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本文围绕宠物与人类健康主题,阐述了宠物对人类健康的积极作用;宠物对人类健康的负面影响,并对保障我国宠物业健康发展提出建议。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快和人民生活水平的提高,城市中宠物的饲养数量急速上升,由此产生的一系列问题也逐步显现,尤其是与人类密切相关的"卫生与健康"问题,诸如狂犬病、弓形体病等"人兽共患病"引发的公共卫生安全问题已引起社会和国家各主管部门的高度关注。强化宠物源人兽共患病的防范意识,采取有效的措施控制此类人兽共患病的发生,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的逐渐提高,饲养宠物的家庭在中国越来越多。饲养宠物能改善心血管功能,增强机体免疫力,发出健康预警,增强自信和减少抑郁。但是不科学的饲养宠物也会给人类的健康带来挑战,近年发生的"非典"和高致病性禽流感引起了我们对生物安全和人兽共患病的高度重视。只要科学饲养,就可以创造人与动物和谐的幸福生活。  相似文献   

肿瘤是人类和宠物的常见病,恶性肿瘤对人类和宠物的健康构成严重危害。人类和宠物肿瘤病理改变极为相似,研究宠物肿瘤在比较医学和人类肿瘤上均具有重要学术价值。本文仅就临床常见15种宠物肿瘤病理特点和免疫治疗研究进展作一简述,供临床宠物肿瘤病理诊断和免疫治疗参考。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,城市家庭饲养宠物日益增多,宠物已经成为人们日常生活中接触最多的动物。然而,许多宠物是人兽共患疾病的重要传染源,随着人类与各种动物间"零"距离的接触,各种宠物携带的人兽共患病也悄然传入人类,给人们身体健康和公共卫生安全带来了严重的威胁。近年来,许多学者对犬、猫、鸟、鼠和其他宠物易感的人兽共患病毒病开展了许多研究工作,本文对狂犬病、戊型肝炎、禽流感、淋巴细胞脉络膜脑膜炎、流行性出血热、西尼罗热等一些严重危害的宠物人兽共患病毒病进行了概述。  相似文献   

宠物在我国已经成为一个日渐壮大的产业和庞大的群体。宠物与人类朝夕相处,最容易成为动物源性疾病的传染源,对人类健康造成潜在威胁。为了人类自身和宠物健康,我们必须对宠物投入更多的关注。宠物和实验动物作为两种不同用途的动物,存在众多的相似点。我国已经建立了相对完善的实验动物生产、使用、质量保障和福利的管理体系。实验动物的管理体系也许可以为宠物的生产、饲养、质量保证和福利的管理体系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文对狂犬病在犬、猫等宠物中的流行情况;宠物狂犬病及其危害;宠物狂犬病的预防及国外宠物狂犬病的防控经验等进行了综述,为保证宠物和人类健康、有效防控宠物狂犬病提供参考。  相似文献   

随着工业化和城镇化水平的持续提高,人类的生活方式发生了翻天覆地的变化,在传统因素依然制约人类健康的同时,食源性疾病与营养结构不合理、畜禽养殖方式转变与宠物快速发展带来人与动物关系深刻变化、生态环境与居住环境变化等非传统因素,对人类健康的制约凸显。面对这些人类健康的新挑战,我们必须因应时代变化,在大力发展医疗卫生事业的同时,树立营养健康、动物健康、环境健康三位一体的现代健康新理念。努力提高营养健康水平,以宠物健康为新的关注点高度重视动物健康,以人居、社区环境为重点营造健康生态环境,建立起现代健康新模式。  相似文献   

宠物伴随人类文明已有数千年的历史。随着我国经济的增长和人们生活水平的不断提高,宠物饲养已日益普遍化。宠物种类和数量不断增加的同时,宠物的生物安全问题,已经明显地威胁到生物多样性、生态环境及人类健康。本文分析了宠物的潜在生物安全隐患,探讨了宠物生物安全管理方面存在的问题并提出了宠物生物安全的应对的措施。  相似文献   

放线菌药物资源开发面临的问题与对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
放线菌药物的开发已取得了极其辉煌的成就,对医疗事业的发展和人类健康做出了重大贡献.然而,随着放线菌药物资源的长期开发和利用,也面临诸多问题.如:包袱沉重,去重复难度极大,因而投资周期长、耗资巨,风险大;药物开发赶不上病原菌抗药性的增加及不断出现的新疾病;虽然未知放线菌甚多,但发现难度大.为此,提出了从化学、菌种和基因三方面开展放线菌药物研究的应对策略,以解决限制放线菌药物资源持续利用和发展的瓶颈.  相似文献   

随着我国小动物诊疗行业与国际兽医临床技术的接轨,国内的兽医学科向专科方向发展,小动物心血管疾病在老年动物呈现出越来越高发的迹象,临床兽医在心血管疾病的研究也越来越深入,也更多的借鉴了人类心脏病学的诊疗检查手段,通过将犬猫心血管疾病特点与人类相比较,发现两者之异同,希望能籍此指导犬猫心血管疾病诊疗,满足动物主人的需求,维护动物健康,缓解给动物主人所带来的焦虑,体现兽医在维护人类身心健康的作用。  相似文献   

宠物疫病特别是人兽共患病严重危害着宠物健康和公共卫生安全。通过对我国宠物疫苗研发和应用现状进行分析,提出关于开展疫苗质量监控技术和免疫抗体检测技术研究,以建立宠物疫苗质量监控体系和免疫抗体监测体系的建议。免疫试纸快速检测技术是一种敏感、快捷的一步法检测技术,适用于多种分析物的快速、低成本即时检测。本实验室建立了抗原、抗体和半抗原3类靶标物的免疫试纸快速检测技术体系,研制成功动物疫病抗原、抗体快速检测试纸系列产品,真正实现了长期以来人们在检测技术领域所追求的"特异、敏感、快速、简便"的目标,为实现动物疫病快速诊断和实时监测提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

本文综述了无患子皂苷生物活性和在医药、日化、农业领域应用研究进展,为综合开发利用无患子这一古老而传统的药用植物提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Concerning temporal trends in human reproductive health has prompted concern about the role of environmentally mediated risk factors. The population is exposed to chemicals present in air, water, food and in a variety of consumer and personal care products, subsequently multiple chemicals are found human populations around the globe. Recent reviews find that endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can adversely affect reproductive and developmental health. However, there are still many knowledge gaps. This paper reviews some of the key scientific concepts relevant to integrating information from human epidemiologic and model organisms to understand the relationship between EDC exposure and adverse human health effects. Additionally, areas of new insights which influence the interpretation of the science are briefly reviewed, including: enhanced understanding of toxicity pathways; importance of timing of exposure; contribution of multiple chemical exposures; and low dose effects. Two cases are presented, thyroid disrupting chemicals and anti-androgens chemicals, which illustrate how our knowledge of the relationship between EDCs and adverse human health effects is strengthened and data gaps reduced when we integrate findings from animal and human studies.  相似文献   

The human health impact of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials manufactured by the pultrusion industry is not fully understood. In particular, it is unclear whether the human health impact of toxic chemicals present in low concentrations in fire retardant pultruded FRP materials is disproportionately high. This impact may be an important criterion when making boundary selection decisions in the life cycle assessment (LCA) of these materials. The North American pultrusion industry was surveyed to determine resin mix concentration levels and workplace inhalation toxicity exposure levels. LCAs were then conducted on three building panel resin mixes to determine whether the human health impact of toxic chemicals used in the mixes was low enough to exclude the chemicals from the life cycle inventory (LCI) boundary. The first resin mix represented a typical pultruded product, the second mix removed toxic chemicals present in small concentrations, and the third mix replaced toxic chemicals present in small concentrations with a nontoxic chemical. Results showed that toxicity levels fell below exposure limits and no significant difference in human health impact existed among the LCAs. The research concludes that human health impact is a useful criterion when defining an LCI boundary. Toxic chemicals present in small concentrations in pultruded FRP materials may be excluded from the LCI boundary, as their human health impacts are low. Because these levels are marginal in North American pultrusion factories, no changes in resin mixes are recommended for the pultrusion industry.  相似文献   

Biomarkers are becoming increasingly important in toxicology and human health. Many research groups are carrying out studies to develop biomarkers of exposure to chemicals and apply these for human monitoring. There is considerable interest in the use and application of biomarkers to identify the nature and amounts of chemical exposures in occupational and environmental situations. Major research goals are to develop and validate biomarkers that reflect specific exposures and permit the prediction of the risk of disease in individuals and groups. One important objective is to prevent human cancer. This review presents a commentary and consensus views about the major developments on biomarkers for monitoring human exposure to chemicals. A particular emphasis is on monitoring exposures to carcinogens. Significant developments in the areas of new and existing biomarkers, analytical methodologies, validation studies and field trials together with auditing and quality assessment of data are discussed. New developments in the relatively young field of toxicogenomics possibly leading to the identification of individual susceptibility to both cancer and non-cancer endpoints are also considered. The construction and development of reliable databases that integrate information from genomic and proteomic research programmes should offer a promising future for the application of these technologies in the prediction of risks and prevention of diseases related to chemical exposures. Currently adducts of chemicals with macromolecules are important and useful biomarkers especially for certain individual chemicals where there are incidences of occupational exposure. For monitoring exposure to genotoxic compounds protein adducts, such as those formed with haemoglobin, are considered effective biomarkers for determining individual exposure doses of reactive chemicals. For other organic chemicals, the excreted urinary metabolites can also give a useful and complementary indication of exposure for acute exposures. These methods have revealed ‘backgrounds’ in people not knowingly exposed to chemicals and the sources and significance of these need to be determined, particularly in the context of their contribution to background health risks.  相似文献   

While pet ownership may confer physical and psychological health benefits, existing research presents inconsistent findings, and the psychological mechanisms through which health benefits might be conferred are unknown. Exploring human–pet relationships from the perspectives of Bowlby’s attachment theory, namely “attachment-related anxiety” and “attachment-related avoidance,” and Rogers’ core conditions including “unconditional positive regard” and “empathy” may highlight the psychological mechanisms involved. This study compared quality of life (QOL) and psychopathology in pet owners with those without pets. In the pet owners, we additionally assessed pet attachment, and perceived empathy, unconditionality, and congruence in the human–pet relationships. We then compared the relative value of Bowlby’s attachment versus Rogers’ core conditions in human– pet relationships as predictors of wellbeing in pet owners. Overall, pet owners and non-pet owners did not significantly differ in terms of QOL or psychopathology. However, in pet owners, secure pet attachments were associated with lower psychological distress and psychopathology, and those perceiving higher levels of Rogers’ core conditions from their pets had higher QOL. Bowlby’s pet attachment insecurity predicted psychological distress and psychopathology, while Rogers’ total core conditions in pets were significantly predictive of QOL of owners. Differences in wellbeing may not be reliably discernable between pet owners and non-pet owners, as wellbeing is related not to pet ownership alone but to qualities of individual human–pet relationships. The results provide new information about psychological mechanisms through which human–pet interactions are conferred, and support for the applicability of both Bowlby’s and Rogers’ concepts.  相似文献   

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