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种子植物的选择性败育及其进化生态意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
种子植物的选择性败育是指植株在花粉源、传粉次序、果实在植株上的位置和发育果实中的种子数目等因素或者这些因素综合作用的基础上对发育中的幼果或种子选择性败育的现象。植株可以选择性地败育位于果序顶部或基部的果实以及位于果实基部、中部或柱头端的种子。此现象在被子植物中比较普遍,特别是在豆科、十字花科和紫草科中最为常见。导致植物选择性败育的主要原因主要有资源限制和遗传因子两个方面。植物通过选择性败育部分自交或基因型较差的果实或种子,不仅可以提高母本和后代的适合度,而且还可以提高果实或种子的扩散效率。因此,对选择性败育的研究在深入了解植物的结实结籽格局、探讨其进化式样与机制等方面具有重要意义。该文系统总结了国际上有关植物选择性败育的研究工作,重点介绍了选择性败育发生的式样、导致选择性败育的因素、选择性败育的进化生态意义,以及目前研究选择性败育现象的主要方法,并对该领域今后研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

施翔  王建成  张道远  刘会良 《生态学报》2011,31(17):4935-4940
连续2a采用野外记录的方式对荒漠植物准噶尔无叶豆的结实、结籽格局进行了比较研究。结果表明:植株内花序生成格局表现为不同大小的花序在总花序中的比重与其结实率存在显著正相关,其中含有中等花数目的花序所占的比重及其结实率均最高,此种分布格局能够最大程度的保证繁殖成功;果序内果实生成格局表现为单花着生位置(从近柄端算起)与其结实量占总结实量的比例成线性负相关,花序基部的结实比例最高,顶部结实比例近为0;荚果内种子生成格局表现为:中间位置的胚珠败育率最低。另外,年际间荚果内仅有(1.08±0.03)粒和(1.07±0.03)粒种子能够完全成熟,此种结籽格局是准噶尔无叶豆保证后代质量的最佳策略。  相似文献   

徐旭剑  孙杉  操国兴 《广西植物》2017,37(3):335-341
两性花植物花序内的性分配常存在差异,资源竞争、结构效应、交配环境(雌雄异熟、传粉者定向访花行为等)或授粉不均匀等几种假说可以解释这种现象。为验证上述假说,该研究以云南草寇两种表型(雄先熟型和雌先熟型)为材料,分析了其花序内不同部位(基部、中部和顶部)的每花花粉数、胚珠数、花粉/胚珠比、结实率和结籽率,花序内传粉者的定向访花行为,以及人工辅助授粉和去花处理对结实率和结籽率的影响。结果表明:两种表型花序内每花花粉数不随部位而变化,每花胚珠数、结实率和结籽率由基部到顶部依次降低,每花花粉/胚珠比由基部到顶部依次增加,表明顶部花存在偏雄的性分配。人工辅助授粉后,结实率、结籽率仍由基部到顶部依次降低,表明授粉不均匀假说不能解释云南草寇花序内不同部位结实率、结籽率的差异。去除基部和中部花后,顶部花人工辅助授粉条件下的结实率、结籽率与基部花人工辅助授粉条件下的结实率、结籽率无差异,表明云南草寇花序内不同部位结实率、结籽率的差异主要由资源竞争引起。雌先熟表型每花花粉数、花粉/胚珠比高于雄先熟表型,表明两种表型存在性分配差异。传粉者主要先访问云南草寇基部的花,然后向顶部移动。云南草寇花序内顶部偏雄的性分配可能是由资源竞争和传粉者定向访花造成的。  相似文献   

在2007和2008年对大花百子莲(Agapanthus praecox subsp.orientalis‘Big Blue’)在群体、果序和单果水平上的结实和结籽格局进行了观测,并依据每花序单花数、单花胚珠数和单粒种子质量推算其单株潜在种子产量;此外,采用人工补充授粉方法研究了不同授粉方式对大花百子莲结实和结籽的影响,并对其种子产量的影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:从始花期、盛花期至末花期,随开花时间的延迟,大花百子莲植株的每花序单花数和座果率均逐渐降低,其中始花期开花的植株每花序单花数和座果率均最高。从果序基部、中部至顶端,座果率和结籽率均逐渐减小且差异显著。在果序基部和中部,果实内种子败育率沿果实基部至顶端依次降低,而单粒种子质量则依次增加;且果序基部的果实各部位的种子败育率均低于果序中部的果实,而单粒种子质量则差异不大。大花百子莲的单株潜在种子产量约为43.18 g,而其单株实际种子产量约为2.87 g,远低于其潜在种子产量。自然授粉的大花百子莲每柱头花粉数为27.5粒,而自花授粉、同株异花授粉和异株授粉的每柱头花粉数均超过100粒;与自然授粉、自花授粉和同株异花授粉植株相比,异株授粉植株的座果率和结籽率均显著增加。研究结果显示:大花百子莲的结实和结籽格局呈现非随机分布规律,在引种地存在有性繁殖障碍;养分和授粉状况是制约大花百子莲种子产量的重要因素。  相似文献   

以濒危植物崖柏(Thuja sutchuenensis Franch.)为对象,对其生殖物候、传粉机制进行观察,并采用石蜡切片法对其胚胎发育过程进行研究。结果显示:崖柏于8月分化出大、小孢子叶球,次年3月传粉,为花粉无气囊、具传粉滴、胚珠直立型传粉机制,球果于10月开裂;显微观察发现,传粉期花粉进入珠孔后,贮藏在珠心上方的贮粉室内,同时珠心组织中分化出孢原细胞,进入雌配子体发育阶段,5月中旬,花粉管开始萌发,6月初完成受精,进入胚胎发育阶段,10月初,胚胎发育成熟。研究表明崖柏从大、小孢子叶球形成至种子成熟的整个发育过程中均存在败育,而胚珠败育及雌配子体游离核时期至幼胚发育期间的败育是其生殖障碍的主要原因。本研究获得了崖柏生殖生物学的基础资料,为其人工繁育和制定保护策略提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

濒危植物长柄双花木自然种群结实的花粉和资源限制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长柄双花木(Disanthus cercidifolius Maxim.vsr.longipes H.T.Chang)只零星分布于湖南、江西和浙江等省的少数县,已处于濒危状态。通过对其野外自然种群试验,研究了花粉和资源的有效性对雌性生殖的影响,并进一步探讨了长柄双花木“花多果少”的生殖机制。结果表明:不同来源的花粉对长柄双花木结果率及结籽率均产生显著影响。花粉来源而不是花粉数量对长柄双花木结实存在显著影响。自然条件下,长柄双花木“花一果转化率”约为54馏,“胚珠-种子转化率”约为83.19。施肥处理有利于花芽发育,可使植株花芽败育率明显下降,开花比例升高;同时座果率和结籽率均显著提高,而果实败育率则显著降低。随剪除叶片量的增加,结果率明显降低,但果实败育率在处理间无显著差异;剪除弱小枝条及病虫枝后,个体总开花数虽有所下降,但是结果率和结籽率均显著提高。去除花后,长柄双花木平均单果重、单粒种子重均显著降低。营养水平的时空异质性使自然种群结籽率受到资源和花粉的限制;补充资源可以通过增强花对传粉者的吸引而间接影响传粉。长柄双花木自然种群的坐果率极低,而且存在严重的“大小年”结果现象,不同的因子可能对其低水平坐果率产生相互作用。选择性败育、子房供应和雄性功能假说似乎是长柄双花木“花多果少”的生殖策略的最合理解释。  相似文献   

以濒危植物崖柏(Thuja sutchuenensis Franch.)为对象,对其生殖物候、传粉机制进行观察,并采用石蜡切片法对其胚胎发育过程进行研究。结果显示:崖柏于8月分化出大、小孢子叶球,次年3月传粉,为花粉无气囊、具传粉滴、胚珠直立型传粉机制,球果于10月开裂;显微观察发现,传粉期花粉进入珠孔后,贮藏在珠心上方的贮粉室内,同时珠心组织中分化出孢原细胞,进入雌配子体发育阶段,5月中旬,花粉管开始萌发,6月初完成受精,进入胚胎发育阶段,10月初,胚胎发育成熟。研究表明崖柏从大、小孢子叶球形成至种子成熟的整个发育过程中均存在败育,而胚珠败育及雌配子体游离核时期至幼胚发育期间的败育是其生殖障碍的主要原因。本研究获得了崖柏生殖生物学的基础资料,为其人工繁育和制定保护策略提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

毛翠雀花花序内的性分配和繁殖成功   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张新  安宇梦  史长莉  米兆荣  张婵 《广西植物》2021,41(8):1324-1332
两性花植物花序内不同位置的性分配和繁殖成功一般存在差异,通常认为资源竞争、结构效应和交配环境是形成这种差异的主要原因。为了研究雄性和雌性繁殖资源在花序内不同位置间的最优分配问题,该文以青藏高原高寒草甸典型高山植物毛翠雀花为材料,通过比较花序内不同位置的花部特征和种子性状,对其花序内的性分配模式和雌性繁殖成功进行研究,并通过观察传粉者运动特点以及人工去花和补授花粉实验,探讨花序内资源竞争和交配环境对繁殖资源分配的影响。结果表明:(1)不同位置间的雄蕊数、雄蕊鲜重/雌蕊鲜重、花粉数及花粉胚珠比从花序基部到上部显著增加,而雌蕊鲜重和胚珠数逐渐减少,表现出上部花偏雄的性分配;上部花的结籽率显著低于基部花和中部花,不同位置间的发育种子数/果实和发育种子重/果实随着花位置的升高而显著降低,说明基部花具有更佳的雌性繁殖成效。(2)去花处理后,剩余果实的单个种子重/果实显著增加,但发育种子数/果实没有显著增加;而给上部花人工补授异花花粉后,位置间结籽率的差异消失,说明传粉限制而非资源竞争导致了花序内位置依赖的种子生产模式。(3)毛翠雀花雄性先熟的开花特征,以及传粉者苏氏熊蜂从花序基部到上部的定向访花行为,导致了花序内交配环境的变化。综上结果表明,毛翠雀花花序内的性分配和繁殖成功差异是对交配环境适应的结果,对其在高山环境中实现雌雄适合度最优化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

依靠动物传粉的植物, 其繁殖成功 (胚珠受精与花粉散布 ) 很大程度上取决于访花动物的种类和拜访行为, 而访花动物的种类和行为又受植物提供给传粉者的回报, 主要是花蜜分泌格局的影响。通过对姜科山姜属植物云南草蔻 (Alpiniablepharocalyx) 花蜜分泌量及糖分含量的测定, 拜访动物种类、传粉昆虫拜访频率及停留时间的调查, 主要盗蜜者花松鼠 (Tamiopsswinhoei) 的盗蜜行为观察, 植物的结实率以及结籽量的分析等, 探讨花蜜分泌与传粉昆虫的关系以及盗蜜对果实及种子生产的影响。研究表明 :云南草蔻的两种花型花蜜的分泌量在一天的单花开花过程中呈现相反的格局, 花柱上举型花下午的花蜜分泌量高于上午, 而花柱下垂型花则上午略高于下午 ;两种花型花蜜的糖分浓度都随着开花时间而下降 ;共有 17种访花动物拜访云南草蔻的花, 其中 8种具有传粉作用 ;传粉昆虫的停留时间随拜访频率的不断增加而缩短 ;被盗蜜植株与未被盗蜜植株的结实率差异不显著而结籽量差异显著。  相似文献   

鹅掌楸雌配子体败育对生殖的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
胚珠和雌配子体败育是限制鹅掌楸生殖成功的一个重要因素。中国东部和西部鹅掌楸种群在雌配子体发育的各阶段上的败育程度有差异,以西部种群的发育较好。西部分布区较合适的生境促进了胚囊的发育,一定温度和湿度的环境可以活化珠心细胞输送营养物质供给雌配子体发育,提高受精和结籽的能力  相似文献   

M. E. Martin  T. D. Lee 《Oecologia》1993,94(4):503-509
We examined the effects of pollen source and resource availability on ovule abortion in the annual legumeCassia fasciculata. Pollen source was controlled by hand-pollinating flowers with cross- or self-pollen. Resource availability to developing fruits was controlled by adjusting fruit loads (heavy versus light) on each plant and exposing plants to different photoperiod cycles (16 vs 12 h of light; short days favor fruit growth at the expense of vegetative growth). In mature fruits the proportion of ovules expanding (showing some development over virgin ovules) ranged from 89–95% and did not increase with resource availability, suggesting that unexpanded ovules were either unfertilized or obligately aborted shortly after fertilization. The proportion of expanded ovules maturing in mature fruits was near 97% for both self- and crosspollinations in the treatment with highest resource availability (light load, short days) and lower in the remaining treatments, where self-pollination resulted in up to 9% lower seed maturation than cross-pollination. In the latter three treatments a pollen source effect was dependent upon the maternal plant; in some plants selfing increased abortion and in others it did not. Collectively, the results suggest that (1) both pollen source and resource availability affect ovule abortion, (2) at least some abortion is facultative, and (3) when resources are limited, self-pollination increases abortion in some but not all maternal plants.  相似文献   

The seed yield of lucerne is poor, in contrast to its good vegetativegrowth. This is partly due to a lack of pollination under naturalconditions, pod abortion and the production of only a few seedsper pod. In this study, lucerne plants were grown in controlledconditions and about 30% of the inflorescences were pollinatedmanually. There were about 10 ovules per flower, which remainedconstant throughout the flowering period. There were 4.5 seedsper pod, indicating over 50% seed abortion. One group of plantswas defoliated and the lack of recent assimilates at floweringcaused a small but significant decrease in the number of seedsper pod (4.1). The effect of defoliation varied with seed age;the youngest fertile inflorescences were the most affected andthere was no effect at around 400C d–1 . This stage markedthe end of the lag phase, which was determined separately incontrol plants. Thus, it is assumed that this date is the abortionlimiting stage (ALS) for this species. The long lag phase forlucerne could be a key influence on seed yield. The longer theALS, the greater the risk of vegetative competition, thus reducingreproductive development. Key words: Lucerne, flowering, pollination, abortion limiting stage (ALS), seed production  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: It has been claimed that ovules linearly ordered within a fruit differ in their probabilities of reaching maturity. This was investigated by studying the effect the position of an ovule within the pod has on seed abortion and seed production in Bauhinia ungulata. METHODS: Fruits collected during the dry seasons of 1999, 2000 and 2001 were opened, and the number, position and status of each ovule within the fruit were recorded. A GLM model was used to assess the effects of population, tree identity and ovule position within the pod on ovule fertilization, seed abortion, seed damage and seed maturation in two populations of B. ungulata. KEY RESULTS: Nearly 30% of the ovules were not fertilized in 1999; this percentage dropped to 5% the following two years. Seed abortion (50%) and seed damage (15%) were the same every year during the study period. Only 15% of the initial ovules developed into mature seeds in 1999; this value increased to 35% in 2000 and 2001. However, seed survivorship was dependent on the position of the ovule within the pod; non-fertilized and early aborted ovules were found more often near the basal end of the ovary. The frequency of seed damage was not affected by position. Mature seeds were found mainly in the stylar half of fruits, where ovules are likely to be fertilized by fast pollen tubes. CONCLUSIONS: The pattern of seed production in B. ungulata is non-random but is dependent upon the position of the ovule within the pod. The results suggest that the seeds produced within a fruit might differ in their vigour.  相似文献   

Pollination, fertilization and ovule abortion were studied in Oxalis magnifica (Rose) Knuth, a strongly self-incompatible herb that regularly matures only a fraction of its ovules. Examination of cleared ovules indicated that among 9 individuals the average number of ovules fertilized ranged from 48–92%. The remaining ovules either failed to produce female gametophytes, or more commonly contained unfertilized female gametophytes, despite large numbers of compatible pollen grains that were placed on stigmas. Abortion of fertlized ovules could be detected first by the flattened and enlarged appearance of the endosperm nuclei, followed by visible deterioration of the embryo. Among individuals the rate of embryo abortion varied from 3.4–47.9%. At lower levels of pollination an almost one-to-one relationship existed between the number of pollen grains placed on stigmas and the number of seeds matured in the capsule. No threshold number of pollen grains necessary for successful pollen tube growth and fertilization could be demonstrated. Reduction in seed number through embryo abortion provides an opportunity for selection among developing seeds. The potential for this form of selection varies widely among individuals of Oxalis magnifica, which showed a 14-fold variation in the average percentage of aborted ovules.  相似文献   

In winter oilseed rape (WOSR), only a subset of ovules can develop into seeds in the majority of pods. Any difficulty during the process of seed production may result in seed or pod abortion. This study aimed to reproduce the process of seed development in WOSR based on a limited number of parameters. As a result of the complexity of the developmental patterns of WOSR, it is challenging to identify the roles of various factors that influence seed production using an experimental approach. Here, we present a stochastic probabilistic model of seed development. The generalised least squares method was implemented to estimate the model parameters using the experimental data. Experiments were done in Grignon (France) in 2008 and 2009. The variations in the parameters were analysed according to the following four factors: year, pod rank, inflorescence position and ramification‐clipping treatment. The year had no effect on the number of ovules per ovary (μ) and the probability of seed viability (p). The proportion of effective pollen grains (k) significantly decreased with pod rank at the end of the main stem. Inflorescence position influenced the number of ovules per ovary (μ: 30.8–33.8 from top to bottom) and the parameter k. The mean number of seeds per pod on the main stem and the bottom ramification along the stem was larger than the other ramifications within one plant. Ramification‐clipping treatment increased the number of ovules per ovary (μ: 31 for control plants and 32 for clipped plants), the parameter k and the number of seeds per pod (p). This effect could be due to the competition for assimilates between the pods and seeds. Furthermore, the distribution parameters of the pollen number per stigma (m) remained stable, and the probability of pod survival (Bo) varied with different factors, including the year, pod rank and inflorescence position. Our results indicate that pollen germination is a factor that determines final seed number. This model can identify the impact of each of the factors that lead to the abortion of seeds and pods in WOSR, which include the position effect, assimilate competition and pollination limitation. However, further studies on the pollination process in WOSR should help to refine this model.  相似文献   

Summary Only one ovule matures into a seed inMelilotus officinalis. Although eight ovules form within an ovary, only the basal ovule develops into a mature seed, whereas the other ovules degenerate. The investigation of ovule and seed structure at different developmental stages and a comparison of quantitative characters of differently fated ovules within an ovary were undertaken by light, phase contrast, and fluorescence microscopy. In this species, campylotropous ovules develop simultaneously on marginal placentae in an apocarpous unilocular gynoecium. Megasporo- and megagametogenesis proceed normally and are completed in bud. The maturation of the Polygonum type embryo sac takes place after the flower opens. Shortly before fertilization, synergids show signs of degeneration in all ovules. At this stage, neither the structure nor the sizes of ovules within one ovary differ significantly. In spite of this, only the basal ovule develops into a seed. Rarely, one of the upper-situated ovules or the basal and another ovule mature into seeds. Seed enlargement is insignificant until the stage when globular embryo and nuclear endosperm are formed. At the seed-filling stage, other ovules have collapsed and the seed gradually comes to occupy the total volume of the pod. The fruit-to-seed length ratio decreases considerably during seed ripening. At fertilization, ovary length is four times greater than ovule length. In the mature state, the fruit and seed lengths are approximately equal. Seed size and weight diminish with an increase in seed number within a pod, although pod size remains constant. It is assumed that nonrandom abortion of young seeds inM. officinalis is under maternal control and is not related to structural abnormalities in ovule development or with limitation in pollen. We suppose that evolution of this species may have proceeded in the direction of a decrease in seed number and an increase in its sizes, which may play an important role in seed dispersal and seedling establishment.  相似文献   

In Chamaecrista fasciculata, fruit abortion levels are high and seed mass is highly variable, necessary preconditions for differential resource allocation of the female to seed and fruit sired by different males. This study investigated the relative role of pollen donor and seed parent on the allocation of resouces to developing seed and fruit, and assessed the role of genetic relatedness in contributing to any observed paternal effect in C. fasciculata. In addition, pollen donor effects were contrasted to within-seed parent sources of variation in resource allocation due to pollination date and ovule position in the pod. Plants collected from the field were brought to a greenhouse where single-donor crosses were conducted controlling for pollen donor source and interplant distance, a measure of genetic relatedness. Seed mass, number of seed/fruit, fruit maturation time, and fruit abortion rate were measured as indicators of resource allocation to developing seed and fruit. Variation in resource allocation was largely determined by the seed parent. Pollen donor effects were limited to differences between self vs. non-self pollinations, suggesting that inbreeding depression following mating events between related individuals is the source of any variation among pollen donors on differential resource allocation to developing seed and fruit. Once the effect of inbreeding was removed, however, pollination date and ovule position played larger roles than pollen source. Since there was no detectable variation among male pollen donors in their ability to accrue resources from the female seed parent apart from inbreeding effects, it is concluded that the opportunity for postzygotic mate choice is limited in C. fasciculata.  相似文献   

M. Ramsey 《Oecologia》1995,103(1):101-108
The extent, frequency and causes of pollenlimited seed production were examined in partially selffertile populations of Blandfordia grandiflora for 2 years. Percentage seed set of open-pollinated plants (50–57%) did not differ within or between years, and was about 19% less than experimentally cross-pollinated plants (70–75%). Floral visits by honeybees did not differ through the flowering season and the number of pollen grains deposited on stigmas within 12 h of flowers opening exceeded the number of ovules per flower, indicating that the quality rather than the quantity of pollination limited seed set. Pollen limitation was caused by concurrent self- and cross-pollination and the subsequent abortion of some selfed ovules due to inbreeding depression. Natural seed set (55%) was intermediate between selfed (43%) and crossed (75%) flowers and was not increased when flowers that had been available to pollinators for 24 h were hand cross-pollinated, suggesting that ovules were already fertilized. Similarly, experimental pollination with both cross and self pollen within 24 h of flowers opening did not increase seed set relative to natural seed set, indicating that both cross- and self-fertilizations had occurred. In contrast, when selfing followed crossing by 48 h, or vice versa, seed set did not differ from crossed-only or selfed-only flowers, respectively, indicating that ovules were pre-empted by the first pollination. Collectively, these results indicate that under natural conditions self pollen pre-empts ovules, rendering them unavailable for cross-fertilization. This selfing reduces fecundity by 50%, as estimated from the natural production of cross seeds when selfing was prevented. Consequently, selection should favour floral traits, such as increased stigma-anther separation or protandry, that reduce interference between male and female functions that leads to selfing.  相似文献   

Plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) cv. Olwen and three genotypes of each of three self-fertile inbred lines of white clover were grown from seed in a bee-proof glasshouse. When in flower, a series of crosses within and between the self-incompatible (SI) and self-fertile (SF) lines was made and ovule growth and seed production measured 7 and 28 days after pollination (DAP) respectively. At harvest, the SF plants had a lower proportion of ovules aborting and more seeds per floret than the SI plants, though the mean seed weight of the SI plants was greater. Ovule abortion was observed in both the SF and SI plants though the number of aborted ovules was greater in the SI plants. The stage when abortion occurred also differed. All of the ovule abortion in the SI plants occurred within a 7-day period after pollination. In the SF plants, some abortion was observed in this period but also between 7 and 28 DAP, when the seed was harvested. This suggested that abortion, up to 7 DAP, is due primarily to genetic factors whilst subsequent abortion, between 7 and 28 DAP, is due to non-genetic factors.  相似文献   

Lord JM  Westoby M 《Oecologia》2006,150(2):310-317
Accessory costs of reproduction are those that are necessary to mature a seed, but that do not involve the direct cost of provisioning the seed itself. This study aims to quantify accessory costs in a range of species, and test whether they decrease as a proportion of total reproductive expenditure with increasing seed mass, as might be expected if economies of scale came into play at larger seed sizes. We also test whether accessory costs varied with growth form, pollination mode, and dispersal mode, with the expectation that biotic pollination and dispersal modes should incur greater costs. Reproductive allocation (dry biomass) over one season, was calculated for 14 diclinous angiosperm species. Accessory costs averaged 73% of total reproductive allocation, with the majority spent on packaging and dispersal. Total accessory costs, packaging and dispersal costs, and costs incurred prior to pollination were proportional to direct costs of reproduction in major axis regressions. However, larger seeded species incurred significantly greater costs associated with aborted seeds and fruits, and matured a smaller proportion of ovules. This is consistent with larger seeded species being more selective of the ovules/embryos matured than small-seeded species. Total accessory costs, and proportion of ovules aborted, were also significantly greater for biotically dispersed species, but only due to an association with larger seed masses. Costs associated with abortions were lower for biotically pollinated species, due to a general trend of more ovules per ovary, resulting in greater cost sharing. This study demonstrates that expenditure on items other than seeds accounts for the majority of reproductive allocation in flowering plants. Yet, far more literature exists on seed mass variation than on investment in accessory structures. We found a proportional relationship between accessory costs and seed mass that warrants further investigation within the context of selection on margin returns on investment.  相似文献   

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