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【目的】就不同食物对烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)寄生蜂取食、寄生等行为的影响进行分析,以阐明食物或营养来源对蚜小蜂取食、寄生等生物学行为的影响机制。【方法】以古桥桨角蚜小蜂Eretmocerus furuhashii、丽蚜小蜂Encarsia formosa和双斑恩蚜小蜂Encarsia bimaculata为研究对象,分别以蜂蜜水、2~3龄烟粉虱若虫及清水进行饲喂,观察和研究分析3种食物来源对3种蚜小蜂取食与寄生等行为的影响。【结果】3种蚜小蜂均以取食15%蜂蜜水的蚜小蜂的取食、搜索与寄生等行为频次最高、分配时间最长,而取食清水的蚜小蜂取食、搜索与寄生等行为频次最低、分配时间最短;取食不同食物后,3种蚜小蜂各种行为的变化趋势一致。【结论】不同食物或营养来源对蚜小蜂的取食及寄生等行为有着显著的影响,进而可以影响到蚜小蜂对烟粉虱的生物防治效率。  相似文献   

棉蚜寄主专化型及其形成的行为机理   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
通过生活在甜瓜和棉花上的棉蚜Aphisgossypii Glover的行为,研究棉蚜的寄主专化型及其形成的行为机理。生物学观察显示: 两类棉蚜在寄主植物相互交换以后,定居数显著减少,棉花蚜型棉蚜的繁殖系数及若虫存活率显著下降,说明棉蚜存在甜瓜蚜型和棉花蚜型两种寄主专化型。通过刺探电位技术研究棉蚜的取食行为,以探索其寄主专化型形成的行为机理。结果表明: 甜瓜蚜型棉蚜在棉花上的取食行为容易被中断,但其口针定位韧皮部的能力并没有显著削弱;而棉花蚜型棉蚜在甜瓜上的取食行为受到更大的影响,口针无法顺利定位至韧皮部,并在2 h内根本无法在筛管内取食。生物学观察和EPG取食行为分析都显示: 与甜瓜蚜型棉蚜相比,棉花蚜型棉蚜对寄主的要求更严格-寄主专化程度更高,对寄主的利用率更高。  相似文献   

异色瓢虫4变种成虫对茶和茶蚜气味行为反应   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
用Y形嗅觉仪测定了异色瓢虫4个变种成虫对茶蚜利它素的行为反应,结果表明,供给茶蚜、甘蓝蚜和萝卜蚜的两两组合,茶蚜+蚜害茶梢和正常茶梢,蚜害茶梢和正常茶梢,天敌分别选择茶蚜、茶蚜+蚜害茶梢或蚜害茶梢(P<0.05);以8~9种质量梯度的茶蚜+蚜害茶梢、蚜害茶梢和茶蚜做味源,瓢虫对味源趋向率与味源质量呈Logistic曲线关系(P<0.01),其中二斑变型、显现变种和十九斑变种对茶蚜的趋向率与蚜数呈左偏的单峰曲线(P<0.01);茶蚜体表乙醚或正己烷漂洗物也有引诱力,以显明变种最敏感.  相似文献   

豆蚜在不同品种扁豆上的取食行为   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
韩文智 《昆虫学报》1990,33(1):28-34
在温室栽培不同品种的扁豆(Dolichos lablab),采用接蚜,光暗对照,隔离饲育,离体饲育,蜡膜人工饲液饲育以及用昆虫取食行为自动测试仪对其取食行为进行测试等方法来鉴定不同扁豆品种对豆蚜(Aphis craccivora Koch)的抗性,确认紫色品种对豆蚜具有拒食作用.分离,提取了扁豆所含的色素成分并对豆蚜进行生物测定,确定扁豆的红色“色素”是抗蚜的物质基础.用进一步提纯的红色“色素”对豆蚜进行取食行为测试,得出拒食强度的初步数据.  相似文献   

【目的】明确苜蓿斑蚜Therioaphis trifolii对不同品种苜蓿Medicago sativa的取食行为,探明抗蚜因子和抗虫位点,筛选抗蚜苜蓿品种。【方法】利用刺吸电位技术(electrical penetration graph, EPG)记录苜蓿斑蚜成蚜在10个苜蓿品种上的取食行为,并基于聚类分析方法筛选合适的EPG参数进行抗蚜性评价。【结果】苜蓿斑蚜成蚜在取食苜蓿过程中呈现np波、pd波、A波、B波、C波、E波、F波和G波8种波形,其中E波、F波和G波的总时间在不同品种间表现出显著差异。在5 h测试期间,E波持续时间在敖汉上最长,金皇后和中苜3号上次之,草原2号和阿尔冈金上最短;F波总时间以准格尔、阿尔冈金和金皇后上最长,敖汉、德宝和草原2号上最短,说明前者具有较强的机械抗性而后者机械抗性较弱。以第1次刺探持续时间、总刺探时间、F波总时间、C波总时间、E波总时间作为聚类分析的指标,10个苜蓿品种被聚成3类:阿尔冈金、草原2号、WL168HQ、德宝、中苜2号和新牧2号为第Ⅰ类,金皇后、中苜3号和准格尔为第Ⅱ类,敖汉为第Ⅲ类。【结论】苜蓿斑蚜成蚜在不同苜蓿品种上的取食行为存在差异,草原2号、阿尔冈金和WL168HQ在叶表皮、叶肉和韧皮部层次对苜蓿斑蚜成蚜存在抗性,金皇后在叶表皮和叶肉部位表现出抗性;苜蓿斑蚜成蚜在敖汉上能够长时间刺吸取食,因此敖汉抗性最弱。本研究为深入探讨苜蓿抗虫机理和蚜虫综合治理提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

白蝴蝶挥发油对蚜虫的驱避作用及其化学成分   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
室内用四臂嗅觉仪测试白蝴蝶(Syngonium podophyllum)挥发油对红桃蚜(Myzus persicae)、萝卜(Lipaphis erysimi)和瓜蚜(A[jos gossypii)无翅蚜行为选择的干扰作用.结果表明,在所测试的浓度下,白蝴蝶挥发油对瓜蚜和萝卜蚜有显著的驱避效果,与对照比较,供试蚜虫较少选择处理区,在处理区的停留时间比对照明显缩短;所测试的浓度对红桃蚜无驱避作用.进一步采用气相色谱质谱联用技术对白蝴蝶挥发油进行了成份分析.表明该挥发油小分子主要成份是羰基化合物、脂肪酸和烃.  相似文献   

双斑恩蚜小蜂形态学特征、生活习性及其寄生行为   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
邱宝利  任顺祥  吴建辉 《昆虫知识》2005,42(1):64-67,F002
双斑恩蚜小蜂EncarsiabimaculataHeratyetPolaszek是烟粉虱Bemisiatabaci(Gennadius)的主要寄生性天敌之一。作者对双斑恩蚜小蜂的形态特征进行了描述。在实验室条件下,对双斑恩蚜小蜂的生活习性、寄生行为进行了观察。双斑恩蚜小蜂成蜂26℃时平均寿命约为7d,每雌产卵量273粒,雌蜂比例占据绝对优势,雌雄性比约为8∶1。双斑恩蚜小蜂的寄生过程大致分为寄主定位、寄主检查、穿刺、产卵、清扫、梳理和休憩等几个阶段。  相似文献   

【目的】探究烟草挥发物和蚜虫报警信息素对桃蚜Myzuspersicae行为的影响,以期为桃蚜的化学生态防治提供理论依据。【方法】采用触角电位技术(EAG)测定了有翅蚜与无翅蚜对蚜虫报警信息素(E)-β-法尼烯与4种烟草挥发物(6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮、壬醛、反-β-罗勒烯、乙酸正丁酯)的电生理反应,并利用Y型嗅觉仪测定了桃蚜对这些化合物的行为反应。【结果】蚜虫报警信息素和4种烟草挥发物均能引起有翅蚜和无翅蚜的触角电位反应,有翅蚜的嗅觉感器对报警信息素更为敏感,而无翅蚜对烟草挥发物乙酸正丁酯和反-β-罗勒烯更为敏感。在1、10和100 ng 3个测试剂量范围内,报警信息素在剂量为10 ng和100 ng时对有翅蚜和无翅蚜的驱避作用显著,而1 ng时仅对无翅蚜有驱避作用。烟草挥发物乙酸正丁酯、6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮和反-β-罗勒烯在剂量为100 ng时,对无翅蚜和有翅蚜具有引诱作用;当剂量10 ng时,乙酸正丁酯对有翅蚜和无翅蚜均有引诱作用,6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮仅对无翅蚜有引诱作用。【结论】报警信息素对无翅蚜的驱避作用强于有翅蚜,烟草挥发物组分6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮、乙酸正丁酯、反-β-罗勒烯对桃蚜的无翅蚜和有翅蚜均具有引诱作用。  相似文献   

短时高温对烟蚜生长发育、繁殖和取食行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】烟蚜Myzus persicae是一种世界性的重要农业害虫,本研究测定了短时高温对烟蚜生长发育、繁殖和取食行为的影响。【方法】测定初产若蚜每天在30, 35和40℃下处理1, 2和4 h的发育历期及成蚜在相同处理下的繁殖力,应用刺吸电位技术(electronic penetration graph, EPG)测定成蚜在30和35℃下处理1和2 h后以及在25, 28, 30和35℃恒温下的取食行为。【结果】短时高温(30~35℃)对各龄若蚜发育历期影响较小,但40℃下处理2 h后其发育历期显著增加(P<0.05);若蚜存活率、成蚜寿命及其繁殖历期随温度和处理时间的增加而降低;在25~35℃下,随温度和处理时间的增加,成蚜繁殖率变化较小,但40℃下处理2和4 h后,其繁殖率显著降低(P< 0.01);短时高温对烟蚜的取食行为影响显著,随温度和处理时间的增加,非刺探波np数量(P<0.05)及其持续时间(P<0.01)显著减少,而韧皮部刺吸波E持续时间显著增加(P<0.05);但持续高温下,随温度升高,np波数量及其持续时间先减少后增加,而E波则相反。【结论】短时高温对烟蚜若蚜发育速率影响较小,但使若蚜存活率、成蚜寿命及其繁殖历期显著降低,且对成蚜繁殖有一定的抑制作用,而对成蚜的取食有一定的促进作用。研究结果有助于了解烟蚜不同年份间夏季种群数量的变化机制。  相似文献   

本研究利用扫描电镜对角倍蚜各蚜型触角感器的超微结构、类型、分布和数量进行了比较分析。结果表明,角倍蚜的触角上着生4种类型的感器:毛形感器、原生感觉圈、感觉突及次生感觉圈,它们在各蚜型触角上的分布和数量各不相同。其中,毛形感器有TypeⅠ和TypeⅡ两种类型,各蚜型触角上均有分布;原生感觉圈主要分布于干母、无翅干雌、第三代有翅干雌若蚜以及性蚜的触角上,有两种类型:PrⅠ和PrⅡ,分别位于触角的末节和倒数第二节,其中,第三代有翅干雌若蚜的触角上仅存在PrⅠ,无PrⅡ;感觉突仅出现于第三代有翅干雌若蚜触角的第3~5节;次生感觉圈仅存在于有翅型春迁蚜和秋迁蚜触角的第3~5节,其面积约占触角鞭节面积的2/3。我们认为,各蚜型触角感器的差异可能与蚜虫的生境(瘿内或瘿外)、行为(如取食、交配)以及翅的有无(如寄主选择、迁飞等)有关。  相似文献   

Seasonal abundance of resident parasitoids and predatory flies, and corresponding soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), densities were assessed in soybean fields from 2003 to 2006 at two locations in lower Michigan. Six parasitoid and nine predatory fly species were detected in 4 yr by using potted plants infested with soybean aphid placed in soybean fields. The parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes Cresson (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and the predatory flies Aphidoletes aphidimyza Rondani (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), and Allograpta obliqua Say (Diptera: Syrphidae) were most numerous. Generally, L. testaceipes was more abundant late in the soybean growing season, but it also occurred during soybean vegetative growth; A. obliqua was more abundant during vegetative growth; and A. aphidimyza was common throughout the season. Soybean plants were visually inspected to estimate densities of soybean aphid, mummified aphids, and immature predatory flies. From 2003 to 2006, parasitism rates were inversely correlated with aphid density: percentage of parasitism was always very low (< or = 0.1%) at high aphid densities (> 100 aphids per plant), and higher parasitism, up to 17%, was observed at very low aphid densities (< 1 aphid per plant). Populations of immature predatory flies, particularly A. aphidimyza, generally increased in soybean fields with increasing soybean aphid populations, but aphids always outnumbered immature flies by 100-21,000-fold when flies were detected. Rearing field-collected aphid in 2006 substantiated that parasitism varied widely, with parasitism in most cases < 10%. Based on findings of low parasitism and predation, positive response to changing aphid densities by predatory flies but not parasitoids, early season abundance primarily of predatory flies, and past findings on these taxa's diversity and abundance, we discuss the potential use of exotic parasitoids and predatory flies to enhance soybean aphid biological control.  相似文献   

The predatory bug Orius majusculus (Reuter) was reared on 2 different diets during the nymphal stages. The 1st group was exclusively offered eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), a standard diet for O. majusculus production. The 2nd group was exclusively offered 4th instars of the pea aphid, Acyrtosiphon pisum (Harris). Subsequently, adult predatory behavior in experimental arenas containing A. pisium was recorded using 2 video cameras. One camera permitted observation of the predator's contact with the prey, where the 2nd camera viewed the arena from above to record the path taken by O. majusculus adults before and after contact with prey. When O. majusculus were reared on aphids, adult bugs successfully located and consumed 55% of experimental prey and continued prey search behavior after each aphid meal. O. majusculus adults that had no experience of aphid predation as nymphs, did not prey on aphids in the experimental arena. The mean walking speed of this group of predators increased from 5.9 +/- 1.2 mm/s to 9.8 +/- 0.7 mm/s after contact or detection of prey, indicating that predators rapidly moved away from unfamiliar prey. Moreover, for egg-reared O. majusculus, all contacts between aphid and predator were lateral, along the side of the prey and were effectively repelled by an aphid kicking response. In contrast, 83% of attacks by aphid-reared O. majusculus were directed at the head or posterior abdomen for which the prey could not defend themselves adequately. When egg-reared O. majusculus were exposed to novel aphid prey for 1-8 d, the frequency of aphid attack increased significantly. We conclude that the standard diet used for rearing O. majusculus may adversely affect the efficiency of this predator as an agent of biological control.  相似文献   

【目的】本文从功能团的角度研究了不同的麦蚜防治方法对小麦田节肢功能团的影响,为进一步研究小麦田内生物多样性提供了基础。【方法】本试验采用黄板、诱虫灯、糖醋液及3种方法综合使用的方法防治麦蚜,系统调查了这些防治方法对小麦田节肢功能团的影响。【结果】综合使用黄板、诱虫灯、糖醋液防治麦蚜能够提高昆虫群落和蚜虫亚群落的稳定性,降低小麦蚜虫种类和天敌种类丰盛度,采用防治措施的小麦田内捕食性天敌的群落稳定性均较差,单一防治措施的使用对麦田内昆虫群落相对丰盛度、蚜虫亚群落稳定性、捕食性天敌群落稳定性也有一定影响。【结论】在农田生态系统中,不同的防治方法对昆虫群落的影响不同。在实际应用中我们应合理搭配使用麦蚜的防治方法。  相似文献   

Survival rates of both early and middle instar larvae of the nymphalid butterfly, Sasakia charonda, were estimated to be lowest on test trees planted in a meadow (site A), intermediate in a small, narrow secondary deciduous broadleaf forest (small patch, site B) and highest in a large secondary deciduous broadleaf forest (large forest, site C). The larval mortality rates due to predation by tree-climbing predators from the ground (tree climbing predator) such as ants and the larvae of carabids were estimated to be greater at sites A and B than those at site C. The number of predatory ants climbing test trees was significantly greater at sites A and B than at site C, and the ants harvested honeydew from aphids living on tree leaves at those two sites. Aphid densities were significantly higher on trees at sites A and B than at site C, and aphid densities and numbers of predatory ants were significantly and positively correlated at sites A and B. In an experiment controlling aphid density per branch on test trees, the numbers of ants and the mortality rates of S. charonda larvae were greater on branches with high aphid densities than on those with low aphid densities at both sites A and B. These results suggest that the aphid density per host tree was higher in the meadow and the small patch than in the large forest; at both sites these higher aphid densities attracted higher numbers of predatory ants to test trees, and as a result, mortality rates of S. charonda larvae were increased.  相似文献   

Oviposition behavior in two co-occurring species of predatory ladybirds of aphids were investigated. The two species of beetles often shared the same aphid colonies in bean plants in space and time and showed a similar oviposition pattern in response to aphid abundance. Overlapping oviposition presents potential risks of interspecific predation of eggs in unstable aphid colonies. Eggs in clusters by two ladybird species, Menochilus sexmaculatus and Coccinella transversalis, were defended from reciprocal predation and the defense was found to be chemical. Eggs occurring singly were found to be highly vulnerable to predation. Strength of chemical defense significantly increased from single eggs to eggs in mixed clusters and eggs in pure clusters. Results are not only consistent with the hypothesis that eggs in clusters are better protected from natural enemies but also extend the ambit of the hypothesis that coexisting ladybird predators have evolved to avoid the risks of heterospecific predation of eggs in a patch. Received: September 11, 2000 / Accepted: November 13, 2000  相似文献   

Intraguild predation (IGP) can be an important factor influencing the effective- ness of aphid natural enemies in biological control. In particular, aphid parasitoid foraging could be influenced by the presence of predators. This study investigated the effect of larvae of the predatory hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer (Diptera: Syrphidae) and the multicolored Asian ladybird Harmonia axyridis Pallas (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on the foraging behavior of the aphid parasitoid, Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) in choice experiments using a leaf disc bioassay. Wasp response to chemical tracks left by those predator larvae was also tested. Parasitoid behavior was recorded using the Observer (Noldus Information Technology, version 5.0, Wageningen, the Netherlands). The experiments were conducted under controlled environmental conditions using leaves of the broad bean plant, Viciafaba L. (Fabaceae) with Myzus persicae Sulzer (Homoptera: Aphididae) as the host complex. A. ervi females avoided aphid patches when larvae of either predator were present. A similar avoidance response was shown by A. ervi to aphid patches with E. balteatus larval tracks, whereas no significant response was observed to tracks left by H. axyridis larvae. It was concluded that IG predator avoidance shown by the aphid parasitoid A. ervi may be a factor affecting their distribution among host patches.  相似文献   

Spatially explicit predator–prey interactions can alter the predatory potential of natural enemies augmented through conservation biological control. To test hypotheses regarding such interactions and predatory efficiency, we used a combination of molecular techniques and mark–release–recapture to study the foraging behaviour of a generalist carabid predator, Poecilus cupreus , in response to spatial patterns of its cereal aphid prey ( Metapolophium dirhodum and Sitobion avenae ). Beetle and aphid numbers were measured across two grids of sampling locations, within which aphid spatial pattern had been manipulated to generate patchy and more homogenous distributions. Aphid consumption was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) of beetle gut contents, using an aphid-specific monoclonal antibody. Movement and distribution patterns suggest that P. cupreus does not aggregate at, nor instigate prey-taxis within, aphid patches. However, more than two-thirds of the 2169 P. cupreus tested by ELISA had consumed aphids and the proportion of beetles containing aphid proteins was positively related to aphid density. Against expectation, the proportion of predators feeding on aphids was greatest where prey were homogenously distributed, and this was attributed to the loss of partial refuges for prey in aphid patches. The functional value of this type of uniform foraging strategy is ideally suited to early colonization of the crop habitat, when aphid numbers are low, before populations build up and form strong spatial patterns.  相似文献   

The species composition and relative abundance of predatory arthropod fauna were studied in organic strawberry fields in northwestern Turkey using sweep net sampling and pitfall trapping (activity density). Arachnida constituted 13.1 and 11.5% of the sweep net and pitfall trap catches, respectively. Among the predatory insects, the most abundant groups were Heteroptera (26.7%), Diptera (25.9%), Coleoptera (16.9%) and Orthoptera (10.8%) in sweep net samples. Coleoptera (84.2%) dominated the pitfall trap catches. Many aphid specific and polyphagous predators reached peak abundance during June and July. Pearson's two-tailed correlations showed a significant and positive relationship between syrphid, coccinellid or chrysopid predator numbers and strawberry aphid density. Aphid density was not significantly correlated with carabid or with nabid abundance. Examination of spatial distribution patterns of all predatory arthropod groups using Taylor's Power Law indicated that most arthropod predators, except carabids, exhibited aggregated dispersion patterns. Coccinellids changed their spatial patterns from a uniform to an aggregated distribution through the season. There was also a significant linear correlation between Anterastes sp. abundance (larvae+adults) and Isophya rectipennis+Poecilimon ricteri (larvae+adults) density at both locations. We observed, for the first time, Anterastes preying on Isophya and Poecilimon species. The seasonal abundance of the major predatory groups were described, and their potential importance in controlling strawberry aphid and other pests is discussed.  相似文献   

The aphid Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae) is known as worldwide important pest. It causes serious injuries to crops, but is also able to feed on various cultivated and wild plants. Some programs are developped to control this aphid. In many studies, hoverfy Episyrphus balteatus De Geer (Diptera: Syrphidae) is used as an efficient and aphid specific predator in biological control systems. In this work, we study cotton aphid choice plant discrimination, the effect of host plants on its developpment (fecondity and mortality), and the E. balteatus foraging and oviposition behavior according aphid host plants. Biologic parameters were observed using various plant combinations. E. balteatus behavioral observations were conducted using the Noldus Observer v.5.0. A. gossypii makes discriminant choice of his hosts, with better preference on Cucurbita pepo L. (Cucurbitaceae) and Capsicum annuum L. (Solanaceae). Dacryodes edulis (G. Don) H.J. Lam. (Burseraceae) and Vicia faba L. (Fabaceae) are the midle choice while Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (Malvaceae) is less chosen. A. gossypii develops easily on C. pepo, and weakly on Canuum, H. sabdariffa, and V. faba. D. edulis induces very high mortality to A. gossypii. According to E. balteatus behavior, A. gossypii is more attractive when infesting C. pepo and V. faba, less on, H. sabdariffa. While non-infested, V. faba appeared to be more attractive for the hoverfly, but without significant differnce compared to other plants. Our results highlited the importance of interactions between aphids and their host plants and the prey-host influence on a specific aphid predatory hoverfy. Other ways like melon aphid and its host plant volatils emission, in correlation with this work, are to investigated to complete this study and perform melon aphid biological control.  相似文献   

Non-trophic interactions, driven by one species changing the behavior but not density of another species, appear to be as pervasive as those involving consumption. However, ecologists have only begun to explore non-trophic interactions in species-rich communities. We investigated interactions within a community including two predator–prey linkages separated in space: ground-active predatory beetles and their fly egg prey on the ground, and lady beetles and their aphid prey in plant foliage. In field and greenhouse experiments we found that ground-active predators preyed heavily on fly eggs except when both aphids and lady beetles were present. The aphids drop from the foliage to escape foraging lady beetles, and once on the ground apparently triggered ground-active predators to switch from attacking fly eggs to attacking aphids. This suggests that the first non-trophic interaction in the foliage, mediated by aphid antipredator behavior, in turn initiated and accentuated a second non-trophic interaction on the ground, mediated by prey-switching behavior by ground predators. Our results demonstrate that successive non-trophic interactions can be propagated along chains of more than three species, and can serve to link species that are otherwise spatially isolated.  相似文献   

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