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记述中国斑织蛾属Ripeacma Moriuti,Saito et Lewvanich 4新种.梯斑织蛾Ripeacma trapezialis sp.nov.采自贵州梵净山,与疣斑织蛾Ripeacma verruculosa Wang et Li 外表相似,可通过外生殖器特征区别:新种雄性颚形突的侧臂短于腹板,抱器腹背缘无突起,囊形突略呈三角形;雌性交配孔两侧呈齿轮状突出,囊突具小齿.杯斑织蛾Ripeacma cotyliformis sp.nov.采自湖北五峰,与秦岭斑织蛾Ripeacma qinlingensis Wang et Zheng外部特征近似,可通过雄性外生殖器特征加以区别:新种爪形突小三角形,颚形突前缘生出一杯状突起,抱器腹明显具端突,阳茎基环略呈矩形.毛斑织蛾Ripeacma setosa sp.nov.采自贵州梵净山,与Ripeacma yaiensis Moriuti,Saito et Lewvanich相似,但其雄性爪形突短三角形,颚形突不呈带状,抱器腹端突具稠密的刚毛,可与后者区别.茎裂斑织蛾Ripeacma bilobata sp.nov.采自贵州梵净山和湖南桑植,可通过以下特征与该属所有已知种区别:前翅前缘基部及中部偏外各有一个大三角形黑斑延伸至翅中部,雄性颚形突呈"X"状;雌性生殖板强烈骨化.该文同时首次报道了角斑织蛾Ripeacma trigonia Wang et Li的雌性个体.文中提供了新种的成虫及外生殖器特征图.模式标本保存在南开大学生物系.  相似文献   

记述锦织蛾属1新种:内乡锦织蛾Promalactis neixiangensis Wang, sp. nov., 并首次报道多刺锦织蛾Promalactisspinosa WangetLi的雌性个体。新种可通过下列特征与该属其它种类区别:前翅沿外缘有1条明显的白色细带;雄性外生殖器抱器背基部有1个背缘具齿的大突起,抱器瓣右侧端部有1个被棘刺的圆形背突和1个近三角形的腹突。研究标本保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

对褐巢蛾属 Metanomeuta Meyrick进行了修订,重新描述了模式种,讨论了其形态变异;记述2个新种,即岳西褐巢蛾 Metanomeuta yuexiensis sp.nov.和疏刺褐巢蛾 Metanomeutaspinisparsula sp.nov..文中提供了成虫和外生殖器特征图,给出了分种检索表及分布图.模式标本保存在南开大学昆虫标本室.岳西褐巢蛾,新种 Metanomeuta yuexiensis sp.nov.(图3,10,13)该种与金冠褐巢蛾 Metanomeuta fulvicrinis Meyrick外部相似,但可通过外生殖器特征区别:颚形突卵圆形,末端钝圆;雌性后阴片中部微凹,前阴片不明显,囊导管基部2/3具瘤突,交配囊长卵形.正模♂,安徽岳西温泉(30°52'N,116°22'E),1995-08-08,胡祥富采,外生殖器玻片号JQ07191.副模:8♂♂,1♀,安徽岳西温泉,1995-07-25~08-22,胡祥富采. 疏刺褐巢蛾,新种Metanomeuta spinisparsula sp.nov.(图4,11,14)该种与金冠褐巢蛾Metanomeuta fulvicrinis 相似,区别在于:体为深褐色,翅面无任何斑纹;雄性颚形突略呈舌状,末端突出,抱器腹除端部有一枚较大刺突外,无明显小刺或小刺束;雌性导管端片小且非杯状,囊导管仅基部1/2 具瘤突.正模♂,湖南石门县壶瓶山江坪(29°35'N,111°22'E;480m),2002-01-05,于海丽采,外生殖器玻片号JQO6091;副模1♀,采集资料同正模.  相似文献   

本文报道中国异宽蛾属Agonopterix 4新种和2中国新记录种。西藏异宽蛾A.tibetana Wang,sp.nov.采自西藏林芝,与A.liturosa(Haworth)近似,但雄外生殖器之抱器瓣形状和雌性囊形突形状与后者的不同;尖瓣异宽蛾A.acutivalvula Wang,sp.nov.采自陕西宁陕火地塘,与A.yamatoensis Fujisawa相似,但新种雄性外生殖器之颚形突较后者的大,阳茎基环后缘深凹,雌性外生殖器之交配孔形状与后者的也不同;东方异宽蛾A.orientalis Wang,sp.nov.采自甘肃榆中兴隆山,与A.cnicella Treitschke相似,但尾突不明显突出,颚形突近卵形,阳茎中部弯曲;膨异宽蛾A.dilatata Wang,sp.nov.采自甘肃榆中兴隆山,可通过颚形突略呈圆形,抱器腹端突端部圆形膨大,阳茎端半部突然变尖等特征与其他已知种区别。中国新记录种卷异宽蛾A.capreolella(Zeller)分布新疆(巩留),西欧,土耳其,土库曼,俄罗斯;金丝桃异宽蛾A.liturosa(Haworth)分布于西藏(林芝),欧洲,俄罗斯和北非。文中提供了成虫和外生殖器特征图。模式标本保存在南开大学生命科学学院标本室。  相似文献   

隐斑谷蛾属Crypsithyris全世界已知38种,其中5种分布于中国。本文记述了采自湖南、贵州和江西的1新种:锯隐斑谷蛾Crypsithyris serrata Xiao et Li,sp.nov.(Figs.1~3)。新种与分布日本的Crypsithyris japonica Petersen et Gaedike和Crypsithyris saigusai Gaedike相似,主要区别如下:新种前翅暗褐色,具1大的椭圆形透明斑以及沿后缘具1赭白色纵带;抱器瓣近矩形,末端斜直;抱器背基突大,W形;阳茎约与囊形突等长,两侧具数个锯齿。后2种前翅乳白色,具1模糊的透明斑,在透明斑外侧有1暗斑;抱器瓣基半部宽于端半部,末端尖或钝圆;抱器背基突窄并相连成桥;阳茎明显长于囊形突且两侧无锯齿。模式标本保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

中国织蛾二新种记述(鳞翅目:织蛾科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道中国织蛾二新种:锈平织蛾Pedioxestis ferruginea Wang et Zheng,sp.nov.和龟圆织蛾Eonympha chelonina Wang et Zheng,sp.nov.。锈平织蛾外形与Pedioxestis isomorpha Meyrick相似,但可通过雌性外生殖器来区别:交配囊略呈圆形;导管端片呈不规则梯形,密布微刺;囊突略呈方形,具齿。龟圆织蛾外形与Eo  相似文献   

绕羽蛾属Cosmoclostis昆虫全世界已记录10种,主要分布于亚洲、欧洲、非洲和澳洲.其中古北区和东洋区仅2种,中国过去没有记录,本文记述该属2新种.拟褐白绕羽蛾Cosmoclostis parauxileuca sp.nov.(图1,3,5)分布于广东(鹤山).该种与褐白绕羽蛾C.auxileuca Meyrick相似,可通过以下特征同后者区别:新种的左抱器瓣腹突无指状突,右抱器瓣腹突2/5处有相对小的突起.石梓绕羽蛾Cosmoclostis gmelina sp.nov.(图2,4,6)分布于海南(尖峰岭).该种与C.pesseuta Meyrick相似,可通过以下特征同后者区别:新种前翅第1袭叶有3个斑点,第2裂叶有4个斑点;雄性外生殖器的基部有成簇的棘刺,左抱器瓣背缘端部1/3处有1个近三角形突起;雌性外生殖器具1对豆装囊突.文中给出了中国绕羽蛾属分种检索表,并提供了新种成虫图和雌雄外生殖器特征图.模式标本分别保存在南开大学生物系昆虫标本室和中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

原小卷蛾属Sillybiphora Kuznetsov目前全世界仅知1种,中国已有记载.记述2种,包括1新种:微凸原小卷蛾S.pauliprotuberans sp.nov..文中给出了原小卷蛾属的分种检索表,提供了成虫图及外生殖器特征图.研究标本均保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室.新种与庐原小卷蛾S.devia(Kuznetsov)在雄性外生殖器上相似,两者的主要区别是:新种基斑不明显,散布黑褐色条纹和斑点;端斑椭圆形且大,长与前翅宽约等宽;抱器腹近端部有一小的凸起,约为抱器瓣基部洞穴宽的1/10;抱器端端部膨大呈球状.庐原小卷蛾S.devia(Kuznetsov)基斑明显,黑褐色圆斑;端斑圆形且小,长约为前翅宽的2/3;抱器腹近端部有一大的凸起,与抱器瓣基部洞穴约等宽;抱器端端部无明显膨大,从基部到端部约等宽.  相似文献   

 记述了织蛾科Oecophoridae伪带织蛾属Irepacma二新种。茎刺伪带织蛾Iaedeagife ra Wang,Liu et Li,sp.nov.采自四川青城山,与Ipakiensis Moriuti,Saito et Lewvanich相似,但该种爪形突退化,抱器腹呈带状,阳茎端基环侧叶具稠密的刚毛。海 南伪带织蛾Ihainanensis Wang,Liu et Li,sp.nov.采自海南省天池,与Ipi ngensis Moriuti,Saito et Lewvanich近似,但该种雄性抱器背基叶不对称,抱器腹 端部有二突起,雌性囊突的形状不同于后者。文中提供了外生殖器特征图。模式标本分别保 存在南开大学生物系和中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

记述了潜蛾属(潜蛾亚科)1新种,枇杷潜蛾Lyonetia eriobotryae sp.nov..该文提供了成虫外形、茧与幼虫的危害状照片及雌雄外生殖器解剖图.模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所.成虫将卵产在枇杷嫩叶反面的端部边缘,位于内外表皮之间.卵孵化后向叶基部钻蛀,沿叶片的主脉蛀入嫩梢内,导致嫩梢枯死,严重影响枇杷的生长和结实.老熟幼虫爬到一片新叶的背面结一白色丝茧,在其中化蛹.在云南省蒙自县枇杷的受害株率达80%~90%.该虫在云南蒙自1年发生多代,世代重叠.枇杷潜蛾,新种Lyonetia eriobotryae sp.nov.(图1~8)正模♂,副模5♂♂,5♀♀,云南省蒙自县,2005-07-10,武春生、李正跃采.新种的外生殖器与桃潜蛾L.derkella(Linnaeus)很相似,但成虫前翅无中室端斑,雄性外生殖器的颚形突末端小四叉形(桃潜蛾为大二叉形),雌性外生殖器的囊突明显长于桃潜蛾.成虫花纹与台湾产的石楠潜蛾L.anthemopaMeyrick(也分布在日本)相似,但新种前翅缺前缘纹,雌性外生殖器有1枚长的囊突(石楠潜蛾前翅有前缘纹,雌性外生殖器无囊突).词源:新种名来自寄主植物的属名.  相似文献   

Neoperla nangina Navas, 1929 is a synonym of Tetropina larvata Klapalek, 1909, and not of Etrocorema nigrogeniculatwn (Enderlein, 1909), as erroneously published by Zwick (1986).  相似文献   

The main characters of the stalked crinoids of the family Pentacrinitidae attributed to the genus Teliocrinus are re‐evaluated from a quantitative study of phenotype variation, new observations on arm and stalk articulations, and observation of ontogenetic trends. All of the specimens collected in the northern Indian Ocean belong to the same species, i.e. Teliocrinus springeri (Clark, 1909). However, two phenotypes living at different depths remain valid as subspecies: Teliocrinus springeri springeri (Clark, 1909) and Teliocrinus springeri liliaceus (Clark, 1909). Teliocrinus shares several ontogenetic trends with Endoxocrinus, especially in nonfunctional brachial articulations and stalk symplexies. Its assignment to the Diplocrininae is confirmed. A discussion of its affinities with pentacrinid fossil genera in which the crown is well preserved suggests that Diplocrininae could have first appeared during the Lower Cretaceous. A shortening of brachitaxes and a paedomorphic trend of stalk symplexies are the main other evolutionary traits. Nonfunctional articulations are frequently found at the paedomorphic pole of the heterochronic gradient, without clear derived characters. Classification of pentacrinids mainly based on such symplesiomorphy or paedomorphic characters must be definitively abandoned. However, in post‐Palaeozoic stalked crinoids the scarcity of well‐preserved fossils, the high frequency of paedomorphy, and convergent adaptive characters makes phylogenetic reconstruction only based on morphological characters very difficult and speculative. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 22–39.  相似文献   

Three new species of Macrogynoplax Enderlein 1909, M. delicata, M. pulchra and M. poranga are described. They were collected in Manaus, Amazon State.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the Iberian Leptodirini species of the section Anillochlamys Jeannel, 1909 has been revised. The proposed classification is based on the study of the genital structures of both sexes, in particular the internal sac of the aedeagus. According to the different models of internal sacs, the following genera, species and subspecies are identified: genus Anillochlamys Jeannel, 1909: A. aurouxi Español, 1965, A. bueni Jeannel, 1909 (= A. avariae Comas, 1977 n.syn.), A. cullelli Lagar, 1978, A. moroderi Bolívar, 1923 (= A. negrei Comas, 1990 n. syn.), A. subtruncatus Jeannel, 1930 (= A. baguenai Jeannel, 1930) and A. tropicus (Abeille, 1881) (= Adelops hispanicus Ehlers, 1893; A. tropicus var. apicalis Jeannel, 1909); genus Paranillochlamys Zariquiey, 1940: P. catalonicus (Jeannel, 1913), P. urgellesi (Español, 1965) and P. velox Zariquiey, 1940 (= P. velox montadai Lagar, 1963 n. syn.); genus Pseudochlamys Comas, 1977: P. raholai (Zariquiey, 1922) (= Anillochlamys raholai luis-bofilli Zariquiey, 1940 n. syn.); genus Spelaeochlamys Dieck, 1870 (= Typhlochlamys Español, 1975 n.syn.): S.bardisai (Español, 1975) (= Typhlochlamys escolai Comas, 1978 n. syn.), S. ehlersi Dieck, 1870 and S. ehlersi verai Comas, 1977 n. stat.  相似文献   

Questions: How did an initial tree harvest in 1894 influence the spatial and temporal patterns of Pinus ponderosa recruitment? How do these patterns compare to our understanding of P. ponderosa stand dynamics prior to Euro‐American settlement? How might spatial pattern information, particularly with respect to patch characteristics, inform current restoration and management practices? Location: A 2.59‐ha permanent sample plot in the Fort Valley Experimental Forest, Flagstaff, Arizona. The plot was selectively harvested in 1894 and measured in 1909 and 2002. Methods: We used historical stem‐map and ledger data, contemporary data, and dendrochronological techniques to reconstruct stand structure (tree size, age, location) in three scenarios: (1) unharvested (1909), (2) harvested (1909), and (3) contemporary (2002). We used Clark and Evans' R, Ripley's K(t) univariate analysis, and correlogram analysis to assess the spatial pattern in each scenario. We also used Ripley's K12(t) bivariate analysis and tree age data to examine spatial and temporal recruitment patterns as observed in the contemporary scenario. Results and Conclusions: The unharvested stand was aggregated at scales up to 28 m. The selective harvest accentuated the spatial patchiness of the stand in 1909 and changed spatial patterns by homogenizing tree size within patches. By 2002, the stand was a single patch dominated by small trees. Post‐harvest recruitment patterns were not spatially random; Pinus seedlings initially established in natural grass openings and then proceeded to fill‐in stump patches created by harvesting. Knowledge of spatial pattern should be explicitly incorporated into restoration activities in these forests.  相似文献   

The grylloblattidan species briggsi sp.n. from the Stephanian (Late Carboniferous) deposit of Montceau‐les‐Mines (France) is described from a well‐preserved specimen exhibiting parts of both wing pairs. The forewing variability of the closely related species elongatum Sellards, 1909: 156 , from the Artinskian deposit of Elmo (KS, U.S.A.), is documented. On the basis of new data, the taxon name Phenopterum Carpenter, 1950 is associated with a definition under the cladotypic nomenclatural procedure. The species briggsi sp.n. , elongatum Sellards, 1909: 156 , unicolor Storozhenko, 1992 , elegans Handlirsch, 1911 and raketa Kukalová, 1964 belong to Phenopterum as defined. Advantages of the cladotypic nomenclatural procedure are discussed in this case. For compliance with the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, it is proposed to assign the species briggsi sp.n. to the taxon Phenopterum, which has the status of a genus under the Linnaean nomenclatural procedure.  相似文献   

Yasumatsusa Togashi, 1970 and Aproceros Malaise, 1931 are recorded for the first time from South Korea. A new species, Yasumatsua koreana Lee & Lee sp. nov., and newly recorded species, Aproceros pallidicornis (Mocsáry, 1909), are described. Photographs of the new species and a key to genera of Korean Sterictiphorinae are provided.  相似文献   

Jenő Kontschán 《Biologia》2013,68(1):150-154
A new Uropodina genus (Sinharaja gen. n.) is described on the basis of two new species (S. ceylonensis sp. n. and S. sinhala sp. n.) from Sri Lanka. The new genus differs by the strongly sclerotised dorsal lines, pentagonal pygidial shield, the shape and length of dorsal setae and the shape of first and fourth hypstomal setae, internal malae and epistome from the other known Uropodina genera.  相似文献   

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