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脂筏是质膜双层中富含鞘脂、胆固醇及特殊蛋白质的质膜微区.对其功能的研究,首先要对其进行分离和鉴定.常利用密度梯度超速离心将其分离,然后以脂筏中富含的神经节苷脂GM1作为标志分子,利用荧光或生物素标记的霍乱毒素-B亚基进行亲和标记来鉴定脂筏.但这一鉴定方法操作复杂、费时、易对环境造成污染,所用关键试剂霍乱毒素不易获得,再加上一些组织GM1含量甚微或不含GM1,使其应用受到局限.为建立一个特异性高又对各种组织广泛适应的脂筏鉴定方法.对两种细胞系脂筏的脂类组分进行了分析.结果发现,可用鞘磷脂作为脂筏的特异性标志分子,采用高效薄层层析技术对脂筏进行鉴定.  相似文献   

生物膜结构研究的一些进展   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
膜蛋白三维结构的解析存在很多困难.最近几年由于一些通道(如K+通道,Cl-通道,水通道Aquaporin 1等)和泵(如Ca2+泵)的结晶获得成功,这些膜蛋白具有原子分辨率三维结构的解析才得以完成,从而基本阐明一些极性分子和离子选择性通过生物膜的分子机理.在膜脂结构方面,动物细胞质膜膜脂的分布是不均匀的.近年来已多方面证明,质膜具有一些被命名为“脂筏(lipid rafts)”和“质膜微囊(Caveolae)”的微区.它们富含鞘脂和胆固醇。简单介绍了这些脂质微区的大小、组分以及动态变化.根据研究结果,这类脂质微区含有大量信号分子,很可能具有信号传递中心的作用.此外,对脂筏在膜运送过程中的作用也进行一些评述.  相似文献   

大鼠2/3肝切除模型为研究肝细胞增殖和生理性血管生成提供了一个很好的活体内模型.为了揭示肝再生过程中与肝细胞增殖终止相关及与血管生成启动相关的质膜蛋白质,本研究对大鼠肝2/3部分切除72 h后的肝脏质膜进行了研究:利用两步蔗糖密度梯度离心法对切除组和假手术组的肝脏质膜进行纯化;然后通过双向电泳和质谱技术对肝切除样品进行了比较分析并对几个关键蛋白程序性凋亡相关蛋白-6和丝蛋白-A进行了免疫印迹验证.相对于假手术对照组(Sham组),21种蛋白质在切除后72 h的肝脏中上调,15种蛋白质下调.所鉴定的差异表达蛋白参与了血管生成、细胞分裂增殖和凋亡、细胞分化调控、肝脏组织重新构建、代谢及应急反应.本研究为肝脏再生及其血管生成的研究提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

脂筏是细胞上富含特殊脂质和蛋白质的微结构域.随着脂筏作为细胞膜上信号传导的平台的认识,这个特征化的区域受到了越来越多的关注.大量的研究已经显示脂筏参与G蛋白偶联受体信号转导的调控.通过精细的调节G蛋白偶联受体、G蛋白和下游信号效应物等信号元件的活性,脂筏可以影响信号转导的专一性和信号偶联的效率.本综述主要介绍脂筏对G蛋白偶联受体信号转导的调控机制的研究进展.  相似文献   

脂筏的结构与功能   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
脂筏是膜脂双层内含有特殊脂质及蛋白质的微区.小窝是脂筏的一种类型,由胆固醇、鞘脂及蛋白质组成,以小窝蛋白为标记蛋白.脂筏的组分和结构特点有利于蛋白质之间相互作用和构象转化,可以参与信号转导和细胞蛋白质运转.一些感染性疾病、心血管疾病、肿瘤、肌营养不良症及朊病毒病等可能与脂筏功能紊乱有着密切的关系.  相似文献   

生长激素(growth hormone,GH)信号通路对机体生长发育具有重要的调控作用。GH通过与特异性膜表面受体结合,启动下游一系列信号通路反应,进而调控细胞增殖、分化和迁移,防止细胞凋亡等。GH对细胞增殖的调控机制一直以来都是研究的热点,但部分肝切除(partial hepatectomy,PH)后,生长激素相关的信号通路是否会活化,调控相关基因的表达,从而促进肝实质细胞增殖,尚未见报道。本文以percoll密度梯度离心结合磁珠分离的大鼠再生肝的肝细胞为材料,采用Rat Genome 230 2.0芯片与生物信息学相结合的方法,研究GH信号通路对肝再生的调控作用。结果表明,大鼠再生肝的肝细胞中22种基因与GH信号通路相关,其中,Gh1、Jak3、Stat3等14种基因表达上调,Irs3、Ghr、Mras等8种基因表达下调。谱函数(Et)分析基因表达变化预示的细胞增殖活动和信号转导活性表明,GH信号通路的信号传导活性在大鼠肝再生的2~72 h强于对照,所调节的肝细胞增殖活动在6~72 h也强于对照。综上所述,GH信号通路促进大鼠再生肝的肝细胞增殖。  相似文献   

生长激素(growth hormone, GH)信号通路对机体生长发育具有重要的调控作用。GH通过与特异性膜表面受体结合,启动下游一系列信号通路反应,进而调控细胞增殖、分化和迁移,防止细胞凋亡等。GH对细胞增殖的调控机制一直以来都是研究的热点,但部分肝切除(partial hepatectomy,PH)后,生长激素相关的信号通路是否会活化,调控相关基因的表达,从而促进肝实质细胞增殖,尚未见报道。本文以percoll密度梯度离心结合磁珠分离的大鼠再生肝的肝细胞为材料,采用Rat Genome 230 20芯片与生物信息学相结合的方法,研究GH信号通路对肝再生的调控作用。结果表明,大鼠再生肝的肝细胞中22种基因与GH信号通路相关,其中,Gh1、Jak3、Stat3等14种基因表达上调,Irs3、Ghr、Mras等8种基因表达下调。谱函数(Et)分析基因表达变化预示的细胞增殖活动和信号转导活性表明,GH信号通路的信号传导活性在大鼠肝再生的2~72 h强于对照,所调节的肝细胞增殖活动在6~72 h也强于对照。综上所述,GH信号通路促进大鼠再生肝的肝细胞增殖。  相似文献   

王棋文  靳伟  常翠芳  徐存拴 《遗传》2015,37(3):276-282
为探讨自噬对大鼠肝再生中树突状细胞(Dendritic cells, DCs)的调节作用,文章通过Percoll 密度梯度离心结合免疫磁珠分选分离大鼠DCs,Rat Genome 230 2.0芯片检测大鼠肝再生中自噬相关基因表达变化,利用IPA等软件分析自噬在DCs中的生理活动。结果表明,LC3、BECN1、ATG7和SQSTM1等关键基因在部分肝切除后不同恢复时间段有明显表达变化;芯片中对应的自噬相关基因为593个,其中210个基因发生了有意义的变化。比较分析自噬生理活动情况,发现自噬在再生早期和晚期阶段增强,增殖期减弱。与自噬相关的生理活动主要有RNA表达、RNA转录细胞分化和增殖,其中涉及的信号通路主要有PPARα/RXRα激活、急性期反应、TREM1 信号通路、IL-6 信号通路、IL-8 信号通路和IL-1 信号通路等,它们在肝再生阶段发生了不同程度的上调或下调。Cluster 分析还发现,P53和AMPK信号参与调控DCs的自噬活动,在肝再生早期主要是AMPK信号,在肝再生末期P53和AMPK信号共同参与自噬的调节。以上研究结果说明DCs自噬可能在肝再生早期激活细胞免疫反应和后期清除DCs等方面发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

脂筏在病毒感染中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
脂筏是细胞膜上富含鞘脂和胆固醇的微区结构,广泛分布于细胞的膜系统.脂筏中含有诸多信号分子和免疫受体,在细胞的生命活动中扮演非常重要的角色.更为重要的是,脂筏为细胞表面发生的蛋白质-蛋白质和蛋白质-脂类分子间的相互作用提供了平台.研究表明,很多病毒可以利用细胞膜表面的脂筏结构介导其侵入宿主细胞,一些病毒可以借助脂筏结构完成病毒颗粒的组装和出芽.本文将综述不同类型的病毒如SV40、HIV等借助脂筏完成入侵以及流感病毒等利用脂筏完成组装和出芽的证据及机理,并概述目前研究病毒与脂筏相互作用的方法及存在的问题.深入研究脂筏在病毒感染中的作用,将有助于对病毒与宿主细胞的相互作用的理解,从而可能发现新的、有效的对抗病毒的方法。  相似文献   

窖蛋白-1在细胞增殖和肝再生中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ren G  Wang ZC  Cui YY 《生理科学进展》2009,40(4):341-344
窖蛋白-1(caveolin-1,Cav-1)是组成胞膜窖(caveolae)的主要功能蛋白.作为质膜上的独立结构,胞膜窖参与多种细胞活动,如胆固醇运输、信号转导以及细胞膜的组装等.通常,窖蛋白-1可以通过其N端的窖蛋白脚手架区(caveolin scaffolding domain,CSD)寡聚细胞外信号激酶(Erk1/2)的上游蛋白,抑制Erk1/2的活化,从而抑制细胞增殖和肿瘤转移.新近研究表明,窖蛋白-1通过促进甘油三酯的储存和利用而对肝再生起重要的调控作用.因此,窖蛋白-1可能是调控肝实质细胞增殖的关键蛋白.  相似文献   

Localization of signaling complexes to specific microdomains coordinates signal transduction at the plasma membrane. Using immunogold electron microscopy of plasma membrane sheets coupled with spatial point pattern analysis, we have visualized morphologically featureless microdomains, including lipid rafts, in situ and at high resolution. We find that an inner-plasma membrane lipid raft marker displays cholesterol-dependent clustering in microdomains with a mean diameter of 44 nm that occupy 35% of the cell surface. Cross-linking an outer-leaflet raft protein results in the redistribution of inner leaflet rafts, but they retain their modular structure. Analysis of Ras microlocalization shows that inactive H-ras is distributed between lipid rafts and a cholesterol-independent microdomain. Conversely, activated H-ras and K-ras reside predominantly in nonoverlapping, cholesterol-independent microdomains. Galectin-1 stabilizes the association of activated H-ras with these nonraft microdomains, whereas K-ras clustering is supported by farnesylation, but not geranylgeranylation. These results illustrate that the inner plasma membrane comprises a complex mosaic of discrete microdomains. Differential spatial localization within this framework can likely account for the distinct signal outputs from the highly homologous Ras proteins.  相似文献   

Sphingolipid- and cholesterol-dependent microdomains (rafts) order proteins at biological membranes and have been implicated in most signaling processes at the cell surface, but the principles and mechanisms through which lipid rafts influence signaling are not well understood. Recent studies have revealed how lipid rafts are rapidly redistributed and assembled locally in response to extracellular signals, and how components of raft-based signaling domains undergo rapid and regulated rearrangements influencing signal quality, duration, and strength. These findings highlight the exquisitely dynamic properties of signaling domains based on lipid rafts, and suggest that processes of raft trafficking and assembly take central roles in mediating spatial and temporal control of signaling.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that membrane microdomains, termed lipid rafts, have a role in B-cell activation as platforms for B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) signal initiation. To gain an insight into the possible functioning of lipid rafts in B cells, we applied liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) methodologies to the identification of proteins that co-purified with lipid rafts of Raji cells. Among these raft proteins, we characterized a novel protein termed Raftlin (raft-linking protein). Like the Src family kinase, Raftlin is localized exclusively in lipid rafts by fatty acylation of N-terminal Gly2 and Cys3, and is co-localized with BCR before and after BCR stimulation. Disruption of the Raftlin gene in the DT40 B-cell line resulted in a marked reduction in the quantity of lipid raft components, including Lyn and ganglioside GM1, while overexpression of Raftlin increased the content of raft protein. Moreover, BCR-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation and calcium mobilization were impaired by the lack of Raftlin and actually potentiated by overexpression of Raftlin. These data suggest that Raftlin plays a pivotal role in the formation and/or maintenance of lipid rafts, therefore regulating BCR-mediated signaling.  相似文献   

In migrating cells, the cytoskeleton coordinates signal transduction and redistribution of transmembrane proteins, including integrins and growth factor receptors. Supervillin is an F‐actin‐ and myosin II‐binding protein that tightly associates with signaling proteins in cholesterol‐rich, ‘lipid raft’ membrane microdomains. We show here that supervillin also can localize with markers for early and sorting endosomes (EE/SE) and with overexpressed components of the Arf6 recycling pathway in the cell periphery. Supervillin tagged with the photoswitchable fluorescent protein, tdEos, moves both into and away from dynamic structures resembling podosomes at the basal cell surface. Rapid integrin recycling from EE/SE is inhibited in supervillin‐knockdown cells, but the rates of integrin endocytosis and recycling from the perinuclear recycling center (PNRC) are unchanged. A lack of synergy between supervillin knockdown and the actin filament barbed‐end inhibitor, cytochalasin D, suggests that both treatments affect actin‐dependent rapid recycling. Supervillin also enhances signaling from the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) to extracellular signal‐regulated kinases (ERKs) 1 and 2 and increases the velocity of cell translocation. These results suggest that supervillin, F‐actin and associated proteins coordinate a rapid, basolateral membrane recycling pathway that contributes to ERK signaling and actin‐based cell motility.  相似文献   

Many lines of evidence show that membranes contain microdomains, "lipid rafts", that are different from the rest of the membrane in specific lipid and protein composition. In several biological systems, they were shown to be necessary for trafficking and signal transduction. Here, we investigate if lipid rafts have a role in the regulation of the G protein-mediated pathway underlying vertebrate phototransduction. Photoreceptor membranes contain detergent-resistant membrane (DRM) rafts. Rhodopsin and cGMP phosphodiesterase are found in raft and nonraft portions of the membrane; guanylate cyclase is found exclusively in the raft. Distribution of these proteins does not change in the light or dark. In contrast, the G protein transducin, the RGS9-1-Gbeta5L complex, and the p44 isoform of arrestin undergo dramatic translocation to the raft upon illumination. Phosphorylation of RGS9-1 occurs exclusively in the raft. GTPgammaS or pertussis toxin prevent the light-mediated translocation of transducin and RGS9-1, whereas AlF(minus sign)(4) causes both proteins to move to the raft in the dark. This shows that the Galphat-RGS9-1-Gbeta5L complex has the highest affinity to rafts in the transition state of the GTPase. GTPgammaS binds to transducin at a significantly slower rate in the raft, indicating that this translocation results in a reduced rhodopsin-transducin coupling. Thus, an external signal can rearrange components of a G protein pathway in specific domains of the cell membrane, changing its signaling properties. These findings could reveal a novel mechanism utilized by the cells for regulation of G protein-mediated signal transduction.  相似文献   

The submicroscopic spatial organization of cell surface receptors and plasma membrane signaling molecules is readily characterized by electron microscopy (EM) via immunogold labeling of plasma membrane sheets. Although various signaling molecules have been seen to segregate within plasma membrane microdomains, the biochemical identity of these microdomains and the factors affecting their formation are largely unknown. Lipid rafts are envisioned as submicron membrane subdomains of liquid ordered structure with differing lipid and protein constituents that define their specific varieties. To facilitate EM investigation of inner leaflet lipid rafts and the localization of membrane proteins therein, a unique genetically encoded reporter with the dually acylated raft-targeting motif of the Lck kinase was developed. This reporter, designated Lck-BAP-GFP, incorporates green fluorescent protein (GFP) and biotin acceptor peptide (BAP) modules, with the latter allowing its single-step labeling with streptavidin-gold. Lck-BAP-GFP was metabolically biotinylated in mammalian cells, distributed into low-density detergent-resistant membrane fractions, and was readily detected with avidin-based reagents. In EM images of plasma membrane sheets, the streptavidin-gold-labeled reporter was clustered in 20-50 nm microdomains, presumably representative of inner leaflet lipid rafts. The utility of the reporter was demonstrated in an investigation of the potential lipid raft localization of the epidermal growth factor receptor.  相似文献   

Although reverse cholesterol transport from peripheral cell types is mediated through plasma membrane microdomains termed lipid rafts, almost nothing is known regarding the existence, protein/lipid composition, or structure of these putative domains in liver hepatocytes, cells responsible for the net removal of cholesterol from the body. Lipid rafts purified from hepatocyte plasma membranes by a nondetergent affinity chromatography method were: i) present at 33 +/- 3% of total plasma membrane protein; ii) enriched in key proteins of the reverse cholesterol pathway [scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-B1), ABCA1, P-glycoprotein (P-gp), sterol carrier protein-2 (SCP-2)]; iii) devoid of caveolin-1; iv) enriched in cholesterol, sphingomyelin, GM1, and phospholipids low in polyunsaturated fatty acid and double bond index; and v) exhibited an intermediate liquid-ordered lipid phase with significant transbilayer fluidity gradient. Ablation of the gene encoding SCP-2 significantly altered lipid rafts to: i) increase the proportion of lipid rafts present, thereby increasing raft total content of ABCA1, P-gp, and SR-B1; ii) increase total phospholipids while decreasing GM1 in lipid rafts; iii) decrease the fluidity of lipid rafts, consistent with the increased intermediate liquid-ordered phase; and iv) abolish the lipid raft transbilayer fluidity gradient. Thus, despite the absence of caveolin-1 in liver hepatocytes, lipid rafts represented nearly one-third of the mouse hepatocyte plasma membrane proteins and displayed unique protein, lipid, and biophysical properties that were differentially regulated by SCP-2 expression.  相似文献   

Lipid rafts are membrane microdomains rich in cholesterol and glycosphingolipids that have been implicated in the regulation of intracellular protein trafficking. During exocytosis, a class of proteins termed SNAREs mediate secretory granule-plasma membrane fusion. To investigate the role of lipid rafts in secretory granule exocytosis, we examined the raft association of SNARE proteins and SNARE complexes in rat basophilic leukemia (RBL) mast cells. The SNARE protein SNAP-23 co-localized with a lipid raft marker and was present in detergent-insoluble lipid raft microdomains in RBL cells. By contrast, only small amounts (<20%) of the plasma membrane SNARE syntaxin 4 or the granule-associated SNARE vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP)-2 were present in these microdomains. Despite this, essentially all syntaxin 4 and most of VAMP-2 in these rafts were present in SNARE complexes containing SNAP-23, while essentially none of these complexes were present in nonraft membranes. Whereas SNAP-23 is membrane anchored by palmitoylation, the association of the transmembrane protein syntaxin 4 with lipid rafts was because of its binding to SNAP-23. After stimulating mast cells exocytosis, the amount of syntaxin 4 and VAMP-2 present in rafts increased twofold, and these proteins were now present in raft-associated phospho-SNAP-23/syntaxin 4/VAMP-2 complexes, revealing differential association of SNARE fusion complexes during the process of regulated exocytosis.  相似文献   

Lipid rafts are plasma membrane microdomains enriched in sphingolipids and cholesterol. These domains have been suggested to serve as platforms for various cellular events, such as signaling and membrane trafficking. However, little is known about the distribution and dynamics of lipids in these microdomains. Here we report investigations carried out using recently developed probes for the lipid components of lipid rafts: lysenin, a sphingomyelin-binding protein obtained from the coelomic fluid of the earthworm Eisenia foetida; and the fluorescein ester of poly(ethyleneglycol) cholesteryl ether (fPEG-Chol), which partitions into cholesterol-rich membranes. Lysenin reveals that the organization of sphingomyelin differs between different cell types and even between different membrane domains within the same cell. When added to live cells, fPEG-Chol is distributed exclusively on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane and is clustered dynamically upon activation of receptor signaling. The surface-bound fPEG-Chol is slowly internalized via a clathrin-independent pathway into endosomes with lipid raft markers.  相似文献   

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