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种子植物的选择性败育及其进化生态意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
种子植物的选择性败育是指植株在花粉源、传粉次序、果实在植株上的位置和发育果实中的种子数目等因素或者这些因素综合作用的基础上对发育中的幼果或种子选择性败育的现象。植株可以选择性地败育位于果序顶部或基部的果实以及位于果实基部、中部或柱头端的种子。此现象在被子植物中比较普遍,特别是在豆科、十字花科和紫草科中最为常见。导致植物选择性败育的主要原因主要有资源限制和遗传因子两个方面。植物通过选择性败育部分自交或基因型较差的果实或种子,不仅可以提高母本和后代的适合度,而且还可以提高果实或种子的扩散效率。因此,对选择性败育的研究在深入了解植物的结实结籽格局、探讨其进化式样与机制等方面具有重要意义。该文系统总结了国际上有关植物选择性败育的研究工作,重点介绍了选择性败育发生的式样、导致选择性败育的因素、选择性败育的进化生态意义,以及目前研究选择性败育现象的主要方法,并对该领域今后研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

濒危植物长柄双花木自然种群结实的花粉和资源限制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长柄双花木(Disanthus cercidifolius Maxim.vsr.longipes H.T.Chang)只零星分布于湖南、江西和浙江等省的少数县,已处于濒危状态。通过对其野外自然种群试验,研究了花粉和资源的有效性对雌性生殖的影响,并进一步探讨了长柄双花木“花多果少”的生殖机制。结果表明:不同来源的花粉对长柄双花木结果率及结籽率均产生显著影响。花粉来源而不是花粉数量对长柄双花木结实存在显著影响。自然条件下,长柄双花木“花一果转化率”约为54馏,“胚珠-种子转化率”约为83.19。施肥处理有利于花芽发育,可使植株花芽败育率明显下降,开花比例升高;同时座果率和结籽率均显著提高,而果实败育率则显著降低。随剪除叶片量的增加,结果率明显降低,但果实败育率在处理间无显著差异;剪除弱小枝条及病虫枝后,个体总开花数虽有所下降,但是结果率和结籽率均显著提高。去除花后,长柄双花木平均单果重、单粒种子重均显著降低。营养水平的时空异质性使自然种群结籽率受到资源和花粉的限制;补充资源可以通过增强花对传粉者的吸引而间接影响传粉。长柄双花木自然种群的坐果率极低,而且存在严重的“大小年”结果现象,不同的因子可能对其低水平坐果率产生相互作用。选择性败育、子房供应和雄性功能假说似乎是长柄双花木“花多果少”的生殖策略的最合理解释。  相似文献   

以濒危植物崖柏(Thuja sutchuenensis Franch.)为对象,对其生殖物候、传粉机制进行观察,并采用石蜡切片法对其胚胎发育过程进行研究。结果显示:崖柏于8月分化出大、小孢子叶球,次年3月传粉,为花粉无气囊、具传粉滴、胚珠直立型传粉机制,球果于10月开裂;显微观察发现,传粉期花粉进入珠孔后,贮藏在珠心上方的贮粉室内,同时珠心组织中分化出孢原细胞,进入雌配子体发育阶段,5月中旬,花粉管开始萌发,6月初完成受精,进入胚胎发育阶段,10月初,胚胎发育成熟。研究表明崖柏从大、小孢子叶球形成至种子成熟的整个发育过程中均存在败育,而胚珠败育及雌配子体游离核时期至幼胚发育期间的败育是其生殖障碍的主要原因。本研究获得了崖柏生殖生物学的基础资料,为其人工繁育和制定保护策略提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

以濒危植物崖柏(Thuja sutchuenensis Franch.)为对象,对其生殖物候、传粉机制进行观察,并采用石蜡切片法对其胚胎发育过程进行研究。结果显示:崖柏于8月分化出大、小孢子叶球,次年3月传粉,为花粉无气囊、具传粉滴、胚珠直立型传粉机制,球果于10月开裂;显微观察发现,传粉期花粉进入珠孔后,贮藏在珠心上方的贮粉室内,同时珠心组织中分化出孢原细胞,进入雌配子体发育阶段,5月中旬,花粉管开始萌发,6月初完成受精,进入胚胎发育阶段,10月初,胚胎发育成熟。研究表明崖柏从大、小孢子叶球形成至种子成熟的整个发育过程中均存在败育,而胚珠败育及雌配子体游离核时期至幼胚发育期间的败育是其生殖障碍的主要原因。本研究获得了崖柏生殖生物学的基础资料,为其人工繁育和制定保护策略提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

毛翠雀花花序内的性分配和繁殖成功   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张新  安宇梦  史长莉  米兆荣  张婵 《广西植物》2021,41(8):1324-1332
两性花植物花序内不同位置的性分配和繁殖成功一般存在差异,通常认为资源竞争、结构效应和交配环境是形成这种差异的主要原因。为了研究雄性和雌性繁殖资源在花序内不同位置间的最优分配问题,该文以青藏高原高寒草甸典型高山植物毛翠雀花为材料,通过比较花序内不同位置的花部特征和种子性状,对其花序内的性分配模式和雌性繁殖成功进行研究,并通过观察传粉者运动特点以及人工去花和补授花粉实验,探讨花序内资源竞争和交配环境对繁殖资源分配的影响。结果表明:(1)不同位置间的雄蕊数、雄蕊鲜重/雌蕊鲜重、花粉数及花粉胚珠比从花序基部到上部显著增加,而雌蕊鲜重和胚珠数逐渐减少,表现出上部花偏雄的性分配;上部花的结籽率显著低于基部花和中部花,不同位置间的发育种子数/果实和发育种子重/果实随着花位置的升高而显著降低,说明基部花具有更佳的雌性繁殖成效。(2)去花处理后,剩余果实的单个种子重/果实显著增加,但发育种子数/果实没有显著增加;而给上部花人工补授异花花粉后,位置间结籽率的差异消失,说明传粉限制而非资源竞争导致了花序内位置依赖的种子生产模式。(3)毛翠雀花雄性先熟的开花特征,以及传粉者苏氏熊蜂从花序基部到上部的定向访花行为,导致了花序内交配环境的变化。综上结果表明,毛翠雀花花序内的性分配和繁殖成功差异是对交配环境适应的结果,对其在高山环境中实现雌雄适合度最优化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

二型花柱植物通常具有自交不亲和性,在不同植物中所表现的可育性不同。欧报春(Primula vulgaris)是典型的二型花柱植物,为了探究欧报春的繁育特性,通过温室栽培,对欧报春的长花柱和短花柱的花部特征、花粉和花柱形态、花粉活力、柱头可授性、花粉/胚珠比、杂交指数、杂交亲和性、花粉管观察进行研究。结果表明,(1)长花柱和短花柱的花冠直径、花冠筒长度、柱头高度、花药高度和花筒中部直径均表现出两型性;(2)花粉和柱头观察发现花粉极轴长、花粉赤道轴长、花柱直径、柱头乳突细胞和花粉数量均有差异;(3)长花柱的花粉/胚珠比为384.20,短花柱为369.70,属于兼性异交类型;长花柱和短花柱的花粉活力和柱头可授性能在较长时间内维持较高活力;(4)长花柱杂交指数值为5,短花柱为4,表明繁育系统类型为异交,部分自交亲和,需要传粉者;6种授粉组合均能结实,异型花间授粉的结实数明显高于同型自花授粉和异株同型授粉;短花柱为母本的异型花间授粉组合亲和性优于其他组合;欧报春存在自交不亲和性,长花柱的自交不亲和性低于短花柱。  相似文献   

王晓伟  韩佳玲  张爱勤 《生态学报》2022,42(12):4872-4881
种子的选择性败育在被子植物中普遍存在,开展结籽格局及其影响因素的研究有助于深入了解种子的形成机制及多样化的生殖对策。以刺叶锦鸡儿Caragana acanthophylla为材料,通过传粉过程、胚珠发育动态和资源分配状况的研究,以探讨种子的选择性败育格局及相关影响因素。结果显示:(1)刺叶锦鸡儿具高度自交不亲和性,为泛化的传粉系统,蜂类是主要的传粉者。自然状态的结实率为(86.00±4.96)%,不存在传粉限制,但受精具明显的时间效应。(2)刺叶锦鸡儿单花期4—5d,每朵花有(14.00±0.14)粒胚珠。胚珠的发育从荚果顶部开始,其中,开花后第3天荚果顶部胚珠开始膨大;第11天绝大多数胚珠出现了膨大,此时,在荚果基部的胚珠开始败育,随后荚果顶端受精后的胚珠也出现败育,最终仅荚果中部形成2—3粒种子。其结籽格局为成熟荚果中部胚珠,而败育荚果顶部和基部胚珠的选择性败育类型。(3)受微地形影响,居群内开花植株具斑块分布,对较少开花植株通过添加水肥进行资源调控后,结籽率显著提高,说明在种子形成过程中存在资源限制。综上所述,受精顺序和资源限制两个互逆的资源梯度决定了刺叶锦鸡儿的结籽格局。其中,...  相似文献   

 研究处于片断化生境中濒危植物的繁育系统、传粉过程及生殖成功状况, 可为评估物种的受胁迫程度及制订相应的保护和管理策略提 供重要依据。通过野外观察和人工授粉实验等方法,对片断化生境中濒危植物黄梅秤锤树(Sinojackia huangmeiensis)的开花生物学和繁育系统 进行了初步研究, 并探讨了影响其生殖成功的因素。黄梅秤锤树的总状花序上通常有两性花2~6朵, 单花花期约5~7 d, 单花花药不同步开裂 使整朵花花粉活力持续时间延长。虽然花开放过程中柱头始终高于花药, 在单花水平上可在一定程度上避免同花自交的发生, 但由于花粉活力 和柱头可授期之间有一定的重叠期, 在自然情况下, 由于外界媒介动物和风媒的作用, 不可避免地会产生同株同花和同株异花传粉。实验结果 表明, 该种不存在无融合生殖现象, 繁育类型以异交为主, 部分自交亲和且需要传粉者。主要的传粉昆虫为黑带食蚜蝇(Epistrophe balteata) 、中华蜜蜂 (Apis cerana) 和中华回条蜂(Habropoda sinensis)。黄梅秤锤树自然状态下的结实率较低(10.33%), 平均每果种子数较少(0.387 个), 这主要与传粉昆虫少、花粉传递效率低, 以及柱头上自花及同株异花花粉的落置和自交亲和性低有关。但是单株较大的开花量保证了一定 的果实和种子产量, 使居群能自然更新。部分自交亲和性可能为该物种适应生境片断化提供了一定的生殖保障及进化潜力。对该残存居群的保 护, 应着眼于加强对传粉昆虫赖以生存的自然生态系统的恢复。  相似文献   

在2007和2008年对大花百子莲(Agapanthus praecox subsp.orientalis‘Big Blue’)在群体、果序和单果水平上的结实和结籽格局进行了观测,并依据每花序单花数、单花胚珠数和单粒种子质量推算其单株潜在种子产量;此外,采用人工补充授粉方法研究了不同授粉方式对大花百子莲结实和结籽的影响,并对其种子产量的影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:从始花期、盛花期至末花期,随开花时间的延迟,大花百子莲植株的每花序单花数和座果率均逐渐降低,其中始花期开花的植株每花序单花数和座果率均最高。从果序基部、中部至顶端,座果率和结籽率均逐渐减小且差异显著。在果序基部和中部,果实内种子败育率沿果实基部至顶端依次降低,而单粒种子质量则依次增加;且果序基部的果实各部位的种子败育率均低于果序中部的果实,而单粒种子质量则差异不大。大花百子莲的单株潜在种子产量约为43.18 g,而其单株实际种子产量约为2.87 g,远低于其潜在种子产量。自然授粉的大花百子莲每柱头花粉数为27.5粒,而自花授粉、同株异花授粉和异株授粉的每柱头花粉数均超过100粒;与自然授粉、自花授粉和同株异花授粉植株相比,异株授粉植株的座果率和结籽率均显著增加。研究结果显示:大花百子莲的结实和结籽格局呈现非随机分布规律,在引种地存在有性繁殖障碍;养分和授粉状况是制约大花百子莲种子产量的重要因素。  相似文献   

黄花刺茄是一种具有严重危害性的外来入侵植物,本研究以分布于我国的4个黄花刺茄种群为材料,与其同属的外来非入侵植物少花龙葵为近缘种对照,在同质种植园内对其繁育系统进行了比较研究。黄花刺茄和少花龙葵在开放性授粉和补充授粉条件下的平均结籽率没有显著差异;套袋处理下,黄花刺茄的平均结籽率(29.5%)显著低于少花龙葵(47.0%);去雄套袋处理下两者均没有可育种子产出,表明黄花刺茄和少花龙葵均无自发无融合生殖特性。黄花刺茄的平均自交指数为0.38,低于少花龙葵(0.64);平均花粉限制指数(0.29)和平均传粉者的贡献指数(0.49)均大于少花龙葵(0.08和0.31)。目前黄花刺茄分布于中国的12个省份,在全球发生数量为3835次;少花龙葵分布于中国的18个省份,在全球发生数量为10897次。外来入侵植物黄花刺茄的自交亲和性低于外来非入侵植物少花龙葵,说明自交亲和性高低与两种植物的入侵性强弱无显著相关关系,但与其分布范围呈正相关。  相似文献   

For many plants, the number of pollen genotypes deposited on a flower’s stigma is positively related to fruit maturation and seed number; however, the mechanisms underlying this effect are less understood. Here we examined whether diversity of pollen (1, 3, or 5 donors) affects reproductive success in self-incompatible apple (Malus × domestica). Using paternity analysis, we then assessed the siring rate of individual donors to test whether diversity effects are related to the presence of a superior pollen donor or to donor × donor interactions. Increasing the diversity of compatible pollen enhanced seed number and reduced seed abortion in some but not all recipient genotypes. This effect was associated with an increased number of sires per fruit and non-random siring success among pollen donors. Two donors had consistently high siring rates, regardless of recipient genotype; however, the siring success of pollen donors was not correlated with their siring success in single-donor pollinations. Rather, siring success was affected by the identity of other pollen genotypes present on the stigma. Our results therefore suggest that the effects of pollen diversity are variable but may enhance fecundity by fostering interactions between pollen donors.  相似文献   

Vegetation structure and plant species diversity of restoration sites are predicted to directly affect pollinator attraction, with potential impacts on gene flow, reproduction, genetic diversity of future generations, and ultimately restoration success. We compared Banksia attenuata R.Br. (Proteaceae) in a low species diversity restoration site and an adjacent natural remnant. We assessed fecundity genetic diversity in adult plants and their offspring, mating system parameters and pollen dispersal using paternity assignment. Results were compared to an earlier study of reproductive functionality within a high species diversity restoration site that was restored in a similar manner, enabling us to investigate any association between plant species diversity and fecundity. Seed set data indicated no significant differences between restored and adjacent natural sites; however, seed set data between restoration sites was significantly different (2.08 ± 0.39 and 6.89 ± 1.12, respectively). The mean number of fruits (follicles) per inflorescence was not significantly different between restoration sites. Genetic diversity of adult plants and their offspring were comparable in all sites. Higher allelic richness and genetic differentiation in one restored site reflected sourcing beyond local provenance. Low correlated paternity indicated high levels of multiple siring of seeds and paternity assignment demonstrated strong genetic connectivity between sites. Reproductive functionality, as measured by fecundity and genetic diversity in the offspring of B. attenuata, is resilient to low species diversity within a restored plant community. We consider our results in the context of establishing seed production areas (SPAs) that maximize the quantity and genetic quality of Banksia seeds for restoration.  相似文献   

The influence of pollen competitive environment on pollen performance (pollen germination, stigmatic penetration, and pollen tube growth rate), the maturation or abortion of initiated fruit, seed size, and seedling vigor was explored by manipulating the size and diversity of stigmatic pollen loads on Mirabilis jalapa. All aspects of pollen performance significantly increased with the number of pollen grains on a stigma or pollen tubes in a style, but was not influenced by the diversity of pollen donors. Plants tended to mature single-ovulate fruits that came from flowers where pollen load size and diversity were greatest and aborted those where these were lowest. No plants from seeds resulting from pollinations with a single pollen grain survived, but other fitness measures were mostly determined by maternal plant. The data suggest that pollen performance is influenced by pollen competitive environment, and both the genetic diversity of the pollen load and number of competing pollen tubes are important determinants of seed/fruit abortion.  相似文献   

Flower, fruit and immature seed abortion was studied in seven self-incompatible species of trees in a tropical lowland semideciduous forest. The species showed considerable variability in fruit and seed set and the rate at which flowers and fruits were aborted. The amount of flower and fruit abortion also varied over time within species. Small samples of open-pollinated flowers in three species showed adequate amounts of pollen on the stigma, but it could not be determined whether the pollen was compatible or incompatible. In a species with multiseeded fruits, the aborted fruits contained significantly fewer seeds than those retained on the plant. Position of fruit within the inflorescence and of seed within the ovary also had a marked effect on abortion: fruits and seeds at certain positions had a higher probability of abortion than those at other positions. Experiments to test the effect of pollen source on abortion were inconclusive. The factors underlying abortions were evaluated in the context of three mutually non-exclusive hypotheses. It is concluded that selection for increased pollen dispersal and uncertainty in paternity of the zygotes are major factors underlying abortions.  相似文献   

Summary I examined the effects of pollen loads containing pollen from one, three and five donors on fruit production and fruit quality in Campsis radicans. Number of pollen donors had no significant effect on % fruit production, seed number, seed weight or seed germination. In singledonor pollinations the identity of the donor did have a strong effect on the above parameters. Furthermore, the best single donor sired fruits with more seeds and heavier seeds than any mixture containing this donor. This pattern indicates interference of pollens or preemption of some ovules by the inferior pollen. In Campsis, therefore, the number of pollen donors contributing to a pollen load is less important than the identity of these donors in determining fruit production and fruit quality. Seeds from fruits resulting from mixed pollination were slightly more variable than seeds from fruits resulting from single-donor pollinations.  相似文献   

We present evidence that extreme seed size variation in fruits of Crinum erubescens (range: 0.1 to 66.5 g per seed) occurs when mating pairs are inbred, either from selfing or biparental inbreeding. Several relatively uniform seeds of intermediate size are produced when pollen from several pollen donors is applied simultaneously to a flower. Selfed fruits and some fruits pollinated with a single pollen donor produce both large and small seeds, although selfed fruits produce fewer seeds than outcrossed fruit. These results are contrary to the hypothesis that variation in seed size is attributable to either pollen competition or differential allocation of maternal resource to seeds of different genotypes.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated, using controlled pollinations, that the number and identity of pollen grains deposited onto a flower's stigma affect the reproductive success of plants. However, few studies have shown this relationship under conditions of natural pollination. Using the tropical dry forest tree Pachira quinata, we evaluated the relationship between the number of microgametophytes per pistil and the number of sires with respect to the production of fruits and seeds in a natural population of Pachira quinata. Our study demonstrates that fruit and seed production are directly related to the number of microgametophytes per pistil in natural populations of P. quinata. Only 6% of the marked flowers developed into mature fruits and 10% of the marked flowers initiated fruits but later aborted them. A mean of 23 pollen grains were required to produce a seed. Flowers with >400 pollen grains on the stigma always developed into mature fruits, whereas flowers that received <200 grains never matured fruits. Half of the pollen grains transferred to a flower stigma germinated and developed pollen tubes to the base of the style. The number of pollen grains on a stigma explained 34% of the variation in seed number per fruit, and the number of seeds produced per fruit is positively correlated with the size of the seeds. The population of P. quinata studied is predominantly outcrossing, and seeds within fruits are sired by one or a few donors. The total seed crop within trees was sired by three to five donors. Our study examined the implications of the variation in size of microgametophyte loads per pistil with respect to the breeding system and the paternity of progeny under natural conditions. The competitive ability of pollen and pollen tube attrition are important factors regulating fruit production in P. quinata.  相似文献   

Reproductive ecology of Agalinis acuta was investigated by examining potential for self-fertilization before and at anthesis, reproductive output from outcrossed vs. selfed matings, and effects of browsing, plant size, and conspecific plant density on seed and fruit production. These features of a plant species can provide indirect information pertinent to conservation such as patterns and maintenance of genetic diversity, risk associated with inbreeding depression, and changes in pollinator abundance or effectiveness. The species is self-compatible, with 97% of selfed flowers setting fruit; pollinators were not required for reproduction. However, seed set in self-pollinated fruits averaged 17-20% less than that in open-pollinated fruits. Geitonogamous and facilitated selfing are possible throughout anthesis and autonomous selfing is possible late in anthesis as corollas abscise. Delaying self-pollination until after outcrossing opportunities likely limits selfing rates and thus reduces risks associated with inbreeding but allows reproduction in absence of pollinators. Supplementing pollen on open-pollinated flowers yielded no additional seed set over controls. Neither early-season browsing of primary stems nor conspecific plant density had significant effects on number of fruits per plant, on fruit size, or on number of seeds from open-pollinated flowers. Currently, reproduction appears to be high (about 2400 seeds/plant), and future risks due to lack of genetic diversity are likely low.  相似文献   

Nonrandom mating in plants may involve differential success of self- vs. outcross pollen, of pollen from relatives vs. nonrelatives, and of pollen from several compatible donors. Of these, the last is least understood. Wild radish plants were crossed with six pollen donors in all possible combinations to investigate differences in pollen donor performance and to compare multiply sired fruits with different numbers and identities of fathers. Pollen donors differed in number of seeds sired, position of seeds sired within fruits, and mass of seeds sired. Performance in single pollination was not a good predictor of performance in mixed pollination. Performance in two-donor pollinations was a better predictor of the outcome of multidonor pollinations. Multiply sired fruits were selectively filled, but not all multiply sired fruits were equal. Both the number and identity of donors affected fruit filling. These results and others with wild radish suggest that variation in pollen donor ability to sire seeds is relatively common in wild radish. Since wild radish plants in the field typically receive pollen from several donors, there may be considerable opportunity for selection at this stage of the life cycle in wild radish.  相似文献   

The timing and effectiveness of pollinator visitation to flowers is an important factor influencing mating patterns and reproductive success. Multiple pollinator probes to a flower may increase both the quantity and genetic diversity of progeny, especially if single probes deposit insufficient pollen for maximal seed set or if the interval between probes is brief. When pollen carryover is limited, sequential pollen loads may also differ markedly in sire representation. We hypothesized that these conditions help explain high levels of multiple paternity in Mimulus ringens fruits. We documented all bee visits to individual flowers, quantified resulting seed set, and determined paternity for 20 seeds per fruit. Most (76%) flowers received multiple probes, and the interval between probes was usually <30 min. Flowers probed multiple times produced 44% more seeds than flowers probed once. All fruits were multiply sired. Flowers receiving a single probe averaged 3.12 outcross sires per fruit, indicating that single probes deposit pollen from several donors. Multiple paternity was even greater after three or more probes (4.92 outcross sires), demonstrating that sequential visits bring pollen from donors not represented in the initial probe.  相似文献   

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