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Marine sponges have been suggested to play an important role in the marine nitrogen cycling. However, the role of sponge microbes in the nitrogen transformation remains limited, especially on the bacterial ammonia oxidization and denitrification. Hence, in the present study, using functional genes (amoA, nirS, nirK, and nxrA) involved in ammonia oxidization and denitrification and 16S rRNA genes for specific bacterial groups as markers, phylogenetically diverse prokaryotes including bacteria and archaea, which may be involved in the ammonia oxidization and denitrification processes in sponges, were revealed in seven sponge species. Ammonia oxidizers were found in all species, whereas three sponges (Placospongia sp., Acanthella sp., and Pericharax heteroraphis) harbor only ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), two sponges (Spirastrellidae diplastrella and Mycale fibrexilis) host only ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA), while the remaining two sponges (Haliclona sp. and Lamellomorpha sp.) harbor both AOB and AOA. S. diplastrella and Lamellomorpha sp. also harbor denitrifying bacteria. Nitrite reductase gene nirK was detected only in Lamellomorpha sp. with higher phylogenetic diversity than nirS gene observed only in S. diplastrella. The detected functional genes related to the ammonia oxidization and nitrite reduction in deep-sea and shallow-water sponges highlighted the potential ecological roles of prokaryotes in sponge-related nitrogen transformation.  相似文献   

In this study, dideoxy sequencing and 454 high-throughput sequencing were used to analyze diversities of the ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) genes and the 16S rRNA genes of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in six municipal wastewater treatment plants. The results showed that AOB amoA genes were quite diverse in different wastewater treatment plants while the 16S rRNA genes were relatively conserved. Based on the observed complexity of amoA and 16S rRNA genes, most of the AOB can be assigned to the Nitrosomonas genus, with Nitrosomonas ureae, Nitrosomonas oligotropha, Nitrosomonas marina, and Nitrosomonas aestuarii being the four most dominant species. From the sequences of the AOA amoA genes, most AOA observed in this study belong to the CGI.1b group, i.e., the soil lineage. The AOB amoA and 16S rRNA genes were quantified by quantitative PCR and 454 high-throughput pyrosequencing, respectively. Although the results from the two approaches show some disconcordance, they both indicated that the abundance of AOB in activated sludge was very low.  相似文献   

Here, we investigated the patterns of microbial nitrogen cycling communities along a chronosequence of soil development in a salt marsh. The focus was on the abundance and structure of genes involved in N fixation (nifH), bacterial and archaeal ammonium oxidation (amoA; AOB and AOA), and the abundances of genes involved in denitrification (nirS, nirK, nosZ). Potential nitrification and denitrification activities were also measured, and increases in nitrification were found in soils towards the end of succession, whereas denitrification became maximal in soils at the intermediate stages. The nifH, nirK and nirS gene markers revealed increases in the sizes of the respective functional groups towards the intermediate stage (35 years), remaining either constant (for nifH) or slightly declining towards the latest stage of succession (for nirK and nirS). Moreover, whereas the AOB abundance peaked in soils at the intermediate stage, that of AOA increased linearly along the chronosequence. The abundance of nosZ was roughly constant, with no significant regression. The drivers of changes in abundance and structure were identified using path analysis; whereas the ammonia oxidizers (AOA and AOB) showed patterns that followed mainly N availability, those of the nitrogen fixers followed plant diversity and soil structure. The patterns of denitrifiers were group-dependent, following the patterns of plant diversity (nirK and nirS) and belowground shifts (nosZ). The variation observed for the microbial groups associated with the same function highlights their differential contribution at different stages of soil development, revealing an interplay of changes in terms of niche complementarity and adaptation to the local environment.  相似文献   

Nitrification, the aerobic oxidation of ammonia to nitrate via nitrite, has been suggested to have been a central part of the global biogeochemical nitrogen cycle since the oxygenation of Earth. The cultivation of several ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) as well as the discovery that archaeal ammonia monooxygenase (amo)-like gene sequences are nearly ubiquitously distributed in the environment and outnumber their bacterial counterparts in many habitats fundamentally revised our understanding of nitrification. Surprising insights into the physiological distinctiveness of AOA are mirrored by the recognition of the phylogenetic uniqueness of these microbes, which fall within a novel archaeal phylum now known as Thaumarchaeota. The relative importance of AOA in nitrification, compared to ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), is still under debate. This minireview provides a synopsis of our current knowledge of the diversity and physiology of AOA, the factors controlling their ecology, and their role in carbon cycling as well as their potential involvement in the production of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide. It emphasizes the importance of activity-based analyses in AOA studies and formulates priorities for future research.  相似文献   

Ammonia oxidation is the first and rate-limiting step of nitrification, which is carried out by two groups of microorganisms: ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and the recently discovered ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA). In this study, diversity and abundance of AOB and AOA were investigated in five rock samples from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent site at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) of the South Atlantic Ocean. Both bacterial and archaeal ammonia monooxygenase subunit A (amoA) gene sequences obtained in this study were closely related to the sequences retrieved from deep-sea environments, indicating that AOB and AOA in this hydrothermal vent site showed typical deep ocean features. AOA were more diverse but less abundant than AOB. The ratios of AOA/AOB amoA gene abundance ranged from 1/3893 to 1/242 in all investigate samples, indicating that bacteria may be the major members responding to the aerobic ammonia oxidation in this hydrothermal vent site. Furthermore, diversity and abundance of AOA and AOB were significantly correlated with the contents of total nitrogen and total sulfur in investigated samples, suggesting that these two environmental factors exert strong influences on distribution of ammonia oxidizers in deep-sea hydrothermal vent environment.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of urea as a source of ammonia has been proposed as a mechanism for the nitrification of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in acidic soil. The growth of Nitrososphaera viennensis on urea suggests that the ureolysis of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) might occur in natural environments. In this study, 15N isotope tracing indicates that ammonia oxidation occurred upon the addition of urea at a concentration similar to the in situ ammonium content of tea orchard soil (pH 3.75) and forest soil (pH 5.4) and was inhibited by acetylene. Nitrification activity was significantly stimulated by urea fertilization and coupled well with abundance changes in archaeal amoA genes in acidic soils. Pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes at whole microbial community level demonstrates the active growth of AOA in urea-amended soils. Molecular fingerprinting further shows that changes in denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis fingerprint patterns of archaeal amoA genes are paralleled by nitrification activity changes. However, bacterial amoA and 16S rRNA genes of AOB were not detected. The results strongly suggest that archaeal ammonia oxidation is supported by hydrolysis of urea and that AOA, from the marine Group 1.1a-associated lineage, dominate nitrification in two acidic soils tested.  相似文献   

Using ammonia monooxygenase α-subunit (amoA) gene and 16S rRNA gene, the community structure and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in a nitrogen-removing reactor, which was operated for five phases, were characterized and quantified by cloning, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The results suggested that the dominant AOB in the reactor fell to the genus Nitrosomonas, while the dominant AOA belonged to Crenarchaeotal Group I.1a in phylum Crenarchaeota. Real-time PCR results demonstrated that the levels of AOB amoA varied from 2.9 × 103 to 2.3 × 105 copies per nanogram DNA, greatly (about 60 times) higher than those of AOA, which ranged from 1.7 × 102 to 3.8 × 103 copies per nanogram DNA. This indicated the possible leading role of AOB in the nitrification process in this study. T-RFLP results showed that the AOB community structure significantly shifted in different phases while AOA only showed one major peak for all the phases. The analyses also suggested that the AOB community was more sensitive than that of AOA to operational conditions, such as ammonia loading and dissolved oxygen.  相似文献   

Repetitive extraction of DNAs from surface sediments of a coastal wetland in Mai Po Nature Reserve (MP) of Hong Kong and surface Baijiang soils from a rice paddy (RP) in Northeast China was conducted to compare the microbial diversity in this study. Community structures of ammonia/ammonium-oxidizing microorganisms in these samples were analyzed by PCR-DGGE technique. The diversity and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA), ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), and anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) bacteria were also analyzed based on archaeal and bacterial ammonia monooxygenase subunit A encoding (amoA) and anammox bacterial 16S rRNA genes, respectively. DGGE profiles of archaeal and bacterial amoA and anammox bacterial 16S rRNA genes showed a similar pattern among all five repetitively extracted DNA fractions from both MP and RP, except the anammox bacteria in RP, indicating a more diverse anammox community retrieved in the second to the fifth fractions than the first one. Both soil and marine group AOA were detected while soil and coastal group AOB and Scalindua-anammox bacteria were dominant in MP. Soil group AOA and marine group AOB were dominant in RP, while both Scalindua and Kuenenia species were detected in RP. Pearson correlation analysis showed that the abundance of archaeal and bacterial amoA and anammox bacterial 16S rRNA genes was significantly correlated with the DNA concentrations of the five DNA fractions from MP, but not from RP (except the archaeal amoA gene). Results suggest that anammox bacteria diversity may be biased by insufficient DNA extraction of rice paddy soil samples.  相似文献   

Many biologically active natural products have been isolated from Phakellia fusca, an indigenous sponge in the South China Sea; however, the microbial symbionts of Phakellia fusca remain unknown. The present investigations on sponge microbial community are mainly based on qualitative analysis, while quantitative analysis, e.g., relative abundance, is rarely carried out, and little is known about the roles of microbial symbionts. In this study, the community structure and relative abundance of bacteria, actinobacteria, and archaea associated with Phakellia fusca were revealed by 16S rRNA gene library-based sequencing and quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR). The ammonia-oxidizing populations were investigated based on amoA gene and anammox-specific 16S rRNA gene libraries. As a result, it was found that bacterial symbionts of sponge Phakellia fusca consist of Proteobacteria including Gamma-, Alpha-, and Delta-proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria with Gamma-proteobacteria as the predominant components. In particular, the diversity of actinobacterial symbionts in Phakellia fusca is high, which is composed of Corynebacterineae, Acidimicrobidae, Frankineae, Micrococcineae, and Streptosporangineae. All the observed archaea in sponge Phakellia fusca belong to Crenarchaeota, and the detected ammonia-oxidizing populations are ammonia-oxidizing archaea, suggesting the nitrification function of sponge archaeal symbionts. According to qRT-PCR analysis, bacterial symbionts dominated the microbial community, while archaea represented the second predominant symbionts, followed by actinobacteria. The revealed diverse prokaryotic symbionts of Phakellia fusca are valuable for the understanding and in-depth utilization of Phakellia fusca microbial symbionts. This study extends our knowledge of the community, especially the relative abundance of microbial symbionts in sponges.  相似文献   

In marine oxygen minimum zones (OMZs), ammonia‐oxidizing archaea (AOA) rather than marine ammonia‐oxidizing bacteria (AOB) may provide nitrite to anaerobic ammonium‐oxidizing (anammox) bacteria. Here we demonstrate the cooperation between marine anammox bacteria and nitrifiers in a laboratory‐scale model system under oxygen limitation. A bioreactor containing ‘Candidatus Scalindua profunda’ marine anammox bacteria was supplemented with AOA (Nitrosopumilus maritimus strain SCM1) cells and limited amounts of oxygen. In this way a stable mixed culture of AOA, and anammox bacteria was established within 200 days while also a substantial amount of endogenous AOB were enriched. ‘Ca. Scalindua profunda’ and putative AOB and AOA morphologies were visualized by transmission electron microscopy and a C18 anammox [3]‐ladderane fatty acid was highly abundant in the oxygen‐limited culture. The rapid oxygen consumption by AOA and AOB ensured that anammox activity was not affected. High expression of AOA, AOB and anammox genes encoding for ammonium transport proteins was observed, likely caused by the increased competition for ammonium. The competition between AOA and AOB was found to be strongly related to the residual ammonium concentration based on amoA gene copy numbers. The abundance of archaeal amoA copy numbers increased markedly when the ammonium concentration was below 30 μM finally resulting in almost equal abundance of AOA and AOB amoA copy numbers. Massive parallel sequencing of mRNA and activity analyses further corroborated equal abundance of AOA and AOB. PTIO addition, inhibiting AOA activity, was employed to determine the relative contribution of AOB versus AOA to ammonium oxidation. The present study provides the first direct evidence for cooperation of archaeal ammonia oxidation with anammox bacteria by provision of nitrite and consumption of oxygen.  相似文献   

The diversity and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in the sediment of the Pearl River Estuary were investigated by cloning and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). From one sediment sample S16, 36 AOA OTUs (3% cutoff) were obtained from three clone libraries constructed using three primer sets for amoA gene. Among the 36 OTUs, six were shared by all three clone libraries, two appeared in two clone libraries, and the other 28 were only recovered in one of the libraries. For AOB, only seven OTUs (based on 16S rRNA gene) and eight OTUs (based on amoA gene) were obtained, showing lower diversity than AOA. The qPCR results revealed that AOA amoA gene copy numbers ranged from 9.6 × 106 to 5.1 × 107 copies per gram of sediment and AOB amoA gene ranged from 9.5 × 104 to 6.2 × 105 copies per gram of sediment, indicating that the dominant ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in the sediment of the Pearl River Estuary were AOA. The terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism results showed that the relative abundance of AOB species in the sediment samples of different salinity were significantly different, indicating that salinity might be a key factor shaping the AOB community composition.  相似文献   

王奥  吴福忠  何振华  徐振锋  刘洋  谭波  杨万勤 《生态学报》2012,32(14):4371-4378
为了解季节性冻融作用对川西亚高山/高山地区土壤氨氧化微生物群落的影响,采用qPCR技术,以氨单加氧酶基因的α亚基(amoA)为标记,在生长阶段、冻结阶段、融化阶段中的9个关键时期调查了该地区不同森林群落:岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)原始林(PF)、岷江冷杉(A. faxoniana)和红桦(Betula albosinensis)混交林(MF)、岷江冷杉次生林(SF)土壤有机层的氨氧化细菌(ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, AOB)和氨氧化古菌(ammonia-oxidizing archaea, AOA)丰度的特征。结果表明,三个森林群落土壤有机层中都具有相当数量的氨氧化细菌和古菌,均表现出从生长阶段至冻结阶段显著降低,在冻结阶段最低,但冻结阶段后显著增加,在融化阶段为全年最高的趋势。土壤氨氧化微生物类群结构(AOA/AOB)受负积温影响明显。冻结后期三个森林群落土壤负积温最大时,AOA数量明显高于AOB,但其他关键时期土壤氨氧化微生物类群结构与群落类型密切相关。高海拔的PF群落土壤有机层表现为AOA>AOB(冻结初期除外),低海拔的SF群落中表现为AOB>AOA(冻结后期除外),而MF群落则仅在融冻期和生长季节末期表现为AOB>AOA。这些结果为认识亚高山/高山森林及其相似区域的生态过程提供了一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

So far, the contribution of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) to ammonia oxidation in wastewater treatment processes has not been well understood. In this study, two soil aquifer treatment (SATs) systems were built up to treat synthetic domestic wastewater (column 1) and secondary effluent (column 4), accomplishing an average of 95 % ammonia removal during over 550 days of operation. Except at day 322, archaeal amoA genes always outnumbered bacterial amoA genes in both SATs as determined by using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR). The ratios of archaeal amoA to 16S rRNA gene averaged at 0.70?±?0.56 and 0.82?±?0.62 in column 1 and column 4, respectively, indicating that all the archaea could be AOA carrying amoA gene in the SATs. The results of MiSeq-pyrosequencing targeting on archaeal and bacterial 16S rRNA genes with the primer pair of modified 515R/806R indicated that Nitrososphaera cluster affiliated with thaumarchaeal group I.1b was the dominant AOA species, while Nitrosospira cluster was the dominant ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB). The statistical analysis showed significant relationship between AOA abundance (compared to AOB abundance) and inorganic and total nitrogen concentrations. Based on the mathematical model calculation for microbial growth, AOA had much greater capacity of ammonia oxidation as compared to the specific influent ammonia loading for AOA in the SATs, implying that a small fraction of the total AOA would actively work to oxidize ammonia chemoautotrophically whereas most of AOA would exhibit some level of functional redundancy. These results all pointed that AOA involved in microbial ammonia oxidation in the SATs.  相似文献   

It is well known that the ratio of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB) ranges widely in soils, but no data exist on what might influence this ratio, its dynamism, or how changes in relative abundance influences the potential contributions of AOA and AOB to soil nitrification. By sampling intensively from cropped-to-fallowed and fallowed-to-cropped phases of a 2-year wheat/fallow cycle, and adjacent uncultivated long-term fallowed land over a 15-month period in 2010 and 2011, evidence was obtained for seasonal and cropping phase effects on the soil nitrification potential (NP), and on the relative contributions of AOA and AOB to the NP that recovers after acetylene inactivation in the presence and absence of bacterial protein synthesis inhibitors. AOB community composition changed significantly (P⩽0.0001) in response to cropping phase, and there were both seasonal and cropping phase effects on the amoA gene copy numbers of AOA and AOB. Our study showed that the AOA:AOB shifts were generated by a combination of different phenomena: an increase in AOA amoA abundance in unfertilized treatments, compared with their AOA counterparts in the N-fertilized treatment; a larger population of AOB under the N-fertilized treatment compared with the AOB community under unfertilized treatments; and better overall persistence of AOA than AOB in the unfertilized treatments. These data illustrate the complexity of the factors that likely influence the relative contributions of AOA and AOB to nitrification under the various combinations of soil conditions and NH4+-availability that exist in the field.  相似文献   

Rice paddy fields are characterized by regular flooding and nitrogen fertilization, but the functional importance of aerobic ammonia oxidizers and nitrite oxidizers under unique agricultural management is poorly understood. In this study, we report the differential contributions of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA), bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) to nitrification in four paddy soils from different geographic regions (Zi-Yang (ZY), Jiang-Du (JD), Lei-Zhou (LZ) and Jia-Xing (JX)) that are representative of the rice ecosystems in China. In urea-amended microcosms, nitrification activity varied greatly with 11.9, 9.46, 3.03 and 1.43 μg NO3-N g−1 dry weight of soil per day in the ZY, JD, LZ and JX soils, respectively, over the course of a 56-day incubation period. Real-time quantitative PCR of amoA genes and pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes revealed significant increases in the AOA population to various extents, suggesting that their relative contributions to ammonia oxidation activity decreased from ZY to JD to LZ. The opposite trend was observed for AOB, and the JX soil stimulated only the AOB populations. DNA-based stable-isotope probing further demonstrated that active AOA numerically outcompeted their bacterial counterparts by 37.0-, 10.5- and 1.91-fold in 13C-DNA from ZY, JD and LZ soils, respectively, whereas AOB, but not AOA, were labeled in the JX soil during active nitrification. NOB were labeled to a much greater extent than AOA and AOB, and the addition of acetylene completely abolished the assimilation of 13CO2 by nitrifying populations. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that archaeal ammonia oxidation was predominantly catalyzed by soil fosmid 29i4-related AOA within the soil group 1.1b lineage. Nitrosospira cluster 3-like AOB performed most bacterial ammonia oxidation in the ZY, LZ and JX soils, whereas the majority of the 13C-AOB in the JD soil was affiliated with the Nitrosomona communis lineage. The 13C-NOB was overwhelmingly dominated by Nitrospira rather than Nitrobacter. A significant correlation was observed between the active AOA/AOB ratio and the soil oxidation capacity, implying a greater advantage of AOA over AOB under microaerophilic conditions. These results suggest the important roles of soil physiochemical properties in determining the activities of ammonia oxidizers and nitrite oxidizers.  相似文献   

Community structures of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms were investigated using PCR primers designed to specifically target the ammonia monooxygenase α-subunit (amoA) gene in the sediment of Jinshan Lake. Relationships between the abundance and diversity of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), and physicochemical parameters were also explored. The AOA abundance decreased sharply from west to east; however, the AOB abundance changed slightly with AOB outnumbering AOA in two of the four sediment samples (JS), JS3 and JS4. The AOA abundance was significantly correlated with the NH4–N, NO3–N, and TP. No significant correlations were observed between the AOB abundance and environmental variables. AOB had a higher diversity and richness of amoA genes than AOA. Among the 76 archaeal amoA sequences retrieved, 57.89, 38.16, and 3.95 % fell within the Nitrosopumilus, Nitrososphaera, and Nitrososphaera sister clusters, respectively. The 130 bacterial amoA gene sequences obtained in this study were grouped with known AOB sequences in the Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira genera, which occupied 72.31 % and 27.69 % of the AOB group, respectively. Compared to the other three sample sites, the AOA and AOB community compositions at JS4 showed a large difference. This work could enhance our understanding of the roles of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in freshwater lake environment.  相似文献   

Lee S  Cho K  Lim J  Kim W  Hwang S 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(5):4196-4203
Activity of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) to simultaneous variation in Zn2+ concentration (0.01-3.5 mg/L), temperature (23-33 °C), and AOB concentration (3-30 × 106 gene copies/mL) in a steel industry wastewater treatment plant was evaluated. Two equations were developed to describe the lag period (i.e., AOB acclimation) and ammonia oxidation rate (i.e., growth of the AOB) depending on the variables. AOB concentration and temperature both had significant effects on lag period and the ammonia oxidation rate. Zn2+ concentration only had a significant effect on ammonia oxidation rate at 5% α-level. There was a significant interaction between AOB concentration and temperature for both lag period and ammonia oxidation rate. The effects of the variables were not significant when AOB concentration was higher than 2.0 × 107 copies/mL. There was no visible shift or changes in AOB communities based on DGGE analysis with amoA gene primers.  相似文献   

Mangrove wetlands are an important ecosystem in tropical and subtropical regions, and the sediments may contain both oxic and anoxic zones. In this study, ammonia/ammonium-oxidizing prokaryotes (AOPs) in yellow and black sediments with vegetation and non-vegetated sediments in a mangrove wetland of subtropical Hong Kong were investigated in winter and summer. The phylogenetic diversity of anammox bacterial 16S rRNA genes and archaeal and bacterial amoA genes (encoding ammonia monooxygenase alpha-subunit) were analyzed using PCR amplification and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis to reveal their community structures. Quantitative PCR was also used to detect their gene abundances. The results showed that seasonality had little effect, but sediment type had a noticeable influence on the community structures and abundances of anammox bacteria. For ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA), seasonality had a small effect on their community structures, but a significant effect on their abundances: AOA amoA genes were significantly higher in winter than in summer. In winter, the vegetated yellow sediments had lower AOA amoA genes than the other types of sediments, but in summer, the vegetated yellow sediments had higher AOA amoA genes than the other types of sediments. Sediment type had no apparent effect on AOA community structures in winter. In summer, however, the vegetated yellow sediments showed obviously different AOA community structures from the other types of sediments. For ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), seasonality had a significant effect on their community structures and abundances: AOB amoA genes in winter were apparently higher than in summer, and AOB community structures were different between winter and summer. Sediment type had little effect on AOB community structures, but had a noticeable effect on the abundances: AOB amoA genes of the vegetated yellow sediments were obviously lower than the black ones in both seasons. This study has demonstrated that seasonality and sediment type affected community structures and abundances of AOPs differently in oxic and anoxic sediments of the mangrove wetland.  相似文献   

For biological nitrification, a set of experiments were carried out to approximate the response of lag period along with ammonia oxidation rate with respect to different concentrations of cyanide (CN) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), and temperature variation in laboratory-scale batch reactors. The effects of simultaneous changes in these three factors on ammonia oxidation were quantitatively estimated and modeled using response surface analysis. The lag period and the ammonia oxidation rate responded differently to changes in the three factors. The lag period and the ammonia oxidation rate were significantly affected by the CN and AOB concentrations, while temperature changes only affected the ammonia oxidation rate. The increase of AOB concentration and temperature alleviated the inhibition effect of cyanide on ammonia oxidation. The statistical method used in this study can be extended to estimate the quantitative effects of other environmental factors that can change simultaneously.  相似文献   

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