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粤港澳大湾区经济快速发展和城市迅速扩张引起土地利用类型的剧烈转变,这对当地物种的栖息地、物种分布区乃至区域生物多样性均造成了影响。本研究基于82种鸟类的分布数据和15个环境变量数据,利用最大熵(maximumentropy,MaxEnt)模型及等效连接面积(the equivalent connected area, ECA)指数分析了粤港澳大湾区鸟类多样性的空间分布格局及连通性。结果表明:2000–2015年,大湾区林地、水体、耕地等用地类型分别减少3.22%、0.97%和23.19%,草地、建设用地、裸地与滩涂用地类型分别增加33.95%、80.34%和453.52%。30种以森林、农田为主要栖息生境的鸟类分布区面积减少,52种常见的城市鸟类及各类水鸟分布面积增加,鸟类分布面积与土地利用类型密切相关。此外,鸟类栖息地连接度表现出与分布区相一致的变化趋势。其中,对4种分布面积变化最大的鸟类的分析结果显示,乌鹃(Surniculuslugubris)与栗耳凤鹛(Yuhina castaniceps)分布面积及栖息地连通性随城市化进程(包括土地利用类型、植被覆盖度、水源距离和干扰距离等的...  相似文献   

栖息地适宜性评价是开展珍稀濒危物种保护及生物多样性保护的基础与关键。基于GIS空间分析技术,利用Landsat TM遥感影像,选取土地利用类型、植被覆盖度、河流密度、湖泊密度、居民地密度、道路密度和耕地密度7个变量作为评价指标环境因子,结合实测丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)数据,采用Max Ent模型建模评价分析松嫩平原西部地区1980—2010年丹顶鹤栖息地空间分布及其质量动态变化。结果表明:(1)研究区内适宜丹顶鹤栖息的环境主要分布在河流、湖泊周围植被覆盖度较好且人为活动干扰密度较小的沼泽湿地和草地;(2)1980年、1995年、2000年和2010年4个时期研究区内丹顶鹤栖息地最适宜区和较适宜区面积均逐渐减少,最适宜区面积由1980年的7536.38 km2减少到2010年的3762.50 km2,非适宜区面积逐年增加;(3)栖息地不同等级适宜区之间转化具有就近性与可逆性,多为最适宜区转为较适宜区,较适宜区转为次适宜区,非适宜区转为最适宜区所占比重较少。本研究为今后湿地发展规划、保护区合理布局、生物资源可持续发展和生物多样性保护提供科学参考。  相似文献   

祖悦晴  魏妍儿  张曦文  于德永 《生态学报》2022,42(17):6937-6947
快速的城市化过程带来的生境斑块破碎化及损失会影响物种迁移、捕食等生态活动,对生物多样性构成威胁。然而,现有生态保护区可能无法覆盖其内生物的必要活动范围。生态保护区外的生境斑块对于维持生态过程也具有重要作用,因此识别生态保护区外的关键斑块并加以保护非常重要。以北京市延庆区为研究区,划分两种生境斑块,即核心生境斑块和潜在生境斑块,并基于图论构建生境网络。考虑地表覆盖类型、坡度、人类活动等因素构建生境阻力面。结合未来土地利用类型变化的模拟,研究城市化过程对区域生境网络和景观连接度的影响,选用CLUE-S模型模拟土地利用类型变化的格局。结合生境斑块特征和未来城市土地利用变化情况设计了3种未来生境变化情景。利用连接概率指数(PC)和网络连接度变化率(dI)评价不同生境变化情景下生态保护区外潜在生境斑块的景观连接度重要性,判断保护优先顺序,并分析景观格局变化对不同迁移能力物种的影响。结果表明:生态保护区外的全部潜在生境斑块对维持生境整体景观连接度有最大2.15%的影响,单个潜在生境斑块对维持景观连接度有最大0.28%的影响。此外,景观格局及其变化对不同迁移能力物种的影响差异显著,因此需针对保护物种和城市生境特征设计保护方案,研究区需要优先保护大中型斑块和位于关键位置的小型斑块。为了满足对生物多样性保护的需求,建议在区分生境斑块保护优先顺序时考虑生境斑块对景观连接度的贡献和城市化扩展过程的压力。研究为城市生物多样性保护和生境管理提供了方法参考。  相似文献   

为探讨山水林田湖草系统治理策略,实现生态系统服务价值的综合提升,以黑龙江省小兴安岭—三江平原区为研究对象,在分析研究区不同土地利用类型变化的基础上,基于不同土地利用类型的生态服务价值的变化,识别其面临的主要生态环境问题,提出研究区开展生态保护修复的策略。研究结果表明:(1)2005—2015年,小兴安岭—三江平原区耕地面积持续增加,林地、草地和湿地的面积持续下降,土地利用结构失衡。耕地面积主要由林地和草地转入,且主要分布在三江平原东部;(2)研究区生态系统服务价值从2005年的519.47亿元下降至2015年的495.71亿元。其中生物多样性以及土壤保持功能下降最为严重。土地利用类型的急剧变化,导致区域生态系统出现供给服务失衡、土壤保持和生物多样性功能下降及黑土退化等生态环境问题;(3)研究区山水林田湖草保护修复需突破行政边界的限制,合理规划工程布局,建立科学的评价体系和完善的监管制度;同时,需关注区域农田土壤质量变化,突出黑土地作为珍稀自然资源在山水林田湖草生态系统中的重要性。  相似文献   

段后浪  于秀波 《生态学报》2023,43(15):6354-6363
中国滨海湿地是东亚-澳大利西亚迁徙路线上候鸟重要的停歇地、繁殖地和越冬地,土地利用变化所引发的滨海湿地退化导致水鸟栖息地类别和面积发生了很大转变,影响迁徙水鸟种群数量的稳定性。然而,土地利用变化在哪些区域和多大程度上影响了迁徙水鸟的栖息地分布尚不清晰。以土地围垦典型区域黄渤海滨海湿地为研究区,以受胁濒危水鸟物种勺嘴鹬、大滨鹬、大杓鹬、小青脚鹬、黑脸琵鹭、黄嘴白鹭、遗鸥、黑嘴鸥为研究对象,结合物种分布模型MaxEnt和GIS空间分析,模拟2000、2015、2020年水鸟栖息地时空分布,探索过去20年栖息地分布的时空变化,分析水鸟种群变化趋势,识别水鸟栖息地保护优先区域,提出水鸟栖息地保护管理建议。结果显示:2000—2020年,8个水鸟物种栖息地主要分布在渤海湾、莱州湾、江苏盐城沿岸、如东-东台沿岸区域。所有物种的栖息地面积均呈不同程度的下降趋势,其中7个物种栖息地下降比例超过50%,下降的区域主要分布在渤海湾、江苏盐城沿岸、东台条子泥、小洋口沿岸,滨海湿地丧失是导致水鸟栖息地面积下降的直接因素。7个物种种群数量呈下降趋势。研究所确定的水鸟保护优先区面积达240.32 km2...  相似文献   

实现有效生物多样性保护的关键在于提升生物多样性丰富的人口密集区的保护效率。北京人口密集且生物多样性丰富, 存在3类具有生态保护功能的区划——自然保护区、生态保护红线和限制建设线。上述区域可视为生态保护潜力区。本文以在北京有分布的30种受胁鸟类为主要对象, 探讨现有生态保护潜力区对这些物种栖息地的覆盖程度, 并对如何改善上述受胁鸟类栖息地的保护状况进行了建议。根据物种对栖息地的选择, 基于高分辨率卫星解译的土地利用类型图, 利用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)掩膜栖息地分布图, 得到各受胁鸟类的预测空间分布。叠加这些分布获得北京受胁鸟类丰富度分布格局并进行验证。依据物种丰富度高低, 将受胁鸟类栖息地划分为一至四级(最重要的栖息地是一级栖息地, 以此类推)。同时, 依据地表覆盖类型和人类活动强度高低将北京市域划分为城市建成区、乡村生境区和自然生境区。分别计算3类保护潜力区对上述3类区域以及四级栖息地的覆盖面积比例。结果表明: (1) 95.64%的一级关键栖息地和86.32%的二级关键栖息地分布在乡村生境区, 但仅有0.69%和15.15%的乡村生境区分别被自然保护区和生态保护红线覆盖; (2)未受到自然保护区和生态保护红线覆盖的一、二级关键栖息地主要为水域和沼泽地等湿地、高覆盖度草地和部分耕地, 以及含有较高比例水体的大型城市绿地。基于以上结果, 我们建议至少在一定区域内试行如下保护措施: (1)严格保护湿地及其周边的高覆盖度草地, 确保面积不减少; (2)维持基本农田规模和粮食种植模式; (3)将乡村生境区位于河道附近的水域、沼泽地、高覆盖草地和灌木林纳入生态保护红线范围; (4)在公园绿地中划定生物多样性保护区; (5)优化平原地区林地结构。以上措施将使北京的受胁鸟类栖息地得到更好保护, 为中国东部人口密集区生物多样性保护提供示范。  相似文献   

高黎贡山种子植物物种丰富度沿海拔梯度的变化   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:23  
物种丰富度沿海拔梯度的分布格局成为生物多样性研究的热点。为探讨中尺度区域物种丰富度沿海拔梯度的分布,本文以高黎贡山为研究对象,利用该地区的地方植物志资料,结合通过GIS生成的区域数字高程模型(DEM)数据,分析了该区域全部种子植物和乔木、灌木、草本三种生活型种子植物物种丰富度的垂直分布格局以及物种密度沿海拔梯度的变化特征。结果表明:(1)全部种子植物和不同生活型植物物种丰富度随着海拔的升高呈现先增加后减小的趋势,最大值出现在海拔1500—2000m的范围;(2)物种密度与海拔也呈现单峰曲线关系;(3)物种丰富度和物种密度分布格局的形成主要受海拔所反映的水、热状况组合以及物种分布的边界影响。  相似文献   

土地利用变化对三峡库区重庆段植被净初级生产力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵晓  周文佐  田罗  何万华  章金城  刘东红  杨帆 《生态学报》2018,38(21):7658-7668
研究土地利用变化对区域植被净初级生产力(Net Primary Productivity,NPP)的影响对于明确区域植被固碳能力与土地利用变化的关系,以及维持生态系统结构稳定具有重要意义。以三峡库区重庆段为例,基于2000—2015年MOD17A3数据和土地利用数据,分析研究区NPP时空分布特征并从景观生态学的角度探讨土地利用变化对区域植被NPP的影响。研究表明:(1)NPP年均值16年间波动不大,空间分布上从东到西逐渐减少;(2)研究期内林地面积增加,耕地和草地面积减小,而NPP总量从25.6 TgC增加到了28.5 TgC,其中耕地NPP约占总量的44%,林地次之(40%),草地最少(14%),2000—2005年、2005—2010年、2010—2015年土地利用变化对NPP变化的贡献率分别为26.49%、59.76%、17.27%;(3)区域生态景观指数中的香农多样性指数SHDI、斑块密度PD与NPP呈正相关,而聚合度AI与NPP呈负相关,景观格局类型和景观格局变化均影响区域植被NPP的增长。要提高区域植被NPP,需优化土地利用格局,增加景观异质性和斑块密度,重视培育幼龄林,并控制成熟林的数量。  相似文献   

内蒙古奈曼旗农牧交错区土地利用/覆被变化的区域分异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于内蒙古奈曼旗1975、1985、1995和2005年4期遥感影像,运用土地利用动态度、土地利用相对变化率对研究区土地利用动态变化的区域分异进行了分析,并选取多度和重要值分析了研究区土地利用/覆被变化的空间分布特征.结果表明:1975—2005年间,研究区土地利用/覆被类型趋于多样化,年变化率较大,区域分异显著.研究区北部冲积平原区以林地面积的大幅增加和沙地面积的显著减少为主要特点,其草地和沙地的变化速度最大,居民地的变化速度最小,沙地转化为耕地和沙地转化为林地这两种变化形式在该区的分布最广泛;中部沙区以沙地分布为主,各土地利用类型的变化相对较小,以耕地和沙地的互相转化为该区的主要变化形式;南部黄土区以耕地面积占绝对优势,且变化速度最小,草地和沙地的变化速度最大,该区以草地转化为耕地和草地转化为林地为主要变化形式.自然因素决定了研究区各区域土地利用结构的主体特征,人为因素决定了区域内各土地利用类型的动态变化趋势.  相似文献   

基于内蒙古奈曼旗1975、1985、1995和2005年4期遥感影像,运用土地利用动态度、土地利用相对变化率对研究区土地利用动态变化的区域分异进行了分析,并选取多度和重要值分析了研究区土地利用/覆被变化的空间分布特征.结果表明:1975—2005年间,研究区土地利用/覆被类型趋于多样化,年变化率较大,区域分异显著.研究区北部冲积平原区以林地面积的大幅增加和沙地面积的显著减少为主要特点,其草地和沙地的变化速度最大,居民地的变化速度最小,沙地转化为耕地和沙地转化为林地这两种变化形式在该区的分布最广泛;中部沙区以沙地分布为主,各土地利用类型的变化相对较小,以耕地和沙地的互相转化为该区的主要变化形式;南部黄土区以耕地面积占绝对优势,且变化速度最小,草地和沙地的变化速度最大,该区以草地转化为耕地和草地转化为林地为主要变化形式.自然因素决定了研究区各区域土地利用结构的主体特征,人为因素决定了区域内各土地利用类型的动态变化趋势.  相似文献   

土地利用变化是造成栖息地破碎、缺失与退化的重要原因。生态网络能保护重要栖息地,促进栖息地之间的物质与能量流动,对区域土地利用规划和生物多样性保护具有重要意义。以鄂州市为研究区,基于CLUE-S模型预测现状延续、生态保护和城市扩张3种土地利用情景,将生境质量作为遴选生境斑块的依据之一,以鸟类最大迁徙距离为阈值构建生态网络,从连通概率指数PC和斑块重要性指数dPC两方面,探讨土地利用变化对鸟类栖息地连通性的影响。结果表明:(1)不同情景的地类数量和空间结构均有差异,与生态保护相比,城市扩张情景的建设用地增加11603.52 hm~2,林地、耕地和水体减少5041.8 hm~2、2540.16 hm~2、3385.8 hm~2,新城区、山地风景区与水体周边是主要变化区域;(2)现状延续和城市扩张情景的生境斑块降至235块和216块,网络出现破碎化,生态保护情景增至367块,网络结构完整但空间位置改变;(3)2004—2024年PC表现为先上升后下降再上升的趋势,生态保护的PC高于现状延续和城市扩张,且利于保护短距离迁徙鸟类;(4)生态保护情景边缘型和关键小型斑块得到保护,第一等级斑块增加,城...  相似文献   

李雯雯  李丽  吴巩胜  张宇  代云川  周跃 《生态学报》2016,36(24):8136-8144
基于图论法原理,综合最小费用距离和猴群的最小家域,建立了滇金丝猴栖息地的潜在扩散廊道及廊道缓冲区。在此区域内,根据遗传距离与栖息地连接最小费用距离的相关性,确定了5个不同管理单元间猴群可能扩散的阈值,并根据此阈值计算获得可能连通性指数(PC)去评估不同尺度下农牧地对滇金丝猴栖息地景观连接度的影响。结果表明:在距离为2.15km的廊道缓冲区范围内,5个不同管理单元间猴群可能扩散的最小费用距离阈值为1600,在两个斑块之间的费用距离小于或等于1600时,两个斑块能够连接,猴群可能在这两个斑块进行扩散,超过费用距离1600时,两个斑块不再连接,即猴群在这两个斑块间不会扩散。景观尺度下,PC指数逐渐增加,意味着未来4种不同的农牧地改善情景(C1,C2,C3,C4)都将促进景观连接度的增加;在斑块尺度下,通过确定出的最佳距离阈值,将整个研究区域分成不同的组分,小于或等于阈值的相邻斑块被划分在同一个组分中,大于阈值则不在一个组分中,研究区域中的5个不同管理单元间的猴群被划分在3个不同的组分中,情景C1,C2中组分数量没有变化,意味着连接度没有发生改变,但在情景C3,C4中,组分数量减少,并与相邻的组分融为一个组分,意味着连接度发生改变,滇金丝猴的活动范围扩大,更有利于猴群的基因交流。研究结果将为滇金丝猴栖息地的保护、未来廊道的恢复建设提供科学依据,同时也能为类似的研究提供方法上的参考。  相似文献   

景观生态学中常凭借最小累积阻力模型构建目标种生态网络,以提升破碎栖息地间的景观连接度,缓解生境破碎化负面影响.但传统最小累积阻力生态网络方法缺乏对生态网络的效用验证,对研究地的景观结构变化与生态过程的影响认识不足.本研究运用景观格局指数与连接度概率指数,定量评价生态网络构建前后的研究地景观结构与连接度特征,并以崇左白头叶猴栖息地生态网络为例,详尽叙述此生态网络方法的优化与应用过程.通过对白头叶猴栖息地斑块进行辨认、踏脚石斑块识别,对研究地用地类型进行划分并进行阻力赋值,运用最小累积阻力模型生成了20条白头叶猴栖息地生态网络廊道;然后利用景观结构指数与连接度概率指数结合的方法,对生成的生态网络结构和功能连接度进行评价.结果表明: 凭借最小累积阻力模型构建的目标种生态网络,能有效提升栖息地生境的完整性和连续性,降低总体破碎化水平,并改善生境质量.同时,该生态网络构建能提升生境景观的结构连接度与功能连接度,且两方面的连接度变化在结果上具有极显著的一致性(R2=98.3%,P<0.01).生态网络带来的景观结构方面变化与功能连接度的关联性不强,两种指数间的相互关系不如结构与功能的内在关系显著.  相似文献   

Food habits of three sympatric carnivore mammals in the Tsushima islands of Japan were studied during 1986–91. Scats of the Tsushima marten (n=1236), the Siberian weasel (n=218) and the Tsushima leopard cat (n=350) were collected monthly and the food items were determined by scat contents analysis. Marten was omnivorous showing a high level of diversity of food throughout the year. The important foods for marten were fruits and berries from spring to autumn, insects in summer and autumn and small mammals all year round. Leopard cat preferred to hunt wood/mice and birds, and remained a flesh meat specialist throughout the year. Weasel was intermediate between marten and leopard cat, but was slightly biased towards the flesh meat eater. The three carnivores do not compete against one another for food, except for small rodents. A conflict for food between leopard cat and weasel was suggested to be more intense than that of other combinations based on diet overlapping. Marten may be characterized as an opportunistic generalist. When interspecific competitors existed, or human disturbance to the habitat occurred, the preferential flexibility of the marten to alternative food resources might become more advantageous than the other two species.  相似文献   

Land use changes have profound effects on populations of Neotropical primates, and ongoing climate change is expected to aggravate this scenario. The titi monkeys from eastern Brazil (Callicebus personatus group) have been particularly affected by this process, with four of the five species now allocated to threatened conservation status categories. Here, we estimate the changes in the distribution of these titi monkeys caused by changes in both climate and land use. We also use demographic‐based, functional landscape metrics to assess the magnitude of the change in landscape conditions for the distribution predicted for each species. We built species distribution models (SDMs) based on maximum entropy for current and future conditions (2070), allowing for different global circulation models and contrasting scenarios of glasshouse gas concentrations. We refined the SDMs using a high‐resolution map of habitat remnants. We then calculated habitat availability and connectivity based on home‐range size and the dispersal limitations of the individual, in the context of a predicted loss of 10% of forest cover in the future. The landscape configuration is predicted to be degraded for all species, regardless of the climatic settings. This include reductions in the total cover of forest remnants, patch size and functional connectivity. As the landscape configuration should deteriorate severely in the future for all species, the prevention of further loss of populations will only be achieved through habitat restoration and reconnection to counteract the negative effects for these and several other co‐occurring species.  相似文献   

Human depopulation of rural mountain areas and the consequent abandonment of traditional land management are among the greatest driving forces behind changes in mountain ecosystems in Western Europe. Tree and shrub encroachment lead to an increase in landscape matrix uniformity and habitat fragmentation. For some animal species, this represents an unusual case of habitat loss caused by secondary succession. The animal species associated with this agro‐pastoral habitat may suffer from decreased connectivity as a consequence. The Rock Partridge Alectoris graeca is a species endemic to European mountains that represents a model for investigating the impact of habitat loss. We compared the habitat suitability of the Apennine Rock Partridge prior to abandonment of traditional agro‐pastoral activities by aerial photography with the current landscape, in order to investigate the effect of secondary succession on the distribution and viability of the species. We assessed the historical distribution (c. 1900–1950) by quantifying anecdotal evidence from interviews, and the current distribution (2005) from survey data. We applied ecological niche factor analysis and connectivity approaches to evaluate change in habitat suitability over this time scale. Moreover, to quantify landscape connectivity, we evaluated the relative importance of each patch in the two periods. Results indicated that to maintain a viable population in the Apennines, the species requires an ensemble of ecological conditions considerably different from the current situation. We observed a drastic decrease in connectivity as a result of a reduction in numbers and size of high suitability patches. This is most probably the primary cause of the current decline of the Rock Partridge population in the Apennines.  相似文献   

A common challenge in the conservation of broadly distributed, yet imperiled species is understanding which factors facilitate persistence at distributional edges, locations where populations are often vulnerable to extirpation due to changes in climate, land use, or distributions of other species. For Columbia spotted frogs (Rana luteiventris) in the Great Basin (USA), a genetically distinct population segment of conservation concern, we approached this problem by examining (1) landscape‐scale habitat availability and distribution, (2) water body‐scale habitat associations, and (3) resource management‐identified threats to persistence. We found that areas with perennial aquatic habitat and suitable climate are extremely limited in the southern portion of the species’ range. Within these suitable areas, native and non‐native predators (trout and American bullfrogs [Lithobates catesbeianus]) are widespread and may further limit habitat availability in upper‐ and lower‐elevation areas, respectively. At the water body scale, spotted frog occupancy was associated with deeper sites containing abundant emergent vegetation and nontrout fish species. Streams with American beaver (Castor canadensis) frequently had these structural characteristics and were significantly more likely to be occupied than ponds, lakes, streams without beaver, or streams with inactive beaver ponds, highlighting the importance of active manipulation of stream environments by beaver. Native and non‐native trout reduced the likelihood of spotted frog occupancy, especially where emergent vegetation cover was sparse. Intensive livestock grazing, low aquatic connectivity, and ephemeral hydroperiods were also negatively associated with spotted frog occupancy. We conclude that persistence of this species at the arid end of its range has been largely facilitated by habitat stability (i.e., permanent hydroperiod), connectivity, predator‐free refugia, and a commensalistic interaction with an ecosystem engineer. Beaver‐induced changes to habitat quality, stability, and connectivity may increase spotted frog population resistance and resilience to seasonal drought, grazing, non‐native predators, and climate change, factors which threaten local or regional persistence.  相似文献   

Urbanization is a major factor driving habitat fragmentation and connectivity loss in wildlife. However, the impacts of urbanization on connectivity can vary among species and even populations due to differences in local landscape characteristics, and our ability to detect these relationships may depend on the spatial scale at which they are measured. Bobcats (Lynx rufus) are relatively sensitive to urbanization and the status of bobcat populations is an important indicator of connectivity in urban coastal southern California. We genotyped 271 bobcats at 13,520 SNP loci to conduct a replicated landscape resistance analysis in five genetically distinct populations. We tested urban and natural factors potentially influencing individual connectivity in each population separately, as well as study–wide. Overall, landscape genomic effects were most frequently detected at the study–wide spatial scale, with urban land cover (measured as impervious surface) having negative effects and topographic roughness having positive effects on gene flow. The negative effect of urban land cover on connectivity was also evident when populations were analyzed separately despite varying substantially in spatial area and the proportion of urban development, confirming a pervasive impact of urbanization largely independent of spatial scale. The effect of urban development was strongest in one population where stream habitat had been lost to development, suggesting that riparian corridors may help mitigate reduced connectivity in urbanizing areas. Our results demonstrate the importance of replicating landscape genetic analyses across populations and considering how landscape genetic effects may vary with spatial scale and local landscape structure.  相似文献   

In order to analyse the impact of land use change, it is particularly important to know how organisms use resources distributed across a heterogeneous landscape. The main objective of this study is to analyse the potential impact of land use change on bird and mammal fauna, by using a coupled model approach. The CLUE (Conversion of Land Use and its Effects) model has been applied to obtain the spatial pattern of land use change for a scenario with soybean expansion in the Cerrado of Maranhão State in Brazil. These land use change maps were used as the input for the LEDESS (Landscape Ecological Decision and Evaluation Support System) model to evaluate the impact of habitat fragmentation on mammal and bird species. The scenarios demonstrated that high quality habitat for all studied species will be lost in the future when current trends in agricultural expansion continue, but these changes will have species-specific impacts. The most relevant ecological impact under the explored scenarios was habitat fragmentation expressed by the increase the number of habitat clusters. The coupled model approach of LEDESS and CLUE made it possible to project the spatial impact of soybean expansion on habitat dynamics in the studied region. This model approach can help to design effective ecological infrastructure to facilitate species survival and to implement an effective habitat network in the Balsas region.  相似文献   

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