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钟侣艳  那杰 《昆虫知识》2013,50(3):841-847
昆虫的大多数行为一直被认为是生来就有的本能行为,然而,近年来的研究已经证明大多数昆虫具有高度的学习记忆能力,并表现出对环境的适应行为。这些研究主要是采取了联想学习记忆的双通道范式。这些双通道范式,在学习记忆神经机制的研究中起到了重要的作用。本文主要综述近年来关于昆虫学习记忆研究的进展,重点介绍昆虫联想学习记忆研究的几种双通道范式。这对充分理解昆虫联想学习记忆的神经机制以及进一步深入开展学习与记忆功能的研究有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

利用闭环飞行模拟系统研究果蝇视觉飞行定向行为的操作式条件化 ,证明正常果蝇视觉学习记忆能力与日龄有关 ,即 3~ 4d龄果蝇的学习记忆能力明显优于1~ 2d龄果蝇 ,蝇脑内的cAMP含量也呈现随果蝇日龄增加而增加的趋势 .同时对学习记忆缺陷型果蝇进行检测 ,其脑内cAMP含量高于正常对照组果蝇 .通过喂食PDEase抑制剂咖啡因扰乱cAMP代谢 ,使果蝇cAMP水平异常提高 ,导致果蝇学习记忆能力显著下降 ,表明果蝇视觉学习记忆需要脑内cAMP水平处于一适当范围 ,过高或过低的cAMP水平都将影响果蝇的视觉学习记忆能力  相似文献   

环腺苷酸应答元件结合蛋白与学习记忆   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环腺苷酸(cAMP)应答元件结合蛋白(cAMP response element binding protein,CREB)是一种核转录因子,可与cAMP反应元件结合,调节基因转录,具有调节精子生成,昼夜节律,学习记忆等功能.近年来关于其在学习记忆中的作用成为医学研究热点.CREB是神经元内多条信息传递途径的汇聚点,参与长时记忆形成和突触可塑性.长时记忆(long-term memory)形成需依赖CREB介导的基因转录,干扰或抑制CREB活性可破坏长时记忆.长时程增强(long-term potentiation,LTP)是研究学习记忆的理想模型,在LTP诱导和维持过程中均可观察到CREB活性持续升高.但增龄过程中,海马CREB活性下降,影响学习记忆功能,与许多神经退行性疾病发生有关.  相似文献   

5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT)是昆虫体内一种重要的生物胺。5-HT在昆虫神经组织和非神经组织中均可合成,它可被5-HT转运体重吸收进入突触前结构中。5-HT通过结合特异性的G蛋白偶联受体在昆虫体内发挥不同的神经调控作用,调节昆虫主要的行为活动,比如取食、生物钟、聚集、学习和记忆等。昆虫体内5-HT受体有5种,分别为5-HT1A,5-HT1B, 5-HT2A,5-HT2B 和5-HT7。其中5-HT1A和5-HT1B偶联胞内cAMP的降低, 5-HT2A和5-HT2B偶联胞内Ca2+的释放, 5 HT7偶联胞内cAMP的升高。近年来,昆虫体内5-HT及其受体的研究有了很大的进展,昆虫体内越来越多的5-HT受体被克隆,并进行了功能和药理学性质分析。不同昆虫5 HT受体药理学性质存在差异,将为以5-HT受体为靶标,设计新型特异性杀虫剂提供理论基础。  相似文献   

海马区神经突触长时程增强(LTP)是应用最广的神经突触可塑性研究模型,为学习和记忆脑功能的基础.cAMP反应元件结合蛋白(cAMP-CREB)、Ras/细胞外信号调节激酶(Ras /ERK)等信号通路参与了学习和记忆的过程.通过组蛋白乙酰化和DNA甲基化对染色质结构进行调节,可以介导长时间、持续性的学习和记忆行为变化,其中,丝裂素活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)级联通路起到了关键作用.本文就学习和记忆形成中的信号转导、表观遗传模式及两者在学习和记忆中的作用进行综述.  相似文献   

昆虫多巴胺及其受体的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴顺凡  徐刚  齐易香  夏仁英  黄佳  叶恭银 《昆虫学报》2013,56(11):1342-1358
多巴胺(dopamine, DA)是脊椎动物和无脊椎动物体内一种重要的生物胺, 其参与调控了昆虫的多种生理反应和行为过程, 如学习与记忆、 认知、 性取向、 抉择、 运动以及型变等。多巴胺主要通过结合特异性的G蛋白偶联受体, 即多巴胺受体(dopamine receptors, DARs)来发挥生理作用。本文综述了多巴胺在昆虫中的调控、 分布及所参与的生理功能, 如多巴胺调控昆虫的交配、 发育、 嗅觉以及运动行为等, 特别对DARs的信号转导、 生理功能以及药理学等方面进行了详细评述。昆虫的DARs大致可分为两大类: D1-like DARs和D2-like DARs。D1-like DARs包含有2种亚型, 分别为DOP1和DOP2。DOP1仅能偶联胞内cAMP的上升, 而DOP2不仅可以起胞内cAMP的上升, 还可偶联胞内Ca2+的释放。 D2-like DARs仅包含有1种亚型DOP3, 其被激活后引起胞内cAMP的降低。DA通过激活不同的DARs可偶联不同的第二信使系统, 所产生的下游细胞反应则与昆虫的各种行为相关, 而对昆虫DARs的药理学研究将有助于我们开发特异性的杀虫剂用于害虫防治。  相似文献   

徐刚  叶恭银 《昆虫学报》2020,(1):104-122
多巴胺(dopamine,DA)是一种重要的神经递质,通过特异地结合其相关的多巴胺受体(dopamine receptors,DARs)发挥作用。昆虫DARs可分为D1-like DARs,D2-like DARs和多巴胺/蜕皮激素受体(dopamine/ecdysteroid receptor,DopEcR)。D1-like DARs包含两种亚型即DOP1和DOP2,都能偶联G s蛋白引起胞内cAMP上升,且DOP2还能偶联G q蛋白引起胞内Ca 2+浓度升高;D2-like DARs只有一种亚型DOP3,偶联G i蛋白导致胞内cAMP下降;DopEcR可以同时被DA和蜕皮激素激活。本文综述了近年来关于昆虫DA的调控、多巴胺神经元、DARs的药理学特性及生理功能等方面的研究进展。DA合成、转运和降解过程中的基因调控昆虫的多种表型,如表皮黑化、翅的颜色和图案等。DA在多巴胺神经元中合成和释放,不同类型的多巴胺神经元参与调控不同的功能。随着近年来单细胞测序和DA实时成像技术的兴起,这将有利于进一步探讨特异神经元的功能。不同昆虫DARs的激动剂和拮抗剂活性存在很大异同,这些药理学差异将为以昆虫DARs为作用靶标开发高效选择性杀虫剂提供重要依据。DARs参与调控昆虫的多种生理与行为过程,如取食、学习、记忆、遗忘、求偶、交配、睡眠及觉醒等。随着CRISPR/Cas9技术在不同昆虫中成功地应用,以及结合模式昆虫黑腹果蝇中丰富的遗传学操作手段,这些都将有利于精准解析DARs的功能。  相似文献   

中央复合体是昆虫脑内具有显著特征的一个重要结构,它位于昆虫脑的中央,主要包括四个亚结构,相互间形成高度组织化的网络连接。中央复合体通过大范围神经元与多种感觉神经元和运动神经元相连,是一个控制脑的高级功能的中心。近年来的研究表明中央复合体参与了记忆的形成、运动的协调与控制以及处理偏振光进行导航等多种功能。揭示中央复合体参与以及调控这些复杂功能的神经机制,必将会极大地促进我们在神经回路层次上理解脑的高级复杂功能。  相似文献   

本文探析了低氧预适应对神经系统的保护作用尤其是改善学习记忆能力的相关机制,回顾了电压依赖性钙离子通道在神经系统中的作用以及与学习记忆之间的关系。重点总结了低氧预适应诱导下电压依赖性钙离子通道特性的变化情况,并深入归纳了BDNF/TrkB和cAMP/PKA信号通路对电压依赖性钙离子通道的调节机制以及低氧预适应与这些信号通路之间的关系。通过总结低氧预适应调控BDNF/TrkB和cAMP/PKA信号通路影响电压依赖性钙离子通道相关的最新研究进展,为将来阐明低氧预适应提升认知能力的可能机制奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

目的:观测缺血/再灌注小鼠海马组织环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)和腺苷环化酶(AC)mRNA水平,探讨缺血/再灌注发病的分子生物学机制.方法:通过双侧颈总动脉线结、连续3次缺血-再灌注,制作缺血/再灌注动物模型,并设立假手术组;术后29 d、30 d分别测试学习和记忆成绩;应用放射免疫法检测小鼠海马组织cAMP水平,应用原位杂交技术检测ACmRNA水平.结果:与假手术组比较,模型组学习和记忆成绩均降低(P<0.05),且海马组织cAMP水平也降低(P<0.05),海马CA1区AC mRNA阳性神经元面密度明显降低(P<0.05).结论:海马组织cAMP和AC mRNA水平降低可能参与了缺血/再灌注后学习和记忆障碍的分子生物学发病机制.  相似文献   

日龄雏鸡的学习记忆模型及其分子机制和药理学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日龄雏鸡一次性被动回避学习和厌恶性条件化学习模型被广泛用于学习记忆机制的研究,并取得了很大的进展. 上纹体和旁嗅核是参与雏鸡学习记忆的主要脑区. 结合相关的分子机制研究,药理学实验发现了多种能影响不同记忆阶段的药物,如去甲肾上腺素对长时记忆有增强和调控作用. 由于鸟类和哺乳动物与记忆相关的脑结构和功能具有一定可比性,上述工作可为了解大脑的学习记忆功能提供重要参考.  相似文献   

学习记忆是脑的重要功能之一,与学习记忆相关的基因很多,它们通过影响突触功能、信号转导、转录和翻译控制、能量代谢等途径进行学习记忆行为的调控。研究相关基因可为阐明学习记忆的分子机制和遗传机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

The subcellular processes that correlate with early learning and memory formation in the chick and sensitive periods for this learning are discussed. Imprinting and passive avoidance learning are followed by a number of cellular processes, each of which persists for a characteristic time in certain brain regions, and may culminate in synaptic structure modification. In the chick brain, the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptor appears to play an important role in both memory formation and sensitive periods during development, similar to its demonstrated role in neural plasticity in the mammalian brain. Two important findings have emerged from the studies using chickens. First, memory formation appears to occur at multiple sites in the forebrain and, most importantly, it appears to “flow” from one site to another, leaving neurochemical traces in each as it moves on. Second, the memory is laid down either in different sites or in different subcellular events in the left and right forebrain hemispheres. Hence, we are alerted to the possibility of similar asymmetrical processes occurring in memory consolidation in the mammalian brain. The similarities between early memory formation and experience-dependent plasticity of the brain during development are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies on insect olfactory learning have established the mushroom bodies as key brain structures for the formation of long-term memory (LTM). Two new neurons in the fly brain are reported now as essential sites for LTM formation, while mushroom bodies are claimed to be unnecessary to this end.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of adult neurogenesis, a major issue is the role of newborn neurons and the function-dependent regulation of adult neurogenesis. We decided to use an animal model with a relatively simple brain to address these questions. In the adult cricket brain as in mammals, new neurons are produced throughout life. This neurogenesis occurs in the main integrative centers of the insect brain, the mushroom bodies (MBs), where the neuroblasts responsible for their formation persist after the imaginal molt. The rate of production of new neurons is controlled not only by internal cues such as morphogenetic hormones but also by external environmental cues. Adult crickets reared in an enriched sensory environment experienced an increase in neuroblast proliferation as compared with crickets reared in an impoverished environment. In addition, unilateral sensory deprivation led to reduced neurogenesis in the MB ipsilateral to the lesion. In search of a functional role for the new cells, we specifically ablated MB neuroblasts in young adults using brain-focused gamma ray irradiation. We developed a learning paradigm adapted to the cricket, which we call the "escape paradigm." Using this operant associative learning test, we showed that crickets lacking neurogenesis exhibited delayed learning and reduced memory retention of the task when olfactory cues were used. Our results suggest that environmental cues are able to influence adult neurogenesis and that, in turn, newly generated neurons participate in olfactory integration, optimizing learning abilities of the animal, and thus its adaptation to its environment. Nevertheless, odor learning in adult insects cannot always be attributed to newly born neurons because neurogenesis is completed earlier in development in many insect species. In addition, many of the irradiated crickets performed significantly better than chance on the operant learning task.  相似文献   

Although the neural and genetic pathways underlying learning and memory formation seem strikingly similar among species of distant animal phyla, several more subtle inter- and intraspecific differences become evident from studies on model organisms. The true significance of such variation can only be understood when integrating this with information on the ecological relevance. Here, we argue that parasitoid wasps provide an excellent opportunity for multi-disciplinary studies that integrate ultimate and proximate approaches. These insects display interspecific variation in learning rate and memory dynamics that reflects natural variation in a daunting foraging task that largely determines their fitness: finding the inconspicuous hosts to which they will assign their offspring to develop. We review bioassays used for oviposition learning, the ecological factors that are considered to underlie the observed differences in learning rate and memory dynamics, and the opportunities for convergence of ecology and neuroscience that are offered by using parasitoid wasps as model species. We advocate that variation in learning and memory traits has evolved to suit an insect's lifestyle within its ecological niche.  相似文献   

Research over the last 5 years has firmly established that learning and memory abilities, as well as mood, can be influenced by diet, although the mechanisms by which diet modulates mental health are not well understood. One of the brain structures associated with learning and memory, as well as mood, is the hippocampus. Interestingly, the hippocampus is one of the two structures in the adult brain where the formation of newborn neurons, or neurogenesis, persists. The level of neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus has been linked directly to cognition and mood. Therefore, modulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) by diet emerges as a possible mechanism by which nutrition impacts on mental health. In this study, we give an overview of the mechanisms and functional implications of AHN and summarize recent findings regarding the modulation of AHN by diet.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the association between brain iron measurements of monoamine function and behavioural measurements of learning and memory. Male hybrid tilapias Oreochromis aureus × Oreochromis niloticus were fed either an iron‐deficient (ID) diet or an iron‐adequate (IA) diet for 8 weeks. The ID fishes showed significantly lower iron content in brain and decreasing learning and memory capacity. The fishes that showed increased learning and memory capacity had higher levels of iron and monoamine oxidase activity in brain. In addition, the results showed that learning and memory behaviours were related to monoamine (dopamine and noradrenaline) concentration in the brain. This suggests that iron can enhance learning and memory capacity in fishes and that the effect may have monoaminergic mediation in discrimination learning and memory tasks. The experimental data suggest that the properties and neural basis of learning and memory of teleosts are notably similar to those of land vertebrates.  相似文献   

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