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棘尾虫接合生殖期间核对形态发生的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本文完成了四项实验,即1.促成棘尾虫无小核系与有小核系接合;2.诱导无小核系自系接合;3.在正常接合对上摘除全部大核或一个接合体的大核及小核;4.在正常接合后体上对老大核碎块和新大核胚基进行损伤实验。以改进过的黑色素法显示这些实验的结果,发现第一次接合形态发生和小核的有性过程都主要是由大核支持的,小核在第一次形态发生中也起重要作用。这些核产物可从一个有核接合体穿过细胞质桥去支持另一无核接合体的发育。本文还发现接合第二次形态发生由新大核胚基控制。损伤染色体和多线染色体时期的大核胚基,第二次形态发生消失或不正带。越过第二次形态发生的大核胚基显著增强耐受损伤的能力,这些结果符合Prescott等(1973)对棘尾虫大核遗传装置的设想。  相似文献   

对上海四膜虫(Tetrahymena shanghaiensis)有小核细胞和无小核细胞的接合过程进行了跟踪观察,发现在四膜虫中也存在胞质配合(cytogamy)。在接合对中,有小核细胞一方可以完成正常的减数分裂过程,既有配子核的形成、配子核的融合、配子核分裂,最终形成两个有小核的子细胞。虽然有小核细胞的配子核并不进入无小核细胞,但是两细胞间却有细胞的迁移与交换。在整个接合过程中,无小核细胞的大核  相似文献   

棘尾虫无小核镜像骈体的获得及其生殖行为的实验观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
史新柏  丘子健 《动物学报》1989,35(4):364-369
用在分裂期进行显微手术的方法和在陈旧培养中诱导的方法,从贻贝棘尾虫天然无小核系S_(10)中获得了无小核镜像骈体。对骈体的各种生殖行为进行了观察,并用孚尔根和改进的黑色素染色技术揭示了它们的细胞学细节。发现在本文描述的无小核骈体和过去报告的有小核骈体之间,在二分裂和生理再生上没有显著区别。无小核骈体和正常单体S_7之间的接合命运则是多样化的。在630个这样的接合对中,有257对发生了真正的接合并形成接合后体;有153对接合不久包囊化;在其余的220对中,一个接合体吸收了另一个,变成营养型的单体和有小核的骈体。前者占总吸收者的96.8%,后者只占3.2%。对接合和吸收两种情况的细胞学事件进行了详细观察。无小核骈体中的两组细胞质和双套大核能吸引其配偶中的小核,形成自己新的双套大核胚基及小核胚基,在本文的讨论中受到充分注意。  相似文献   

双小核草履虫在遗传学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双小核草履虫(Paraecium aurelia)比尾草履虫(P.caudatum)较为小些(长约135微米,宽35—40微米),细胞内含有一个多倍体的大核和两个双倍体的小核(尾草履虫则含有一个大核和一个小核)。双小核草履虫的有性生殖及其遗传学双小核草履虫的接合生殖开始时,两个草履虫先在近前端的无纤毛区附着,以后,附着区逐渐扩大,咽道区的膜发生融合,两个接合体之间产生了细胞质通道。随着每个接合体内的大核渐趋瓦解,而所含的两个小核均发生减数分裂,经过连续二次分裂后,每个细胞内的小核数变为8个。接着每个细胞的8个小核有7个瓦解,剩下的各一个单倍体小核经有丝分裂产生两个配子核,其中一个是动核,另一个是静核。两个接合体中的动核经过细胞质通道各自移到对方细胞中,与对方的静核结合成合子核。两  相似文献   

为查明有性生殖期间小核对形态发生的影响程度和范围 ,我们利用蛋白银染色对冠突伪尾柱虫不同交配型无小核体之间的接合过程进行了跟踪观察。结果表明 :无小核细胞的交配反应能力明显下降 ;接合双方第一次皮膜形态发生如常进行 ,但纤毛器原基分化往往出现异常 ;接合后体照常进入拟包囊阶段 ,但原有纤毛器多不从皮膜上消失 ;由于没有新核器形成 ,均不能启动第二次形态发生并于拟包囊早期解体死亡。因此 ,小核对于维持接合早期及第一次皮膜改组的正常进行具有某些明显作用 ,其衍生的大核原基对于启动后续的发育则是绝对必要的  相似文献   

嗜热四膜虫接合生殖周期皮层骨架蛋白组分的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嗜热四膜虫(Tetrahymena thermophila)BF株BF1、BF5系细胞为材料,根据显微观察将其接合生殖周期分为四个特定的阶段,采用生化抽提和SDS-PAGE及扫描、数据统计,分析了营养期与接合生殖前期、中期、末期同类蛋白质组成。发现80KD、87KD和88KD仅在营养期和接合前期;90.5KD、85.5KD和66KD则存在于接合生殖的各时期。这些蛋白的缺失与出现,可能与小核的减数分裂、合子的形成及分裂、接合区的形成有着某种联系。  相似文献   

纤毛虫原生动物是一大类结构高度特化、多样性极高的单细胞真核生物。该类群的主要特征是具有高度分化的细胞器、分司不同功能(负责生殖的小核和营养的大核)的两型细胞核以及特有的接合生殖方式。纤毛虫独特的两型核结构为有性生殖过程中全基因组范围的DNA重组提供了可能:包括染色体的断裂、序列的删除、基因组的重排、染色体多倍化等。新近的研究显示,这一过程由RNA介导的表观遗传学控制。现就纤毛虫的基因组重组过程及其RNA相关的分子机理进行概述,并简要介绍作为其基础的大小核结构特点和有性生殖行为。  相似文献   

卢丽  史新柏 《动物学报》1991,37(4):408-421
为了澄清棘尾虫接合期间大核对小核发育和皮层形态发生的作用,完成了大核摘除,放线菌素D处理,H~3-尿嘧啶核苷标记等实验。摘核实验证明,一个接合体的大核可以通过细胞质桥支持另一除去大核的接合体发育。即使保留接合对大核总数的1/8,这种支持作用仍然存在。还发现来自大核的支持物作用于形态发生更易于作用于小核发育,并对两个接合体的形态发生作用相等,对两个接合体小核发育的作用不等。摘除四分之三大核的实验证明,小核发育和皮层更新在接合后15小时内都不能脱离对残留大核的依赖。放线菌素D处理实验证明,接合后RNA的合成需积累到8.5小时,才可满足核与皮层发育的需要。H~3-尿嘧啶核苷标记实验也支持接合后前9小时内RNA都在持续合成的结论。本文对摘核实验和放线菌素D处理实验结果的差别、以及本文结果与前人结果的差别都做了讨论。  相似文献   

冠突伪尾柱虫有性生殖期间皮膜发育的核控制   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
金立培  刘小意  金华中 《动物学研究》2001,22(2):99-104,T001,T002
通过显微手术去小核建立多个冠突伪尾柱虫(Pseudourostyla cristata)无小细胞系,并诱导它们与有小核细胞进行接合生殖,以评估小核及其衍生的大核原基在有性生殖期间对皮膜形态发生的影响,当无小核接合体从有小核配偶获得1枚配子核后,接合双方不仅能平行地继续核器演化,而且使第1次皮膜改组能够同步进行和正常发育,说明小核在有性周期中除了生殖功能外仍保留着某些控制皮膜发育的体功能,虽然大部分接合后体的大核原基在DNA贫乏期停止发育,但少数接合后体能够超越这一时期,并启动第2次皮膜改组和顺利完成其后续的有性发育全程,表明指令发动第2次皮膜发育的信号来自DNA贫乏期后以排出一核物质团块为标志的大核原基。  相似文献   

在25℃条件下,冠突伪尾柱虫接合生殖全程历时10天左右。接合生殖过程中的核器演化包括:①数十枚老的大核逐步瓦解。电镜观察表明,老的大核是以一种类似于食物泡消化的方式被吸收的,并在此过程中伴有大量溶酶体出现。②仅8枚左右小核中的一枚参与新核器的发生。首先,位于胞口后部的一枚小核膨大并进行一次预备分裂,接着发生三次成熟分裂。每一接合体内形成一枚雄原核和一枚雌原核。雄原核互向对方迁移并与其雌原核融合成为合子核。合子核分裂两次,四枚子核之一发育为大核原基,另一枚发育为小核原基,其余两枚退化。预备分裂和前两次成熟分裂各自产生的两枚子核中,仅一枚进入下一次分裂,另一枚解体消失。在第一次成熟分裂前期,“降落伞”的形成和发展经历着复杂的结构变化,持续一小时以上。③大核原基经过长时间的发育,伴有多线染色体的形成和解体等一系列变化,方达成熟状态。成熟的大核原基以伸长断裂、分叉断裂和哑铃形缢缩三种方式进行分裂,小核原基亦随之分裂,逐步形成具60枚左右大核、8枚左右小核的正常营养体。其后,大核融合,开始配后第一次无性分裂。值得注意的是,大核原基发育到将成熟时,最初的迹象是染色质向大核原基中央集结成团,染色质团与核膜之间充满着匀质的核液。当中央染色质团伸长时,又将  相似文献   

A simplifying assumption made when calculating the probability of a chromosomal aberration resulting in a micronucleus is that virtually all radiation-induced micronuclei result from acentric fragments. In the present study we used antibodies to chromosomal centromeres (kinetochores) to determine the frequency of centric versus acentric micronuclei in normal human fibroblasts exposed to 6 Gy of 60Co gamma rays while they were in density-inhibited growth. Up to 14% of the micronuclei induced by this exposure contained one or more kinetochores; i.e., they were not composed of acentric chromatin. By deleting kinetochore-positive micronuclei from the analysis, and by reconstructing micronucleus frequencies based on the fraction of cells that had divided following radiation exposure, a direct comparison between micronuclei and acentric chromosome fragments was made. On that basis, the probability of an acentric fragment becoming a visible micronucleus in either daughter cell of a dividing pair was estimated to be about 0.6. The distribution of acentric fragments among mitotic cells conformed to Poisson expectation, while the distribution of micronuclei among daughter cells was significantly overdispersed. The phenomenon of overdispersion is discussed in connection with proposed cellular processes that effect a nonrandom segregation of acentric fragments.  相似文献   

The ciliated protozoa Tetrahymena contains two nuclei, a micronucleus and a macronucleus. In the vegetatively growing cell, the macronucleus divides amitotic while the micronucleus divides by mitosis. It has been indicated that microtubules are involved in macronuclear division and microtubules are observed to exist in the dividing macronucleus. To clarify the localization and the organization of microtubules in the amitotic dividing macronuclei, we used immunofluorescent staining technique. The microtubules were observed in the cytoplasm and macronucleus. The microtubules were organized and dynamically changed their distribution throughout the macronuclear division. We suggest a possibility that these microtubules are involved in 'amitotic' distribution of chromatin throughout the macronuclear division.  相似文献   

The formation of a micronucleus due to chromosome lagging is a well known mechanism of chromosomal loss. However, the post-mitotic fate of the micronucleus and the chromosomal DNA within it is poorly understood. We observed micronuclei (MN) that had multiple copies of the X chromosome (ranging from 4 to 10) when analyzing cultured human lymphocytes using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). A possible mechanism for this observation is that the chromosome(s) or chromatid(s) contained within the micronuclei successfully completed one or more cycles of replication after their expulsion from the primary nucleus.  相似文献   

Genotoxic effect of isoproturon was assessed by employing in vivo chromosomal aberration, micronucleus and sperm-shape abnormality assays. A significant dose-responsive mutagenic effect was observed in chromosome aberration and sperm-shape abnormality tests whereas in micronucleus assay the effect was significant only at the highest dose (200 mg/kg). Only the result for the chronic dose and the two different fixation times (6 and 48 hr) were not statistically significant. The results indicate the genotoxic property of isoproturon in mammalian in vivo test system.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were used to determine their effectiveness as experimental animals for different cytogenetic tests with mitomycin C (MC). The micronucleus test (MNT) and/or chromosome analysis of blood and bone marrow were made before and/or after the treatment with mitomycin C. Thus, the controls data and treated data were obtained from the same animals. With the employed methology, the micronucleus test could not be performed on living animals. Less chromosomal damage was detected in the micronucleus test of post-mortem samples than in the chromosome analysis of bone marrow. No influence by the mutagen could be observed in lymphocyte chromosomes at any of the different times of analysis. In contrast to this, bone-marrow chromosomes seemed to be highly affected by mitomycin C at day 1, 2 and 3 after injection. However, before treatment and at day 14, 16 and 17 after treatment there was no visible increase in chromosomal aberration in bone marrow.  相似文献   

The clastogenic ability of irradiated glucose was evaluated using the micronucleus test in bone marrow cells and the chromosomal aberration assay in the spermatogonial cells of mice. Glucose was irradiated with 0.2, 2.0, 20 and 50 kGy of gamma-rays and administered to mice for various periods. No evidence of mutagenic effects was observed in somatic or germ cells.  相似文献   

The root apex cells ofPisum sativum were irradiated in an U-240 isochronous cyclotron at the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv. Several types of micronuclei, differing in structural peculiarities, were observed in the 84 h following exposure to beams of accelerated1H,4He, and14N ions with linear energy transfer (LET) of 0.95, 9.34, and 221 keV/µym, respectively. The maximum micronucleus induction was observed after irradiation with helium ions. Results obtained show that the micronucleus assay is a responsive test for investigations of cytogenetic damage produced by high LET beams in dividing cell systems in vivo.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic studies were performed in 22 patients treated with methotrexate (MTX). In some patients, metaphases from both bone-marrow cells and peripheral blood cells were studied. In the bone-marrow preparations an increased number of structural chromosomal aberrations was present, whereas abnormalities were not observed in the peripheral blood cells. An examination of the bone-marrow chromosomes must therefore be included in the study of the possible chromosome-breaking effect of chemical agents. The results obtained with the micronucleus test and chromosome studies were compared in 10 patients treated with MTX. The micronucleus test was more sensitive than the chromosome analysis as regards the clastogenic effect of MTX.  相似文献   

SO2衍生物诱发蚕豆根尖细胞微核和后期异常的研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
研究SO2体内衍生物--亚硫酸钠和亚硫酸氢钠混合液(3:1 mmol·L-1/mmol·L-1)诱发蚕豆根尖细胞微核和后期异常的效应。结果表明:SO2衍生物处理可诱发蚕豆根尖间期细胞微核和核芽,使分裂后期出现多种染色体异常,如断片、桥以及滞后染色体等。异常细胞中以微核细胞和染色体断裂细胞居多。在一定浓度范围内,细胞异常率与处理液浓度之间表现正的线性相关。这些研究结果表明,蚕豆根尖间期微核和后期染色体异常有可能用作检测SO2污染的生物剂量计。  相似文献   

本文继前文后,按照设计的线性回归程序在“IBM—PC/XT”微型计算机上,进一步检测了断片率、微核率与细胞畸变率之间的相关性,肯定了微核测定法,断片测定法可以替代染色体畸变分析法。  相似文献   

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