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沙门菌(Salmonella)通过向宿主细胞分泌毒力效应蛋白(effector protein)来调控细胞内一系列的信号传导通路,从而有利于沙门菌的侵染和繁殖。NF-κB信号通路在宿主对病原菌的炎症反应及免疫应答中发挥着重要的作用,也是很多毒力效应蛋白调控的靶点。沙门菌致病岛(Salmonella pathogenicity island,SPI)-1上的毒力效应蛋白Sip A、Sop E、Sop E2和Sop B都能激活宿主细胞的NF-κB信号通路,而毒力效应蛋白Spt P、Avr A、Ssp H1以及SPI-2上的Sse L能有效地抑制NF-κB信号通路。研究这些毒力效应蛋白对NF-κB信号通路的时相调控和协同作用,将进一步揭示沙门菌的致病机制。  相似文献   

鼠伤寒沙门菌表达两个不同的Ⅲ型分泌系统(typeⅢsecretion/translocation systems, TTSS),分别由致病岛1和2(pathogenicityi slands 1 and 2, SPI-1 and SPI-2)编码。细菌依赖TTSS将效应蛋白转运至宿主细胞,通过“触发”机制诱导细菌进入宿主细胞。这些效应蛋白可诱导细胞骨架重排,导致“巨吞饮”,促使细菌入侵。本综述依据多种沙门菌效应蛋白的功能,建立沙门菌侵袭模型。TTSS活化并转运效应蛋白进入宿主细胞发挥功能(Ⅰ)。小G蛋白交换因子SopE和肌醇磷酸酯酶SopB通过激活CDC42和Rac1,诱导内陷相关的蛋白聚集(Ⅱ)。SipA和SipC通过降低肌动蛋白临界浓度、刺激网素成束、稳定纤维状肌动蛋白(fibrousactin, F-actin)以及使肌动蛋白核化等功能,促使细菌入侵(Ⅲ)。SopB可使膜内陷区PIP2的浓度降低以及VAMP8聚集,促使细胞膜分裂(Ⅳ)。这些效应蛋白的联合作用,使膜皱褶在局部向外显著延伸,使沙门菌被细胞内形成的特殊膜结构包裹。沙门菌的另一种效应蛋白SptP,通过刺激小G蛋白内源性GTPase的活性,抑制小G蛋白的活化,使细胞膜恢复至原有状态(Ⅴ)。  相似文献   

沙门菌致病岛2 Ⅲ型分泌系统研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙门菌(Salmonella)是革兰氏阴性的兼性胞内菌,可引起其广泛宿主的一系列疾病,严重时可导致全身性感染,威胁生命安全。沙门菌致病岛2(SPI2)是与沙门菌全身性感染密切相关的重要毒力基因簇,其编码的Ⅲ型分泌系统2(T3SS2)在沙门菌侵入宿主细胞后开始组装合成,经该装置分泌的多种效应蛋白对沙门菌在宿主细胞内的生存和增殖起着重要作用。近些年来,与沙门菌T3SS2相关的研究一直都是病原微生物领域关注的焦点之一。本文简要综述了SPI2的基因特征、SPI2基因表达的调控、T3SS2的结构和组成、T3SS2的效应蛋白及与T3SS2相关的疫苗研究等方面的主要研究进展。  相似文献   

【背景】沙门菌是一种重要的食源性人兽共患病原菌,可引起多种食源性疾病。【目的】了解云南地区鸭源沙门菌病的流行现状、耐药现象及毒力基因携带等基本情况。【方法】无菌采集云南各地区病死鸭肝脏样品169份进行沙门菌分离,对分离株进行血清分型鉴定、药敏及相关耐药基因、毒力基因筛查。【结果】分离到鸭源沙门菌48株,分离率为28.40%,鉴定出3种血清型,其中肠炎沙门菌为优势血清型。分离株对青霉素G、林可霉素、克林霉素和利福平的耐药率达100%,每株菌至少对3类6种及以上的抗生素耐药,单株最高可耐14种,产生了22种耐药谱型。共检出耐药基因5种,blaTEMtetB检出率分别为27.08%和22.92%,tetAsul2和EBC的检出率较低。毒力基因共检出10种,其中,SPI-1(avrA)、SPI-3(mgtC)、SPI-4(siiD)、SPI-5(sopB)和bcfC检出率均高达100%,SPI-2(ssaQ)、spvBspvC、pefAstn的检出率均达60%以上,cdtB未检出。【结论】云南地区鸭源沙门菌主要流行血清型为肠炎沙门菌,耐药性及多重耐药情况严重,耐药机制复杂,耐药基因与耐药表型符合率低,毒力基因检出率较高。研究结果可为云南地区鸭群沙门菌病的防控和净化提供参考。  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】了解致病岛-2(Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 2,SPI-2)对鸡白痢沙门菌致病性的影响,初步探讨研制安全有效的鸡白痢沙门菌减毒株的可行性。【方法】采用λ-red 同源重组系统构建鸡白痢沙门菌S06004株的SPI-2(约40 kb)缺失株S06004ΔSPI2。并与野生型相比较,对该缺失株的生长特性、生化特性、遗传稳定性和致病性等基本生物学特性进行鉴定。【结果】成功构建SPI-2缺失株S06004ΔSPI2,SPI-2的缺失不影响鸡白痢沙门菌的生长特性和生化特性,且该缺失株具有良好的遗传稳定性,其对2日龄雏鸡的LD50是野生株的252 倍。【结论】SPI-2的缺失引起鸡白痢沙门菌毒力的明显下降,这为进一步研究鸡白痢沙门菌SPI-2的功能及制备减毒疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

PhoP-PhoQ是调控沙门菌毒力的重要双组分信号转导系统,由组氨酸蛋白激酶PhoQ和反应调节蛋白PhoP组成。PhoP-PhoQ可调节沙门菌对Mg2+及其他周质环境的适应性,并调控沙门菌感染中毒力基因的转录和表达。PhoP-PhoQ调控的毒力基因参与沙门菌对上皮细胞的侵袭、胞内生存、对抗菌肽的抵抗反应、脂质A的修饰、Ⅲ型分泌系统效应蛋白的分泌等环节。PhoP-PhoQ还可与其他双组分信号转导系统或调节子合作,调控沙门菌的毒力。因此,PhoP-PhoQ双组分信号转导系统在沙门菌的毒力调控中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

沙门菌是重要的食源性病原菌,其流行严重威胁着全球公共卫生安全。天然免疫应答对于宿主抵御沙门菌的感染具有重要的作用,但是沙门菌已演化出一系列逃逸宿主天然免疫应答的策略,使其在宿主体内定植,并得以持续性感染。本文对由受体(TLRs、NLRs和RIPs)、细胞因子(IL-22和IL-4)和哺乳动物西罗莫司靶蛋白(mammalian target of rapamycin,mTOR)信号通路介导的沙门菌逃逸天然免疫应答的机制研究进展进行阐述,期望为沙门菌的预防与治疗提供新的研究思路。  相似文献   

人和动物肠道内生存着多种多样的微生物群体,它们与宿主共同进化,对宿主的健康至关重要。肠道菌群可以发酵宿主难以消化的复杂碳水化合物,为宿主肠道细胞提供能量,同时其代谢产物对肠道病原菌沙门菌的感染产生着重要影响。正常情况下,肠道菌群代谢产物如丁酸与丙酸可以抑制沙门菌在肠道中的定植或者毒力基因的表达,而在肠道菌群受到扰乱时,其代谢的琥珀酸盐和1,2-丙二醇等物质却能促进沙门菌增殖。近年来,越来越多的研究揭示了肠道菌群代谢产物对沙门菌感染的影响。本综述通过总结近年来关于鼠伤寒沙门菌入侵时肠道菌群代谢产物改变的研究,综合阐述了肠道菌群代谢产物影响沙门菌感染的机制。  相似文献   

【目的】研究鼠伤寒沙门菌致病岛1(SPI-1)内部的假定调控蛋白STM14_3514的功能及其作用机制。【方法】以鼠伤寒沙门菌模式菌株ATCC 14028为亲本株,构建了STM14_3514基因的缺失突变体及互补菌株,通过小鼠实验、细胞侵袭实验、Western blot及实时荧光定量PCR(q RT-PCR)等实验技术,深入研究了STM14_3514基因对鼠伤寒沙门菌致病过程的影响。【结果】STM14_3514突变提高了细菌对小鼠的致病能力,突变体在小鼠肠道、肝和脾中的定殖能力均增强;细胞实验揭示,突变体致病力提升主要由于STM14_3514突变能显著增强细菌对上皮细胞的侵袭力(2倍,P0.05)。q RT-PCR及Western blot分析表明,STM14_3514显著抑制SPI-1内部主要调控因子hil A及侵袭相关基因的表达。此外,STM14_3514对hil A的抑制由Hil C介导。【结论】STM14_3514是鼠伤寒沙门菌SPI-1内部的负调控因子,能通过Hil C抑制hil A及SPI-1其他入侵基因的表达,该基因的生物学意义可能与细菌进入细胞后对SPI-1的负调控相关。  相似文献   

用荧光定量PCR法检测鼠RAW264.7巨噬细胞感染与未感染鼠伤寒沙门菌后18种铁穗态相关基因的表达,评估宿主与病原体相互作用中铁稳态效应。研究显示,活的鼠伤寒沙门菌感染巨噬细胞1 h后可以诱导转铁蛋白受体表达,引起细胞内动态铁池相关基因的mRNA水平上长。基因表达分析显示,沙门菌通过诱导铁氧还原酶(Steap3)、铁膜转运蛋白(Dmt1)、铁调节因子Tfr2/Hfe以及铁调节蛋白(Irp1和Irp2)的表达主动吸收铁,而经铁转运蛋白(Fpn1)的铁外流并无明显改变。沙门菌在感染后1h积极地驱动了转铁蛋白介导的铁吸收程序。  相似文献   

Cell stress and infection promote the formation of ubiquitinated aggregates in both non-immune and immune cells. These structures are recognised by the autophagy receptor p62/sequestosome 1 and are substrates for selective autophagy. The intracellular growth of Salmonella enterica occurs in a membranous compartment, the Salmonella-containing vacuole (SCV), and is dependent on effectors translocated to the host cytoplasm by the Salmonella pathogenicity island-2 (SPI-2) encoded type III secretion system (T3SS). Here, we show that bacterial replication is accompanied by the formation of ubiquitinated structures in infected cells. Analysis of bacterial strains carrying mutations in genes encoding SPI-2 T3SS effectors revealed that in epithelial cells, formation of these ubiquitinated structures is dependent on SPI-2 T3SS effector translocation, but is counteracted by the SPI-2 T3SS deubiquitinase SseL. In macrophages, both SPI-2 T3SS-dependent aggregates and aggresome-like induced structures (ALIS) are deubiquitinated by SseL. In the absence of SseL activity, ubiquitinated structures are recognized by the autophagy receptor p62, which recruits LC3 and targets them for autophagic degradation. We found that SseL activity lowers autophagic flux and favours intracellular Salmonella replication. Our data therefore show that there is a host selective autophagy response to intracellular Salmonella infection, which is counteracted by the deubiquitinase SseL.  相似文献   

Intracellular membrane fusion is mediated by membrane-bridging complexes of soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs). SNARE proteins are one of the key players in vesicular transport. Several reports shed light on intracellular bacteria modulating host SNARE machinery to establish infection successfully. The critical SNAREs in macrophages responsible for phagosome maturation are Syntaxin 3 (STX3) and Syntaxin 4 (STX4). Reports also suggest that Salmonella actively modulates its vacuole membrane composition to escape lysosomal fusion. Salmonella containing vacuole (SCV) harbours recycling endosomal SNARE Syntaxin 12 (STX12). However, the role of host SNAREs in SCV biogenesis and pathogenesis remains unclear. Upon knockdown of STX3, we observed a reduction in bacterial proliferation, which is concomitantly restored upon the overexpression of STX3. Live-cell imaging of Salmonella-infected cells showed that STX3 localises to the SCV membranes and thus might help in the fusion of SCV with intracellular vesicles to acquire membrane for its division. We also found the interaction STX3-SCV was abrogated when we infected with SPI-2 encoded Type 3 secretion system (T3SS) apparatus mutant (STM ∆ssaV) but not with SPI-1 encoded T3SS apparatus mutant (STM ∆invC). These observations were also consistent in the mice model of Salmonella infection. Together, these results shed light on the effector molecules secreted through T3SS encoded by SPI-2, possibly involved in interaction with host SNARE STX3, which is essential to maintain the division of Salmonella in SCV and help to maintain a single bacterium per vacuole.  相似文献   

Many Gram-negative bacteria colonize and exploit host niches using a protein apparatus called a type III secretion system (T3SS) that translocates bacterial effector proteins into host cells where their functions are essential for pathogenesis. A suite of T3SS-associated chaperone proteins bind cargo in the bacterial cytosol, establishing protein interaction networks needed for effector translocation into host cells. In Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, a T3SS encoded in a large genomic island (SPI-2) is required for intracellular infection, but the chaperone complement required for effector translocation by this system is not known. Using a reverse genetics approach, we identified a multi-cargo secretion chaperone that is functionally integrated with the SPI-2-encoded T3SS and required for systemic infection in mice. Crystallographic analysis of SrcA at a resolution of 2.5 Å revealed a dimer similar to the CesT chaperone from enteropathogenic E. coli but lacking a 17-amino acid extension at the carboxyl terminus. Further biochemical and quantitative proteomics data revealed three protein interactions with SrcA, including two effector cargos (SseL and PipB2) and the type III-associated ATPase, SsaN, that increases the efficiency of effector translocation. Using competitive infections in mice we show that SrcA increases bacterial fitness during host infection, highlighting the in vivo importance of effector chaperones for the SPI-2 T3SS.  相似文献   



Salmonella enterica, a common food-borne bacterial pathogen, is believed to change its protein expression profile in the presence of different environmental stress such as that caused by the exposure to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which can be generated by phagocytes during infection and represents an important antibacterial mechanism of host cells. Among Salmonella proteins, the effectors of Salmonella pathogenicity island 1 and 2 (SPI-1 and SPI-2) are of particular interest since they are expressed during host infection in vivo and are important for invasion of epithelial cells and for replication in organs during systemic infection, respectively. However, the expression profiles of these proteins upon exposure to H2O2 or to host cells in vivo during the established phase of systemic infection have not been extensively studied.  相似文献   

沙门菌病(Salmonellosis)是全世界最普遍的食源性疾病之一,不仅对养殖业造成经济损失,还对人类安全构成威胁。禽沙门菌感染肠道后,可诱导肠上皮细胞表达多种TLRs和炎症反应的发生,在分泌的趋化因子作用下免疫效应细胞迁移到感染部位。细菌通过肠上皮细胞屏障后被巨噬细胞或树突状细胞吞噬,其中巨噬细胞是沙门菌的主要定殖场所。天然免疫系统将抗原递呈给淋巴细胞后,机体能够在2–3周内通过以Th1为主的免疫应答清除在肠道和深层组织中的沙门菌。而宿主特异性血清型鸡白痢沙门菌从肠道侵入后,在肝脾和其他器官中定殖,进而引发全身感染。早期感染阶段不会引起肠道炎症反应,主要诱导以Th2为主的免疫应答,而Th1型应答相对较弱,有利于鸡白痢沙门菌在机体内的持续存在和感染。本文围绕禽沙门菌的致病机理和免疫应答特性进行阐述,尤其对鸡白痢沙门菌免疫逃逸和持续载菌的特性进行深入分析,为禽沙门菌病的防控提供新靶标和新见解。  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica has two pathogenicity islands encoding separate type three secretion systems (T3SS). Proteins secreted through these systems facilitate invasion and survival. After entry, Salmonella reside within a membrane bound vacuole, the Salmonella containing vacuole (SCV), where translocation of a second set of effectors by the Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI-2) T3SS is initiated. SPI-2 secretion in vitro can be induced by conditions that mimic the Salmonella containing vacuole. Utilising high-throughput mass spectrometry, we mapped the surface-attached proteome of S. Typhimurium SL1344 grown in vitro under SPI-2-inducing conditions and identified 108 proteins; using secretion signal prediction software, 43% of proteins identified contained a signal sequence. Of these proteins, 13 were known secreted effector proteins including SPI-2 effector proteins SseB, SseC, SseD, SseL, PipB2 and SteC, although surprisingly five were SPI-1 proteins, SipA, SipB, SipC, SipD and SopD, while 2 proteins SteA and SlrP are secreted by both T3SSs. This is the first in vitro study to demonstrate dual secretion of SPI-1 and SPI-2 proteins by S. Typhimurium and demonstrates the potential of high-throughput LC-ESI/MS/MS sequencing for the identification of novel proteins, providing a platform for subsequent comparative proteomic analysis, which should greatly assist understanding of the pathogenesis and inherent variation between serovars of Salmonella and ultimately help towards development of novel control strategies.  相似文献   



The type III secretion systems (T3SSs) encoded bySalmonellapathogenicity island 1 and 2 (SPI-1 and SPI-2) are important for invasion of epithelial cells during development ofSalmonella-associated enterocolitis and for replication in macrophages during systemic infection, respectively.In vitrostudies have previously revealed hierarchical transport of different SPI-1 factors and ordered synergistic/antagonistic relationships between these proteins duringSalmonellaentry. These results suggest that the level and timing of the expression of these proteins dictate the consequences of bacterial infection and pathogenesis. However, the expression of these proteins has not been extensively studiedin vivo, especially during the later stages of salmonellosis when the infection is established.  相似文献   



Salmonella is a highly successful parasite of reptiles, birds and mammals. Its ability to infect and colonise such a broad range of hosts coincided with the introduction of new genetic determinants, among them 5 major pathogeniCity islands (SPI1-5), into the Salmonella genome. However, only limited information is available on how each of these pathogeniCity islands influences the ability of Salmonella to infect chickens. In this study, we therefore constructed Salmonella Enteritidis mutants with each SPI deleted separately, with single individual SPIs (i.e. with the remaining four deleted) and a mutant with all 5 SPIs deleted, and assessed their virulence in one-day-old chickens, together with the innate immune response of this host.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is a major cause of human gastrointestinal illness worldwide. This pathogen can persist in a wide range of environments, making it of great concern to public health. Here, we report that the salmonella pathogenicity island (SPI)-1 effector protein SipB exhibits a membrane topology that confers bacterial osmotolerance. Disruption of the sipB gene or the invG gene (SPI-1 component) significantly reduced the osmotolerance of S. Typhimurium LT2. Biochemical assays showed that NaCl osmolarity increased the membrane topology of SipB, and a neutralising antibody against SipB reduced osmotolerance in the WT strain. The WT strain, but not the sipB mutant, exhibited elevated cyclopropane fatty acid C19:0 during conditions of osmotic stress, correlating with the observed levels of survival and membrane integrity. This result suggests a link between SipB and the altered fatty acid composition induced upon exposure to osmotic stress. Overall, our findings provide the first evidence that the Salmonella virulence translocon SipB affects membrane fluidity and alters bacterial osmotolerance.  相似文献   

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