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千岛湖浮游甲壳动物垂直分布与昼夜垂直移动   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2004年6月、9月、12月及2005年3月于千岛湖温馨岛站点(29°38′10.5″N,119°01′54.1″E)进行浮游甲壳动物垂直分布分层采样,分析千岛湖浮游甲壳动物的垂直分布特征及优势种昼夜垂直移动状况。结果显示,千岛湖浮游甲壳动物主要分布在10~21 m水层,不同季节中心水层分布深度12月9月6月3月;浮游动物昼夜垂直移动春(3月)、夏(6月)两季幅度较大,秋(9月)、冬(12月)季节幅度较小;浮游甲壳动物优势种在各个水层都有分布,密集区大都集中在中上水层(10~21 m),不同种类昼夜垂直移动幅度有所不同;昼夜垂直移动显著的种类有特异荡镖水蚤(Neutrodiaptanus incongruens)、近邻剑水蚤(Cyclops vicinus)、球状许水蚤(Schmackeria forbesi)、透明溞(Daphnia hyaline)、长额象鼻溞(Bosmina longirostris),不显著的种类为右突新镖水蚤(Neodiaptomus schmackeri)、短尾秀体溞(Diaphanosoma brachyurum)。光照、温度、饵料是影响千岛湖浮游甲壳动物垂直分布及昼夜垂直移动的主要因素。  相似文献   

于2012年6月至2013年5月,对苏州工业园区湖泊和河流水体的浮游甲壳动物组成及群落结构进行了研究,分析了浮游甲壳动物的密度和生物量的年度变化,探讨其分布与水体理化因子间的关系.结果表明:园区水体有枝角类6科12属24种,桡足类7科13属18种,其中短尾秀体溞、长额象鼻溞、汤匙华哲水蚤及近邻剑水蚤在不同水体中不同季节均为优势种.在湖泊水体和河流水体中,浮游甲壳动物的密度和生物量表现为夏、秋季较高,冬、春季较低,且在夏、秋季分别具有2个峰值.枝角类平均密度和生物量在河流水体中均高于湖泊水体,两者间均具有显著差异;桡足类的平均密度在河流水体和湖泊水体间差异不显著,而平均生物量要显著高于湖泊水体.湖泊水体和河流水体在溶解氧、pH、透明度、总溶解固体、盐度、总磷、总氮及铵氮含量上均存在显著差异;冗余分析表明无论是湖泊水体还是河流水体,多数浮游甲壳动物的分布与水温、盐度、化学需氧量(CODMn)和总磷等指数呈正相关,只有枝角类中的溞属、船卵溞属种类的分布与水体溶解氧、pH值及透明度呈正相关.  相似文献   

杨威  孙雨琛  张婷婷  刘琪  黄悦  葛茜  邓道贵 《生态学报》2020,40(14):4874-4882
2017年3月到2018年2月研究了临涣湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构的季节变化。临涣湖共记录浮游甲壳动物13种,其中枝角类8属8种,桡足类5属5种。短尾秀体溞(Diaphanosoma brachyurum)、广布中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops leuckarti)和象鼻溞(Bosmina sp.)等小型富营养种类是温暖季节的优势种,而近邻剑水蚤(Cyclops vicinus)是冬季的优势种。盔形溞(Daphnia galeata)等大型种类仅在少数月份中被观察到。临涣湖浮游甲壳动物的年平均密度和生物量分别为28.3个/L和0.33 mg/L。营养状态指数(TSI_M)的年平均值为62.6。浮游甲壳动物的Shannon指数、Pielou指数和Simpson指数的年平均值分别为0.86、0.74和0.49,且3种多样性指数均具有显著的季节差异。营养盐水平、营养状态指数和物种多样性指数均表明,临涣湖水体处于富营养化状态。冗余分析结果表明,水温、总磷浓度和叶绿素a浓度是影响临涣湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构变化的上行效应因子。鲢、鳙鱼的捕食压力是临涣湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构小型化的下行效应因子。  相似文献   

太湖梅梁湾大型控藻围栏对浮游甲壳动物群落结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年对太湖梅梁湾大型鲢、鳙控藻围栏内外浮游甲壳动物群落结构的季节变化进行了监测.结果表明:围栏内外的环境因子、浮游植物生物量、浮游甲壳动物种类组成无显著差异.但鲢、鳙放养对浮游甲壳动物的生物量产生了较大的影响,围栏内浮游甲壳动物的总生物量和枝角类的生物量显著低于围栏外.总体上,枝角类各种类的生物量受鲢、鳙放养的影响程度大于桡足类的种类.太湖梅梁湾浮游甲壳动物的季节演替明显,大部分种类只是季节性出现.冬季和春季以溞(Daphnia sp.)和近邻剑水蚤(Cyclops vicnus)等大型种类为主,夏季和秋季以象鼻溞(Bosmina sp.)、角突网纹溞(Ceriodaphnia cornuta)和中华窄腹剑水蚤(Limnoithona sinensis)等小型种类为主.典范对应分析表明,透明度、温度和浮游植物的生物量是影响浮游甲壳动物季节变化的主要因素.  相似文献   

南水北调东线、中线工程实施后将给长江口水生生物的生态环境带来影响.2005年秋季和2006年春季,对长江口南、北支浮游甲壳动物进行了2航次的调查.调查区域从长江口徐六径至河口 50号灯标,全长181.8 km,自西向东江面宽由约5.7 km扩展为约90km,平面形态呈扇形分布,设立3个断面14个调查采集点.采集到浮游甲壳动物共23科37属54种,其中枝角类6科8属15种,桡足类17科29属39种;秋季种类数多于春季,北支桡足类种类数多于南支;平均总密度为9.10 ind·L-1,平均总生物量为0.1179 mg·L-1,以桡足类为主;北支Ⅲ断面的现存量远远高于南、北支其他断面;长额象鼻溞、简弧象鼻溞为优势枝角类;中华华哲水蚤、汤匙华哲水蚤、球状许水蚤、广布中剑水蚤为优势桡足类.文中还对长江口南、北支浮游甲壳动物的总体水平及时空分布、南水北调对浮游甲壳动物的影响进行了分析.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构特征   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
刘宝贵  刘霞  吴瑶  钟正  陈宇炜 《生态学报》2016,36(24):8205-8213
鄱阳湖是中国第一大淡水湖,具有"丰水为湖,枯水为河"的独特特点。为探讨鄱阳湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构及其时空分布的特征,于2009年全年采集其不同季节、不同水位期的浮游甲壳动物样品进行定量分析。结果显示,鄱阳湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构总体与河流浮游甲壳群落具有相似性。无节幼体、象鼻溞、剑水蚤等河流优势类群在鄱阳湖浮游甲壳动物中占优势;而哲水蚤和溞属仅在低水位季节占优势,枝角类丰度仅在高温、高水位、流速缓的季节高过桡足类。丰水期浮游甲壳动物平均丰度和生物量远远高于枯水期,可达枯水期的50倍,差异极其显著(P0.01)。温度和水位变化引起的环境因子改变是导致鄱阳湖浮游甲壳动物发生季节演替的主要原因;而营养盐对浮游甲壳动物的影响并不显著。空间上浮游甲壳动物群落构成明显不同,年均丰度最高和最低的点均出现在河口地区。因此:对于换水周期短,水交换速率快的水体,应该充分考虑水文条件对生物的影响。  相似文献   

焦岗湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构的季节动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年10月至2014年7月分季节对焦岗湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构动态进行调查,并探讨了影响浮游甲壳动物群落结构的环境因子。结果表明:焦岗湖共记录浮游甲壳动物17种,其中枝角类8属11种,桡足类5属6种;全湖枝角类的优势种为秀体溞(Diaphanosoma sp.)、矩形尖额溞(Alona rectangula)和脆弱象鼻溞(Bosmina fatalis),桡足类的优势种为跨立小剑水蚤(Microcyclops vaticans)和透明温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops hyalinus);浮游甲壳动物的密度和生物量呈现明显的季节变化,春、夏季较高,秋、冬季较低,年平均密度和年平均生物量分别为(196.30±313.75)ind·L-1和(1.80±3.18)mg·L-1;枝角类的密度和生物量的最高值分别出现在夏季[(28.53±55.91)ind·L-1]和春季[(0.61±0.70)mg·L-1],桡足类的密度和生物量的最高值均出现在夏季,分别为(31.47±51.09)ind·L-1和(2.82±4.58)mg·L-1;全湖浮游甲壳动物群落Shannon多样性指数的年平均值为1.07±0.81,最大值(1.74±0.46)出现在春季;典范对应分析(CCA)表明,与焦岗湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构的季节动态变化相关的重要环境因子为水温、p H、溶解氧、浮游植物生物量、营养盐等。  相似文献   

于2016年3—8月,研究了江西省南昌市军山湖、青山湖和瑶湖的春夏季节浮游甲壳动物的群落结构。结果表明:3个湖泊共鉴定出浮游甲壳动物14种,其中枝角类8种、桡足类6种;军山湖、青山湖和瑶湖的浮游甲壳动物密度变动范围分别为0.8~24.9、0.3~18.7和5.9~47.9 ind·L-1;瑶湖的浮游甲壳动物密度显著大于军山湖(P=0.003)和青山湖(P0.001);秀体溞、微型裸腹溞和象鼻溞等富营养化种类是3个湖泊浮游甲壳动物的夏季优势种,而盔形溞是军山湖的春季优势种。冗余分析表明,水温、叶绿素a和pH是决定3个湖泊浮游甲壳动物群落结构的相同环境因子,位于城市近郊的青山湖和瑶湖的浮游甲壳动物群落结构还与氮、磷等营养盐密切相关。  相似文献   

苗滕  高健  陈炳辉  刘正文 《生态科学》2013,32(3):324-330
为研究湖泊生态修复对浮游动物群落结构的影响,该文于2010年1-12月份对惠州西湖未修复的子湖-平湖及已实施生态修复后的子湖-元妙观湖、南南湖的浮游甲壳动物群落结构进行了调查。结果表明:龟状笔纹溞、卵型盘肠溞、矩形尖额溞和右突新镖水蚤仅出现在修复后的元妙观湖与南南湖,而颈沟基和溞与平直溞仅在平湖中检出;元妙观湖和南南湖浮游甲壳动物种属数、丰度及多样性指数均高于平湖。冗余分析结果表明:哲水蚤、剑水蚤和枝角类丰度与透明度呈正相关,哲水蚤密度与营养盐呈负相关。研究显示,湖泊生态修复对浮游动物群落结构有重要的影响。  相似文献   

武汉东湖后湖区浮游甲壳动物群落结构的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鲁敏  谢平 《水生生物学报》2002,26(2):123-129
武汉东湖后湖湖区浮游甲壳动物群落结构从60年代至90年代发生了十分显的变化。浮游甲壳动物的物种丰度下降非常明显,枝角类的种类数从60年代的47种下降至90年代的17种,桡足类的种类数由60年代的14种下降为90年代的9种。60年代枝角类的优势种隆线Sou一亚种在90年代被短尾秀体Sou所取代,60年代的两种优势哲水蚤-长江新镖水蚤与特异荡镖水蚤的优势在90年代消失,而60年代很少的一种剑水蚤-台湾温剑水蚤在90年代跃升为优势种。随着滤食性鱼类密度的上升,枝角类的密度从60年代至90年代显下降。哲水蚤1997及1998年的密度明显低于60年代的密度。研究表明,浮游甲壳动物群落物种丰度的下降与后湖湖区沉水植被的退化有关,而优势种的演替主要受滤食性鱼类密度的影响。  相似文献   

Horppila  Jukka 《Hydrobiologia》1997,345(2-3):215-220
The diel vertical migration of cladoceran zooplankton in LakeVesijärvi was studied after a distinct improvement of the waterquality following mass removal of fish. Four out of seven speciesshowed diurnal changes in vertical distribution. The two speciesdominating at 0–10 m, Bosmina crassicornis and Daphniacucullata, migrated reverse, while hypolimnetic Bosminalongispina and Ceriodaphnia quadrangula ascended at night.The migration did not cross the thermocline, suggesting thatzooplankton had a minor role in restricting the availability ofphosphorus for phytoplankton. The reverse migration in theepilimnion was likely connected to the feeding behaviour of thedominating planktivores. During night, smelt (Osmeruseperlanus (L.)) migrated from the hypolimnion to the surface tofeed on daphnids, while roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) thatinhabited the 5–15 m depth, was day-active and fed mainly on Bosmina. In the hypolimnion, the cladocerans used the low oxygenconcentration as a refuge and at night migrated to layers moreprofitable for feeding. This suggests that the predation by fishwas the ultimate factor of the vertical migration, but otherenvironmental factors determined its magnitude.  相似文献   

The present study determined whether puffer Takifugu rubripes and T. xanthopterus larvae use selective tidal stream transport (STST) for migration into the nursery area. The influence of the tidal cycle on the vertical distribution of Thkifugu larvae was investigated during a 24 h sampling period at one location off Shimabara Peninsula in Ariake Bay. Samples were collected in three depth layers, from near the sea floor to near the surface (5, 20 and 30 m depth). The change in vertical distribution in relation to tidal phase was not observed. This data did not support STST hypothesis. Diel vertical migration was observed irrespective of tidal phase, where larvae migrated to the middle layer during the night, and sank to the bottom layer during the day, however, larvae hardly emerged into the surface layer during the study period. In Ariake Bay, the residual current leads to a layered vertically stratified structure, in which surface water flows towards the mouth and the middle-bottom water flows toward inner part of the Bay. It is suggested that Takifugu larvae use not STST but residual currents for transport into the nursery ground, namely, undergoing nocturnal diel vertical migration in the water column between the middle layer and the bottom layer where the net flow is northward.  相似文献   

The daily vertical migration of five species;Microcystis aeruginosa (Kütz.) Trevis,Anabaena spiroides Klebahn f.crassa (L.) Elenkin,Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs,Melosira granulata (E). Ralfs, andCoscinodiscus lacustris Grun. was studied using a close-interval water sampler on a calm summer day in Lake Kasumigaura. Many colonies ofMicrocystis were observed at the middle of the water column (approx. 1.5 m depth) in the afternoon, and at the surface in the early morning.Anabaena occurred mostly in the upper layer whileAphanizomenon tended to be uniformly distributed. The difference in migration patterns suggests thatMicrocystis is superior toAnabaena andAphanizomenon in obtaining both light and nutrients from this lake. Among diatoms,Melosira remained at the bottom of the water column throughout day and night, but Coscinodiscus was uniformly distributed.  相似文献   

Diel vertical migration by Heterosigma akashiwo (Hada) Hada (Raphidophyceae) was monitored in a 1.5 in tall microcosm. Vertical stratification, with low salinity and low orthophosphate (Pi) concentration in the upper layer and high salinity and high Pi concentration in the lower layer, was simulated in the tank, analogous to summer stratification in the Seto Inland Sea. The phosphate metabolism of H. akashiwo during this vertical migration was studied using 31P-NMR spectroscopy. At night this species migrated to the lower phosphate-rich layer and took up inorganic phosphate (Pi) which then was accumulated as polyphosphate (PPi) by an increase in the chain length of PPi During the daytime this species migrated to the phosphate-depleted surface water and utilized the accumulated PPi for photophosphorylation by decreasing the chain length of PPi During the first night after the phosphorus was introduced to the previously impoverished waters, the cells took up inorganic phosphate, accumulating the new phosphorus nutrient internally as Pi But the cells did not convert Pi to PPi presumably due to their lack of ATP. After the second day of the experiment, conversion of Pi to PPi at night was much more rapid than on the first day, presumably due to increased ATP availability. Then the cycle continued, with uptake of Pi and conversion to PPi at night at the bottom and its utilization during the day at the surface. These data suggest that the role of PPi in the metabolism of this species appears to be as a phosphate pool which regulates the level of Pi and ATP in the cell. Diel vertical migration allows this red tide species to shuttle between the phosphate-rich lower layer and the photic upper layer in stratified waters. 31P-NMR is shown to be a valuable tool in studying the phosphorus metabolism in migrating organisms.  相似文献   

Diel vertical migrations of zooplankton were studied in a small, dystrophic Kruczy Staw Lake. Two rotifer species (Synchaeta pectinata Ehrenberg, Trichocerca simonei DeSmet) inhabiting the lake occurred near lake bottom (7–8 m depth) in the daytime. At night they were observed in surface waters (0–2 m). Both amplitude and speed of the rotifer migration were markedly higher than those of crustaceans. As invertebrate predators are scarce or altogether lacking in the lake, vertical stratification of rotifer and crustacean communities both seasonally and dielly may be caused by strong competition for very low food resources in the lake. This assumption is supported by the observed reverse changes in densities of zooplankton and their food (i.e. picoplankton) during a diel cycle.  相似文献   

Summary Diel soil water potential fluctuations reflected daytime depletion and nocturnal resupply of water in upper soil layers. Transpiration suppression experiments demonstrated that water absorption by roots caused the daytime depletion. The soil water potential data and experimental results suggest that at night water absorbed from moist soil by deeper roots is transported to and lost from roots into drier upper soil layers. The deeper roots appear to absorb and transport water both day and night. Implications for the efficiency of deep roots and water storage, nutrient uptake and water parasitism in upper soil layers are discussed.  相似文献   

In marine ecosystems, the most significant migration observed in terms of biomass distribution is the one connected with the vertical movements in the water column. In the present study, the vertical profiles of the mesopelagic shrimps Gennadas elegans, Eusergestes arcticus, Sergia robusta, and the epipelagic Parasergestes vigilax in the Balearic Sea (western Mediterranean), during the stratified (summer) and non-stratified (autumn) hydrographic conditions, were investigated through their ontogeny, from the larval to adult stages. The mesopelagic adults were observed to move down to the deeper layers during the night more than during the daylight hours. Most larvae aggregated within the limits of the upper water column. The P. vigilax larvae were collected only during the stratified period. The first two larval stages vertical distribution indicates that the mesopelagic crustacean spawning could occur at greater depths. During the non-stratified period, the larvae of the mesopelagic species tended to remain at about 500 m depth at night, rising towards the upper layers at sunrise. Vertical patterns are discussed, as strategies associated with predator–prey trade-offs. To our knowledge, the present study is the first such attempt to jointly analyze the vertical migrations of the developmental stages of the pelagic shrimps in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

The effect of water transparency, dissolved oxygen concentration and the invertebrate predator Chaoborus brasiliensis on the day–night vertical distribution of the copepod cyclopoid Thermocyclops inversus was investigated in a shallow tropical reservoir, Nado Reservoir, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Diel cycles were carried out over a period of 12 consecutive months, between October 1999 and September 2000. The different developmental stages of T. inversus exhibited diel vertical migration (DVM) and displayed a clear ontogenetic trend, with the amplitude of DVM increasing with the age of the organism, and ranging from 0.4 m to 0.8 m for nauplii, 0.4 m to 1.2 m for copepodite, and 1.1 m to 2.1 m for adults. We observed that seasonal changes in dissolved oxygen and C. brasiliensis directly influenced the vertical distribution of the copepod population in this reservoir. Furthermore, it was showed that the diurnal vertical migration is an important predator avoidance behavior since it diminished the spatial overlap between prey and its potential predator. This finding supports the hypothesis that the vertical migration is a defense mechanism against predation. Thus, T. inversus is able to remain in the anoxic layers during day light hours, and at night they move upwards avoiding hypolimnetic waters to escape from predation by Chaoborus.  相似文献   

基于水声学方法的天目湖鱼类季节和昼夜空间分布研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用水声学方法系统地对天目湖春夏秋冬四季鱼类水平和垂直空间分布进行了调查研究,同时对昼夜探测的差异性进行了比较,并对不同季节间鱼类聚群形态进行了探讨。研究结果表明,天目湖鱼类在不同季节间存在规律性水平迁移,从全湖角度分析,天目湖鱼类资源昼夜间的水平空间分布无明显差异特征,但在春末和夏季的局部区域里,昼夜间鱼类存在一定近岸—远岸的水平迁移;不同季节和昼夜间,鱼类垂直分布差异明显,且在存在温跃层的夏季7月昼间,鱼类密度垂直分布与水温的垂直分布关系密切,温跃层以下的鱼类密度基本为0;天目湖鱼类在四个季节都属于成群分布类型,但季节间鱼类聚群形态不同,在冬季的1月呈现出典型的聚集,相对于昼间,春夏季鱼类在夜间分布更为均匀、分散,且水平探测表明在夜间水体表层存在大量鱼类分布。  相似文献   

The diel vertical distributions of two small copepods, Oithona similis and Oncaea curvata, were investigated at 4-h intervals over a 24-h period under fast ice near Syowa Station during continuous daylight conditions in the Antarctic mid-summer, December 1993. Oithona similis and O. curvata exhibited small-scale diel vertical migrations during the study period, in a way opposite to what is expected, i.e., remaining mostly in the upper layer during the day and moving into deeper layers at night. The nighttime descent of both species coincided with the time of disappearance of a high algal concentration at the ice–water interface during the day and an increase of the algal concentration in the mid-water layer at night. This suggests the migration behavior of the copepods was responsible for the change of food availability. The daily grazing impact of these copepods was estimated to remove one-third of the algae daily released from ice during mid-summer at Syowa Station.  相似文献   

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