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简要介绍了植物求救信号的含意、作用,作用机理及科学意义。  相似文献   

存在植物、害虫、天敌之间的他感物质及其功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物在漫长的进化过程中,为了保护自己,在与病原菌、害虫及其他食草动物的生存竞争中,产出了萜类、生物碱、类黄酮等多种次生代谢产物。作为天然产物化学的成果,已有许多有关此类代谢产物的研究。1964年Ehrlich和Raven发表协同进化概念以来,引起了人们对植物生产的化学物质及其围绕植物的多种生物的作用的兴趣,进而,随着天然物化学技术的进步,各种植物化学成分的分离、鉴定数量增加,如今,主要从被子植物分离鉴定的次生代谢产物已有相当大的数量。现阶段,人们的注意力集中在研究植物在受到微生物、动物等的攻击时,为对抗这种攻击…  相似文献   

植物次生代谢基因工程   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
植物次生代谢基因工程,是利用基因工程技术对植物次生代谢途径的遗传特性进行改造,进而改变植物次生代谢产物。植物次生代谢基因工程的出现是人类对次生代谢途径的深入了解和分子生物学向纵深发展的结果,同时它又促进了次生代谢分子生物学的发展。调控因子的应用和多基因的协同转化为植物次生代谢基因工程拓宽了思路。从次生代谢图谱、植物基因工程策略和植物转基因方法等方面对植物次生代谢的基因工程研究进展做一简要概述。  相似文献   

植食性昆虫诱导的挥发物及其在植物通讯中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
正常健康植株的挥发物代谢维持在基底水平,当遭到昆虫取食时,植物释放出特定的挥发物,用来招引害虫的天敌,还能诱导邻近植株产生防御反应.文章就此问题的研究进展作了介绍.  相似文献   

昆虫取食诱导的植物防御反应   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
秦秋菊  高希武 《昆虫学报》2005,48(1):125-134
植物被昆虫取食后可产生直接防御或间接防御。直接防御通过增加有毒的次生代谢产物或防御蛋白对昆虫生理代谢产生不利的影响,但对植物的消耗较大。间接防御通过释放挥发性化合物吸引天敌昆虫,并以此控制植食性昆虫。特异性的昆虫激发子(insect specific elicitors)能够诱导挥发性化合物的释放。多种信号途径参与昆虫取食诱导的植物防御反应,它们之间的相互作用协同或拮抗。了解昆虫取食诱导的植物防御反应,对于害虫综合治理策略的完善具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

昆虫唾液成分在昆虫与植物关系中的作用   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
近年来,人们对于植食性昆虫唾液的深入研究,揭示出其在昆虫与植物的相互关系和协同进化中起到非常重要的作用。植食性昆虫唾液中含有的酶类和各种有机成分,能诱导植物的一系列生化反应,而且这些反应有很强的特异性,与为害的昆虫种类甚至龄期有关。鳞翅目幼虫口腔分泌物(或反吐液)中含有的β-葡糖苷酶、葡萄糖氧化酶等酶类和挥发物诱导素等有机成分,已经证明可以诱导植物的反应; 刺吸式昆虫的取食也可以刺激植物产生反应,但其唾液内的酶类,如烟粉虱的碱性磷酸酶, 蚜虫的酚氧化酶、果胶酶和多聚半乳糖醛酸酶, 蝽类的寡聚半乳糖醛酸酶等是否发挥作用,目前还没有直接的证据。寄主植物对昆虫的唾液成分也有很大的影响,可能是昆虫对不同植物营养成分和毒性成分的适应方式。对昆虫唾液蛋白的分析表明,具有同样类型口器、食物类型接近的昆虫,唾液成分有更多的相似性。研究植食性昆虫的唾液成分,对于阐明昆虫和植物的协同进化关系、昆虫生物型的形成机理、害虫的致害机理,以及指导害虫防治等,有着一定的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

日前,美国特拉华大学科学家们宣布了最新的研究成果。他们在研究中发现,当植物受到致病细菌的攻击时,叶子会向根部发出求救信号,根部接收到求救信号后也会立即作出反应,分泌出一种携带有益菌类的酸性物质解围。在年初已有研究表明,寄生植物可以感受到寄主的信息交流系统。  相似文献   

活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)是植物有氧代谢的副产物,同时环境胁迫也会使植物细胞中积累大量的活性氧。低浓度的活性氧可以作为信号分子存在,诱导防御基因的表达和植物对环境的适应反应。当逆境胁迫迫使植物细胞中产生大量活性氧时,就会导致细胞内的大分子物质及其他组分受损,阻碍植物的正常代谢和生长,甚至死亡。植物体内存在活性氧清除机制,可以在一定范围内维持活性氧的平衡。研究表明,利用植物体内自身的活性氧清除机制可以提高植物的抗逆性。对当前植物活性氧的研究动态进行概述,同时对植物活性氧清除机制在提高植物抗逆性方面的应用进行探讨。  相似文献   

害虫天敌的植物支持系统   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
保护天敌,使天敌长期有效地控制害虫是保护性生物防治的核心内容。其中,植物在维持和促进天敌控制害虫中的重要性和作用越来越受到关注。本文概述了各种支持天敌发挥效能的植物类群,论述了蜜源植物、储蓄植物、栖境植物、诱集植物、指示植物、护卫植物等在支持天敌生存和繁殖方面的生物功能,评述了研究和应用这些植物时需注意的问题,提出了科学利用这些植物以维持和增强农业生态系统中天敌发挥控害作用的植物支持系统,并指出了由于对这些植物类别的界定和定义模糊所带来的不便,给出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

次生代谢产物与植物抗病防御反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
次生代谢产物是由植物次生代谢产生的许多结构不同的小分子有机化合物,它们广泛参与植物的生长、发育、防御等生理过程。次生代谢产物在植物的抗病防御反应中发挥着重要作用,可以作为生化壁垒防御病原物侵染,还可以作为信号物质参与植物的抗病反应;在植物与病原物互作中,植物合成新的抗菌物质植保素,原有的抗菌物质也会增加。植物次生代谢产物的积累受到病原物、发育,环境等多种因素的调节。本文重点介绍次生代谢产物在植物抗病防御中的相关作用以及影响其合成的各种因素。  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi affect phytophagous insect specialism   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The majority of phytophagous insects eat very few plant species, yet the ecological and evolutionary forces that have driven such specialism are not entirely understood. The hypothesis that arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi can determine phytophagous insect specialism, through differential effects on insect growth, was tested using examples from the British flora. In the UK, plant families and species in the family Lamiaceae that are strongly mycorrhizal have higher proportions of specialist insects feeding on them than those that are weakly mycorrhizal. We suggest that AM fungi can affect the composition of insect assemblages on plants and are a hitherto unconsidered factor in the evolution of insect specialism.  相似文献   

The recognition of phytophagous insects by plants induces a set of very specific responses aimed at deterring tissue consumption and reprogramming metabolism and development of the plant to tolerate the herbivore. The recognition of insects by plants requires the plant’s ability to perceive chemical cues generated by the insects and to distinguish a particular pattern of tissue disruption. Relatively little is known about the molecular basis of insect perception by plants and the signalling mechanisms directly associated with this perception. Importantly, the insect feeding behaviour (piercing‐sucking versus chewing) is a decisive determinant of the plant’s defence response, and the mechanisms used to perceive insects from different feeding guilds may be distinct. During insect feeding, components of the saliva of chewing or piercing‐sucking insects come into contact with plant cells, and elicitors or effectors present in this insect‐derived fluid are perceived by plant cells to initiate the activation of specific signalling cascades. Although receptor–ligand interactions controlling insect perception have yet not been molecularly described, a significant number of regulatory components acting downstream of receptors and involved in the activation of defence responses against insects has been reported. Some of these regulators mediate changes in the phytohormone network, while others directly control gene expression or the redox state of the cell. These processes are central in the orchestration of plant defence responses against insects.  相似文献   

Oviposition of phytophagous insects is determined either by adaptive behaviours allowing evaluation and response to host plant quality and/or by nutritional constraints occurring during oogenesis. Besides differences found among host plant species, plant intraspecific diversity can also affect insect oviposition. However, to date few studies have extensively investigated the factors accounting for the effect of this intraspecific variation. We addressed this question using oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and the pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus), a phytophagous insect that uses the same plants and plant organs both for feeding and laying eggs. Our objectives were to test for a genotypic effect of oilseed rape on pollen beetle oviposition and identify the origin of the possible intergenotypic differences. We tested three hypotheses: oviposition is directly linked to (1) the amount of food eaten; (2) the nutritional quality of the food eaten; (3) a preference of females for certain plant genotypes. Results showed intergenotypic differences in both the number and the size of eggs laid. The factor that best accounted for most of these differences was the amount of food eaten. Nutritional quality of the pollen was of minor importance and females exhibited no preference among genotypes. These results reveal the importance of adult feeding on subsequent oviposition in phytophagous insects, an often neglected factor which partly determines the amount of energy available for oogenesis. Taking into account this factor may be of crucial importance in studies conducted on synovogenic insect species feeding on the same plant on which they lay eggs.  相似文献   

植食性昆虫对植物的反防御机制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文综述了植食性昆虫对植物的反防御机制.一方面,植食性昆虫可通过其快速进化的寄主选择适应性,改变取食策略,调节生长发育的节律,以及规避自然天敌等抑制、逃避或改变植物的防御,即行为防御机制;另一方面,植食性昆虫可适应植物蛋白酶抑制剂、逃避植物防御伤信号、解毒植物次生物质,以及抑制植物阻塞反应来对植物防御进行反防御,即生理和生化防御机制.其中,昆虫抑制植物伤信号,防止植物阻塞反应是反防御机制的研究热点.昆虫反防御的研究有助于提高对昆虫-植物间协同进化关系的认识,并为害虫治理和抗虫植物的培育提供新的思路.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in insect populations is frequently structured into discrete groups, or demes, that form in response to stochastic forces or natural selection. Because host-plant populations are often highly heterogeneous, phytophagous insects may form demes that are adapted to the unique traits of individual plants. Recent field experiments indicate that selection pressures imposed by host-plants can promote rapid adaptive evolution in natural insect populations at very fine spatial scales. Adaptive deme formation may be more common among endophagous insects, which feed and reside within plant tissue, than for externally feeding insects, because internal feeders experience stronger plant-mediated selection pressures.  相似文献   

Phytophagous insects have a close relationship with their host plants. For this reason, their interactions can lead to important changes in insect population dynamics and evolutionary trajectories. Next generation sequencing (NGS) has provided an opportunity to analyze omics data on a large scale, facilitating the change from a classical genetics approach to a more holistic understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms of host plant use by insects. Most studies have been carried out on model species in Holarctic and temperate zones. In tropical zones, however, the effects of use of various host plants on evolutionary insect history is less understood. In the current review, we describe how omics methodologies help us to understand phytophagous insect–host plant interactions from an evolutionary perspective, using as example the Neotropical phytophagous insect West Indian fruit fly, Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) (Diptera: Tephritidae), an economically important fruit crop pest in the Americas. Anastrepha obliqua could adopt a generalist or a specialist lifestyle. We first review the adaptive molecular mechanisms of phytophagous insects to host plants, and then describe the main tools to study phytophagous insect–host plant interactions in the era of omics sciences. The omics approaches will advance the understanding of insect molecular mechanisms and their influence on diversification and evolution. Finally, we discuss the importance of a multidisciplinary approach that integrates the use of omics tools and other, more classical methodologies in evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

植物挥发性次生物质在植食性昆虫、寄生植物和昆虫天敌关系中的作用机理杜永均,严福顺(中国科学院动物研究所,北京100080)植物挥发性次生物质是一些分子量在100—200的有机化学物质,包括烃类、醇类、醛类、酮类、有机酸、内酯、含氮化合物以及有机硫等化...  相似文献   

草食性昆虫对不同植物物种的取食存在偏好,这种取食偏好可能受其自身对蛋白质和碳水化合物的需求及二者平衡的调节。以青藏高原高寒矮嵩草草甸31种常见植物及门源草原毛虫为对象,通过饲喂实验,研究了草食性昆虫对不同物种和不同功能群植物的取食偏好,及其与植物叶片C、N含量和C∶N之间的关系。在31种植物中,门源草原毛虫对19种植物进行了取食,尤其对矮嵩草、红棕薹草、藏异燕麦和垂穗披碱草四种植物表现出强烈的取食偏好,而对另外12种植物未进行任何取食。在物种水平上,门源草原毛虫取食量与植物叶片N含量呈显著负相关,与叶片C∶N呈正相关。从功能群水平上看,门源草原毛虫对莎草类的取食偏好最大,而对豆科植物取食偏好最低;相应地,莎草类植物叶片N含量最低、C∶N最高,而豆科植物叶片N含量最高、C∶N最低。因此,即使在土壤有效氮匮乏、植物生长受氮素限制的高寒草甸生态系统,植物体内N含量的增加也可能不利于草食性昆虫的取食。门源草原毛虫对优势植物矮嵩草和垂穗披碱草的取食对高寒矮嵩草草甸物种共存和生物多样性维持可能具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

Indirect competition is often mediated by plant responses to herbivore feeding damage and is common among phytophagous insect species. Plant-mediated responses may be altered by abiotic conditions such as nutrient supply, which can affect plant growth, morphology, and the concentration of primary and secondary metabolites. Nutrient supply can be manipulated by the type and amount of fertilizer applied to a plant. Brassica oleracea plants were grown in several types of fertilizer, including those commonly used in sustainable and conventional agricultural systems. The occurrence of indirect competition between two phytophagous species from different feeding guilds (a phloem-feeder and leaf-chewer) was assessed. The leaf-chewer reduced aphid populations on plants growing in most fertilizer treatments, but not on those in the ammonium nitrate fertilizer treatment, which caused the highest concentration of foliar nitrogen. The potential consequences of our findings are discussed for phytophagous species in conventional and sustainable agricultural systems.  相似文献   

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