsequently, a number of less pronounced climatic oscillations occurred such as in the period 3400/3300–2800 B.P. (3600/3500–2900 cal. B.P.) when there was a return to more humid conditions. During the last 2500 years, the vegetation cover of the steppe belt in southern Russia and Ukraine took on its present-day aspect. On the one hand, there is close correlation between the Holocene vegetation history of southern Russia and Ukraine and, on the other hand, the steppe belt of Kazakhstan and transgressions in the Caspian sea. Human impact on the natural vegetation became important from the Bronze Age onwards (after 4500 B.P.; 5200 cal. B.P.). Particular attention is given to the history of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), which had a much wider distribution in the southern part of eastern Europe in the early Holocene. The reduction in range during recent millennia has come about as a result of the combined effects of both climatic deterioration and increased human impact.  相似文献   

25000年以来渤海湾西岸古环境探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
 本文依据孢粉、微体古生物、放射性碳测年、因子分析等资料,表明25000a,BP 以来渤海湾西岸的古植被,古地理环境演变既受气候冷暖变化的影响,又受海平面变化的制约。25000—23000a,BP 为高海平面时期,古植被为森林草甸植被,23000—12000a,BP,气候冷干,为低海平面时期,以草原植被为主,前期和后期为沼泽草甸植被。12000—5000a,BP 气候温凉或温暖湿润为海平面上升时期,为阔叶林草甸或沼泽草甸植被,5000a,BP 以来,气候变凉变干,为海退时期,古植被由沼泽草甸演变为盐生草甸。  相似文献   

Palynoflora studies on the Duantouliang section, located at 39º40'N, 103º55'E in Northwestern Tengger Desert, China showed that, based on the spore-pollen assemblages, the major vegetation and climatic environment between 42 000 to 23 000 a BP could be divided into the following different periods: Ⅰ. From 42 000 to 38 000 a BP, the spore-pollen assemblages displayed that the mixed conifer/deciduous broad-leaved forests developed on the mountain and its foothill regions where the bare Gobi-desert are at present; At that time, Populus and Salix forests and grassland surrounded the Paleaolake, the climate condition was much warmer and humid than today; Ⅱ. From 38 000 to 37 000 a BP, the climate was warm and moist, it was the most suitable period for the plant growth, the studied area was dominated by the temperate and warm-temperate mixed broad-leaf deciduous and needleleaf forest, there was meadow spreaded on the river sides and lake beaches; Ⅲ. From 31 000 to 30000 a BP, the needleleaf forests and cold-temperate Salix oritrepha shrubs were flourishing, and the climate at that time was relatively cold;Ⅳ. From 30000 to 28000 a BP, the temperatures began increasing, the high lake levels was formed during this time, and the vegetations were meadows and swamps; V. From 28 000 to 23 000 a BP, temperate Cupressaceae and Betula mixed conifer/deciduous forests grew on mountain and foothill region, grassland developed on plain areas, Salix was on lake and river sides. This indicates a warm and moist climate condition but it was drier than the earliest period.  相似文献   

In the previous paper authors found the vegetational and climatic changes in the past 30,000–10,000 years in Beijing. This paper is based on the informations of the sporo-pollen assemblages obtained from the Gaolizang, Dawangzhang, Yinjiahe, Xiwu- tiyng etc. with drilling cores in the vicinity of Beijing. About 12,000–10,000 years ago deciduous broad-leaved trees were flourishing in Beijing. At that time the climate was warm and rather wet. 10,000–8,000 years ago, the herbaceous plants, such as Artemisia, Compositae were flourishing in plain of Beijing and mountainous region was dominant in subalpine conifer forest, consisting of Pinus, Picea and Abies, According to the needle-leaved forest increasing at that time we think about 9,000 B. P. that climate was cool and wetter. In the past 8,000–6,000 years, needle-leaved and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest, consisting of Pinus, Quercus and Betula thrived under a warm and wetter climate, the bogs were better developed in plain. During 6,000–2,000 years, in general review on the sporopollen assemblages of the Beijing we think that the climate was warm, especial about 5,000 years ago, the flora was mainly composed of deciduous broad-leaved trees, such as Ulmus, Quercus, Morus and Betula. But during 5,600 years ago or so, spruce-fir forest became predominant in the low land and the plain of Beijing again. At that time the annual mean temperature was lower than that of the present. It was corresponed to new glacial period. The flora mainly composed of Pinus was obviously reduced since 2,000 years. The glassland even increased in Beijing.  相似文献   

内蒙古大青山调角海子地区全新世气候与环境重建研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
杨志荣 《生态学报》2001,21(4):538-543
以全封闭湖泊调角海子湖相沉积的高分辨率采样为基本分析材料,采用孢粉分析、沉积地球化学分析、  相似文献   

晚更新世晚期以来昆仑山垭口区的植被与环境   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
昆仑山垭口区小南川剖面和雪水河热水剖面的孢粉分析揭示了该区44000aB.P.以来的植被演替和气候变化。40000aB.P.前,推测昆仑山垭口区为典型的灌木荒漠植被,气候极端干燥。40000-30000aB.P.,气候稍有好转。30000-24000aB.P.为草原荒漠,降水增加。24000-18000aB.P.为末次冰期极盛期,气候干冷。18000-13000aB.P.气候凉偏干。13000-8000aB.P.气候凉干。8000-6000aB.P.为全新世温暖期,但由于植被的滞后现象,本区仍为草原荒漠景观。6000-5000aB.P.,本区可能也存在着中全新世的降温事件。5000-3000aB.P.在全新世大暖期的影响下,小南川附近的植被演变成温性草原植被,并有人类的放牧活动。3000aB.P.以后,气候变凉,草原迅速地演变为灌木和小乔木荒漠植被,其中3000-1000aB.P.为凉干时期,1000aB.P.以后,可能有过一段凉湿时期。  相似文献   

Question: Is the diverse mosaic of forest/grassland (Campos) vegetation on the hills in the Porto Alegre region natural or of anthropogenic origin? What are the best approaches to management and conservation of forest/grassland mosaics in southern Brazil? Location: 280 m a.s.l., Rio Grande do Sul State (30°04′32″S; 51°06′05″W, southern Brazil. Methods: A 50-cm long radiocarbon dated sediment core from a swamp on Morro Santana was analysed for pollen and charcoal, and multivariate data analysis was used to reconstruct past vegetation and fire dynamics. Results: The formation of swamp deposits is related to a change to wetter climatic conditions since 1230 cal yr BP. The diverse forest/grassland mosaic existed already at that time and can be seen as natural in origin as it has been also shown from other studies in southern Brazil. Since 580 cal yr BP, forests expanded continuously. The marked higher occurrence of the pioneer Myrsine during the last 70 years, indicates a change in the disturbance regime. In the past, vegetation has been influenced by mostly anthropogenic fire, set first by Amerindians and later by European settlers. Conclusions: Management for conservation of forest/grassland mosaics should take into account, first, that grasslands are remnants of earlier drier Holocene periods and not a result of deforestation and, second, the history of disturbance by grazing and fire. Suppression of grazing and burning has likely resulted in a trend towards more woody vegetation under modern wet climatic conditions. If management for conservation excludes fire, the present grassland patches will tend to disappear due to forest expansion under the modern humid climate. Maintaining or reintroducing cattle grazing in conservation areas could be an alternative to fire.  相似文献   

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