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不同退耕年限下菜子湖湿地土壤磷素组分特征变化   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
选取菜子湖区不同退耕年限(2、5、8、10a和20a)湿地为研究对象,以仍耕作油菜地和原始湿地为参照,分析了土壤全磷(TP)、有效磷(AP)、有机磷(OP)和无机磷(IP)各形态含量,探讨退耕还湖后湿地土壤磷素组分特征变化规律。结果表明:研究区土壤无机磷各形态含量大小顺序为:铁磷(Fe-P:73.55—391.76 mg/kg)钙磷(Ca-P:21.64—108.04 mg/kg)闭蓄态磷(O-P:17.15—29.57 mg/kg)铝磷(Al-P:5.84—25.97 mg/kg),其中Fe-P占了土壤无机磷总量的54.20%—74.13%;退耕还湖2—8a期间,湿地土壤Al-P、Fe-P和O-P含量有逐渐降低趋势,而退耕8—20a后逐渐上升,以Fe-P为主的这3形态磷左右着退耕后土壤无机磷的变化;Ca-P随退耕年限增加整体呈上升趋势,对土壤无机磷的贡献逐渐增加;无机磷占土壤全磷的比例为35.90%—67.27%,主导着退耕后湿地土壤全磷变化;有机磷占土壤全磷的17.82%—50.51%,在退耕2a后下降,随后开始逐渐上升,对退耕后湿地土壤磷库恢复的贡献逐渐增加;其中Fe-P、O-P和Al-P控制着退耕后土壤磷素有效性变化。退耕后水文条件、植被生长和土壤黏粒含量变化不仅影响退耕后湿地土壤磷素组分特征,也影响着退耕后湿地土壤磷素有效性。  相似文献   

岷江上游本地种油松和外来种辐射松造林对土壤磷的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周星梅  潘开文  王进闯 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6630-6637
通过测定岷江上游16年生本地种油松和外来种辐射松人工林下不同土壤层次中各形态磷素含量以及磷酸酶活力,阐述两种林分对土壤磷素含量及其分布的影响.结果表明,在各个土层中,两种林分下的土壤含水量、pH值、有机碳的含量以及微生物生物量磷均无显著差异.在0~20cm土层中,油松林与辐射松林土壤全磷、Al-P、Fe-P、Ca-P含量以及磷酸酶活力均无显著差异,而油松林土壤有效磷和有机磷显著高于辐射松林;在20~40cm土壤中,油松林土壤全磷、有效磷、有机磷、Al-P、Fe-P含量与辐射松林差异不显著,油松林土壤Ca-P含量、酸性磷酸酶和中性磷酸酶活力显著高于辐射松林;在40~60cm土壤中,油松林土壤除中性磷酸酶活力与辐射松林的差异不显著外,其余各形态磷素含量和酸性磷酸酶活力变化与20~40cm土壤中的一致.此外,随土壤深度的增加,两种人工林土壤各形态磷素含量、磷酸酶活力都呈降低的趋势.单从土壤磷的状况看,油松林土壤中磷素含量高于辐射松林.  相似文献   

湖南会同不同年龄杉木人工林土壤磷素特征   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
对湖南会同不同年龄(7年生、17年生、25年生)杉木人工林土壤全磷、有效磷、无机磷组分和有机磷进行了研究,结果表明:3种不同林龄杉木林土壤全磷和有效磷的含量分别在317.06—398.56 mg/kg和0.82—1.38 mg/kg之间,土壤全磷和速效磷含量均属低水平;杉木林土壤全磷含量从7年生幼龄林到25a近熟林出现先升高后降低的规律,并且17年生和25年生林分比7年生林分分别增加了19.68%、15.75%,土壤有效磷含量17年生和25年生林分比7年生林分提高了45.55%左右;土壤磷素活化系数均小于2.0%,这表明本研究区土壤全磷向速效磷转化较难,土壤中磷素的有效性较低,但该值随着林分年龄的增加而出现增大的现象;无机磷含量分别为:7年生169.50 mg/kg、17年生182.03 mg/kg、25年生175.94 mg/kg,从幼龄林到中龄林增高,中龄林以后降低;土壤中无机磷组分以O-P含量最高,其次是Fe-P,Ca-P,Al-P最少;杉木不同生长发育阶段对无机磷形态的吸收是有选择性的,幼龄林到中龄林阶段林木以吸收Al-P为主,近熟林阶段林木以吸收Fe-P和Ca-P为主;有机磷含量在全磷所占比例随林龄的变化来看,杉木生长过程中有部分的有机磷矿化为无机磷。土壤不同形态磷的相关性分析结果显示,土壤有效磷与有机磷相关系数为0.667,呈极显著相关性,是研究区杉木人工林土壤有效磷的主要来源。  相似文献   

通过15年的红壤稻田长期定位试验,研究了不同施肥模式下土壤微生物生物量磷(MB-P)对土壤有机碳和磷素变化的响应.结果表明红壤稻田有机碳源的长期投入和土壤有机碳的逐年升高使土壤微生物生物量碳(MB-C)维持在较高水平(>800 mg·kg-1),是稻田土壤MB-P(>16.0 mg·kg-1)提高的主要原因.长期不施磷肥条件下,土壤全磷含量与试验前相比显著降低(P<0.05),而土壤有机磷含量平均提高了29.3%;土壤亏损的磷形态主要是无机磷(Al-P、Fe-P、Ca-P和O-P),其中Al-P含量处于最低水平(平均0.5 mg·kg-1).另外,长期不施磷肥土壤的MB-P远高于Olsen法提取态磷(Olsen-P)(<7.0 mg·kg-1),而稻田土壤MB-P与Al-P呈显著相关(P<0.05),表明土壤微生物对稻田土壤Al-P、Fe-P、Ca-P和O-P的利用是促进其向有效磷方向转化的关键途径.磷肥配合有机养分循环利用不仅提高了土壤磷库的积累,而且通过土壤微生物的活化有效地提高了土壤磷的有效性.  相似文献   

定位施肥对紫色菜园土磷素状况的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
基于紫色菜园土壤莴笋-白菜轮作3a的12季连续定位施肥试验,研究施肥对土壤磷素状况的影响。结果表明,在紫色土上以化肥为基础增施有机肥(泥炭或菜籽粕)既提高土壤磷含量,又增加无机磷组分中有效磷源和缓效磷源的比例,且不会增加磷素淋失的风险,是所有处理中最优者;增磷、增钾处理虽然提高了土壤磷含量,但未能提高速效磷源与缓效磷源的比例;增氮、增硼及常规施肥降低土壤磷含量和提高无效磷源的比例;无肥处理磷含量最低,无效磷源比例最高。紫色菜园土无机磷约为有机磷的4—6倍,无机磷各组分以钙磷为主,占I-P总量的60.89%—67.92%,显示紫色土风化程度较低。各形态磷素呈Ca10-P>Ca8-P>Fe-P≈Al-P≈OC-P>Ca2-P序列变化,其中Ca2-P和Al-P总共仅占无机磷总量的11.47%—19.43%,表明紫色土中对植物最有效的磷源不足;而Ca10-P和OC-P共占无机磷总量的42.48%—59.55%,意味着紫色土无机磷有一半左右是以作物不可利用的形态存在的。紫色土全磷与无机磷、有机磷、Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P、Fe-P、OC-P及Ca10-P呈显著正相关;无机磷与多种形态磷呈显著正相关(除有机磷、Ca2-P、有效磷外);有机磷与全磷、Ca2-P显著正相关;有效磷与全磷、Ca2-P、Al-P、Fe-P显著正相关;无机磷组分间也都存在显著正相关关系(OC-P与Ca10-P间有极显著正相关,但它们与其它无机磷组分无相关性)。表明在土壤磷的整个循环系统中,不同组分无机磷与有机磷之间处于一个动态平衡中,它们之间存在着相互影响和制约。土壤pH与各形态磷关系密切。对土壤有效磷与无机磷组分间的关系进行系统分析,简单相关分析结果土壤有效磷与Ca2-P、Fe-P呈极显著正相关,与Al-P呈显著正相关,与Ca8-P、OC-P、Ca10-P正相关但不显著;通径分析结果对土壤有效磷直接影响较大的无机磷组分是Al-P、Ca8-P与Ca2-P,其中Ca8-P的直接影响为负效应;逐步回归分析结果与通径分析一致。综合分析得出,Ca2-P、Al-P是最有效的磷源,Fe-P、Ca8-P次之,Ca10-P与OC-P是非有效磷源。莴笋和白菜产量与紫色土壤Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P、Fe-P呈显著正相关,与OC-P、Ca10-P无相关性。紫色土各形态无机磷与两种蔬菜产量的相关系数r大小依次为Ca2-P>Fe-P>AL-P>Ca8-P>Ca10-P>OC-P,这与各形态无机磷与有效磷简单相关分析的结果一致。  相似文献   

沙地樟子松人工林土壤磷素转化的根际效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对大青沟自然保护区内不同年龄樟子松人工林根际和非根际土壤中不同形态磷素含量和酸性磷酸单酯酶(AP)活性进行了比较.结果表明,樟子松根系活动显著地提高了根际土壤有机碳含量及有机质的C/P比,增强了土壤微生物活动和AP活性,促进了有机磷的可利用性与矿化;显著地降低了土壤pH值,促进了Ca-P的溶解;从而提高了土壤磷素的有效性,促进了有机磷和Ca-P向Fe-P、Al-P的转化.与AP活性的根际效应相反,随林龄增加,樟子松对各形态磷素的根际效应逐渐增强,根际和非根际土壤中各形态磷素的变化趋势基本一致,土壤全磷和有机磷含量逐渐下降,而活性磷含量升高.为了保持土壤有机磷库和磷素的持续供应,必须对地被物予以保护.  相似文献   

通过土培盆栽试验,研究了16份野生大麦种质资源在相同供磷水平下磷素吸收利用的基因型差异,探讨磷高效野生大麦根际土壤无机磷组分特征.结果表明:拔节期和扬花期磷素干物质生产效率(CV=11.6%、12.4%)、成熟期磷素籽粒生产效率(CV=13.7%)基因型间差异较大.不同生育时期磷高效基因型IS-22-30和IS-22-25生物量、磷积累量和磷素干物质生产效率均显著高于低效基因型IS-07-07,且高效基因型的籽粒产量分别是低效基因型的3.10和3.20倍.不施磷、施磷30 mg·kg-1条件下,不同磷素利用效率野生大麦根际土壤有效磷和水溶性磷含量均显著低于非根际土壤,且高效基因型较低效基因型根际土壤水溶性磷亏缺量更大.根际与非根际土壤无机磷组分含量为Ca10-P>O-P>Fe-P>Al-P>Ca2-P>Ca8-P.在拔节期和扬花期,施磷30 mg·kg-1条件下,磷高效基因型根际土壤Ca8-P含量显著高于低效基因型,而Ca2-P含量显著低于低效基因型;不施磷条件下,高效基因型根际土壤Ca2-P和Ca8-P含量均显著高于低效基因型,且根际土壤Ca10-P均减少.施磷30 mg·kg-1条件下,根际土壤Fe-P和O-P含量均表现为高效基因型显著高于低效基因型,Al-P含量则呈现相反的趋势;不施磷条件下,高效基因型根际土壤Al-P、Fe-P和O-P含量均显著低于低效基因型.低磷胁迫下,高效基因型活化吸收Ca2-P、Al-P的能力强于低效基因型.  相似文献   

有机酸对土壤无机态磷转化和速效磷的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
土壤有效磷含量低是影响作物生产的重要限制因素之一.作物根分泌活化难溶性磷的有机酸对改善其磷素营养具有重要意义.采用张守敬和Jackson无机磷分级方法,以湖北省3种pH值土壤为材料,加入不同磷源和有机酸,经过室温培养后,测定速效磷含量和无机磷组分的变化.结果表明:施磷显著提高了土壤中速效磷含量,中性土、酸性土Fe-P和Al-P含量大幅上升, Fe-P占增加量的50%以上,而碱性土Ca-P含量显著增加.加施有机酸使中性土速效磷含量增多,除苹果酸处理的变幅较小外,草酸和柠檬酸的加入速效磷显著增加.由于有机酸的作用,中性土Al-P含量下降,Ca-P含量上升,变幅大小依次为草酸>柠檬酸>苹果酸;酸性土中Al-P含量呈下降趋势,碱性土中Ca-P含量有不同程度的减少,3种土壤中O-P含量均有所增加.说明有机酸活化的磷主要来源于中性土和酸性土Al-P、Fe-P及碱性土Ca-P中的磷,同时有机酸能够促进土壤中闭蓄态磷(O-P)的形成与积累.  相似文献   

黄土区旱地苜蓿连作条件下施肥对土壤磷素的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对18a连作苜蓿条件下不同施肥处理对土壤磷素的影响进行了研究,结果表明:施肥可提高土壤耕层全磷含量。单施磷肥40-100cm土层土壤全磷含量小于对照,NPM处理20-100cm土层土壤全磷含量小于对照。施肥有利于改善耕层土壤磷素的有效性,提高有效磷含量,导致土壤有效磷含量在耕层土壤有一定累积,耕层以下骤减;施肥能够提高土壤中Ca2—P、Al-P、Ca8-P和Fe—P含量,单施磷肥处理提高幅度小于氮磷和有机肥配施处理。  相似文献   

进行温室玉米秸秆还田对番茄的增产效果以及对设施土壤磷素的影响研究。通过单因素试验,检测秸秆还田对微生物量磷和磷素淋溶的影响。与对照相比,添加秸秆可以显著提高土壤中全磷和有效磷的含量,以能显著提高土壤的磷活化系数,以秸秆30 000 kg/hm2、磷肥(过磷酸钙,P)200 kg/hm2(S3P3)的处理最高,有效降低土壤中全磷和有效磷向下迁移的能力。秸秆还田还可以增加土壤中微生物量磷含量,秸秆还田量和微生物量磷之间存在中等程度相关,并改变土壤中有效磷的比例,进而对植物生长产生一定的影响。结果表明,秸秆还田能够改变磷元素在土壤耕作层中的分布,提高土壤中微生物量磷和有效磷的含量,增加原土壤的磷活化系数,并显著减少磷素的淋溶量,为降低农业面源污染提供了部分解决途径。  相似文献   

江苏南部麦田杂草群落发生分布规律的数量分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用七级目测法对江苏省南部麦田81个样点796块田地共计82,7hm^2草害进行调查,采集数据,经转化后,对其进行主成分(PCA)和系统聚类分析,并赋予生态学意义的解释,研究表明,决定江苏省南部麦田杂草的发生、危害和分布的主要因素是种植制度导致的田间土壤饱和水分持续时间和土壤酸碱度,生境相似,杂草群落具有趋同性,并就杂草发生的特点提出杂草综合治理的建议。  相似文献   

Babesia orientalis is the causative agent of babesiosis in water buffalo (Bubalus babalis, Linnaeus, 1758). In this study, a TaqMan real-time PCR assay was developed for quantitative detection of B. orientalis in water buffalo. Hybridization probe and oligonucleotide primers were designed based on the v4 region of 18S rRNA gene. Detection limit was determined at 2 parasites. Blood samples were collected from experimentally infected water buffalo, as well as from 180 field samples, which were collected from 4 different geographical locations to the north and south of the Yangtse River. The parasite was detected by real-time PCR on day 2 until day 39 post-infection, while reverse line blot (RLB) was on day 6 until day 36 in experimentally infected water buffalo. For the results of 180 field samples, statistical analysis showed no significant difference in relative effectiveness of real-time PCR and RLB. The analysis also indicated that there was no difference in the prevalence of B. orientalis between the regions of south and north of the Yangtse River by both the real-time PCR assay and RLB detection. These results indicated that the parasite infection has spread to the north of the Yangtse River.  相似文献   

我国烟田昆虫群落的划分及其特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据纬度、海拔、温度、降雨、日照等地理、气象因子指标,对我国71个植烟市和(或)县及生态条件独特的市和(或)县进行了聚类分析,聚类结果与我国烟草的7个一级种植区基本吻合,我国烟田烟草昆虫群落可依此划分为东北、黄淮、长江中上游、长江中下游、西南、南部和北部西部等7个。各群落的重要烟草昆虫种类有所不同,烟草昆虫天敌的种类差别更大。其中西南群落食物网最复杂。  相似文献   

Estimates of regional erosion and sediment mixing from different sources in the Yangtse River system are presented, based on sand samples collected from major tributaries and the trunk stream, at 23 sites between western Sichuan and the Yangtse Delta. Mixing is estimated from concentrations of Mg, Ca, Sr, Ti, Mn and Fe, which are substantially higher in sand from major tributaries in the western Yangtse River catchment than from tributaries in the eastern catchment. Intermediate concentrations occur in sand from the Yangtse Delta, both for modern samples from the surface and for early Holocene samples from drill holes. Mixing ratios indicate that 35 ± 5% of sand in the delta came from eastern sources. A similar result was obtained using cosmogenic 10Be in quartz grains as a tracer of mixing. Regional erosion rate estimated from 10Be in sand grains from high mountain catchments of the western Yangtse River are mostly similar to rates based on sediment gauging but are sometimes higher, and range to over 700 m Ma− 1, while 10Be measured at upper Yangtse River tributaries on the northeast Tibetan plateau gave rates of 20-30 m Ma− 1. For the eastern catchments, 10Be measurements from quartz sand and sediment gauging both gave rates of 30-70 m Ma− 1. Eroding at this rate, the eastern catchments could not supply more than 20% of the sediment in the delta, in contrast with 35% estimated from geochemical fingerprints. The relative input from eastern sources may have been higher in Late Pleistocene times, under a different climatic regime, and reworking of Pleistocene deposits may still be in progress.  相似文献   

Calanus sinicus aggregate at the depth of 40–60 m (ambient temperature is 16 °C) in the waters of the continental shelf of the Yellow Sea during summer. In animals found in near shore regions, there are changes in digestive gut cells structure, digestive enzyme activity (protease, amylase), and tissue enzyme (alkaline phosphatase (ALP)), which may represent adaptations by this cold-water animal to a sharp seasonal increase in temperature of 6–23 °C. The activities of the digestive enzymes (protease and amylase) are very low in animals at stations near the estuary of Yangtse River, whereas they are relatively high in animals at stations in the central Yellow Sea. During summer, B-cells of the intestine and the villi intestinalis disappear in animals that do not feed at stations near the estuary of the Yangtse River. Respiration rates were undetectable or quite low during summer in C. sinicus from stations near the estuary of the Yangtse River, whereas they were relatively high at stations in the central Yellow Sea. Based upon the morphological characteristics of the digestive gut structure, enzyme levels, respiration rates, and the distribution of C. sinicus, we concluded that C. sinicus might be dormant during summer in the near shore areas of the East China Sea while remaining active in the central Yellow Sea.  相似文献   

在进行长江、黄河源头地区土壤中暗色丝孢菌多样性研究的过程中,从该地区分离、鉴定出8种齿梗孢属真菌。其中,中华齿梗孢Scolecobasidium chinense、青海齿梗孢S. qinghaiense为新种,树状齿梗孢S. dendroides为中国新记录种。对新种及中国新记录种作了较详细的描述。研究菌株的干制培养物和活菌种保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

通过人工授精获得受精卵,利用数码显微镜进行连续观察和拍照记录,对沱江宽体沙鳅胚胎发育特征进行了详细观察和描述,并确定了到达各发育期所需的时间.成熟卵直径为0.9~1.1 mm.受精卵卵膜吸水膨胀之后直径为1.6~1.9 mm,半漂流性.卵膜直径较小是区分宽体沙鳅和其他鳅科漂流性鱼卵的标志性特征.水温23℃±0.5℃,受精卵历时27 h孵出.胚胎发育过程可划分为7个阶段、28个发育期.初孵仔鱼全长约为3.5~3.8 mm.建议水利工程规划及建设中应该保留满足漂流性卵胚胎发育的足够长的天然河段.  相似文献   

The same methods were used to study the phosphorus budget of aSolidago altissima population on the flood plain of the Tone River as were used for the nitrogen budget studies. The standing crop of phosphorus and the phosphorus flow through the population were determined seasonally and annually. The annual absorption of phosphorus was 2.25 g/m2/year, which is the same as the annual return to the environment. Turnover rates of phosphorus were calculated. Whether expressed seasonally or annually, turnover rates of phosphorus were larger than those of nitrogen. Phosphorus utility, net dry matter productivity of a unit amount of phosphorus absorbed, in this population was 1,060. This was in the range reported on other perennial herb communities. Phosphorus cycling in the population was quantified. Total phosphorus input to organs and the amount of phosphorus recycled in the living plants were 3.67 g/m2/year and 1.42 g/m2/year, respectively. The proportion of recycling to the total movement of phosphorus in the plant was 39%, which was lower than that of nitrogen. Comparing the phosphorus and nitrogen budgets in the population, it was concluded that larger recycling of an element results in a smaller turnover rate of the element in the population.  相似文献   

<正> 1 INTRODUCTION Bailong River, a tributary of Jialing River belonging to the Yangtse River system, is located in the southern part of Gansu Province and the northeast rimland of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with total length of over 600km and drainage area of about 31,800km~2. Originating from Dagcanglhamo, Luqu  相似文献   

Based on routine monitoring data in Xiangxi River and its main tributary Gaolan River from September 2000 to June 2005, this paper estimates the contribution of riverine nutrients, and analyzes the monthly dynamics of concentrations and fluxes of nutrients. The results show that Xiangxi Bay annually receives 1623.49 tons of total nitrogen (TN) and 331.85 tons of total phosphorus; Xiangxi River alone accounts for 68.50% of the total nitrogen fluxes and 91.74% of the total phosphorus fluxes. In these two rivers, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) is the dominating form of nitrogen; fluxes of DIN and TN are high during summer (July), mid-spring and autumn, and relatively low in winter; non-point source pollutants that flow into rivers are the most important pathway of nitrogen. Orthophosphate is the dominating form of phosphorus in Xiangxi River, relatively low in Gaolan River; fluxes of phosphorus are high during summer and late spring, relatively low during winter and late autumn in Gaolan River, but fluctuate irregularly in Xiangxi River; phosphorus in Gaolan River is mainly caused by non-point source pollutants, while point source pollutants of phosphorus play an important role in Xiangxi River. Soil erosion probably represents the major way of non-point source pollutants, while the drainages of phosphorus diggings and factory discharges play the most important role in the point source pollutants of phosphorus. This research suggests that measures must be taken to control the point source pollutants of phosphorus in Xiangxi River in order to protect Xiangxi Bay of the Three-Gorges Reservoir.  相似文献   

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