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江西有柿属植物8种1变种:柿、野柿、乌柿(Diospyros cathayensis)、延平柿(D.trangii)、老鸦柿(D·rhomobifolia)、罗浮柿(D.morri-siana)、君迁子(D.lotus)、粉叶柿(D.glauc-ifolia)、油柿(D.oleifera)。 江西为南方产林大省,80年代初栽培面积已达6000多亩,产量在22万担以上。于都、临川、兴国、南康、上饶、高安、广丰等,是产柿大县,其它各县均有一定的产量。于都盒柿、高安高脚方柿  相似文献   

用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直板电泳,分析了柿属君迁子(D.lotus)和湖南九个乡土柿品种的过氧化物酶同工酶。并根据柿苗茎部酶谱的相似值,进行了模糊聚类分析,划分了类群,探讨了各类群之间的亲缘关系,初步确定了冰糖柿、槟榔柿、君迁子是一个较为原生的类群,其它4类分化程度较大,进化历史较长,但都与冰糖柿有着密切的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

柿单宁是一种重要的食品功能成分,广泛应用于食品、医疗等领域,研究柿单宁的生物生产特性对其产业应用具有重要意义。该研究以广西特色涩柿品种‘恭城月柿’为材料,测定了幼果期、膨大期、成熟前期、成熟期和成熟后期柿果肉、果皮和叶片的可溶性单宁含量,并利用液质联用色谱对全部样品中6种单宁组分[没食子酸(GA)、没食子儿茶素(GC)、儿茶素(CA)、芦丁(Rutin)、表没食子儿茶素(EGC)和表儿茶素(EC)]进行了定量分析。结果表明:柿果肉和果皮中含有丰富的可溶性单宁,在膨大期含量最高,分别达到21.93 mg·g~(-1)和18.41 mg·g~(-1),随着果实进入成熟阶段显著下降;柿叶片的可溶性单宁含量较低,并且在整个生育期内无明显变化。另外,在柿果肉中检测到GA、GC和CA 3种单宁组分,其中GA含量显著高于其他组分;在柿果皮中检测到GA、GC、CA、Rutin和EGC 5种组分,其中CA含量最高,EGC仅在幼果期和膨大期有痕量检出;在柿叶中检测到全部6种单宁组分,其中整个生育期CA含量极高,EGC和EC均为痕量检出。由此可知,幼果期至膨大期的柿果实可产出较多可溶性单宁,其中果肉中含有较多的GA组分,果皮中含有大量的CA组分,柿叶片在整个生育期均可产出极为丰富的CA单宁组分。该研究为柿单宁的功能性开发利用提供基础数据。  相似文献   

以柿属植物(Diospyros spp.)中与柿近缘的8种共30个基因型为试材,进行核糖体DNA(nrDNA)内转录间隔区(ITS)和叶绿体DNA ndhA序列变异分析,并通过软件计算两个序列及合并后的进化模型,依据进化模型采用ML法(maximum likelihood method)分析进化关系。为进一步弄清柿属植物种间亲缘关系和供试柿(Diospyros kaki Thunb.)种内分子差异提供了理论依据。结果表明:(1)ndhA序列长度变异范围在1 492~1 511,14个信息位点;ITS序列长度变异范围在660~761,56个信息位点。ITS、ndhA和ndhA+ITS(ndhA和ITS合并)最适碱基进化模型分别为(TrN+I+G)、(F81+I)和(GTR+I+G)。综合ITS和ndhA序列分析表明:柿与油柿和云南野毛柿亲缘关系最近,与美洲柿和乌柿最远。(2)21份柿品种材料的ITS长度均为730,包括4个变异位点,据此4个变异位点对供试柿种内21个品种进行聚类分析。研究认为,ndhA和ITS能较清楚解释了柿与其近缘种间的亲缘关系,并通过柿品种ITS的差异位点分析鉴别出栽培柿种内的差异。  相似文献   

对丽盲蝽属 (丽盲蝽亚属 )Lygocoris (subg .Lygocoris)的中国种类作了修订。文中共包括 19个种 ,其中有 12新种 ,1个中国新纪录种 ,并包括 1项新等级的认定。即暗胝丽盲蝽L .(L .)calligersp .nov .(正模 :四川峨眉山九老洞 ) ,程氏丽盲蝽L .(L .)chengisp .nov .(正模 :四川峨眉山大乘寺 ) ,晕斑丽盲蝽L .(L .)diffusomaculatussp .nov .(正模 :甘肃榆中兴隆山 ) ,淡色丽盲蝽L .(L .)dilutussp .nov .(正模 :甘肃夏河县合作 ) ,锈褐丽盲蝽L .(L .) ferrugineussp .nov .(正模 :云南哀牢山 ) ,褐盾丽盲蝽L .(L .) fuscoscutel latus (Reuter ,190 6 )stat .nov .[由L .(L .)striicornisvar.fuscoscutellatus升为种级阶元 ],广西丽盲蝽L .(L .) guangxiensissp .nov .(正模 :广西龙胜 ) ,东亚丽盲蝽L .(L .)idoneus(Linnavuori,196 3) (中国新纪录种 ) ,完脊丽盲蝽L .(L .)integricarinatussp .nov .(甘肃榆中麻家寺 ) ,林氏丽盲蝽L .(L .)linnavuoriisp .nov .(云南哀牢山簸箕坝 ) ,长翅丽盲蝽L .(L .)longipennis (Reuter ,190 6 ) ,斑盾丽盲蝽L .(L .)maculis cutellatussp .nov .(四川理县刷经寺 ) ,原丽盲蝽L .(L .) pabulinus (Linnaeus ,176 1) ,红盾丽盲蝽L .(L .)rufiscutellatussp .nov .(甘  相似文献   

柿斑叶蝉(Erythroneura sp.)在山东荷泽地区柿园和零星柿树上普遍发生。1969—1972,1974—1975年我们对此虫做过一些观察。鉴于国内尚未有关于此虫的报道,故将部分结果整理如后。 一、为害和寄主 以成、若虫聚集叶背,初沿叶脉吸食汁液,叶面出现褪绿斑点,叶背无任何症状。以后随着受害加重,斑点密集并遍及整个叶片。至7月中下旬以后被害叶片苍白、上卷,中脉附近的组织变褐。至9月中旬大量脱落,严重影响树势。越冬卵产在当年生枝条的皮层内,也影响树体的正常生理。 通过调查和接虫试验,证实柿斑叶蝉只为害柿树(品种间无差异)。第一代成虫盛发时,有极少数只取食同株柿树上君迁子(Diospyros lotus L.)的叶片,但并不在上面产卵。  相似文献   

中国裸斑螟属分类研究(鳞翅目,螟蛾科,斑螟亚科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道裸斑螟属Gymnancyla Zeller,1848在中国的分布,并记述裸斑螟亚属Gymnancyla(Gymnancyla)2新种:尖裸斑螟G.(G.)termacerba Li,sp.nov.和叉裸斑螟G.(G.)termifurcata Li,sp.nov.,及2个中国新纪录种:须裸斑螟G.(G.)barbatella Erschoff,1874和砾褐裸斑螟G.(G.)sfakesella Chr(e)tien,1911.提供了新种的外生殖器照片和中国已知种的检索表.  相似文献   

内蒙古的植盲蝽(半翅目:盲蝽科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记载内蒙古植盲蝽属(Phytocoris Fall.)14种,其中包括突植盲蝽Ph.(Ph.)procerussp.n.、郑氏植盲蝽Ph.(Ph.)zhengi sp.n.、柠条植盲蝽Ph.(Ktenccoris)caraganae sp.n.、蒙古植盲蝽Ph.(K.)mongolicus sp.n.、褐植盲蝽Ph.(K.)nigritus sp.n.、红褐植盲蝽Ph.(K.)rubiqionsus sp.n.、砂地植盲蝽Ph.(K.)desertorum sp.n.、贺兰山植盲蝽Ph.(K.)alashanensissp.n.8个新种及5个新纪录种。  相似文献   

黄思婕  陆笛  潘介春  孙宁静 《广西植物》2020,40(8):1188-1202
为研究广西野生柿种质资源果实采后软化机制,该研究以广西特有的野生柿种质‘油柿''(YS)、‘农家栽培柿''(ZP)和主栽品种‘恭城月柿''为材料,分析了人工脱涩乙烯利处理的果实采后贮藏中可滴定酸含量、可溶性糖含量、硬度、乙烯生物合成量、色差、可溶性单宁含量、果胶及细胞壁降解酶活性的变化。结果表明:(1)与‘恭城月柿''相比,‘油柿''可滴定酸含量高,可溶性糖含量低,转色缓慢,果实易软化。其中,YS-4最不耐贮藏,乙烯利处理后,贮藏第4天硬度降至1.620 N,第6天可溶性单宁含量下降至2.398 mg·g-1,整个贮藏期原果胶含量下降最慢,末期可溶性果胶值最低,为0.832%; YS-2最耐贮藏,乙烯利处理第8天硬度为YS-4的3.6倍,贮藏末期硬度在所有‘油柿''中最高。(2)‘农家栽培柿''中乙烯利处理贮藏末期ZP-2可滴定酸含量最高,可溶性糖含量低,转色最缓慢,原果胶降幅最小,可溶性果胶含量最高; 相反ZP-3果实转色快且易软化,可滴定酸含量最低,可溶性糖含量低,原果胶降幅最大,可溶性果胶含量低。(3)‘恭城月柿''PG酶活性和Cx酶活性远远高于‘油柿'',各‘油柿''种质的果实软化程度与细胞壁降解酶活性的相关性不同,β-D-Gal酶和Cx酶在‘农家栽培柿''贮藏前期起作用,PG酶在贮藏前期和后期对果实软化起作用,说明不同柿种质品种在软化过程中起主导作用的酶不同。综上认为,与‘恭城月柿''相比,‘油柿''耐贮性差,其中YS-4极不耐贮藏,而‘农家栽培柿''ZP-2极耐贮藏,这为研究柿果实软化机制提供了基础的种质材料。  相似文献   

不同荔枝品种采后果实衰老的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了5个荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn.)品种("怀枝"、"糯米糍"、"桂味"、"红蜜荔"和"水晶球")果实采后在常温下的衰老表现.其中,"糯米糍"果实衰老褐变快,而"桂味"衰老最为缓慢.果实褐变过程伴随失水,但品种间脱水速度与果实衰老的速度无显著相关性.果皮的褐变潜力、果皮细胞壁糖醛酸含量、果胶甲酯化程度、果皮和果肉总钙含量、果皮水溶性钙含量与果实衰老均无显著的相关性,但膜透性与坏果率呈显著的正相关,而果皮结构钙与之有显著的负相关性.  相似文献   

涩柿生长,脱涩及返涩单宁细胞形态的变化   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
以甜柿为对照,观察了涩柿(牛心柿)、脱涩和返涩中单宁细胞的形态变化,结果表明:涩柿单宁细胞在生长期体积不断增大,数量不断增多,涩味加强,在9月初细胞停止生长;4种不同方法脱涩的柿,其单宁细胞的变化基本相同,都是体积缩小,最后变成疏散的小颗粒;返涩的柿,单宁从单宁细胞中溢出,呈网状结构分布于果肉组织中。  相似文献   

High resolution volatile profiling (67 compounds identified) of fruits from 12 persimmon cultivars was established and used to characterize the different astringency types of persimmon fruit before and after deastringency treatment. Analysis of the volatile profile of fruit enables us to differentiate between cultivars that at the moment of harvest produced non-astringent fruit (Pollination Constant Non Astringent—PCNA-type) from astringent ones (non-PCNA-type). Fruit failing to accumulate astringent compounds naturally (PCNA fruit) showed high levels of 3(2H)-benzofuranone, while this compound was not detected in any astringent type fruit (non-PCNA). In addition to this, PCNA cultivars also showed at harvest higher accumulation of benzeneacetaldehyde and lipid-derived aldehydes (hexanal, heptanal, octanal and decanal) than non-PCNA fruit. The application of postharvest deastringency treatment to all non-PCNA cultivars resulted on an important insolubilization of tannins. In general the CO2-treatment enhanced the levels of acetaldehyde, however those cultivars showing high levels of dihydrobenzofuran at harvest did not present an increment of acetaldehyde. In contrast, all non-PCNA cultivars exhibited an important accumulation of lipid-derived aldehydes due to CO2-treatment. Therefore, we propose that lipid-derived aldehydes (mainly decanal, octanal and heptanal) may be playing a role in the astringency loss. Our results suggest that 3(2H)-benzofuranone, benzeneacetaldehyde and lipid-derived aldehydes could be used as markers for both natural and artificial loss of astringency.  相似文献   

Leucoanthocyanidin reductase (LAR) converts leucoanthocyanidin to (+)-catechin, a precursor of proanthocyanidins abundant in Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) fruits. A putative LAR gene (DkLAR) was isolated by rapid amplification of cDNA ends from young fruits. The full-length cDNA of DkLAR gene was 1 356 bp long and encoded an open reading frame of 349 residues. The deduced DkLAR protein was closely related to the homolog in other plant species. The expression of the DkLAR gene in Chinese pollination-constant non-astringent (PCNA) genotype was coincident with the tannin cell development, but was not in Japanese PCNA and Chinese pollination-variant astringent (PCA) genotypes.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular markers based on 18 primers were employed to study the genetic relationship of Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki) specimens. Two hundred and sixty-two bands were detected in 30 Japanese persimmon samples, including 14 Japanese and 10 Chinese genotypes of Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki) and six related species, D. lotus, D. glaucifolia, D. oleifera, D. rhombifolia, D. virginiana, and Jinzaoshi (unclassified - previously indicated to be D. kaki). All SSR primers developed from D. kaki were successfully employed to reveal the polymorphism in other species of Diospyros. Most of the primers were highly polymorphic, with a degree of polymorphism equal to or higher than 0.66. The results from the neighbor-joining dendrogram and the principal coordinate analysis diagram were the same; i.e., the Chinese and Japanese genotypes and related species were separated and the relationships revealed were consistent with the known pedigrees. We also concluded that 'Xiangxitianshi' from Xiangxi municipality, Hunan Province, China, is actually a sport or somaclonal variant of 'Maekawa-Jirou', and that 'Jinzaoshi' should be classified as a distinct species of Diospyros. We found that SSR markers are a valuable tool for the estimation of genetic diversity and divergence in Diospyros.  相似文献   

Pollination constant non-astringency (PCNA)-type persimmons are the most desirable cultivar because the fruit loses astringency naturally and does not require any treatments for edibility. The mechanism of natural astringency loss in Chinese PCNA (C-PCNA)-type persimmon is probably related to the coagulation of soluble tannins into insoluble tannins, which is quite different from that in the Japanese PCNA (J-PCNA) type. In this work, three types of persimmon cultivars were sampled: ‘Luotian-tianshi’ (C-PCNA), ‘Maekawa-jirou’ (J-PCNA), and ‘Mopanshi’ (pollination constant astringent (PCA)) were sampled. Three DkADH and four DkPDC genes were isolated from C-PCNA plants. Three candidate genes for soluble tannins coagulation identified in C-PCNA fruit (DkADH1, DkPDC1, and DkPDC2) were characterized through combined analysis of spatiotemporal expression patterns and tannin and acetaldehyde contents during fruit development. Transient over-expression in persimmon leaves showed that DkADH1 and DkPDC2 led to a significant decrease in the levels of soluble tannins in infiltrated leaves. These results indicated that DkADH and DkPDC genes should be considered key genes for natural astringency loss in C-PCNA types.  相似文献   

Proanthocyanidins (PAs, condensed tannins) are important health-promoting phytochemicals that are abundant in many plants. Oriental persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) is an excellent source of PAs because of its unique ability to accumulate large quantities of these compounds in its young fruit. There are two different spontaneous mutant phenotypes of oriental persimmons which lose their astringent taste naturally on the tree; while plants without these mutations remain rich in soluble PAs until the fruit fully ripened. The mutations are referred to as pollination-constant non-astringent genotypes named J-PCNA and C-PCNA, and are from Japan and China respectively. In this work we speculated that the loss of astringency in C-PCNA fruit is due to the soluble PAs transferred into insoluble upon polymerization, which was quite different from that of the J-PCNA. A DkLAC1 gene was isolated by the homology-based clone method. The predicted protein product of this gene showed that the DkLAC1 is a plant laccase which is phylogenetically related to the known enzyme AtLAC15 involved in the polymerization of PAs. Expression patterns of PAs biosynthetic genes associated with soluble PAs contents in three types of Oriental persimmons. Expression levels of DkLAC1 in C-PCNA type plants were linked with the reduction of soluble PAs in the flesh of the fruit. In addition the cis-elements in the DkLAC1 promoter regions indicated that the gene might also be regulated by the DkMYB4 as is seen with other well-known structural genes in Oriental persimmon. We conclude that DkLAC1 is potentially involved in PA polymerization in C-PCNA during normal ripening in C-PCNA persimmon.  相似文献   

Yin XR  Shi YN  Min T  Luo ZR  Yao YC  Xu Q  Ferguson I  Chen KS 《Planta》2012,235(5):895-906
Thirteen ethylene signaling related genes were isolated and studied during ripening of non-astringent ‘Yangfeng’ and astringent ‘Mopan’ persimmon fruit. Some of these genes were characterized as ethylene responsive. Treatments, including ethylene and CO2, had different effects on persimmon ripening, but overlapping roles in astringency removal, such as increasing the reduction in levels of soluble tannins. DkERS1, DkETR2, and DkERF8, may participate in persimmon fruit ripening and softening. The expression patterns of DkETR2, DkERF4, and DkERF5 had significant correlations with decreases in soluble tannins in ‘Mopan’ persimmon fruit, suggesting that these genes might be key components in persimmon fruit astringency removal and be the linkage between different treatments, while DkERF1 and DkERF6 may be specifically involved in CO2 induced astringency removal. The possible roles of ethylene signaling genes in persimmon fruit astringency removal are discussed.  相似文献   

Chinese pollination-constant and non-astringent persimmon (C-PCNA) has important application values in the genetic improvement of PCNA for its trait of natural deastringency controlled by a single dominant gene. However, the key genes and the regulatory networks are still not fully understood. The process of C-PCNA natural deastringency may be associated with the acetaldehyde-mediated coagulation of soluble tannins, but the functions of ALDH2 genes related to the metabolism of acetaldehyde are not clear. In this work, three types of persimmon cultivars, ‘Eshi 1’ and ‘Luotian Tianshi’ (C-PCNA type), ‘Youhou’ (J-PCNA type), and ‘Mopanshi’ (non-PCNA type), were sampled. Two members of ALDH2 family genes, DkALDH2a and DkALDH2b, were isolated from ‘Eshi 1’ persimmon fruit. Gene expression patterns indicated that they may be involved in “coagulation effect”, which leads to natural deastringency in C-PCNA persimmon fruit. Transient expression in ‘Eshi 1’ leaves further demonstrated that their expression can reduce the consumption of soluble tannins and inhibit the astringency removal process. Therefore, DkALDH2a and DkALDH2b are negatively correlated with natural deastringency in C-PCNA persimmon.  相似文献   

Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) occurs in sweet persimmon orchards from late July to early September and its damage level is negligible before mid‐July. It rarely appears in persimmon orchards after mid‐September, but is easily found in soybean fields. From the phenological observation of H. halys, it is assumed that seasonal migration of H. halys to sweet persimmon orchards may be related to the content of soluble tannin in sweet persimmon fruits. The feeding preference of H. halys was evaluated on sweet and astringent persimmon fruits, and the effects of persimmon fruits and purified persimmon tannin were tested on the survival of H. halys. Numbers of visiting bugs and feeding spots on the fruits were significantly higher on sweet persimmon than those on astringent persimmon. There was no significant difference in survivorships of H. halys fed sweet persimmon and soybean. However, the number of eggs laid by sweet persimmon fed adult females was significantly lower than those fed soybean. The higher concentration of persimmon tannin caused higher mortality of H. halys. Male and female H. halys fed with 3% persimmon tannin showed the lowest survival. Longevities of male H. halys fed with 0, 0.01, 0.1 and 1% persimmon tannin were 14.9, 12.7, 14.5 and 16.3 days, respectively. However, males fed with 3% tannin lived only 6.4 days. The longevities of female H. halys were similar to those of male (10.1, 14.4, 13.8, 12.0 and 6.1 days for 0, 0.01, 0.1, 1 and 3% tannin concentration, respectively). These results suggest that H. halys invades sweet persimmon orchards during late July and early September when more suitable foods, e.g. soybean, are in short supply and sweet persimmon fruits become suitable for feeding (e.g. lower tannin content).  相似文献   

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