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脑电信号的高阶奇异谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奇异谱分析是脑电信号分析的一种新方法,脑电信号的奇异谱可以反映脑电的特征,它有助于研究大脑的动力学行为。奇异谱分析方法是基于二阶统计的方法,反映的是信号时间上和空间上的一种线性相关关系。而脑电信号属于非线性信号,其内在的非线性关系很难通过奇异谱得到真实的反映,从而会丢失某些有用的信息。提出一种新的基于高阶统计的脑电奇异谱分析方法,并将其运用于正常脑电和癫痫患者的脑电分析中。大量的实测信号样本仿真实验结果表明,正常脑电和癫痫脑电的奇异谱有明显的不同。此外,基于高阶统计的奇异谱和基于二阶统计的奇异谱相比更能反映出信号的细节。  相似文献   

目的:脑电信号含多种噪声和伪迹,信噪比较低,特征提取前必须进行复杂的预处理,严重影响睡眠分期的速度。鉴于此,本文提出一种基于奇异值第一主成分的睡眠脑电分期方法,该方法抗噪性能较强,可省去预处理过程,减少计算量,提高睡眠分期的效率。方法:对未经过预处理的睡眠脑电进行奇异系统分析,研究奇异谱曲线,提取奇异值第一主成分,探索其随睡眠状态变化的规律。并通过支持向量机利用奇异值第一主成分对睡眠分期。结果:奇异值第一主成分不仅能表征脑电信号主体,而且可以抑制噪声、降低维数。随着睡眠的深入,奇异值第一主成分的值逐渐增大,但在REM期处于S1期和S2期之间。经MIT-BIH睡眠数据库中5例同导联位置的脑电数据测试(仅1导脑电数据),睡眠脑电分期的准确率达到86.4%。结论:在未对脑电信号进行预处理的情况下,提取的睡眠脑电的奇异值第一主成分能有效表征睡眠状态,是一种有效的睡眠分期依据。本文运用提出的方法仅采用1导脑电数据,就能得到较为满意的睡眠分期结果。该方法有较强的分类性能,且抗噪能力强,不需要对脑电作复杂的预处理,计算量小,方法简单,很大程度上提高了睡眠分期的效率。  相似文献   

癫痫发作的预测是近年来在临床医学和神经系统科学研究领域中备受关注的问题。如果癫痫发作能够被可靠地预测,则可以提前采取有效的临床预防措施,从而能较大程度地改善癫痫患者的生活质量。文章提出了一种基于二阶C0复杂度的预测算法用于预测癫痫发作。该算法通过分析癫痫患者颅内脑电信号的二阶C0复杂度,利用发作前期复杂度曲线的变化特征预测癫痫发作。作者运用该算法对21组癫痫病人87次发作的临床颅内脑电数据和4组大鼠4次发作的颅内脑电数据进行分析计算,预测准确率分别为94.3%和100%。实验结果表明该算法可以有效地预测癫痫发作,具有潜在的重要临床应用价值。  相似文献   

解码癫痫发作前脑电信号的神经元集群异常痫样放电活动,对癫痫发作进行有效预测并实施病前干预,可显著减少疾病病损,是癫痫防治的研究热点之一。基于脑电信号的癫痫发作预测研究关键在于发作间期和前期的异常状态识别,研究上述两状态间的神经动力学特征差异对明确癫痫发病机制、选取高分辨特征,进而有效识别该渐进性疾病所处的发作阶段具有重要价值。目前,研究者已对当前主流特征提取及模式识别方法进行了充分的调研梳理,但忽视了神经动态特征变化对于癫痫发作预测的重要意义。基于此,本文归纳总结了5类典型的发作预测特征分析方法及其优缺点,重点剖析了发作间期至前期神经生理特征的动态变化及其动力学特性,类比分析了当前该领域主流的机器学习和深度学习特征识别方法,以期为进一步建立精准、高效的癫痫发作预测技术提供新思路。  相似文献   

采用了近似熵(approximately entropy,ApEn)和它的改进算法,即样品熵(sample entropy,SampEn)分析了8位颞叶癫痫患者和10位健康人员的短程脑电信号。在计算过程中使用了两种滑动窗口和5个不同的过滤标准r。结果显示颞叶癫痫患者组脑电信号的熵值显著低于健康组,而且患者癫痫病灶所在的脑半球的复杂度远远小于非癫痫病灶的脑半球。小的滑动窗口能更多地反映与癫痫发作相关的细节。对于1秒的滑动窗口,过滤标准r不能小于时间序列标准差的0.15%;而对于4秒的滑动窗口,则过滤标准r不能小于时间序列标准差的10%。研究结果表明,在短程脑电信号的非线性分析中,样品熵是一种比近似熵更为可靠的非线性分析方法。颞叶癫痫患者脑电信号的熵值低于健康人员,这可能表明脑电活动的非线性程度的降低是由于神经信号在大脑内的传递受到了阻碍或者损坏,使得神经信号成了相对孤立的信息源。  相似文献   

基于大脑皮层信息传输的脑电信息图示方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出一种基于大脑皮层信息传输的脑电地形图示方法—脑电信息图(Brain InformationMapping - BIM) 。其原理是从不同导联电极上采集脑电信号经相空间重建构成头皮电位信息传输矩阵, 将各导联信息传输时间序列的信息传输量和复杂度数据绘制成头皮拓扑分布图, 以直观地反映脑电信息传输分布模式在不同时相中的变化进程。该方法不仅是从新的角度观察大脑功能变化, 而且可克服传统的脑电频谱分段地形图不能表达长程脑电模式变化的不足。对局限性癫痫病患者的试用表明,脑电信息图能较好地反映癫痫发作前后的信息传输动向和复杂度(Kc 、C1 、C2) 的变化趋势。结果提示,脑电信息图(BIM) 有可能成为一种新的观察大脑功能活动的图示诊断方法,值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

脑死亡诊断是有关病人生死的重要问题.许多国家都把脑电平坦列为脑死亡诊断的基本条件,但研究发现并非所有的脑死亡患者均表现为脑电平坦,同时脑昏迷患者在部分情况下也会表现出脑电平坦的现象,从而有可能在临床中造成误判.C0复杂度判断指标能够利用脑电信号中的复杂度特性帮助临床诊断中对于脑死亡和脑昏迷状况的鉴别.运用C0复杂度算法对22位脑死亡和脑昏迷病例进行分析实验,可以发现脑死亡脑电信号的复杂度明显高于脑昏迷脑电信号的复杂度.实验表明C0复杂度可以用来有效地区分脑死亡和脑昏迷脑电信号,具有潜在的重要临床价值.  相似文献   

我们曾以氨作为脑功能活动的指标对大鼠大脑进行过一些观察(于宗瀚、徐京华,1962)。与氨相似,乳酸也是脑内的一种不稳定物质。在不同的功能状态下,脑内乳酸水平会有所改变(Richer,Dawson,1948)。因此对于研究脑的功能生物化学,乳酸也是一个可利用的指标。在某些剧烈条件下,例如缺氧、麻醉、噪声和颠覆等,动物脑的各部位处于什么状态呢?对于听敏感的大鼠,这是研究癫癎的实验医学动物;其大脑究竟与一般大鼠有什么区别呢?在类癫痫发作后又有些什么变化呢?本工作即试图以乳酸为指标,对这些情况进行观察。  相似文献   

脑电超慢涨落图技术在癫痫研究中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:观察脑内多种神经递质对癫痫发作的影响。方法:以癫痫患者和SD大鼠为实验对象,用脑功能检测的最新脑电超电涨落图分析仪(encephalofluctuogram technology,ET)长时程采集脑电信号,提取在脑电中载有脑神经递质调节系统的震荡信息(即S谱线),分析癫痫发作时的脑神经递质的变化。结果:患儿癫痫发作时,S谱线中S2(谷氨酸)增高;S1(γ-氨基丁酸)降低,造成S1<S2。S5  相似文献   

基于ReHo方法的颞叶癫痫功能磁共振成像研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
癫痫是一种以神经活动同步性异常增高为特征的中枢神经系统疾病。作者利用基于局域一致性(regional homogeneity,ReHo)分析方法的功能磁共振成像技术对内侧颞叶癫痫(medial temporal lobe epilepsy,mTLE)进行了研究。观察颞叶癫痫病人相比正常对照组局域一致性的改变情况。结果表明:在静息状态下,病人大脑的局域一致性在某些脑区较正常人高,主要集中在海马、丘脑、顶叶;另外在某些脑区的局域一致性较正常人低,主要集中在小脑后叶。提示该方法可检出癫痫活动造成的局部脑组织血氧水平信号同步性的改变,进而达到对癫痫活动的定位检测。  相似文献   

We retrospectively evaluated a set of 205 children with autism and compared it to the partial sub-set of 71 (34.6%) children with a history of regression. From 71 children with regression, signs of epileptic processes were present in 43 (60.6%), 28 (65.12%) suffered clinical epileptic seizures, and 15 (34.9%) just had an epileptiform abnormality on the EEG. In our analysis, autistic regression is substantially more associated with epileptic process symptoms than in children with autism and no history of regression. More than 90% of children with a history of regression also show IQ < 70 and reduced functionality. Functionality and IQ further worsens with the occurrence of epileptic seizures (98% of children with regression and epilepsy have IQ < 70). We proved that low IQ and reduced functionality significantly correlate rather with epileptic seizures than just sub-clinical epileptiform abnormality on EEG. Clinical epileptic seizures associated with regression significantly influence the age of regression and its clinical type. The age of regression is higher compared to children with regression without epileptic seizures (in median: 35 months of age in patients with seizures while only 24 months in other patients). Patients with seizures revealed regression after 24th months of age in 68% of cases, while patients without seizures only in 27%. However, coincidence with epilepsy also increased the occurrence of regression before the 18th month of age (23% of patients), while only 4% of patients without epilepsy revealed regression before the 18th month. Epileptic seizures are significantly associated especially with behaviour regression rather than speech regression or regression in both behaviour and speech. Also epileptic seizures diagnosed before correct diagnosis of autism were significantly associated with delayed regression (both behavioural and speech regression).  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to identify similarities in the spatio-temporal dynamics of epileptic seizures, record with scalp EEG. A comprehensive method is proposed and applied in EEG of the patients who suffer from temporal lobe epilepsy. The method is based on the computation of the time-varying degree of non linear correlation between scalp electrodes at seizure onset and during seizure spread, determined by a nonlinear regression analysis. The quantification and coding of these similarity relations allow the comparison between two epileptic networks. Results show that reproducible patterns may be extracted from different seizures of the same patient and confirm the existence of different subtypes of temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   



Epilepsy is a common chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures. Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals play a critical role in the diagnosis of epilepsy. Multichannel EEGs contain more information than do single-channel EEGs. Automatic detection algorithms for spikes or seizures have traditionally been implemented on single-channel EEG, and algorithms for multichannel EEG are unavailable.


This study proposes a physiology-based detection system for epileptic seizures that uses multichannel EEG signals. The proposed technique was tested on two EEG data sets acquired from 18 patients. Both unipolar and bipolar EEG signals were analyzed. We employed sample entropy (SampEn), statistical values, and concepts used in clinical neurophysiology (e.g., phase reversals and potential fields of a bipolar EEG) to extract the features. We further tested the performance of a genetic algorithm cascaded with a support vector machine and post-classification spike matching.

Principal Findings

We obtained 86.69% spike detection and 99.77% seizure detection for Data Set I. The detection system was further validated using the model trained by Data Set I on Data Set II. The system again showed high performance, with 91.18% detection of spikes and 99.22% seizure detection.


We report a de novo EEG classification system for seizure and spike detection on multichannel EEG that includes physiology-based knowledge to enhance the performance of this type of system.  相似文献   

Spontaneous seizures have been observed in several baboon species housed at the Southwest National Primate Research Center (SNPRC), including Papio hamadryas anubis and cynocephalus/anubis, hamadryas/anubis, and papio/anubis hybrids. The goal of this study was to establish a noninvasive, reliable electroencephalographic technique to characterize epilepsy phenotypes and assess photosensitivity in these subspecies. Thirty baboons with witnessed seizures, and 15 asymptomatic baboons underwent scalp electroencephalograms (EEGs) with photic stimulation (PS). The sensitivity and specificity of surface EEG for identifying interictal epileptic discharges (IEDs) in baboons with witnessed seizures were examined. The morphology of IEDs, electroclinical features of seizures and responses to PS, reproducibility of EEG findings, and intrarater reliability were also evaluated. Twenty-three seizure baboons (77%) demonstrated IEDs, predominantly with frequencies of 4-6 Hz in 18 baboons and 2-3 Hz in six baboons. Two seizure animals had a mixture of 2-3-Hz and 4-6-Hz IEDs. All animals with 2-3-Hz IEDs were 3 years old or younger. Myoclonic seizures (MS) and generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS) were recorded in 13 baboons (43%). PS activated IEDs in 15 baboons (50%) and seizures in nine baboons. The presence of IEDs or seizures was not associated with a particular gender or species (Fisher exact test, alpha=0.05). Seizures were more common in animals >3 years old, while PS-induced IEDs and seizures were more prevalent in P.h. anubis/cynocephalus crosses compared to P.h. anubis. In the asymptomatic controls, IEDs were recorded in five baboons (33%), and photoparoxysmal responses were observed in two (13%). Surface EEG is a sensitive and reliable instrument for characterizing the epilepsy encountered in Papio species. Electroclinically, the seizure animals had generalized epilepsy with photosensitivity. The variation in IED morphology may be age-related or it may reflect different epileptic phenotypes. Ketamine provoked IEDs and seizures in most seizure animals and only in a few asymptomatic baboons; therefore, it may enhance the sensitivity of surface EEG for detecting a predisposition to epilepsy.  相似文献   

The Fayoumi strain of chickens (Fepi) carries a recessive autosomal gene mutation in which homozygotes are afflicted with a photogenic and audiogenic reflex epilepsy. Seizures consist of stimulus-locked motor symptoms followed by generalized self sustained convulsions. EEG recordings show spikes and spike and waves patterns at rest which are suppressed during seizures and replaced by a desynchronized pattern of activity. Neurones of the prosencephalon discharge in bursts at rest, while neurones of the mesencephalon are bursting during seizures. Living neural chimeras were obtained by replacing specific embryonic brain vesicles in a normal chicken embryo with equivalent vesicles from a Fepi donor. These chimeras show that the epileptic phenotype can be totally or partially transferred from the Fepi to the normal chickens. Total transfer of photogenic and audiogenic seizures was obtained by substitution of both the prosencephalon and mesencephalon, while substitution of the prosencephalon alone resulted in transfer of interictal paroxysmal activity and substitution of the mesencephalon alone resulted principally in transfer of ictal motor symptoms. Increased expression of the c-fos protooncogene, as revealed by the western blot technique, confirmed the distinct encephalic localizations of the symptoms of the photogenic and audiogenic reflex epilepsy of the Fepi shown with the methods of electrophysiology and brain chimeras. We conclude that the Fepi is a good model of brain stem reflex epilepsy and suggest that the brain stem is a generator of some other animal and human genetic reflex "epileptic syndromes".  相似文献   

Eight severely epileptic patients, four males and four females, ranging in age from 10 to 29 years, were trained to increase 12–14 Hz EEG activity from the regions overlying the Rolandic area. This activity, the sensorimotor rhythm(SMR), has been hypothesized to be related to motor inhibitory processes(Sterman, 1974). The patients represented a crosssection of several different types of epilepsy, including grand mal, myoclonic, akinetic, focal, and psychomotor types. Three of them had varying degrees of mental retardation. SMR was detected by a combination of an analog filtering system and digital processing. Feedback, both auditory and/or visual, was provided whenever one-half second of 12–14-Hz activity was detected in the EEG. Patients were provided with additional feedback keyed by the output of a 4–7-Hz filter which indicated the presence of epileptiform spike activity, slow waves, or movement. Feedback for SMR was inhibited whenever slow-wave activity spikes or movement was also present. During the treatment period most of the patients showed varying degrees of improvement. Two of the patients who had been severely epileptic, having multiple seizures per week, have been seizure free for periods of up to 1 month. Other patients have developed the ability to block many of their seizures. Seizure intensity and duration have also decreased. Furthermore, the successful patients demonstrated an increase in the amount of SMR and an increase in amplitude of SMR during the training period. Spectral analyses for the EEGs were performed periodically. The effectiveness of SMR conditioning for the control of epileptic seizures is evaluated in terms of patient characteristics and type of seizures.  相似文献   

Simultaneous EEG-fMRI has proven to be useful in localizing interictal epileptic activity. However, the applicability of traditional GLM-based analysis is limited as interictal spikes are often not seen on the EEG inside the scanner. Therefore, we aim at extracting epileptic activity purely from the fMRI time series using independent component analysis (ICA). To our knowledge, we show for the first time that ICA can find sources related to epileptic activity in patients where no interictal spikes were recorded in the EEG. The epileptic components were identified retrospectively based on the known localization of the ictal onset zone (IOZ). We demonstrate that the selected components truly correspond to epileptic activity, as sources extracted from patients resemble significantly better the IOZ than sources found in healthy controls. Furthermore, we show that the epileptic components in patients with and without spikes recorded inside the scanner resemble the IOZ in the same degree. We conclude that ICA of fMRI has the potential to extend the applicability of EEG-fMRI for presurgical evaluation in epilepsy.  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying seizure generation are traditionally thought to act over seconds to minutes before clinical seizure onset. We analyzed continuous 3- to 14-day intracranial EEG recordings from five patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy obtained during evaluation for epilepsy surgery. We found localized quantitative EEG changes identifying prolonged bursts of complex epileptiform discharges that became more prevalent 7 hr before seizures and highly localized subclinical seizure-like activity that became more frequent 2 hr prior to seizure onset. Accumulated energy increased in the 50 min before seizure onset, compared to baseline. These observations, from a small number of patients, suggest that epileptic seizures may begin as a cascade of electrophysiological events that evolve over hours and that quantitative measures of preseizure electrical activity could possibly be used to predict seizures far in advance of clinical onset.  相似文献   

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