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适配体传感器在微生物检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
适配体是一类特异的核酸序列,具有靶分子广、特异性强、稳定等优点.该类核酸分子在体外通过SELEX(systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment)技术(系统进化的指数富集技术)鉴定和筛选得到.相对于抗体,适配体为诊断和检测分析系统中的识别配基提供了另一个选择.适配体生物传感器是将生物识别元件和信号转换元件紧密结合,从而检测目标化合物的分析装置.适配体生物传感器在微生物检测方面具有分析速度快、灵敏度高、专一性强等特点,在微生物检测中显示出良好的应用前景.介绍了适配体、SELEX流程以及适配体传感器,综述了适配体传感器在微生物检测中的应用.  相似文献   

即时检测(point-of-care testing,POCT)是一种检测成本低、检测速度快、准确度高、能自我采样获得临床诊断结果的新型诊断技术。该技术在临床诊断、病情监控与疫情防控等领域发挥了重要作用。核酸适配体是一种能够特异性识别多种靶标的分子探针,具有易合成、批间差异小、易实现信号放大等突出优势,是生物医学传感器中重要的分子识别元件。本文概述了核酸适配体探针的现有筛选方法和进展,总结了核酸适配体POCT传感器信号放大策略,着重介绍了各类核酸适配体传感器在POCT领域的应用现状,并对核酸适配体POCT传感器的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

近年来,随着食品安全事件频发,研究者们愈加重视发展低成本、高灵敏、易操作的现场快速检测技术。核酸适配体因其高特异性、高亲和力、易于修饰和功能化等优点而被广泛地应用于生物医学和分析化学研究领域,特别是核酸适配体的可视化检测技术备受关注。基于核酸适配体的可视化检测方法具有选择性好、特异强、灵敏度高、无需大型贵重仪器等诸多优点,已成为一种极具应用潜力的检测方法。本手稿主要对核酸适配体技术以及核酸适配体在食源性致病菌、真菌毒素、农兽药残留、重金属等食品有害物质的可视化检测研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

食品安全是如今大众关注的焦点,而食源性致病细菌是导致食品安全问题事件频发的主要原因之一,因此需要开发一种快速灵敏便宜的检测方法,对食源性致病细菌进行监督检测。适配体是在体外基于SELEX技术,从单链寡核苷酸随机文库中筛选出的对靶标具有高亲和性、特异性的寡核苷酸(DNA或RNA)片段。由于食源性致病细菌的表面结构物质复杂,基于SELEX技术的适配体筛选方式被不断改良。本文介绍了几种SELEX改良技术,同时对适配体结合力的十种表征方法进行了比较,并对几种常见食源性致病细菌重要的(DNA、RNA、劈裂)适配体进行总结。由于适配体具有众多优于抗体的特性,用于食源性致病细菌检测的适配体生物传感器得到快速发展,其中电化学传感器及光学传感器应用最为广泛。对食源性致病细菌的光学适配体传感器与电化学适配体传感器的最新研究进展进行重点综述,并提出了未来适配体传感器的发展趋势,旨在为微生物检测技术开拓新领域,指引新方向。  相似文献   

核酸适配体是通过体外指数富集配体系统进化(SELEX)技术筛选获得,并能够和蛋白质靶标高特异性、高亲和力结合的单链寡核苷酸。核酸适配体不但具有抗体的识别特性,而且具有自己独特的优良性能,目前已应用于分析检验、食品安全和生物医药等各个领域。蛋白质具有多种多样的生物功能以及临床诊断价值。因此,核酸适配体针对蛋白质靶标并在蛋白质相关的基础研究领域受到广泛的关注。核酸适配体应用性能的优劣取决于与其靶标蛋白质的亲和力与特异性。本文主要综述核酸适配体对蛋白质靶标的亲和力表征方法,以及在药物研发、肿瘤检测、生物成像以及生物传感器方面的应用。  相似文献   

肿瘤免疫治疗是一种新的肿瘤治疗方式,在临床治疗中具有重要意义和应用前景,主要包括过继性细胞免疫治疗、肿瘤疫苗和抗体肿瘤免疫治疗。抗体在肿瘤免疫治疗中应用广泛,但其价格昂贵,质量易受不同批次的影响且存在免疫原性。核酸适配体(aptamer)是一类能与靶标高特异性高亲和力结合的短的单链寡核苷酸,素有“化学抗体”之称。核酸适配体易合成且成本低,质量稳定且免疫原性低,基于这些优势近年来也被开发用于肿瘤免疫治疗。本文综述了核酸适配体在肿瘤免疫治疗中的进展,主要包括核酸适配体通过靶向免疫检查点、共刺激受体、细胞因子、递送小干扰RNA (small interfering RNA,siRNA),间接调控肿瘤免疫进程,以及将核酸适配体修饰于细胞膜上直接介导免疫细胞靶向杀伤等。核酸适配体以多种方式在肿瘤免疫治疗中发挥作用,有潜力被开发用于临床治疗。  相似文献   

目的鳗弧菌(Vibrio anguillarum)是水产养殖中的重要条件致病菌,每年给水产养殖业造成巨大的经济损失,研究其致病机制、对其进行快速的检测鉴定是其病害防治的前提和基础。核酸适配体因其高亲和力、高特异性等多种优点,在微生物的靶标分析、检测鉴定以及致病机制等多个领域都呈现出较好的应用潜力。因此,筛选鳗弧菌的核酸适配体,利用核酸适配体对鳗弧菌相关位点进行分析鉴定,不仅能为鳗弧菌的检测鉴定提供一个新的手段,对于探索鳗弧菌相关位点在其病害防治中的作用也具有重要意义。方法以鳗弧菌为靶目标,采用每轮测序的SELEX筛选方法,从高频序列中筛选鳗弧菌的核酸适配体;采用单链DNA浓度法测定核酸适配体的亲和力,研究核酸适配体对鳗弧菌的亲和特异性;采用Origin软件、选择反比例函数(Hyperbola函数)进行非线性拟合,获得核酸适配体的亲和常数(Kd)和最大亲和力(Am);采用磁分离技术和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分离纯化出核酸适配体H5的结合蛋白,通过质谱对该蛋白质进行分析鉴定,并利用Prabi、Phyre2、Psortb 3.0等在线网站分析该结合蛋白的...  相似文献   

卡那霉素是一种氨基糖苷类抗生素,由于其效果好、价格低等优点,是我国常用兽药之一。但如果剂量过大就会大量残留在动物体内,进而通过食物链富集进入人体,引发耳毒性、肾毒性等毒副作用,严重时会导致人死亡,因此对其含量的检测十分重要。近几年,大量基于核酸适配体检测卡那霉素的光学方法被开发,以满足人们对其检测的需求。首先明确了核酸适配体与光学生物传感器等相关概念;再根据其反应机制不同,对光学方法介导的生物传感器进行了分类综述,阐述了各类传感器的基本原理及其检测范围;最后对这几类传感器的优缺点和发展前景进行了总结和展望,对这些方法的进一步探索将为食品安全检测提供新的技术支撑。  相似文献   

核酸适配体是一类通过指数富集的配体系统进化(SELEX)技术获得的具有独特三维构象的小分子RNA 或单链DNA。核酸适 配体能高亲和力和高特异性与靶点结合,同时具有自身分子质量小、免疫原性低、热/化学稳定性高、靶标分子范围广等特点,广泛应用 于疾病诊断、治疗、生物传感器、生物标志物筛选、新药研发等领域。综述近年来核酸适配体在肿瘤诊断和治疗方面的应用,并对核酸 适配体的临床研究现状、市场前景及面临挑战和发展趋势作简要分析。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的飞速发展,适配体在各个领域的研究也备受关注,特别是在肿瘤治疗研究方面。核酸适配体是一类通过指数富集的配体系统进化技术(systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment technology,SELEX)获得的,具有独特三维构象的单链DNA或小分子RNA。核酸适配体能高亲和力和高特异性的与靶点结合,同时具有无免疫原性、相对分子质量小、靶标分子范围广、热学及化学稳定性高等特点。目前核酸适配体广泛应用于疾病的诊断、治疗、生物标志物筛选、生物传感器、新药研发等领域。现将核酸适配体的特点、筛选、及在肿瘤诊断和治疗中的研究作一综述。  相似文献   

To utilize aptamers as molecular recognition agents in biosensors and biodiagnostics, it is important to develop strategies for reliable immobilization of aptamers so that they retain their biophysical characteristics and binding abilities. Here we report on quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) measurements and atomic force microscope (AFM)-based force spectroscopy studies to evaluate aptasensors fabricated by different modification strategies. Gold surfaces were modified with mixed self assembled monolayers (SAMs) of aptamer and oligoethylene glycol (OEG) thiols (HS-C(11)-(EG)(n)OH, n=3 or 6) to impart resistance to nonspecific protein adsorption. By affinity analysis, we show that short OEG thiols have less impact on aptamer accessibility than longer chain thiols. Backfilling with OEG as a step subsequent to aptamer immobilization provides greater surface coverage than using aptamer and OEG thiol to form a mixed SAM in one-step. Immunoglobulin E and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) were studied as target proteins in these experiments. Binding forces obtained by these strategies are similar, demonstrating that the biophysical properties of the aptamer on the sensors are independent from the immobilization strategy. The results present mixed SAMs with aptamers and co-adsorbents as a versatile strategy for aptamer sensor platforms including ultrasensitive biosensor design.  相似文献   

Development of novel aptamer sensor strategies for rapid and selective assays of protein biomarkers plays crucial roles in proteomics and clinical diagnostics. Herein, we have developed a novel aptamer sensor strategy for homogeneous detection of protein targets based on fluorescence protection assay. This strategy is based on our reasoning that interaction of aptamer with its protein target may dramatically increase steric hindrance, which protects the fluorophore, fluorescein isothiocyannate (FITC), labeled at the binding pocket from accessing and quenching by the FITC antibody. The aptamer sensor strategy is demonstrated using a model protein target of immunoglobulin E (IgE), a known biomarker associated with atopic allergic diseases. The results reveal that the aptamer sensor shows substantial (>6-fold) fluorescence enhancement in response to the protein target, thereby verifying the mechanism of fluorescence protection. Moreover, the aptamer sensor displays improved specificity to other co-existing proteins and a desirable dynamic range within the IgE concentration from 0.1 to 50 nM with a readily achieved detection limit of 0.1 nM. Because of great robustness, easy operation and scalability for parallel assays, the developed homogeneous fluorescence protection assay strategy might create a new methodology for developing aptamer sensors in sensitive, selective detection of proteins.  相似文献   

Ribonucleopeptide (RNP) is a new class of scaffold for modular fluorescent sensors. We report here a short RNA motif that induces an efficient communication between the structural changes associated with the ligand-binding event of RNA aptamer and an optical response of a fluorescent RNP module. An optimized short RNA motif was used as a communication module for the rational design of modular RNP sensors. A modular combination of a GTP-binding RNA aptamer, the short RNA motif and the fluorophore-labeled RNP module afforded a fluorescent GTP sensor that retain the ligand-binding affinity of the parent aptamer.  相似文献   

A localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) sensor surface was fabricated by the deposition of gold nanorods on a glass substrate and subsequent immobilization of the DNA aptamer, which specifically bind to thrombin. This LSPR aptamer sensor showed a response of 6‐nm λmax shift for protein binding with the detection limit of at least 10 pM, indicating one of the highest sensitivities achieved for thrombin detection by optical extinction LSPR. We also tested the LSPR sensor fabricated using gold bipyramid, which showed higher refractive index sensitivity than the gold nanorods, but the overall response of gold bipyramid sensor appears to be 25% less than that of the gold nanorod substrate, despite the approximately twofold higher refractive index sensitivity. XPS analysis showed that this is due to the low surface density of aptamers on the gold bipyramid compared with gold nanorods. The low surface density of the aptamers on the gold bipyramid surface may be due to the effect of shape of the nanostructure on the kinetics of aptamer monolayer formation. The small size of aptamers relative to other bioreceptors is the key to achieving high sensitivity by biosensors on the basis of LSPR, demonstrated here for protein binding. The generality of aptamer sensors for protein detection using gold nanorod and gold nanobipyramid substrates is anticipated to have a large impact in the important development of sensors toward biomarkers, environmental toxins, and warfare agents. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two different impedance-sensor geometries have been compared for the detection of Rev peptides with a molecular weight of 2.4 kDa. Planar, two-dimensional interdigitated capacitor (IDC) sensors with electrode separations of 1.1 microm as well as three-dimensional nanogap-sensors with an electrode separation of 75 nm have been used. Both sensors have been operated at a fixed frequency of 980 MHz. We discuss the specific interaction of the Rev peptide to an immobilized RNA anti-Rev aptamer (9.2 kDa) for peptide concentrations in the range of 100 nM-2 microM. For the IDC sensor, only peptide concentrations above 500 nM gave detectable signals. For the nanogap sensor, the binding process was clearly visible for all concentrations applied. The higher sensitivity of the nanogap compared to the IDC is ascribed to the improved surface-to-volume ratio.  相似文献   

Chiuman W  Li Y 《PloS one》2007,2(11):e1224
Most NAE (nucleic acid enzyme) sensors are composed of an RNA-cleaving catalytic motif and an aptameric receptor. They operate by activating or repressing the catalytic activity of a relevant NAE through the conformational change in the aptamer upon target binding. To transduce a molecular recognition event to a fluorescence signal, a fluorophore-quencher pair is attached to opposite ends of the RNA substrate such that when the NAE cleaves the substrate, an increased level of fluorescence can be generated. However, almost all NAE sensors to date harbor either NAEs that cannot accommodate a fluorophore-quencher pair near the cleavage site or those that can accept such a modification but require divalent transition metal ions for catalysis. Therefore, the signaling magnitude and the versatility of current NAE sensors might not suffice for analytical and biological applications. Here we report an RNA-cleaving DNA enzyme, termed 'MgZ', which depends on Mg(2+) for its activity and can accommodate bulky dye moieties next to the cleavage site. MgZ was created by in vitro selection. The selection scheme entailed acidic buffering and ethanol-based reaction stoppage to remove selfish DNAs. Characterization of MgZ revealed a three-way junction structure, a cleavage rate of 1 min(-1), and 26-fold fluorescence enhancement. Two ligand-responsive NAE sensors were rationally designed by linking an aptamer sequence to the substrate of MgZ. In the absence of the target, the aptamer-linked substrate is locked into a conformation that prohibits MgZ from accessing the substrate. In the presence of the target, the aptamer releases the substrate, which induces MgZ-mediated RNA cleavage. The discovery of MgZ and the introduction of the above NAE sensor design strategy should facilitate future efforts in sensor engineering.  相似文献   

A sensitive colorimetric detection for biomolecules based on aptamer was described. Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS)-gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) composite film was used as a platform for immobilizing anti-target aptamer. PDMS-AuNPs composite film only covered with aptamer showed high inhibiting ability towards silver reduction, after target molecules were conjugated on the modified surface, the catalytic efficiency of AuNPs for silver reduction was increased. In this system, the darkness density of silver enhancement was applied for target quantitative measurement. Lysozyme and adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) were tested as the models, quantitative measurements with imaging software or semiquantitative measurements with naked eyes were carried out in the range of 1×10(-2)-1 μg/mL and 1×10(-4)-1×10(3) μg/mL, the volume of reagent using in each assay is 15 μL or less. We speculated that aptamer-target conjugates' inhibition ability for AuNPs' catalytic efficiency toward silver reduction might come from charge and spatial effects. This study can offer a completely novel and relatively general approach for colorimetrical aptamer sensors with good analytical properties and potential applications. The sensor could be coupled with digital transmission of images for remote monitoring system in diagnosis, food control, and environmental analysis.  相似文献   

A GTP aptamer was converted to a modular fluorescent GTP sensor by conjugation of RRE (Rev responsive element) RNA and successive complex formation with a fluorophore-modified Rev peptide. Structural changes associated with substrate binding in the RNA aptamer were successfully transduced into changes in fluorescence intensity because of the modular structure of ribonucleopeptides. A simple modular strategy involving conjugation of a fluorophore-modified ribonucleopeptide to the stem region of an RNA aptamer deduced from secondary structural information helps produce fluorescent sensors, which allow tuning of excitation and detection wavelengths through the replacement of the fluorophore at the N-terminal of the Rev peptide.  相似文献   

We have developed RNA-based quencher-free molecular aptamer beacons (RNA-based QF-MABs) for the detection of ATP, taking advantage of the conformational changes associated with ATP binding to the ATP-binding RNA aptamer. The RNA aptamer, with its well-defined structure, was readily converted to the fluorescence sensors by incorporating a fluorophore into the loop region of the hairpin structure. These RNA-based QF-MABs exhibited fluorescence signals in the presence of ATP relative to their low background signals in the absence of ATP. The fluorescence emission intensity increased upon formation of a RNA-based QF-MAB·ATP complex.  相似文献   

Aptamers binding proteins or small molecules have been shown to be versatile and powerful building blocks for the construction of artificial genetic switches. In this study, we present a novel aptamer-based construct regulating the Tet Off system in a tetracycline-independent manner thus achieving control of transgene expression. For this purpose, a TetR protein-inhibiting aptamer was engineered for use in mammalian cells, enabling the RNA-responsive control of the tetracycline-dependent transactivator (tTA). By rationally attaching the theophylline aptamer as a sensor, the inhibitory TetR aptamer and thus tTA activity became dependent on the ligand of the sensor aptamer. Addition of the small molecule theophylline resulted in enhanced binding to the corresponding protein in vitro and in inhibition of reporter gene expression in mammalian cell lines. By using aptamers as adaptors in order to control protein activity by a predetermined small molecule, we present a simple and straightforward approach for future applications in the field of Chemical Biology. Moreover, aptamer-based control of the widely used Tet system introduces a new layer of regulation thereby facilitating the construction of more complex gene networks.  相似文献   

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