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应用地理信息系统和遥感技术对岷江上游森林景观在景观尺度上的边界效应进行了分析.结果表明:人工形成的林-农边界较清晰、其植被过渡明显,林地边缘的生物量低于林地内部,影响域为60m,农田边缘的生物量高于农田内部,边界效应范围为60~90m;自然形成的林-草边界过渡缓和,林地边缘的生物量低于林地内部,而草地边缘的生物量高于草地内部,边界效应对林地的影响范围为60m、对草地的影响范围为45~75m;林-灌边界的边界效应类似林-草边界,对林地影响域为60m,对灌木林地的影响域在45~75m之间.  相似文献   

岷江上游干旱河谷景观边界动态及其影响域   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用遥感和地理信息系统技术,界定了岷江上游干旱河谷的范围,在此基础上分析了岷江上游干旱河谷的边界动态及其影响域.结果表明,岷江上游干旱河谷的范围不断扩大,干旱河谷边界长度增加,边界形状复杂性先增加后降低.岷江上游干旱河谷的边界沿山体迅速向上攀升,1974其最高上限为海拔3128m,1995年为3167m,较1974年抬升了39m;2000年为3181m,比1995年抬升了14m.1974—2000年间岷江上游干旱河谷边界最高上限沿垂直方向向上抬升了53m,平均每年约抬升2m.岷江上游干旱河谷边界的显著影响距离为800m,800~1200m为干旱河谷和周围其它景观影响的过渡区域.干旱河谷外缘800m范围内的区域,是干旱河谷抵抗周围景观影响和外来干扰的缓冲地带,在对岷江上游干旱河谷生态环境进行综合治理的过程中,应对其给与充分关注.  相似文献   

岷江上游干旱河谷农林边界影响域的研究   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:13  
对岷江上游农林边界的影响域进行研究,以提高该区管理农田和林地的水平.共调查3种类型农林边界10条样带,采用移动窗口法对植物多样性的数据进行分析,结果表明,当窗口宽度达到6~10时。SED曲线的变化趋向稳定,并且在曲线上有一或两个峰值出现.不同类型边界的影响域是不同的,但均在距边界50m内.各类型边界的影响域多在12~30m之间.6条林地样带只有M2和M6样带林地的影响域被确定,而4条农田样带的影响域均被确定.影响域的大小取决于边界两侧斑块类型和地形以及小气候等因子,但坡向对其影响不大;移动窗口法能有效地刻画边界动态,是一种分析边界简单而有力的工具.这些结果有利于进一步理解干旱河谷区农林间的相互作用.  相似文献   

应用地理信息系统软件从遥感影像中提取出岷江上游的农田边界类型图,结合坡面尺度上林农边界效应的分析结果,对林农边界效应在景观尺度上的影响进行了研究。结果表明:研究区的农田边界共有5种类型,分别是农田与林地、灌木林地、草地、水体、建筑用地之间的边界,其中林农边界长2473.68km,占农田边界的37.57%,广泛分布在岷江干流及其支流的河谷中,在很大范围上影响着农田的土壤水分和生物多样性,对林地的影响相对较小;边界效应使林地边缘和农田边缘的土壤水分低于其内部,研究区有2103hm2的农田和371hm2的林地的土壤水分受到边界网络影响,分别占研究区农田面积和林地面积的2.33%和0.03%。由于土壤水分是制约研究区植物生长的限制性因子,且岷江上游的农田斑块面积较小且分布零散,因此应避免农林复合景观中边界密度进一步增加。  相似文献   

农林交错带界面的小气候边界影响域季节动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用移动分窗法和旱季、雨季的小气候测算,对吉林省西部林地与农田边界的小气候影响域的季节动态进行了分析.结果表明:研究区域内林地中移动分窗计算出的欧氏距离平方(SED)曲线变化稳定,旱季在40 m处出现峰值,雨季在20 m处出现峰值;农田小气候边界影响域则没有明显的时空变化,旱季和雨季SED曲线的峰值均为60 m.因此,边界对农田的影响域要大干林地,并且林地的影响域存在季节变化.说明在农林边界,小气候影响域存在着时空变化,其范围取决于边界两侧植被的季相变化和人为干扰的强度.  相似文献   

岷江上游花椒地/林地边界土壤水分影响域的定量判定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在岷江上游干旱河谷区,选取典型的花椒地/林地边界,利用TDR仪测定干旱条件下、雨后和每月0~15 cm土层水分含量,并用移动窗口法判定土壤水分的边界影响域.结果表明,若用移动窗口法对土壤水分的边界影响域进行判定,当窗口宽度为8~12时,边界影响域较易判定.年内土壤水分随时间变化而变化.这种变化可分为土壤水分上升期、高峰期和消退期3个时期.干旱条件下土壤水分的边界影响域较小,其宽度约从花椒地6 m到林地2 m;雨后土壤水分的边界影响域有较大增加,其宽度约从花椒地12 m到林地2 m;年内土壤水分的边界影响域宽度约从花椒地10 m到林地2 m之间变化.不同季节土壤水分的边界影响域不同,并随着季节的变化呈动态变化.从生态学意义上讲,岷江上游地区目前进行的将花椒地退耕成林地、栽植树苗的措施是不可取的,该区退耕还林的最好方法应该是退耕,使其灌木林或草本植物自然生长.  相似文献   

区域性农田景观格局对麦蚜及其天敌种群的生态学效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明确农田景观格局对害虫及其天敌种群的生态学效应,是开展区域性害虫生态调控的基础.以前的研究大多集中于小空间尺度下、单个景观因子对昆虫种群的作用,而从省级范围的大空间尺度、多个景观因子的分析很少.本文以山东省区域性小麦种植区为研究对象,基于遥感影像和土地覆盖分类数据以及田间调查的昆虫种群数据,分析了景观组成类型(component type)、构成比例(component proportions)和形状结构(shape structure)多因子对麦蚜及其天敌寄生蜂和瓢虫种群的综合作用.结果发现,农田景观组成类型中斑块类型(patch type)越多,越利于麦蚜和天敌瓢虫种群数量的增长;且斑块密度(patch density)越大,越利于麦蚜寄生蜂和天敌瓢虫数量的增加;景观形状结构中边界密度(edge density)越高,也越利于麦蚜寄生蜂和天敌瓢虫种群数量的增加.进一步定量评估了农田景观组成类型、构成比例和形状结构对麦蚜及其天敌种群影响的作用大小.结果表明,三类景观格局因子对麦蚜影响较小,权重为9.81%;而对麦蚜寄生蜂的影响权重为25.87%;对天敌瓢虫种群高达47.86%.本研究清楚地表明,通过优化农田景观中作物与非作物生境布局,可直接调节和增加天敌昆虫种类与数量,有效控制和减少小麦蚜虫的种群数量,从而提高区域性农田景观中天敌昆虫的生物控害服务功能.  相似文献   

岷江上游景观边界网络格局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
格局与过程是景观生态学研究的核心内容,与基于斑块的研究相比,基于边界的研究是格局与过程研究的一个新的切入点.以岷江上游地区为例,基于TM影像数据,应用RS、GIS、Fragstats等软件,选用边界长度、边界密度、边界海拔、结点数量、网眼大小、网络连接度等指数,研究了景观边界网络格局的变化,并分析了与之相关的生态过程.结果表明,在1974~2000年期间,由于人为干扰强度的加剧,岷江上游景观边界网络结构变得更加复杂,在早期以边界长度增加为主,网络连接度变大,在后期以边界数量和结点数量增加为主,网络连接度变小;森林景观与低坡位景观类型间的边界减少,森林下线上移;农田与林地的边界在早期增加,1986年后减少,而与灌木林地的边界持续增加;随着林地的蚀退,森林结构变得简单化,而农田、灌木林地、草地等景观类型的结构变得更加复杂.  相似文献   

毛乌素沙化景观内斑块间的多种边界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 引  言时空异质性是自然系统的普遍特征 ,陆地景观镶嵌体由许多不同的具有内部相对同质性的斑块组成 .因此 ,当考虑整个景观时 ,相邻斑块之间的边界就成为一个不容忽视的景观组分[13 ] .长期以来 ,与边界有关的生态学问题在基础和应用生态学研究的不同领域中备受关注[5,9,10 ,15] .Wiens等[16]提出一个研究景观生态系统空间斑块性的概念框架———边界动态 ,通过对景观镶嵌体中相邻斑块间的边界的研究 ,来揭示生态系统功能的空间结构 .为了增强对形成和维持生态学边界的各种过程的理解 ,首先应确定边界的空间位置[6] .因此许多确…  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区坡面林-草边界土壤水分特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了黄土高原丘陵区林-草边界上旱季和雨季土壤水分的空间分布变化特征.结果表明,旱季林地土壤水分的变异系数都小于草地,林地内各个层次土壤含水量差异不大,草地内各个层次土壤含水量差别较大;雨季林地土壤水分的变异系数都大于草地,林地内各个层次土壤含水量差别较大,而草地内各个层次土壤含水量差异不显著;林-草边界各个层次土壤水分的变异程度为弱变异或中等变异.林-草边界在旱季和雨季具有不同的影响域,旱季边界影响域为从林外0.4倍树高距离到林内0.4倍树高距离;雨季边界影响域为从林外0.4倍树高距离到林内0.8倍树高距离.因此,可将林-草景观划分为3个区:草地区,即由距林缘0.4倍树高距离处向草地方向延伸;林缘区,即由林外0.4倍树高距离到林内0.4倍树高距离(旱季)或0.8倍树高距离(雨季);林地区,即由林内0.4倍树高距离(旱季)或0.8倍树高距离(雨季)处向林内方向延伸.林-草边界水平方向上3个分区的土壤水分垂直分布呈现出不同的变化规律,而且旱季的规律特征与雨季相反.  相似文献   

In contrast to the terrestrial environment, where the use of landscape analyses has been clearly demonstrated, the influence of landscape composition and configuration on the abundance and spatial distribution of marine organisms remains poorly understood. Development of this area of marine research has been limited by the lack of accurate benthic habitat maps, particularly for marine environments deeper than can be penetrated by optical remote sensing (<10 m). However, the recent availability of detailed (1:25 000) and accurate habitat maps derived from hydroacoustic surveys of deeper marine waters has redressed this situation. The aim of this research was to establish the strength and significance of derived landscape composition and configuration indices on the demersal fish assemblage structure and spatial distribution. A combination of depth and 6 landscape measures were found to explain 34.8% of the variation in the fish assemblage. Depth contributed the highest percentage of the variance explained, accounting for 23.7%. Distance to reef was the most important landscape index explaining 7.1% of the variability, followed by total length of edge environment (the interface between different benthic substrates) explaining 1.5%. Species responsible for driving the structure of the fish assemblage were also examined and found to respond not only to the proximity of reef but also to the configuration of the reef. For example, Parika scaber and Pseudolabrus psittaculus characterised more heterogeneous landscapes offering clusters of small interconnected patches of reef with a lot of edge environment, whilst juvenile Trachyurus novaezelandiae and Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus preferred more homogeneous landscapes offering little reef or edge environment. This research demonstrated that a broad scale landscape analysis, employing indices of landscape composition and configuration, is important for understanding demersal fish assemblage structure and spatial distribution.  相似文献   

Road verges provide a refuge for numerous plant species, especially in agroecosystems characterized for decades by a general decline in semi-natural habitats and edge density. Beyond the influence of present landscape structure on the local structure and composition of plant communities, past landscape structure could also have a substantial effect. Indeed, a temporal delay could especially be hypothesized between periods of landscape changes and biological responses of plant communities. We surveyed plant communities of three adjacent elements of 190 road-field boundaries in Central-Western France: the berm, the embankment and the field margin. We compared the effects of past (1980) and present (2011) surrounding agricultural landscape structure on the plant species richness of each element and on the Sørensen taxonomic compositional dissimilarity index between pairs of elements using linear models and a model averaging procedure. We characterized the landscape structure at both time periods within three circular buffers of 250, 500 and 1000 m radius around the centre of each sampled road-field boundary. In each buffer, we calculated the proportion of grasslands, the proportion of woodlands and the edge density. Despite a weak explanatory power of the landscape structure, species richness of each road-field element was better explained by past than present landscape structure. Species richness of berms, the element of the road-field boundary having the highest proportion of perennial species, was also the most influenced by past landscape structure. As an example, species richness of berms increased with the proportion of woodlands and the edge density when considering a buffer of 500 m radius. In contrast, compositional dissimilarity between pair of elements was neither affected by past nor present landscape structure. Our results suggest that the taxonomic diversity of plant communities of road-field boundaries have a time-lagged response to landscape changes, emphasising that currently implemented management programs represent high stakes for biodiversity conservation in future decades.  相似文献   

上海环城林带景观美学评价及优化策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张凯旋  凌焕然  达良俊 《生态学报》2012,32(17):5521-5531
选取上海环城林带7种植物群落,采用美景度评判法,从林内景观和林外景观2个空间层次和春、夏、秋、冬4个季节,应用数量化理论Ⅰ建立了美景度和各景观因子类目之间的景观评价与预测的多元回归模型,分析了群落的结构特征和季相特征对林内景观以及外貌特征对林外景观的影响,并提出相应的优化对策。结果表明:(1)群落结构特征对林内景观的影响主要因子为胸径(平均胸径和胸径变异系数)、郁闭度和疏透度。在春季,林内美景度随着树木胸径增大而增加;在夏季,郁闭度增大会提升林内美景度;在秋季,胸径变异小的群落具有更高的林内观赏性;在冬季,疏透度对林内景观美景度影响最大。(2)群落季相特征对林内景观的影响,在各季节表现亦不同。在春季,黄色、紫色等明度较高的色相和开花量适中的群落美景度最佳;在夏季,生长势好、林冠层变化小以及树干清晰度高的群落具较高的美景度,且观花可显著提高夏季林内美景度;在秋季,色彩越纯美景度越高;而在冬季,树皮颜色深的群落美景度高。(3)群落外貌特征对林外景观有显著影响,其中林冠线对林外景观美景度影响最大,其次为林缘线。具有起伏不大林冠线和自然流畅林缘线的植物群落美景度高。旨在通过对典型植被群落不同季相的美景度评价,对上海环城林带的群落景观进行定量的评价,进而为不同情景下的群落结构优化提出相应的对策,为城市森林的群落建构与管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The landscape boundary is an important component of a landscape and often plays an indispensable role in regulating ecological flows. The primary objective of this study was to estimate how far the edge effects on agricultural-forest landscape boundaries can penetrate into the forest and agricultural field. This will serve as a basis for understanding the interaction between forest and agricultural fields in the mountainous area of southwestern China and provide scientific basis for the practice of the policy of “returning agricultural field to forest.” Based on field investigations, three types of boundaries with six sampling transects were selected. We investigated the soil moisture, soil nutrients and vegetation diversity along the transect gradient and explored the depth of edge influence (DEI) with moving split-window techniques for analyzing the data. DEI for soil moisture changed with the seasons, ranging from 6 m in the pepper field to 2 m in the forest during the dry season, and from 12 m in the pepper field to 2 m in the forest after heavy rain. DEI based on soil organic matter ranged from 1.5 to 10 m in the forest field, while it was not detected based on other soil nutrient factors. DEI based on vegetation diversity varied from 4 to 26 m and from 10 to 31 m in the forest and agricultural fields, respectively. These results provide the scientific basis for the policy “returning agricultural field to forest”. Based on these field observations, reducing human disturbance and revegetating with natural shrubs and meadows could be more effective for vegetation conservation in terms of soil moisture and soil nutrient content in the arid valley of the Minjiang River.  相似文献   

长白山森林景观边界动态变化研究   总被引:24,自引:9,他引:15  
通过野外调查、遥感和地理信息系统相结合的方法来研究长白山森林景观边界的动态变化规律,并通过相关性分析,探讨了长白山森林景观破碎化过程和景观边界指数变化的关系。首先对遥感影像进行计算机分类,其次,构建了描述景观边界的指标体系,再次,从景观边界的长度、密度、对比度、形状和多样性5个方面,对长白山森林景观边界的动态在景观类型尺度和景观尺度上进行分析。结果表明,在20多年的时问内,苔原面积减少了3694.8hm^2,云冷杉林的面积减少了130482.03hm^2,阔叶红松林面积增加了41610.4hm^2,岳桦林面积增加了66978hm^2.由于森林砍伐和毁林造田以及其它人类活动(如旅游)的影响,长白山森林景观的破碎化程度趋于增加,景观边界形状趋于复杂景观破碎化过程和景观边界指数变化的相关性分析证实了可以用景观形状指数(LSI)、对比度加权边界密度(CWEI))、边界加权总长度(TEGT)、加权景观形状指数(LSI-WGT)的变化来指示森林景观的破碎化程度。景观边界形状指数的大小还可以用来反映人类活动对景观的影响程度。最后,针对目前长白山森林景观破碎化程度趋于增大的情况,建议采取积极措施,防止长白山森林景观的进一步破碎化,以便更好地保护天然林。  相似文献   

斑块边缘效应的定量评价及其生态学意义   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
边缘效应是生态系统 (斑块 )边缘和生态过渡区所呈现出的生态效应。但由于景观性质、研究目标和斑块形状的变化 ,边缘效应影响的范围和程度差异较大。核心斑块与周边景观之间的相似性既可以增强边缘效应 ,也可以减弱边缘效应。正确理解和确定边缘效应的影响范围和程度直接关系到对野外环境观测数据的科学使用。许多情况下 ,由于未能正确认识一个生态系统(斑块 )的边缘效应 ,时常会将在边缘效应地区获得的数据与系统内部核心区的观测数据混淆使用 ,得出一些不科学的结论。边缘效应的定量评价对于进行科学的野外环境观测 ,及其在自然保护区功能区设计和生物多样性保护中具有重要意义。但如何定量评价生态系统 (斑块 )的边缘效应目前还缺乏科学有效的方法。从分析边缘效应的概念和影响因子出发 ,结合地理信息系统 ,提出了开展定量评价斑块边缘效应的方法 ,并探讨了定量研究边缘效应的生态学意义。  相似文献   

我国森林景观生态研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了我国森林景观生态研究的5个方面的主要内容:森林景观空间格局分析及影响因素、森林景观生态评价、规划及改造研究、森林边际效应及动态、森林景观水平上的生物多样性保护、森林景观动态模型的构建;从加强景观生态建设、促进森林可持续经营的角度,分析了当前中国森林景观生态研究领域存在的主要问题,提出了今后我国森林景观生态研究的主要动态方向.  相似文献   

  • 1 Boundaries between woodlots and agricultural habitats are numerous in temperate agricultural landscapes and influence ecological processes in both woodlots and agricultural habitats.
  • 2 We aimed to determine how far the species assemblage of ground beetles in woodlot and open habitats was influenced by the presence of the woodlot–field boundary.
  • 3 We studied the distribution of ground beetles on both sides of the boundaries of four woodlots along transects of pitfall traps (n = 140). The depth of edge influence (i.e. the distance from the boundary at which the presence of the boundary has no more significant influence) on the species assemblage of ground beetles in each woodlot and in each agricultural habitat was determined with nonlinear canonical analysis of principal coordinates, an ordination method that is followed by nonlinear regression of the principal coordinates on distance from the boundary.
  • 4 The depth of edge influence on the species assemblages of ground beetles was asymmetrical relative to the boundary: it was generally higher and had higher variability in open habitats (14.4 ± 12.3 m) than in woodlots (4.9 ± 2.3 m). Species assemblages of ground beetles in edges were a mix between both adjacent species assemblages. Edge effects in woodlots were deeper in the woodlots exhibiting a deeper penetration of open habitat species. Symmetrically, edge effects in open habitat were deeper in the open habitats with a deeper diffusion of forest species into the open habitat.
  • 5 Forest ground beetles were not threatened by edge effects. Rather, edge effects are likely to benefit agriculture, mostly through the dispersal of predatory forest species into agricultural fields.

农田-荒地边缘地带中蝗虫边缘反应分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
廉振民  于广志 《生态学报》2001,21(8):1269-1275
探讨了中华蚱蜢等10种蝗总科昆虫对农田-荒地的边缘反应。研究发现,就同一边缘而言,有些物种的多度在靠近边缘时上升,而有些物种则下降。从科的水平上分析的结果与物种水平上的分析有差异。为了更精确地了解边缘对蝗虫的分布格局的影响,从物种水平上对其进行分析是 很有必要的。  相似文献   

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